Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 02, 1909, Image 6

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    Want Column
The (inesham \Jewekr
Wanted, For Sale. Lost,
Found. Etc.
All local advvrtiM'wtcn*» ar* run nivtvr thl»
b<a l .1 .h, rare .-I OXS < «XT I WO«l> fliisr
sutMH-MUvni Inwrtton» »ill U-
ma>lc im 15 to A1 sent» for IS ceil»» 5' to ai
• onb tor 15 «vat». A» u> *•» aonb lor 5‘ cviil*
a*l pitMiahe*! for 1**» than 15 coni.
< a'h in advanrv
to regular a-tvvrlou r.
FOR SALE—Lincoln Sheep. Poland
Chin* Hogs. breeding stock of all ages.
Webb Farm, Phone 15H
28x49 Gaar-Scott Separator. Cyclone
Stacker, in good condition. Also a 13-
11 P. Nichols A Shepard Engine and
350 gap Water Tank. Seel' II Bates.
Boring. Route 1. phone 483.
Cameras, Plates. films. Dev'lopers
and IX »>T CARI».
(it) Prices or Better—Ln Is
Main Street, GRESHAM.
I have a few Head of Horses from 3
to S years old ; Heavv Span of Mules <1
years old. S. 8. Thompson, Phone Sx.
For Horses and Cows. Apply Howitt
& Co., Gresham, Oregon.
Gramlma Estes left Tuesday evening
k T leplan T'
Hate thousands for sale at fl per liW. for Watsonville, Calif., to visit her two
11. E. Bramhall, 1 mi. south Troutdale, sons. Mrs. Estes has spent the past
Route 1.
yearwith her daughter, Mrs.T. R. lWrrv.
FOR SALE OR RENT—Store build­
Edgar Richey of Ariel*. sp»nt Satur­
ing. 3Sx4s, with counter and shelves;
public hall on second floor : good busi­ day aud Sunday with relatives here
ness location. Mrs. E. M. IMuglass,
Nick Steiner is spending the week at
Gresham, Oregon.
home with his family.
A. W. Roberten is doing the finishing
house and lot 65x100; beet part of Port­
land. For acreage or farm property work on Mrs. I'arker's bouse, preparing
near Gresham, address 1.. B., 12-»l the way for the painters.
East Main, Portland.
The Push Club will hold a meeting
FOR SALE—Kt a bargain, me bay next Wednesday night at S o’clock. As
horse t> years old, weight 140»'. Chas. there are several matters of importance
Cleveland, tiresham
to be considered, 1’res Sager desires a
LOST—<>ne Portrait Lens; Voight- full attendance. Come out »nd lie one
ltn ier, SxlO; in leather case about ten of the bunch that “does things,'
inches long, with nickel padlock. Re­
Otis Johnson, who underwent
ward. F. O. Wyman, Cherryville. <27
eration for appendicitis recently, is
ported out of danger.
I will on the 7th of July at 10 o’clock,
Geo. Puttkramer ia building a neat
at the Geo. Pullen place, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, one black and six-room bungalow on his place one ami
white Holstein heifer to satisfy adver­ a half miles south of the station.
tising and keeping same.
Mrs. C. F. Kesterson went to Portland
R. L. Robertson.
Thursday morning.
LOST—Winding purse in the 8.
Fred Mathias and father are busy
Bank’s Saving Book, Portland. Two
insignias, one black and other red. Was now preparing to build and have cleared
lost between Twelve-Mile House and a space on w hich to put a barn. These
Riverside. Leave at Herald office. Re­ gentlemen are going to have one of the
ward. K. Kido.
most sightly home-sites in the commun­
FOR SALE—Farrand A Votev Organ, ity, as it is practically on a bill aud com'
good as new. C. Wedeler, Gresham, mands a view in every direction, to
Route 5.
- 8
west as far as Council Crest and to
FOR B 11 E—Poland China Hogs.
east to Mount Hood.
Inquire B. F. Talbot. Phone 298.
Will Richey was in Portland on
FOR SALE—One good Jersev row ; day transacting business.
fresh in August. Inquire at Wiley’s
Henry Troge and wife have
store, Lents, for Mrs. Pardue
from the Seattle Fair and
FOR SALE—F ii RTY ACRE' ■ g..«i eant trip and one well worth
land ; 6 acres being cleared ; spring on
Supervisor Kinney has a
land; some cellar; 2000 cords of good
wood; 2 miles from electric line; new at work on the new road
road opening up; easy grade to Port­ Wilson station.
land; Soil fine loam, good drainage, no
Will Com tie is
gravel; slopes to the NE. Fine for fruit
or small ranch. Address Box 45, I-ents from Tennessee. The
FOR SALE—A splendid ranch of hO unable to learn.
acres; 3 miles east of Gresham ; 30 acres
Pleasant Valley
cleared: good fruit; springs; house and isfaction that the
barn adapted to dairying. For informa­ been let for the new
tion see J. Gust, on the premises, Route
2, Gresham.
(35 bridge and that it was
ten month*. This will
appreciated by everyone. I
♦JO Cords nf 4-foot wood to l»e deliver* little imagination to look into the
ed at the schoolhouse in Gresham on or a few vears and see what c
before September first. l‘.>»9. Bid» for be wrought in Pleasant Valley i
the rame will be received by the District course of that periwl. In the wake of
Clerk up to 12 o'clock, noon, on the 17 better transportation facilities always
of July, 1909; bidder to specify in hi»
bid the quality of wood he is able to follows an influx of homebuilders ami
fumi-h. Dated at «»reaharn. this the then still better service and so on in
22nd day of June, 1909.
ever increasing proportion. Gf course,
1». 8.
District Clerk. a locality has to have the attractions to
induce people to fixate. Pleasant Val­
Bids Wanted.
ley has more unoccupie«! ami yet at the
Bids will be received up to July 17. same time desirable building sites than
1909, by District No. a iTerry) for 9 the average old-timers think. It has
cords of wood to be delivered ar school­ generally lieen the custom to build on a
house. Bidder to specify quality. By
order of the board. E. E. W ellixo , location easiest of access from the main
(2b road ami with the least gra«le
In the
future however the locations most in
demand will lie found to be the beauti­
Sealed bids will be received for the re­ ful bills which serve as a shelter to the
modeling, painting and shingling of valley. Then the hillside* will be dot­
schoolhouse No. 39. All bids to be re- ted with pretty suburban homes where
ceive«l within ten days from the pule the home-loving man can enjoy the in­
lisbing of this notice. The board of di- 1 vigorating, pure air of the country.
rectors reserve the right to reject any The average patron of the O. W. P. does
or all bids
Plans and specifications to not think that the time from Water st.
to Sycamore is now thirty-five niinite*
be seen at the office of clerk.
on some cars, but it is so anl will no
A. 8. K ixcaid , Clerk.
doubt lie lessened in the future with the
This the 2nd day of July, 1909.
increase in service which must inevit­
ably come.
Mrs. G. N. Sager ha* been quite sick
this week.
The sharpening and oiling of mowing
machines reminds one that haying is
again the chief business and next week
<>r the pretence of any skin
many acres will get their annual trim­
eniption is unsightly always.
ming. Owing to the dry weather of the
But that is not the worst The
past month the crop will be lighter than
worst is that the bloo«i is out «if
last year. Potatoes sre in fairly good
order an<l if proper precaution is
shape but a good soaking rain wouldn't
not taken something serious ruav
hurt them as much as it woukl the hay
at present. The fruit crop is in general
light here as in other Irrealities owing to
the fr«»sts last winter, but the trees will
be in better shape for producing next
rids the blood of impurities. No
year as horticulturalists claim that fruit
reme«ly will do it quicker than
trees need intense cold to kill certain
this one, few will do it as well.
parasites. Better prices are lookeil for
Price $1.00
this year, however, so the automobile
an«l piano salesmen need not worry.
Mrs. Ross Heine? is reporter] quite
Friends of Miss tieise, of Cedarville,
will regret to learn that she is ill
A. D. S.
Blood Mixture
Il will cost you nothing to have yonr
articles sol«l on Market Hay at Gresham
July 7.
W II. Congdon »• putting * naw ad­
dition to hi* I'arn to awomiiHMlato th«*
big hav crop.
Arrange menu» arc l»vitig completed to
make a fine cherry fvativaL Ina coun­
try like thin where cherrim ol all »«»rt»
and where »licit perfect »pevimena may
bv produced, there should be no trouble
to get up a tine display. Keep the dale
in mind, July 17, ami bring a bushel of
your beat cherriea.
The elocution class will mett at 4 p
tn. Tuesday, July 6th, iii the class room
of (he M F. church. I ad ten physical
culture via#» at 7 :3l) in the evening.
David Allen and wde of Guelph. Can*
ada. are »pending (be wevk with the
faintly of Dr. Short. Mr. Allen is a
representative of the Bell Piano Co., one
of the oldest firms in Canada.
Dr. Short's family have returned from
eastern Oregon. It is needles» to say
the doctor »teq»» lighter than has been
his custom for several week a.
Mrs. C. Harvey has Knight a place at
Lent» where she will move »»»on. She
will spend a few ucvk» with her sister,
Mrs. O. I. Neal.
Mrs. J. 1.. Harmon has been putting
new »tding on her cottage which greatly
improves its appearance.
Chas. Cleveland of Cedar Grove Farm
is having some alterations made to Ins
Mrs. Harry Thomas
h her i»ar-
on Wvdneday fur a visit
tuts, Mr. and Mrs. Asci
Il 1» worthy ui note t
young ladies are in »
Gresham will Celebrate
in good patriotic style. Everyone will lx* assured ol a gtxxl time if they celebrate in Gresham.
NOW you are iroinir to neeti some goods for the occasion and why not come to (¡resharn to get
them. W'e will sell them to you and can give you the assortment that you will want. The
Women and ( hildren will want new White Dreaaes and new Shoes, new Stockings, Shirtwaists,
new Hats, some nice new Embroidery Collars; some of those new Neck-ties for the Uulies, the
swellest things of the season.
W I' Imw the l»mt line <»f H \TS
th«! ever came to a txxmlry t*»wn.
All »ha|H'w ami »tylvit and color»
and wr want every man anti boy
to wear* one to celebrate the
Fourth with. An elegant line of
Men’s Gulf anti Negligee Shirt»,
»ouiething new ami up-to-date.
Men'» Neckwear in an endive»
pftifueion of ct»lore ami »tylv».
Men'» Cellars tn all styles
brat line of Lndvrwvar in the
country ami (hr price is right.
Now Ytni Will VII Want
You will want some of those
J iim I llerrlvrd 2ft < am » of
White Gloves to go with that
White Dress.
We have them.
While *p arc titling vnu III» with
HH Kl H OF JI I Y t.ooDs, We
Let us fix you up in this
arc not h*ing »tght uf the matir
line. Do not buy Stoves
from pedlers who charge
you two prices, and whom
That g<» along with any g»»u<| and
well r< gulalt tl ature
you will never see again
all Irridi and new ami price» ma
alter they get your money.
luw uh (hr lowviH.
They pay no taxes, take
your money out of the
neighborhood and build up
All width» ami Htylr« A carload
l<» wrht t from, largo «Un k al-
nothing. The schools and
way» mi hand.
churches would be in bad
you depended on
to keep them up.
forget the fact that
work hard for money
are willing to spend it
he neighborhood where
live. Does your pedler
if you cannot get what you want at your home town,
never buy from a pedler, who is a drone on
h and Lewis Shattuck
at Gresham !
Main Street
Gresham, Oregon
A lawn social will be gi
li-.ii.. -of R R. Carlson on Eri<l*. _11L_
ing, July 9th, for the benefit ol the
Methodist Church.
To the Citizen» of Grewham an<l the
Public in general:
In a« much a» the 4th of July coniin
on Suti'lav ami our citizen» have decid­
ed to celebrate on »Saturday the 3rd, 1
hereby declare the right to »hoot fire­
work» from Friday »tin down until Mon­
day midnight.
F. B. S tuart ,
Bowel Complaint in Children.
When six months obi the little daugh­
ter of E. N. Bewev, a well known mer­
chant of Agnewville, Va., had an attact
of cholera infantum. Charulerlain'*
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was given ami effected a complete cure.
This remedy has proven very successful
in cases ol bowel complaint in children
and when given according to the plain
printed directions can lie relied upon
with js-rfeet confiilence. When reduc­
ed with waler and sweetened it is
pleasant to taae, which is of great im-
portance when medicine must I m - given
to young children. For rale by tiresham
Drug Co.
Don't forget the konrth of July cele­
bration to lie hel<i at Gresham on the
GOOD JULY 7, 1909
Roberts’ Confectionery
If You Haven’t Renewed, DO IT NOW!
All kinds of Cool Drinks
Candy, Cigars and Fruit*
Bread an«l Cakes
Powell Street.
Gresham. Ore.