Stuver'lintf Grrahatn Vindicator. Grr»h»m GasettP. E*»t Multnomah Record, Multnomah K«-eord and Montavilla Herald rublishel Every Friday at Grvaham, Oro., by thr B kavkh S tats Pvnuantxu Co H A. PARS ALL. Enrroa »sn M» sa «- k «. BSSSCSimtS SATn >Vr Year. |l W »irirtly m advan.-e to forvlgn rountrie* W t*' Six Month» AN- Three month* trial »uhM-riplion* vv Single cople* V A*K for clubbtnc rate* tasnasCfB should b« >ent by Kxprsss or Poatotlce Money tinier. KegutenM letter or Check Slanti* a*xvplv»t up to V »vnta CMAKL 0» LDOSfSS In ontering change of address give old a* well a* new addrea» C0SSFSS0MM1T5 -tre wanted tn every community It no correaponden*» appear* Croat y'ur ueighborho*!. you are respectfully ns;v wt*i to »end ua as many local items a« you » an AOVfinSMK 1ATF5 LKGAl. ADVERTISIN'- tet in lead» d point Ide p«r line tlr»t insertion Nr per line each «uhsequent insertion DISI’l KA ADVERTISING No pivction guarani*'»! per single column inch each issue. Liberal dueount allowed tor either time or »pace adver tmoment*, nut not both For position (any sue) Ac per inch additional RKADKRS. i|H Auctioneering Itvturvr« Aiu«H'iatlon, I*, ol II., met mi mi your car ; imaa an ap|MUntnivnt: GRKHHAM, OREGON ini«« a bmdtir«»* Mngatf«*in«nt; <»r won*» with I'lea.ant Valley Grange. Feb. '.’7. y«t, you may la» 1< m » lai« to yuur wort Owing to the inclemency o( the weath au*l t<*«» your |*»«Hioti er. the representation wag comparative­ III T rill RE S RELIEF! —GO TO ly small. Thoae present w««r» i W. It. REAL ESTATE avi » EMPLOYMENT t*«r«on», Mr«. D. McKay •nd Mr«. I L'arma a Hpwciahy Shattuck ot Gresham; II. . W. Simahall And (kt a Good Reliable llmeplvce OFFICE AT AKLKTA, OREGON and Mr« M. Kronenberg of l*l<*«»ant 191 Morriaon Htrect Valley; Arthur Young of l ent». Mr«. PORTLAND, - OREGON M Ida Thorpe. Rockwood; Mt. .1 Near Tap*« Koataurant. Ashcraft, Fairview. Mi»» i Fox of the Portland Library, «a» 1 prvwnt ■■ a MAMBÍ.I AMI (IRANOE visitor bill will henceforth bo admitted as an honorary member. rtOJ The following officers were elected President, E. F Huffman; vice-presi­ t dent, II W. Snaahall; secretary, Mrs. All Kind* of < rmelery Work J M. Ashcraft and lieasurer, Mrs. C. Kstlmatvs un all r’aaae» of Work Townsand. Several important questions came up tor diKUHion wbivb will be prevented .‘Î.V, E. Morri »on At. - l’VÄTLAXff in the form of resolutions at the Pomona Phone East 423 ! ami tbe State Grange. H. M. CHITWOOD Fred I). Flora E. B. DUFUR Monuments seems to be something wrong. Incapable men and brutal treat­ ment have been charged for a long time now and it does seem EMEMBER that you are an that there must be some grounds W. W. MINAR individual and not a grain of for the charge that certain in­ STAK SERIAL BEGINS dust or blade of grass. Teach dividuals have a ‘stand in’ with NOW yourself how to think good the powers that control the ap­ There it ait art'« In ihit number w uh By common consent of the Associa­ A BILL thoughts. Get acquainted with pointments. The county rock­ »big jollín it. DON’T MISS IT. tion, Bro F. M Gill, Supt. ol Contest, IHaaolutlon of Partnership. yourself. If you wish to succeed, pile should be a county economy, For an Act to prohibit animals from You know tome of th« thing« will l*e askni to lake an average of the Notice in hereby given that the part* grow in solitude. Out in parks and not a burden adding to the running at large in Multnomah County, credits of each subordinate grange for nvrship heretofore existing between Evttvaouv’i htl done. T HIS IS Peter Autunsen ami A. II Stenslaml. or up in your hall bedroom work expense of caring for its charges. Oregon, west o( th« San, lv*l Gy mutual Pig« ” nun ihit it one long «che of Nature as your friends. Con­ State of Oregoo consent. laughter, «nd back ot theae t,wi«l stant craving for indiscriminate IT WOULD be a fine thing for Be it enact*! by the legislative At- January. It is hoped that if Mr. Gill The fishing husinenn will l»e continued agrees, the granges that had dropped feature« a big, hoc EviaraowT at CkKMM A II .Stenaland, who I« company is a sure sign of an un­ I parents in this part of the sembly of the State ot Oregon font, will resume the work and re-enter autborixrd to •etti« tbe affair* <»f Ihr M agazin «. county to interest their young Section 1. It shall, after this act goe« developed mind. Don’t give P INTONSI \ the work. The Association tender a •aid firm. p>n »Al.a ar - A. II HTEVM.AND. hours of your time in company folks in the proposed poultry into efftH l, be unlaw fill for cattle, horse«, vote of thank« to the Pleasant Valley mult*«, sheep, g'»aU>, or hog* to run at Witnesses : John Brown, Minnie I Hl (iKLSHAM DRUG CO. and conversation with those who contest for boys and girls under large in that part of Multnomah County, Grange tor the generous hospitality Brow n. know as little as you do. There eighteen years of age. The di­ Oregon, which lies west of the Sandy ¡«shown them. The next meeting will I m * held at are few persons of average abil­ rectors of the Fair Association River. | Gresham the second Saturday in June. have decided to offer prizes this BLAESINC GRANITE CO. Section 2. Any animal enumerateti ity but what could make some­ 2ft7 THIRD STREET thing of themselves if they year for the best showing on in Section 1 of this act. found running Multnomah <«range met in all-er published nearest to the moon' or according to ’the ut--. m II Wh«M-i.-r, 11 M Wood ed out soon and anyone wishing the residence of the person taking up signs’. Now we never planted anti Will Creswell. After a bountiful to try for the prizes that will be such animal, w hich publication shall lie ilinner an hour was spent on a literary a thing in the moon, and. as to offered may secure a copy. It in the first issue of said paper after program and Hon. B. C. Altman gave 'the signs’, have absolutely no would be well to collect a number posting of said notices. tbe grange a talk on the work of the | faith in them. So extreme has of hens, not less than six nor Section 3. The owner, or his agent, legislature follow*! by a general discus­ may retake possession of his animals sion. Bro. Wood promises a good pro baen our disregard for such un­ more than four dozen, separate intelligible, unexplainable, super­ them from the other chickens, from tbe person so taking them up, at gram for next grange day. anv time prior to the sale thereof, as stitious, unscientific theory of keep accurate account of the hereinafter provided, by first tendering Pleasant Valley Grang»* met in action that we haven’t even eggs, cash receipts, cost of feed, to such |a»rson his charges for so taking lar sesaion Saturday and wax well taken time to investigate. If buildings, etc., time of setting, them, which shall be as follow-: Fifty attended. Regular businrM wan Iran we had potatoes to plant, cab­ number of eggs set, number cents |>er day lor each head of cattle, »acted and full justice «lune to a tine horses or mules; and twenty five cents bage to set out, fences to build, hatched, kind of feed used, and per day for each head of sheep, bogs or dinner. Tbe members and visiting For Eantrrn Multnomah and ('larkaman ( ountu n. meat to kill, eggs to set, trees to Masters and I^ecturers Association lis­ number matured. This will do goats, to the |»erson taking up the same, tened to a fine program under tbe abb* prune, or animals to emasculate, to start on and further advice for the time he has held it, and also the leadership of Mm. Jennie Kronenberg the time of action was deter­ cost of publishing the notices in the («rant Sager, W. F. Moore and Jennie will be furnished later. newspaper, ss in this art provided for. Kronenberg were elected an delegates to mined by opportunity, condition Section 4. At the expiration of one the County Convention which meets at , of the soil or a sharp instrument, OME INTEREST is being day after the notice to the owner or Gresham, March 13. Alternates are all other things to the contrary. E. 8. Jenne, A. B. ('raft and (>us Richey FREQUENT RAPID shown in various parts of agent, or at the expiration of five days COMFORTABLE No successful, intelligent, up-to- next from ami after the publication of eastern Multnomah in reference A Pleasant Pkysk. date, thinking, hustling farmer, to the new herd law that has re­ notice in a newspaper, as provided in When you want a plra.nnt physic Section 2 ot thia act, the person so tak* give Chatnb«rlain'» 8t<>in»< h and Liver horticulturist, stockman, of the cently passed affecting the run­ ing up said animal shall advertise the tablet» a trial They are tnil.l an,| gen­ present day would ever give ‘the ning at large of stock in parts of same for sale by publishing in the news* tle in their action and always produce a moon’ or ‘the signs’ the time pleaeant cathartic effect. Call at Gresh­ STATIONS EASTBOUND the county west of the Sandy j>a|»er designated in said Section 2, a am Drug Company's »tore for free that would be required to read Lv « ftftly «5 S 4. u 45 10 4A 11 41 2 n I 4M 4B B 40 0 4B 1 41 . COHTI.ANI, river. We append the law in notice of sale, which shall contain the sample. 1 Golf Junction ft Uft 7 I.U 08 V 4M» 10 Oft II Oft 1 05 J 15 4 05 5 ~ M 4 * 00 I 05 0 OS this article. They realize that ft 1.1 7 ” in 4* 1.5 10 1 > Il In 1 1» 1 15 4 1» 5 15 1 IB T IS 0 IB Stanley full below for the benefit of description re«piir*i to be given in the i-2 7 MJ M 17 u T2 H» ■ Ix-nt* Junction II .’.* 1 22 Î 22 4 2; 5 22 1 23 7 22 0 notice« of taking up of such animal, or industry and attention to busi­ Sycamore.. f> . 10 till. 1 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 4 40 1 45 0 which satisfactory results are Hogan V u a |7 ft*, a II 4" ! 44 3 44 1 «■ adverse are being p assed pretty not be less than five nor more than ten 7 M Anderson •• AM tl 53 3 53 5 53 obtained. a 01» I Haley w ftft Il V. 1 55 3 55 1 55 freely. We suggest that rash days after the date ot publication of said Boring •> > iM 03 II 1 51 1 54 5 50 notice, he will, at the place when* Hi.-fer N Oftt 10 IM) 1.’ « 2 00 4 00 1 tx> statements be withheld until the sale Barton .... a l* 10 05 um í n < o» 1 05 said animal, or animals, have t*en kept Deep Creek 10 91 ■•» 12 U II > It « «I 0 91 HERE SEEMS to be a good new law has had a chance to since taking up, sell tlie same at public Kugle Crr« k. |a i» IS IX U U » 11 « tl 0 13 Ciirrhisvillr. M 24 IO 19 12 IB 2 It 4 If 1 It deal of dissatisfaction among show its merits before treating auction, to the highest bid 1 N Ratarada 3 charges ot the person taking tip said <’urri nw vi ll<- . 1 <» ‘1 IM'11 IM 1 M 3 as much as they need to do to ditions seem to justify turning animals, as in thia act provided, and 1 Kaglr < rp. k —Denier In 1 . ■ "7 » 1ÏII U * 13 3 Ì Di-rp Creek I J 7 U UH II 17 i n i • (iOODH OF QUALITY” get the results that are being stock out to take advantage of the surplus, if any, shall be paid to the ' B h non .... . 1 J- 7 14 • IW II 19 1 IB 3 - OREGON . Riefer... L. ’IM W M II *JM 1 23 3 secured. This seems to be due the feed that is going to waste. county rierk of the county in which the GRESHAM, I Boring . I- n ,9/711/7 1 2T 3 Haley . •.»*»! 11 «» 1 38 3 to inefficient superintendence, to And then there is the advantage sale has been made, and shall l>e paid Anderson.. f . • /7 ■) 1/ Il IW 1 33 13 n 1 H 7« 9 H7 II 87 1 37 3 A m organized intention to get as of having weeds and grass kept by order of the county court of said >♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ; «7 » 45 • i- n l , 1 48 7 43 3 45 4 county to the owner of the animals wol' 1 »17 K. N Hi 0 |0 II III 1 41 3 40 3 44 4 41 'i 44 < > much money as possible for the1 down. r "__ , you __ i______ When have said this upon due proof being made before said < > ’ Jenn<* fti'2 A 47,7 47 N b.l 9 ftH || ,-,g 1 B3 2 B3 3 54 I 03 I Sycamore. / .5 . rt 40 7 Ml a .'4 V Aft II !ifi 1 14 2 BO 3 114 I« 4 BOB M least expenditure of effort. It you have said about all that is to court. i. 41 M in •» (X, m U, 12 05 2 OS 3 OS 4 OS I Lenta Junction 1/ »5 1 / 5 4 OS ! Stanley. 1/ VI 4 if* 14 ft M» M lo *• |.-> In 1ft 12 11 2 IB 3 13 4 IB I 01 ISO 1S Js said that some of the foremen be said. It is clearly a mistaken Section 6. The person taking lip ani­ Golf Junction . 1*2 Mi 1 d ' Ä 7 ««• H I.-. '• JO Io » 12 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 I 20 •' 1 ; 30 M L. •» 40 10 10 12 40 3 40 3 40 4 40 I 40 0 0 20 lMHtTLA.NI» ..Ar mals, as provid*! in this Art, may be ­ 40 are habitually drunk, and that idea that our stock should fatten BOUGHT SOLD ANO EXCHANGED M - J .1._____ TROUTDALE BRANCH the men are all levied on for a on some other person’s 1 feed, come a purchaser at said sale. Hectioo 7. All young animals under stock supply of refreshments, even if he is not using it. If a six months old, when ax-com pan i*l with a i.. 41 SCHOOL SUPPLIES and that a fellow loses his job if man cannot feed the stock that their mothers, are exempt from the he doesn’t connect up with the, he calls his why should he con- operation of this act. • Mlg A. M ggurw In Komin. P. M. ilfiirei In black. HYLAND BROS. ! crowd. Where a man could haul tinue to keep them? The ! run- Section M. No suit, action or pro-1 ! iwt-ôtii, opfwj»it<* i*,'ar Salmon, ' hauls four or five, and so on sance that is evident in many taken up, from the person so taking it , PORTLAND, - ORE. I For Lenta, Mt Scott and eutiide pointa, change car« at I^nta Junction. without end. At any rate there ( | ways. There is a tendency to è t up, under the provisions of this Act, I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■ EDITORIAL COMMENT R /itferybodys yifeagazine K PORTLAND, OREGON H..J. BLAES1NG. A 444 W John Brown, Rockwood, Agent S Springwater Division T &l Lewis Shattuck SCHOOL BOOKS General Office., Firat and Alder Hta„ P oktlako , O bmoh .