Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, November 26, 1909, Image 1

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    Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Some Startling Club Offers
and uny nuntfxrr on this list at the price*
quoted. Other Clubs may be arranged«
il these do not suit. Magazines may be sent to different ad- *
dresses; if so write address after each. Order by club numtier. •
lb« HsraM suit -
AsS'Har pries Our r price •
11 Ml*
Better Fruit
».' 00
2 in •
Semi'Weekly Journal
2 fti
I tally Journal
..... . fl.ix»
ft. in •
fl it) *
flatly and Monday Journal
......... M Ni
I tally Oregonian
fl 26 •
7 Oí
I tally and Sunday Oregonian
a <«i •
II un
Daily Telegram
fl (MI
ft 2ft •
Better Emit and N W. Pacific Farmer
23»' •
Better Fruit and Pacific Monthly
2.1)0 •
........... S.lki
10. Farm Journal and Poultry Kecn-l«
I 4ft*
II. McCalls
1 3A •
I ..Ml
13. Oregon Agriculturist
1.26 e
2 <s> •
13. Pacific Monthly.
Pacific Monthly, McCalls, Farm Journal
2 Mi •
IA. Hi tter Fruit, Rural Spirit and McCalla
2 9ft e
10 Oregon Agriculturist, Belter Fruit. Pacific Monthly
2 7ft •
17. Human Lil«, Pacific Monthly, Better Fruit
3 I ft •
IK. Human I de
1.66 «
2 2ft «
IV. Kucre««, Designer .................. . ...................
20 Slice«»», Coamo|»olilan (or American)
2J» «
21. Nttcceaa, Pictorial Review, Modern Progress
2 «6 «
22 Success. Womans Home Companion (or McClures)
2 W,
21. Review of Reviews. McClures or Womans Home Com,
4.(JU •
Nuccess, Youths Companion, McClures
4 7ft.
Youths Companion. Review of Reviews
4 7ft .
20. Success. Review of Reviews, Normal Instructor, Pri­
6.0 ' *
mary Plans
fl. 7ft
27. N. W. Poultry Journal. Beller Fruit, Farm Journal,and
Poultry Secret«
•i 9ft
American Boy, Huceeee, World Today
Weekly Oregonian or Journal, Poultry Journal, Belter
8.26 *
Fruit or Farm Journal and Poultry Secreta,McCalls . 4.P&
(If you have choice of two as alsive.state one prefered)
.10. Beekeepers Magazine, Win-kly Oregonian or Journal,
American Boy. McCalla, Ore Agriculturist
fl 00
31. Youths Com|«nion. Human Life, McClures
4 ftU’
2 A0 *
32. CoamapoUtaa and Suecew
3 00*
llellneator. Every body's
4 HI *
« 4SI
Review of Reviews. McClures, McCalls ............
3.76 •
IA. Everybody*» and World's Work ......
ft .60
Everylaaly's, World's Work, Iielineator
fl All
37. Womans Home Companion
2.00 •
2 SO
3H. Womans Home Companion, Review of Reviews
JU. Scientific American, Technical World
4 7ft*
40. Hampton*. Good Housekeeping ...........................
3 SO
2.76 •
41. Rural spirit
2.00 •
II these Combinations do not suit select your magazines and we will •
try to arrange a money-saving Club for you. II your suliacriptum to the •
Youths Companion is a new on« please say so.
• • • ••
Report of the Condition of the
in the Slat* ol Oregon, el th« close ol business Nov. 10, 1MJU.
loans and discounts ..................... ....
Overdraft«, secured and unsecured
Bonds. srciiritiea, etc
Banking bouse, lurnitnre and fixtures
Other reel •••tat<- owned
I hie from approved reserve l>ank>
Checks and other cash items .......... ...
Cash on hand
T otai ,
7,(B7 12
('a pi tal Block |mi«l io...................................................
Hurplui I iiim I
Undividrd proti t«, lesa expeiiara and lai et paid
l»tir lo tank and tankrr»
Individual deposita subject lo check
Ih niaml certifícalos of deposit.........
Time certifícales of deposit ................
T otal , .
| m .
Coiinty of .Multnomah,
l, E mil G. K akhki . i ., Cashier of the alxive mentioned Bank, do solemnly
swcar thal the above report is truc lo the besl of my knowledge and belief.
E mil G. K akokli , Cashier
CORRECT— Attest:
Subscribed ami sworn to
A. Martas
•«•fore me thia 22nd day of
T iikoihimk Barouaa
Nov., ItkW.
mil G. K ahuki . i .
A. Mxvgns,
Notary Public.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed lias duly i|unlitiexl as the execu­
tor of the last will and testament of
Powell, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Multnomah County.—In
the matter of the estate of Oscar Burr,
deceased. Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been duly appoint­
ed by the alsive entitled Court, Admin­
istratrix of the above estate.
All per­
sona having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present
them, with the proper vouchers within
six months from date of this notice, to
the undersigned at Greaham, Oregon.
S arah B i rk , Administratrix.
Date of first publication, Nov. 28, 1909.
Date of last publication, Dec. 24,' 1909.
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present the
same, duly verified, to the undersigned
at the office ol John II Hall, No. HOI to
MS Chamber of Commerce building,
Portland, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Thia notice is published by order ol
Hon. Lionel R. Webster, county judge
ol Multnomah County, Oregon.
Old Hickory, one and two horse light
Hate ol first publication, Nov. 2», 190».
Date ol last publication, Duo. 24, BMW. running wagons, Canton disk and spike­
tooth harrows, sold at prices which are
right. Call at Hessel’s, Gresham, and
get right and honest treatment.
Sick Hgadache
This distreaaing
distressing disease results from
a disordered condition of the stomach
Who found the North pole, Cook or
ami can lie cured by taking Chamber­ Perry? Uncle Sant has the earth and
lain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets.
a free sample at Greaham Drug Co. and Hessel at Gresham has the best tools
to work it with.
try It.
Notice of Levy of Special
Road Tax.
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned las payers representing ten
|*er cent, ol the las payers in Hoad Dis­
trict No. 7, Clackamas County, Oregon,
hereby give notice to the las |»yers of
said Koad District No. 7, that there will
I m * a uieeli !g of the las payers of said
district in the schoolhouse, District No.
4ft, in Bull Kun Precinct, on the IMlh
day ol llecember, IVMI, at 2 o'clock p.
hi ., U> vote an additional tai for road
purfiosee as provided by an act ol th«
legislature in Its*). and which act inter
alia provide« as follows, to-wit:
Tlie las payers of any road district in
any county of this State may vote an
additional tax for road purposes, pro­
viding at least ten |«r cent, ol the tax
|«yers of said district shall give notice
by posting notices III three public places
in said road district ami one in Court
House, and publish one notice three
, weeks in one weekly newspaper of gen-
era) circulation signed by at least ten
l>er cent, ol the lax payers of said road
district, giving the time, place and ob­
ject ol said meeting, which shall lie held
in the mouth of liecen her ami at the
lime ol said meeting It shall be organis­
ed by the election of a chairman and
secretary and al such meeting they may,
by a majority vote of such tax payers,
levy such an addilionol lax as they may
deem ml visable to improve the roads of
said district, and if a lax be levied, it
shall be the duty ol said chairman ami
secretary to certify to the County Clerk
ol such county, prior to January let,the
levy so mads by tbe tax payers ol said
district and that the County Clerk shall
compute ami extend said levy on tbe
assessment roll lor that year the same
as other taxes are extended, and it shall
be the duty ol the tax collector to pro­
ceed to collect said taxes in money the
same as any other taxes are collected
and turn the same over to tbe County
Treasurer in the sains manner and at
th« same time be |«ys over other taxes
collected by him, ami shall be credited
and kept by the Treasurer to the ac­
count of the road district making such
(Signed) R. A. Ten Eyck, F. E. M.
MeGugin, R. H. Radford, Henry Me­
Gugin, Chas, leaf, J. A. (Mell, Luigi
Vaeretti, 8. E. Roberta, Wm. Hudson,
J. M. Thomas, W. F. Strack, E. A.
Revenue, T. R. Meinig.
Kandy, Oregon, Nov. 24, 1HQV.
Bank of Troutdale Growing.
Gresham Loses to Jefferson Hiqh.
The Bank ol Troutdale has just issued
its first annual statement in the form
ol a four-ii-Age folder that deserves the
attention ol every one, whether a pat­
ron of the liank or not. This bank, or-
gamzed and opened for business a year
ago has steadily increased its deposit*
from the first, with the exception of one
month, until, beginning with a capital
of IIU.USJ, the stock and deposits run to
|3B,Ik* 31.
During all thia time the af­
fairs <if the institution have run very
Public faith has constantly
grown and general satisfaction has been
expreeseil with the management.
of the main reasons for the goo<l feeling
existing has tieen the efforts the mana­
gers have made to accommodate tbe
public in every detail of the bueineee.
A general banking business is being con­
ducted. deposits received, checking ac­
count« o|wned, drafts issued, loans
made, deposit boxes provided, intereel
on time depoeils given and all sorts of i
banking pa|>era cashed without die-
Of course all tlieee favor« cool
the institution money, but as can be
readily seen they are bringing it more
money and as a result have proven a .
good sort of investment.
In a hard-fought contest on tbe local
field last Wednesday the Greaham High
Hebo >1 football team was defeated by
the Jefferson Street High School of
The game started with a
touch down for Jefferson.
played a g.xxl game but bad luck seem­
ed to lie theirs throughout the scuffle
Hoss, for tbe locals, was a star, as also
did Metzger play an exceptionally fast
McCall received a broken nose,
after which Gresham seemed to lose
confidence in themselves. A large num-
Tlie teachers are attending institute
this week.
Gus Richey was transacting business
in the city Tuesday.
J. M. Wing is spending a few days
with his son, J. F. Wing.
James Kelly lias purchased bis bro­
ther, Edward's interest in the old home
G. H Kesterson hss rented W. W.
Shinn's place for the coming year.
Lawrence Stevens has finished pre­
pairing a piece of ground for a commer­
cial apple orchard and has ordered the
Pleasant Valley Church Assixiation
will bold a business meeting Friday eve­
ning, Nov. 26.
Carl Borges had the misfortune last
Saturday to lose a valuable mule. The
animal slippsMl and fell in such a man­
ner as to break its leg, necessitating the
killing of it.
I>. W. Potter and family leave Friday
for tlie Sixprong country where thev in­
tend to make their future home.
. The entertainment and basket social
given by the Pleasant Valley school at
the Grange hall Friday night was a suc­
cess. The efficiency with which the
pupils carried out their respective parts
in the program reflects much credit on
their ability and of their teachers who
had charge of their training. Over |ftH
was realized, which will go to pur­
chase pictures to adorn the walls of the
No. 48.
Mis« Marv Moran of Portland
guest at tbe Aschoff home.
is a
A party of young people enjoyed a
“candy puli'* at tbe home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Cook on Saturday evening.
Mr. Palmer spent two days of last
-eek with tbe Aschoffs.
The recent high water in the Handy
river delayed the Mt. Ho<d Company’s
work, but it has been resumed once
I The severe frost experienced lately
ber of enthusiastic boosters were in at- . was very slight here compared with that
of places having lower altitude.
This is tbe third game Gresham has I fruit and potatoes escaped injury.
played this season. In the two games I Mr. Butterworth, a first-class carpen­
with Oregon City, tbe first was won by ter of Portland, is in Marmot for tbe
Greaham, 5 to (J; the second resulting purpose of building a large barn for
in a tie, 5 to ft.
Tbe game with Jeffer­ Mr. Bechill.
Ollier buildings are in
son was ft to 11.
view which will improve tbe looks of
Coacber Congdon deserves credit for the country surrounding Marmot.
his excellent work in bringing the boya
The deer, which is kept in a pasture
to tbeir high efficiency.
at tbe Aschoffs, broke through tbe
fence confining it and caused quite an
excitement on Sunday morning.
tbe combined efforts of tlie boys and
Volney Gate« is at home for a short
dogs on tlie place, it was succesafully
I corraled.
About thirty sat down to the bounte­
ous repast given by the Grange at tbeir
day meeting.
Edward LaPoint and
Fred Crane were initiated.
Charles DeHaven spent Thanksgiving
We are having a flood here,
Salmon I Raleigti Watson and Miss Josephine
river is overflowing, il being about 8 | Taylor were married in Portland on
feet above low water mark
The camp- Thursday o' last week.
grounds are Hooded and several of the '
Miss Maeve Lovelace spent Thanks­
summer cottages have had tbeir found­ giving with bomefolks.
ations washed out and the buildings
W. B. McLin has moved into the
have been part-way twisted around and house of W. A. Hail.
the trees surrounding is all that kept
Mrs. J. Quinn is spending the week
them from being washed away
at Gates and Jack, her grandson, is
water carried awav about a thousand
staying with Mrs. Elsie Petty man.
feet of lumber belonging to Henry lang,
Tbe mother of Mrs. Minnie Brown
that was slacked on tbe campgrounds.
The bridge acroes Salmon is sale and bad tlie misfortune to fall and break
about 6 leet clear of tbe water.
Tbe ber leg a short time ag<*.
It is reported that 1-ewlie Bell, former­
rise was caused by tbe snow being melt­
ed by a verv warm cbenook wind and ly of this place, was married to a young
heavy rain storm.
It is lielieved tbe lady of Seattle.
crest of tbe Hood is past; tbe water is
now running across Sleret's island near
tbe center, though there is no damage
I^e Evans received a ear of feed and
being done that can be seen.
Hour last week.
The Sandy bridge north of here went
F. W. Reed’s launch broke from its
out some time last night.
moorings Saturday and drifted to Van­
Robert Hamm has completed a mile
of wire fence for Mr. Riley on his place
Mrs. E. D. Chamberlain visited in
adjoining Welches on tbe north-west.
Portland last week.
Rowe A Holden are having tbeir ranch
Misses Alice Rasmussen. Abbie Stites
surrounding the Rhododendron hotel
surveyed into acre tracts and intend to and Ethel Hmith are attending teachers
place them on tbe market.
Mrs. Clara Smith spent several days
Leon Miley is visiting with bis uncl«
Tbe high water took Mr. Welcbe’s
in tbe city recently.
near Salem this week.
water pipes out where they crossed the
Several farmers had tbeir potato crop
Miss latira Moore visited with her1 river and tbe hotel is without waler sup­
friend, Miss Florence Long at Mt. Tabor ply at present.
a few days this week.
W. B. Steele is visiting in Portland
Oregon needs more return for the tax­
Miss Lillian Hell ol Powell Valley vis- until after tbe holidays.
es collected and more taxes collected
iteil Sat uni ay and Sunday with Miss
from the speculators and less from tbe
Ellen Forsgren
home builders.
Bargains in our clubbing list
Gladys Geasell, who is attending a
school in Portland, came out to partici­
pate in tbe social Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Yarnell of Montavilla
visited with A. B. Craft and family dur- j
ing the letter )>art of the week.
Vol. 5.
in town.
E. Thun is acting as juryman in Port­
J. F. Brower is superintending a saw­
mill at Carlton.
Mr. Anderson will leave for bia new
home Tuesday.
Cecil Jack of Tbe Dalles visited bis
parents Sunday.
C. L. Hunter has sold hie ranch and
will move to Portland.
It is understood that Miss Myer will
have charge of the station here.
Clarence Catbey and wife have re­
turned from tbeir trip to southern Ore­
Mise Cora Giese has
friends in the city.
Mrs. Mollie Catbey and daughter,
Mary, nave been out visiting relatives.
Mr. Bort’s bouse is making quite an
imposing appearance.
Dr. W. J. Ott, dentist, of Greaham.
will be in Sandy on Wednesday and
Thursday of each week, commencing on
Wednesday Dec. 1st, prepared to do all
kinds of dental work.
Keep po*t*xi on the new* of the clay.
The Herald offers good bargains through
its clubbing list.
Subscribe for The Herald.