Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 29, 1909, Image 1

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G resham __
ore ,
Subscription, $1.50 a Year.
O. A. C. Doing Much for the
Farmers and Fruitgrowers
by Six-Weeks’ Course.
A ala week's course In borliciilture la
now under wav al the Agricultural
College, Corvallis, and there is a large
attendance from different parts ot the
etale, the attendance being more than
twice that ol last year. Some of the
most interesting work In the course is
yet to come. Many fruit growers are
unable to attend the course for the
entire sis weeks, but are able to come
for a few days or several weeka. The
course Is open to them at any time.
There will bo two weeks more of apple­
packing and work in budding and graft­
ing. In addition to this spacial lectures
are given on the various phases ol fruit­
growing, truck gardening and landscape
Beginning on February H a special
course of two weeks will be given In
walnut grafting. This should be of
great Intereet to people contemplating
engaging in thia induatiy. In addition
to the lectures practice will be given In
the work.
In the last two weeks of the course
two hours a day will be given to practi­
cal instruction in spraying, pruning,
staking and setting of orchards.
Bpscial lectures will be given bv some
ol the beet authorities on horticulture
to be found In the Northwest. These
courses are open to any one and may lie
taken up at any time.
We wish to extend to our neighbors
and friends our heartfelt thanks for
their kindness, help and sympathy dur­
ing the lllnera and death of our little
granddaughter and niece,
Lucile Manning Howard.
Signed, Ma. am! Maa. L. D. Ilowaap,
Ma and Maa. L. P. M àssimo ,
Ma and Maa. J. Kaosawasaa.
Hee “Want Ads” on
the last
Death of Martin Bankus.
Martin Bankus, lacking only five days
of being 21 years ol age, passe,I away at
lbs Good Haniaritan hospital, Portland,
last Saturday evening. He had been
taken to the hospital on Friday and
seemed better on Saturday morning
Marlin was boru In Ohio, January W,
INN. Al the age of one year be came
with hie parents to Oregon where be
has resided since.
He lived with Illa'
l>areuta two miles south ol Pleasant
Hume. He was well known aud was
regarded as a good, honest and upright
young man. He leaves a bioken-healed
lather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. An­
drew Bankus, aud lour brothers, Walter
and Albert of Portland. John and
Elmer ol this place.
The funeral services were held Tues­
day afternoon in the M. E. church, Rev.
Mr. Creevy gave an appropriate address.
Tbe burial was In tbe cemetery here.
There was a large attendance of sympa­
thising friends and tbe floral tributes
were many.
Interesting Items About What
November at a dance al Columbia hall,
where the disturbance was created.
warrant ess issued lor bis arrest but lie
immediately disappeared and was not
located uutil Saturday when Portland
aulborilise found him working at Wein-
hard's brewery in Portland and bis •p-
prehension followed.
On the Webb Farm, Mr. Clarenca M
Smith has been promoted to the place
ot foreman, ami Mr. F. D. Lichty ia
movi.ig his family from Portland in
order to take up his duties on the place.
Albert and Charlie Worthington ot
Amboy, Wash., are visiting tbeir aunt
Mrs. Crenshaw.
Mrs. 8. T. Crow, of tbe Central Hotel
experienced a very severe spell ut sick­
ness last week, but is now recovered
and as cheery as ever.
J. C. Hesel of Brainard, Minn., was
looking ar.Aind Gresham on Tueerlay for
for a business location. He was favor­
Postponed Meeting.
ably impresse d with the business out­
Troutdale Chapter No. HO, O. E.
look of tbe town and may return and
regular communication, Saturday even­ open a hardware store here.
ing, Feb. 0, at 7:30 sharp.
Howitt ami Co.'s store ia rapidly
Installation ot officers at 9 o'clock, to nearing completion and they will soon
which members of tbe Masonic Ixxlgu be showing a clean stock of groceries.
Metzger Bros., the contractor» report
and their families are invited.
business as very good. They Rev.
By order of the Chapter.
Paruunagian's residence nearly com­
M. 8. M c K ay , Sec'y.
pleted and have three more houses to
build immediately.
E. Dewey, ot Portland, visited his
daughter, Mrs. 8. T. Crow, this week.
The Mt. Scott Drug Co
of Lents
Will Now Be Found Across the Street
from Former Location
We will Continue to Carry a Full Line of Drugs,
Patent Medicines, Oils, Stationery, News
Stand, Etc , Etc.
< ►
- I
< •
< *
big stuck or new valentines
Notwithstanding a depression the past year in nil lines of business we have
had a very i>r<sq>eroiia year, the number <H transactions and amount of trade in­
creasing alami 4<> per cent over that of 1907 for which
We Want to Thank One and Ail of our Patrons
Our People Are Doing and
Some Things to Occur in the Near Future.
The whole community deeply sym­
pathizes with Mr. and Mrs. L. D
Howard in the death of their little twin
daughter. Lucile. The baby, which was
about four months old, died Bunday
night al the homo of Mrs. Howard’s
l«rents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Manning,
on Powell street, Gresham. Services
were bold from the house Monday after­
noon in charge of Rev. Parounagigfe.
Four young ladies actol as pallbrarere.
Jdtk Zllm Pleads Guilty
There was a good attendance of sym­
Jack Z.ilm of Hurlburt was brought pathizing neighbors and friends.
before Judge Hullins in the justice court
E. Coalman of Bandy, was down UO
last Saturday and arraigned on tbe
charge ol disorderly conduct at a public
John Straus, distributing agent for
place. Hu plead "not guilty” and was
released on 115 bail.
His trial took Trojan stump powder, wae a caller at
place Tuesday forenoon at which time Tbe Herald office on Wednesday. Mr.
chabged his plea to "guilty” and was Straus is one ol our moot progressist
flned I'JO.
Tbe trouble occurred in citizens and we always welcome him,
Removal Notice!
I). 8. R se entertained the Pedro Club
on Tseeday evening.
About twenty
members were present and report an
enjoyable time. Mrs. J. W. Shattuck
and George Kenney made the highest
Miss Jessie Jones of Portland was re­
gistered at tbe Central Hotel Saturday.
G. Nassliahm, a nephew of John
Straus, lias arrived from Indiana and is
nuw farming the old Otis place near
Mrs. A. H. Gould has returned from
I-a Grande where she visited ber daugh­
ter, who is the mother of a new baby
afternoon teas can he arranged, not only
for the financial help but lor the social
benefits as well.
. R T. Linney was circulating in east­
ern Multnomah on Thursday.
G. A. R. Instdlldlfofi.
The public installation of officers of
the M. A. Rose Post, G. A. R , and of
i tbe W. R. C., takes place Palsy at 2 p.m.
at tbe Grange hall, Gresham. It is
hoped that the attendance will be large,
as everybody ia invited. The following
1 is the list of officers ot tbe Post: Com-
I mamler, E. G. Rickert; 8. V. Com.,
.George Kniereem; Jr. Com., W. T.
! Sherwood; Adjt., Wm. Butler; Qm.,
Henry Kane; Surgeon, Edward Kopper;
Chaplain, H B. Perkins; O. D., E. E.
Chipman; O. G„ W. Perlherg, 8. M„
O. Thomas and O. M. 8.. J. B. Bates
The new officers of the W. R. C. are.
Pres., Mrs. Anna Bates; 8. V., Mrs.
Almora Northway; J. V., Mrs. Lizzie'
Jack; Trees., Mrs Lillian Chipman;
Chaplain, Mrs Susie Sherwood; Con.,
Mrs. Ara Lasted and Mrs. Hannah:
Bond, Guard.
A. I.. Crenshaw has li-asol the lot
nett to the pusiofliee and will erect a
tpiilding for his plumbing and sheet
metal business.
W Congdon has a crew of men engag­
ed in rebuilding the bridge across John­
son creek that was washed out dunug
Odd Fellows Installation.
the flood.
! Gresham Odd Fellows will install of-
D. A. Hart was slightly injured Tues­ | fleers ou Saturday evening, January 30.
day evening but is now improved and District Deputy Grand Master W. H.
able to be around.
Taylor of I-ents will be the installing
Mias Ruby Emery wi|l graduate from officer. A big time is planned, with a
the West Hide Portland High School on spread to follow the installation. This
will be tbe first time for some months
February 3d.
Rev. B. F. Rowland unexpectedly that this lodge has held a 'house-warm­
preached in tbe Methodist church last ing. and all members are urged to be
Sunday. There was a good attendance present. The following are the officers
and the sermon was well received. The elect: John Palmquist, N. G.; P. A.
pastor. Rev. Parounagian will preach Daily, V. G.; George Keller, secretary
next Buoday morning and evening. All and G. W. Kenney, treasurer. Emil
Eilers is tbe retiring Noble Grand and
are invited.
D. M. Roberts retiring secretary.
Tbe Gresham High School Debating
Team will move on tbe forces at Tbe
Mention The Herald to our advertiser»
Iiallee on February 12th, and are con- when you buy of them.
fident of carrying off the honors, Tbie
team has not been defeated yet this
season which speaks well for the train­
B ob * —Sunday, Jan. 24th, to Mr. and
ing received in tbe local schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hagwer have Mrs. William Wood, a daughter weigh­
just returned from a viait with relatives ing twelve pounds.
Word was received of the death of
in California.
J. O. Downing is expected home from Mrs. Jessie Mackintosh, by Mr. and Mrs.
Kansas in a short time and will take Burns. Miss Nan Burns left at once for
possession of tbe farm be recently pur- Scotland to care for tbe seven mother­
less children.
chased from G. H. Sunday.
The surprise social at 8am Strebin’s
on Friday evening was greatly enjoyed.
Representative Altman was home on There were several "surprises” during
the evening.
a short visit Sunday.
Raymond Miller has gone to Colum­
Rev. P. J. Rinehart will preach in tbe
bia county to work in a logging camp. M E. church Sunday evening at 7 :30.
Mrs. Miller will join him alter a visit
The well that was being drilled on
with bis mother.
J. R. Cavanaugh's ranch, wae finished
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bank ua are last week. It is sixty feet deep and
spending a few days with ber mother there is an abundance of water.
Mrs. I. N. Sbriner.
The Helping Hand Society met with
Mr. Stewart is still quite ill.
Mrs. Armstrong this week. A good
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest I-ouderback will afternoon's work was done.
return from Portland and occupy their
Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth Grant and
borne bere.
son Donald, who have been visiting at
Mrs. D. D. Jack continues very sick Glenalder Farm during tbe stormy
and will be taken to the hospital soon. weather, returned to thei» home in
George Anderson has discontinued Portland.
his studies at the Gresham High School
Mr. Metzger is very ill at the home of
for this year.
his daughter, Mrs. Allder. He is 89
The pretty baby boy who arrived at years of age.
tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Fugi is doing
nicely. Those who have seen him say
When writing or »peaking to our ad-
he is about the prettiest baby around.
vertisers please mention that you saw
Mrs. A. Bankus' mother is quite sick. their ad. in The Herald.
The many friends of Mine Lillian
Ginder, who has been receiving treat*
Harm Buoy is visiting bis sister, Mrs.
nient at the Open-Air Sanatorium in Martha Stewart.
Portland, will lx- ¿lad to learn that she
Mrs. I Man is now confined to her bed
is improving.
and paralyzed so she cannot see.
G. 11. Sunday leaves tomorrow for hie
Alfred Winche has returned after a
new home at Ashland. He leaves a host five months' stay in Washington.
of friends al Gresham who with him
J. Chapman has returned from the
success, however much they regret to
hospital and is slowly recovering.
see him go.
Mrs. Renie Harder of Astoria is at her
The dance an non need for Saturday
mother's home here for a short visit.
evening has been indefinitely postponed.
Mrs. E. M. Douglass made a short
The Gresham Concert Rami is making
trip to Portland this week and went up
rapid progress this season under the
to Corvallis to visit her son Harlow at |
able tutorship of l*r. H. II. Ott, who
O. A. C.
has now entered on liis second year as
Mr. Wolfe will make an address after |
leader Five new members have been
'enrolled. They are: Earl Clannahan, Sunday School next Sunday and in the
alto; Carl Wirts, tenor; Guy Matthews, evening Rev. Creesy will preach.
pt servire, careful and conservative methods, we hope to increase our
Mr. Shriner who sprained his ankle
for I •09 fio |>er cent over that of 1908 and ask your co-operation.
An in- tiaratone; Wallace Wilkinson and Irve
crease of transactions
--------lions for us means more business for ydti.
fu increase in Dodge, clarinets. The band boys will last week is able to be around some.
your business means more business for ns.
give another home talent play in the
Mrs. Rad font and daughter Vivian
There is much business that we can do for you and near future. Band practice on Tuesday visited in Portland last week.
and Thursday evenings.
C. W. Stephens is in Ohio spending
save you time and money
Mrs. Ira Van Tress has been visiting the winter. He was married to a fair
If you have money to deposit in a bank at Portland or at a distance we will
be glad to make the transaction for you.
If you desire to pay taxes or a bill, her brother, Thoa. Hinder fora few days. Buckeye maiden in December. May
wish a neat at the theater or a sleeping car lierth reserved, want an Abstract of
Watch out for the ground hog next prosperity be theirs.
Title to your farm or records searched we will attend to it without loss of time
to you. If you want to rent, buy or sell a farm, lot or building call on us.
We Monday. Our winter is not yet over
To get rid of ants in the pantry lay
have numerous inquiries along this line.
With regular reports to the State ami farmers and others should lie care-
Banking Commission, subject to Examinations by the State Bank Examiner, not to overlook the fact that more cold some ham rinds on the shelves or smear
a saucer with lard and set it there over
Bonded Officers, Insurance against "Hold-ups” we feel capable of handling your
business satisfactorily to you and therefore solicit your business, lie it large or weather is due us.
night. In the morning these will be
The Ten-cent Tea given by Mrs. Geo. found covened with anta, which may be
Leslie on Wednesday for the t>ene tit of iic-ilded with boiling water and the traps
the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist set again. In a few days every ant will
church was well attended and netted disappear.
|3 40. This will lie used to purchace
sewing material and will be multiplied
-..-fl ■
■*' ■ I.-
_____ _______ •
Anything you want to buy or »ell?
Air ' u hm
i, \-.i\
many times. It is hoped that frequent Consult the Want Column,
Vol. 5.
No. 5.
Residents Near Lents Have
Decided to Utilize Recent­
ly Raging Creek.
Property owners along Johnson creek
near lente Junction are very mnch in­
terested in a project to inprove tbe
stream and cot out some of its numer­
ous windings.
As tbe years have past, moot of tbe
timber has been removed from the land
near the creek, but a lot of drift baa
accumulated and there are many places
where it is almost entirely stopped up.
To completely remove all drift along
the stream might prove a mistake, as
wearing of tbe adjacent land would be
far more rapid. As the country near
Hogan. Anderson and Orient ia cleared
of its forests, drainage will be morn
rapid and high waters will be more fre­
quent and sodden. People living in the
flat valleys near the stream will be far
more likely to suffer from overflows
tban now.
A few hundred dollars spent in clear­
ing parts ol tbe channel and cutting off
some of the windings will relieve tbe
trouble. It would not be necessary to
make cuts to the depth of tbe stream
ted, but if canals are cut a few feet deep
they will relieve tbe congestion and
gradually grow deeper.
The O. W. P. is preparing to guard
against future washouts by potting in
drain culverts every 100 feet, but while
that will save tbe road it will not im­
prove prospects for property-holders in
tbe vicinity of Lents Junction. Plane
are now being discussed as to plans for
raising funds to carry through tbe work.
Floyd Lovelace ane George Brown left
tor southern Oregon on Wedneeday.
The house of F. H. Crane on the
Sandy road narrowly escaped burning
on Tuesday morning. Mr. Crane got
up abont 4 o’clock and made a fire in
the kitchen stove which has a terra cotta
chimney. The roof caught tire and was
extinguished by a bucket brigade before
much damage was done.
The bouse being built by David Mc­
Keown on tbe Section Line road is near­
ing completion.
Mrs. Sopbia Duncan is spending a few
days with ber mother. Mrs. E. Quinn.
Tbe dance given by the grange last
Saturday was not attended by the usual
large crowd on account of the bad rondo
but they expect a better attendance at
the one given in February.
James Taylor is slowly improving.
Dexter Quesinberry is learning tbe
blacksmith trade under the instruction
of his father.
There is clearing being done on a good
many places in this vicinity.
Read the Want Ade.
Large Assortment.
Good Values.
Prompt Attention
¡ I
Boots, Shoes, Crockery,
Better See U* Before Buying
Main Street, Gresham
• •
Notice to the Public!
J Wish to Announce that to
Anyone Purchasing a Cas­
ket of me I will Furnish Rough
Box and Hearse FREE . . . .
Anyone wanting anything In this line call on
W WOSTF.I.L and he wl!l
attend to the boat new in the absence of Mr. Emery.
B. W. Emery, Undertaker
• •