nearly 3,5tM),fa)O cypress ties, and in mu ml numbora, 3-iuillion each «»( Weal« ern pine and hemlock. Redwood, white pine, lodgepole pine, gum, heech.apruco and several other wouda were use« I in smaller quantities. While the oaks, ami particularly the Pktsklaaa-SaigMaa white oaka, have always I wen tho pro« (erred woods (or enm ties and still form Oraaham, • Orafoa a large proportion ot the total, tho in­ creasing price« which the n»a«fa have w. J. UTT H II. or* hail to pa) (or satisfactory oak ties are forcing them to look more ami more tor substitutes Thia aiwuiiti in part (or • DENTISTS the great variety of woods reported. Gfvahani. ... Oregon White oak, untreated, makes a tie which gives excellent service (or many years, L. I). MAHONE hut it has Ivern found possible to take kTTOBMKl \r i \w wood» which naturally are not durable, give them a treatment with either creo­ Heal Estate. Probate ami Uorporalon sote or line chloride, which will prevent Prompt Attention to All Ituaineae decay, and thus ¿el much longer service «14 Couch Bldg Phons. Main IUI<» (roin them than can be secured from un­ |*t»MTI.A.ND. OREGON treated »«ak ties. MONIAVIllA PROEESSIONAL CARDS. J. M. SHORT, M.l), S. P. BUTNER, M. I). «•ccecdiag Grwham Vindicator, Grechana Gaaottr, Ka»t Multnomah Kecor»i Multnomah Record and Montavilla Herald. rubliahed Every Friday at Greoham. Ore., by the B rvvhk S tati I'vauaniNU Co H. À. DAKNALI., E ditoh asi» M amau **. Ku te red as »ccon«t via»» matter at the pawtoÄce at liras kam. Oregon WBSCftrmgB Ulll Per Year 01 V) strictly tn a«han.«r. tn foreign countries 82 ON. Hti Mouths Me Three months trial «uberrtpllons MV single «x»pi«*» V Ask for clubbing rales •t»nwcn -5uuld ba sent by Kxpre»» or Po»loftcr Money tinier. Registered fatter or Check Stamps »d. yon are respectfully reqv '»ted to semi us as many local item» a* you can MVfRT’SiM UTf$ l.FGAl. IDVFRTISIN«. «el tn 1«» le.l «it inunt UV per line first hwrtlon he per line each su battue nt insertion DISI’l v\ \D\ ) Kn*!'»-- No p«witton guaranteed 25c per single column inch each I muv . Idberal discount allowed (or either time or s|tace a»lvvr tiacmeat». but not both Eor position (any site) 5c per inch additional RFlDFRS. UV per line first insertion. V per line each subMc (Want Column only) le a word each i»*uc count.: < two figures an initial or an abbr» viation as »uir word No local a>'Viuvd tor les* than I' cents. PKOFKSSl«»N Al. CARl'.* tom- meh) . * . ach -.«»ue C'AltlkS OF YH ANKS mot sieved ang two inches), O cents LETTERS OF fONlMIFXi F (not exceeding four Im he») Il OBITUARIES tor actual suhwriUrs or meuilwrs ot their tamillvs. up to UM word» tree all over IQD wonts. Ic a went (invariably in advance) Count the word» amt remit avtx*rdmgly All Lodge. Grange. School. Church, or other notices er advertisements of social», parties dances, concerts, theatricals, vie . given for a prodt, charged for at regular rates lu order to insure change of a>l advertisers mu»t have copy tn this olllce not later than Tuesday preceding day of publication KM Hirings is our »(•ectalty. "e are well equipped to do the best work at current price* Especially farmers and bu»ine»s men*» Letter Head* Envelope» Hutter W rapn-r*. Statements, etc., in small or large quantities Auction Rills. Dodgers. Posters, etc . printed on short notice BfCOPTS for subscriptions are not sent unless requested The label on your oapcr will indl cate within two weeks the receipt of your remittance It it does not plroe notify u» I'SCDtmtgCfS In keeping with well recognised busine»» principles, all subscriptions will be stopped promptly upon expiration ot time paid for EDITORIAL COMMENT The Rose Show for this year is over and there is nothing to re­ gret. If all the show was as good as the part we were permit­ ted to see the show can be con­ sidered an entire success. There was no want of an interested public and the part which the managers put up in the way of parades surely more than met expectations. Better planned floats, more artistically arranged and more typical of the ideas represented. The floats were far in advance of anything we have ever seen and the people of Port­ land have no cause to regret any feature of the week's entertain­ ment. a good time so they are going to have a time right at home. That is all right. We have noticed that the little local picnics are far more interesting than those presented by the city people. Such a day in the city is about as devoid of interest as a half holiday on a desert island. But the local "Fourth” where you meet those that you know and have a regular good time and plenty of it and where every one goes home satisfied is the one to be encouraged. The determination to celebrate the Fourth at Gresham has been growing and that the day will be properly spent is now an assur­ ed fact. Last year’s celebration was a success and many people are looking forward to a repeti­ tion of the day. Let us try to make the return one that they will not regret. A little speak­ ing. a lot of music, some attrac­ tions and a few other matters at­ tended to will give us a fine time right at home. OTT BROTHERS E. B. MOREI.OCK They are still tin ling out things about Al'ClIONI I R butter at the I nitrd States l>epartmeut ill Year« I xperieme. of Agriculture. A tew »lays ago it was Rivgaaxt kr l»r ) niouip««»n amt announced that the umlesirahie fishy M. h Thotiipaun flavor that spoils eo much butter could MONTAVILLA. - OREGON fa* eliminated by churning the cream Phone iMtt gwert Now. alter making a three year study of the changes which butter un­ dergoes in storage, it is shown that a product made from pasteurised sweat cream has better keeping qualities and remains free from objectionable flavors Did lou Evtr Slop to Think that von for a longer time than butter made from can realise mure fur yuur atuck ami gmala at auctiou than any other way? sour cream. It was found that, even when stored at a very low temperature, I shoultl lx* gla«l to «ell yonr gi*otfa for vou ami solicit a »hare of the auction butter often undergoes marked changes, CusincM of your reetkm. and these changes are more market! in • ba butter made from sour cream. It is Rhone TgB Hr« phunr • predicted that it will not I* long twfore rti'.» till Main st , ami DM* E Seventh at all butter made commercially will fa* VANCOl VI R. WASH. made from sweet pasteurised cream, be­ cause such a product will keep longer in storage and can be sold as a high- grade butter after long storage. Even now a numfa*r of creameries use only such cream, and lor a year th»* United States navy required that sweet cream «hall l*e tired for all the butter it buys. It has been demonstrated that such but­ ter can I n * kept 14 months at least with­ out developing the usual storage flavor. —Pacific Homestead. W. S. wool) AUCTIONEER Our office is doing quite a bit of outside work these days. The order for the State Grange Pro­ ceedings has been placed here and we will be busy getting that into shape the last of the month. Rockwood Oddfellows are having a new set of by-laws prepared just now. Sandy is to have a fine Cele­ bration on the Fourth of July. The people up that way do not want to leave the country to have j The automobiles are now enjoying the There are many g*H»«l things to lx run out Eaal Stark at reel tinea thia leariie«i from th* R« mh * Carnival The street receive*! a good coat of oil. esthetic aide of life has lieen awakened ( arnlval week was indeed a tmay one in our chihlron Let the influetii'ea fur for all. Such a general holiday spirit Iwauty ami the uplift ret in motion car« has never been thown here It »remod rv a lasting Impreeaion. Are ymi doing to permeate the air and aaa caught up your part to spr<*ad tho beaut Hill lesson and wafted mi by all with whom it came it hss taught? if nut do got busy al in contact unco. The willing hamla that planted The duel ng examinations In our ami cared for the rosea in our llueo City achoolt have fa*»'ii held this seek, the were factors in the very aucooesful Car- graduating extrcieea taking place Thurs­ I nival which closed Saturday night day evening Tho class numitered 17 The r«*»ea displayed al th«* California ami they were a happy looking gump of btiihling *mt al Ihr Fair grounds were fane ami girls. artistically arrange>l ami were fa*autilul Th»* auto races brought largo crowds lll.|e«*«|. <»f |a*oplr to M«>niavilla Saturday ami The funeral »orviros of Mrs. II. faith car lines were busy. Over seven Gable wore conduct»*«I bv Rev A. E. hundred auloiiiobilos aided in carrying Patch at the homo «»I Mis L ll«»ppor. the |M*oph* t*> ami fro. Miss Via Ryder ha» gone to Califor­ Childrens' Day nervier* will fa* hold in the M E church Sunday evening Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will fa* pleased to know that a cure may l*e **f- t'ected bv applying Chamberlain's Salve is soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth liefore al* lowing the haf»e to nurse. Many train- •*d nurses use this salve with l«est re- «ult« For «ale l»y Gre«ham Drug Co You Can Pay 17c a Day The Standard Visible Writer Prof J. Palters» n has returned *r«»m a we«-k's sojourn in Corvallis just In lune to take an active part in the work The revival meetings at Grace Bap­ c«Hinoete«l with the .Montavilla float in tist church are fa«ing well attended the Carnival parade last Thurmlay. Ho You cauuot afford to inisa these meet- ami all the workers are t«> l»e c«»ngralu* lat«*! as the float provod to I n * a winner mgs. and was greatly ailmired by all the |wo« Have you read afamt Ray Ocean, the pie who au cheerfully gave l«» tho fund. new fa*ach down at Tillamook Bay* Tho fruits of religion are to bo »«< oii in Dnl you see tho float—-the mor maid, I ! noble lives ami kindly deeds. mean? Sirawfa*rrles are delicious now ss well as plentiful. Grafting is the difference fa»ta«*«*li the getting Ilf«* and the giving life We should judge religion l»v it* sentlsl off««t'ts upon the llv«*a of mon WOOD SAWING During the Season IQOQ via Che OREGON RAILROAD A NAVIGATION COMPANY WOOD FOR SALE ! rut 40»*. *Jrut«M)c. n »*ut» dör |»rr c<»rd THE Rt-s|i|enee EASTWOOD NURSERIES . Mait» **t Phtinr J a • ••••••••••••••••a CENTRAL HOTEL : NOW I NPEK New Management W. W. MINAR 335 E. Morrison S*. - I’ ortland Phon»* East 4231. $60.00 $60,00 $67.50 $72.50 an«l toother principal cities in the East, Mi»l»lle U «*«t »»ml South. ('«irr«*"|»»ti, A okst , <> mk « h « w When in Town MAM IT HEADQUARTERS MRS. BELL, Prop PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. RAPID FREQUENT IT IS TIME you ha tiiv Department ot the Interior, IT. S. land Otlice at Portland, Oregon, May 2tl, H«». Notice is hereby given that George L. Peasle»* of Portland, Oregon, who, on Octolier 22, IVOR, made Timluir and Stone Ij»n»l Application Serial No O.57H, f»>r 0 '.2 of N W '4, BectiOQ I Township 1 North, Kange 5 East, Will amette Meridian, ha« notice of in­ tention to make final Cash Tim 1 st Proof, to »»stablish claim to th»* land alw»v«* desrrilM*»!, fa-fore the K»*yister and Receiver of tfie I'. S. fand Office, at Portland, Oreqon, on the 9th day of August, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: (’has. (*oo|>ey, of Portlan»!, Oregon ; W. W. I’easle», of Portland, Oregon; E»lward Trickey, of Palmer, Oregon; Ll»>yd Trickey, of Palmer, Oregon. A mirhhon S. D hkrsrr , Register. Wuh. First publication June 4. lBOV Id»st pub ll«->itlon August S. iwm. Monuments Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on The O. R. & N. line GASOLINE SAW THE OLIVER TYPE­ WRITER COMPANY Seattle, When writing or ta'kmg with <»ur a«l« os ' vertisera please mention that y«»u saw their ad in The lierai«! from Our »tonAdenre In vor is born of our -atl«- factory dealing* with tbou»atid« So we offer tn»* Oliver Ty|e-writer f»»r a «malt ca«h |»aj merit and trust you for all th»* re»t. This 1« not a preachment on saving h's a plain, straight forward, btiain»*»« getting proposition. It broah>g machine». It »••nd» Oliver« by the hundred» Into HOMER as well a« OFFICES It open« up new money making opportuni tie« to ambition« people •• very where And W> are just as glad to «<*11 a machine fur 17 centa a day a» t»> nave the rash with th»* order H vo want to know m»»reabout The Oliver A*K THE l SERS There ar»* a quarter oi a million of them each an Oliver enthusiast. Hee th»* nearest Oliver agent for detail« of our new • 17-eenta a »lay” plan, or addreaa IJ26 Flrct Avenue. nia to enjoy a much need«*| r«»si OKMN SMR1 UM AM» I MON PAI lilt KAILKOAI» OLIVER The Herald office has this week completed the Grange Fair Prem­ ium List for this year. We have the pleasure in saying this is the first list to be issued this year and should meet with a hearty acceptance from the people who may be interested in the growth of our local fair. If you are in­ terested send for a copy of the list. Dr. Frank Vuge ami wife were calle«l to Salem last wtw*k to alteud tha funeral of Mra. Voge'g fathei. Sore Nipples. "Better Fruit” comes to our desk this month in an unusually fine cover. Peaches of natural size of the new Sims Cling varie­ ty, in all their natural beauty of coloring, as perfect as art could make them are first to meet the There is to be a new feature eye. The inside is fully as fine in the next Market Day at Gresh­ The Ure«*iit type» riter concern In the world the be«t typewriter In rxUtrnce for 17 as the outside. The first article am. We believe it will prove a offer» CENTS A DAY. Thi*certainly place» a prvm is a highly instructive one on fine feature. Bring on your tumori FENNIE.**' It neofiti« *> honc«ty •• a "Insect Enemies of the Peach stuff, list it and state your low­ coniine »rial a»<«et Simply «aw the «mall and Remedies.” The article is est acceptable price. With that rhanse (hat now «1I|M through y«»ur Anger» finely illustrated with cuts that as a starter the auctioneer will arid own the inngm Arent . new OI4YKM show the work of insect life and begin and sell to the highest bid­ The fion tv pe» rlter discusses the various remedies der. If there are no bids, all w ith it« wealth »>< ex­ clusive con venlr t»rr*. that are found to be valuable in well and good. When the sale is — The inn per rent the fight against it. Twenty six made the buyer takes his goods, perfect typewriter. pictures complete the illustration you your cash and the auction­ with its wide range of practical u»e» The »turdy machine with rec ord »|H*r«l that of this one article. Prof. Lewis eer gets his commission from the — w rite» in an undertone It» worth twice the prirr of th«-next br«t typewriter yet 17 cent« of the Agricultural College furn­ town. That is there will be no a day will buy it. Never wa« » greater ln> ent­ to .«AVE .»-t before the popfe of Auo-ru a ishes an article about fruit grow­ commissions. Now there is noth­ ire Nor wa« there ever a more valuable ob)e< I lea- •onevolved to prove. ing in the Northwest. It too is ing to prevent all sorts of things ■well illustrated. "Fruit Grow­ being presented. What is need­ The Purchasing Power ing in the Gunnison Country of ed is variety. Come on with the of Pennies Colorado,” "Fruit Growing for stuff. Th»* pr- •♦•nt tendency i« to think in si*- rm Profit.” and "Storage of Fruit raRs To io*r wight of the |t<) CENTH that go to make up th»* dollar T»» forg» t the purchn« Without Loss of Flavor,” are all Ing power that 1» pent up in jwnnies, ni< kels and dimes important articles that will be Millions of Cross lies Purchased. Our' 17 cent« a day ” »riling plan turn« this power to worthy purpose During the year 190K the eteam ami read with interest by all fruit The Oliver Typewrlter Company feel» «afe in electric railroad« o( the United Staten Kutting thi« new plan Into effect because it growers. This magazine is grow­ purchased more than 112,000,000 cross ank« <>n your bcm I skam ho M ob . ing in interest. Its field of ap­ ties, costing, at the point o( purchase, plication is extending and every over $56,000,000, an average oi 50 cents TFje__ person interested in fruit grow­ per tie, according to statistics just made ing in any way will find it a val­ public by the Bureau of the Census in with the United States uable addition to their source of co-operation Forest Service. This was some 40,000,- information. TÿpeWrrtfcf 000 ties lees than the quantity purchas­ ed in 1907, when the total was approxi­ mately 153,700,000, the highest ever re­ corded. The decreased purchase« in li>jR were, o( course, chiefly doe to the business depression which affected every line oi industry. This forced most of the roads to purchase only the ties ab­ solutely necessary (or renewals and cut down the purchase for new track. In 19ufi only 7,431,000 cross ties were re­ ported as purchased (or new track as against 23.557,000 in 1907. Of th»* total number o( ties purchased for all purpos­ es, the steam road« t«>ok approximately 91 |>er cent, leaving afajut »> per cent (or the electric roads. It is very interesting to note the wide range of woods use V aft V tA « ‘ • <1 a M (Ml ns or»' 10 10 IM 24 Bl S» 9 » « V a 10 1«» 10 10 10 I»» to ft. , ur> Ift 72 rj af> to w io 10 io io io 10 4f. IO ta ra M lol <■» a). 07 1« IVi ». 86 4ft 10 45 IK. Ift TJ aj XV 4U It II II II II 11 It II II 11 Il 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 U6 to 22 82 15 <«• 4ft 4» ftB w M 'V Bl If 11 11 28 M 11 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 i TROUTDALE 4S 2 41 3 M IMI IS 1 II 4 n i n 4 il 3 M 4 JS 1 N4 M> H« M 1 IG 41 >41 S3 1 13 M I II M IM N 4M M 4M IF 4 If 1) 4 IS II 4 II 21 4 28 n 4M 4» 4 48 1 41 I 41 J 44 II 1} NINI N F Nl M II 33 II S H « Il 1 i* i lì 11 41 il s n i nini }] 11 j; 32 1 32 1 11 1 >2 1 32 l'J ■ g MS NI MIMI M 12 •« 0« 12 17 19 74 /7 » M2 i; 46 n. . io Ift a» In 21. *' 10 40 n 11 U 10 m 01 «r; 12 II 1« 22 r« 77 82 87 a t ft M 1 w <41 9 un W •.» u 0 9 9 9 9 TROUTDALE 11 1 1 ’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 4S 08 M 11 17 11 11 12 30 11 SI n j 41 11 70 40 1 1 1 1 s 1 > J J 1 1 3 4S 00 01 11 n IO 21 11 30 12 3j 41 M I S3 0 11 M S M S SO MO OS I M io H • I» T IS 11 îi i :• j ?o io se 44 F 40 10 40 BRANCH This will not interest vou if y»>u are worth fifty thousan»! «loliai’s, but if you are a man of moderate nieana and can­ not Hffor*lly Ki< r|>t H...... A M «gurr. In Roman. P. M. «(lire. In black will fa* pleased to know that one or two doses of ( haniberlain's Colic, Cholera) JuJd.H.0"*”" C“7, ,‘"rk po,nta- «•«" •« Golf and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure it. Tiiis remedy lias fa*en in n«e for manv For Lenta, M». nn.l I.U p^nta. rh«ng.. «a*. Ml Ix.nU| jllnnti((n v»*arw ami is tl.oiongldy reliable. Price , 25 cents. For aal«* by Greahain Drug ('•». i Generai Olticea, Fini nix! Ahler 8ta„ PonTLAwn, oh «.«,,.