Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 11, 1908, Image 3

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Old Equipment Will Causa Railroad* Government Printing Office Did Much
to Bask Relist From Bhlppars.
Campaign Work.
Washington, Dec 3 -Shortage of
Washington, Dec. 3. The govern­
rulling »lock caused by the failure ol ment printing office was an important
the railroads to keep up their equip­ factor In the recent presidential cam-
Thia inatitution turned out
ment during the recent financial paign.
stringency will result in sweeping ad fur the Republican and Democratic
vancc* in rates, according to the »tale partiea 7,41H,7OO copies of «Beeches
incut ol member» of the inleratate delivered in congreee, eurjiauing all
commerce commission.
previoua record* by 3,000,000 copiea.
”1 have no doubt," said one of th*
The total weight of campaign
commissioner* in explaining the situa­ speeches printed since the beginning of
tion, "that an attempt will be made the Sixtieth congress exceeds 400,000
all along the line to push up rate* in pounds, or about 44 carloads. The
every posaible way The railroad» i -, . . . . _ ,, __ . . ,
have cultivated the unprcs.iun lha! finteti sheets would completely cover
. riving wtllhcirltl
sum. I. ni I I 4f' square ••
acres of ground, snu
end II
If r«rn
they are not rt crivilltf
be laid end to end a bicycle
money to maintain t heir rmd'iuy and
to g,ve good service and pay their track 947 miles long could be ob­
stockholder* anything
“As soon a» busiiic»* revive* the
The number of words contained in
railroad* all over the country are go­ thia year's run of speeches ha* been
ing to find themselves short of equip roughly estimated at 230 billion. With
men! For two vear* they have
it the newspaper calculation of four read­
no rolling stock to speak of at
have not kept their old equipment in ers to each copy, this would require
the assimilation of nearly a trillion
“ihe railroad managers will soon words.
The printing of speeches in the gov­
begin announcing that they must get
ni.jfe money to lay tracks and buy ernment printing office for members of
ear* and that to advance rate» is the the senate and house of representative*
only tiirjni of getting the needed____
has been
reduced to an exact science
cash Whether th.v will b. permitted .through
. years of experience,
to enforce their highest rate* is some- printing is paid
-- for
- by the member of
thing the commission cannot pas» on I
| congress drawing the requisitoin, but
' Already the advances have begun 'thr «"•••»««« >» done by frank, at public
The commission I m » before it one. expense.
ease which involve* an advance in I
CÊNSUS COST SI9.030.000.
rates in all the southeast. There is
another case which involve* advances
in the »outhwest “
Figures Prectlcally Same es Enumer­
ation of IBOO.
Approve Wireless Phons*.
Washington, Iler ft. The cost of tak­
Washington, Dec 9—In reviewing ing the next ernaue, ns enlinisted by
it» work for the year the board of Director North in his annual report
ordnance anil fortification» of the war junt leaned, will lie * 12.930.000. The
department enumerates In it* annual director point» with • ride tu the feet
report to the »ecretary of war. made that thia num io but *410,000 more than
public yesterday, a number ol inter the eeat of the eenaua of I9OO, end nave
e»ting experiments with implements thia will be neeompliahr<l “in »pits of
of war
The board calls attention to the enormous growth in the population
i lie fottretf it monifwted »» early as -luring the la«t decade, a growth large
I “OH in trying flying machine» by fur
y contributed to by foreign bora peo-
Dialling money to the late Dr. S. P. pie, who do not apeak English, a class
Langley to make experiments in aero- which it ia very expensive and very
■•vn uni.'» It review* the successful difficult to enumerate. If the work
flight* at Fort Meyfr of the Wright can be done for this sum it will In- the
brother»' aeroplane last summer, add­ first rime in the history of the nation
ing that the board ha» made provision that eenaua has lieen taken and oom
from its own funds for the purchase died at practically the name coat as the
"f the machine, tine ol the inven­ prior enumeration.“
tions approved during ths year was a
The increase, he aavs, from decade to
«.relev* telephone, over which satis­ decade heretofore, has been about M
factory conversations were' held at a per cent.
distance of five miles Some of the
The rsormnui saving, says the di­
iii'triinient* were purchased
rector, will l-e effected l,y reanou ol
existence <J the |>ermanent census bu
reau and institution of the bureau’s
Sila Prices Too High.
own tabulating machines
Washington, Dec. 4. Assistant Sec­
retary of the Treasury Winthrop has
Want Free Canada Parlay.
intimated that the prices asked for the
Washington. Iler ft. Witnesses ask
four sites in San Francisco suggested ng for a reduction of the tariff on
as location* for the new subtreasury, pent nioaa before the ways and mrnns
were too steep; higher than business committee at the tariff hearing today,
conditions in that city warranted and »fating that the chani-e would not af­
more money than the Federal govern­ fect the industry in America. Another
ment proposed to pay. The choice of witness appeared an.I asked that the
<>no of three four sites may be swayed tariff on cocoa filler l.e retained ns nt
by the alacrity with which the owners present. Charles |_ Faldmaa, rvpre
of the property take the hint ami re­ renting the Buffalo Malt er»' assoc ia
lion, asked that harlev be admitted free
duce their figure*.
The new subtreas- ffom Canada. He made a strong ar­
ury will be * four ktory structure of gument, tn which he sai-l the admission
classic design, constructed of stone •f barley would not hurt the western
and concrete.
Fsal Need of Uncle Sam.
Washington, Dec. 4.—“To keep her
relations with the United States of the
... ia the keynote
moat friendly character
, “ This
’ is the state !
ment of John C. 1-augtilin. secretary of
th.- United States commission to the
Tokio exposition, who has just returned
from his trip to Jajian and who today !
commented on the treaty which in the
Inst few days has drawn the two na­
tions closer than over before.
people of Japan." he said, "realize
that they need the aid of the Unites!
States tu insure them against aggres­
Work* for Coast.
Washington. Dsc. 3. The construc­
tion of six torpedo boats by Pacific
coast builders has Ixt-n sugg.-Hted to
the president by Victor H. Metcalf,
former secretary of the navy, who ia
preparing to leave Washington,
Metcalf suggested that six of the eight
mosquito craft should be built or deliv-
ered on the Pacific coast. Delivery on
the Pacific coast would handicap East
ern builders so much that they would
be compelled to relinquish the contract
Fleet on Way to Panama.
Washington, Dec. 9 Secretary of
the Navy Newberry tonight received
advices from Warren R Rich. United
States customs inspector at Salina
Cruz. Mex., that the armored cruiser
fleet was southbound at 3 I’ M., New
York time, bound for La Union, San
Salvador, and later for Panama The
fleet sailed December 1 from Magda-
lens bay, after target practice.
Chios's Envoys st Washington.
Washington. Dec. 3. Tang Shao Yi,
special envoy of the Chinese govern­
ment, and Prince Tsai Fu, together
with attaches and secretaries belonging
to the official suite, 19 Chinese stu­
dents, attendants and servants, have
arrived here on their mission to thank
Bond* in Great Demand.
President Roosevelt for the remittance
of 11,000,000 of the Boxer indemnity
Washington, Dec
fund. The vistiom occupy a house pre­ meut was made today by Secretary
pared particularly for their reception. of ihe Treasury George B. Cortelyoy
that H31 bids have been received on
the *30.000,009 issue of Panama bonds.
Soila Ara to Be Tasted.
The bids nggreg ite *102 808,800. The
Washington, Dec. 9 — Professor I 150 successful bidders will purchase
Milton Whitney, chief of the bureau the bonds at prices ranging from
of soils, reported yesterday that the »108 38 to »105.
farming lands of the United States
aggregate 838,*91,774 acres, and that
Buys Panama Transports.
the yield per acre of all cereal crops
Washington, ‘Doe. ft. Secretary of
has increased. The bureau of soils in­
tends to make an investigation of the Wnr Wright today concluded the pur­
soil of the semi arid belt of the chase of the ships Shawmut and Tre­
Northwest, with a view to ascertain­ mont, belonging to the Boston Towboat
ing the nature of the soil, what it is * Transportation company. The ves­
adapted to, and how it can be best im­ sels are now at Seattle, and will be used
a* transport* in the Panama canal
Damages Awarded Paper Mill Men.
Washington, Dec. 8. — Interstate
Commerce Commissioner I.ane gave a
decision ¡oday awarding reparation to
Americnn lumber manufacturers and
others on account of the imposition of
unjust freight charges by the Southern
Pacific from the paper mills in Oregon
to Queen Junction, Pa., because of the
carriers’ inability to supply cars of the
aize ordered by the shippers.
Two-Cent Postage to Germany.
Washington, Doc. 8. Postmaster Gen­
omi George Von !.. Moyer today an­
nounced the establishment of 2 cent
postage between the United States and
Germany on lettera going by direct son
routes. Those going by way of France
nn<l England must carry 5 cents post­
Keefe Commissioner of Immigration.
Washington, Dec. 4. — Daniel J.
Keefe, of Detroit, president of the
Denies Petroleum Report.
I xingshoremen’* union, has accepted
Washington, Dec. 4.—“Alleged Oil
the position of commissioner general of
Prospects in Nevada” is the title of the
preliminary report issued today by the
United Slatti geological survey, which
Neill to Be Reappointed.
effectually disposes of claims made
Washington, Dec. 9 — President
in certain quarters that the sections Roosevelt has informed
__ Labor Com-
investigated abounded in petroloum mtssioner Neill that he will reappoint
England Must Appropriate B>g Sum
for Stronger Navy.
Lotulun, Dec. T.~Estimating that
by the beginning of the next fiscal
year in March, England will be living
lioo.ujoooo annually beyond its Tn
cume, the administration is gradually
breaking the news to the country that
there must be a heavy increase in
taxation shortly.
Forced by circumstances to declare
or a stronger navy, the cabinet has
undertaken a program involving *30,
hhi . iiou unanticipated expenditures fur
To escape a quarrel with the vari-
us religious denomination» over sec
larran education in the public schools
necessitated to the extent of ,7.500
ton Ohl age pensions, payment of
which will begin on January 1, will
cost at least (35,000.000, and relief of
ihe country’s idle writ foot up »30,-
Chancellor of Ihe Exchequer Lloyd
George figures on making up the
deficit as follows:
Income tax increase »20.000.000; in
creased taxation of urban land, ,20.
•00; increased death duties. ,5 000.
‘00; increased cost of liquor license.
19* 000,000; diversions from payment»
lo »inking fund maintained for grad
■ral payment of national debt, *33,
500 O00
Hirn» of the necessity for increased
taxes have been thrown out from time
'o time for months past in speeches
by the various cabinet -members and
n the Liberal party newspapers A
lain statement of the situation has
inally been made by the chancellor,
accompanied by an outline of his plan
for a remedy.
Chicago Shipper* Oppost 0 to New
Regulation of Railroads.
Chicago, Dec. 7 The Tribune yes­
terday printed the following nqw* ar
tide oil the new railroad traffic rule
.shipper* of Chicago and other cities
are considerably exercised over what
they regard a» another attempt un the
part of the railroads tu deprive them
of the right to specify the routing of
reight shipments beyond the line of
the initial carrier to which the freight
i» delivered
This question has been the *ub*ect
nf a long standing controversy be
tween the shipper* and the roads. It*
renewal at the present time is cau»ed
by a rule in the new west-bound
transcontinental tariff. effective in
January This provides “The
___ _____
therein are subject to the absolute and
inqiialifird right of the initial carrier
to determine the routing of freight
beyond its own lints."
If enforced strictly this rule is re
carded as apparently in conflict with
the administrative ruling of the inter
late commerce commission
Railroad officials said yesterday
hat under the commission's ruling
the rule could not be enforced liter
#lly. but the fact remains it is
Stated in black and white tn the tariff
nd the shippers are wondering how
tar the roads will go when the tariff
lakes effect.
The National Industrial Traffic
eague, which since its organization
ia» insisted on the right of the ship
>er to control the routing, is now­
preparing an amendment to the Hep
burn law securing this right, which
will be presented to congress at the
coming session.
Storm on Upper Atlantic Coast Gets
Many Victims.
Halifax. N S. Dec 7.-—More than
30 seamen hive lost their lives off
the upper North Atlantic coast during
the last few days as the result of a
storm of unprecedented severity. The
reckoning, itemized as accurately as
the meager reports will allow, fol
December 3 Seventeen members
of the crews of three fishing schoon
era drowned off tjie New Foundland
December 4 Twenty-eight
_____ , .............
tiers of the crew of the schooner Soo
ity, which is believed to have sunk
in the Gulf of St Lawrence
December 5 Seven members of the
crew of the barge No. 101. which
went down off the coast of Nova
Storrow May Succeed Eliot.
■ Boston, Dec 7 7. .■ —A definite rumor
was circulated among Harvard men
in State street yesterday that the
„residency of Harvard college, after
Charles W Eliot leaves on May 1
next, had been offered to James J
Storrow, president of the Boston
school board, and a member of the
banking firm of Lee. Higginson & Co
The rumor was that the position had
lieen tendered unofficially to Mr
Storrow by the Harvard overseers.
cn .Mr. Storrow himself was asked
about it, he said: "This is news to me.
That is all I can say.”
Miles to Tour Africa.
Paris, Dec. 7.—General Nelson A
Miles leaves Paris in a few days for
in extended automobile tour of Al
geria and Tunisia. French possessions
in Africa, and hopes to be able to
nush on into Morocco, if the health ol
his traveling companion, Colgate
Hoyt, will permit the journey. Later
¡•■neral Miles will gratify a long cher­
ished wish to visit Corsica from one
end to the other and then sail from
■enoa for home in the spring
Chicago's Official Santa Claus.
Chicago, Dec. 7 —Postmaster Camp­
bell yesterday received from the post­
master general an official letter that,
in effect, makes John. M. Hubbard,
assistant postmaster, official Santa
Claus of Chicago. The letter con-
tained a letter addressed to Santa
Claus, care the pi lostmaster general,
Local merchants k lave made arrange
ments to have all these
___ „ letters for-
varded to them, with their guarantee
•'izt every one will be answered.
Condition of Washington’s Govsrnor-
Eelect Btcomts Mors Serious.
Paso Robles, Cai.,
Cosgrove's condition ha* Taft Has Many Improvements He
Ad|ourn Soon Out of Respect for I .rnor-elect
become more »eriou*
An operation
by Dr*. Dresser
Deceased Members.
Would Inaugurate.
and Sawyer. Dr. Dresser says: "I
don’t think he can hold out twu week*
longer ” A specialist of Berkeley is
getting him
Even if he
survive* for some time, he will cer
tainly not be able to return to his
home state for inauguration as gov­
Practlcally^No Businas» Transacted at
Proaidont-Eloct Intends to Reorganize
After a consultation the specialist
Opening of Second Session
Three Departments Dealing With
said that he thought everything was
¡being done for the governor and ap­
of Sixtiath Congress.
Corporations—Improve Rivers.
proved the course of treatment, and
it was decided to continue the course
as heretofore.
Washington, Dec. 8—After being
Hot Springs, Va., Dec. S.—The
Paso Rubles, Hot Springs, Cal., Wi-.ld >* able to present here the
in session an hour, half of the time
being consumed by a roll call, the Dec 4.—Governor-elect Cosgrove of principal legislative program of the
Washington was reported late last
house of representatives, which met night to be somewhat improved Dr Taft administration:
Tariff revision is the primary rea-
at noun yesterday for the second ses­ F G Reinhardt, of the University of
sion of the 60th congre»*, adjourned California, was in consultation yester­ ton for the extra »«»»ion that will be
out of respect tu the memory of sev­ day with Dr Dresser, the attending called immediately after March 4.
physician, regarding Mr. Cosgrove's
eral of it* uwn members and of Sen­ condition and approved the course of 1909. but the next President sees no
ator Allison, all of whom died during treatment that is being administered reason why, during that extra session,
the recess. Fur an hour or more pre­ to him. Dr Dresser said shortly be­ the Sherman anti-trust law should not
ceding the formal calling of the body fore midnight that the patient was be so amended that railroad* may
resting well and that he had appeared
to order, the galleries were packed to to be somewhat stronger. The report make rate agreement* under the strict
supervision of the interstate com­
their fullest capacity. Many hun­ that the Governor-elect had under- merce commission. It is not likely
dred» »at in the aisles, while long gone an operation yesterday is un- that more subject* than the tariff and
an amendment to the Sherman act
line» patiently waited outside the gal­ founded
will be named by Mr. Taft in calling
lery door», hoping tu find an oppor­
the extra session, though he may de­
tunity to get inside.
cide later to mention all of the prin­
On the floor the members mingled.
with <-.i< Ii other and extended hearty Prosecution in Ruef Trial Trying to cipal law* that he hopes to see en­
acted. These are:
greetings. Speaker Cannon. Repre I
Prove Bribery.
1. Putting a limitation on the issu­
•entative Sherman, of New York, the
vice president-elect, and Champ Clark, : San Francisco, Dec 4—In the Ruef ance of interstate bonds and stocks.
Authorizing railroad* to make
of Missouri, the successor of John ¡bribery trial yesterday the prosecution
Sharp Williams, minority leader, re­ endeavored to show by the testimony rate agreements which otherwise
of Adam Dahler, acting treasurer of would be in violation of the anti trust
ceived ovations.
The most important action of the 'the United Railroads, that the *200,- law. subject to the approval of the
house was the passage by unanimous iuoo drawn by Tirey L. Ford from the interstate commerce commission
3. Defining particular cases in which
consent of a resolution authorizing I mint was never turned over to the
the committee on ways and means in company Mr. Dahler said that he re­ temporary restraining order* may is­
its tariff hearings tu subpena wit­ tained all the gold coming in and de­ sue without notice, and prescribing
nesses and to call for buoks and pa­ posited all currency and checks. He proceedings limiting their operation
pers A number of bills of public in­ I said that after the graft inquiry had to the very shortest day.
4. Such amendments to the law or­
| begun in 190«. George E Starr, the
terest were introduced
company's treasurer, went east with ganizing the bureau of corporations
Wa.hington, Dec 8— There was a ’ nu"',M’r <'f »««»cher* and book* to as shall require certain large corpor­
ations doing an interstate business to
pull oi »aane«s over the senate when | ,5x|><r
it convened for the second leifion of;,. .
Wdcutt, secretary of the submit to the scrutiny and examina­
Ihe 60th congress, which was due to Lmted Radroads, testified regarding tion of agents of the federal govern­
th. al.M-nc- of the late Senator Wil ,he
,The Pro' ment.
*. Reorganizing the department of
liam H Allison, of Iowa, who died
introduction of « letter w
justic;. the interstate commerce com­
test August, after a service of more Wilcutt said he had a* his office,
which is supposed to contain some mission and the department of com­
than 33 years in that body
merce and labor in respect to the jur­
The a-semblage was a brilliant one reference to the 9200.000 drawn by
isdiction exercised by them over in­
Fight| iw*o of the members were pres­ Ford, led to a wordy clash between terstate corporations, both railroads
ent, and the galleries were filled with attorneys.
William M. Abbott. assistant foun- and others. It is Mr. Taft’s idea that
representatives of the official and so­
Railways. was the three departments should work
cial life of the capital Besides the sei for the United
of his counsel harmoniously, so that no one shall be
wives and daughters of senators, who called, but on advice
refused to testify on the ground that going over ground covered by another
formed a large company in the pri­ he was under indictment in connection and so that there shall be no conflict
vate gallery. James Bryce, the British with the trolley franchise matter. of authority. Ultimately cases han­
ambassador to the United States; Judge l-awlor overruled the objec­ dled by these department* must now
Tong Shoa Yi. special envoy of the tions and compelled him to testify. go tu the courts, but it is Mr. Taft’s
Chinese empire; Prince Tsai Fu and He then related the incident of his idea that a large number of cases can
others of his suite occupied seat* in trip to the mint with Ford, when the be disposed of finally and equitably
the reservation set aside for the diplo­ latter obtained one of the inct3.ll by the departments under the right
matic corps. The procedure in the ments of the *200.000 made payable sort of law.
opening of the new session was sim- to the order of Patrick Calhoun.
« Reform in the monetary and
pie and dignified, following a long
banking systems of the country. This
established precedent.
is recognized as on? of the great
Senator Dolliver announced the j
problems before the new administra­
death of the late Senator Allison, of I
tion. but it is not expected that'it
Iowa, and resolutions expressing the | Troops Disperse» Haytian Mob With will be taken up at the extra session.
profound sorrow of the senate over
7 Conservation of the natural re­
Volley, Killing Twelve.
his bereavement were adopted As a
sources qf the country, including the
further mark of respect to his memory ' • Port
___ _ Appalachian bill. The question of the
au Prince, Dec. 4.—For many
the senate, after a session lasting but'hours
during . the night following ...3
the constitutional power of the federal
llloui» "Ulii'H
13 minutes, adjourned for the day. I flight
’ ‘ of Nord - Alexis
riot and pillage government m this matter is not yet
I prevailed in Port au Prince. The clear. It can be said that Mr. Taft is
I populace, maddened by the spirit of in sympathy with the end to be ac­
I revolt, turned from the skiff that car- complished. but that he will recom­
mend no legislation until he is satis­
Thr.s M.n Hold Up Prs.idsnt and
!hc dePo”<J ;
French training ship. Duguay Trouin. fied as to the exact length to which
Secure Bl7.000.
and gave full vent to Its passions. It the federal government can go.
ft. Improvements of rivers and har­
Portland. Dec. 8—Three unmasked looted stores and residences, fought
men Jield up and robbed the East Side over the booty and was held in check bor» The new administration is com­
only by an armed force hastily gath­ mitted to an energetic policy of im­
hank, southeast corner of Grand ave­ ered together by General Poidevin. provement, particularly of inland
nue and East Washington street, at which fired a volley into the mob and waterways. The Ohio river nine-foot
5:4* o’clock yesterday afternoon. drove the rioters from street to_street channel from Pittsburg to Cairo is to
and finally into seclusion, Twelve the front at present. It will cost »61,-
Seventeen thousand dollars in gold,
persons were killed and many wound - and the next president favors
silver and currency was the plunder cd before order was restored.
the issuance of bonds to push the
claimed by the robbers. This they
So serious did the situation become work.
gathered in two big sacks and ran out that a committee of public safety.
of the bank, turning eastward and composed of the most prominent mili­
staggering under the weight of the tary leaders, was organized. Scores
H. H Newhall, president of of citzens were placed under arms to
the bank, and Roger Newhall, his son. assist the loyal troops in patrolling Dutch Warships Make Demonstration
fired six shots after them, but with­ the city and comparative tranquillity
Off Venezuelan Coast.
out effect. Up to a late hour the now reigns.
Dec. 5.—Having been
small army of detectives, deputy sher­
The American. French and German
iffs and secret service agents at work ministers decided early in the morning unable to obtain amicable settlement
on the case had no definite clew, al­ that they could trust in the arrange­ of outstanding differences with Ven
though many theories were being ments made by the committee to czuela. The Netherlands government
worked out and many rumors run maintain order, but they jointly gave has begun a naval demonstration off
the coast of the South American re­
notice that, if trouble occurred again,
Just two minutes were required to they would land forces from the war­ public, and since Wednesday vessels
flying the Dutch flag have steamed
complete a robbery that has few ships.
from Puero Cabello to La Gtiayra, at
precedents for desperation and dar­
distance of 3000 yards from the
ing. Entering the bank, in the heart
Tiny Boats' Long Voyage.
of the East Side business district, at
Newport News, Va., Dec. 4.— A haz­
an hour when hundreds of people
Will Not Admit Charge.
pere on the streets, the leader and , ardous journey, the like of which has
Wilmington. Del., Dec. 5.—E. A.
most determined of the three men, at been undertaken heretofore only by the
pistol’s point forced Mr Newhall and naval torpedoboat flotilla that accom­ Dupont, secretary, and Edward M.
his son, who is the cashier, to retire, panied the battleship squadron from Mead, treasurer, of the several powder
their hands up. into Mr. Newhall's the Atlantic to the Pacific, was begun companies against which suit has
private office. This done two men here today when four small govern­ been brought by the government, were
who were waiting outside jumped in­ ment mine planters, no bigger than examined today before United States
side the swinging door,'and while one tug», steamed from Hampton Rords Commissioner Mahaffey, by the gov­
stood with a cocked revolver watch­ at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Two of ernment counsel in regard to the pur
ing the entrance, the other held sacks the tiny craft are destined for Seattle chase of competing companies by the
into which the leader dumped the
via Ciape Horn, while the others have Dunont company, and an effort was
money from the counter and cash
made to show that, during several
tills. They left *300 in silver half- been assigned to Manila and will pro­ years when no dividends were de­
dollars, and did not go into the vault, ceed there via the Suez canal.
clared. the money was used in pur­
which was open, evidently realizing
chasin'- other companies, but they
that they had all they could carry
would not admit this.
Los Angeles, Dec. 4.- Theodore S.
Lowe, formerly agent at a New York
Finds Infernal Machine.
Simon Would Be President.
substation of the United States Ex­
Stockton, Cal.. Dec. 5.—What ia be­
Port Au Prince. Dec. 8.—The quick press company, was arrested in a local lieved to he an infernal machir^ was
establishment of a peace pact between cafe tonight on a charge of embezzle­ found in the Western Pacific con­
General Simon, leader of the Havtian ment, preferrqjl by his former employ­ struction yards today by a workman
revolutionary army, and General Fou- ers. He is accused of having appro- under a pile of ties. It consisted of
a two-gallon can of dynamite, to
chard. the latest presidential candi­ propriated $450 of the company'a funds which was attached a blasting fuse
date. is taken tti mean that Simon three months ago. Officers throughout five feet long. The workman took th«
himself wants the position at the head the country have sought him since. infernal machine to an open field and
of the Haytian affairs, and intends to Lowe intimates that his people have set it off, the explosion shaking the
sec that nothing interferes with his money enough to settle the difficulty. buildings within a radius of ten miles.
ambition. General Fouchard arrived
There was enough explosive in the
here yesterday. It is rumored that he
Fired by Incendiary.
can to have blown a business block
is out of the race for tjie presidency.
Red Lodge, Mont., Dec. 4.—-General
Seventeen Di* in Storm.
Manager C. R. Claghorn, of the North­
Six Jurors Are Secured.
St. Johns, N. F.. Dec. S.—Seventeen
western Improvement company, who
San Francisco. Dec. 8—Six jurors has made a thorough investigation of persons have perished in a storm
were secured yesterday in the trial of the cause which led to the great disas­ which has lashed the New Foundland
I. N. Chang, the Corean charged with ter on November 20, has come to the coast for 48 hours. In all ten fishing
vessels have (one ashore, most of
the murder of Durham White Stev­
ens. the American adviser to the conclusion that the fire in stope No. 2 them breaking into fragments on the
Corean emperor, who was killed on
rrxks. The storm caused much dam­
March 93 last at the entrance to the offered a reward of |?,500 for the ar­ age to wharves and boats in the nu­
rest and conviction of the guilty party. merous harbor*.
Ferry building.