General Merchandise New Location — Fresh Stock Daily —■ Beat Brands BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN Cheapest Cash liargaiiis in the County. about our Prize Offering. Ask fnr Oregon I Ire k'vllcl A ikk I i II oii , John Brown, A prufUllH'Ilt CIlh’HgO MrtlklHM It Ute lw»l |>I|V«H*IUII |M>4«lbl** J« Fvaryofw wh'wa vmmtion •liotiM tak«’ • - »»Mrciw. walk mir* a Jar. • ••••••••••••••••• Z 1. HENSLEY «< • Gasoline Wood - Saw Z 50c a Cord Z Troutdale, - Oregon • PbuM» »armer« 33a> « «eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeseeeeseeeeeeeeee : Farm Lands Wanted • • • • • • • • • J 1 ■■■ " """ Wr uant ) ir tor III if!- • • “ii’ *m |.i.rtitl or iiikiiiipruv* I < i nt »11 XX’. a.h.rti Orvtf.n I »rtii I*' r <*«i**i (I m * I !»•< ■ .. II ■ . I I «■■■■ Gft* <»r Write Oregon Homes Co. « • DIRECTORY ORANGE »«>• •**!«•«(try Rockwood , II— Fi.tAiuxT vtri.rv < ir « ngk m « m » I M<*> », «'"ii'i a«tur«la) at 7 «*> p m . ab«l foweHt Matfit«!«*/ at 1*» «» **•»> MMaOlb J K ih hÜiMiln.MAXl.l MrtM lb« lirai -*i I »»• » al 7 » p »»» FAtRVIKM UKAÜMIR Mr«u «rat Mtdrw« I »la» at lu au a tu ; third Tesala y averti na al i h u'ekn k. «•• U M»ohth. Kl MM Ml LVILlJt UMAMUK. NO X* Maat« Lu ' Kuawlbtll«' aMbttolhuNar* «»n th*’ s«r«»n4 and t b>urllt Hal unlay ui«bl« It» eaeb «aunth KVKbifcU tfîAK UNA Nut - Maate In Ih* lr hall at N«utl* N«»«t|»t TalaK “U th« ftrsl » «r «Mu-h month at tua m All »bltun are i •« I» “uir. i UKKNHAM GKANl.r Ma«>la araund Matur •lay Hi < •* h mouth al 10 •» a. iu. I HAM OltANUK. NO Maate Br»l ' M«iurda» aavh mont h j l.hMM OKANol M* <*t» mm ut»*l Matur<1a> <4 • «e* h mudili «t io 'Jü a. in 1 <*M<‘K AM Au OK AS«*t WO W Mr««(a the ■ Hral Maltinta) in lb«« month al lo.aua m and Ihr third Malurday at « Au p. m < old MHIA ollA*»«lF. N<» Ä7 Meet» In al! ■ «lay »«'»ooh first Thuis*1ay lu each m*«i»ih In I »'•*♦•* hail »»••« r <'otbett. FAIRVIEW TROUTDALE Fairview, Or., Aug. 4—IL 5. Maar y and wih? me rnt**rtauiif>g Hi« follow mg gitette: Mr«, II. II. Jone« of (’alwrU, Bia., C. F Burger and wifa, .Mina Pmrl \la«ry «nd .Mia« Hava, of r'oiAtb^ra JB., II, JoiK-Mof i aiwull, Sire Nr lite XX'tl- liuma. W. ft. Maary «*«•> vi l alwvll Troulalifa, Or., Aug. 4 -H Logan and family entertein«*«! IL Bauinarm arvl family, C. tMpfafe, wife and «faugh- u*r and Mi«« Edith Bucker, all of Port­ land «w> Munday. a OfffRS CONVfNITNCfS < or»«It»c!<>r < 'onipton h»« rHurnrd to i L im dull*-« after a wwvfr’a Vfe-ation. Mr» F. h. Axtell hat up the <». K. Claj p haK tak«-n for a bridr tivrr for a faw «levs vfall at The (Tiff». Mi»« ElUilieth Bateman • / I'orlland, II< mm I Hivur and nthrr plact*«. tl»w mwriagw bwng aoteiwnuMti at ib«* Th** rmipie art* Mtaa I Mlluh ltobbim* •• id in a Fori« l»ri«te*a lum»»*, Juiv 2K land bo* pi la I, having uudtrgotM* ah <»p- raiding in H. bnttnn'a rottag«». eration Wednesday. (I tar I«*« Ila* key >« «|<-mijng a frw Mr*, J. W f^ht-ckv if efilrrtalnliig | amaarua 11. S. Ktorr ia having htaold rraidtmc«« moved on to Ida lute oil liar ria «truel ami wiU make two b«»uiM,a of it. THE BANK OF TROUTDALE Mr« N. B. Slum- haa gone to MrXIinn* vilte fo vfaii relative«. COR its Patrons equal to any City Bank. ’ Deposits received, Check accounts solic­ ited; Exchanges, Drafts, Letters ol Credit, Loans, Advice Offered. Pour per cent on Time Deposits. - . . THE BANK OF TROUTDALE Mi«a fk»ro- E. E. iteahu haa rr-abingted Ina rrai- iighly have relurnwl tn their home in HoralM*M, Wt«., after several days visit dviice. Mra. F. H Brigham and Mra. Olinm t with tbs furmer'a brother, J. IL Hud- I SOO. of Putilaiid tpeiil bumUy will» their Xlra. J. Alfred Iuaraon and M mm Alice •later, .Mr«. F. h. Aatell. | t’ourter left on Saturday for Seattle and Mtaa i'arlridgt* who itaa lamn vurilmg I Alaaka to visit. at Ilia home of A. L. Htrmu tor th« ¡ mm I Mr». Alice Rryatolda ami daughter, thmw w»««*lt«, will leave abortly (or Seat­ tle to vieit Ix foru returning to ber borne | Alice, »pent Sunday will) the former'« in Chicago. M um sXaBte limfaon and FREE! Aretino Talking Machine FREE with $40.00 in cash trade. »iater, Mr«. F. Bannerman. The Fairview Io ige A. F. A A M. en- It. Ha under« and faintly are camping t trrtamed ll»e XX'awbingtou Chapter of on tin Stone farm. j i'urttand lent Saturday. (Gratitfr-s «fc rd t«» avvd i«,t Thr Herald Mm. C. Sh«*pard ia «till quite ill at ■ Inlutnatlou M» that a brief va »»I ©•« I m « run i Chaa. Cramhail ami wife and Mm. her huii.e ht re. • nid* r Ibi« hra«llU4 In « hrud pia««, da) and : hoUF <»t tllWilllg I Mr«. J O. Davie and Mra. L Korn* E*i XVuodard buve returned from !>cat- ' tie. iiivia are sj««'nd mg a few day» al bca- Charier Rowley La» gone on a burn* aide. ; neaa trip to Spokane. Mr an«i Mra. XV. A. Town«» ml left on J. Moore war out from Furtiaud >• u Thursday for Salt Luke City to vied •lay. lira. TuwiiMvnd'a eielrr. Xfm I). B. (irifllTh.w and Mrw. F. A. L. II. hilhaan haa returned to Inn llarlua. Mfarer Mrthel and Blanch Brink home in Portland »nd W. Elhoou im« . were Portland viaitura thia week. Mra. Motire, wim ha. been suffering again assumed cliarge of the -le|«lt. froiu a uervuu. lever lur liie pawl monlli. Alfred Hamilton ir l>r«-aking a Lorre Mir« Gladv» Holgate liaa gone to la improving. : Lur Mim Caroline Honaner. The home A lee a Hay to spend a mouth with her 1 ia htmel «iter F. T MerriBfa race home, Mra. C. It Ku hnomil an a Placoverer of kissing Miss Ethel Smith was at Warrendale Had had It copyrighted"* br< tlu-r of Mr. Fairbankoj who ia the on Friday. — Philadelphia Preoa. manufacturer ot the washing compound Victor Nalley of Hood River came Fred ami Will t'iiealcr, Clarenco Pat- teraon and Frank Reyburn are »pending a few day« at Gordon creek on an out­ X Ik-antlful Shetluml Poiiir., handeome ing. <*ertw. militi (ioltl Welche., Ihamoixl l.uuia Pattereui will leadi near Shan­ Itingeanil oilier valuable prendila given ; iko. «way Io Boys dnd Girls who win In our Pon) and (drI Contesi. Open to all lloya and Girla. Coat« nothing to enter. Get enrolled at once. Hnndreda of dollara worth of prim*« and cadi l>e»idea. EVRRV CONTESTANT IS PAID CASH whether ho win« a grand priae or not. DR. WII.IJAM KRASS1G i >i x rurr <103 .Medical BMg., • PORTI.ANP Saturday« and Sunday» BRICK HttTEI., - Which f i last week to fish for F. W. Ree»i. Would von prefer being npokeu of Mrs. Evane of Montavilla has been as a man of high repute, but — visiting her daughter, Mis. W. Hughes, Or aa a trifling vagabond, but— this week. — Kansas City Tiiuea. Mrs. Flenery and daughter are at Poetry and Fact. Seattle attending the Fair. Mary had a little lamb. So fast ttie creature grew That by the time that autumn camo *Twaa nerved aa niutton stew —Philadelphia Press. CHOPPING AND ROLLING Grist Taken at any Time—Quick Delivery. WE CARRY A FULL UNE OF MILL FEED Market Price Paid for Grain SUN-DIAL FEED MILL OREGON FAIRVIEW, UTOUttll GATES CROSSING. A. Paulson has sold his place to Mrs. H. A. French and wife entertained Lucy Martine of Portland. their son and bis family Sunday. Mr Stanley of Portland spent Sunday W. D. Lawson, who has been spend- with W. Sharp. I ing some time io California, visited his O. Boden took a trip to Povreii Valley parents thia week. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benedict have There have been a lot of berry picker« gone to Seaside for a few days outing. in this part of the country. Rev. Moore will hold service here on P. Pearson has been busy patting in Saturday evening. At the "lose of the hay for Mr. Floes. preaching service a young people’s so­ L. Lund and his family of Portland ciety will probably be organised. are visiting Martin Lund. C. Gould is helping W. Sharp hie hay. Mra. Inman of Portland will speak at with the church Sunday evening. Mr. Ritsenger was ill Sunday. A. Carr was very busy picking black­ Peter Roth and family moved back to berries last week. their property here after an absence of several months spent on a dairy farm ' down in California. Read the “Want Ads.” You Wants Supplied on page 8. Invest in Gresham real estate. Seeking His Lsvsl. "The mail who uuirriel the widow Fussleigh nas a hero." “Now he’s a xero."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. TBOl’TPALF. Write ua today for full particular« be- 1 fore it i« too late. Hongkong. The lalnnd of Hongkong helong» to Great llrltaln “outrlght.” havlng be-n Hoden, Mam. Mei ured to her In 1842 by the treaty of Nanking. Tlierc wna alao ecled to Grent llrltaln lu 18Ü1 an nrea on tho tniilnlnnd of aouie two and two-thlrila »quare mllca, whh h hna »Ince forined adinlnlatratlvely part of tli» dependeu- ry of Hongkong. How It Sounds. What band could ntcrlt highest pralos Without the good old drum? HUMAN lift PIBIISHING GO. h’s \thlliflr \> . We Want Your Jobwork • You will want u« to have it when you see our sample» and hear :: :: OUR PRICES :: :: Call at thie office token in need of anythin# in the line of PRINTING BEAVER STAIE HERALD A Long S«nt«nca. In the ”lmprcaalona do Voyage." by Puma», there 1« a aontence deaerlbtng Benvenuto Cellini which till« three pagca. or 108 line» averaging forty five letter» apiece. L«t In th« Light. Light, air and »untight are Impor­ tant factor» In keeping the family and the houae In a healthy condition. Nothing could lie worse than the habit mime people have of keeping the houae In dnrknesa front early morning until night. The houae ahould be flooded with light and air for aevernl hour« eaeli day. Among the latest horticultural fimd- ucta exhibited In England 1.« a rose ao dark aa to t* alnt<«t black. Many rar doners an- eagerly trying to get a blue roae. Rucccaa in thia line nieana a for tun«. HOW ABOUT THAT BUGGY? Golden Gate Coffee Always uniform—our best product—sold in 1 lb., 2 lb., 24 lb. and 5 lb. cans. Your grocer will grind It— better if ground at hum»—not. too fine. IF YOU HAVEN’T BOUGHT COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF EXTREMELY HIGH-GRADE Buggies, Runabouts, Surries, Stanhopes, Etc., Etc. We are now in a position to quote exceedingly LOW PRICES Come in today. Our Stock is large, our salesmen are courteous and will be pleased to show you anything you may be interested in. E. SECOND TWO STORES AND 1st & & E. MORRISON TAYLOR STS PORTLAND. OREGON