LATEST NEWS OF SANDY AND VICINITY DOVER WELCHES Ths annual acliool meeting was held at Dover .lune -'I Alex Heers and Mr. Woodie were elm led directors and Frank Ahnerl a. clerk James Gill nt Portland returned to Rhododendron Tavern Saturday and he ■■«IH'i'ts to sp ud the summer season u|> here. Ilin liealtli is wo tine while out here that lie does not cure to s|wnd bls vacation elsewhere. Wcdnesdav night, June (Ml, Dr II. F. Rowland will hold quarterly meeting «1 Mr». Fredrick Kllpple is managing I ’ the hotel al Welches tins summer. Dover .Methodist church. Mi.* Ruth Murphy has returned to George Kitzmiller lias gone to Fir her home in Welches after a »lx months Grove for n lew dnys. stay al the HI. Paul Academy at Hl. We are all glad to see Mr ami Mrs. J. W. Exon an I Mr. Paul, Oregon ami Mrs. Kitzmiller attended the I( om Ruth bat k again a» her .Hilling face makes all the boys and girls brighten Festival. up. I was levied to finish ;«ying the debt on Ilia new aehoolliouae. Heveral auto parties came through Cottrell on their way to the picnic on the Bull Run reserve last Hunday. Mr. Hart conti nue» to firing out auto parties to sec the splendid oiqw.rtunities offered In land throughout the country. Ray Oleson is Itack after completing a year at the University ol Oregon. Hannah and Newton If.«lin were Hun­ dav visitor» at their home. Stomach Troubles. Many remarkable cures for stomach troubles have been effected by Cham- le-rlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, One man who had »|>ent over FJfrtl for iSi-dn ine and treatment wan curisi by a lew boxes of these tablets. Price H Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Eilers and her Vernon Maulding returned to Boring cents. Hampies free at Gresham Drug •laughter, llssel, anal Mr. sml Mr» Monday alter » lew days visit with hi" Co. Perry K Itsimllor trom Portland visited friends ami relatives In Weh hes. Billie Winter and Major Gans of ORIENT. Mr and Mr.. Guy Woodie over Hunday. Portland Were guest» al ¡.a Casa Monte Mr and Mrs. J. H. I.. Maybee visited : J W. Exon waa In Sandy last Tues­ lor a few days. relatives at Cottrell and Orient last Sat­ day. L. G. Holden of Rhododendron Tavern . urday and Hunday. J. W. Exon is the owner of two lilir lin. gone to Portland for a few day's Miss Hazel Harris is home once more. colts. visit. C. 11. Jackson visited with his wife C. W. Kern snd wife were guests at Hunday from Marmot. Welches hotel last week. Meadamea Cline and C. H lacksou (Ilf RRYVIUL Eleven automobiles slopped st Rho- ; visited relatives in Portland this week. Mr» Florence Whitmer . day. week. 11« is suffering from rheuma­ Henry Winter ami his soil of Heattie tism. Hugh ami other friend* o( Cherryville, Mrs. Will Harris went to Portland Mr ami Mr». It V. I«ap|> left tor their are campers on W. J. Fan bion's place. Miss Una Vane ol luvurel Ixidge lias thia week and viwit»-«! relatives. nrw home a«'roM the mountain» over iust returned from a lew day* visit in the Harlow route. ‘ortlaml. Party for Grade Lndernood. Mr Wtn. O. Krnvaw i» hauling a Frisby Maulding went to Texas Mon­ load of household gotatoeti re­ of Mian Oracle's playmates and friends worsted. As both teams claim th» win­ iting with Mr. and Mi». J. II. L. May* j cently to a Fnecu firm. were present. ner of the game it is left for President Lee. The Olton Lumber C'ompany are l>unl«r to make the decision. through lokftfin^ and milling on their Batteries—Union Meat Company: prettent mill »ight. I Olney and Ht. John; Russellville: Wil- MISO Paul Ihinn I* «loing anme g«M*l work ' son and Jones. (Continued from Page 1 ) Hrv. Al'lwd preached at Ktda«> la»t in tlie way of putting up wire fence. The annual tchoul meeting waa held Kunday riming. Ilf alm»