Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 22, 1909, Image 1

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G resham
ore .
Subscription, $1.50 a Year.
At Recent Poultry Show Held
in Portland Where Birds
Were Exhibited.
Mount Hood Road Active.
(irealiam, Or., Jan. 18—(Special;—-In­
dication» are favorable (or an early re­
sumption of work on th« Mount I loo. I
Railway. Agent» of th« oompaajf hav«
l>e«n h«r« during the |mat week aego-
i tiating lor the right-of-way through the
William Studara property and other
I trada in thia vicinity. Il 1» re;>orted
that several diapulea over right-of-way
through Graahain hav« been »«tiled.
Ther« should 1» no <11 tllculty In get­
The general Impression ia in accord
ting up» firsl-cla»» poultry allow thia
with the above statement from (lie Ore-
fall at th* (¡range Fair. The »how that
. gonian. While no definite information
just clusad In Portland placed a large
1» given out II ia Iwlieved that work will
number <>( priaes in thia locality.
| open up about April lat and that It ia
Windle Bru«. ol lent», won lat, 2nd
entirely probable that people In eaatern
and IM pullet; let ami tlh cockerel; let
Multnomah will be riding to town over
2nd and ttli lien ; .'Id cock ; lai for pen
thin line liefore mat autumn's frost
and let lor collection on Buff Rock»,
coola Ilia air.
lai, 2nd and Id cock; lat and ¡Id cockerel;
let, 2nd, .’Id and 4th hen; let, 2nd, 3d,
4th and ftth pullet; 1»| and 2nd pen ; lat
Icam Drowns In Stream.
and 2nd for collection on Huff Wyan­
Aurora, Or., Jan 18—A team of horses
dotte» tat, 2u«l and 3d hen; 4th rock* Ilonging to J. Hall waa drowned in tne
end; lat pullet; let and 2d cock; lat Pudding river thia afternoon. Mr. Hall
pen; let collection of Buff Orpingtoua. who live« at (ireaham, Istughl a span of
They alao took apeclal priaeeon latcuck, hor»e» near Butteville today from Mr.
lat cockerel, let and 2nd pen, lat and Hegar. On tbe way home and nearing
2nd pullet and lat collection of Colum­ (he new bridge two mile» north of Au­
bia Wyandottea; aaec|«laktw on ’» heel rora, Hall drove into a pool of water.
male», ft beat female», In-at colored and
Pudding river ia out of it» banka, and
lie» I »ha|w*«l pair ol Huff Orpingtoua the water waa »witter and deeper than
Alao apeclal medal» for beat buff bird Hall thought. Tlie liorea maria aeveral
ami beat buff diaplay ; and a aprcia) cup plunge» and down they went, wagon
for large»! diaplay ami large,! ami l>eet ami all. Hail Jumped out and was fin­
diaplay. In abort, Windle Bros. out- ally rescued by a farmer, Kara Hural,
ebone all ctHopetiter» in tlielr breed» living near by. —Oregonian.
and in general diaplay.
Of the white breed» II. Rlnghoute of
(irealiam, look l»t an I 2nd cock; lat How tht* Recent Storm looked to a
and 2nd cockerel; 3d ami 6th pullet; lat
Man in Ranier.
pen; and lat collection of White Wyan­
Hamer, Jan. Il, 09
dotte». Alao a »|H*cial prize on the high-
cat »coring.White Wyandotte male; n Mr. Editor;
The »now ia »lateen inc tie»
cup tor la-al ahaped White Wyandotte
deep on the level. It »tarli-d to tall laat
and for l«-»t colore.1 male
Tueailay the Mb and it kept up a merry
The Calkin» Poultry Yard» of 1-c-nt».
old-fashioned eaatern snow-storm all
received 4th on hen, 4th on cockerel, 4th
night and until Wednesday forenoon
on pen and 4tli ou collection of White
| al 11 o'clock. The flake» were a« large
aa silver dollar».
I.. D Elliott of Montavilla. exhibited
Thursday dawned to find everything
a winner in Black Minorca cock« which
■hut down—mill», navigation, ami alao
the judge declared would cell elsewhere
the gang that is going through here on
Mr. Rmghouae alao waa com­
their way to Astoria Constructing a line
plimented on the tine junlity of one ol
for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Ilia White Wyandotte cocks. He waa
. Company. The only thing heard ia the
told that the bird if shown at Madieon
lon»»otAe whistle of a tow-boat that ha»
Square, New York, would have taken
made her way up through the ice in the
first price ami »old for 8'i00.
‘ Columbia, and they cannot gel above
St. Helen»,
The temperature hair lieen ranging at
funeral of James II. Allman.
, from 7 to 2l> above until today at 3 p.m.
lion. B C. Altman came home from it ia 41 above and the «now ia melting
Haleui last Hat unlay to attend the funer­ some. Tbe young folk» are having great
al of hi» father, Jatnea II. Altman, who »port coasting down tbe hill on long
waa killed in a street car accident in bob-eled«. They cSn lie heard till 11 or
I xm Angele» three week» ago Tueeday. 12 at night and «■ long aa the enow laata
Tbe funeral was conducted at Finley'» will make use of it.
undertaking rooms in Portland, Satur­
last Friday night a young lady that
day. January 1(1 at 2 p. m., and tbe I did not umler»tand handling a sled got
interment at Lona Fir Cemetery Iweide an arm broken.
hie wife who died in IHtkl.
There are no regular boats running,
Mr. Altman waa 72 year» of age. He the Willamette being choked at the
waa well known In Multnomah county, mouth with ice from the Columbia in
where he lived for many year».
He euch a manner that boats can not get in
leave« two »on», C. W. Altman, north or out. Ice has lieen coming down the
of Montavilla, and B. 0. Altman, of Columbia since early Friday morning
Pleaaant Home, both proaperou» farm­ and it ia a grand eight to look upon aa
er», the latter of whom la now repre­ il movea along under the bright raya of
senting the county in the State Legis­ the sun, for it ia shilling brightly thia
lature. A large circle of friend» extend afternoon.
their sympathy.
The train» have their trouhlea alao,
often gelling »tailed when they atop at
One day laat week while Orland Zeek the depot. Friday morning at 9:30 the
and wife were in (iresham, a horse got passenger train could not «tart ahead or
backup to get a freah »tart. Charley
looae in hi» »tall and trampled a calf to
Ogden, a brakeman who at one time
Notwithstanding a depression the past year in all lino» of business wo have
had a very nrostierous year, the number of tran»nctiona and amount of trade in-
creasing annul 44» per cent over Hint of 1907 for which
We Want to Thank One and All of our Patrons
By prompt service, careful and conservative method», we hope to increase our
trade for Ifioti SO per cent over that of 1908 and ask your co-operation.
An in-
crease of transaction» for us mean» more business for you.
An increaae in
your business moans more businesa for us.
There is much business that we can do for you and
save you time and money
If you have money to deposit in a bank at Portland or at a distance we will
I m - glad to make the transaction for you. If you desire to pay taxes or a bill,
wish a »eat at the theater or a alec-ping car berth reserved, want an Abstract of
Title to your farm or records searched wo will attend to it without loss of time
to you. If you want to rent, buy or sell a farm, lot or building call on us.
have numerous inquiries along this line.
With regular reports to the State
Banking Commission, subject to Examinations by tne State Bank Examiner,
Bonded Officers. Insurance- against “Hold-up»" we feel capable of handling yonr
business satisfactorily to you and therefore solicit your business, be it large or
■■ '-—ate—
■■ ■
■ ■i f i*
. ._
. _
the stormy weather and tie reports a
very interesting event.
Dr. Crow waa a buainea« visitor in
Handy on Thursday.
Vol. 5.
No. 4.
Tbe cate of Mt. Hood Railway Com­
pany against Mrs. Julia Kegner ia being
This Is An Opportunity For Reasons Given Why It Should tried in the circuit court today. The Strums Overflow Their Banks
other condemnation snita affecting right-
East Multnomah to Secure
Be Moved and Reasons
Washing Away Bridges
of-way within the town of Gresham
More Settlers.
Why It Should Not.
And Railroad Tracks.
have been postponed a mooth or two.
The attendance at school has been
A good many of our citizens are com­
(Special Correspondence)
It is safe to say that Senator Bing­ stemlily increasing doring the week and
No new» haa lieen received by the ham is not the originator of tbe scheme conditions have «boot returned to the plaining that January weather haa eata-
blisbed a recor-l in Oregon, anything
people of Oregon during tlie last twenty- to remove the state capital trom Malem normal stage.
four month» 1» so important ■■ tlie an­ to Portland. Why should a person rep­
Mrs. J. C. Allen has had quite a sick but agreeable. “Worst I ever saw" is
nouncement that the trao»-c intinental resenting a portion of tlie state so dist­ »pell during the week, but is improving. heard on all sides, yet there are a few
railroad» will make a rate, beginning ant from Portland be so impressed with
The regular services will be held by old-timers who contend that they have
March lat ami continuing until April the advantage« of that city as a capital tbe pastor in tbe Methcxlist church next ■ran worse.
Following a cold snap that surprised
30th, from Kan»»» City, Omaha, St. city?
Perhap« lie has a trade to offer Munday.
everyone for its severity and endurance
Paul, Minneapoli», Winnipeg and other
l»-t ua inveetigate his reasons. “The
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Emery, who are
has come a thaw and rains that have
similarly situated town», to all main statehouse ia old ami dilapidated, needs
on a trip east, are expected home the
sent our streams to the danger point
line railroad points in Oregon, for 82ft.
props to keep the floors from breaking, last of this month.
throughout the state. Bridge» are suf­
The peopje of no »late in the I'nion hotel accommodations in Salem are in­
have profited more by these one-way adequate, streetcar service is unsatis- I Carl Wirtz has sufficiently recovered fering '•’1 all directions. Even little old
from his recent injuries so as to be up Johnson creek has been stirring things.
ticket» than thoae of Oregon during the firtorv, Salem is not centrally located
Two bridges near Gresham have been
laat four year». The rate from Chicago •ted that Portland has a »u;*rior water and around once more.
O. Thomas killed a large stork on the cut out and tbe trouble it is causing at
is 833, from Mt. Louis 830.60, with a pro­ supply." Singular isn’t it?
Of course
portionate low rate from all points in we people of Multnomah county would outskirts of town one day this week. It I^nts Junction has far exceeded all ex­
the Vnited States. Thia should add j like to annex the capital, one of the five, is supposed that the high waters at­ pectations.
many thousands of actual settler» t o tbe I or more normal schools, the state tracted it from the coast, it's home.
The water reache«! ita highest point
population of Oregon. These are one-i university, branch penitentiary and in­
Chase St.Clair is suffering with a light last Tuesday, Mowing entirely over the
way tickets, and if travelers desire to * sane asylum, but what ia the argue- attack of pneumonia.
carline, cutting out tbe grade and des­
return to their former homes they will luent? There is not a reason offered by
F. B. Stuart A Company have a fine troying considerable siding. But the
have to pay full fare.
Bingham that is not open to dispute ; window display of embroideries, laces, constant attention of a trusty gtng of
Every commercial club and advertie-1 and the same objection might apply
etc. They’re up-to-date too. >ee ’em. workmen, busy night and -lav. has kept
ing bureau In the state, as well as every here as apply there. Is Portland more
tbe line open for traffic. Much work
Rev. J. Rhein hart of Oak Grove
real estate firm should liegin immediate- 1 centrally located than Salem? Portland
has been require«) at other points along
ly to advertise these rate«. Every citi- I is larger than Salem but proportionally preached in the Methodist church here the line to repair washouts.
sen of Oregon alniuld write personal to size its car service is l«rss satisfactory.
Farming in general is at a standstill.
letters to old friends ami acquaintances The capital building is not old, as such to reach his charge at Melrose on ac­ Field work is out of the question and
count of the snow.
reminding them that the rate is goo-l to | buildings usually are when discarded,
tbe roads are so bad that hauling is al­
The Methodist Sunday School elected most impossible. One man says he
their town. But the ticket must lie and ita size ia ade«|uate for all require­
bought to the point of destination—it's i ments in the state for many years to officers an«l teachers on Thursday night. hauls three-fourths of a cord of w « xm 1
just as cheap to the most distant point come. In fact the building is a creiiit The following is the list of officers: Sup­ now where he has been accustomed to
as one just over the border of the state. to the gtxsi judgement of the state in erintendent», H. L. St. Clair, Mrs. A. haul three cords.
rational expenditure, for size, appear­ Thompson; Secretaries, Ruby Emery,
The number of inches of rain that has
It is good for Helen Hoss: Treasurer, Bessie Howitt; fallen here cannot be report«-d—prob­
lived on Slagerwei d mountain, m-ratch- ance ami convenience.
Librarians. Minnie Lawn-nee, Willa ably flee, ft hs« been wet enough so
cl his head cooly walked up ahead, un­ fifty years yet and nothing short of a ’
Metzger; Organist, Gladys Miller. The far. AY ells are filling up at a great rate,
hooked the engine, took it down the graft will remove it or counsel its de­
regular teachers are: Florence Field­ showing that the soil is beroming thor­
track a quarter of a mile and broke the struction within that time. It is plain
Mary Harvey, Hope Anderson, oughly saturated Big crops of hay and
road and after being couple«! up again
crawle«! underneath to connect the air- enough, and altogether a very stately Miss Gilbert, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Par- vegetables will be the probable result oi
lioae and on coming out it was hard to building on a beautiful plat of ground. ounagian, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs. St.Clair all this soaking of the »oil.
Kepaira may be necessary from time and Mr. Lawrence. Mrs. J. G. Metzger
t< II if it was my friend Charley or the
Arthur Fieldhouse is on the sick list
to time but it is entirely safe ami in no is superintendent of tbe cradle roll.
second coming of Santa Claus.
this week.
apparent danger of early dilapidation. - G. II. Munday has sold his iarrn east
Tnx 8»ana.
H. M. Miller is suffering with rheu­
Salem doesn’t have Bullrun water, no of town to J. O. Downing of Cleone,
but it has goo-l water, just as goo-l per-1 and will soon move to Ashland for Mrs. matism and has been confined to hi»
haps and at the season at which the Sunday’s health, which has lieen poorly borne for several days.
New Postal Rate to Germany.
Tbe Old Folks Pedro Club met at the
legislature meets it is abuudantly gotxl for some time. In Mr. Sunday's remov­
Partie» having occasion to semi letter» enough to meet every re«|uireinent.
al we loee a valuable citizen, a g«xxl home of Mr.Lindsey on Tuesday evening
to Germany will lie interested tn know True.Salem has not an unlimited supply
neighbor and thrifty farmer and a fam­ for the first time in two weeks, on ac­
that a new and cheaper rate has be«-n of hotels, but there is no occasion for
ily highly respected.
Our loss is Ash­ count of the cold weather. There wero
made between this country and Ger- • anyone's lying out in the rain or sleep­
nineteen present an«i a pleasant time
land's gain.
If letter» are marked “semi ing with his feet out tbe window.
was had hy all. After refreshments
direct'* and the postage fully prepaid,
Looking over the assembly, one his fine white Wyandottea to the Seattle were served the score was counted and
they will go for two cent» an ounce or would judge that opportunities for dis­
the winners were found to be George
fraction of an ounce. In thia way the posing of surplus gold by prodigal sen­ poultry show, now in session.
Leslie and Mrs. Alva Hevel. The next
People of this vicinity will he inter­ meeting will be held at tbe borne of
mail is carried on steamers sailing for ators were probably equal to the check
ested to know that Dr. C. H. T. Atwood D. C. Roes on Tuesday evening next and
(iermany direct and takes a little longer books carried by the law makers.
all members are invited to be present.
than if carried via England or France. all boab anywav and no one but a formerly of Gresham, and his father,C.
Little Vivian Hevel spent three days
H. Atwood, have been convicted of con­
If letters are not marked 'aeml direct' “trader’’ would consider it seriously.
in Portland last week with her aunt,
ducting a nuisance in the form of a hos­ Mrs. Ida Williams. While there she
the old rate applies and they will be ,
pital at Tremont station and will be visited the Buster Brown show and was
aent by the shorter route.
confined in the county jail for five delighted with Tige, which was not a
The rat« on po«t-carde remains the
months. The general impression is dog at all but a small man who acted
same, two cents.
the part.
that so far as the 1 Victor» are concern««!
Mrs. Hattie Wostell has heen confine-1
Two of our citizens met on the street tbe conviction is juet but we feel for the to her be«l for the last two weeks with
thia morning and after bidding each family that must suffer while the term lumbago, but is now on tbe ,roa-i to
Messrs. Proctor, Milan, Strruse, Al other time of day, one remarked to tbe is being served.
Edwards, Dunn and Newton Hedin other, “say did you hear the commotion .
were in Oregon City recently in regard down town last night?" “Yep, but say,
to the appointment of road supervisor what in San Hill was it? Sounded like
music of some kind at first but then ' - >
for District ft. Al Edward» was reap­
- >
again it sounded like a regiment of
soldiers tramping up Main street, so'
William Dickinson's shawls have sold Mirandy and I stuck our head out the
Fresh. Large Assortment. Good Values.
Prompt Attention ! ►
door, in the rain too, to see ’em.
says "they’re comin. hear the drums!"
Mr. and Mrs. McKenna and Bee Nel­ But they didn’t come by our house I
son were visitors here last week.
guess." “Well they tells me it was tbe
Notions. Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Etc
Leroy Kadfoid has taken up lineman , l«nd apractising.” “The band! Well
. I’ll swan!” "You see they have a half'
Better See Cs Before Buying
work and is doing nicely.
| dozen new beginners, and they were re- I
The Berlin family visiterl at Kelso on hearsing for the first time.’’
“No they '
weren't marching round the r oom, just
Blanche Retherford visited with her keeping time with their feet."
Main Street, Gresham
sound like music, but they say it was • ►
parents last week.
i C. A. Hodson, Newton Hedin and
i Thomas Milan and son braved the storm of the beet hands in the country if they
and snow-drifts of the past week and keep on this way." And this time he
was right for the new members did ex­
took a bunch of cattle to Troutdale.
ceptionally well.
School commenced Wednesday.
A good time ii reported at the ball in
E. leaf was seen on the street recently.
Metzger’s hall Saturday evening altho
Newton Hedin has accepted a position not a very large crowd was present on
with the City Realty and Building Co. account of bad weather
j Wish to Announce that to
The baseball
Rev. Brock of Portland preacher! at boys will give another dance on January
Anyone Purchasing a Cas­
Cottrell laat Munday morning and even­ 30. Yon should attend it and help swell
ket of me I will Furnish Rough
ing. At the annual business meeting the baseball-diamond fund.
Box and Hearse FREE ....
the following new officers were chosen
Chas. Cleveland has been spending a
for 11109: Mr«. H. Nelson, clerk ami few days at Salem in the interest of
Anyone wantins anythin« In this (Inc call on rtMAK wnsrEit and ke will
treasurer; Mrs. Ball, deaconess ; Messrs. some important legislation for edkt
alirn-t !o lhe bualnrM In the abaenee of Mr. Kmery.
Spiers, Nelson and Hedin. trustees, Mr, Multnomah.
Mpiers luring re-elected; J. Mpiers and
Dr. Bittner made a propessional trip
N. O. liedin, deacons.
to Handy on Thursday.
• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••
Notice to the Public!
Many men are back from the Bullrun
Editor Darnall took in the election of
head works.
I Chamberlain at Salem Tuesday, despite
B. W. Emery, Undertaker