Succeeding Gresham Vindicator, Gresham Gaaettc. East Multnomah Record, Multnomah Re«s>ni and Montavilla Herald. Pubhshel Fferv Friday at Gresham, Ore., by ths Baavaa S tatu I'vausui.'ni Co H. A. DARXALL, Forros asti» Massosa. EDITORIAL COMMENT M'VKHSTISHVS. Onct I went a-fishln' with a man what had a reel An* fancy hooks an' catgut an' a fish pole made of steel; He never got a single bite from early until late. Just 'em he didn't take no stock in spiffin' on th' bait. Yew. he kin laff an' jeer, but where's his fish. rd like to know? Oh, I guesü lots o' things is true "at some folks say ain't so! lTjever drop a horse hair into th‘ wat'rin'-tmugh An' leave It there for weeks an' weeks 'thout drainin’ of it off? An' if you use a human hair they say it only takes Jos' halt as long -but anyhow, it turns 'em into snakes' An' ef a feller don't believe one halt the things he hears A darnin' needle conies along an' sews up both his ears* Our cook she's superstishus .-.he's scared as anythin' If someone spills a little salt or don't pick up a pin. An* when I was a kid I'd walk down to th' gate an' back. An' think that I was poisoned if my foot stepped on a crack! I know them things is silly—1 cross my heart. I do— Bnt I guess lots o' things is so 'at some folks never knew! —Burges Johnson It has at last been definitely de- elded that we shall have a market day. That is the right step. We have been talking about this thing for 3 year now. and it is about time that we do something The surest way to succeed in anything is to be­ gin. "Well begun is half done.” is a motto that has been tried out a g »od many times and found to be as true as any other motto. The date is Wednesday, May 5, this time. When we will have another has not been definitely settled, but it is en­ tirely probable that others will fol­ low at the rate of one a month— perhaps oftencr. It is proposed now that a big dinner be served and that there will be a band concert and other features to assist in giving a pleasurable side to the day. Bar- gains of all eorts. public auctions, horses, cattle. old wagons and ma­ chinery. steam engine«, second-hand automobiles, new runabouts, ¿lock-in rhe new airship line, oil and gas. and lome have suggested that th»* Mt. Hood railroad will be put up at auction and knocked down to the lowest bidder. Let everybody come and bring something, if it is nothing but a last winter’s umbrella. DON’T FORGET THE DATE—MAY 3 Mr Sager has left at The Herald f*t office a sample of ihe roc:; blasted from the bluff south of the Sycamore statton. It is of a very firm, rolid nature, and seems to be equally as good as any in the county. It would be a great thing for the entire west­ ern part of the county If a crusher were put in at this point and con­ nected with the O \V. P.. so that the rock could be taken to all parts of the county There is a chanc“ for buildfng blocks and street material here, at most convenient transporta­ tion facilities in the county. The public schools of Portland were stopped last Monday because the supply of Bui! kun wat*-r was not available, Of course, the chil- dren went home and drank soda pop. mineral water, milk, and in their extremity, beer, and even took •i hances on a drink of Willamette water tn their extreme need. That was a queer movement. If Willam­ ette water was good enough to use at home, was there anything in the nature of things that should make it more dangerous at a school? Any how. what danger is there in drink­ ing water from this river? Do no' the river men use ft all of the time, and can you find a healthier class of people? The Willamette is far better as a source of water supply, even lor Portland, than the average city has The immense volume it car­ ries Is sufficient to dilute its impuri­ ties to the ten-millionth part, and unless the people of Portland wish to admit that something in their surroundings renders them especial­ ly susceptible to the dangers pos­ sible from such sources, they should be more careful about the remarks passed about the limpid liquid sup­ plied by the "beautiful Willamette " The Referendum privilege Is again about to be used to prevent the edu­ cational development of the state. Certain conservative citizens of Jackson county have started a peti lion with that purpose in view. A large part of the people think that the appropriation allowed by the leg­ islature to the Agricultural College Is ont of proportion to the needs of the institution and the development , of the state. They think that taxes ' are already too high, and while they! do not disapprove of a moderate al-1 lowance for the college they think the amount allowed at this session was entirely too large. There is un-l doubtedly good argument in the op- I post ton to high taxes. Proiierty is , now taxed in some parts of the state till there is a question whether it pays to hold It. If a man rents his property, pays taxes to come out of the rent, keejis up the inncldental expenses, he does not have even minimum Interest on his Invest­ ment. And yet people are talking improvements all of the time .More Improvement in the way of public committed to prison tor the non­ payment of any Hue Imposed by ths Recorder of the Town of liresham fur the violation of any of ths town ordinances of said town and not otherwise Passed the Comninn Council the 6th day of April. ISO* Approved April 6th, 190». F. B STVART. Mayor. Attest: D. M ROBKRTS. Recordar. Want to eichsnge your house, karni, or unimproved acreage lor other fwep- erty any »here? Call at Thompson A I'ugh*. othce. near tlraaham depot. outlay means more taxes and more Fall in lins—ba a booster. complaint about these same taxes ers in Grvaham. The situation Is thia: The people who live here now are largely those who have not been limited by the obstacles that surrounded the pion­ eer. They want to move more rap­ idly than their predecessors, and aa a consequence they see so many op­ portunities to spend money In the advance movements that are started, Thr largest lypcwrlter con«*arn tn the euri«I so many things that Mt'ST I h > done, that before they are aware of It they offen» the br»t typewriter In rtiMcncc for IT own s bai have shouldered burdens thai pro­ turn un PKNN3KS' This certainly place» a prem It rwaognltee Ikoneety aa a vokes a good many groans Let us be conservative, but let ns also be commercial a»»ct. conservative in our estimate of what Simply Mtf th* »mall constitutes conservatism. We can­ vhangv that now ah|Mi through xuur fftigvra not all have good roads at once. We and own th« magnl cannot all have gmid schoolhouse's Scent n« w oi IVFH and other public buildings this year, \.» & We cannot build these things and The tlOD tx (earlier with it» wanlEh ol rx pay for them in one year, and it is rlualvv tx»nx vhit'in't'i» not right that we should The fel­ — The 100 per rent low that settles in our midst ten perfret fy prwritar, years from now will get some of the with it» wide range ol practical uara benefits to be derived from these The»tunl> machine with record e|»ce«l that same improvements, and why should arritva in an undertone Ila worth twice the ot the next I m m tyiwwrttrr yet 1« cent» he not help to pay for them? But a price day will t*E»y it Never waa a urea Ear Lucent there Is a difference in the support ire toSAVK m *1 lM*f*»rr thr people ot Auix-rica of educational institutions. The N,»r was there ever a more valuable object lea money expended for yearly main­ •on evolved to prow tenance cannot begin to yield the state returns for several years ~ Purchasing Power To get these returns we must make pro­ visions now Money spent In (ire- paring for better and more usefu* Th«* pr«*M*nt irndein-y la to think in th* Io !<<•«* >lxhi <•( th«* |t»> < KN I*'* that go citizenship brings Its return In In­ i to lutikr up th«- dollar T«» torget the purvh«« fluence. in experience, in K«'n**rn! in* power that 1» pent up Lu |«rnniea. nickel» usefulness to the state, It is wealth and dime« <>ur -17 cent* a dax ** M*lltn* plan turn* ihl» stored up. a resource which wir to worth} purtmae yield the safest return to the |>eople. ‘ power The Oliver Typewriter 4'nmpwny ted» *af« In Is it conservatism, or is it short­ piittin* thia new plan into rffeet becauae it sightedness. then, that undertakes to iMAiikt on your a la is a» mo . mok . check the development of an Instl- | tution of this sort? Our college Is: doing a good service, but we are; informed from several sources that • it is greatly in need of room for I class work, experimentation and II-| lustration. Can we afford to cripple it by arresting Its development? You Can Pay 17c a Day of Pennies J. M. SHORT. M.D. S. P. BUTNER, M. 0. to — Fred D. Flora Phveklaae-Sargeeae. Gresham. PORTLAND, Near ■ ' • Oregon Morriaon Street 101 , Oregon ... For I verytMag In Jewelry I. I m . • • OREGON K bi »*« Restaurant. R. H. CASWELL AUCTIONEER MARHI.E ANO GRANITE Open to engagement for all kmda of A in -1 ionecring OREGON Monuments GRFSIIAM. E. B. MORELOCK AOCnONBBR I K II 20 Vesrs llapsrisncs. Nrriiixiii W. W. MINAR MIXNIR HKVNlHlg JOMKFH H DAILY During March and April s * OREGON Ileal In Ih, Cimili I’ourl o( th. Stair nf Oregon tor lb«. I'ounly ol Mulluonuh OREGON an<1 A Thomp*«»n Th« aag»*n Pin »nr Hhkl Summons. TO i»r MONTAVII.LA. X’W E. M«»rria«>n Hl. • P onti ani » Phon» En*I 4?:I4 IMalnll«. RRANI mi N. brtriidanl HI MMitNM T«» J mt ph It HrNit'tiin, i|<(iH«1«t»l lit the N«mr ««I Ibv Htwlr ul <»r«**««n . _ V. • rv hrrvby r«*«ptlrrr«ir muí 4ii»»<*r th** «•«>ni|»tait»i HI«-«] «h*mimi you lit th«* •botrvn Htkr«i « «»«nt atol nuit on or for? ih<* fol «»u fu11 I«» •«• Mp|*«*ar mol *u«wrr «lit* |»ialnllff l«> th. Nl.«»vr rnillk-tf «’••un f«*r I hr r«*llrf |>r«vrtl for tn b«r rom|dn»nl. in «In »I h »»«* «*nlUlr«l • «lit. to wit TU«« thr of tnatriinoh} now *'ii*4ite* l«riwv«*n pUlntlfl' mi( _ we offer lilt* «»liver l y(» w rtt< r tor a »mal’ ; . * : and trtut . : you - * for : ail th« r«»t _i . " payment their campaign, doubling the number cash is not a prrarhiurnt on »avin* ft*« of their subscribers: Central Point « Thia ~ plain, »iraight forward, bualneaa getting had big delegations from all the pr«*|Mi»ition ___ It ___ broaden» th«* mark< I tor * . wrtu n* *y principal towns of the Rogue River ’ uliver ’ p|- by interesting th««« who ha»** never thought «»f buy tn* ma« htn < It section, and SI.000 in leas than a *« n«lw Oliver* by the hundr«*dw into linilM as half hour showed the interest of the well as «»FFlUhS It o(M*na up n« w money making opportuni audience. Oakland. Cottage (»rove. t«» ambitious (M ot.i. everywhere An<1 w.* Eugene and Oregon City all did tie» are jiiwt •» dad to »« It a machine (or 17 rent» themselves proud. a day a* to have th«*< a»h with the or«l« r If )>• want to know mor«* about Tb>* Oliver Every month'sees some new com- A**K THE I SEKH There arc a «|Uarter «»( a nmnity publication added to Ore- million of them vai h an «»liver enthusiast gon’s series, and each book seems »*«••• th«* nearv»t Oliver ageut for details of more art’Stic than the last. Many our next * 17 < vnts a «lay** plan, or ad«)rv»e are handsomer than the ‘souvenir ' booklets ordinarily sold to tourists, Hood River and Medford are I both receiving compliments galore on THE OLIVER TYPE new and elaborately illustrated I lit- WRITER erat u re, just from the printer. DtiNllbTb Grealiam. All Kinde «»f Cemetery Work b iiia vm OH all i1 Abai*g rr orr BROTHERS you bad that watch Hied up It baa needed repair- ing and regulating for a long time. Or peritai* you im I a new timepiece, tfhy be alwaya ludi I nd timo? Beat treatment for tolda. ‘‘Moal ordinar? tolda will yleld lo thè •implosi treatment," raye ilio Clneagn l'iiliiine. "noslrrate la»»tivee, hot f.«>l liai ha, a lr»<- perayiiralion and an avotd- ance ot expnaure lo eold and wet alter treatment While lina treatment la ■impie. il re<|uir*a consideratile trouble ami thè one adopting il limai remalo in No knock­ doora lor a day or tuo, or a Ireah ooid la almoat aure tu 1» contraeteli. and In many instance« pneumonla lollowa. la il not boiler lo pin yout laith to an old reliable préparation lite Ciiatubsrlaln*« Cougti Kemedy, tbat ia famuli, lor ila cure« oi «olda and can alwaya he dépend- upon? For aale hv Grvaliain Uriig Co w. J trrr IT IS TIME Ke* pho Hr *» I'hun«» 7M •mo ill l Main *t . an«l KM> I' Seventh at. VANCOUVER. WASH. I Ml« «I |»nr»uant to «n thr «Uh lia) of March • Utrnbrln |»rv*L41 ng lllrsl I'ourL h) which order II i» direct«*«! that till» «umuoii» m )*nt> li»hr>d In thr gravar Stair Herald, on««* a w«« k for •!» «’on««’, Ullv«- w rcb. aliti th« «laic "I the rtr»t pubi hat Ion U Ihe liti» da» «»I March l'«*i. an«l the «late «»f the la*t |>u hl iva Iloti allí lx the fol «lay of April. I** I * VS crkly Oregonian ami Herald only >2 Herald anJ "Human l.ife" only >1.90 K«»««m «S-.1 Wort*c«i«*r Hl«!* , l*i>rt lami. « »re I he Herald and "Better f ruit,** >1.79 Correspondingly low from oilier points TO I HE PUBLIC Write letter* to everybody you know in the Emit and tell them ab«»ut theee low colonist rate* Send them litera­ ture alxiiit <>r»*g«»n, or tend their ad- . Seattle, Wash. Southern Paritlc Co (Line* in Oregon) limri ANI». OKKrioN COMPANY 1326 First Avenue. ORDINANCE No 12 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE WORKING OF CITY PRIS­ ONERS Be it ordained by the Common Coun­ cil of the Town of Gresham: Section 1. That hereafter all male city prisoners during the term of th<*lr imprisonment or comm it­ ment after conviction shall ile Hable to work upon the public squares. lots, blocks, streets, cisterns, sewers and o’her property of the Town of Gresham, or property of which the Town of Gresham has direct charge or control, and in cleaning and otherwise laboring upon all cross­ ings or streets In the Town of Gres­ ham. when so required by the Mayor or by the Common Council of the said Town of Gresham. The Town Marshal Section 2. shall, upon the direction of the Mayor or the Common Council of the Town of Gresham, produce any prisoner or prisoners in his charge and shall cause said prisoner or prisoners to perform any labor upon any street, street crossing, road, highway or other property set forth in Section 1 hereof, and to perform any labor required and directed to be performed according to the in­ structions of the May or the Com­ mon Council of the said Town of Gresham, and the »aid Marshal of the Town of Gresham shall, while said prisoner or prisoners are *o em­ ployed as aforesaid, properly guard said prisoner or prisoners, prevent escapes, and. If, In his opinion. It shall be necessary to shackle any of said prisoners while performing said work, he is authorized to shackle such prisoner or prisoners as he shall deem necessary. Section 3., No prisoner or prison­ ers shall be allowed to labor more than ten hours in one day, and If any prisoner shall refuse to labor when directed by the Marshal of the Town of Gresharn so to do. he may compel said prisoner or prisoners to go upon the street and attach to their leg or legs a chain and ball. Section 4. This ordinance shall not be construed to require any fe- . male to perform labor hereunder, nor to require any prisoner or pris­ oners to labor on Sunday. The term prisoner or prisoners as used In this ordinance shall be construed to In- i elude all persons who have been or , may be hereafter sentenced to Im- j prisonment for violation of any or­ dinance of the Town of Gresham, or i Fire! ELECTRIC SHOW MOVING PICURES Admission 10c GRANGt HAIL GRESHAM OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION Chantre Every Day John Brown, Rockwood, /X^ent For Eastern .Multnomah and Clai-kamas < uintha. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, next, 7 p. m. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. AUCTION SALE At Central Hotel Gresham, Oregon FREQUENT RAPID Springwater Division STATIONS I*«»KTI.AN|> I «loll Junction I Htanlry i lent» Jane s yea mor«.. I Jann« . I Linnemann I «iRFNHAM I iloffmi. I An tier »on . Hairy I Boring Mlrfrr.. Barton I |>r«»n Creek Kaul«* (’»••« k t’urrln» rill«*, i E«tarad* < AZADF.KO 7 4ft 1 - M «F2 •2ft 'M 1» rj N 17 h' M ri 4t M V» 4-. M g. Ml ft • ' ■Ut 1I on IM» O> 07 11 IP •J»« 3ft| V IO I«» IO 1«) II» IO IO «ft «1» Ift /2 .42 3ft 40 L> 10 II II II II II II II II II 11 11 1*2 ’2 12 12 12 12 4 ft Oft 1 » •22 MJ r> P» h*» I* M ftft ,fta no M OT 13 11 24 3» 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 ROI I DAI.I! LINNEMANN Hau* 14 nr Fairview TKOI 'TOALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 6-Hole Range. 4-Hole Cook Stove. Kitchen Cabinet Cooking Utensils Springs. Chairs. 2 Commodes. Blankets Quilts. Pillow Cases. Dishes i i 8 Bedsteads. Mattresses Mirrors. Chambers | Sheets. White Bed Spreads 1 Pillows Fruit Jars And other things too numerous to mention. Lv in Hilt ..f • SXADIR4 • Lv Eatarada Currlrmvllli* Ea«li* Cn*«*k fleet» Creek . Barton. Mlvfrr B«»rln* Haley.. A nder««»n.. Hogan. GRENHAM Linnemann . Jen tie ........... Mycam«»n* l4ini> Junction.. Htanlry. Golf Jonrtlon.. ! PORTLAND ..Ar MRS. MAGGIE CROW. Owner R. H. CA5SWELL. Auctioneer 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 43 M It 22 32 n 40 43 40 33 31 30 00 OS OT 13 11 20 3S 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 OS IS 22 12 ift 40 43 4 S I » s 3 1 3 43 0» IS 22 32 33 40 4S 1 0 • • 0 0 1 0 43 OS IS 22 32 33 40 43 0 1 T T T T T I 43 OS IS 22 J? 33 40 43 T 0 • 1 a a a 0 43 M IS 22 J? 1ft <4 44 It 11 11 11 U 12 12 12 13 33 45 S3 "J i»> io Ift BRANCH m > «I Mt IH >01 Hl <0 WESTBOUND U 12 12 12 12 12 12 ft .. ft ft ft 4 3ft ft 42 4 ♦Oft .'di 4 aft« * 1 ■ JO 22 2?» a 4ft ft 50 ft Mill Oft ft 14 ft ■n 1 4ft|7 ft .. ft 7 7 7 7 7 .. 7 7 7 a 7 IK). 7 Mft7 M7 7 40 7 nom ;V.» ft ou * IO M 4&! ftft . 01 o7i 12 14 IM 22 25 27 1T2 ■7 * Ift »1 ♦7 * •J) * nt) 9 III 9 Ift ’.» 2ft 9 4.» lv oc» Ift 20 4»» * 4ft 10 9 OO