Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 12, 1909, Image 1

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    G resham __ _
- 0RE‘ _
Subscription, $1.50 a Year.
|k|jk Illi VHAMRBAK
A!\l IlVl WffllllU IL I
susgwatail that fieri of the necks be <-ilt
through, thereby straightening the
1 channel and Increasing its rale of tall
i ami thus providing a quick outlet for
Report that John»on Creek was .widen freshets. Others are much dis­
turbed by the presence of a couple ol
to be Used lor Navigation,
little logging dams ami declare that this
Causes Some to Smile
dainfnjmud water is the whole occasion
— Others Worry.
for the disturbance. The fellows who
own the necks do not want them cut off
saying that they bought the land ami
A great ileal of interest is just now ereek for the necks and will not consent
being dirvaled to the question ol improv-
|IHH, them without remuneration, and
Ing the outlet lor the extensive drainage ' the fellows who own one of the dams
that passes down Johnson creek. As: refuse to remove the dam because they
remarked several week* since, a num­ ■ay the dam Is not the cause of the
tier of |H«raons near la-nta Junction are dammed waler. They claim that the
trying to solve ths problem. The state natural crookedness of the stream and
menls made at that time seem not t<> its lazy current al this |>oint are the
have lieen understood. Coupling the sole causes for complaint and that the
incident with the development of an remedy is to remove the trash from the
active young I'usli club, Juel organised | stream and thus leave the channel open
at Pleasant Valley, some of our readers at time of flood. Perhaps we will know
see me. I to imagine that the cre«k was more about it next time.
about to be opened tor navigation. It
Nine« the shove inaccurate and highly
was suggi-ste-l that the Pleasant Valley ;
suggestive article reached the table the
rush Club should "push," or "pull,"
Johnson Greek Improvement Club met
for a lerry-lsiat at Sycamore landing
at lente and after splashing around for
whereby persons preferring to go by car
a couple ol hours decided to appoint a
from Sycamore station would l-e saved
committee to devise pans and solicit
the necessity ol swimming or wailing,
funds tor the purpose of clearing the
or walking a wire fence, to reach the
rubbish out of the creek and away from
O. W. P depot.
Now in all fairness to the several pro-1 the banka, and thus assist nature aa
beet they may in disposing of the ear-
motera of these enterprises, or promol-1
j plus water. Prominent in the work are
ere ol these several enterprises, let us
.Messrs. Hotchkiss, Cohn, Ruth, Wag­
correct any such errors There is no
ner, McKay, Prague and others.
serious Intentions on the part of anyone
Work will be begun st once and it is
to render Johnson creek navigable at
ci|>ecled that before the summer Is over
Hila time.
There are several serious
this experiment will have lieen com-
olMtacles to the consummation of any
|ileted so lar as the necessary work is
such undertaking, the principal one be­
ing the expense attached to such public
improvements. The second is that a
large proportion ol the present property
idlrVICM (>rdHl.S dptMldl irMCMSC.
owners who reside along its banks have
Fairview Council met in special
located there to enjoy its quiet meaml-1 eession on Wednesday evening to con­
erings They approve of its snaky sug
geetiveness, its oxbows and its elbows.
and admitting that no vessel larger than
a wash-baaln would be sale in under-
taking to navigate its waters lor fear of
its curves, lliey decline to wriflee He
natural depravity to .rt.flc.1
or utility. But the main cause of the
present earnest agitation is what to do
with the creek when it gets full. It bar
a tendency to slop over.
i(l|„ the matter of granting the O. W. P.
a franchise to lav tracks on Fifth street
from Lincoln to l*epot street, on which
t|,e company might operate cars to con-
I nect with lhe O. K. A N.
Hont Ke||e anJ Rlrbanlt
reprtaenUng IIte 0 W. P were present
U(e TOUOcll o„
, <>(
T|)< 4-,,^) in
of th<
who|r llecid<H1 U1,t
ordinance be
There* la quite an area near fx*nta drawn and presented at the next meet-
Junction that has lieen settled by inno- ' ing for the granting of a tliirty-year
cent investors, in the dry season. Peo­
ple who inteiqled to raise chickens now
And the locality is twlter adapted to
docks, grown ones al that. Some pro­
pose to build levees to restrain the river,
One enthusiastic wag suggests that they
might pul jack-screws under the entire
flat and hoist It dry-high, thereby add-
franchise to the company to operate on
Fifth street. A motion was passed that
, pending the passage of the ordinance
the officials of the company be granted
the privilege of proceeding with the lay­
ing of track.
the Herald and “Better Fruit,” $1.79
Ijrft Assortment.
(Food Values.
Prompt Attention
< >
Boots, Shoes, Crockery,
I »
I >
Better See is Before Buying
I •
Main Street, Gresham
We are entering our fourth year as a financial institution of
Gresham and it is our earnest desise to be of more service and
make this a greater year for the community.
Did you ever stop to think?
Of the many opportunities that a banking institution puts within your reach?
1. It protects your money by placing it immediately under "Burglary" and
"Hold Up" insurance, relieving you from all care and worry.
2. It lends you money.
3. it lends money hi the very man from whom you seek work or trade
4. It gives you aiivice and assistance free of cost.
3. it offers you a place of safe deposit for even small ’sums, which, if
persistently saved. will eventually develop Into a snug lialance.
6. It will assist you in placing your money where it will be safely and
profitably invested.
Good standing at the Bank establishes your credit in the community.
These things are worth thinking about.
Yon see a man who ia getting out of the rut, getting ahead, making aome
progreaa. full of hope and energy Wil: ISpTHI: MAN WITH A BANK ACCOUNT.
| 1«. not only to the valuation but to the
scenery aa well. A lew have timidly
IX '»'.It
------------- -
Vol. 5.
No. 7.
■ The pupils of the physics class have I
I completed their work in mechanics and
I will soon begin to inquire into the niye-1
teries of electricity. They are well1
Interesting Paragraphs Picked Up Here and There About Town
Reciting the Events of the Week in Growing Gresham.
plsased with ths new Crowell cabinet
which makes it poeeibls to perform over
five hundred different experiments.
Here Are Located Many Saw­
mills, Best Brick Works in
the State, and Large
The Seniors are doing excellent work
in chemistry and express themselves as
The council met in special session
1) W. Metzger informs us that in willing to "take" arsenic, aa tbe study
Thursday evening and appointed M. B. order to accommodate his growing ol that drug is tbe next division of their
Parounagian health officer with instruc­ trade he has found it necessary to en­ work.
We are not inclined to over-estimate
tions to enforce all quarantines rigidly. large bis store, so he has purchased the
Gver forty pupils will begin tbe study our blessings in this community, yet we
The parents of children are requested building and property across the street
can justly claim to be one of tbe busiest
of botany tbe coming semester.
to keep them off the streets and to from his present quarters, formerly
industrial centres in the state. Not far
watch them closely.
The cases are all owned by him, anil will erect a large
distant are six saw mills, the largest
very light, aome almost recovered, so warehouse to be used in connection with
meat packing plant in tbe state, two
He will also in­ hopes of winning.
no one need be alarmed if they use a the present building.
creameries, brick yards and one of tbe
little precaution.
richest farming areas on tbe Coast. Can
First and Kecond grades last week, there
The entertainment and snpper to be and add some new lines.
you locate all nt these good institutions?
Robert Wright is on the sick list thia now being a First and Second A clan,
Beginning at Lents Junction, we have
given bv the school has been deferred
and a First and Second B class. The tbe Miller-Mowry Lumber Company,
two weeks.
First A is composed of a few late begin­
who dispose of the car-loads ol tine logs
The Brown Lumber company is the
By order of the health < flicera the
ners who are instructed in part by tne
passing over tbe O. W. P. almost daily.
Gresham library will be closed until | new Arm that has takeu the mill form-
Pupil Teachers Clan of tbe High School.
They are now cutting almost anything
further notice.
Books received at the j erly owned by J. F. Wing. They are
Thia gives actual experience to tbe
you might want, shingles included, and
usual hours Saturday 13, 3:30 to 5:3u, getting in shape for business and hope
would-be teachers ami is a great belp to
together witb their extensive plant at
but no Gaiks will be issued
to be ready to supply the trade with all
the primary teacher owing to the crowd­
| Sellwood are ready to supply the mar
Mrs. Charity Hnnlh is very sick.
necessary supplies at an early date. At
ed room and many classes.
ket with all sorts of building materal.
. .
.. .
they are well stocked on certain
A few very light cases of
scarlet • ,.
• *
The pupils in the Medieval History
To the south of Greeham in Pleasant
. .
. .
lines and are doing quite a tie bust neat,
lever have broken out in Gresharn the
. ak
They have about 2U0 acres at tine tiui- class have given several very interest­ Valley we have the newly l.icaled
l»ast weak and the families afflicted .
' . . .
.___ ..
. u|Der which they are logging with a ing talks recently on such subjects as Brown Lumber Co., who are getting
placed under quarantine.
To check1 . .
Charlemagne, Mohammed. Ordeals of their mill into tine running order.
the further spread the town authorities '
the Teutons, The Crusades, and tbe They intend to build up an extensive
have deemed It advisable to close ah '
Property owners along the east side
yard that will supply all sorts of lum­
•choolt, churches, the library and all 01 •ou,h Ko,"‘rt' »venue deserve special |
Those students who are just begin­ ber products for tbe local trade, besides
_ ... i: . .
-t__ i .
s_ « ar
__ z . mention for their
tbeir pride
the town and
public meetings for an indefinite period
ning European History are entereeted shipping out large quantities of frame
ami a health officer has lieeu appointed. desire to belp tbe council improve our
t borough fares. They have graded and in the Egyptians, tbe Hebrews and the stuff and ties. Frank Heiney ia located
John Shattuck is spending a week at
graveled the walk which improves that Greeks but they find it difficult to re- within three milee of Greeham. His
home during examination weej- iyt the
si *t greatly. The roadbed ia also re­ member all the events of tbe early davs. mill has long been noted for tbe superior
University of Oregon.
Never mind. Freshmen, there are others quality of finish material, mouldings,
ceiving a coat of gravel.
wbo make tbe same complaint.
cornice, etc. Then there is an exten­
Ed. Whetmore, a former resident of
The Gresham high school expects to
Cleone, lately of Baker City, well known
The Freshmen have laughed over sive milling plant at Boring and at
make quite a record in baseball this
here, spent Tuesday in town. Ed. and
Sandy is located Proctor and Straus and
season. They hsve some pretty good Ichabod Crane, in the Legend of Sleepy
L. H. Stone, both musicians, practiced
Jonsrud Bros., who cut large quantities
material and expect to play ail the sur- . Hollow, have been sad over Irving’s,
with the Gresham Concert Band that
Widow ami her son, and have followed [
lumber of ail sorts and ship out many t
rounding high schools, including The
Poe through the mysteries of The Gold
Jonsrud Bros, also produce high-
Dalles, Hood River, Oregon City, Forest
Bu«- Ou‘»i<le
‘hey have read (trade finish material and lathe pr ducts.
Ralph Wai kinahaw of Condon has Grove, Vancouver, Woodburn, Pa7k
Scott’s Ivanhoe and Dicken's Christmas
Tbe Union Meat Co. of Troutdale, has
been visiting his cousins, Mrs. A. C. Place and Newberg.
for years been tbe largest and best meat
Browning and Mrs. Barnes.
Watch for the big announcement of
‘he state, probably
The class
clai in second vear English have Produclnii P'»“‘
The Corbett lines are now connected 0. W. Metzger in The Herald next week
°n “** c«“‘- >»• ProducU
with the Farmers’ Mutual and we can ; for it will be well worth your while. studied The Ancient Mariner and Tbe
Vision of Sir Launfal.
latch pupil »r« •" Government inspected and the
now send a message to Corbett, Upper Don’t miss it.
memorized certain verses of The Ancient br*n’‘ tha‘
~i«‘y to con-
latourell and Hurlburt countries dir­
The Herald ads. this week offer some
ect from Gresham without going through bargains you cannot afford to overlook. | Marinet, so that the class as a whole
| can recite all of the classic. Outside ofI its doors. It is not limited in its pro­
Portland. Thus another link has been
Please mention The Herald to our ad- school the class has read Dicken’s Taie j ducts to meat alone. There is a wool
forged in tlie great chain that is bind -1
pullery, fertiliser, bone-cleaning, glue­
; of Two Cities and 8cott’s Marmion.
ing this rich country, once a wilderness, (
making and other departments that
closer together—for vaster development,
„ ,
The Juniors have accomplished more
ordinarily go with a successfully con­
closer relationship and for the common Modem Business Methods Applied than any other class in Literature. Be-
ducted packing plant. Its products ate
What ia more, thia telephone
tO Idrmint).
sides being able to give tbe important
distributed all over the const and we,
system has been built by farmers, fur
. . ,
'details of the Faery Queen, Milton’s
right at band, are particularly fortunate
One nt
of the moat
most notably well managed
ranches in Multnomah county is the
Lost and The Canterbury Tales in its advantages.
Mrs. John Thomas who has lieen very
This is a dairy country. East of us
Sun-Dial ranch, just north of Fairview , »bey have studied Tennyson’s Idylls of
111 at her home in Pleasant Valley is
on the Sandy road. This farm has been , the King and Milton's Cornua.
For is the True Dairy and Creamery, while
now improving we are glad to learn.
improved and brought to its present j home work they have read Eliot’s Silas a half mile south of Boring is the not­
A. 11. Steusland, the Columbia Slough state of organization withiu tbe last, Marner,
able Damascus Creamery, which even
flaherinau, was a business caller Mou- three years. It ia a shining example of
at this season of the year is producing
He says the recent flood did what capitalization and incorporation :
daily over 1500 pounds of the flnest
considerable damage to his wheel but can do for tbe rancher, and it shows j
butter made in the state.
Miss Olive Lusted Married,
he has it about repaired now.
Less than a mile from town is located
also great faith on tbe part of the inves­
A very pretty boms wedding was •ol* the Columbia Brick Works, which last
George Beers has purchased lota in tors in the future of this part of tbe emnized at high noon on Wednesday at
year put out about three million brick,
Regner's addition and will probably county.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lus-
build and reside here.
The Sun-Dial Ranch i. owned by a ted wben their only daughter, Olive, which are reputed to be as good as any
---- . -----
V - - .
The local assembly of Artisans met I ’»ock company of six members, consist- was united in marriage to Mr. J. B. on the coast. They have been erecting
extensive sheds and up-to-date dryers
and elected new officer* and once more
°E H.C. I h in p bell, president; H. W. Goff of Portland by Rev. 8. F. Pitts.
preparatory to an enlarged business the
set the order on its feet again.
Emil I "ells, vice-president; E. G. McGaw,
The bride is one of the most charm­
l’almquist is master Artisan and F. B. j **retary and treasurer ; G. B. Lumsden, ing and beautiful daughters of east i coming season. Nearby, at Anderson, is
superintendent of ranch and C. F. Swig- Multnomah and a very estimable young another successful brick and tile plant.
Stuart secretary.
. The officers are lady, while the bridegroom is a promi­
Miss Lottie Davis is suffering from in- •r»
' L
subject to change at any time. The nent young civil engineer, holding a re-1
flamatory rheumatism, but is now re­
The Senior, found The Courtship of
company is a close corporation with a sponsible poeition in the city engineer- , Milee Standish a pleasing little story
I capitalization of $200,000. It purposes I ' ir»«w
lionartniant of
>.( Portland
Vnrtlarvzl and
xan.l is
ta well
ing department
but they expressed a wish that Burke
Frank Metzger and family have mov­
I mainly to run a stock ranch, buying and,
worthy of the bride he has won.
had died before he gave his great Speech
ed to the Wilson farm near Damascus.
selling all kinds of live-stock on commis-
The rooms were tastfully decorated in on the Conciliation with the American
Rockwood will organise an Oddfellow’s Ljon and keeping and feeding a large
Oregon grape and carnations.
After Coloniee. They have become reconcile«!
lodge within the next three weeks.
At number of animals at all times. The
the ceremony a bounteous wedding din­ to hard work now, and find pleasure as
least 30 members are in sight and good ranch affords ample pasturage for many
ner was served to which about 35 rela­ well aa profit in the study of this great
prospects for a strong lodge.
sheep, cattle and hogs, besides raising
tives partook.
Mr. and Mrs. Goff were clastic. Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans
T. R Howitt A Co. are now occupying the grain necessary for feeding and fat- the recipients of many beautiful and ex
and Hawthorne’s Marble Fawn have
tlieir new meat market and are having tening purposes,
quisite pieces of cut glass and silverware been read for outside work.
In addition to the ranch the company and other gifts. Amid a shower of con­
the main building shelved and fitted up
Then too they operates a feel-mill and warehouse, gratulations and rice they left for Port­
for a modern grocery.
have secured the entire Regner building which deals in wholesale and retail mill land where they will make their home.
adjoining and will incorporate it wilh teed. The power is obtained from the
the main building and put in hardware. : O. W. P.. and the mill is situated at the
and an up-to-date line o* Dry Goods, junction of the O. W. P. spur and the
Rockwood Stockholders In Luck.
Furnishings and Boots and Shoes. (). R. A N., so that shipments are hand­
John Brown is around telling his
Watch for their opening annouevment. ily made over either road. The machin­
friends of bls good luck and showing
ery in use is adequate and np-to-date
in The Herald soon.
samples of gold ore taken from the
Jas. Goodfellow, the blacksmith, tells and the mill operators are prepared to
We have a buyer for the best
us he is preparing to install electricity grind ths farmer’s load of feed while he He has a sample of the pure stuff ob­
small, improved farm that $0001)
in his shop as well as several new pieces waits.
cash will buy.
Must be within
The ranch contains 2405 acres, 000 of tained by panning the ore, amalgamat­
of machinery.
15 mile drive of Portland, near
which are cleared and in cultivation. ing the values with mercury and then
Are you doing your share to remedy Eighty acres close to the Sandy river retorting. The ore is quarts and shale.
good school, Might take as little
the bail condition of some of our walks were recently cleared at an expense of The company of which Mr. Brown is
as 30 acres,
Value the ms.a
and streets? If not get busy, for the ♦7000, and at the present time the com­ treasurer has just bought forty acres
Man and money a *
city council is watching you closely. In pany has men at work clearing the more, making 100 acres in all. They
ready, time is limited.
speaking of this the other day one of brush from about 500 acres along the intend putting in a "giant’* soon with
the councilmen said : “Why, there are ridges of the bottom land, in order to which to work their placer claims while
the lode claims are being developed.
some business men in this town who do furnish more pasturage and hay land.
Most of the stock in the company has
not even clean off the mud on the side­
Help your Home Paper by dealing been taken already, so they feel com- i
walks in front of their store, and this
Tell them you paratively easy about the outcome of I
P ortland ,
01 T gun
has gone far enough it must be stopped with our adverisers.
saw their ad. in The Herald.
their undertaking.
we are going to stop it.*’