•••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e The Lady from >r CYRLS TOWNSEND BRADY- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e o CHAPTER V.—(ContinuedA “Do you n --in to tell me that you hav captured this ship > hand' d?” “Ahsohltel« alone," r-!<-unued Smit’ eooly. "I «1 lii’t even have a weapon, a xou sec. The eno;»»» yielded to mora »ission. wholly and solely. I guess I charmed them with mv b»»a «ry.” He shonl b s red head a id freckled face in front o the other. -Rerioua! addtd I. taking pity the »f th 1 joung offierf. "when Un with them they kindl If it hadn’t bren for yo Wamego I would bare h •en moki this Itili ward to a rebel prh«o "How di«l you In a few brmf «vui i:h exnlai the situation. "So the kdy be: the fun begins I’ll land her at jinvenient place where «he will l»e ami cun rend» her father’s ¡»anta ion without difficulty." "But—with your perra’^on, of cou rse. dfice you are an Interested party.” hvigb- I the rommodftre*—•'perhaps it would setter to have her on the frigate." That wouldn’t he was playing lost its charm, and naturally her (Mgsrnrsa to gel out of * liat she now thought of a* a hateful little holo increased I in proportion to his indi Terence. he rouhl haw manttftirtnred an ftdfequnte to the complete reversal leierminatlnn. «he would have been nre. Her pride, however, of had great k. kept her In. gaum and nnd <1 hv all THE WEEKLY 7 HISTORIAN » A’m>»«t fj.taaMMsjjnM) worth of horiM»a ate owned lu die I'lilled Btatro, iitviirdlng to tin» Year Book of th»’ Ih» 4 ¡»ariment of Agriculture, It la prob­ able that it the llorara were taken nt thalr real value, luatoad of (heir as- schm « m value, thia figure would ba great ly increased. A cv«» nil ng to (lila re¡»ori, there are lU.lMrj.iMM hornet In thin n»uu* tty, with a valu»» of f I.NilT.AHlMMO, and tin» nvvruge value ¡»er head la $IK1.4O, Anybody kn«»wa dint linn tried to buy llorare of Ini«» dint die average ¡»er head la t«»o amali, fur vv«»n nn «»nllnary work bona» I* worth more diati dint However, die showing In very «,u«'t»ur* aging In die hint leu «»r twelve yearn I ho niiitilH*r of liorm-n In di n country r ■> r % Ium nimmst doubled, and. Instead of there bring too many hors«**. there a ri­ not enough to du nil tin* I hih I ihwm that w In required. a ml If It were nut for the « « M ii.««» «if automobile trucks In die large cidre th«» inep'hanin of thin «'oiintry would b«» hard ¡»rc»»««sl for meduMln «»f transportât Ion fur their g»«»«ln. Willi 1rtT2 A molli hl) |MM»t w I« established busliH'Ms Increasing, an every sign 4n«li bel a et» Il New York an<| Bost «Ml. caie*, there will I*» n greater «l«*innn»l ITT*» British under l4»r«l I hmm »re de­ Hum ever for lmr»«'w during the com feated By the A merits» tiN at Norfolk, Ing y «»nr. In view of thin. briM'ders W \ I go oti lurretishig th«»lr bunlnma* 1777 Washington*» army went Into win* every «»«»ti fide tire dull nil the ter quar ers at Valley Forge. |i»»rs»'n they run |»r<»«lu»«* will fimi a Pennsylvania (the ««»rond Htats) rrndy sale nt a good figure. An f«»i rntiflt'd the federal ronatitutloa. guotl tr»nt«»rs. h«»rm»n cniMhlr of going Ths first rirciilating library was <>ut mid winning In their class, du* «b» ratabliidtrue of thè slmplrst of fami building*; in fnet, ninny fami era make a nilstiikv In puttlng up tno elaborate a building, wh'rh falla to rii* duri* and to a (Torti sullh-lvnt vvntliiitlon for kwplng thè Ire. The slmple bulld d»g show n In thè drawlng, wlilrh la re- prminvvd frolli Farm and Home, wa* put up wlfh ab* »Ut «»ne day* a lnt»or. Thè frrtiiH'wnrk wn* marie of refuso ha ni w « m I. acme 2x1’* nml some Sxtl'a 11 brlllUnt and ther known “Pie we’ll « and s haul the ship's nd lie Commodore com«» up with the old wagon yonder, and my detachment joins me from the little Cpshur off here." The I’pvhnr was racing along far away. She had topped firing her gun at Iasi. She and the St. Lawrence were both «\»m- ing up rapidly. There was enough work to occupy the two o.fi -vrs and their men until the Commodore arrived. The crew of the Greyhound were assembled for wan!. The officers were s»nt io their cabins and the papers were examined. With th w various duties the time rapidly ¡Nissetl un­ til the okl frigate hove to alongside within ea»« hailing disf i; «e. “Have you got he* ?” asked Commodore Pauhi.ng. r J r o ’ the w -itber rail. To this utterly unnecesanry question Smith an* I in the affirmative. "It was touch anti go. however, ('oni- modcre,” he roiled across the narrow •pace. "If it hadn't been for the Wamego yonder, the Greyhound would ha.e gat away from us. taking me along." “How is that, sir?” roared the Commo­ dore. “It’s a long story, sir. I’m coming aboard imm» barely and I'll tell you tlu n.” Leaving Mr. Dillingham in charge of the prize. Smith was presently rowearding part.” “You got aboard, though?” “Yes. sir, but I hadn’t more than put my foot on the dock when someone on the Grey bound recognised me. The cap­ tain, a handy man with his fists and as quick w’ith his wits, threw overboard the bluejacket following me. I grappled with the captain instantly and called for our men to board, but in the confusion the boat bad gone adrift from the steamer. They got way on the ship immediately and by the time I had the captain down »he was skipping along at a terrific rate. The boat could not get alongside again. They made some good practice with the pivot on the (’¡whur. but did no damage. By the way. sir, I have to report that Midshipman Robinson was shot by a rifle in the hands of Captain Evers while he was trying to fire the pivot. If it hadn’t been for that the Vpahur might have got her, or sunk her, alone." “Beg pardon, sir,” interrupted a mid­ shipman at this moment, “officer of the deck’s compliments, sir. an«J he says to tell you that the Vpsbar is alongside and reports that Midshipman Robinson is slightly wounded, no other casualties." "That’s good," said Commodore Pauld­ ing. "Go on. Mr. Smith.” There'» no more to tell, sir," said, Smith. "Y’ou have forgotten one item, thougli," said the old man ; "who was it recognized you?" “A lady, sir." “A lady? What lady?” "Miss Jones, air." "What, the Ellen?” laughed the Com­ modore. "’Hie same." “Well, that was hard lurk.” “I’ll call it very good luck, indeed, sir. If yon will permit tne,” said Smith grave­ ly, "so long a* the Greyhound was cap­ tured eventually.” •‘Fixplain yourself," gaid Paulding, “Well, sir, 1 don’t mind telling you that I have been Very much interested in Miss Jones for—for years." “A constant sailor!" exclaimed the old commodore, smiling. “They didn’t make ’em in my «lay." "I have no doubt wre have degenerated ain«<* that time, sir," retnrned the lieu­ tenant, smiling in hi* turn. “I don’t mind telling you. either, that her father will have none of me. Now that I have captured the ship, 1 shall have a chance to—er------ ’’ “But you surely won’t take the young lady with you when you cut out the pri­ vateer ?•’ "No, air—at least, not exactly. Just • thro the moat o that if anything h ip with the privateer you’lj sti'l have something for your pain». We’re not in a great hurry, I take it. to get a: the privateer. She is hetplem until we <«» in. The weather is pleasant and bids fair to remain so. The transshipment of the ¡»rise cargo should not be difficult.” “All right," answered the commodore, "I’ll attend to the matter at once. It’s ¿•*xt:<»n. N men will you want to go with you?" ‘The fifty men that you «letaikd to the ('pabtu* will be enough. There won’t be much fighting. I imagine, but after we carry the Ellen we’ll have to move quick­ ly a:»»l I shall want enough hands to take both ships out enslly.” "What will you do for a pilot?” "I’ve thought of that." answered Smith prone, t’y. "You recall that half a chart was enclosed in the letter?” "But aha: can you d» with half a k I know where the other half . 1*11 manage somehow. I’ll •f the natives and threaten him with instant death unless I am shown the way." "Very well. Mr. Smith, have th* men transshipped from the Vpahur at once. I will » nd another crew on board of her. Do you want any more officers?" "No, sir. If Ko: ir.«m is all right, he and Brown with old Bob Gantliu w.ll be all that I require.” “Good.” said (’omni »’ore Pauldiv. "I shall sup [»port you so far as I can with the frlgat te and the gunboat, and if you’re not out. < or if I hear nothing from you in two day*. I’ll send the gunboat into the sound, so (ar as is safe, on the chance that I may save some of you or help you to get away in boats. Do your best. lie­ member that the destruction of the Ellen is a matter of great importance to the country. At whatever hazard, she must be prevented from getting away. By the way, you will need a couple of engineer*. Ask Captain Chase to «Ietail two skilled machinists from the Wamego for that purpose.” "Yes, sir." "I’ll send a heavy detail over to the prize at once to unlade the cargo, You look after the job. First of all. weil take the captured crew on board the St. i.iw- rence.” In a short time the s<*a was white with boats busy about the various details of transshipping the cargo of the prize to two days the work the other shii*<. For 1 continued. Fortunately, the cargo was of *u<-h a character that there was little difficulty in breaking it out and transship­ ping it to the other vessels, and. fortu­ nately also, the weather served th»»m. Miss Ellen, who with her black maid and two black men-servants remained oTi the Greyhound, kept closely in her state­ room during the whole period. She had protested against the or«lers that detained her on board the blockade-runner. She had demanded to see Cornmoodre Pauld­ ing. Having squared matters w’ith that gentleman beforehand, the inexorable Kmith had refused to entertain her pro­ test or to grant her request. The young •ady had never been so commanded be­ fore and was forced to endure her situa­ tion. which she did with a very ill grace, to I m » sure. After one stormy interview— stormy on her part, that is—she positively refused to see her lover again. Her m« a's were served to her in her cabin. She did nAt even come up on deck to get a breath of frosh air. All communication with her was through her mnid. Mr. Smith was « very busy man during the two days, and being something of a philosopher he reasoned that it was just as well t.he woman should be out of the way—under the circumstances —so he had not sought energetically to disturb her until the morning of the third day. All preparation« having been completefl. the engines were started nnd the Grey. hound, much lighter than she had been be­ fore, moved towards the inlet, whl<4i gave entrance to the sown«!, on her flaring ad­ venture, encouraged in her departure by the riieers of the m«n of the remaining ships. For the present Commodore Paulding determined to keep the frigate and the gunboat and the schooner well away from the shore, so as to excite no suspicion in css* there should be any lookouts watch­ ing for the arrival of the blockade-run­ ner. Having set the watches and seen that everything was in order, putting Mr. Brown in charge of the deck, the weather ficing calm and pleasant and nothing to be feared, the coast being some twenty- five miles to the westward. Captain Smith —for so he may now be called by courtesy —went below to his cabin. Tbsre he I hloe «bdivered the cap recrivtsl it with an :hrob of tln«tn«»*s. The logger deprivtxl of the sight of her lover, albeit he was not a particularly Imiulsonw ob* je* t, the more »he wanted to him. Again, she didn’t know w.iat was going on. exactly, that is, during h that made them almost black —violet, I should » «ay, if I were writing romance i nstrad ol it chronicling facts— “tel! him t bat I do i not w>h to s».** him. Tliat 1 do not intend to sc » him. That I » in the pri* in in which h*» «hall stay bas thrust nv until he is r ■nid ah' i«» «ay those things Jost as you repeated them?” asked the captain, smil­ ing in glee at the excited «able ti­ ger of his gOihlew«. a-way, -WelL sub. not pregactly dat but 1 sensed ‘pm right, an’ I gib« yo’ de substantiate of it.’’ **!>id she use the words ‘poor white Slie nv»an ’em sub, she did dat. (To be continued.) Mobody Gnewseg the game. The eight-year-old son of a well known cartiMinist attend* a Sunday school In which the boy« have formed what they call se«»t Was th« Only One. Host I to guest who lias had the ron» plaint lxM»k In front of him for an hour)—I should be glad If you w«mld finish with that book, as there are sev­ eral other guests asking for It.—Meg- gendorfer Blatter. Wnntrd n Majority llrrlalon. MGet another doctor,” demanded Mrw Gotrox, “to ( miss on my ailment.“ “Are not four physicians sufficient?* “Yea; but I don’t want to risk no tie vote.”—Washington Herald. The tallest treesJn the world are In a eucalyptus grove not far from Mel* bourne, Australia. .Many of them arc about 300 feet bl*b BH TIGN AI VlltW OF It LtlOl SK. S»Hx»nd rate pine board* were u»w«l tor aiding, which was tiallrd on the lusid» of the frame. The roofing wa* made of shuilaivmaterial as the aid*»*. but of a little better quality. In filling, a upacv la left iM’twrvii tin4 wall ami the Itv, to I h » ¡»ached with sawdust. The crevice« between the caki* are filltMi with fine ice shavings, blit no sawdust Is U»etl tn’tween or oil top of the layer* of hv until the tlllln is done, when a I m »nt oue f‘«>t of saw dust is placed on top. O|»«»nliiga must I m » left near the jienk - f tin* r*»of to mvurt» ventlhitbm. nnd the nilwdlist filling at the »id»** musl te kept firm nnd s»»lld while the is being n*uiov**d In summer. Important to locate the where there will I m » go>sl i i’«M»r drainage nt the l»ottow Ice or allowing air to clrvulat lop will qQlckly »¡sdl the cos the bouse. 1.1«bt under Gen. Harrison battleground nt Tip(»eranue on their return to ih* I’nlird fitatisa, Indiana »«Imiiterf into iho,I'nion ns (he nineteenth State, Mnklnu I at «l»e Po«, ’1*111!« skci» *i shows nn nrmngemein for making um » of th«» ring fur «nrrjlm: water. It ahnply consist* <»f a whe«»l. n. M ft. In ilInnictiT niul I JI in. wl»le with room »»notigli hisld«* for the dog to walk nronnd. where hr art* a* n trend iMw powkx yog rt mpinu watfm . power, which mum** the pump, r, tn re volvr In H.iutbern Callfortiln there arc M iwd ms i ppi « dui I tied to statehood* National lto|»uhli «»motive built in the I'nitml Slates na» fin* led and test«-«! th« Wmt Point » Y.) foundry. The H uum « «»f A*»*einh)y In Jamaica •d a bill altulìshlng «lavery. de X issued sn nrik»r for (snaitiAnn I hsmus * of I ha i mid , or l«*r annulled later nt Lincoln, occupaiino of Hi ter» for the n«rn. Light Is one of the great sanitary ««»ndUlons which promote vigorous a numlM-r <»f thvsv dog ¡s>wer pampa, health. If the germs of tuberculosis w hl« h cost I«**» rhan $15 \ gissi alaetl nr»» ex|»osed to the sun a short time d«>g ron eaaily «»firn bis llvlng In ni» their vitality Is destroyed. but their arrangement uf Ibis Rimi Far:u and infecting power ran be preserved for 1 Ionie. several months If kept In a dark re«q»- tade. Twin I.Mothw. The State veterinarians who bt An rxprrlrn<»rd breeder says that In dairy accommodations now recommend the casi» of twins It is wejl to ¡finn» plenty of light, and the new dairy them with the mother In a small, sep* barns are fcntur«»d with an Increased arate ¡»en for a day or two. In «»nier number of windows. If possible the that they may become a cq ua In ted. and windows of a dairy burn should be so to avoid the danger of one of the lami»« placed us to cause the sun nt sotur straying away, which may cause trou portion of the day to shine on all ¡»arts ble. When lami»* are born weakly of the floor. as the rays will search for more care la required. and unless the disease microbes and des d»stroy them. shepherd la with them to a«»e that they t roy Sunlight acts as a powerful disinfect are suckled w»on after birth they are ant. nnd nothing la «»lien¡»er nor more liable to I mh - oiiip chilled and die If than the lamb Is too weak tn stand up and effective In preventing disease sunlight. stick. It should I m » held up and some Ihirk. underground stable* are now milk milked hit«» its mouth, when It condemned ns Insanitary and disease will soon take the teat and help Itself, breeding. Dark stables are often also or the ewe may I m » gently laid u|w»n her damp, nnd present especially favorable side nini the lamb brought to the teat conditions for the evolution nnd props Ml Its knero or side, and held, ns above Cattle oil tin* indicated. gat ion of tutx»rculoais plains, which live only under the ahel- When 11 m y In« ter of the firmament. an» Immuno to If you hear that your nvlghlsir’s hog* Iulierculosls and many other diseases. nnd burns for housing live stock should have the cholera, do not rush over to Keep away from them and I m » r thrive un­ Inw school. Th»» discussious nil related to the cheese. to c<»nditions in .Minnesota. A close cheese Is ob* less they have plenty of sunlight. Keep tn tried, free from any mechanical ojwn The overwhelming defeat of Nebraska the windows clean. Ings. by t’arlislr, together with Carlisle's de­ Don’t fuss around your hens t<»o cisive vii’iory over Mt. Ix»uis, goes to add BWtrr Krault« , wlIh Corn, much. Like some peopfa they want to to Mimiewotn's glory. Carlisle Iw-ntrn by According to the oetlimite imide by l»e let alone at times. .Mlnncsotn defeats two western tennis sup* the government n few week, «go. the Take the chill off the wafer. Hens po«i-d to bo of strength approximating «verage |»-r aere of eom prodtnwl In will not lay many eggs If they are Minnesota's. Thia lifts Minnesota's vlc- Texna thia year 1« only nlaiut five buah- roii»|M»ller«»sspd fowls, wrapped in dean, his practical knowledge against the theo­ not only pointing out the hlenalngn to white paper and parked In new boxes retical ex ¡»er ir nee of the college students the farmer In growing corn, but nlno will bring enough mony well for for the J. Ogden Armour agricultural In promoting the atudy of need selec­ the trouble. I| la not hard to get top scholarships, amounting to $5,