FAIRVIEW C. L CREMSHAW Tinner and Plumber We want lamia to trovad or unimproved arge or »mall We advertise ttrrgoe Farm» For Sale lite East : Dealer In l*lp* ami Pump Fl* ture*. Hh*« l i roti Work. •r Write Grrslwm, Ore. Powdl St Fairview, Or., June 9.—Mr. ami Mrs. A. T. Axtell ami gramidaughler, Edith McKtltp, ox|eul on the markat," aaya F. W. Tardy, editor of the Sentinel. Gainesboro, Tenn. "Our baby hail several cohl» the i«»t winter 50c a Cord and Chamberlain’» Cough Keutedy al­ ways gave it relief at once and cured It Troutdale, - Oregon In a abort time. 1 always recommend Phon« Firmen 3Ai2 Il when opportunity presents Itself.*’ Mias Susie Hall visited Portland rela­ For sala by Gresham Drug Co. tive« Sunday. Mrs. A. II. Moller entertained her daughters, Mrs. J. P. Murphy. Mrs. J | O. Dunbar and Miss 1-outse Moller, all of Portland, on Sunday. Mias Chappell of LaCamaa has been viaiting iter sister, Mrs. Ralph Cope­ land. (i. H. Shaw has moved hie family in­ *T*HERE are secret» in the poultry business, as to the Mrs. Mary Shay bouse on Fifth ■ tn any other ; the best method« and newest ami Cetiar streets discovert«-» seldom reach the amateur poultry raiser Sire. H. Barnes has moved into ber ! home lately purchased from G. H and the general public for years after they are origi­ Shaw on Second street. nated. A new method of absolutely insuring the G. O. Dolplt has rented and will oc- I fertility of setttng eggs, for example, has ■ cupy tlie cottage of T. J. Crute on Fifth Diortnous Cash Value ! and Harrison streets. Gasoline Wood-Saw ••••••••••••••••• Poultry Secrets Disclosed! *• M»4 lit 4lM«wf«f iiaafte M bl*aw4 lot H«*. M tk* *f»t llaw. ik< wiffll «4 tUhtd (It* asoaf • «<*•••»• I |K»wH !»«•*• *<• maid ba» b—n *l»4rt»4. teen *««•» fa Bild. M•»«•»•** (?) k> Ira* |t«fmiaai*4i gira* ike *wtk»f MlcBael M Buyer. ( t» by «•llavilag »14. v»l«abla. Bat Ultta t**»a wtte<»4a 4) b> Mi loygi » wa ng kJ bway y«a*a t*n<» thia lww«B *•» grai ad Wtl»w4 KMsf aH »«• ■twtk» agw. it baa b*an a«i»»Mfy tu /tiki right a 4 it it»««, a*4 Maf w* g»4 »«Iwabla *!•»• *•••• »44«4 k» tb« wig»»*» buub. ft ihn rent * "1‘uoltrv Sditeti " if H» Ifijtnftwh . M «f »»■<»<"• fUMf hiliirtlfi aatrwdfJ A l**w of Iha More Important Secret* 1 ......... ■toad What Puretsaaera Bar ..t;—-xr--4—i -w.tw„j-. h-e*». mahod rw Mvfaw u~ -~k I«" «be ap»»Mv4 «••» uc.4ts.-t »«« »•»tai«!} gt-a • fe4k — »Milkin I t t » l I t . N 1 H^.. 4, I, , aa ra-a*4r«a*ur ia»i<»di'« ••»»• •• ■’ • , , , < . tn*» I ..4 • M C*<* L. I K trUhw S»»trw» u( In l>ra*sjtng without I hr k-aat !-.va.d sit» iit> S»;n!h.gtltr |li«»«i<»it >»t tl»T no . a ,.w| | |.. »—ia—U» Mtt.b.4 *Mk aU tb<— ** T-.**** *■,» a - -O — aay —a **** F L VBerM T-»** AND MANY “ Th* “ I® crt»t»-B buahrl ** tnelltsal uf i»r«»d«M in* gfwrn frrj . ' im •Hit*» I e ' >■>•! «»•»*. | fuslo w ‘ > New fr< u( uMainInf high inttfhrt |li«e» f.»r pouitry alia b. th* Antfrll tnrthud, admirahly adapted tu lltr atnall ft« h in kill*** ut aulmrh. larumty‘a tnrlbstd of obtaining l»uihy mm at a mat of H r,,t . a l«uahrL J* "f F,"'d ,o! •"« •«<*- rn.»fraa«.r It u e a r al IIrn Neer«-< rap.anting why lean hetia don't lay. OTHFII n , - ! (« ) NOT I. NUM I KATKD HFHK It wotiltl te bhaurd tn riprct r*r»y l*lt nf thia informntkm tu I* unknown |o rvrrvone ; wr ntahr n<» »urh claim. Ilu< to thr great tnafor it/ •»( pouitr y men it will br abasOutrA/ new. and of great valaa. (HOI T HMM JOI MMLi raa«« J—twwl kaa Nw thirty ywara wsede a a«a»e4a>«y <4 paaMry Ikla <4eparta>.e«t ia aUg el<«mt aa»4 ta—a vatw«a4a «Ba» Maaat apar*ala»«ear «4 a »— «ba- We rmrwat— a —•astkiy »Hh wa>—«—»»«—a Nuf a 4a«a>* terkakal farm yaaar badly yriw«a4 «a chewy pay* NW -4 •—dteei a«4 naaky a4»arttaeaa— H Urt a ma«M‘— fra >« a»4 aJwwya .k—«r-i i«.«— aely y»wr«.«al mqasalty a» b<—a w a Ib—aaw J arrw fare ef aw a rahuiaa I—b gardea . aa»4 t« a 4— aaya UMLIKB AM OTNVM r*r»M OUR OFFER: I^^LT- ti AU 3 lor $1.50 iW. ca»M •«! - r-.ii.» »....i. - s» tuwr -i, t- tau «»■st.»ti^., SKNDOR IIHING YOt'R OKItKH TO BEAVER STATE HI RAl.D, tIRESHAM, OREGON TROUTDALE BANK Or TROUTDALE Troutdale, Or., lune 9.— The remains1 ol James Wilcoxuon were interred in Ifouglaaa cemetery last Humlay, Rev. J. il. Wood having charge of the funeral aervicy» Mr. Wilcoxaon paaae«! away at the county hospital last Friday with blixxi pdaon title Io the amputation of a toe which wa» deeeaaed from the use of a corn salve. Deceased is one of Trout­ dale's oiliest residents am! seaisled in the erection of the packing plant here, lie had no relatives living except poe- eibly a sister, whom be has lost trace of. lie wm a Civil war veteran. •Mrs. Anna Graham and Chas. Welter were married in Portland on Monti ay. Mrs. Graham has reaitleti here several years. Mr. Welter was a lor me r resi­ dent of this place but has spent the past few months in Oakland, Cal. They will go to Michigan where they may reside. J. A. Peltingill of Iron River, Wis., and son, W. Mackkiony of West Halem, Wia., have been viaiting the former's niece, Mrs. D. M. K tel Ison. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000. PAIO UP Account* Solicited Mrs. Albert Kraus of LaGrandr, with her three children, are visiting tbs for­ mer's perents, J. I. Fnnk and wife. Buy Your Season s Kay Moore has returned from a three months trip to Ja|>an, Hawaii, the Philippines and other places. He went Direct from Factory on the Transport Dia. Ours are made from Oregon Cedar, Rav Funk baa returned home from Than which there is no better wood for thia puqsiae. LaGrande wltere be attended school. MODERATE— Mis» Harriet Hubbard returned home —PRICES from Dellas eltere she has been attend­ Odd - vised hives made on order to the ’tjueen’s taste’. Our catalog will ing college and will spend her vacation be sent anywhere on request. here with her parents. Mt»s Calls Heelin was out from Fort- , Mr». Tboni|xmn of Portland ha» been WILLIAMS BROS.. Mdnufditurers land to visit Iter parents Sumlay. 1 4 Milt- North of f • adv •pending a few days with Mrs. F. E. Gray’scr. ilnddleson, Mr». dale team, tailed to appear. I J. W. Whitmer ami »on, Eldo, Irvin Mias Edith Radford is assisting Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. iluddleson and Mrs. Brink in the hotel. Whitmer, who have I mn - u visiting the W. Caseitiy has l»een spending a few former's parents, T. J. Crute ami wife, days in Portland. Who Handles the Best, Freshest for tlie past several weeks, expect to and Cheapest Stock of General leave on Monday for their homes in Merchandise in the County. Kansas. Mr. ami Mrs. Crute will ac- Of Interest to Farmers and Mechanics com|iany them and ex|>ect to remalo Farmers and mechanics frequently there. me t with slight accidents and injuries TRY HIM AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. C. B. Villwav, lately Jrom the Eaat. it which cau»e them much annoyance ami loss o( time A cut or bruise may I* ••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••e tilling the position of agent for tiev O cured in about one-third the time usual­ R. A N. and P. It. St. P. railways here ly required by applying Chamberlain's during lite absence of W. Ellison who Liniment as soon as the injury is re­ wa» called to llcxal River on account of ceived. Thia liniment is also valuable for sprains, soreness of the muscles and the serious illneM of his stepfather, F. rheumatic pains. There is no danger of I>. Ijtmar. blood poisoning resulting from an injury The Roae Carnival was well patronis­ w hen Chamberlain's Liniment i» applied before the parts become inflamed and ed by Fsirview |een very sick at her sister’s, Mrs. Mondays at Frank McKinney’s place at Pleasant Home. Walter Tyler, on South Main street, but Tuesdays at Sandy. Wednesdays at Eagle Creek. Thurs­ is reported improving. Al! KI ik I s of Cemetery Work day noon-to Friday noon at Komer’s bam, Damascus. Mrs Overman and her mother, Mrs. Estimate* »’H all OlMMB oí " «*rk French, in company with Miss Maltby, SEASON TO BEGIN APRIL 1 attended the Methodist bazaar on last W. W. MINAR Friday. Mrs. Overman liver! in Lents 335 E. Morrison St. - P orti - axd until the first of the year wheu she Phone East 42.U. moved to Cleveland street. The Rebekahs held their first meeting in the new Grange hall oh Friday night. More of the lodge members were out than usual and about 30 from the Mon- tavilla lodge were present ami gave the degree work. Refreshments were serv­ ! Also Cement Walks, Etc. ed and all had a good time. Victor Halter, Gresham, Oregon Miss Noffsinger was absent from her ; school duties on Tuesday on account of; sickness. THE FAIRVIEW MERCHANT DECIDE Thoroughbred Imported MOUNT SCOTT CHOPPING AND ROLLING (irlit Taken at any Tlme—Qukk Delivery. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF MILL FEED Market Price Paid for (Train SUN-DIAL FEED MILL Monuments TERMS, : Draw-Cut Champion Mower the market. The Champion Mower is a leader in every harvest field. It gives the very best satisfaction possible under all conditions. Its famous “Draw Cut” makes it the most powerful mower on Read what these users think ol it and then send for our catalog. Superior to Others Very Light Draft flresham, Oregon. Feb. n. two M . I. AX Co. Portland, Oregon _ _ Gentlemen In regard to your I hampion Mowers, they have glvvn me every satisfaction No matter If the grass Im heavy or light I consider them superior I" any other ma, -Illite made for the same purpose. I bouglil one seven years ago. and I cut all of my own hay. Insides a gm»l deal olltshfr. ami I sold It last summer for |jo Will Imy another nest summer of the same kind They are strong ami durable, and »••/•'I*'" •" •|wsk of. truly yours, L. A. jouxm Springwater. Ore., Feb. is. tso». M . L ,t 8. Co.. Portland. Ore. Gentlemen I have your favor of the lath Inst., and In reply am pleased to say that ihv Champion Mower I nurehawd from on several years ago has glvvn me perfect satisfaction, operat a In the heaviest amt hardest ettOlng grass with perfect ease id w llhotlt any tendency to elog. It Is of very light draft, and pairs have ta-en limited to the knife only. Your» truly. <11 RIX TKU.KPKRS' MOWIRS. BINN RS. RAKIS H DDL RS. Hl ADI RS RtAPI RS No Exchanges on par point of Portland SECOND AND 1st & & E. MORRISON TAYLOR PORTLAND, STS. OREGON The school children and teachers will give an entertainment on next Monday night and it will lie north attending. Mies McKenzie is home after closing her school. Mrs. Geo. Spring goes to the beat next Sunday for a three week's stay. Grandma Reynolds is quite sick. Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be ef- ; reeled by applying Chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth l>efore al­ lowing the luibe to nurse. Many train­ ed nurses use this salve with l>est re­ sults. For sale by Gresham Drug Co. — That fellow who recently came near perishing with hunger while waiting for the ravens to feed him ties! hie faith to ' the same can that many other folks have who believe the world owes them a living without an effort on their part. Nature hands out no special package» like-tltnt. Al a special offer for next Market Day we call attention to The Herald and Farm Journal offer on page 3. $20 TO INSURE Septic Tanks Built Thd flirt has the bcst equipment out- 111*- > lCralU side (he big city for all kinds of Book and Job Printing. Write or phone your orders. REGISTERED GERMAN COACH ACHILL .8, Will Have Headquarters for the Season of 1909 at Sandy Livery Barn. Where he will stand Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mon­ days at E. F. Donahues bam, Boring. Thursday noon to Friday noon, Pounder’s, Corbett ACHILL is a Beautiful Jet Black Stallion, Imported from Germany in 1907 by A. C. Ruby & Company, Foaled in 1902, Weight 1650, Height 18 1-2 Hands, Kind Disposition. TERMS To Insure, $15. See bills for further particulars Ö. A. Cox, Mngr. E. Donahue, Sec’y *