Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 02, 1909, Image 1

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Makes Great Progress During New Structure is ol Concrete
Portland Capitalists Convinced The Success of the Attempt is
Gresham is Now Enjoying Renewed Prosperity and Indica­
the Week—Many Applica­
That Petroleum is to Be
to Be Seen Clinging to Wire
Construction and Will Cost
tions Point to Continued Growth and Expansion Dur­
tions for Membership.
Found Here.
Nearly $6,000.
Fence, Wrecked.
ing Ensuing Year—Boost, Boom, Build.
Greaham la entering u|a>n an ere ot
development and publicity aiu'h as has
-coms to many other ritiea leea worthy,
lilting them out of nonentity into a
a etale ot happy prosperity. Aud thia
ia what will happen here.
The Greaham Commercial chib ia get­
ting into aliape lor tlie right soft of
work During the week it baa been ac­
tive in securing new members and
getting liveco-operetion of Imaiweea men
ami clUaena. t'pwardeof 4U members
are now enrolled end others are roiaing
The mark Mart at KU and It la believed
that aemler will be reached before lite
sunituer ia over.
At tim meeting held laat HaUinlay
night lor the purprsw of discussing Cun
etitution an>l By-fawe, the committee
reporteal in tavor of adopting the *xm-
etitution aid by-laws ol th« lortnar
league, eacept that the eu|e-rviaing pow­
er, which aaa formerly in a board ol
five truatm, be now v«aleal in a board
ol governors who aliall 1» the tirade ol
standing cummilteae.
There will be
committees on I hi Mie Improvements,
Immigration, Publicity, Finance, etc.
Il is planneal to have an Information
Bureau, which will I* of grrat service
tar viailora anal elrangrre or parsons
seek I ng las-atiune nr investment«.
A big Hireling ia linked lor tonight at
the Grange hall when tin- buanl ul gov­
ernors, aa provideal for III the pro|aoeeal
constitution, will 1» appointral. The
»lauding committers will lie selected
Let all the members anal everyone in­
terested he preeent. A big publicity
lianquet la being planned lor the near
future, pueaibly next week, al which
special a|ieakera from Portland will lie
preeent, and some interesting dis-
closure« will lie made in regaral to big
development plana lor Greaham and it '
will |>ay you to get in on the ground
loaffets anal advertising pamphlet«
will be lasueai soon and given wide cir­
culation through the mails ami al the
Portland Roer Festival, the Seattle
Fair, etc. It is proposed to enclose
leaflets in sacks ol potatoes, Mi lea of i
fruit, eta-., telling ol ths rvsaiurces ol
eastern Multnomah
Homrthlng like «lx month« ago th«
member« of the l^-nta Grange I m - can
They're coming I ".HUI in 1910.”
Wm. Johnson of Monfort, Wia., it
to talk about «reeling a hall
Fall in line—be a booster. No knock- her« visiting friendi and ««eking a loca­
obetarlee aw tn rd for a Ion* time to
era in Gresham.
be many and unaurmountable, but
<>. Thoma« haa been «ick with the
Earnest Beers and wife s|«nl Hundav
the absolute nweaalty of better ae­
grip and is much missed from hii usual
eommodatlon« forced them to do with Mrs. Beers, parents here. Mr.
Beers is now bead sawyer for the Port­ poet in tbe band room.
something. so a committee wax
pointed to consider plan* and as a land lumlwring and logging c-xnpany,
result the lo-nta Grange Hall Asso­ one of th« largeat concerns on the coast Basket Social at Cedar Schoolhouse
ciation «as formed, with a capital
Mrs. Boon« and daughter, our pop­
The Young Ia>bes Single Bl i -meilnea«
almk ot S3SOO
The stock started ular milliners, spent Sunday and Mon­ Debating society will give an entertain­
off well, but long before It waa all day visiting Iriends at their old horn« ment and basket social at Cedar School-
«old the demand declined and other in Salem.
houae, Hstuniav evening, April 10th.
mean« of retains money were de­
Tho«« who attend th« big dance given Admiaeion free. All come.
vised Roon after the committee re­ I by th« Gresham Concrt Band her« Sat-
ported It* Incorporation, the atoek- 1 urday evening, are assured ot a rare
Inquiries for Land.
hi.ldrrs elected A F. Miller. A F musical treat, for ther« will be music
flrrahner, T J Kreuder. O. K l-ent by the band and a seven-piece orchea-
Th« O. W. P. land Co. Immigration
Bureau haa daily inquiries from the
and Donald Feury a* directors, and ua.
East, in fact all parts of the country,
the aurress of the undertaking I*
Mrs. C. XV. Doane is somewhat im­ for land, acreage, ranches, and is in
mainly due to their peralatent effort« proved this weeh. being up and around position to «bow and sail your property.
to carry the enterprise through
Call at Hi
Heeael'a ~
Realty office, corres­
at time«.
pondant O. W. I*. Land Co. Immigra-
waa early decided to erect a ooncrete
tion Bureau, Gresham, Or«., opp. poat-
building, beeauae It would be a good
thing for the town. It would be more the wonderful scenic attractions of this
testing and It would atlmulale the ' vicinity when «(leaking of our town.
If in need of Quality Buggies, Hark«,
erection of more substantial bualnwa Take a stroll up on Greaham Butte some Road Wagon«. Wagon*. pleaae call at
bright, clear day, sod behold the beauti­ John C. Heasel's, Agent, opp. poetoflice.
It waa thought at one time that ful panoramic view of Powell aod Greaham.
the undertaking would have to take
a real, mon.-. . ame In »<> «low and Willamette Valleys, with Portland, the
loans aeemed *o difficult ot obtain­ I Columbia river and three snow-capped
Death of Mrs. C. L. Crenshaw.
ing About thia lime an optiortunlty peeks in the distance and our pictur-
waa offered to rent the entire lower ; rsque little city in the foreground,
New« of the death of Mr«. C. I-
rt..«.r for a «tore, and having thia
giaid prospect In view a loan wan nestling in a valley of green fields and Crenshaw waa received here from
The building la mostly orchards that resembles a huge checker i Oakland on Wedneeday evening.
done and th« lower floor haa already board. One needs only to see Ulis to came a« a great shock to the members
been opened for one of the largest tie convinced of the wouderful fertility of of the family who had been informed
general store« In the county That
only the day before that «he waa much
the people of Lenta appreciate thia Ibis section.
new Inalltntion waa evidenced by
Tbs Columbia Brick Works are run­ im pro vol and might lie ex pee ted home .
the large numtier that attended the ning full blast now, employing about soon.
opening on laat Tuesday
Mrs. Crenshaw leaves a husband, two
Hut the atory la not complete The 2ft men.
sons and two daughters to mourn her I
hall haa already been leased for ten
Otto Wabbles was in Gresham a lew
nlghta In the month, and a* a grand days last week. He is employed as untimely departure. She had been
opi ning the Grange will be the Aral
married twenty-three years.
A son,
to occupy It on Haturday evening of lineman on the North Bank road.
Harry, recently married, lives io Cali­
thia week In an entertainment and
Frank Giblie has moved to Ins new
ball Thus will the entire commun­ borne in Kegnera addition. Mr. Brad­ fornia. The other clildren are, Essie.
Gladys and Frank.
ity celebrate the flrat really well
constructed building In the town and ley. who is soon return to <i resham, will
She has lieen a great sufferer from
the moat expenalve piece of Grange occupy the house on Fourth street.
cancer of which she died while under­
property In the county, for thia
The First State Bank haa had several going treatment. Mr. Crenshaw has
building wh"n complete will coat be­
tween 15000 nn<l D' i OOO. A Renerai large placards printed at The Herald done everything possible to relieve hi«
Invitation la extended to the public office for use in its real estate business. wife's suffering«. She had gone to Oak­
to assist In celebrating the event,
and already a very large attendance I Th« Methodist church choir is pre­ land for special treatment.
The family ha« the sympathy of the !
paring s|>ecial easter music, under the
la assured
entire town and a wide circle of friend«
direction ol Miss Burton.
Auction Sale« are all th« go these in their sorrow. The body will arrive
Superior and Evans Potato Planters, i When writing or talking with our ad-
Diac-, Spring- and Hplke-Tuoth Harrow*
and thia office is kept on the jump Saturday morning and the funeral will :
and «11 kind« of Cultivators, at J. C. ■ vertiaera pleaae mention that you naw turning out bills. The latest is the sale be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the
1 I aasiaaaa 1 * « 1 Greaham,Ore
à a oom I • >a SV > (Ira , opp. luvaliiflLu
poatoflice. ' 1 t»«eir ad. in The Herald.
of Chas, lluliler ol Troutdale, who will Methodist church.
" . ............... . 1
1 '■
have a sale Monday alternoon. R. H.
■ Casawell is auctioneer in most eases
Weddlnq at Marmot.
Geo. B. Whilcom ol labonan is in
The wedding of Mr. Ernest J. Atcboff
town in the interest ol some mining anti Mrs. Ellen Mundy was celebrates!
pro|»-rtiea recently discovered on the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Handles I vervlbing needed for the kitchen and table—That’« nt! We
Santiani, 40 miles east ot Lebonan.
Aschoff nt Marmot on Sunday. Mrs.
< ►
hive m'lecled our h U h ’L with »are, selected only the frrtheet ami beet,
’ *
and evil them light. Honest measure and good g«*ods is our motto,
The Eastwotkl Nurseries are shipping Anchoff is of Portland and the couple
will reside in that city during the *11 in­
that * m why p««op|«« come to ua for < ir< w-eries when they want the Iwst.
nursery stock to eastern Oregon points. ti ut . Their many acquaintance« join
< .
Full lines ot I*lour, Ccronls, Sugars, >pices, Flavoring Extract«, Canned
By the way, have you noticed the im­ in wishing them a long, happy and suc­
; ’
Fruits Canned Meats, Teas, Coffees, Confectionery, Etc., Etc. Try us.
provements and arrangement ol their cessful married life.
For the garden, Hold or flower I mw |, in bulk or package,
stock they are making? They deserve
*‘Tlie kind that grows.” Our seeds are grown from the
When you want to sell your town
choicest »lock and put up by men who know their busi-
properly, acreage, ranch or farm, list
new*. If you want early vegetables and lots of ’em you must have good
Mrs. Grace Metzger waa in town on same at Hessel's Realty office. Corres­
seeds, Gel your seeds of us.
Monday. She re|*oris her recent Millin­ pondent of O. XV. 1*. Land office, Immi­
ery opening, lioth here ond at Arleta, a gration Bureau, l’owell street, Gresh-
i am.
grand success.
At last! The gulch running through
Main Street, Gresham
< ►
*a**«****««***a**«**a *«**«««****a**M*a«**««*4 •♦♦♦♦«« the business part ol tuw u haa been
cleaned ol its debris and trash (and
other things) and the ■ore «pot oi the
town obliterated—April tool!
Are you willing to do for Gresham
what Gresham baa done for you? Then
R. II. Casswell has recently returned
Will deposit his money in this bank.
from Vancouver B. C., where he was
Why deposit money in this Bank?
called suddenly by the illness ol hie
Large Variety of Artistic
Because it is equipped with every facility for the protection of funds entrusted daughter.
and Tasty Designs to se­
to its care.
Harry Thomas was a caller on Mon­
lect from. Expert Trim­
Becaaui»e it is managed l»y n IVmrd of Directors com posts I of men who have day. Mr. Thomas is engaged with the
mers in Charge.
been successful in their own buxine«-* affairs and are known for their integritv and
ability, ami know the details of the business of the bank and know what is being Oregon Paint and Varnish Co., and re­
cently moved here from I.atiraivle.
done each «lay something besides an office-holder.
Our prices defy competition
P.ocanse this hank accepts small accounts subject tn check, and iti officers ex­
for we sell the cheapest
Mrs. J. M. Short and children and
tend every courtesy and attention to all depositors without regard it» the sire of her mother, Mrs. King, have returned
in the county.
their accounts.
from a brie! sojourn in California.
Because sooner or Inter von will want an accommodation from the Bank nn<l
you will not then he a stranger to its officers as you m »st likely would be
Ed. Johnson is assisting in tho sur­
large bank.
veying of the Independent land Co's,
Because this Bank pays interest at the rate of I per rent per annum on
new addition, now being platted and
<hq»or>itM ami accepts small amounts at the convenience of the depositor.
has the contract to clear and grade the
You are cordially invited to open an account with us.
Ralph Shepherd has heart transferred
to Oregon City and M. G Telford comes
here from Estacada.
Help your Home Paper by dealing
Howitt BlJq.
with our adverisers.
Tell them you
saw their ad. iu The Herald.
A new corporation has just been
Will some one pleaae inform us wbo
formed and its Held ot activities will the gentlemen were wbo invaded tba
have for Its center the town of Gres­ peace and quiet ot our burg via tbw
ham. This corporation has for Ila aerial route, causing no end of excite­
purpose to prospect for oil, gas or ment? Now this ia "on the quiet,” fur
minerals right at our door. Do you the gentlemen said eo, (but things will
realize It? It has been known tu leek out you know) eo mom's the word.
many of our citizens for some time Well, about 10 days ago a big van from
that there were evidence of minerals Portland arrived in tlieae parts and its
In one or more springs in this city, mysterious cargo s«sretly(?) transform!
and aside font the presence of Iron to tbe summit of Greaham Butte, which
and sulphur and magnesia. It Is ap­ is several hundred feet altitude, and
parent that some oil la to be found. then wonder ol wonders!—it waa an air­
How much oil remains for this com­ ship!
A real airship, about 20 feet
pany to ascertain. It is prepared to long, with wings likaa hug« bird, laghtly
drill a well 2000 or more feet deep yet strongly cunstructed. Ami of (owrse
In search of this oil, and for that it would fly—and solve the problem of
purpose the company will begin with aerial navigation!
But—it didn’t, and
a stock of *S0u,00t) fully paid, besioe« tbe gentlemen, deeply diaaappomted,
250,000 shares of treasury stock, par skidooed and left their airship, wreck«!
value of |1 per share. Among the and smaabel, right where it bad ¡alien,
organizers of the new rompany the
names of J. C. Lewis, of the Pacific acroae a barb wire fenca.
Construction Co.. Robert Ashley, of
It haa been whispered about that they
the City Delivery Co., F. D. Smith, will come again, with a new model,
of Robinson Co., and N. L. Shafer,
who will act as general manager. with all the defects of this one remedied
The board of directors have not been and this time they will flv—so it is
elected yet. but It has been disclosed said. Perbap« it is figure.! to establish
that some of Gresham's best citizens | an aereoplane depot ami station on the
will be among the officers, and a
number of leading Portlanders will Butte, the only stopping point between
Portland and Mt. Hood, with little cable
complete the organization.
At the present time considerable cars running up and down the hill. Or
Interest is attached to the mineral perhaps it will be tbe start and finish
water that flows from a spring In
Thompson’s addition. It undoubted­ of aerial races, or perhaps—well anyway
ly has some good qualities and It is whatever come« ol these whisperings,
not so extremely strong as to be so we are deeplv interested in this “kite-
offensive as many of the mineral flyin” and shall expect to see the first
waters that have gained popularity.
If It proves to be of medicinal value practical "air devil” make its debut ia
It would be of undoubted popularity, th« air from Gresham Butte.
since It would not be in the least
unpleasant to use. The water Is be­
ing tried for its medicinal virtues
Blue-Ribbon and Quick-Deal Buegfoa,
now and any one who wish«« to test are good vehicles. Inspect the samples
Its qualities may do so now without at J. C. Hessel'e agency, Powell street,
money or charge.
opp. Poetoflice. Gresham.
Are our best advertisement. Cash customers are satisfied cus­
tomers, and you can always tell them by that self-same look.
‘‘Our low cash prices have caught the town” and our army of
‘cash buyers’ is increased every day by people who have been
convinced of our low prices and honest business methods—people
who want to save 10 per cent of their grocery and feed bills.
We guarantee to give the “most in quality and quantity” at
lowest prices in the county. Our goods are just a little better
and 10 per cent cheaper than elsewhere.
The man that buys
here is enabled to start a bank account—is on the road to wealth.
Farmers Beware of Cheap Clover Seed
That ia floating on the market in this vicinity. Compare the quality of our
Med with others and you will readily pee the difference. Poor peed means
poor crops. Can you afford a
crop? We will send •“
’ample« of our seed
anywhere on requeet. A No. 1 Sen!, I2l«c; No. 2, ll^c.
Princess flour $1.35
This Flour is not made by a Trost
which euubles us to sell it at this low
price. Prince« flour is the highest
' grade made, it’s the perfection of
• V
Fruit Sugar. 17 lbs. for
..... $1.00
Beet Sugar. IS 11». for............... 1.00
Ik-st grade of Coal Oil, per gal .. lftc
Dried Currants, per lb
Dried Raisins,
Dried Peaches,
Dried Apricots, ”
10c < Shorts, per ton......................... $2*> iK»
per sack........................... 1. IS
Drie»l Apples,
Bran, per ton............................... 27.60
per «ack ..........................
Corn, per cwt ............................ 1 80
Big Supply on Hand. Builder« ht-ro’*
your chain’»*. L’rio <, K»*g. F2.50 to
Full line of builder’s supplies ' Big line of Porcelain ware, Kirben
coming—to arrive *< hui . Don’t buy i ware, cooking utensils, etc. to arrive
till you get our prices.
■ this week. Very low prices.
Butter, per roll,
Eggs, per dozen,
Veal, per lb., -
Hogs, per lb.,
Beef, per lb.,
Mutton, per lb.,
Hides, per lb.,
Chickens, per lb.,
Springers, per lb.,
-60 and 65c
10 and 10 l-2c
9 1-2 and 10c
- 4 and 4 l-2c
5 and 5 l-2c
15 and 16c
18 to 20c
Powell Street,
Gresham, Ore.