Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 09, 1909, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.50 a Year,
Quality of Rock Said to Be the
Very Best—Accessible
to All Localities.
Th« agitation In the matter of g*s«l
roads continues to occupy the attention
of a great many citiseli« In thia com­
munity and diatricta to the es«t and
aoutli of < ■ reaham.
In aererai districts
the roads liar« been coated with gravel
whiili makea a good temporary suifiue,
but what is desired is a first class road
Willi criiahrd roea surface.
Several poeaible quarry altea have
been Investigated and If a feasibility of
locating a crusher al the various points
ba. I«ceti taken under consideration by
the county authorities ami l nie rest cl
Kelly Butte, the present source
ol supply tor rock, ia too remote to lie
taken intn consideration. The quarry
on the Hase Line ia ao situateli aa Pi
make the handling of rock expensive as
the mck lice below the road.
The alt« which I« being considered at
preaenl ia tb« moat advantageous from
all standpoint« In the minds of those
who bave given the mailer careful at­
tention. The pointe rrally pi I« eetiled
in an undertaking of thia kind are many.
First, the farmer asks, is th« ruck of
good quality and will It williatand the
wear and tear. Then there is the ques­
tion of coat—quarrying, crushing, hand­
ling and transportation. Thia pm|>oee<l
quarry is located on the Foster road,
alami fluì feet south of Sycamore station
on th« O. W. 1*. The rock ia of quality
claimed to be «qual to Kelly Butte, is
in a high bluff duee to the road and can
I« handled by gravity from the quarry­
ing to the loading of the finished pro­
The proximity of the railroad
also ensures cheap transportation for
hauling rock to Gresham or farther east.
A switch can be run from the uiain-line
to the rock at small expense.
This property belongs tot». O. Gam­
mons, who la willing to make a reason­
able price to the county provided the
land is used for thia purpoiw.
A |>el I lion lies been prepared to pre­
acni to the County Court and ia now
being circulated for eignere.
Vol. 5.
Heddlng of Bertha Wood.
(«lindi Meeting.
No. 15
The Herald has received anno-*'*-
Thers «a» a full attendane« ol coun-
inent of the marriage of Miss Bertha B.
clluirn sud otlicers et thè regular seeslon
Wood to Mr. M M. Barry at the home
of thè city governing board la«t Tuee-
of the bride’s parents in Msnhattan,
day niglit ami mettere luoking lo tlie
Kans., on March 31.
city« l*tterm«nt aere coneidered.
Mias Wood and ber parents lived near
Commuto« on Public Works w»i in-
Gresham is Now Enjoying Renewed Prosperity and Indica­ Gresham
a few years ago ami tbe Chairmen of Committees Ap­
strui'ted Ut arrang» lor thè rleari-up ol
former was a valued employee of The
thè town properly and citisene wi-re
tions Point to Continued Growth and Expansion Dur­
pointed—Speeches by
Herald. Tbe best wishes of The Herald
urgol lo join with them in clearing up
Interested Ones.
ing Ensuing Year—Boost, Boom, Build.
force and of a boat of friends in tbia
all rubblab. Tlila lisa long heen tieeded
vicinity are bers.
ili l'ertalo localillra and ehould la» dune
Fr«sd G. Conley, of the Stayton Mail,
nuw whlle rondinomi are lavorable.
Arthur Fieldhouse ia plastering Roy
The meeting of the Greaham Com­
a former Greabainite, visited in Port­
Ari ordinali»'« providing lor Ih« work I Gibb»' house.
mercial Club was held on Thursday
ing of city priaoner* wm adopted. The
The lecture by Rev. M. B. Paroonag- evening and resulted very favorably.
Prof. Baker reports that hi« little boy land and Gresham during the week
treasurer reporta»! 51'JtSlon band.
is but slightly improved. He will try He attend«! the meeting of the Editor­ ian ot Gresham was well attended and Mr. Johnson of Tbe Journal made an
ial Association in Portland Friday and much enjoy«! by all. It has far sur­ address calling attention to tbe beDefita
to bring him to Gresham.
| Kalurday. The Herald acknowledge« a pass«! anything of its kind given here to be derived from organized effort.
The High School hoys did welt at the
C-ard of I hanks.
before. Tlie Epworth League pledged I Following him Mr. Schaffer of the
We wish to thank the many friends Shallow social Friday night, clearing
All roads lead to Gresham, the com­ 525 for tlie handy church building and 'Gresham Oil A Gas Co. made a short
for their kind assistance and sympathy over 52U.
mercial, financial and educational cen­ Mr Parounagian has thus help»»! it address, explaining tbe plans and pur-
Mlaa Lucy Higgins ol Portland ia vis­
tendered during <Hir recent l*re»vrmenl
ter ol eastern Multnomah and north­ out.
I poses of bis company. Several mem-
in the death of our loved one, Mr». iting Mrs. J. N. Faria thia week.
A postcard shower was given Miss | tiers of the company were present.
ern Clackamas—the garden spot of
Anua Crenshaw.
Grandma Holgate of Yaquina Bay ie Oregou. “30UU in 1910."
Iva Blackburn by friends and relatives
The chairmen of several committees
C. L. Crenshaw,
spending the week at the home of J. X.
Earl Townsend has sold hia restaur- on her birthday. A great number were were named as follows: Dr. (Xt on Civic
Harry Crenshaw.
Essie Crenshaw,
Improvement; Arthur Dawsett. Ways
' ant to Eli Misner and has taken a posi­ received and a pretty assortment.
Frank Crenshaw,
L. D. Howard haa gone to Miaaoari 1 tion in the Hudson barber shop at
Mrs. Harry Lusted and son Ellis of and Means; A. Meyers, Finance and
Gladys Crenshaw.
to «pend some time at hia old home. ^Troutdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Washougal spent tbe first of the *wek II. A. Ila mall, Publicity. Tbe chair­
Mra. Howard has gone to The Dalles to will move to Troutdale soon, to reside. , with ber mother, Mr». Ball.
manship on Market Day was left open.
viait her slater, Mrs. J. FI. Kronen berg.
Talks were made by Dr. Thompeon,
Roliert Simms has sold his place on | The funeral of Dell Stewart waa held
These are busy limes here.
Mra. Frank haa been appointed car­ Hood avenue and will move loMiseouri. on Tuesday at the Cbapel and burial Mr. Darnall, Mr. Pugh, Mr. Brugger
Carbulineum company has a crew ot rier on Route 5, in place of Mr. Man­
was in tbe Douglass cemetery near and others. The president voiced tbe
Wil! Dahlquisl is tbe purchaser.
men worklug nights
Troutdale. Ths (»rangers took charge general opinion that the great need of
ning, who ia transferred to Route 3.
Miss Mav Amelia Ziln of Kprmgdale.
Turner A Goodnsw are putting up a
Rev. J. H. this section ia more people, more farm­
The merchants that advertise in The and Frank U. Snitxler, of Kelso, Wash , of the service at the grave.
building for a barber shop and real
ers, more intensive farming and a wider
Herald are community builder»—real were united in marriage at tbe home of Wood preached the sermon
estate office,
T. Taylor and family who went to circulation of information relative t > our
live boosters. Pick them out.
They the bride at Springdale, on April 5, '09,
Joe laiundry of Independence spent a
are men who are interested in the at 7 p. tn , Rev. M. B. Parounagian Oklahoma about a year ago, thinking it resources. Tbe general feeling was that
few days here and • I pacts to move here
would be belter than Oregon, bare re­ weekly meetings should be held until
growth and development of this great officiating.
turned and are living on tbe Kelly the League was well established.
country of ours.
Patronise them and
The report from the library shows place.
8. J. Sorenson and wife have moved
Adjournment was taken until next
encourage their efforts.
the ufifailiiig interest in goo<i reeling
back here.
Mr. Sorenson ia working
Mrs. Geo. Carpenter visited ber par­ Tuesday night.
Everyone ia invited to
The mercantile establishment of Lew­ and the result of faithful work by Mies
for Mr. Palmer al ths mill.
ents near Portland on Saturday.
She come and bring a friend.
ie Shattuck haa grown from a small Culy, the librarian. In the month of
A boy was born to lbs wile of A. G
has been quite sick since Sunday.
village store to a large department store Marcli, 1718 people patronised the in­
Miss Irene Douglass led F!pworth
where you can get anything from a pin stitution and borrowed 823 books, 48
H. Beck and family have been re­
League Sunday evening and a very good
A Good Reputation.
to farming implements.
Perseverance, per cent of which were fiction. Nine­
leased from quarantine.
meeting was held.
If a good reputation for 57 years
progressiveness and
business teen new registrations were also made.
Chief Electrician Shultz has a gang of
School was re-opened on Monday after coanta for anything, call ami investigate
tuea al work boildiag a brick houee lor
Mrs. C. A. Wolf of Seattle, formerly a week's vacation on account of scarlet the Universal Stoves and Ranges carried
tlie large tanks for stepping down the need more men like Mr. Shattuck and of New York, is visiting ber cousin, fever. Miss Bradfield was not able to by R. R. Carlson.
Prices range from
with him at the head of tbe Commercial
IA5 to 500. Our new stock of Perfection
Mrs. John Metzger
be present on account of grip.
' "w P. Brown has open«! a shoe shop C,ub we wi"
Blue Flame Oil Stoves are the finest
F. A. Toepelman has arrived from
under the confectionery.
W. P. Brooks of St. Johns, was a call-
ever produced in Gresham.
Call and
New York to spend a year with his son,
Fall in line—be a booster. No knock-
Mrs. Vauderhoof is now in charge o!, er *n B>is vicinity this week, looking for
see before you buy.
8. E. Toepelman.
era in Gresham.
a location,
the cook bouse lor Mr. Palmer
The Damascus Creamery has moved
to Portland.
Chas. Palmer of Gaston »¡*nt a few
days with hia lolks here last week.
Jas. Pitman was here renewing *'111
Grandma Hickey haa gone to Steven-
eon, Wash.
Consldsrabls land is being cleared
around hare
Mark Wilmarth io assisting at the
depot under Agent Wallace Talton!
Wakeup! Boost! We need more set­
tlers— more capital to develop our
j reaouraes.
j "For every dollar spent in paint and
, improvement«, ten will lie returned."
, Thue said a prominent citizen the other
¿»y. . And he ia right
Some of our
business blocks would be none the worse
off tor a coat of paint and a few alien
Inquiries for Land.
The O. W. P. Land Co. Immigration
Bureau lias daily inquiries from the
East, in ¡act all parts of the countrv,
for land, acreage, ranebaa, and is tn
position to show and sell yonr property.
Call at Hessel's Realty office, corres-
(«indent O. W. P. Land Co. Imniigra- ,
tion Bureau, Gresham, Ore., opp. post-
atio.ia and certainly would look a lot
more attractive.
Ever notice that tbe
Whitehead’s. Addition.
Basket Sodai at Orient.
store (or hotel) that ia the neatest ap­
Whitehead's Addition ia now on the
pearing is the most inviting and baa the
Multnomah Grange will give a basket
market, 00 lots from 1115 up. Tracis
social and program, Saturday evening
It holds good in
Do yon want a home, or rent a liouae’ largest patronage?
|(U) up. No rocks or gravel, deep aoil,
April 10.
Everybody inviteli.
Good Call at Thompwin A Pugh's office, near any community.
good drainage.
Will be sold within
time as«ur«l Orient Hall.
Greaham depot.
W. A. Heseel haa returned from trip three months.
Thompson A Pugh, of­
to California, where he made a general fice near depot, Gresham.
, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i tour of th* country and cities
He re-
, i turned tn Gresham with tlie conviction
Blue-Ribbon and Quick-IVal Bucgies,
i that tlii» 1« far the beet place and "good are good vehicles. Iu«pect tbe «amples
J J enough for him."
H» is the »on of J at J. C. Hessel'« agency, Powell street,
Handles Everything needed for the kitchen and table—That's ns!
Ws «>!<?. Hessel, the reliable implement deal- opp. Poetoifiee, Gresham.
, ,
have »elected our slock with care, selected only the frostiest and best,
< >
and si'll them right. Honest measure and goal good« ia our motto, o|er. Mr» Hessel and daughter are ex-
Liat vour Farms, Acreage, Honae and
that's why jxsqile come to ue for Groceries when they want the be»t. ] ’ peeled from tbe east tbe first of next
Lota, anything you have for sale, with
Full lines ol Flour, Cereal», Sugars, Spice«, Flavoring Extracts. Canned i , I month.
1 ’
Fruits. Csnned Meat», Teas, Coffee», Confectionery, Etc., Etc.
Try us.
< 11 Gresham school« are to have a cabinet Thompson A Pugh. Quick gales. Office
CCCfYC For the garden, field or llower bed, in bulk or package. i i of their own in the school exhibit at the near (treeham depot.
, , XffllX
"The kind that grows." Our seeds are grown frolu the ' ’! Seattle Fair. Teacher» and pupils are
< > VH-Ll/U
choice«! stock and put up by men who know their bnsi-
Superior and Evan» Potato Planters, I
' J Meas. If you want early vegetables and lots ol 'em you must have giaal , , | working hard to make a gixxl exhibit.
Disc-, Spring- and Spike-Tooth Harrows ;
t George Faria visited the home folks and all kinds of Cultivator», at J. C. I
, seeds. Get your seeds of us.
J [ over Sunday.
Hessel's, tiresham,Ore., opp. postoffice 1
Main Street, Greaham
A GOOD 6777Z£W^
Will deposit his money in this bank.
Why deposit money la thia Bank?
Because it ia equipped with every facility for the protection of funds entrusted
to its care.
Becaanse it la managed by a Board of Directors composed of men who have
been auceeeshil in their own business affairs an<l are known for their integrity and
ability, and know the details of the business of the bank and know what ia being
done each day—something besides an office-holder.
Because thia hank accepts small accounts subject to check, and its officers ex­
tend every courtesy and attention to all depositors without regard to the size of
their accounts.
Because sooner or Inter yon will want an accommodation from the Bank and
you will not then be a stranger to its officer» as you most likely would be in a
large bank.
Because thia Bank pays interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum on time
deposits and accepts «mall amounts at the convenience of the depositor.
You are cordially invited to open an account with us.
____________ r
[~*»nr.~ rA^Mnlil
Material for the new Premium list is
getting into shape. Quite a number of
people are going to take advertising
space and several are considering a page
cut of their homea. Better write the
secretary at once if vou have any such
Reports come from several sources of
interest in the Juvenile Poultry contest.
Mr. Ringhouse has promised a pair of
his prise White Wyandotte» to the win­
ner of the first prise. Windle Bros
of Lents have promised a pair each of
Buff Orpingtcna and Buff Rocks. Other
special prises are in view for this de­
The Union Meat company have prom­
ised the 525 cash prise for the best pen
of marketable hog«, of 160 pound» or
llailewood Creamery company have
Promised a
barrel of "Dairvman'«
riend" cleaning powder, and a four-
bottle tester, for prise» in the dairy de­
Butser, "the Seed Man," has taken a
page ad. and will also report some spec­
ial prises.
Monroe A Criseell have also made an
offer of a number of «pecial prise«.
There are other» that will be retorted
Fruit Sugar, 17 llw. for.
»1 00
Beet Sugar, IS lbe. for..
...... 1.00
Beet grade of Coal Oil, per gal.
Dried Currants, per lb
Dried Raisins,
Dried Peaches,
Dried Apricots, "
............... 10c
Dried Apple«,
............... 10c
Princess flour $1.35
This Flour is not made by a Trust
which enables us to mil it at thin low
price. Prituves flour ir the highest
grade ma>ic, it's the perfection of
Hours. Otlier g'«xi brands as low as
Shorts, per ton..............................
per sack............................ 1.15
Bran, per ton................................. 27.50
per sack...........................
Corn, per cwt............................... 1.80
Big line of Porcelain ware, Kichen
ware, Cooking utensils, etc. to arrive
this week. Very low prices.
Ijirjre Variety of Artistic
and Tasty Designs to se­
lect from. Expert Trim­
mers in Charge.
Our prices defy competition
for we sell the cheapest e
in the county.
Big Supply on Hand. Bulkier« here's
your chance. Prices, Keg. 52.50 to
Full line of buiMer’s suppliee
coming—to arrive soon.
Don't buy
till you get our prices.
Howitt Bldg.
’^’HEN YOU BUY GROCERIES you expect to get
Full Measure and Honest Weight. Did you ever
think that you are more likely to get these at a good Cash
Store than you are if you buy on credit ? A credit store has
to make up for the many little losses, so must weigh and
measure far more closely than its Cash competitor. Then, if
you for any reason should feel the least dissatisfaction and you
are a credit buyer you hesitate to say anything because you
are owing money. You are not independent. You stand
the loss and say nothing.
All this is very different if you trade at a Cash Store. You
?!t favors. You get all it’s possible to get for the money
ou pay CASH and are entitled to the MOST and BEST.
Mesdames Boone
and Metzger
Butter, per roll,
Eggs, per dozen,
Veal, per lb., -
Hogs, per lb.,
Beef, per lb.,
Mutton, per lb.,
Hides, per lb.,
Chickens, per lb.,
Springers, per lb.,
55 and 60c
10 and 10 l-2c
9 1*2 and 10c
- 4 and 4 l-2c
5 and 5 l-2c
15 and 16c
18 to 20c
Powell Street,
Gresham, Ore.