Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 29, 1909, Image 1

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(dll Another Meeting.
The election of dlrecbir» lor the Fall
Association I»» lie»ii considered by th»
l*»ard at th* regular meeting held on
the iHtli and It wa* suggested by some
ul thus* who were alacle'l that th» plan
■nd result waa queetlonalde.
Il wa«
considered that lb» »loction of nine in
plan* ol rttlwn director. waa not in ac­
cord with th» rules of th» company and
a change iu th* rule« would require
twenty ilaye notice to all »lankholder»,
luaainuch a» th. we two condition» were
not utirervrd II waa thought l*«t to call
another election lor the tint Monday in
Itaeeuitirr—probably al I p «•». Among
other tiling* t > be voted on at that time
will be tli» coiialgnlng o| th» dale ol
annual stockholder* meeting to the let
Monday in Itecemtwr, th» reduction ol
the board ul directors ami some minor
Th» officer« have About Anieh»«) th»
allotment ul premium«, it ha« leren a
tedious task, becauee ot th» inautllclent
■lata ami «ouie delect» In th» premium
There «let*.«» can be eaaily cor-
reeled and III« elperlem-« Willi the«,*
dirtieultlea will help to mak« a better
llat anothlr Huie.
Casper Junker ha« rented hi» h>*t»l
to Mr. »ii*l Mr». Crow from Gresham,
«Iw have taken charge. Mr. Junker
ha» moved hl» family Into bl» large
Mr». Ix*na II. Hrlnry waa ta»rn in
Whiuwidr County lllinot«, June X*»,
IH70, and died al Grvelinm Oreguti,
Ortolan* 21, IHU&,
•fft'd Xt yaart, 4
Khw Iravaa
father, Mr Andrew B Gibb«, brother«
and «i»t<*r« who rtwnda in and near
Graaham. On th«» ««at»»« day orcurrtMl
the thath ul the adopted infant «laugh•
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilrinry agvd 17
month«. Mr«. Hrinry ramr to Oregon
with bar parent« in IM7*. wa« married
to Mr. Boa« Heiner,November 7, 1H'M
¡luring her rmidence in thia common«
ity Mr« Heiner made many acquaint«
anew and war widely known. To Ihoae
who knew her intimately aba wa«*a par*
am oi kind ami affecthmate di«i>u«itk>n.
ThecirrumMtanw« of their death aeeui
■perl«IIy aad.
* Lota (or »ale in Cedarville, on eaay
term«. II. W tfnafthall. rfauNKil View
Avenue; (irvabam, Route 3.
••Come again," Mid Mr*. Brown.
certainly will if you promise to aerve
me another cup of Folger’aG »Iden Gate
G.flee ”
Many thoughtful people are
subscribing for The Herald. $1.
Mr and Mr». Hlierwood ol Gresham
were the guest» ol Mr. ami Mr». Max
Ihtyi» la«l week.
Kev. Fili* and daughter were Fort­
land visitor» laat week.
Mr. Phelpn who purrhaacl the Dr.
Hallowe’en drawetli near »nd la-ride»
McElroy place ¡» making a very nice the many little XM ial feature» that are
home of it.
plannrel, and library and church liene-
W. J. Wirts ban moved hi» furniture flle, there will doubtle«» be a good
•tore ami barber «hop into Henry Par- many little parties organised on the
rot's building in th» eaat end of town. quiet to participate in out-door fun.
Ilia »on. Iruiu Greaham. asalaled him Tliere 1» no reaeon why the occasion
laat week.
should not he one of inn»a-ent amuae-
Mr». Franklyn ha« returned home nient. A great many thing» can be
alter »pending a lew day» with her done that would give relief Ut youthful
■laughter ul Portland who wa» very ill. energy arid at the »ame time ba, en­
We are glad tu te|mrt that th» daughter tirely unobjectionable. Serenading by
a quartette or party of joy tinder» would
■■ much better.
Cliaa. Cox and mother have moved give pleasure Ur all concerned.
into Mr». E. M Duuglaa' building, hill« tick-locking »fiord» harmle»» fan.
but it 1» neither wim nor kind to carry
which waa vacated by Mr. Wirts.
thing* to the extremity to which they
M. M. Davis win baa been In th«
are frequently carried. Any trick that
Eaat for aonie time haa returned to
will offend, Injure or cause a low to any
He will repair Mr. Junker'»
one, i-eaaee to be lun and liecvmea a
risk for all concerned The dangrr of
Mr. Bonner haa moved hi» family to carrying a joke too far I* never more
Proctor A Straus' Sawmill.
clearly »tiowa than al Halloween time»
Mr». E. M. ftouglaa «pent Sunday Sue riel y a year ¡»a«*,-» that doc» not
with her »on and daughter, Harlow and ■bow inatance» ot personal injury or
Irene of Portland.
pereonal Io»». The idea avem» to lie
among a good many boy» and girl*
that they are not liable for injuries
There 1»
Gainvtt McCartney Im« l>ren helping committed al thia time.
the Buckley boy* harvest their po­ nothing in the lifW to that effect. On
tato chip; which ii yielding good revolt». the contrary they are more likely to be
held fur offense« at that till e than at
Mias Fred« Schlolh la a guest ot the
any other because of no many irritating
Carpenters* Ibis week.
incident» arising then. And we are ee-
A party nnin-1 Olsen from Portland
pr-cialljr reminded that former prank»
recently purcliaae.l the Savage tract of
have not l>een forgotten this year, *o
Av« acre» netr the «eveti-uiile home on we are urged to »ugge»t a milder form
the Section Line rood.
of fun for tin» year* celebration, fait
A movement i» reported among re­ ii» bear in mind that property broken
cent investors of good-tixed farm» in up or ninwplaced cau«e* many incon­
our vicinity to lay same out in one and venience» and much actual low, and
live acre tract» to be thrown open »oun the obrervation of the Golden Bule
to buyer*.
■hould apply here a» elsewhere. Do
Hoy Buckley »nd George Cumming» then unto other* a* you would like tliey
were hunting gnret« at Wilson Croft for ■hould do with you
the week and at their new home near
the Sninly river. The bova report good
Our good fFiend Honald MacMillan,
game and a jolly good time.
»hl1» renewing a »uiireriplion, tickled
L. Sorenson ha* been on the ailing
Hat again ; feeling scarcely convalercenl
from hl» late attack of malarial fever
tide tall.
Among the many pro*p<-roui*
llie Greaham Millinery.
bu»ine»»e* in Gre»ham »tanda
Bring in your Fur* ami have a pretty little Fur Hat made.
They're ju«t the thing'
We have a line line of Embroidery Pattern» jiut in.
»ee them.
Come and
New Location in Po»toltice Building
Powell Street
Limit Your
Jv 11 A.1 I I I
Tom lhrnn l»>ught a very fine fre»h
cow from Zeck Beer». Mr. liunn i»
prefianng to »ell cream for a livelihood.
John and
Wa»b., but
1 now hauling
team* from
Weslev l*unn of LtCainaa
lately from Portland, ia
tie» and lumber with their
the S. P. II. eawmill to
Charley Menxy and Frank New, with
their families viaited M.C. Honahue
fi laat Sunday.
J. tl. Hixon, wife and daughter Lu- '
cile, al*o Yarnell with hi» wife and
■on Harold, viaited Mr». Dixon'» par­
ent« over Sunday.
■Mrs. Ala.xey in charge
The Herald force by a tine treat of fruit
and vegetable»
Carrot* 15 iuchea
long and 11 inche» around! No need
of going hungry in this lieautilul land
of Oregon, e»|>ecially near Greaham.
Zeek Beer* haa moved hi* family to
Proctor >k Strau» aawiuill. Mr. Beer«
i* engaged in teaming.
t lint Edward» i* preparing to move
on hi* farm, where In- ha» built a neat
cottage recently.
There 1» nothing in I'p-tmdate Headgear that yon can't find
right here and at aurpri»ingly low price*.
A Little Timely Advice Per
taming to Hallowe’en
Mr I’ructor 1» erecting a h'-ure for
Geo. Beer» m-ar th« mill.
Mr. D. W. Doagla» »ml Me I*>utixer,
drova • bunch id (at cattl« to Troupial*
Why My Pdßd and Minimi ßdnk
With Fh* First Stile Bank
of Gresham.
The following article, written by a
Aboat twclva wagon load« of lumhrr Greaham boy, 14 year» of age. wa. en-
part Cherryville, for
Welcbea, thi. tered lor the »pecial prixe of (IU offered
week, from Firwood Lumber Co.
by the First Blate Bank for the t>evt es­
Mr. Alex Brook« i» making an ex- say on the subject. Thi» wa« the prixe
taadad with friend^ in Portland article. We regret that more of our
and lluu<l River.
boy« and girl» di 1 not enter thi« con-
At eleven o'clock on the flret ami teet. It wa» a bona A le offer with no
third Monday in each month 1« the reg­ string» on it. The boy i’nmwliately
ular church «ervice in Cherryville. put moe'. of hi» money on dep*Mit at the
Sunday School will be held at 12 o’clock bank an I intend» to invest it in a par­
He ha» a bank account of
each Fuinlay. A general invitation i» ing buaineae
extended to all to come out and help Im own and believe, in every argu­
maintain «teady »ervice»
fl will help ment in hi» article. In the caae of hi»
yon personally and be of great benefit parent, it will be note I lutl hi* pipa
andintmma b »th h«ve checklug ac­
to the community.
Rev. Kilin, the newly apt>oinle>i min- count* with the tenk and »ay they
¡■ter, ha* ■ hearty welctme for all end And i, a very »ale an I einveiueot way
ha* entered upon hi» work with a con­ of doing biMine»». The boy moleetly
reqaerta that hi. name be withheld
tagion» enlhu.iaam.
from publication but it will be given
Mr. Colby Maraloti and family have
you at the bank if ro i w t it P> kn >w it.
returned to their borne near Cherryville
We are aleo prepared to verify all the
lor the winter.
claim, male in hi. article, and in »re j
Mi.» Con «lance Ewing, who ia teach­
There are many good reaaoni whv
ing Wie Cherryville »choof, ryceived a
viait from her aiatar.Miaa Lucile of Port­ a mao receiving and ptving oat money
•hould have it pt»» through th, bank.
land, la«t Thursday.
Mr». LiuiwCook ha* »old her farm to My parent, have aaved considerable by
Portland pertiee, poeaeaaion to be given | paying by checx Ou more than one
occasion when they pud a bill the
January lit.
payee neglected to credit them with
Mr. E. W. Read i» remodeling and
tlie amount paid. They had the in-
tiniahing hi» bouae, on the farm lately
dorsed check and the »tub to »bow
known a* the Coatello place.
which were aa good a. a receipt* 1 bill.
On Monday Mr. D. A. Dougla» and
My pareot» put their m >ney in the
family attended the funeral of Mra. S. First Blate B«nk because it is a help in
Dougla» of Eagle Creek.
keeping acc unt* and show* jxst how
they «pend their money. They can alao
tell when they (»ay a curtain bill or
Subacribe for The Herald.
draw a check (or anyti .ng. They often
eave the coal of a money order by eend­
ing a check. Time and money bave
aleo Ijeeo aaved by rending a check io-
ytead of going in person to pay a bill.
Tt»e bank alao afford» a place of safety
in which to put their money.
b*nk i» much safer than a private
dwalling. While my parents do not
expect lobe troubled by Are or bnrglar».
they always depoait their money in the
First Btate Bank.
Mv p»|»a and mamma believe that
hanking with a home inetitotio.» ha* an
inriitenca on tl»e children.
It also
tearhex people to nave their money.
This trank i* in.urel againel io*. I»y
Are and burglary and there ie no dan­
ger of bankruptcy in each a «trong bank
A short time after the First Btate Bank
was e.labliahed a of expert safe­
crackers uwl the safe on which to try
tbeir »kill. They knocked off a knob
in the combination, pul in nitroglycer­
ine and wrecked the froot of the »ale.
They got nothing fur their pair.» and the
bank lost nothing as it waa fully in­
sured against Io«» br burglary.
In the financial panic ot MIK the
First State Bank did bum nee» as usual
and served its patrono witbout incon­
The bank has always shown a will-
ingneea to accommodate my parents
with a loan.
My parents have lieen treasurers of
various fund» which tliey alway* de­
posited in the First State Bank, becauee
of the convenience and safety.
They believe the method* of the
First State Bank to lie correct and
know the inatitutiou to he safe and a
cre>lil to the town.
The Gresham Fee»! Mill will do your
rolling; new rollers.
12-inch Steel Walking Plows,
14-inch Riding Sulky,
.Moline Plows (hat took 1st Prize at the St. Louis Fair
$17.50 Single Buggy Harness at
$40 Double Farm Harness at
$30 Driving Harness at
$12.50 Reduction on Farm Wagons from last year’s prices.
$75 Buggy with leather quarter top, leather
trimming, guaranteed in every way,
this year’s stock, at
- $5750
Paul Dunn ia very bu»y preparing to (
—•”'* SA FC the balance That i* a better way to get a aow hi* fall wheat which took the blue
»tart than ui limit your aaving and SPEND the balance.
ribbon at our late fair, alao the *»me
wheat took the blue riblion at the fair
laat year.
Mr. June»’ mother ii visiting them
for a few weeka.
Mr. and Mr». I. P. Hart »pent a few
day» with Fxl. Hart of Fir Grove.
Why You Should Carry an Account
with the First State Bank
The Chriatian
endeavor will have
Ito Hrat meeting of the *ea»on Sunday
evening 7 :!to,November 7th.
—the caah buyer get» themioat for hl» money.
ing account and be a caah buyer,
—a checking account gvill make you careful and »y»tematic, 1
Mr*. Nellie Brav, who haa lieen via-
thereby providing a method to reduce your expenae» and enabl­
iting her father Mr. J. P. Smith, haa
ing you to get ahead in the world.
gone to Koeelmrg < iregon to viait her
—a checking account enable* you Ur acquire a lietter credit than brother Frank E. Smith.
any other tnekhod.
Little Allen Burton Jone», «on of J. t
—Their »tatement* alway* «how carefulne»» and conaervative- B. Jone», took the prixe for being the
mywin the management of the bank—no exceaaive expenae* ; no biggeit baby at the Greibam Grange
•chemea to promote.
Have a check­
. /
rAt is regí
_ j
Gresham Feed Mill.
Rolling done Tueadav» ami Friday*,
commencing Tue*d*y, Sept. 7, each
New roller»; tir»t-cl«** work
D. M Shattuck, Prop, tf
No agents or commission men at Gresham, Oregon City, Vancouver or nearby towns, but
V ER Y LOW PRICES ON ALL GOODS, not on a few as quoted here.
C. L. Boss &, Co.
320-328 East Morrison St., Portland, Ore.