Subscription, $1.50 a Year. GRESHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREOON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1909 GAtofl WeddliM (debrated. PLANT MORE CHERRIES Mr and Mrs. Harvey Wayldll, both residents of thia section, eele- INSTEAD 0f POTATOES | | old-time braird I list r golden wedding nn Matur- GRESHAM LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS AND DOINGS BRIEFLY TOLD Death of John H. Johnsofl. Vol. 5. Na 9. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT FARMERS* INSTITUTE John Henry Johnson of Grays Crone- Ing, Lents, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 23d, at the Good Samaritan Hospital. i day, February 3». About 3U frlwods He bad been in poor health tor about and relalivse gathered at their borne, two months but was taken to the hos­ Held at Sandy Under the Aus­ The High Price Our Cherries ’ each bringing a well fillet! basket. At Interesting Paragraphs Picked Up Here and There About Town pital only last Monday. The cause of ' noon a bounteous feast was t|>reed and Bring in Eastern Markets pices of the Firwood Im­ death was not definitely determined. Reciting the Events of the Week in Growing Gresham. heartily partaken <>f. Io the afternoon The dect assei was 41 years of age and j Warrants This. provement Club. I game« am! music were enjoyed. Many a - native tlregooian. Oregooian. __ He ______________ leaves a wife pioneer« had gatbere ami to them five dhlldren, lour lais brother-in-law. Jeaase Bc'iieu. preliminary remarks, Prof. C. F.. Brad­ able Hist she Is setting out lo more ! of whom are living They are: Mrs. recovering on Wednesday from a badly star Grange and interment was at Mult­ N. M. Campbell ot l^nta was looking ley, chemist of tlie Agricultural college, i bruise«! cheek. acres of tbe same variety. Tbe new I Mrs. J. H. Knight ot Washington, nomah cemetery. over this part of thecminty Wednesday. | gave very interesting arui practically in­ orchard will contain *»' trees, as com­ Mrs, Sarah Wheeler, Mrs. Lnolnda He is looking for a suitable location and R. It. Carlson lielieves in patronising structive talk on tbe chemical exhaus- Wheeler, ami hlsven Waybill of this homo ««■■titution». He has recently bail may locate here. pared to the old one which has 120» In :;on'and conservation of the soil. Amtt- A Sad Accident. place, all of whom were present, as marl« in Gresham a very handsome ami ed by some very valuable charts tbe the same number ol acres. — The Gresham Concert Band now I The friemls of Chris Oienberg were ' were also all of their gramldlillaren. <:«eful covered casket wagon which will laut summer the cherry crop from meets in Kegner's Hall for retiesrsals ! shocked to bear of hie accidental death professor «bowel very clearly tlx- con­ Thev are pioneers bare, having croeeeil i fill a long fell waul in connection with stant drain on the food elementa of the tlie Webb orchard amounted to to bins. ftl’tead of MeUger’s hail. , on Thursday morning while engaged in the plains In 1HH3. In Irtt5 they took his busineu. soil by various plants ami gave some The bulk of tliis was hauled to Portland II. A. Darnall »pent several'«lays in ■ cutting wool on the A. B. Gibbs place. up a homeatca«! near Pleasant Home Mi« Harriet Alexander »pent a few suggestions about restoring tbe ele­ about 2S> tons a day being sent in dur­ He was struck by a pinch bar wbich where they have made thi-ir home ever the Kandv Valley amuntry in the inter­ J^»'w¡th the home folks here ami re- ments removed. About 75 people were ing tlie picking season ot three weeks. ests ol The Herald this week. I pierced his body and caused imgatii since. tqrued to her school work at Tbe Dalles in attendance. However a eonaiderable quantity of I death. The deceased was a young man Mr. Waybill is now 74 years of age, in lants & Metsger's new meat market etfly tliis week. In tbe afternoon Mr. Wm. Hchulmer- cherries were shipped to New York well and favorably known io the com- ' gom] health ami as »|>ry and active as a was ojaeussl for business Tuesday. Thai wtiers 4tk- per pound waa realised, the John C. Herne 11 from Brainerd, Minn., I munity and bis loss will be keenly felt, ick of Hillsboro told of his experience person ol 50. Mrs. Waybill is 0B years arrangement is something new but very in dairying. His talk was very instruct­ express charges under refrigerai ion be­ has rente«! tlie Regner bldg, on Powell lie leaves some property but nothing of age, but In »pita of her rears, she neat anal nobby. ing only Bic per pound. street, and he and his two eons will put ' is known as to his relatives. Funeral ive and was highly appreciate,I by tbe does all her own work ami cooking. All farmers. One very important fact that T. R. Howitt A Co. are erecting an- in • complete stock of hardware and The profit raalised from thia 10 acre» arrangements have not yet been made. whn know her, think of her as a jolly, oilier arlditton U> their building, adjoin- implements sometime in April. Mr. | was brought out was the important of cherrtes is greater than that from all goml natured woman who never wears ing tMr now meat market, to be used Hessell has been in the implement busi- feeding value of kale as a forage crop, U m crops ol any twu or three ol the ad­ a frown or »peaks a cross word. Positive promisee are made that Port­ containing 24 per cent protien, about as s fn-«l »tore. I llen jor 35 years and know» it from top joining farms put together, and yet n Alter wishing them many more re- land and Eugene are to be connected by double that of carrots, turnips or ruta­ there are large tracia ot land in thia auc­ Mrs. M. B. Parounagian will give a to bottom and know» what ths people tarn» ol the day, tbe guests ds|«arted trolley just as soon men and money bagas. Geo. Wolfe of Firwood tnM of tion of the county pist as well suited to 10 cent tea at her hum« on Powell street want. fur their hdmes at a late hour. can do the work. his rise from a farmer in the unbfoken the raising ol cherries as the Webb on Wednesday afternoon. March 3 Prof. C. C. Raker, who was detained i forest to the prosperous dairyman and farm. for the lienefit of the I Julies' aid society at Salem for a few days on account .of It is impossible to flooil the market I said his cows were bringing bim about of tbe M E. church. All are invited. the serious illness of his baby, was at with first-class cherries Miss Webb! ♦Hi a year. Mr. Wolfe waa tbe first to Mias Blam-h Ro«» of Sellwood visited his post on Thursday. Tho child is now says that »he wants largrr «piantities so > introduce the cream separator into that tier parents. Mr. ami Mr«. D. C. Row improving. that die can ship them beck to New !• vicinity and his success is generally Snmiay. The Gresham Real Estate Co. has York and seours fancy -trices biia h. m credited to bis practical business meth­ snli|«>n «judication signed by Watson: Farm poultry. broken on March 1st. near by localities. How much more was that it was a great success. Much Farrington A Woll: Teasing milk anti last year. Townseml will pitch ami tlie Grange master or lecturer. This ool- effective and better it would look it th« This is a much needed improvement of the credit due to such a splendid Hamlin ur Mathews will hold down the lection contains the very l«ert books upon ita prodiH-ts. advertiser itati called at Tim Herald and the Club will receive the hearty affair was due to the" managetqent of A. Gurler: American «iairying. other end uf tbe battery. Italic will l>ractical road building. if tiae whole ‘ Wing: Milk and ita products. office and bad us put up a neat, well commendation of all patrons of this C. Milliron of Firw Aitken: Road making ami mainten­ have organised ami will shortly incor­ COTTREU. Grunge at Rockwood, Saturday night. lie 1_* one of * tlae ‘ liest ’ and moat promising ance. . porate an independent telephone com­ ever witnesaeil here. The Sandy Valley Fruit Grower* As­ The stork visited the home of Mr. ami Andrews : Cort of hauling crojw from , Feb. 37th. First-class music by Port­ pany. This line will connect with the sociation met Monday afternoon at 4:30 farms to shipping point. « Mr«. Bowen, leaving a nine pound girl land orchestra. Adinissiou 75 cents. present lines of the Multnomah ami and after a brief session adjourned to Baker: Treatise on road and per«- This makes fojir girls. A.-Y.-P. Exposition Nears Completion mente. Supper extra. Clackamas Co. meet Saturday when the annual election Buckley: Public romix. , Rev. Brock of St.Johns held meet- Westerner* have a reputation not l of officers will be held. During tbe see- R. Jarl A Co. ar« putting up a saw ­ Bynie: Highway conrtruction. inga morning and evening Sunday. only for doing thing« but doing them 1 sion tbe secretary of tbe state borticnlt- House ( leaning Time. mill on their newly purchased sitp on Gillette: Economies of road construc­ quickly and well. The management of tion. -A party of neighbors and friemls the Sandy. ' ural society made an address on the House cleaning time is near. You Good ruad» tnagaxine. planned and successfully carried out a benefits of such an organisation and may want something new to cover that Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition intend Proctor and Straus will be through Greenwell: Roads. surprise |>arty on W. Laoderback, it be- Prof. Lewie impressed tbe thought that floor. R. R. Carlson has just received to add to this reputation by having sawing at tbeir old stand io lees than a .wp.ul.hng: Rumi, an.l pavement«. jn< 6 - th birthd . y , Mr . teu the soil aud climate of this locality is ae a new stock of linoleums in A foot and their great exhibtion ready for the month. Tlie » '»mmMon lu»<»ome material oa years his «enior. was present. good as any for fruit growing Tbe 12 foot widths, of tlie latest pattern, opening which will be June 1st it not The Cottrell Basket Social was post- great essential is cultivation, selection ami the prices bemg from 2p to So per earlier. It is said that should burry denatnird alcohol, which it will send to SEC1I0N Lit and organised marketing. cent lower than charged by sume orders c >me from U m directors every­ any Grange upon apfUication. The tmok p,,ned last Friday. thing could be in place by May let. by Wright is the best small practical ’ Miss Ethel Frisk gave a birthday dealers. Mrs. Fred Radford had a quilting Work on the handsome buildings manual, and contains chapters on the party on her birthday last Thursday. party to a number of her young friends on Friday evening. Among the features which are to house tbs Government ex­ proee<«>e« of making alcohol from pota Davenport's Story. ’"Jj" ­ ' thirteen women being present. ' ROCKWOOO of entertainment were excellent man­ hibits from the Philippines, Hawaii and to««. beet», grain«, molaiww. etc.. _ _ 'Human Life* for February is out Mrs. E. Kucher had a surprise party Mrs. Elsie Prettyman has been in Alaska, at the A.-Y.-P. Exposition in i something about the neceenary equip­ dolin and guitar music by Spanish with another installment of llotner ■ last week, seventeen ladies present. Portland lor the past two weeks under Seattle, is well undsr way. A regiment ment. guests and talent. Davenport’s story of his early life in Alonso Radford went to the head a doctor's care, partially owing to a tall of workmen has recently been thrown | Some of the beat hooks on agriculture Pupils of the Buckley school paid No. Oregon. Every Oregonian should reu«l works to take the place of Mr. Scales, received during the bail weather. into the field ami the growth of the are now free at the Ubrary Commifwon 2S a friendly visit on the afternoon of it. See our Combination Offer on an­ who is ill. ® W. A. Herring is suffering with lum­ structures is truly marvelous. ■ and may be forwarded to any person Washington's birthday other page. ! upon application sent by the lecturer, Puller's new mill is nearing comple­ bago ami stomach trouble at the Har­ The importance and rapid growth of Baby Carpenter baa been on the sick and agreement to pay |«wtage lioth ways. tion*. rison hotel in the city. tbs pine-apple industry of the Hawaiian : Liat is appended : list for the past two weeks. Seven stalwart young Swedes arrived E. Bsgre is making a splendid im­ Islands-wlll be shown in all ita bearings Hchool closed on Monday the 22nd. Some miscreants «told a lot of canned in Portland last Thursday, direct from Burkett : Agriculture for beginners. provement in the clearing line. thia at tlie great Exposition in Heattie Nearly all of the measles patients are Cornell I’niversity, Collefn> of Agricnl- I fruit Mrs. Shaffer’s home. their village borne in the Far (North. summer. tnre, Resiling course for farmer» ami 8. Andrews is figuring on a new house convalescing. Their sweethearts bad preceeded them, farmers' wives. Many potatoes go to Anderson and NOTICE W. H. Hall has been working for Ed Dodd: The healthful farmhouse. and at witnessing their jov on landing Mail going south to Boring, Estacada, Baker on the Mandy road for the paet Roberts: Tlie farmer's busi me« hand­ Boring these days. For That Terrible Itchinq. there, a prominent society belle of that etc. leave's the Grveham office 6 :66 a.m. book. two weeks. * louis Honglun made a bnsineee trip and 3:10 p.m; mail going north to city was beard to say that she wished Ecsema, tetter ami salt rheum keep Uolierta Tbe farmstead. to Oregon t'ity to And out how the taxes Portland, etc. leaves the office at 4 :55 she was a Swede for they bad a lot W. Crockett expects his wife home their victims in perpetual torment. The U. S. Extx'riment station«. Office of p. m. and 7:40 a. m. from California in a short time. more fun than she ami her friends. application of Chamberlain’s Salve will Syllabus of lecture on farm architecture. go. We all need to do the same before Owing to the above change, the King! Irrigation ami drainage. March IA. ---------------------- - Bev. Creesy started a series of revival Instantly allay this Itching, and many Rural Free Delivery Carriers leave the Wilcox: Irrigation farming. Thomas Dunn made a business trip office to serve tbeir routes at H :30 a m. meeting^ in the meetings in the ME. cases have been cured by its use. For Splendid subecription offers on page Coburn Tbe b«x>k of alfalfa. I. McColl P. M. to Portland this week. Bailey • I'rinciples of fruit growing. church on Monday, Feb. '22nd. sale by < ireaham Drug Co. 3 of this paper. BASEBALL SEASON WILL OPEN HERE SOON PUSH CLUB STARTS ACTIVE WORK