3 II!« Sandy Hotel Kirat-cl*** acconiinmlationa Commercial trade aolh-itwi Claao lied» ami good uuvla F n 4 Stable ia C mmc I wi CAMPER JUNKER, Prop. Sandy, Hearealy a day |iaaaea bul strangers ara seen on our alreets looking lor (arma, hoinaa and investment». We predict an unprerwlented growth forth« Hamlv vicinity th« coil, the climate, th« foreala. We naad hardy man to Irauafurm thain to tillable lands and or­ chard«. Mr«. J T. McIntyre left lor a vlait In Portland Tueaday. Mr. aad Mra. J. T. Friel ol Cherry- villa left on Monday for a buaineea and pleasure trip to their old homo in Sioux City, Iowa. AUCTION SALE 6 Miles East of Gresham, 3-4 Miles Northeast Pleasant Horne, on Bull Run Road. Th» following proparty, lo-wit BTOCfc. 1 dark hay horae, coming ft yra old. wt 13«>. f li»a>l cowa, I fresh, 3 coming in aoon. 0 young plga MACHINERY t 3H'in. hall • truck Mitchell wagon 1 Champion mower. 1 IU-lt Mct'or- nilck hayraku I top buggy, with pole and »ha/ta, nearly new I rubber-tire buggy I robe. I iliac harrow, aiae 12-31. 1 3 horae, 4-ehovel cultivator. 1 garden cultivator. 1 13-in. alubble Iilow I Myere hay lork. I Mevera lay carrier. I gnndalone. I ankle grinder. About 7 Iona timothy bay, baled. lt ton aced oat*. HOUSEHOLD GOOPS 1 bedroom suit. A |«rlor chair», 2 rock­ er», 7 kitchen chair», I aink, 1 lounge, 3 »mall table», I kite lien table, I kitch­ en cabinet, I cook etove. 1 aet ol diaher. Ataiut lUUqla. canned Iruit. 4 barrel» ol vinegar, 1 3D-«gg incabator, I Boe* waalung machine, 3i yard» oi eaipet. Many other article» too numervua to tueution. TERMS, CASH. AI R. SAI.STRAND. Owner. R. I. ANDI.RSON. Auctioneer. GOODS MUST GO I Oregon eii through hare laat week anrouto to hia milla at Alma. It la reported that the numerous aaw- mill» in thia vicinity will re-open up at once. Troutdale, Feb. 10—The Fruitgrower»' Max I>avlea went to Eagle Creek on Association aa conaidering the atarting buaineaa Saturday. of a cannery in Troutdale, A large attendance ia looked for al the Mr*. II. E. Chapman baa gone to viait dance the 13th. ' in Hepner. The queatlon for the Kelso debate Some of the boy» will give a dance Saturday eve ia "Reeolved that th» pen , here Saturday night. la mightier than the »word.” Fairview, Feb. 10 — The »object of lighting the city with electricity waa brought up at the laat council meeting and a committee appointed to confer with theO. W. P. in regard to furniah- ing current. If aatiafactory arrange­ ment» can not tie made with thia com­ pany, other aourcea will be utilixed. | Expressing, Draying H. GOODS MUST GO! GOODS MUST GO! Special opportunities will be given this week to select Goods before the Sale opens DOUGLASS STORE PLEASANT HOME. PLEASANT HOME Hildreth Hoffman ia on the aick liat. GXBRHAM, OKI. i since the death of her eon. Mrs. flmie Harder accompanied her brother Herbert Buech, to Springdale I laat week. Chaa. 8immons' parent» front Uotum- ; bia county are viaiting him. Tbe many friends of Dell Stewart will lie glad to know he is some better. For further information, call or write, John Straus Dwtri bating Agent BOBING, - OREGON Reaidence, Cottrell T. HENSLEY Gasoline Wood*Saw 50c a Cord Troutdale, - Oregon • Phone Fermera 35x2 t We want your Farm Luida to SELL, im­ proved or unimproved large or small : : : : We advertise Oregon Farm* For Sole, in the East :::::: C*B or Write Oregon Homes Co. 221 1-2 Morrison 8treet, Portland, Ore. Market Price Paid for Grain SUN-DIAL FEED MILL FAIRVIEW J. W. BENECKE THE The following passe«! the eighth grade examinations last week: Milton Era, Mwrence Crasswell and Harvey Schnei- i dor. They will enter High School. FAIRVIEW MERCHANT Who Handles the Best, Freshest and Cheapest Stock of General Merchandise in the County. Try Him and See for Yourself A eurprise party waa tendered Mr. | Hood laat Saturday evening. I.. Walter's father «lied suddenly at j his home Sunday evening. He was well known in thia community. After Sunday School the following additional officers were elected for the coming year: Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs. J. Ickler; teacher Young Men's class, E. E. Van Fleet and asst, supt., W. G.Calvin. Redson Enthroned. WRITE FOR FREE CIRCULAR Because meats are so tasty they are consume«! in great excess. This leads I to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise pour diet, let rea- ' son and not a pampered appetite con- i trol. then take a few doses of Chamber- | Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and j •yon will soon be well again. Try it. For sale at Gresham Drug Company's , store. Samples frea. I PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY INSURE IN ’ J » [ Better remilta from Trojan than I i any other Powder on the market. < • WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF MILL FEED The unoccupied house on Mr. Alt’s 1 place is being torn down and the lum­ ber hauled awav. I Little Ernest Harris ia recovering. < } < j CHOPPING AND ROLLING George Pickard, wife and baby of • Seattle are gueata of Mrs. Pickard's | brother, Robert Larson. THE KRAMER HARROW ATTACHMENT Dom away with thawing, thiu re- during ttte dantfvrw oi blasting to m rnmiurt adachea when you iw Trojan. Mrs. Rankua1 mother is slowly im-1 | proving. Mrs. Bankus baa been ill j Mrs. A. liuegg spent Monday with her husband in Gresham. He ia much; improved but not yet able to be moved. [ With but ONE OPERATION and at ONE COST NI >X FR EEZf N< » Fl M ELEss , , ABSOI.UTELY SAFE ! ! Orisi Taken at any T¡me~.-Quick Delivery. Homer Moulton haa moved to Fir­ wood where he is employed. WHILE vou plow STUMP POWDER Airs. Drew and daugliber of Waahing- i ton county, are the gueata of her moth., er, Mrs. Joseph Manary. Mrs. Martin I.ennarti waa a Portland visitor last Saturday. HARROW : Gresham Real Estate Co. Miaa May Bowen of Keleo, who haa I been away for some time, epent Tuee- O*5*3*5* day in Pleasant home. Mrs. D. D. Jack, wto underwent an operation recently, ia improving fast. ' Her siater, Mra. K. K. Killen and hue-; band from Woodburn are at the home I place with the grandchildren. , TROJAN t ; New Today! SATURDAY. FEB. 20, 1:30-10 P.M. Notions, Wrappers, Shirtwaists, Mil­ linery, Tinware, Hardware, Glassware, Dishes, Etc. Pulverizes to a depth ol six inches, throws soil loosely together which prevents the escape of moisture. Actually takes the place of all har­ rows. Adds very little draft and reduce the la­ bor of harrowing to a minimum. Can be at­ tached to any riding plow. i SOMETHING NEW! Mr« Itichardaon ia viaiting her moth­ Several from her» attended tbe de­ Orin Dunbar will shortly go to aoutb- er, Mr« Hensley. bate at Keleo Saturday evenine. ern Oregon. Mr«. W. H. Kolon entertained the Martin Mikkelaon made a hasty trip J. C Kerby «nd E. Warnocke were Mr. and Mra. A. J. Maxley of Nebraa- Five Hundred Club thi» week. to Portland laat Thuraday. up from aoutbern Oregon laat week. ka are here looking over the country Mi»« Penny ot Ht. John« haa been tbe F. 1). Phelps of Hullrun went to with a view to buying a home and lo­ Mr». O. A. Jackson of Portland haa Oregon City Hunday returning Tueeday. I guest of her brother, Wm. Hwain. cating here. been viaiting her parents, Mr. and Mr». ' Mrs. Hubbard haa been ill. H. B. Parkin». Notlcee are |*ieted lor the opening ol John Kyler of Marmot made hia usual E. Coleman is talking atrongly of put- trip to market thia week. Among the many making improve­ a new road to the Coata Rico aettlement ment» at Fairview are William Byer»,' Mr». Helena and daughter, Mary, of ting in an electric light plant aoon. •outli of Handy. Home ol the citiiena Mr. height ia reported quite ill. G. O. Dolph and H. N. Maxey. who ao gallantly came forward to vote Marmot were »boppingin town Monday. the echoolhouae one hall mile from the Home excitement waa felt in our burg Albert Spaulding ia l«ck again alter Mr. and Mr». J. H. Petro entertained saloon are now being requited from that oboul four month» »pent In «extern th« first of the week, when it waa re­ on Hunday for the latter'» mother and quarter with a vigoroua kick and an at­ Oregon. ported that a Jap bad been murdered. daughter and aeveral fnenda from Van-1 tempt to prevent the county court from Guat Finger haa »old hia ranch and But it waa aoon learned be had taken couver. Waah. granting aaid road. too much firewater and wandered off. F. D. Axtell ia in Han Franeieco. will probably move into Handy aoon Mr. Auguatine, who had Ina hand Mr». T. J. Crute haa bean Buffering Herman Miller baa o|>ened a hotel in Mr. Wirts lectured at Firwood Hun­ froxen, ia «till carrying it in a »ling but from lumbago. the McElroy building on Main »treat. day to a large audience. Mr». Steward baa been entertaining Mr. and Mrv. A W Bell viaited ini Chaa. Cox and other» "went a flailin'* »aye it ia getting along nicely. Mr». B. Vase, Miaa Irma Voee and her granddaughter from Portland. I'leaaant Home Hunday. Monday. Nouhing doing. MiaaGlinea »pent Bunday with her Miaa Morrison are taking teacher'» ex- Marion lloitano of Costa Rico waa a aunt, Mr» Axtell. amination». buaineaa visitor here Monday. Mayor Fox and wife apent Sunday in MARMOT M. V. Thomas ol Bullrun waa a pleae- CMCRCH NOTICES. Portland, ant caller Tueaday. FREE METHODIST CHURCH — Born to the wife of R. A Ten Eyck, Rev. H. G. Rorxa, paator. Service», The Forrester» held a smoker on Tuee­ I There haa been some talk ol incorpor-1 a boy, on January 31. Both mother and Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Preaching I ating the town of Handy. Thia would | baby are doing nicely. Dick aeema to day evening and report a good time. every Sunday at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. e I ba a step In the right direction for we I be aa proud aa if thia wer« the Aral. We ■ l-a*t Saturday evening a special car Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at e S o'clock. All welcomed. | need more law and order ami improved I wish him well. , brought about OU member» of Rose City chapter out from Portland to attend the LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. ■ sidewalks, at recta and tire protection. CHURCH, Gresham — Paaroa, Rev. inatallation of the Troutdale chapter O. M, B. Parounagian. SaavK «», Sun­ Wm. Ilardin and family returned WELCHES E. H. A banquet waa apread after tbe day School, 10 a. m.; Preaching at I from Oregun City Hunday II a. m. and 8 p. m. every Sunday. Miaa Ruth Murphy haa gone to Ht. inatallation. Ed. Ht. John wotkiug for Wadham» Paul to attend boarding school for six Prayer meeting, Thuraday evening! Philip Stillaon haa gone to Diamond at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. A Co. called on our merchants Tueeday month». Waab., to remain aome time. SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC II. I.. Chalker, formerly of thia place, Walter Creighton of Portland viaited Mrs. France» Allard and grandson _______ CHURCH, Handy, Ore.—Rev. Berch- renewed acquaintance* here Monday. told Durrer. Service» will be held on at tbe home of W. J. Faubion recently. •pent Hunday with her daughter in the fl rat Hunday of each month at C. Z. Idleman ia enjoying a viait from It ia reported that Fred Gerke killed Portland. 10:30 a. m. hia eon In eaalern Oregon. two large cougar« lately. A. J. Moore of Portland apent Sunday ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Clarence Caeaidy tranaacted buaineaa Greeham—H kbvickh (Germaa}, 10:30 Mr and Mr». Ed llaw have returned with hia mother here. here Tuaeday. a. m.. every first, third and fifth Sun­ from Portland. L. A. Van Houten haa returned from day« of each month. All welcome II. F. Hart of the Ml. Hood land com­ Goldbill, where he haa been mining. pany ia kept buav allowing land aeekera ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦a««» Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tbe L. Helming ia Buffering with a felon around. i on hia hand. II. I*. Crutcher ol Welchce pa«aed Most Popular Because It Mrs. J. Alfred Larson ia viaiting her GARDENS PLOWED X through here enroute to Cortland Mon­ mother at Latourell. Is the Best. J. HOSS day IJttle Evelyn Kendall celebrated her ••I have »old Chamberlain’» Cough Phone I4X Gresham, Ore. $ Mra. Bruna a|wnt several day» visiting Remedy for the past eight year» and eighth birthday laat Saturday with a her daughter at Boring laat week. party. Several little people from Port ­ find it to be one of the beet selling medi­ John Hleret and Nick Rauw ol I'leaa- cine« on the market. For babies and land were preeeot. oattwtxtaiRatxtaweawixtawttaexeawaweo ant Home took in the town one day laat young children there is nothing better What haa become of our propoeed weak. Incidently they anapped up a in the line of cough syrup«," said Paul O. W. P. depot? bargain In the shape of a piece of land Allen. Plain Dealing, La. Thi« remedy Miaa Lulu Mickley entertained a party On Mt. Hood Railroad near !>over not only curea cough», cold» and cronp ot young people at her home Saturday Miaa Elaie Malar ia viaiting in Port- •o common among young children, but 12} Acres, Well Improved evening. J land. ' 5-Room house, goo I barn, good ia pleasant and »ate for them to take. N. Neilaon'a little eon fell and fractur­ family orchard, 2 horses, 3 cowa, i Frank Davenport el Hood River pane- ‘ For »ale by Greaham Drug Co. ed hia arm laat Sunday. . 2 pigs, 6 doa. chickens, about 10 ' tone hay, 1 wagon, 1 plow, 1 har- row, 1 cultivator. BARGA1N SALE ~ THE FAIRVIEW TROUTDALE THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION John Brown, Rockwood, Agfent For Eaatern Multnomah and Clackamas Countie«. z FURSiHIDES HUNTERS’&TRAPPERS’GUIDE.Vi^ .Tí™ “ t " ”*«ü“ Ill-«™«"« «» >-■ m.l. «11 f—I« . « 1 «ri«« Il T-— « um .., tl » Riita, <»«, U-a*a*n»k B m , »>e«. VI ■«*».*».¿.«¿a. •