íJ.íWANT ADS.Xîi GRESHAM LOCALS Wanted, For Sale. For Rent, Lost, Found, Etc. FOR SALE—Single Comb Rhode FOR SALE—A few »ack» Choice Am­ erican Womier Potato Seed. Webb ■ •land Red- ami White l.-giiorn» High claao. healthy vigonm» otoeh 1 v , Farm, l'bone 158. lent laver» F.ggx, 31.50 per 15. Mount A few Choice A. J. C. C. Bull Calve» Scott Poultry yard», box 184, Lent». tor Sale. B. C. Altman, Greabam, Oregon. Route 2. FOR SALK — One coming 3-year old Hor«e, aright 14'25; One bor»e and LVMRER— FOR MAU buggy, gentle driver. See C. Cathey, tieneial clean up »ale ol Rough ami Phone 9x2, Greehaiu, Route 3. t>i»ed Lumber Special price» to »ecurv HORSES! quick Ml»». 1 mile N. E. ot Kelao. Oleeon Lumber Co. (22 A) head ot Goul Work Horae» for Sale •t my barn. S. 8. Thompson, Phone FOR BALK—FLatey Organ with 11 8x, Gnwham. rmti.trr», nice oak ca»e, all m gixxl con­ Wanted—Girl to do light bouaework. dition. 3.15 Inquire ol John Waeepe. Phone tire» ha in 191. Bandy, On>. (17 Next Sunday morning at the Meth odist Church Rev Pamunagian will a|>eak on Women's Place and Responsi­ bilities in Religion New transformers with a capacity ot 39,t attractive fence acrose the front ot Ins Route 1, Greaham. For Sale—Freah voung milch cow E. I This Range is the house­ residence proparty. CONTRACTING; All kind» ol build­ .A. Yunker, 3 mi. aouth of Greaham. (St* u wife’s favorite and is in 1 Thompson A I'ugh have a convenient ing; Plan» ami ,pe< ificauon» •ubuiitted Wanted—to get a photo of a potato field office building which reflect» favorably Write or »ee u» for figure». Herald many homes in eastern W. T. Biw-hoff, 3d ave.. Lent». <19 at time ot digging on ths character of the men liehind the business. In fact, Gresham is especial ­ CONTRACTING—All kinda of build' Multnomah. It gives per­ FOR SALE—Cheap for caah, an Old« Delivery Car, 10 h. p , in good repair. ing ; plana and apecificationa aubmilted ly favored in to» substantial and reli­ Write or are ua lor figure». fect satisfaction and LASTS. Horry up! C. H. lane, Gn-»ham. able character ot her real estate brokets W. T Biachoff, 3d Ave., lent». <19 Besides the atxive mention»! firm tnere Come and let ua show CEMENT BLiXKS for foundation When writing or a;waking to our ad are The Gresham Real Fatale Co., of •nd building purpoeea. Inveeligate be­ vertiacr» pleaw mention that you aaw you these fine ranges. which D. M Robert» is president; ths fore u»mg other material». Robert Do away with hard wash Doane, Greaham. Phone 257 (17 their ad. in The Herald. I First State Bank. J. 11 Myers, president Also have fine line of cook Sager A Knighton, J. C. Ilessel and ■ stoves and Blue Flame Oil days by using the Best and J. H. Chalker. Any of these firms or . Lewis Shattuck, president ol the Com­ stove. Easiest Washer, the “1900” mercial Club will lie glad to furnish any 1 information as to the resources of this section to prospective settlers. There JEWELER and OPTICIAN The Am users gave a party Wednesday • is much cheap land around here only Watch Repairing a Specialty awaiting the coming of new muscle and evening at Woodard Hall. Do not overlook the The season's latest in The Musicals and Literary Entertain­ enterprise to make it a garden »pot sec­ ment given Thursday evening under the ond to none. "Gresham ia open to the fact that we are Oxfords for men, wom­ —Distributing Station for— auspices ot the Young Peoples Society world" selling agents for en and children in all of the Catholic Church was a great suc­ cess. The program was furnished in ____ W A. __________ Hassell viaited his father. J C. Armor Plate Hosiery the latest lasts and col­ part by the Western Academy of Music H exite I on Sunday. He is traveling for and keep on hand a ors. We can please Mr and Mrs B F. Strange are T»it-, a Portland bottae full line of these you just the same as mg in La tentre. Hash. AND CENTURY. PREMO AND HAWK-EYE Geo. Howitt Las returned from East­ Mr ami Mrs. S. Dougherty have re­ goods of quality. we are hundreds of turner! from a few weeks trip east, going ern Oregon. There is wear in others every week. Don't forget the want columns on the as far as New York and also taking in every pair. Every Satisfied customers de­ last page, when you wish to buy, sell, the inaugaration. They visited in Illi­ trade or rent real estate, live stock or nois ami Pennsylvania. Mrs. Dougher- pair warranted. Sat­ notes merit in our shoe KODAK AND CAMERA 8UPPUE8 .................... — ty'a mother returned with them, isfaction guaranteed stock. Two five-room houses have been built F. W. FIELDHOUSE on 80th street by Dre. Quigley and Darr. are at Dan Talbot's. Mrs Harriet Davis visited her •later E. J. Devin and Mi«» Anna Febren- “Dealer in Goods of Quality” , bacber assist»! in the entertainment Mrs. D. M. Kotierte, one day this week at tlie Catholic Hall. and then starter! on a journey to New Main Street, - Gresham, Oregon It is reported that Pearl street « ill Orleans for a short visit. She recently i soon be opened. come from Fairbanks, Alaska ami will C. B. La Follette has opened a la» return there in August. I office on East Glisan st. The manure from a dairy row will LINNEMANN Rheumatism. MEMORIAL M E. Mrs. D M. Kobers is »(rending the amount to over ten tons a year But I < Hl’IUTI. Gresham- Paavoa, Ret Mrs. E. B. More lock is sble to be out M<»re than nine out <4 everv ten cww« I again, we are glad to say. , . wcca the way the average dairyman week with Mis. John Schram at High- M B Panuinagian. B kmvis ««, Hun* of rhematiaut are «imply rheinatistn of j handles this by-product, much of the It is the duties we leave undone that, land. day School, 10 a. in. ; Preaching al tlie niuscloe, duo to cold or damp, or | value la lost Why not atop this II a n», ami h p. tn. every Bunday. ’ work our undoing. For SADDLES. HARNESS ami ALL Howard Rowe was arre»te1, IB a rn ; Preaching /i- \ - »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I Club now has a membership of thirty. for a location here. lews in cases of chronic and muscular (irraham—• Baavtc as (German), 10 ,31» every Bunday at II a m. and * p. m. Friday evening is woman's evening st Mrs. Frits Stoker of Portland was in rheumatism. For sale by the Gresham a m.. every tiret. thini ami fifth Bun- Prayer meeting, Thu relay evening at I the gymnssium. All women are invit»! town this week. Drug Co. .Uy. of each month. All welcome N o'clock. All welcomed. 1 to be present and an opportunity will Several lots in Whitehead’s Addition lie given to enroll in the classes. The ♦ I I entertainment will be given by the High changed hands this week. girls with an exhibition of ath­ Alva Revel's house is having a new : I School letics. Come out snd join one of the coat of paint applied under the super­ : I classes and be benefitted should be more careful of what vision of Thomas Bros. : ’ we We i ■ Never forVinemomentjiernii^yonr- think than of what we say. Remember the meeting of the Com­ i nrlf to neglect a cold. AU colds : Do you want a home, or rent a house'' mercial Club next Tuesday night. The ; ’ are iwrious and dangerous. Stop , Call al Thompson A Pugh's office, near program is loaded with gd things • ' the cold at once, them I mw safety Gresham depot. The City of Portland has brought suit i ! Get ajbox.of against D W. Metzger, to recover dam­ ages for the removal of a telephone pole A. D. S. COLD AND from the pipe-line right of way. The We are roing to have a GIGANTIC INTRODUCTORY SALE. We wiah to Impreea on the buying I’uhlk the GRIP REMEDY outcome of this suit will be watched with interest by the citizens of Grexh- — High Quality of Our Merchandise and the Low Prices at which We Sell— i > Guarantee.) by an Aaaoctation of — am, as the right-of-way crosses through 10,0(0 Qualified Druggista ALL THE VERY ,fl THI8 USK WK AKE Mrs. E. E. Pinkley visited with her some of the best business property in , ! PRICE 25c. OllULO eafiecially atmng ami have bet­ lateat atylew and co­ < parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Johnson, at town and has hindered the construction lor*. Aa we wiah to cloae out thia ttock, ter value» for lea» money than any other ! Gresham this week. of permanent improvements. we have cut the prices ao low that every Bpring aha LENTS, The work of making the fill at Syea- the head works of the Mt. Howl power $12.46 for choice, sold and advertised by aohi by others as $20 values. M m ' s Nigb Cali tad Oitortt. »»»»»♦♦< others aa $20 values. $14.95 for nobby greens and browns, ' ! more station was begun on Thursday plant. As a result he is using crutches. «3 25 for our regular >1 and SI 5o valuea. sol value» house and moved in. I ÀDICÇ' ÇFIDTÇ ♦- for all *.»>1 in plain and fancy, worth to 90/. SI 45 for our regular SI 75 value». Fred Palmqniat is employed as engi­ LAUI lû òKInlu Mohair, our regu­ Gerald Yott and family were viewing «1.30 for our regular Si M5 value». 65/ for value« up to SI. 10 lar S3 50 value». neer at tlie Columbia Brick Works. the sites of Gresham last Saturday. lai/ tor our regular «1.25 valuea. liditt' High Cutt and Otfardt •2 95 all wool Mohair, regular SI value». Andrew Chapman and wife came up Miss Pearl Lindsey, who has just Ernest Butler has resign»! hie poai- SI.25 for our regular 31.65 valuea. •2 85 for our regular |3.50 valuea. 33 96 for nil wool Mohair and Panama, from Cottage Grove, where they hare tion at the store. completed her term of »chimi at Quincy, •2.35 lor our regular |3.2 25 valuea. Mrs. Chauncey. They are from Wis­ Mrs. I.ily Roberta of Portland, is vis­ Sl.-'kl for our regular 32.00 value» our regular $0 fio and valuea. i relatives at Tiggardville Sunday. • I 50 for our regular S2 1»I value«. consin. iting this week with her parents, Mr. |5.95 (or all wool Mohair ami Panama, • 1.45 for our regular SI 75 valuea. Sam Seigenthaler has sold his place WK have alao our regular valuea Mrs. Spring is improving. and Mrs. D. R om . Mines' and Oirls' Shm. to Fred Wellman and will move to Port- juat received a 95 for all wool Mohair and Panama, I line of fine emliroideriea which to in- Not a very large crowd at tender! the I Lewis Metxger, who recently gradu­ SI 5l) for our regular kJ.OO valuea. 1 land to live. our regular |9 valuea. ! troduce, we are aelling al exceedingly Grange Social on Saturday evening, but ateli from Cornell, returned borne last SI 35 for our regular 31 <15 valuea. While burning brush the other day low price». SI- tor our regular 31.50 valuea. MISSES' HO CHILDREN'S WISH DRESSES, the receipts were good. ! A. F. L'hlig let the fire get away and week and haa accepted a position with 9fi/ lor our regular »1 25 value». 7/ for regular 12',/ value» tli# for regular B.W anil 75/ value». the O. R. A N. Miss Stella Smith was sick the last of burned up atxiut forty cords of wood. 9/ for regular 15/ valuea. Ii2< for regular 85/ and ikl/ value». SÍIY ,or f Want Ails, again thia 78/ for regular SI .00 valuea. Oscar Bevins hail the misfortune to 14/ for regular 20 and 22/ value». WUA H/ fur one lot of black »01. Geo Griffin and family have goue to cut his hand quite seriously with an week. Will pay to read them. .Mention 98/ for regular «I 25 value». 19/ lor regular 36/ value». I21,/ for one lot of black box . SI 30 for regular SI •xi value» Colfax to live. axe. He was cutting stove wood and The Herald when you buy. 32/ Coraet Cover, Kmbroidoriad, our SI N> for regular ¿2<■ > value». TOWfl r* ,or r*w,,l*r value». regular 50/ value. the axe-handle caught in his suspender. SI for regalar «2 50 value». */ for regular 121* value». Our VAI. and TORCHON LACKS, F. I. Fuller, vice-pres. of the O. W. P. ÇUIDTÇ OSE , 14/ for our regular 20/ valuea. For those contemplating the purchase Lota, anything you have for rale, with Sale Pricea. 19/ fur our regular 25/ valuea. 50/for Dre»a Sbrrt» worth SI to SI 25. Banks, Road master, were guests of i of a Steel Range. For the balance of Thompson A Pugh, quick aalea Office T. R Baldwin last Sunday. the month of April, K. K Carlson will near Gresham depot. ( has. Dahlquist hsd one of his rear- ^|| at a large reduction any selection ling colts stolen last Bunday. Two boys the purchaser may make of those mon- from Montavilla, the eldest «boat thir- archs of the kitchen, which includes KELSO Rert Jonsrud and Miss Annie Rell teen yeaas of age, are supposed to be nln< <>f the oldest and most reliable (Formerly THE BOSTON STORE) , makM of stoves. were united in marriage Saturday, April ths guilty parties, 17tb, at the residence of Rev. O. Hague» John Ewing, the expert well-digger, I in Portland. Both are well known in is putting down a well for Mr lang this vicinity and have the congratula­ When writing or talking with our ad­ It will pay you to bring thia ad with you. WE ARE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT tion» of a hunt of frienda. They will which requires some skill, as the forma­ vertisers please mention that you saw tion is soft and full of boulders. I their ad. in The Herald. raaide at Sandy Ridge. F. W. FIELDHOUSE RANGES MONTAVILLA HOSIERY SHOES EASTMAN KODAKS Cameras LEWIS SHATTUCK, ISL Gresham Harness Shop Î: Never Take :: Chances 3 With a Cold GRAND INTRODUCTORY SALE!! For 8 Days, Beginniri£ TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, and Continuing Till SATURDAY, May 1st, 1 PLEASANT VALLEY LADIES’ SUITS MEN'S SUITS SI MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. MOUNT SCOTT EMBROIDERIES THE KLINGE-ENEBO CO., Corner FIRST and SALMON Sts., I - - Portland.