2^ Jp * f » ♦ ’ \ r W?' Sv y Subscription, $1.50 a Year. L. O re . I GRESHAM’S RETIRING AND INCOMING MAYORS Only One Ticket In the Field Jumps From Springboard and Which Meets With No is Struck by Fallin4 Tree Opposition. and Instantly Kil'ed. luncrdl ot Jdtub Schmidt The funeral of Jacob Schmidt waa held from Kt Joseph church on lite Powell Valiev road. Sunday. Decemla-r 0. Its*, al 10:90 a. m , where solemn high moss was sung under the direction ul Mrs M. Kronentieig. which was very well rendered. The funeral cortege was luvl at Jeune elation by memta-re <4 the Greuetle Vertin, a singing society of Portland, of which Mr Kchmidt waa founder They preceded the cortege to the church and alter services they marched to the cemetery where they sang a few eonga aa a last tribute to their beloved brother. Their friends extend their hrartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in their hour of sorrow, for they have hail a loving father and huaband ami a true friend. □ j GRHSHAM. MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11. 190«. W. E. ELLISON NEXI MAN KILLED WHILE MAYOR OF FAIRVIEW E AILING TIMBER HERE Fairview, Dec. 9—The city election oil Tuesday afternoon pmiMrd oft very quietly. It war held in the Cree build­ Ing and on account of the funeral of I ami I« Cree the poll« were imt o|«emt| until 2- 30. For mayor, recorder, treas­ urer ami marshal only one caadhlatv was in the field Eight councilmen were up for election of which six were The following officers were elected elected : Mayor, W. Ellison; Itæorder, A. I., Htohv; Treasurer, A. T Axtell; Marshal, J. <>. Davis; t'ouncllmvn, E. A. Whitney, A. M, Anderson, H. N. Matey, William Byers, William Buller and O. J. Jenkins. W. Ellison *ss a councilman last year, A. T Axtell was re-elected treasurer. Win. Buller wan recorder, J. O Davis flmslied J A. Car­ ibou's term aa marshal, II. N. Maxey has served the | mi » i month as mayor lo complete G. E. Shaver's term, E. A. Whiinry serve*I as councilman last year, the remaining four will serve lite city fur the first lime. □ ¿G resham While eugag I in falling timber at Kern A Viest -eg'« i amp, one and t lire»-fourths miles ronlheast of Gresh­ am, a young man hr the name of Frank Moke met ItMlautai roue death by a fall­ ing tree Accompanied by Cbarle. Wall, lie was engaged in falling the tree from u .plingl.isr l end us the top of the tree liegan pi lean Moke jumped from the lioard, just s. the tree fell * itli a crash In falling, the tri-e struck another tree snd bounded '»ack with trvinenduua force, striking .Moke full in the cheat and pinning him against the slump. before help could I* summoned he was «lead. Tiie accident occured about 5 p. in. Wednesday. The t»«ly was removed to Carlson A Henderson's undertaking |«rlogs. from which place the funeral will lie conducted at 2:30 p in Monday He waa a middle age I man ut aliout 3d wars ami a member of the order of Eagle, al i'endleton. No trace of bis relalii.*. has lievn found. IdlrvltM Artisans Íkxt Officers. The l'nited Artiaans <>f Fairview inet In regnisi seeeion Naturday eveuing and elrcted thè followiitg otficers : Master, E. E. Heelin; Nupt., Mrs Marv ('rane; See , Mra J. M Aahcrafl; M.ofC., F. ('rane; Insp., Mra. itora i'eteraon ; Sr. Con , Mrs. C'Iara Coup- land ; Jr. Con., Mra. Èva Kumuier; Inet., Theo, t-leiialand ; Treas., L. Kuui- ine.; I‘ M A , W W. Aaheraft; Fiehl Commenderà, F (‘rane, Paul Petrrson ; Warder, Paul Duday. They «ili givo a grand B>as<|iierade ball New Year'a eve wilh Richard'» orchestra of Portland. A chicken sup- per will ale« la- serve.!. Grand MdsqutTdJe hall. Grand Masquerade Ball at Johnson’s Skating Rink, Gresham, Oregon, on Christmas Eve, IH t . 24, IHUH. Four SPECIAL, TILL JAN. 1 grand prises will In» awarded Good Herald and Weekly Oregonian, 1 year, orchestra music. Beet of management. Special prie II 76 (Regular price |3). Everybody cordially tuvited. HONESTY IN ADVERTISING Has Proven Heat By the Results of our Reduction Sale on Dec, I and 2 Which was Beyond Our Expectations. Thoae that Get the Beat I Mala are Tlioae That Investigate Our Pricea 1 ñatead of Going to Portland to l»e Swindled by Smooth-Tongued Advrrtiaera...................... WE CAN UNDERSELL ANY FURNITURE HOUSE IN PORTLAND Mera ara thè Rraaona Why: We are at a very little ri penar. <>ur advertiwing expenara are amali. We co II rei renili and intcreat, wbile (Ubera pay renta ami interrata CARLSON & HENDERSON ri'RNITCRK AND I’NDKRTAKING NEW CARL8ON BLDG., GRESHAM, OBE. PHONE :w XMAS john M c D onald is TROUTDALE ELECTION FOUND DEAD IN BARN PASSES OLE QUIETLY SILARI WINS FOR MAYOR IN GRESHAM Roberts Re-elected Recorder— Gullikson for Marshal— Large Vote Cast. The municipal election for the town of Gresham was held Tuesday and aroused considerable interest and resulted in a number of surprities. Two tickets were in the field, the Citizen's and Tai|xyer’s tickets, and wilh one exception, the election of Arthur Fieldhouac as council­ man, was carried by the Taxpayer’s ticket. The polling place was often from 1 to 7A'p. in. and the ballots counted by 9:>>. A complete count gave F. B Stuart 88 votes for mayor and E. C. Lindsey 49 D. M. Roberta won for re-election mb : recorder wilh votes against 47 for bis op(»onent, Geo. Metxgvr. H. Gullik- »on was re-elected marshal with 76 votes and Frank Woatell 36. For council men T. R. Howitt, Arthur Fieldhouse, Bert Thomas and I*. Michel were elected. John Metiger. the only candidate lor treasurer, received 9S vetes. The following vole waa caat for coun- cilmen; Fur one year, T. R. Howitt 69, Gust iatrson 43; For two years, A. Field Louse S3, Bert Thomas 71, P. Mich­ el 66, A. Bevel 50, F. Gibbs 60, J. N. Bra m hall 14. Mr. Mtuart is tbs third mayor of Gresham and aucceeda Dr. J. M. Short, the present mayor. He has been a citi- sen and business man of Gresham for about flve years, being proprietor of the People's Cash Store. He baa been a member of the city council, during which time he baa given general salis- factiun. Many matters of vital public interest are awaiting the action of the new mayor and council and it ia hoped will be taken up soon. Among them, the improve­ ment of Roberts avenue, the grading of aidewalka to conform wilh the re­ quirements of the city ordinances, l>etter 6re protection, tbe co-operation with business men in sec'uring new industries for the town, the securing of water con­ cessions from the Bullrun pipe line and the stxkt enforcement of all city ordi­ nances. J John McDonald a resident of th»* Cot­ Troutdale, Ore., Dec. 9.—-The annnal trell district waa b und dead in the hay Troutdale city election jmmmm I off with loft of hi« l am e;tr>y Monday morning little excitement. The poll* were open a neighbor, Giltteri ILmghlaii, who from one to rrven o’clock ami by eight « to help the t Id gt nt 4 r» d«» »om«- o’rl m -U all V“tre had l«een counted. The butchering. After • Vto|.| rouncilmen elected were, I.. A. Harlow, houM? and receiving no an» ubo received 08 vole«; Wm. Light 44 ret dr11 to the barn u here and 1- B. Na*h 44. The ether Loor can- be would Hud th - r some time. To all appearances death waa due to ‘ a majority of one vote over Dan .Mickrly. Mxyor-f.lect F. B. Stuart natura'(-atiiH-F, proliably h«arl failure, Weller received 53 vote« and .MickleySZ. Wm. Schmidt received 58 vote« for although hr laid I ten troubled with as- . tbma for some lime. Hr wan last teen marshal and I. N Buxton 45, C. Hees on Saturday a hen lie was in seemingly 1 and Jene Larson 2. good hra|th. Ih-crM-nl was a native of Ireland and i Sad Death of Miss Van Curen an early pioneer in theee pari*. He ' married two vean* ago ami bis wife aur- ' TIi* fnneral of M im D.letta Van Cttr- Every Indication of Becoming vivea him. At the time of |>ts death en. who dird at Iter boa* in I'orlianJ she was stopping in Sellwo<»d and waa Dvcriuber 3, was held in Greeham Sat­ Metropolis of Northeastern immediately notified on the discovery j urday, December 5 at 3 o'clock. De­ Clackamas. of Ins l>udy. Hr was a member of the; cease. I waa well known here and at Catholic church and wm highly respect­ Eagle Creek, where ebe was born. Nhe ed by the entire community. The fun­ waa years and reven month* of age “Handy, the prosperous little town in eral services were held Wednesday. In­ anil leave« a heart broken mother and northeastern Clackamas county, is en­ ternment was in the Catholic cethelery two siater«, one of whom, Mr«. Emmett joying a |»roeperous growth and forging on the Powell Valley road south of Donahue, reside« at Boring. She had to the Iront rapidly and surely,“ eaid a Gresham. been afflicted with drop«y for oome time buMiims man from that place, “and is which revolted in her «ad death. She destined to la* the coming metropolis of war po«ees«ed of a tweet and loving die- that |*art of the county." Take tbe place and attitude which be­ po«itKin and noble character and en­ Handy has gained much publicity and long to yon, and all men acquiesce. Tlx? deared hertelf to all during tier abort attention from outsiders on account of i world roust be just. It leave« every man life. Many beautiful floral tribute* from the quality of the fruit raided in the wixn proiouno unconcern to io set sex hia own ber torrowing friend« covered her last with profound valley, especially apples. Sandy carried rate.—R alph W aldo E mxxsox . resting place. «■ff a majority of prises at the Grange — Fair at Gresham thia tail and their ex- I « hl bit won widespread attention and fav- i • era hie commenta. * Then too, Sandy’s business men are e wide awake and progressive and always • willing to promote the general welfare of their little city. At present Sandy • Wish to Announce that to han. 3 general merchandise stores, 1 Anyone Purchasing a Cas­ harneaa shop, 1 drug atore, I blacksmith ket of me I will Furnish Rough ahop, 1 hotel, 1 furniture «tore, 1 bartier Box and Hearse FREE . . . . shop. I aalooo.2 public belle, 2 churches I. O. O. F. lodge, W.O. W. lodge, Artis­ an lodge, Iruit grower’s association, Anyone wanting anything in this line call FPA.HK WOSTELL and he wilt attend to the business in the absence of Mr. Emery. tierman-American society, poetothce, Notice to the Public! y school and ia connected with a telephone system. She needs and a good live young d octor, interested should investigate ately. mutual a bank Anyone immedi- Oregon Apples in New York. There will be a display of Oregon apples al Macy's big department store in New York City, about the middle oi IVcember. If you have any friends there, write and tell them about it and thus do your part to arouse widespread interest in the exhibit. B. W. Emery, Undertaker LEFT WHICH WILL BE CLO8ED OUT Regardless of Cost—Call and Get a Bargain Rain Next Week! -AND H A V I DRY HIT- those Auction Sale at the Douglass Store. The Douglass Store at Pleasant Home is selling out by auction today. It will continue until the entire stock is sold, regardless of loss. Mrs. Douglass feels she owes the sacrifice to her children whom she wishes to school at Corvallis What did our grandmothers do? They always mails presents that were to be of use in later life—something not lasting ons day only. YOU CAN DO AS WELL I Some­ We have every convenience for caring for such accounts and wilt give them our special attention. FIRST STATE BANK GRESHAM, OREL. J nat one look at our Crockery and Gl«««ware l>e|M«rtmenta will convince you that we «re loaded up with giaal thing* in that line What could lie more appropriate than an elegant Dinner Net o( white or decor­ ated ware—aomething you can use the year around? Alan Naiad Net«, Water Set*, Individ­ ual Clip* and Saucer«, Children's Muali Net», Children'» Net» of Cu|>* and Sau­ cer», Va*e*, Jardiniere», and Ornament* of all kind*. For the Children U new AMBEROL RECORDS "y™ ashiveo * <> For the Edison Phonograph. You 8hould call and hear them—the »weetest and noM < ► Perfect imitation of the human voice ever produced by art. playing from 4 to 4 1-2 < ► minute» Always glad to play for you—we enjoy the sweet strains ouraelves < ► F. B. STUART & CO. MAIN STREET. J “THE PEOPLES' CASH STORE" X - - - GRESHAM, OREGON ♦ VR HOLIDAY STOCK ha* all arrived and we are prepared to take care of your want* in thia line. We can *ave you money in any clasa of good* you may »elect. Your Chriatma* Shopping ehould be done with some care and judg­ ment «nd ahould run to that class of goods which can be of use and benefit throughout the whole year. I-et n* »how you our line of Furniture including Rocker* for old and young, Dining Chair*, Sewing Chair», High Chair», Lounve* in velvet, velour ami |Hinti»ote covering*; Dresser* aud Chiffonier». Very fine Iron Bed», •omething »well to »elect from. A fine lot of New Linoleums—just arrived. An elegant line of Jap Furniture, *uch as Table«, Music Racks, Paper Racks, Writing l>e"k», Stools and numerous other pieces. We are Special Agents Everything you want in Toy» from For Victor Talking Machines ami Records—the beet talking machines on little to big, we can mrely fit you out. earth and easy terms of payment. Come early ami make your »election* S'ou can buy and make a present of an Make your wife a present of a Ixirain or Real Estate Range. She will appre­ ciate it and you will get the Best on Earth. We're exclusive agents. order on our »tore for anv piece of good* you want and the "«me will lie honored- LADIES HOME JOVKNAL PATTEEHS “GOODS OF QUALITY” a A LEW OE THOSE BEAUTIFUL TRIMMED HATS When You Buy for Christmas You Get Bargains Here BUT SAY! --------------------- -------------- : r - ------------------- ------------------- - No. 50. Had Been Dead Some Time— Harlow, Light and Nash Win Was One of First Pioneers for Councilmen—Weller of Oregon. for Recorder. Crockery and Glassware Why not open a hank accnunt fnr sister, brother, son or daughter? thing that will he appreciated more than any gift. May be the turning - point to success in life. Vol. 4. Men's and ladies' Goods We have a very tine line of Men's Neckwear, Fancy Suspender* in individ­ ual boxes, Garter and Sleeve Supporter Sets, Handkerchiefs in a great variety, Silk Mufflers and 8carfs in a variety of colors and price«. Have secured from the factory direct a nice line of Ijuiies’ Side anil Back Comb*, a* cheap or as high as you want up to $5 each. Something new in Ladies’ Sweater« Must lie seen to he appreciated. Are a very appropriate Holiday present. A Suggestion Mak* »omrone a present of a Hat. Buy your order and nreeent the order to anyone you wish. They can bring the order to the store and select the fit and color of hat they want—a nice and ap­ propriate way to suit the pi rson. LEWIS SHATTUCK GRESHAM, OREGON