GRESHAM ANCHOR STORE General Merchandise Maia St.. Uraahai Anything you want in Groceries, Smoked Meats, Crockery, Hardware, Graniteware Men’s and Women’s Furnishings, Dry Goods, Shoes .4 June Bug it is said never knows where it is going until it humh* into something. Ever heard or seen June-bug people? Start out to call at the Anchor Mor» ami you'll not i>e discouraged or leel that you have the worst of the bargain. One Price to All And that Price is Right See the Suit Lengths, one pattern ot a kind BRING IN Your Eggs. Butter snd Chickens and get highest prices. I MOUNT SCOTT Want Column GRESHAM LOCALS Mr. ami Mr». Raymond, [«rents of FOR SALE—Lincoln Sheep, Poland China Hogs, breeding stock of all ages. Mrs Butterfield, lelt tor Wisconsin last Webb Farm, Pbone 15S Monday. Another teacher has been added to FOR SALE—One 3-year old horse, buckboard and light double work har­ lhe Lents schools. Miss Lockwood, to ness. Otto Wabbles. (,tf assist with the 500 pupils enrolled. Mrs. Liniuger went to La Camas Sat­ FOR SALE — Extra large cedar poets. H. E. Davis, Gresham; Phone 21. (If urday to visit her two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. I’eter Roth have moved FOR SALE—Two cows,enquire of D. to Lents to their residence on 10th St. F. Talbot. Gresham. (tf Miss Carrie Fauske of Iowa has re­ LUMBER—At our new mill ll< miles turned home to visit her [«rents. southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Mrs. S. C. Foster is building her new Jonsrud Rroe. (• home in Mt. Scott Addition. HORSES! Two weeks ago Thursday the wi’e of See S. S. Thompson for horses. Pbone Mr. Tyler, one of the oldest and best 881. known residents of Lents, died after a FOR RENT—Light h<>usek ee pi n g leugthv tight against typhoid. Soon af­ rooms. Inquire of Mrs. Wm. Dablquist. Gresham, Oregon. (tf terward Mr. Tvler took sick and for a tune was considered in a dangerous con­ WAN TED—Fresh cow» by T. R. How­ dition. About 1 o'clock Thursday,wbile itt. Greebam. tf talking to the doctor, be was suddenly 1 FOR SALE—A full blood Jersey bull, seen to drop back in bis cbair snd in­ three years old, of good breeding; the stant death resulted, caused by heart “What doe. Whole Roast tnean?”ask- kind that will improve your herd. Tbos. failure. The funeral will be held Sun­ Spillmann, Sandy Ridge. tf "Why coffee roasted day at 2 p. m. The loss sustained by ed Mrs. Gate» CATTLE DEHORNED—If you want death of these worthy neighbors will and not ground until ready for use," said tier husband. "For example. Fol- cattle dehorned call on G. H. Sunday at long be felt by the entire community, Gresham. tf A fine program is being plannevi for ger's Golden Gate. Clyde H. Eagvn attended the National TO SELL—Two span light horses ;one the Grange hall Saturday evening, the light buggy, cushion tire runabout,new . 2nd. Special talent has been secured Funeral Director, Association in Port­ one rubber tire surrey, canopy top, al­ land this week. most new. Inquire of Lewis Shattuck, and some of the best of vaudeville acts Lewis Shattuck and family are »|»nd- Gresham, Or. (tf will be represent«!. Tbe wedding of Rev. Harry Hender­ . ing the week in Seattle. FOR SAIJv—Two gixd cows, one calf, J. 8. Hughes, on the Base Line road, one cow Jersey ; both milk all winter son, formerly pastor of tbe Evangelical A. Meyers, box 54, Gresham. Or. tf church of Lents, occurred en route lias sold his 42 acres to Mr. Wyat of FOR SALE—Irongray mare, age two to Vancouver, B. C., on the 14th inst. Portland. Mr. Hughes ex|*eets to buy and half years; a beauty, sound snd The wedding was held without consent again near Grvahaiu. gentle Will take fresh cow on deal. of the captain ot the vessel and as a re­ The W. C. T f met at the Methodist Also 40 acres best land in Dover, »1500, sult Mr. Henderson paid a $25 tine. It church Sept. 30th and four new mem­ part cash. Joel Jarl. Boring. Ore. (41 will be remembered that the death of ber, were taken in. Mrs. Inman of Cen­ FOR SALE—Good top buggy for sale Mr. Henderson’s first wife occurred less tral Union, Portland, gave a short ad­ cheap, by N. A. Hedin, Boring, Ore. (40 than a year ago under peculiar condi­ dress. Mrs. Wostell was elected dele­ tions. He was at that time very much gate to the Mate Convention, which will LAN’ D TO CLEAR—Want to let con­ infatuated with a voung lady from Sal­ meet in Hood River, Oct. •». tract to grub ten, twenty or more acre« em. Mr ami Mrs. Guy Mathews returned near ^andy, P. O. >i. Walton, 515 ChaQxher of Commerce, Portlaud. (4u Friday to Wasco where Mr. Mathews will take charge of a t>40 acie wheat FOR SALE—Good span of mares, in GATES CROSSING. farm. This is a large undertaking for gu<»l condition. 4 and 5 years old, and as young a man a» he, but be is a Peter Roth has moved to Lents, weigh 35>O. Katzky Bros, Lents. (tf , family named Miles having rented but hustler arid The Herald with a host of friends wish him success. Mrs. Math- FOR SALE—Young borse, weight , place. 11-50. broke to work single or double. Mi«» Powell, who has been visiting ews will be remembered as Miss Beanie Andrew Brugger, Melville Farm. Route Dailey. No. 1.' (tf her sister, Mrs. D. C. Maylee. left Tues­ Rev. Henry Atkinson, pastor of the day for her home in Washington. An­ WANTED—Highest price paid hr other sister, Mr,. Abbie Gates, is still Juneau, Alaska, Methodist church for fresh cows. V R. Sexton, Gresham. here and expects to spend the winter the past three years, was the guest of Ore. (42 I with Mrs. Maybee. Dr. and Mrs. A. Thompson last Friday. Rev. ami Mrs. Atkinson are oil their Mrs. .Stevens and daughter of Browns ­ FOR SALE OR TP.ADE—A Brush way toCatchacan, Alaska, where lie lias automobile runabout, in good condition, ville ,|>ent a few days U>e fir-t of the been apjiointed. with top, etc; price £150, cost fO0; will week with Mrs. W. H. Stewart. demonstrate. E. B. Thomson, Gresh­ The people here are trying to start a am . ,4" movement to divide the school district. Gresham feed Mill. WANTED—Success Magazine wants At present some of the pupil» are com­ Rolling done Tuesday, and Fridays, an energetic and responsible man or pelled to walk a mile and a half each woman in Gresham to collect for renew­ way which is too far for small children commencing Tuesday, Hept. 7, each week New rollers; first-i-lass Work als and solicit new subscriptions during full or spare time. Experience unnec­ to go in the rain. guaranteed D. M. Shattuck, Prop. tf essary. Any one can start among their N. O. Mitchell's family have gone to friends and acquaintances and build up a paying and permanent bu-iness with­ Nevada where he expects to join them For pair or trade, a Brush automobile Mr. Sullivan will occupy the runabout, in good condition, with top, out capital. Complete outfit and in­ soon. structions free. Address "VON,” Suc­ Mitchell bouse. etc. ;price 1350, coet $600; will demon­ cess Magazine, R'sun 103. Success Mag­ Mr». Mason, accompanied by her strate. E. B. Thompson, Gresham. zine building, New York City, N. Y. three children and her uncle, are visit­ BOYS’ GIRLS! COLUMBIA BICY­ ing with her sister. Whirlwind« in Arabia will excavate CLE FREE! Greatest offer out. Get 8. Stover and family are living in their your friends to subscribe for our maga­ pit« in the «and 250 feet deep. new home. zine and we will make you a present of a M0 Columbia bicycle—the beet made. Mrs. McLain came down from Seattle Ask for particulars, free outfit and cir­ to visit her mother, Mrs Ijt.Mear. Patronize home industrien. cular telling how to start. Address "Tbe Bicycle Man,” 29-31 East 22 St,; New York City, N. Y. for Sale. I»t 100x100 with good bouse and barn in Troutdale; good cow,and some chick­ ens, furniture, etc. All for The Gresham Real Estate Co. (42 Many thoughtful people are subscribing for The Herald. $1. W. H. KARR, Read the Want Ads. on page 8. Carpenter and Builder GRESHAM, - OREGON — PHOTOS 1 See Shattack’s ad—Bargains! GRISHAM WOODSAW DOES ALL KINDS OF W00D8AWTNG Fbon« 2M Gresham. Oregon . . ALL KINDS . . EXCELLENT WORK CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. Open every day. EDITOR’S NOTE— I want'every man, woman and child to read this Ad. EDITOR. Percy Smith, proprietor <4 the East­ wood Nurseries, has just issued a new nursery catalog ami price list. Il is a credit to this growing business located in our midst Of course the printinf* was done by the Beaver State Herald At the Methodist church next Sun­ day the pastor will preach at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. At the evening service Rev. M. B. Parounsgum will give the second of a »cries of sermons on Jonah, this lime "Jonah and lhe fish.” Sun­ day school at 10 a. m.; Epworth l eague at ti :30 p. m. Rev. M B. Parounagisn was welcom­ ed to the Gresham church for a second year by a large company <4 mombor, and friends at the church last Friday evening. Short speeches were made, refreshment» served and the pastor and his family were given a hearty welcome Wm D. McMillan, Deputy I’. S. marshal at Junean, Alaska, who recent­ ly captured one of Gresham's young ladies and took her to Alaska, was down with six prisoner, for McNeil's Island prison. He found a day to call on his own people, Mr. and Mrs. D McMillan, his wife's J'S rents. Mr ami Mr». John­ son and other relative» and friend,. An open public meeting will lie held October 9th under direction the W t T. V. Mr», bhepard of Utah will lx- present and address the meeting. W. 8. Ta v lor, who has been on the John Hall place for the past six years, will hold a sale of personal property ou the place next Thmstlay. He has pur- chased the Sunnyside bakery on Bel­ mont street and will go into business there at once. We are «orry to them from our community. The memliers of Gresham Library Association and ail others who take a friendly interest ;n the library are re­ quested to meet in the reading room on Monday evening. Oct. 4, to arrange for holding a Halloween social for the ben­ efit of the library. School Books and Supplies Tablets Pencils Slates Pens Ink Rulers, Etc. One Ruler given away with each purchase. Bulletin No. 2 There is a Reason —why all the old wiseacres around this part of the country do their trading at SHATTUCK’S. Listen ! it’s as plain as a, b, c: I have the Biggest Merchandise business in Multnomah county outside of Portland. I am not a novice at the business, am familiar with the wants ana fancies of the people. Fair Dealing and Accommodating Clerks are nty hobbies which I am riding lor your benefit. Buyirc] Power plus Knowlcdqc of lhe Business equals HAKGAINS and SA I IM Illi (ISIOMIKS Join the Crowd. MORA I BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! My Insurance Offer The best Health Insurance Policy I know of to offer my customers is to guarantee that if you buy your wet weather goods of me, keeping your feet and back dry and warm, that you will be immune from the blasts of winter. Come in and stock up with Wet W'eather Protection Goods Rubber Coats. Boots. Etc Rose City Aquapelle. “Tin Goods" Affording sure protection Which neither wind nur water can fienrtraU' Wool Underwear and Socks Warm ami durable Lewis Shattuck MAIN SIRfH More than Enough is too Much. T<> maintain health, a mature man or woman need* ju«t enough f«»od to repair the waetv and «apply energy and laxly heat. The habitual consumption of Here food than i* nec«“-»nrv lor tbr«e pur|H»M*a ia the prime vaii-e <»i stomach troubleu, rheumatism amt disorder« of the kidney«. It trouble«! with indiges­ tion, revise your diet, 1» t r»n*«»n ami not appetite control ami take a few doe- e* ra to T. H Howitt Solicits your trade. Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats. Top prices for Dressed Hogs, Veal, Etc HOCKINSON & SCHMOKEL Just arrive«! a fine a**<>rtmerit of Linoleum* in H an«! 12 foot width* in butli heavy and light weight«, of print! and inlaid in entirely new pattern* that rloaely imitate« carpet and will make vour kitchen look a« well a« your par- lor. With the long line of matting* and rug* that R. R (’arl«<»n rarriea i« daily bringing trade to Gmham that heretofore ba* Iwen compelled to g<» to Portland, therefore a Having of from ten to thirty per cent to the purchaner. (tf Mow to Cure a Cold. Be as careful a» von can. you will nr- J .-»»tonally take cold, and when you do get a medicine u( known reliability, one ! that has an established reputation and that 1» certain to «-ffect a quick cure. Such a medicine is ('hninls-rlain's t'ougli It has gained a world-wide reputation by its remarkable cure» of this most common ailment and can al­ ways lie depended u|mn. It acts on nature’s plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and j aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. For sale bv Gresh­ am Drug Co. THAT WATCH OF YOURS GRESHAM HOTEL Undvr Nïw .Mana^rinriit Bodrd by the Day or Week Rat«*«, $1 to II .’«i |M*r Day, or I-’» to $6.50 per week. Ims needs just as much ar you have. When you advertise in The Herald You need cleaning and fixing up once in a whild, and so doe» your watch. von reach the buying da.» throughout During every minute of the world’» About once a year the proposition of 24 hour« 3,mK),(MM) matchr« are «truck. cleaning and oiling that watch comes eastern Multnomah county. up. It’s then that you want to think of me. The treatment accorded a watch is juat the same whether it is the l>e»t or the poorest make—that is. the l>e»t attention is given it. FLORA is an ex- pert in handling watches. I ► I ) < ► < > LUMBER All Kind, of Building Material .... Rustic. Flooring, Ceiling ami Finishing.................. j SHOES RUBBERS Men ’s SHOES RUBBERS Women’s SHOES RUBBERS Children ’s My Rabber Goods are írv«h from the factory and not «hop worn. Jn«t received a fine line of Minaeo Low Heeled Hchoo) Hhova. Men'a Hoft and HtifT líate’ Setter have one. Come in and aee the up-to-date llneof clasny Hhlrts, Ti es, Kte. The Price* are Right ALL KILN DRIED H bb E. W. MILLER, LENTS SEE CHAUNCEY AT LENTS STUDIO For Dry Goods, Groceries, and Gresham, Ore. Light Hardware. Main Street, Foster Road and Main St. Wiley-Allen < llfiee MT. SCOTT NHL 110 YAROS AT LENTS JUNCTION DRUG CO. MILLER-MOWERY LUMBER LENTS, - OREGON Company ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Edw. Aylsworth NEW HOWITT BLDG. GRESHAM