7 T Senna. ads yd buwds. dcansca system tjJuAuaWy ; W« Are Cutting Them Three Time* a* Fast ae They Ar« Growing. M0XXK.000 ACRES OF WOODLAND CheepneM and Abundance of Ttmber \\ab\\ud cuud\paVvo\\ pe.vmœftu\\\y To ôd\ï» bu\cjvda\ way s buy t\\c ¿cnuuie, Baa Made Us BeekleM in Ite U m . “Th* total yearly drain upon our tereeta. not counting loasea from Bret, storm*, and inMcta. Is *om* twenty billion rol>l<- feet," eaya l< H Kellogg, as*I*tant forester In charge of the ot flee of forMt etallstlrs. In a publira tlon Ju*t Issued by the Forest Bervlre ou "The Timber Hupply of the Halted SOLO BY HADING DRUGGISTS SO ABUml State«." “Our prsoent forMt area of 650 mil lion acre* may be roughly ••tlmatwl Teuk HI» lor Toss, to consist of loo million «rrM of at* "George Moore, the author of Kether ture foreata. in which the annua) Water*, like* to talk." said a magaaln* growth Is balanred by death end de editor of New York. "at»ut bls own My. of 160 million arree partially cut obscurity, very obscure Lunchins or burned over, on *blp of your writings of more severely cut and burned over out Kansas way. Mr Moor*.' th* young, forMta. oh which there Is not suffi girl aald. rlent growth to produce another crop "'How lolly!' cried the novelist of much value 'And what story of mlns do the good "Taken as a whole, rhe annua! people of Kansas liks best?* growth of our for**ts under those oon- "'Oh. latll* Hookb. far and away!' dltlon* doe* not exceed twelve cubic •aid ah«" fert p*r acre, a total of lea* than Mven billion cubic feet Thai Is. we ar* cub ting our forMta three time* a* faat a* they ar* growing There la men TUI Thu» R*ctpe W«a Tried Cur* > Oi ace in the oontinuan.-e of such condi­ lowed tn Tlvi Hour* tion* While we might never reach wbeolule timber exhaustion, the un- I restricted exploitation of our forMta la the past has already had sertou* effects, and It will have much worM If It Is allowed to continue unchecked "White pine, for Instance, which was once considered Inhaustlble. has fallen off Mvenly per cent In cut since 1160. and more than forty flv* per □eat *tnce 1*00 The cut ot oak. our moat valuable bardwood lumber, baa do-rseeed •litaon per cont »Ince l»00. and that ot yellow p«pl*r twenty-two por cant, Tbe tamo otory will bo told of other woodo If they ar* not oon “There.” remarked th« denttot. j served took off ths rubber dam. “you’ll •hew on a pise« of basfstrak "The fact that ttmber ha* been chMp enough tn loosen that Alling ” a cd abuudant baa made ua careles* of “But. doctor.” queried th« aweot Ito production and reacklea* tn It* young thing with lhe tooth equally uaa Wo take 160 cubic feet of wood sweet, “will It slay In when I eat car a per capita annually from our forest*. cnels and motss«»« r«ndv”* while Germany us«« only thirty aov«a A n Iplgraui. cubic f«ot. and Franco but twanty-fivt. "Fa!her.” aald Lltlls Rollo, “what I» O b th« oth«r hand. Germany, who haa an epigram F‘ learned b«r l«aa<>n. make« h«r stat« "What we customarily call ‘an epi I forest* produce an average of forty­ gram.' my eon. Is sometimes a sclec I eight cubic foot of wood per acre W« tlon from the classics Incorrect!) Î have as faat growing apectea aa Gar- quoted by a person of currsnt promt many, or faster, and aa good or bettor Bence."—Washington Star foroat toll If wo protect IL "Th« necooalty for more farm land Aval* Vowr tri,»»«. may eventually reduce our total for- 1 hear you »pent your vacation with eat area to 100 million acre« lew than friend* ” "Wo were friend* during th* It to at pr««ent* It to entirely poasi firet week."—Louisville Courler-Jour- bio. however, to produce on 460 mil­ nal. lion acre« aa much wood aa a popula Rudyard Kipling said to Robert Barr U ob much greater than we hav« now one« In convrralnK on th« aubject of will r«e!ly need If all th« foroat an «xchtina« of Idrna. “Why, all I «v«r land to brought to Ito hlgheet produo knew ■omrbodr foist me.” Ing capacity and If th« product to economically end completely utilised But to reach tho necessary condition of equilibrium between timber produr* Ailments of Men tlon and consumption will take many < > < > year« of vigorous effort by Individual Happily Overcome forest owners, by the States, and by SUCCESSFULLY TRIED ST tho National Government. Non« ot MANY theta can solve th« problem alone; all must work together.- CALIFORNIA F ig S yrup C o . COUGHED ALL NIGHT ' naZloB lia* th* largest Motion devoted to It and all branch*« tit It* hiatory I are well r«pr*Muted. The ool lection ot material for Culled Htatoo history I* by far the beet In Germany and an BwoUleo th* Oer •»«silent »election man and American Metlon* the library I* Mpeelally «troug In It» collection of Belgian, English colonial. Ea*t Asiatic end a »till more remarkable oolleoUoo tn the ChlneM and Japanese sections Another remarkable fact about the li­ brary 1* that tli* book» here deal not only with political, constitutional and •conomlea) hletory, but aiac with th* history of art, music, erulpture. rail« Ion. education, manner* and custom* The Idea I» that a knowledge of all th» different kulture branche* le necessary really to understand the history of • people Bo we find here an unusually rich assortment of art collection*, at laM*. enme HO.OOo drawing* by ehll dren from all nation*, family latten ot the earlier centurie*, many that cannot be found elsewhere Science vention Prises will be offered at th* comln« German seronatlcal exposition for i metal lighter than aluminum, but re talnlng lie aolldlty. and for balloor halls of various types. The two battleships authorised b; the last CongraM. which will ba lelf down next fall, will carry heavier bat terlM than any other warships afloa: or ordered by any nation. To measure th« amount of air ad mltted through cracks In buildings i novel Instrument haa been devised shaped like a funnel and carrying I small anemometer In Its noaale. While the forest* of the United State* are Increasing at the rat* ot 7,000,000,000 cubic feet a year, th« country la using >3.000,000.000 cubit feet of wood each twelve months A simple Are escape patented by ar Iowa woman consist* of • spool ore: which a rope la wound two or thre« tlmM At one end of the rope It • •eat. rhe occupant of which lowers htmeelf with the other end. the frlo tlon of the spool checking the rapidity of descent At Nelson. British Columbia, a largt electric «meltsr la now at work re during mixed ore* of lead and sine The ore Is flrat crushed to the six* oi wheat grain*, and then routed, b) which proceae most of the sulphur li removed. From th* roaster th* or« goes to the electric furnac«. whlct melt* It Into alag The lead, slnklni through the alag ¡«aeee Into ■ crucible, the line take* the gaseous form ant It led Into condsnser*. from which II I* ladled out Into pigs Exaggerated Idea* have b*en enter talnsd. according to the opinion ol F A. Lucas, concerning th* prodlgloui! six* of th* ancient mammoth*, who*« remain* have been found tn Alaska and Siberts. It la a mistake, be says to ascribe to them a greater six* thar I that of the modem elephant. He be Hevea that no Siberian mammoth ha«; been found with a greater height. «1 the shoulders, than 9 feet 6 Inches Indian elephant* occasionally attalr this height, whereas the African ele pbant often stands 1! feet at th» shoulder*, and sometimes slightly more. The real giants among foiuif' elephants were found In southern Eu ; rope and the western and southwest J sm parts of the United States. Thes< | stood "from 13 feet « Inches to poss! bly 13 feet 6 Inches high.” Biliousness "I have used your vsluaels Cascarrt* •ml I find tln-m j«-rf<e*e •i»l *in now rotnpletely cured, ftecom- m-rul them tn everyone Once tried, you will never be without litem in ths tamily.’’—Edward A. Mari, Albany, N.Y. Pleasant. Potent, Taste Good. ßu Good. Never Hieben. Weakra or - . Never •< i found an Ideal woman I was difficult Bro*.. Buffa'o, N. Y. eltlve to th« touch than the left, la les* to please, but after many year* I aensltiv« than th« tott«r to th« «Sect * t'sefel Remedy. found her." of beat and cold. Little Jamie, aged 1. was playing "Lucky beggar! And then------ ” with bls little friend. Jack. At th* "She was looking for an Ideal Ume Jami« chanced to have • rather man." replied tbo bachelor, sadly.— beery cold »nd waa eneexlng quit« Tlt-Blta. •ften Jack's mother beard him »ev For Infants and Children. lie Old. *ral time* end sympathetically asked: “We are told." said the Bunday “Why. Jamie, what a cold you have! school teacher, “that w« should lovw Doesn't your mother give you any our neighbor Now. who i* your neigh­ thing for It?" "Ye*, ma'am." Jami* bor. Tommy— very respectfully answered, "»he give» Signet-ore of But Tommy Tucker merely blueheA tn* ■ clean handkerchief." whereupon hung hl* head, and Said nothing. He be produced the prescribed "remedy." didn't want to tell the little girl'« Jl,l aa Deserving. —Th« Dell“-”“- name.—Chien rn Tribune. "So you were deeply touched by tbo Cbarlwf mm <1 lit* Hand«. Bsagrroaq OdO. poem young Mr. Guffsum wrote to "You My your husband occasionally you?" Once when Lionel Brough gav« htw humorous entertainment at a norther» oon*uka a palrulat?" "Yea." answered Maymi*. lunatic aayium. he spent th« hour bo "Yea." answered young Mrs Tor- "But tt waa not a good poem " kiae "You see. Charley play* cards a "I don't care. It waa just as much had to wait for hto train in playln< one of the inmates, a harmless old gen­ great deal" trouble for him to write It as If he tleman. a game of billiards. "But he Isn't so superstitious aa to bad been 8hakapeare"-«Wa*hlngtoa Mr Brough offered the patient 40 1» Star. think he can foretell his luck?" 100. and was beaten easily "No He take* It for granted that “If you go about giving odds Hko Persist»«' •t the Habit, Ma luck will be bad But be aaya It'* that.” said th« patient, “they'll put and hi* wife were per- you in her« jvitb me.”—London Opin­ Jack Spratt worth the money to have somebody eons of mor« than ordinarily limited ion. tell him be haa a hand worth looklag means. al."—Washington Star. Occasionally they «pent IS cent* for one of th« illustrated monthly maga- foMaetfein* Wear. alneo. “Tee. he 1* established in Washing­ Jack loathed the advertisements and ton now at the bead of a flourishing hto wife detested the reading matter. arrangement bureau.” So they split It in two. and thus kept "What aort of a bureau?" clean their literary platter. "Why, it’« something entirely new. Neeeavlly of Reaety. It takes charge of the case* of dl*- Schiller In his esthetical and phtlo missed West Pointers and arranges for «heir reinstatement."—Cleveland Plain sophlca! essays wrote that "Beaut) alone confer* happiness on all." tha Oealer. under it* influence men forget theii Some »atlafaetlen. limitations Happiness Is our being*: Baf* In hl» mountain retreat, th« end and alm. And without beauty evet train robber opened th* bag of coin he happiness In it* perfect flowering L had eecured at th* coat of eo much Impossible. trouble and danger. It contained nothing but Lincoln pen­ Seller«. al»*. “What do you consider th« beat of "Well." h* »aid. a» he took one of all th« «o-called b«»t ««ltorsF** In­ them between hl* thumb and finger end quired th« caller. gased at the rurged profile on the coin. “Well. I have al way« liked old CoL "I never voted fur ‘Im. an' I'm durned Mulberry better than any of th« oth­ glad of It now!" er«.” answered the Information editor, tumlnf a rain to hto work. All tn tiood Time. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bough! CRESCENT c "Tm sure 1 don't know why they call thia hotel The Palm*. Do you? I've never seen a palm anywhere near the place." "You'll see them before you go. It'» a pleasant little surprise the welters keep for the guest* on th* lest day of their stay.”—Puck If Children Like Ü A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME The constantly growing Important^ Revival, of Htatory. of India rubber In various Industrie» The Greek* were entering Troy on makes the question of the cultivation of the rubber plant, as well as that the wooden horse Tit MSI MtKlll Til “The first joy ride." they chortled. of the production of "synthetic rub Means an unfailing water euppljr. It Then the slaughter commenced. — (Tn<1me no man need he th« Unlversltatsstrasse. which Bern LEWIS & ST AVER CO. "Ye«." answered the Inventor. i leal composition of the components o! the wiser as to another a ahortcomings, bard Breltkopf, the founder ot the flrm and expensive foes are avoided natural rubber. "But It came down to th« earth with l.st k of p >!-•' and «qulllbr um In men la of Breltkopf A Hartel, erected In 1736 Portland, Ore. terrible bump.” a constant sourco of embarrassment even tor business purpoM*. and which later M title in Neve Yorls. wh^n the public least auapreta It. For the “Tme But It hit very clow to th« Spokane, Wash. benoAt of tho wh<» want a restoration to bscame the seat of the Breltkopf A A New Yorker, dining * Phlladel ■pot I wa» aiming at' full, bounding health, and ail iha happl- Boise. Idaho. Hartel bookstore? asks a correspond neaa accompanying It. tho above homo ph la friend, wanted to »how him all treatment Is given It contains no opi­ ent of th* Hartford Oourant In the the delicacies of the season. On* dish Tbs Hr»» Alar ates habit-firming druse whatever second atory of thia building above the i tn particular the Philadelphian ex Mil It at home and noons will b« tho wiser Husband —Why don’t you hav« Brid­ No. <3-00 as to your affliction ■tor* Gottachad lived until his desth, I -lalmed over In delight. get shut the kitchen door? Ono con small th« breakfast cooking *11 over tn the year 1767 — Gottached, to whom ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HEN writing to a*iwertiser* pl< “This I* made of «nail«," said hit th« house mention thia paper. aa Goethe In hl* “Wahrhelt und Dlch I New York hoet. "Don’t you hart Wlf« — We leave It open on purpoa* rung" aaya, th* elder Breltkopf hsd snails tn Philadelphia F' Tha smell Is all that gets the family -5» promised a lifelong dwelling In tn* "Oh. yea." responded th* Phlladel v p—Ju dg«_________________ second story of th* "Golden Bear" be- phlan, "but we can't catch the pesky cause of th* great advantages his store thing»."—Lippincott'*. Lli tea Rod*. offered In Gothic manuscript*, transla­ Hotel Clerk—Just sign your name Hta Motive. pleas* The other guests would tions and other such aaletances. In “That old villain ha* gone and mar- to register.” "Don’t you hurry order to «rea In Vrel to tho vtaltor« of thle houto, tfhlch In arenteed to cure one care 50c and fl a bottle » an« The Only Kind. Ire«i«ta and harneredealer« or rent exprere paid hy •K.* 8.00 the last summer ha* undergone re SAVES TIME, LABOR AND CLOTHES "It would be a good Idea If brain* ■a. Ont ahowa how to poultice throat« Our Free Beat R»4 F*b- . Electric laundry Com pound washm clothes •rervfhing Local age nt« wanted Large*« sell iaa tor hoto 7.50 ■toratton. It la still to-day ”«ta an- would be gone over and renovate^ now without rubbing No hme. lye or acids. Eight 1« «Nlatence—twelve yearn. «•hnltchM Ge bauds. ” although It !• waehlngB. 25 eta Money back if not satisfied. Falnleeo Cxtr*t1«a «5Û SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Cb.sU.t. .nd Bacteriologists, GOSHEN. IND. U. S. A. and then." RICTIK CORFOUWD CB 822 Seed SwW St. Lee Mw Cd WORK «UARANTKIO FOR »• only three atorlee high and surround­ patnlr>M F.itrecilon Free when ni elee or bridge work "It that were possible, oom* brain* - - - --1 --------- i — [g (kingulletlon Free, Yoe cannot gel bett«« ed by four or five storied modem would have to be renovated with a vac­ palnieee work done anywhere. All work fully Buar- antwed. Modern electric «qnlpmenl. Bret methode. houses, and th« word* "Mhr anstaad’g" uum cleaner.”—Baltimore American. which Goeth« used In describing Gott sohed*s apartment* apply still to th» It la pleasant at thia time of th« Color more good* brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally weO fortla Ñ o ." oregon **’«’“ of th« »•» Institut year to hoar tho running comment* of and is guaranteed to give perfect reeulte. A*k dealer, ox we will Mud poetpud «t 10c a packag»- Write tor tree bookkM •trio» «oca*, s a. a. u s ». K. s*s«*sh s xs A | NMwally. th« history at ths German a babbling brook. how to dy«, bleach and tnlx ooloxa. MONROE DRUG cObtFANY. Quincy, tlllnolo. Painless Dentistry ] H ahl |NSW izard O il * g ? oôt COLT DISTEMPER Wise Dental Co._____________ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES