MOUNT SCOTT GRESHAM LOCALS SHOES DRY GOODS GROCERIES SELLING BELOW COST will sooner or later doe customer. any store. Pretending tojdo^so cheats the Good. square » slues are titre to 1« recogniied. OCR GOODS ARE RIGHT Ol R PRICES ARE RIGHT W. H. Bachmeyer Stuarts' Old Stand Gresham. Oregon Main St. . — Janies Dick ¡son has just returned | front l.lnn coifnly. He is looking up a | Wm. Gilbert’« «wife and son started "bear hunt" ludav with some Gieehaui for K soms tTlr on Thurwlay evening. fellows. ex|>ecting to ta gone lor some time vis­ Th« Portland office of the Prudential < iting friends and relative«. Insurance Company will hold a picnic i Fishertnan Rodgers «pent Thu red ay in the park al Grveliam on Saturday the afternoon at Fairview, returning with fourteenth three pluinp little taee—not quite ao Word comes from the lawrencea at 1 good as the last reported catch ot seven­ Rose, near Government Camp, that ' ty five. Rut then we counted these. they are having a tin« time ami that , Mrs. A. F. Hendiner is spending two Iced is still plentiful though they ar« liv- | weeks al Columbia Beach. mg high and getting fat. Mr. and Mrs Geisler of Sunnyside Measrs. Fieldhouse and Townsend are I visited with Mr and Mrs Arthur Gela- plastering th« Sandy church this «wk. ler Sunday Lew Shattuck and finilly ar« at Mr. and Mrs Blair oi Rosemere via- Welch«« tor an outing ited Mr. and Mr«. Kennrll, Sunday. l>. M. Roberta has gone to Seaside for Bert Brake ha* begun the erection of a short rest. a new dwelling an S»uth Main «tree!. Rev. Cressy of Fairview will preach in The Mt Scott Tribune ha* changel the Methodist Church next Sunday, hands. The new editor ba* our sym- morning aud evening in exhange with pathie* and beet wishes. Lente ought the pastor a ho will preach al Prvasant to support a giKxi paper liberally and a Home. jimm I paper cannot live without liberal Capt. C 0. Branson preached in the support. Methodist church last Sunday night to Chas. Roeebrook of North Bend, Found, Etc. Suit hss been entered against the a g«x«l sued audience. His Iriemls AU local advertisement» are run under this Wash., is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. A. Pacific Stale« Telephone Co., for dam­ were gl«l to hear him again Captain fa.* 1 at the rale ot OXI I L U A word FIRST Richey for a few days. INSERTION; »u barque nt insertion» will be ages, due to the death of Mr. Saunder» and Mrs. Branson are eugagwi lu a lent made on 15 to A» words fur lore nt»; a> to a» Mark Troge and Chris Hemrich have who was a relative of Clyde Sagers. meeting at l-ents. W . • vr .V.iniv No ad. published tor les» th» returned from Seattle. They visited Mrs. Carrie Powell and «on Frvd are Cash in advance except to regular advertisers. the fair during their stay. sojourning at Newport. ROCKWOOD Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jewel of near Bat­ Miss Elva iKdan spent Thursday with FOR « VI.E—Lincoln Sheep. Poland Mr and Mrs. Moller and eon. China Hogs, breeding stock of all ages. tle ¿Ground, Wash., spent Saturday and and Mrs. Rowley and daughter, an«i her aunt, Mrs. Tarr. Webb Farm, Phone 15S Sunday with relatives at this place, re­ Mrs. Robertson went on the Bai Ivy The First State Bank ia putting on turning to tlieir home Monday. Gatxerl to Cate ad r Lucks Sunday. another story which will be use.I for of­ LUMBER—At our new mill ll4 miles southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. ’ Chas. Ihthlquist and John Forsgren They enjoyed the »cenery very much. fice rooms. This with the addition to Jonsrud Bro«. (- returned from a trip to the mountains H. Taylor’s place of about 3ii acres, the north joining Howitt's will make a where they succeeded in tagging 2 tine is for sale, Mr Taylor having bought tine addition to the town. HORSES! deer each. a farm of 130 acres near Estacada, wlivre See S. 8. Thompson for horses. Phone Mrs. Lesli« aud her daughter. Mrs. We are pleased to report that Mrs. he will move his family in about a Ilevel, go to their cottage al Seaside ou D. W. Potter's health is still improving. month. They have made many friends Saturday. FOR SALE—Span ot Belgian colts Phone2sS;2 mile« east of Gresham, i She was able to be out and take dinner the short tin e they have lived here ail Ed Slerit and wife left thia morning Frank Gustafson. (35 with Mrs. W. N. Moore Sunday. ol whom regret their leaving. (or »>n>« c < m >I spot far from the evil in- FOR SALE—FORTY' ACRES of good I T. E. Taylor and family attended the J. Richmond has rented his store and fluencesot the city. land ; 6 acres being cleared ; spring on good roads picnic given by the grange sold his stock to In» father-in-law, Mr. i Mr. ami Mr«. Will Cathey are rejoic­ land : some cedar ; 21«*' cords of good last Sat., at Tualitan, Wash. Co. Bolin who will take tuaavssion at once. ing over the nine pound hoy who came wood; 2 miles from electric line; new Mr. Cunningham and wife have rent­ George Stiantin caught hia hand in a to them a few days ago al their home in road opening up; easy grade to Port­ land ; Soil fine loam, good drainage, no . ed rooms from Mrs. T. R. Berry, and pulley while helping hi» father to get Seattle. gravel ; slopes to the NE. Fine for fruit ! moved in. in his hay, «tuashing two of his linger« or small ranch. Address Box 43, I-ents , Mrs. Roman has returned from a i|ui(e badly. At tlie Commercial Club mrrling la*I FOR SALE—A splendid ranch of M' trip to the upjier Molalla country where Miss Merriam Brown ia spending a Tue»>intrd a committee to import the maiter to the county court. It is tFouglit n<>wr to I m * i certain that the court u ill order the j rru»h»d rock the full width of the street. The Club desire» to pubdwh a niuall drscriplive circular, getting forth the re- ! »oiircefl and opportune id of Eastern I Multnofiiah county and showing Grefdi- I am's favored location in the center of this rich, favored locality. To get th«* best descriptive article the Club voted to appropriate S*» h * a prize for the best article sent in. The contest ia open to any one. The article to I m * not over I’AJU words, all arlMles to become the property o( the club The mem­ bers of the Committee on Publicity will be judges. The articles to be in the hatals of the Club for their m«n.*ting on Tuesday night, Aug. 24. History being done in this neighborhood this Roy LaMear had the bad luck a few (Continued from Page 1.) summer. days ago, to fall from the scaffolding of A. C. Ball is laid up with the rbeu- a building he was painting. His in- participated in it. The numtar present juriej while not dangerous were painful, < n that occasion was forty-five, and ' matism at present. i Mrs. J. W. Frost is spending a week and he is still too lame to aalk. here we are reminded in imi I iiv »» that J. 8. Eastman has just finished [mint­ two of those present on that day, have or two at Seaside. ing the little cottage into which be late­ answered to the last “roll call" and Clyde Sager of Lents has been award­ have gone to their reward. They are • ed the contract for the building of the ly moved. Mr. and Mrs Benedict returned from Mrs. Frances Roe and Mrs. Nancy Hau­ new school bouse at Rock Creek. sen, who were sisters of F. 8. Aiken. the coast Monday. Bradley Saunders a former resident As an example to the younger genera­ George Hamilton has gone to South­ of this place was killed by coming in tions these reunions will make stronger contact with a live wire in Albina. He ern Oregon to look after some property the family ties and will bind them to­ leaves a young wife, formerly Miss interests. gether with the tender cords ot affect­ Florence Davie. ion, making of us better men and John Miller, the capitalist, dislocated women. We trust that when we are his jaw-lone last week praising Eolger’s call«! to answer the last "roll call" ami Golden (»ate Coffee. pass beyond this "vale of tears,” that it may be said ot each ami every one of AT LENTS ns that the influence of our kind words For Dry Goods, Groceries, and and good deeds will live forever. And Light Hardware. thus we most sincerly believe that Foster Road and Main St. never ia the inlluenee of a kind ai t or Under New Mana^ment lost. ____ As __ a ,_ pebble into I word _________ t__ drop|«-d ., ___ the great ocean in eaid to displace every ■ | drop of water therein, and eventually Board by the Day or Week I to change the relations 6f each and | »*very other drop Ho all kind acts and Ratee, Î1 to »1.30 per Day, or »5 to »5.50 per week. words, change for good the infinite re- ... • . • latiorifl existing in -* the lives of men and Of all kindfl in Stock women through all time to come. W. F. GLM.Propr We hop»? that in the future these re­ union* can be held more often and that Prescriptions carefully fill­ GRESHAM, • OREGON I other members of the family who were SEE CHAUNCEY GRESHAM HOTEL DRUGS ™ MEDICINE ed by expert Pharmacist. Notice for Publication. Dif ArrwaxT or th « Ir-eaioa. U. 8. I-and Office at Portland, Oregon, August 7, 1909. Notice is hereby given that Joseph Schmid, 8r., heir ol Rudolph Schmid, Deceased, who, on September 3, 1907, made Homestead Entry No 16324, Ser­ ial No. 01402, for SEt, of NWl^j, Section 13, Township 2 North, Rang.- 7 East Willamette Meridian, ha« filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to eatabliab claim to the land above deacrilied, before Register and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon, on the 22nd day of September, 1909. Claimant name« a« witnesses: Vai W. Tomkina, Charles Olin, Joaepb Schmid, Jr., Erick Grandstrom and John Buss all of Cascade Locks, Oregon. Algernon 8. Dresser, Register. 3.1 fit FOR Peach Plums and Italian Prunes Delivered at FAIRVIEW, Ore- gon. Boxes will he Furnished. JOHN C. HESSEL, AGENT Real [state • Insurance Quality Bugles, Old ttkhüfy WdQOfls. Use, SpHœ an J Spring Tooth Hdrrims. All kinds of ( ultMors. Potuto Planter s. List or KINDS Full Line School Books. Phone. Hesse I Septic Tanks Built Also Cement Walk», Etc. ! J Victor Halter. Gresham, Oregon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••a not present this time, will find it con­ venient to join them. Plraaant Valley Aug H, PME» i LUMBER! s Those senator« ami mmgrrwwmrn bolding down the grunge« «leinamfa for |»arcvl« | m » m L poMful saving« banks and the grunge gd L him l»«'d abort'd only I m * Company * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VV. H. KARR. Carpenter and Builder GRESHAM. OREGON THIS MAN’S STORE IS CROWDED BECAUSE WE DO HIS PRINTING CAN CROWD YOUR. STORE IN THE SAME WAY Catalogues. Handbills, Folders and Commercial Forms Our Specialty Call at Chis Office For Jobtuor^ Thp Hprsi h! hns thc hcst equipment out- ' f, , # ICrUlU side the hig City for all kinds of Hook and Job Printing. Write or phone your orders. GRESHAN, OREGON ACCOMPANits fach pair DTTHUl 5HIASS TWO NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS to The Herald at $1.50 each. DRUG CO. LENTS, - OREGON .trjaaaaaMeawsBmnwMatw i Ken«! in yon own, if a new sub­ scription, an//>r r/r* • smowinq e : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ DRIED of these, worth a dollar, to each person who sends us MT. SCOTT ♦ All Kind. of Budd Iflg Mali-rial Rustic tl.-orlng. Ceiling and Finishing ..... S«« E. W MULLI;, LENTS Wil. v-Alien < Hlh-e mill no uros h tuns juicimi A Fine New Pair LatestIMagazines and read­ ing matter. .... Gresham, Oregon, Opp. Postoffke. SCISSORS! SCISSORS ! Stationery of all Sorts. OF Correspondent <>t () w p I a n>l »»ffit-e linigmibitt Bureau K n - lttsur»n<'e <‘«v „( N, w York fl»l«-» Agrtii of the > » res «Ule» Agent lor Parlin A Ore nd or fl, l*urtUn