Auccee.ling Gresham Vindicator, Gresham Gaaette, E»»t Multnomah Record, Multnomah Record and Moutavilla Herald. I'ublmhel Every Friday at Gresham, Ore., by the B kavkk S tats P vbusiuxu C o H. A. DARNALL, E hitob *xn M anauss . StCFWTX lor a«bacri|Wion« are nol am unlaw requvat'Ht The label tin your Ml-vr will Indi rate wiihin two week« the rei-elpi of your reailllance, it It doea nol |>leaae uolity us SISCSannsSeCn tn keeping with well reeognued buameaa principles, ah »iltm-rliUions will be promptly upon expiration o< limo pnld tor. TTIIIttt St 4SSKSX In ordering change ol addrea» give old a* well as new addreas. CdSMVWISCxn are wauled in every communtly It no correapondenes appear» (rom yeur ncighborhoo.1. you are rvepceltully reqc wled lo wild ua a> many local llemx a» you can asitsntas unt IJtuAI. AI i VKKTISIXG. avi iu l.-ade-l »lx point. Ilk' per line »ml Insertion re |ter line each »nbaoqucnt Insertion. OWPl.AY APV KKTInlSll No poxitiou guaranteed lire pe< ainsle iimn Inch oach laarn-. Liberal discount allowed tor either time or .paie ad ver ttrevuionAs. but not bvHh pdfiition (»nj n*) .V |*r inch «tLUtioual RKADKRS, Iftp ner line ArvC insertion. V t«rr line each suhaequent in«er»ion LOCAI^i (Want I'olutuu only), ic a word each imu *.counting Iwd Agurca, an initial or an abbrx viation a> »»ne word. No local accepted (or le*a than 1S conta FROrMIONALCARIM (one inch).'J*r each i»aue. CARDS OF THANKS (not ruwl- ing two int'hea) NO cent*. l.KTTKRS OF 1'ONIHH.KNi K (not exeevdinii four tnehvs). |l OBITUARIKS for actual aubarribera or tueiubera of their faiuiliv*. up to Hk) word«, tree al! over 100 worvta. le « word (invariably in advance}, i'ounl the word« «nd remit accordingly. All 1*>dge. Orange, School, Church, or other noih'ea or advertisement* of aerials, parties, daucea. Cv»ncerU. theatricals, etc., given for a prorit, charged tor al regular rate«. la order to insure change of < a 1 advertisers must have copy in this oBce not later than Tucada) preceding day of publication. MSCSlFTlti RATTS. Ter Year. >1 50 strictly In advance; to foreign countriea. W t». 8ii MvMHha KV Three months trial subscription« Sûr. Single copies 5c. A*k tor clubbing rate*. aSRTTMCn should be ¡»eut by Express or Puatoftce Money Order, Registered 1 seller ort'hei'k, St amp« accepted up to NOcenU. IM MIMTRK 1« 4»ur specialty. We are well eqiiipinM lo do the beat work at current prices. KapeHally farmers* and bu»inesa men's Letter Head», anvelopa«, Butler Wrappers, Statements, etc., ia small or large qua ill it lea Auction Bill«, Ihuigera. Posters, etc., priutvd on short notice. Batrrrd A* Mcunit-class mailer al Ibe poslolhce al Urwkala, Orvwon. EDITORIAL COMMENT society. The next step is evident and the degeneracy of the fami­ ly will be extended to the detri­ ment of a growing posterity. I « i I experience and obaervalion in Uis grow­ ing of thia graaa The paper on "The Fireless tXmker," by Mrs. Jennie C. Smith was Hue »nJ gave aome good in­ formation and advice in the uae of thia new yet old way of cuohiiig, and which can I* made a very usetiil article in any kitciien. Talk on ’’Foiiudero’ fTav," by Masior Johnson, who gave some of the early history of the order, and told of the ueeda of such an orgauiaallon au«l of how rapidly it grew. Remarks were made bv Brother • lid Sister Kingstiury of .Michigan, who •rr visiting Oregon. Remarks ware also made by the various Masters and lec­ turer» present. Th« election of officers resulted as fol­ lows: master, J. J. Johnson; overm>er, Willda Huckmau; lecturer, Mra. II. L. Vail; chaplain, J.ti. Kelly; steward, E. J. Spooner; asst, »lewant, Carl Em­ ery ; secretary, Mra. M. M Eaton , treaa- urer. Mrs. Emma Sp<»mer, g»lekev|ier, , George Brookman; Ceres, Mrs. E. A. Niblm; I’oinona, Mr». Jennie C. Smith; Flora, Miss Mary Paquet; lady asat. slewanl, Mr», luira Beckuer; executive ( committee, L. I>. Elliot and S. II. Covel. At the annual election of Columbia grange No. 287, held Saturday, l>ec. ft, the following officers were elected fur 11KIM: Roy Mersliou, master; .Mrs. Anna Anderoou, overseer; Mrs. Clara Smith, lecturer; George Dreaeell, steward ; Ray Woolard, awl steward; Mr». F. Vugh, chaplain; F. Beutield, treasurer; R. P. llaaamussen, secretary; A. IK h I miu , gatekeeper; Agnes Evans, Cerva; Jessie Emily, Pomoua, Helen Deaver, Flora; | Lilly Kassiuusseii, lady asat. steward. SECIION UNI Buylnu Books for ( Nldrtn. WM. A. MORAND J. C. lhickley h»a IWen drawn »• a Mc m lie re nf tha Grange who ex poet NOTARY PUBLIC juror for the Ifo-t-uilier term of the Cir­ to buy iMMiks for children for Chrialmaa Ovvie», Ri»,ta A C o ', Store cuit Court. gifts may receive «ouïe «iiggvatlima Owing to the timely and heroic preo- alauit spending their money to the liest BORING . . OREGON ence of mind of her teacher, Mrs Wal­ ailvaiilage from the little |iam|ililet is­ lace, little Jennie Heiidriekami narvowly sued by the Oregon Library Cullimi». eacaped severe injuries by tire at our »ion and sent out free upon recpieat to «-bool last week. The child was putting the Secretary at Salem. Thia pamphlet ATTORNEY AT I AW waste imper in the stove when liâmes « give« a list of the very lawl l»»iks for Of th« nnu of liVm A Dvrv« enveloped her, hurning several holes in children of all ages tells how much Fhentva A WHft, Mailt u*ui her apron. The teacher (ought the Hre these iMMiks coat ami what they are SOI tht’J Corbett Bldg., l'oHTi ASti, Gas. •uecerofully, the little girl being more , like It was publiahed just lo help In frightened than injured. I Christmas buying and the list was very it. u. orr il. V. A. Carpenter will lie in the carefully seh-ei««i The l»»iks are mil employ of the Wella Fargo Expro.» Co. ' for sale by the Commisaion hut can lie during the holiday». ' iHiught of any lesik dealer, though it DUN I ISIS lu the near future two bungalow» will ' must lie remembered that many of j them are nut in stuck and if the deal- Gresham. tie erected on the Brown place. Oregon J. Amlereon ia doing aoiue grubbing era are to supply them they will need to have orders the last of November or tor the Cummings family, J the first of December if the l»»iks are Roy Buckley haa taken Wm Nagle a to I»' in Oregon in time for Christmas job at the county cruaher lor a few days. The Commission lias hut a limitssl The llammersly place on thoTavlore. numtier of lists left hut will semi them Pkvslciaas-Sarpeea ville road is living grubbed by a force of ' to anv member of the Grrngv «pon ap- men who are camping near the work. pln-atioii as long as they last.—Pacific Oregon Oreaham, The grange hall annex i. nearing com- Grange Bulletin. pleliun ami i» a credit to the community. E OTT BROTHERS J. M. SHORT, M.D. S. I*. BITTNER, M.D. While visiting their ton, L. Ix-wi», on Thankagiving day, the lamily horse of Mr. and Mro T E. Lewiaot Rose Cot­ tage, Russellville, took fright, dashing j REPORT OF FIRST STATE BANK away with thi- empty buggy which was overturned ami badly »mashed. When I ReiMirt of the condition of the First caught, the horse was found to lie free State Bank at Gresham, Ore., ut eluse horn injury and somewhat frightened. of buaiiirsa, Nov. 27. 191)8: While rather a bad wind-up lo a very RESOURCES pleasant day and tn hand ................................ gram prepared by tha lecturer. Jeouie CORBETT Kronen berg, was very good. The sub­ Tout. •VI, MA. IM Iawis Rrrel return'd Wrelnroilgy from jects taken up for discussion were very LIABILITIES «nimmendable, especially “ Ikimeetic , 1'ntlami whvre he spent a (vw «rrii Capital stock pskl In ............ • lAXtrnvO Economy," by Mrs Rvan and "Aiuer- Mr. and Mrs. 8aund«re were in tba Undivided profits, leas ex pen lean Farmer Feeding the Wuild," by city Haturday. sea and taxes pai-l l.tKI? V.’ II. W. Snsshall. The work prepared Individual de|»siita subject to Mr. and Mra. T. L. Evaus returned by our state lecturer is being received rhrek 57,(»«07 with universal satisfaction. The sub­ Irom Mneier Wedueoday. Ì liewMiul rertifieatea of donnait A, k 7 k . m jects were inter»|>eriHaw- rd In tbeoe northern stale», thè sun la only mild under thè brighi blu» skies of Southern California Thle leone bl nature'» happy pro­ visiona—alenisi sommar tur thooa wli<> rannot en­ duro a rtloro severo rit­ mata. California lisa l*en cali- rd thè " Mecca of tha winler lourlsl." Ita ber­ tela sud stnpping placca are ss varie,! sa thoee of Wi-ll rrgulatnl iitira. Visitor« can slwaya fimi aiutatile scvominodsUon, eongenial onnipanlona, and variad, pleosing ree- rea Itone. Correspondence For the first time in a year the The new system in Los An- chemical engine was pulled out Relee of giving away with each the other day, some of the dust license a specially prepared book­ and rust knocked off and a few let on matrimonial relationship is causing some comment The introductions were made to peo­ W. C. T. U. seems to be back of ple who had never seen the ap­ the innovation. That may be paratus. Let us not stop at that. well enough. Time will tell Get busy now and let every fel­ whether it does any good. A low in town interest himself in more important booklet would be the formation of an effective fire one to be given to the license company and regular drills in the officer, specifying who were use of the use of the town’s fire­ «nullified to obtain a permit for fighting apparatus. marriage. Mentioned among those who are disqualified would We regret to say that a lot of be. drunkards, habitual prosti­ good matter had to be left over tutes, idiots, predisposed luna­ this week. It will be held in re­ tics and perhaps a few others. serve for future use. News it­ The human race is the only stock ems must be used while yet news in which we are interested in and those in which the date of which there is not some intelli­ publication cuts no figure can be gent effort being made for physi­ held • rv —oe— December 19th. Wm. McMURRAV, O. F. A. land Friday doing Xmas shopping. Ihirtland. Orcgow Stale Treasurer Geo A Steel »an a The Sprague family has moved into visitor at Estacada on Sunday. the Dan Rickert place- Al Close was arrested Saturday by the M. 1-auglilin waa a caller at the home municipal authorities of Estacada for of 8. M. Davie Sunday. selling liquor without a license. The school ami Sunday school will combine in a Christmas entertainment ------------------------- "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY"-------------------------- to be given Christmas eve. Harry I.uated has gone to Washougal Mr MrLeoud is hauling carrots to Toweh and Morrison. Portland. Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., PtincI pal to work with his brother-in-law, Ernsst Portland for Mr. O’regan. C,We occupy two floor« 65 by too feet, have a equipment, Ball, at the carpenter trade. Some trouble is being had in getting LUSrEDS Quite a number from this place have money for potatoes when marketed, by been helping on the Grange hall at Ori­ our farmers. ent, which adds greatly to the appear­ W. Parsons ami family have moved ance of the building. from this locality- Ed Smith of Gresham, has lieen doing Mr. Darr was a Portland visitor last considerable work in this locality io the Friday. way of horse doctoring. Mr. and Mrs. Preston wove callers of Mrs R. Neilwuer returned after a Mr.ami Mrs. Thompson Sunday. week’s visit with her daughter, Mrs. Orm»by of Carrollton. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton visited friends in Portland and attended a sur­ prise parly given Mrs. W. H. Hamilton, it being her 74th birthday. A large number were present and a good time was enjoyed by all. Portland Railway Light & Power Co. Mr. and Mis. L. R. Lewis entertained both of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Howitt and Mr. and Mrs. T. lewis and Mrs. lewis' brother, G. H. Howitt and family and their aunt Mrs. d. J. Ham­ ilton on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Pitts an1 ’♦ XI AritWrwm ST X 2 XX 27 12 »1 »7 ....... IlMing I Ml 77 12 mi n Hi 21 A A4, HUfer. IHIK 12 . M 1 M HI *1 K «H ....... Hartón I 111 4*11 «4 7 « 10 47 » « K»utir Creek I 17 1 47 11 U 7 47 10 IW » W ... ('»«rl ns ville M I M i n i il il 10 ’*»f* B b I mcb '!» i n i m il 11 on.» «. Ar ......... Gasa«! ero L« IN1M1 I a Iteily Bicep« Sunday. b Transier to Bellwood Car. for l-wrU.nd al Golt hint». a. M Hmm In Homas P. M kg ares to bleak, e Special Car Learss Portland HaSuetlar !4l»hla (only) at 11 SO tee Ureahsm, TrsaUlal. and Meview Bsluznlng I* Mtewawtss 'tel ttein. 11 M c Troutdale Branch Between Linnemann and Troutdale ÍA1TMVH » 47 A 13 ■ 1.3 I» 1» 1 114 411 HI 11 I » »Ml....I. .71..... 1......... i «I. ‘ I .... .T1....E... ....L. J (I M » » Hi *> 11 M 1 M 4 It 4 M 7 » I F7 7 n i m 1 4i 1 m i » 7 11 » A 10 M 11 M 1 M I 11 I M 1 4kl M .Ugna Bruner Bex- U m Carite. . Fslrvlew Itevi. Ready Milin» T insiliate 1 I For Oregon City, Canemah Park and way pointa, change ears at Golf J auction For Lenta, Mount Scott and coat side points, change care at Lenta Junction. Oeneml Ofllcea, First and Alder Uta., P obtlabd , O bboow .