7 OREGON CALLS l*a«« the wtHxi t»» yroir rvlativv* mid fiivtuU t«» Published Every Fndav at Gresham. Gre., by the Raavsn Stava PvMMHlMt Co II A DARNALL. Emtos asi» Mv'u.aa, smiisi (DIIORIAL COMMINI Hening et»tortaine«i a party of Mr. &t«rro« of Lents »poke 1 church la.t Sunday evening. HE unusual activity in city real estate during the last two chun-h. weeks can be ascribed to the H. E. Hector, manager of the Izrnt» large number of Eastern people Home Telephone C<»., was out here look­ who have been coming in. The ing after the inteievts of Ins o«m|«any a , 0. R. & N. has been practically few -lays ago crowded to the limit and extra Mr. Nunlev was «»it from the city trains have been put on and still Tiiceklav evening calling friends. the condition has not been met. S. White rvturne.1 the first of the I Such an increase in the popula­ week from east of the mountains. tion means better prices for land, more clearing, better cultivation Grange fairs are Becomlnq Popular. and increased production. The (Special Corrcapondenve I already wealthy state will double There is n great npportnniiy for f fruits, flower« grains ami vegeta­ firmly maintain the position al­ th** bles which he exhibits. ready attained. IM not try to give prix»*« to the cider CORBtn Miss Abbie Hites spent Saturday in Portland. F. E. Reed »a« out from Portland on Saturday. Mr. Petersen of Surprise. Neb., is visiting bis sister-in-law, Mrs. Hankey, J ». and niece, Mrs. F. 11 Reed. Mrs. Shell was in Portland Friday to have her eves treated. Mr. Beerbower's nearing cumpletion. new Mrs. Sarah Kincaid Clara Smith on Saturday. residence visited Le- Evant Kent to Portland on urday. is Mrs. Sat- Guy Smith of Latoureli Falls and Miss Vera E. Flooer of Portland were married at the home »f the groom's pt re uts in Portland on Wednesday. Columbia Grange met in regular ses­ sion Oct. 7, the attendance being small owing to the busy season, but an inter­ esting meeting was held. It was decid­ ed to give a Imsket social Saturday eve­ ning. Oct. 23, proceeds of same- to be used for repairing the hall and other needed expenses The Grange here has changed its day of meeting from the first Thursday to the first Saturday in each mooth. James Benfield and bride of Portland spent Sunday here. WELCHES Mr. Steele and Mr. Welch are pro­ gressing nicely with the new bridge across Salmon river at Welches and two weeks will see it nearly completed. It will have MJ-foot span with 9) and 100-foot approaches. Anderson brothers, Mr Fay and Mr. Savage are out on ail extended bunting trip. The Rangers are preparing to build a S-fost trail to the top of Huckleberry mountain, the new trail to commence near the obi trail at the foot of the mountain and work south to the next; ridge. The trail will not tie steeper i than 15 per cent and graded all the way. wild cat ever seen in this part of the moun­ tain, being as large aa a g'xsl sized dog. It was killed on Six Creek. Mrs. Ed Rolierts, we believe, bolds the championship for fishing, having caught three trout that measured 24 inches. Welches resort i« coming rapidly U» the front. Several large and ex penai ve summer eottsges w ill soon lie erects«! and some are in course of construction and be ready for use next season. I What the Grange Field Deys Should and Should Not Be The “plcasnr»» exertion” vf J<»*l:th Allen'» wife bax been mirrored often In the experience» of many a tlr.nl mor­ tal on an ordinary day'» pVnicklriR Another woman voiced the aentimenta of many of these when »he »aid "I'd sooner ba’ brewin’ day and wauhln' day together than one of these pleas­ urin' days. There’s no work so tirin’ as danglin’ about an* starin' an' not rightly knowln' what you re goln' to do next.” The grange rally, or Held day. has been instituted as a nxxliflcatlon of the old time picnic that had no alm beyand that suggested on the spur of the moment or unfailing Ila big dinner together in the wooda. Voder the ansplces of a live grange th«- rally 1« full of purpose. It fa a rally Ing In act. as In name, of all the ■forces that go to make a strong, vlgorou. rural life. It aims to promote Joy and zeal In de­ veloping the active resources of the farms and farmers both. Toe rally Is thus more than n day of physical recreation and feasting. The mind Is rest«! and fed also by means of as good a program as can tie Facts of what devised and secured, organized effort through the grange Is doing for farmers at large are pre­ sented to tho«e who cannot lie reached otherwise, and these same facts are often pressed home upon memtiers In a more forceful way than ever before. Inviting grounds with all conveni­ ences for comfort possible and a g. m. i iVpiaut il e ainmint of tin» fan* with the iirarvM O K a \. nr " P, Agent an«l ticket will I la* Kaai withnut «-n*>t Uvkvt h » < dvhwrvd h’liwrvd in the K ami ns ìt I hmii extra rxtra **•*•( Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, Etc. >cini u» the name ami addn^ StC CENT A AOKD SlRMf l\«KRTi*»S »ulaer^ueni lll»«*t( |.i|ia * 111 >■«' luatlv Au !• to .*• w«»r*ta lurlouiil» aiioAu • onl> tor IV « villa .m |«< <»♦ a«»<.1» f»»* Jo«rutu N<» ad |»uhll»hrd h»r Uran than |A rent* Cash In •*l'4»i4W virvpl I«» rvgular adicrilx rs Wm. M c M urray Genera I l*M»*ang«r l gent imcTI.vi I». ukmhiv Well Giesler & Dorres FURNITURE AND CARPET HOUSE 386 EAST M »TRISDN SL. BE TWEEN GX INO AV. AND INION PORTLAND. Monuments The »resiling match Saturday lilglit in Mi-iigvr Hall promise» t<> draw » large eroad Both contestants are »ell known in this part of the country where they have eugagid in some liarrl-looglil «.■univate. “Slrauglur Smith” I. Ili» un- ! . M» HlKIhliRI à HIM HI KI Civil l4igincrr« and Surveyor* • Ai rur»t ) Nn<| K«-»M»ti»l»!«-< btofffs » Ktx inu > a? | «bl>< r IMF I.AND «»KM.ON* Phoiiwi Main an? A IU»I PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. RAPID FREQUENT COMFORTABLE Springwater Division W. H. KARR,. Board by the Day or Week The mill at Eairview M. M. urr DIT il only • ml with order Management GRESHAM, Orrfna J OTT IUt?\ s ; i i A i i wi i .1 t til OREGON Pt «Mela ••■Nat (*«••. Beaver State Herald and other papers R m-mUr tbrve srr the - (Iraaham. ‘Quick Meal’ Steel Range Under New CUTS J. M. SHORT, M 1). S. I». BUTNER, M. D. HERALD BARGAIN OFFERS SEE OUR GRESHAM HOTEL ou*un ’’ MONTAVILLA. AND Norway is the moat sober country in the world. Its laws against Irunki-n- nes« are very stringent. E ngraving C o beaver E. B. MOREl.OCK I yr I “Known the World Over” Orr.ham tll'ST LARSON, Prop.. OCAICNINa lltUSTHAHNC *‘l t*»k»» plraaiirt» in »nyina Unit I haw «»..s «M, kvpt fhmniwiIain's Culte, Cholera and fl»fTupe relieve RRFSRKWt ffa Dr A Thunt|*tm »ltd *• « rh«»ui|»*«>i> them,” »ay< J C Jenkin«, oM l»e lost, for no one wnn'd know to whom th»* different exhibit« belonged If the name« were left ”ff so that thov might t»e judged, but l»egin rfg’»t now to In- t< rest your grange in offering first and second prizes to the children for a few things to be gr« expensive In order to please the children. !-**t them have a special fable fur their oxhil.:fs, and do all that you can to make It Interest­ ing for them, and you will be doing something toward helping to keep the boys ami girls on the farm. Exhibits of fancy work and of old relic« have been made very Interesting in inuuy granges where they have room to dis­ play them properly. . II VI« THX The ¡.«■•agile meeting next Sunday eve­ ning will be in charge of • prominent worker from the Sunil) Side M. E. U mmà , School Books September 15 to October 15 at the Iten »W « m W \< w ami H roiid Hand ami Sold ccmim * iiow . To Oregon will prevail from the lia at friends at hi« home Sunday. T OtD HOOK SIORt: Nee. LOW COLONIST RATES at lbs roatoAr* at Uraahaa». i'rwm A. HYLAND BROS. “More People” Succeeding Grv-h»m Vindicator, Gnsliam Gaiette, East Multmuuab Reçu r«l Multnomah Ri-cord and Moutavilla Herald. Kiitsred M IT Mists me DOUGH you cash for your grain. How to Cure a Cold. Be as careful a« you can, yon will OC­ casionally take cold, and when yon do get a medicine of known reliability, one | that has an established reputation and , that is certain to effwt a quick cure. Such » medicine is Chamberlain'» Cough Remedy. It bus gained a world-wide reputation by it« remarkable cures of thi« most common ailment and can al­ ways Ire depended upon. ft acts on nature’s plan, relieves the lung«, aid« expectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. For sale by Gresh­ am Drug Co. Carpenter and Builder STATIONS EASTBOUND Lv PORTLAND i Golf J U net inti A flf. 7 GRESHAM, OREGON Htanlrk I ti tn Junction. ______________ nyramor«*.. «1'7 .»fun- A 4« 7 I.llltlrlllMlI II ... L a MJ GRKMHA M A <1 7 H oithii * Aii-lcr»on a Hah) AT LENTS Rttriiiff |N «I« I. t ' L? . . . iff Barton fa l»r«’|. ' rc»»k N K»ffi«* uret k « iirriiisvillr. . .«,.11. a Foster Road and Main St. K*t«<-»tla 1« UAZADKRO A SEE CHAUNCEY For Dry Goods, Groceries, and Light Hardware. 4.S • SA w ♦. » io 45 It « j is I IM I t» I I» 4 n s vt »■> • ■J7 w W in *1 li MJ 1 32 3 22 4 47 » «U» M IV. IO V» II :v. ’ » 3 M « 1" 4» 11 40 1 40 3 40 4 K. •» b. • ’41 « to •» r. io V. 11 u> 1 45 3 45 4 -1 1« VI* II 4» 1 41 J 41 .1« 9 II M 1 53 3 S3 4»i W «n.l 11 k N 1 JJ1 » nil II * 1 5* J 51 9 > O’ in ini LJ •<) 2 00 4 00 In 06 IO U 05 1 05 4 05 in (»7 U 12 0/ 2 0.’ 4 or io 14 H 12 13 213413 |O 19 JI 12 11 2 11 4 It io Ml 12 24 2 24 4 2t MJ 12 IS 2 3S 4 H 1'0 4M 41 I 41 0 MININF IS » ‘ III 11 1 n s mm in h i n i M J 1J 4 M t 40 I 40 I 40 1 4J J «5 1 41 > 5 41 1 S 53 Î 5 55 1 5 54 7 4 00 1 4 05 4 4 OF 4 1 11 1 6 I» 4 4 24 I • •f n i 4S h MIHII h M 40 44 14 53 55 50 00 05 91 U 1» 24 IS i n IJ ••9 0 JJ 12 Ik'« > 40 12 IO 0 4J 19 IS A N a 9 9 In io 11 II 11 II st II □ 12 40 >4 Ml JO M IS 40 • M IH 19 JA 40 iNA 11 20 TROUTDALE BRANCH LINNEMANN . i.vlla at ? Hu«'' {.hit* a II 7 Fair view 7 : * TKOITDALE Ar 1* «V» h i . a Gl » Í* « or.jA XM 9 II 9 1*4 14» wio .Nil .M. 00 4 z>ls »>1» nvs «on a Pally Ricept Hund«,. i.-,,» »¡io », » -jnS r » » m i’.|n » m J - ■> *• 10 .•> 11 V! 1 ». w .is io MU » 1 n n N n u 12 40 2 «41 1 H > (Ml 1 M J IJ 12 1 17 1 Q 3 19 1 10 3 ■ 1 21 0 *2 •/7 1 IT ;«) 1 9 * 1 fl. J ¡ 47 1 i; w. 1 B 2 40 s 1 «O 1 40 J ill 1 2 52 2 M 1 M2 M3 ? 0» I 0» 4 IIIIIH 1 M » ?» < 2 «a 1 40 « 45 00 00 12 17 10 23 V JO 32 31 40 4 40 4 S3 4 M4 0« I III Ml » '•1 I 48 40 50 M 01 4 M I II» IS? MU ?» I 44 1 4« 4 44 1 BRANCH ? ?» > t J,» ? N 1 1 11 J A. M ggursa In Homan ?» « m S « ni M I M 1 111 1J j n !S m I i m S « S i T ?» N I N Ml m P. M. a«urs> |n black. Juaeil’on°"'g,,n ( ity’ C,n,mBh Park ,,,<1 *•» change car* at Golf For Lento, Mt. Heott and east side points, change cars at Lenta Junction. General Office«, First and Alder Sts., P obtund , O siuon .