GRESHAM LOCALS Anchor Store Gresham Mis* Eva Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Anderson, was unit ed in marrtagc Tuesday evening to Mr. Harry Pr(ce of Portland, the pastor of the Swedish church of Powells Valley officiated Qeswral Mervhandtsa. Fuad, Ete. MAIN ST. OLK motto The Best at Reasonable Price Frank Heiney is making a valuable improvement on his lots »u Roberts avenue. A neat folder, descriptive of Gresham and the locality, has just been issued from the prera. Call and get some to •end to friends in the East or order from the secretary of the Commercial Club. Try the Old Standby, Olympic and Blue Ribbon flours. Come in and investigate and you’ll find many things to interest you at the BETWEEN MEALS vou have hare ample time to post poet up on QUALITIES and PRICES. No ' one feels particularly happy after making a purchase to find that ne has bought the wrong article — "something just as lewis Shattuck is building a garage of cement blocks Doane Brothers have supplied the blocks. It will t>e the first concrete block building in town. W. R. Johnson, who last spring bought the Harvey place, will soon leave hi« Wisconsin home to reside here. Mr Johnson spent a few weeks here last spring visiting Fred Fieldhouse. Gresham Anchor Store PHONE 36 good.” CHEAPER I Ths Wisdom of Dorothy. Want Column FOR SALE—Lincoln Sheep. Poland China Hogs, breeding stock of all ages. Webb Farm, Phone 15S FOR SALE—Extra large cédai poets. H. E. Davis, Gresham; Phone 21. (tf Fred Fieldhouse is finely located ill his new rooms in tbe hank building He is exhibiting some artistic calendars with local mounts just now. Dorsthy does not relish living left alone to go to sleep One night after she was tucked in tied by her mother, who then left her. she called to her father and asked If he wasn't coming to bed after he finished Ills dinner “Yes; I'll go to bed as »»>n as my dinner digests." "Then come upstairs now. Your din ner will digest upstairs Just as well as down," argued the young hopeful. Mrs. M. Ball, of Cottrell, writes from Gibbon. Neb . telling of an improve­ ment in health and ordering her Herald sent to Aszalia, Mich. Mark Emery came home from Eugene and Miss Ruby from Portland to »|>end Thanksgiving. Hope Meyers also re­ turned from Eugene to spend the week­ end vacation. Writ« Your Own Po«m. LUMBER—At our new mill l1« miles southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Jonsrud Bros. (- Gold. Fold. Wold. Buch Is th« stock in trade Of which fall rhyme« ara mad«, HORSES! See 8. S. Thom peon for horses. Phone «81. Quail. Rail. Dal« Tou’v« seen them lots of time« In good old autumn rhymes FOR HALE—Cheap; a double-seated hack with an extension top. A. Brüg­ ger. Melville Farm.Gresbam,Route 1. (tf WANTED— Apples by T. R itt, Gresham. Leaf Shaaf Grief Just take your pick of the«« And All in as you please —Louisville Courier-Journal. How­ tf FOR SALE—A full blood Jersev bull, three years old, of good breeding ; the kind that will improve your herd. Tbos Spillmann, Sandy Ridge. tf TO SELL—Two span light horses ;one light buggy, cushion tire runabout,new ; one rubber tire surrey, canopy top, al­ most new. Inquire of Lewie Shattuck Gresham, Or.______________________ (tf FUR RENT—Half-acre of ground ; 5- room bouse, with well and barn. E. Schwidler, Gresham. (tf The Squirrel Vereion. "I see the ladies are wearing thinner peekaboo»." remarked the first squlr ret "What does that portend 1“ inquired the second squirrel “An exceptionally cold winter. 1 never knew ft to fail."—Washington Herald Th« Bliss of Ignorance. With proud. Imperious mien. She looked a graceful queen. All eyes were turned. And gallants burned To tel! her what they d seen. WANTED—Anybody having fresh milk cows for sale address K. Rees, R F. I'. S. Gresham. (50 FOR SALE—27 acres first-class frnit land; lays level. *-4 mile from O. W. P. line, 16 miles from Portland; price per acre. 11* acres l1, miles from Syca­ more Station, 10 miles from Portland, very beet soil, price «2600; also have east Klickitat wheat and fruit land for sale. G. W. Sager, Gresham. (52 FOR SALE—All or part of 274% acres with 5-room bungalow, hot and cold water, good outbuildings, young or­ chard ; one mile sooth of Linnemann Junction on o. W. P. Ross Heiney, Phone Gresham 75. (52 STRAYED—One yearling heifer, with right ear split, brindle; reward for re­ turn or information. H. A. Gist, R. 2. Gresham. (4'1 FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red Cock­ erels, 11.50, also Roeecomb Brown leg­ horns, |1. Lee Ball, Route 5, Gresh­ am. i4'.< « Her flowing silken gown Made envious women frown. Then they would grin. Oh. what a sin.’ Her hair was coming down' —Philadelphia Inquirer. A Martyr to Cove. "He seems very devoted to Miss CI1- day.” "Very. Her dog bit him the other day. and he pretended be didn't notice ft“—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Very Careful. Consider now the humble hen. Whom oft we spurn. She doesn t act like many men. As you shall learn. No pardon does she have to beg For ruessee made She never prop bee lee an e«< Until It '• laid. —Washington Herald. LOST—Near Troutdale, brown Water Spaniel, with license. Return to A. P. The well known Superior Feeders and Semoni, Quelle Cafe. Portland, or Troutdale and receive Ì20 reward. (tf Diac Drills at Heeeel’a, Greaham. When you advertise in The Herald you reach the buying class throughout eastern Multnomah county. SEE CHAUNCEY AT LENTS For Dry Goods, Groceries, and Light Hardware. Look! Hark! Listen! Have you seen K. R Carlson'« win- dow display of jardiniere? If yon wish to make a Christmas present there is the place to go for something suitable and wise. His stock of rocking chairs has Gasoline Engine. 50c j>er Cord. been doubled within the past ten 'lavs J. H. Fitzgerald making the samples to select from equal Plione 41*7 TROUTDALE. Route 1 to towns of much larger size. Now is the time to make your selection and be will bold the goods until you wish to have them delivered. Foster Road and Main St. Woodsawing' School Books and Supplies Tablets Pencils Slates Pens Ink Rulers, Etc One Ruler given away with each purchase. MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. LENTS, • OREGON High grade Michigan Quality Buggies, Hacks, Carts, at right prices at Hessel’s, Í Gresham. tí I Golden Gate Coffee The sroma-tight can protects it «gainst impurities snd deteri­ oration—never sold in bulk. Your grocer will grind ft— better if ground at home—not too fine. i Rev. S. G. Bettes will preach here at the Baptist church this evening and at the M. E. church Sunday morning. W. A. Proctor of Sandy was in town Friday morning. At the taxpayers mass meeting last Monday night in Regner's hall at which D.8. Johnson presides! and W. E. Wood acted as secretary, the following were nominated for councilmen for Gresham on the taxpayers ticket: It. Mathews. G. W. Kenney, W. E. Wood. Lewis Shattuck was endorsed for mayor There was a good attendance and the opinion seemed to by that the town had better wait and see if Bull Kun water could not be obtained when the new pipe line is laid The Ladies Aid Society of tbe M. E. church is planning to bold,on llecember Articles, both 15th. a Christmas sale. fanev and useful, will be received and disposed of and a general social time is plauned on that day. MOUNT SCOTT lent« is growing ia all directions. More stores; more and better bomee, and better streets. The Rebekahs held their regular meet­ ing on Friday evening and as a result added six more mem tiers to tbeir list. The Columbia team came out to put on the initiatory work and at its close cof­ Administrator's Notice. fee and cake were served. Notice is hereby given that the under­ The ball and supper at the Grange signed has been appointed administra­ ball on Saturday evening was a great tor of tbe estate of Charles E. Avery, success. The receipts run to «170 and deceased, by the County Court of the the hall association can easily clear State of Oregon, for the County of «100. Over twenty times were given Multnomah, and has qualified. All and some of the niake-upe were e«|«ci- persons having claims against said estate ally worthy of notice. Warren Kinder are hereby notified to present the same took first prise as “Indian Chief," and to me at 4(t'-9-lo Couch Building, Port­ Mrs. Kinder second as "squaw;** Mrs. land, Oregon, with proper vouchers and Tiff as “dutch womanVirlie Ander­ duly verified within six months from son as “nurse;“ Clarence Baker as date hereof. I>ateand first published "Puss in Biota;" Geo. Dilley as "Me- the lt»th day of November, A. D., f'.MJO. phistophles;" Will Boland and Claud Date of last publication, December tbe Juntas “cow boys;” Margeret laniear, 17tb, 10W. Delmer D. White. Admin­ Mrs. Augustine and Mrs. Smock as istrator; J. T. Ellis. Attorney. (51 “darkies Rov I.amewr as “farmer Joe Bush as “Vncle Ham Mr. Grant as a “dutch clown;” Fred Love ar a “clownGeo. Spring and Mira Edna Brown won prizee for the best waits, and Miss Hall for licet looking girl, and Winter Courses Mrs. Heilbrun for the best cake-walk. January 4th to February 18. 1909 Mrs. Heilbrun and mother of Wash­ ington, D. C., will spend the winter Practical work, lecture« and demon- with Mrs. Otto Katxy. strations will lie given in auch vital sub­ Kay Fairbanks came home from Cor­ jects as General Farming, Frnit Cul­ vallis on Thursday for vacation. ture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Tbe Portland Glee Club, male quar­ Poultrykeeping, the Business Side of tette, will assist in a program at the Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black­ Grange hall about tbe loth of fiecein- smithing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook­ ing Hewing, Dressmaking, Home Man­ tier. Philo Zimmerman and wife of Oswego agement, etc. All regular courses begin January 4th spent Thanksgiving with his mother in and end February 11th. Farmers’ l, t<1 pw m qo 3000 Wt BLY I what you have to SILL and SILL what you have to BLY. bring us your business. Powell St. So T. R. HOWITT Grethem Oregon Agricultural College GRESHAM MARKET CO. Hiiccossors to T. R Howitt Solicits your trade. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats. Prices, Hogs 9 to 9}c, Veal 10 to lie. Beef J to 3}c HOCKINSON & SCHMOKEL •••••eeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PHOTOSiNIWNEBY . . ALL KINDS . . EXCELLENT WORK CALL AND HEE SAMPLER. Open every day. STUDIO Main Street, - Gresham, Ore. flood Cough Medicine for Children and Grown Folks, Too. < > LUMBER Notice. “We could hardly do without Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy," nays Mrs Flora Despain, of Bioyd, Ky. “I found it to lie «o good for the croup and have All Kinds of Building used it for year». I can heartily recom­ Material .... Rustic, mend it for coughs, cold and croup in Flooring, Ceiling and children and grown folks, too.” The < ► Finishing.................. above shows the implicit confidence that ALL KILN DRIED many mothers place In Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, a confidence based on Hxs E. W. MILLER, LENTS many years’ experience in the use of It. Wilev-Alleri ((flier N\ one need hesitate to use this remedy MILL AID YARDS AT LERIS JUWCTIOR for it contains no chloroform, opion or oilier narcotics and may lie given 1 to a chihl aa confidently a« to an adult, For The Canton all-wteel plows, Oliver «ale by Gre«hatn Drug Co. • I i > Company < * Chill«*! plow* are known to ba all right tf 4*4444444444444*444444404 at Hessel'a, <» rea bam. Hee Hhattack's ad— Bargains I MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has purchased the gotsls. wares, merchandise and all fixtures in connection therewith of the store form­ erly owned by F. H. Pattison. All bills that are against F. H. Pattison must lie presenter) within thirty days from date of this publication. First publication, ¡November N*, 1I