Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, November 20, 1908, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.50 a Year.
iredk Kunawjy.
A lieautiful wedding was flolainniaed
in the presence «4 a few intimate fiirmls
‘ at the home o( Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Dotine la»l Sunday at «% p in. wh«-n
their «-lde»t «laughter, Mamie I. « h »
unit«*l in marriage to Mr. V I Town
m » ii «I, formerly of McMinnville.
Ti>e room a a« decorat«M| l<»r thecM*caa-
*ioo with < iregoti grafie ami whit«* rat-{
nations. I.» v. H L. St ( *l«ir olfn i«t«*l.
Aller tlie ceremony the young |»eoplr
, were the rceipient» of hearty c mgratu-
lation« and thru all rv pa I fed tu the din-
ling ranni, where a bountmu» wedding
f«-a«t was spr« a«l.
Mr. an«l Mrs. Townsetid left for a
«bort stay at McMinnvilhi on the »»even
o*cl««*k car, amid a ah«»wer «>( rice.
The l»ri<le, formerly of l'aphi. Kansas,
i* well known in Gre*haitt, having lived ,
here the paat three years.
The groom |
is an estimable xuung man, employed
at the I X I. bariter »hop hih I has gain«<l
a host of fri» ml* in his seven months
rv-i'lrnrr in <i realm in.
Mr. and Mra. TuAnaend will l»e at <
home to their many friend« »(ter Dre* '
ernhrt 1, in their cottage in Thompson**
a>i iitioti. The young couple have the <
li« *t wiahvs *•( many ftivn ls (or a bright
ami happy future.
What ts cono Ivn«1 an unusual mini«
way and a mitaculoua
to Aaron Knigliloii’a tram a lew days
ago, near the ttreshain depot.
team was hitched I«» a wsg >n on who h
were a lew »a. k« of p>*tat<s*«, when a
s|»c< ial rar raiiie sl"iig ami frightened
them. They t'-ar» d ami is»lh*d down
the track headed wv»t, “hitting the lie*'*
at a lerruu *]M««t|. In some unexplain-
able manner thrv crossed the forty P hi !
tr«*stle, lore <>n dowu the track and over
a live-loot rattle guard that is three tret
deep and on down the track till they
reached a shed opposite Blvrcts, lo re
they came to s halt.
No damage w >»« done the wagon, ex­
cept a broken tongue and the bur*« •
Grand Udii • Mel/gcr’s Itali
were not even scratched, but were wild
Thanksgivlng night will Ite celebrai-
with fright-
’ed by thè <irr**bsm iuoteball tram hy a|
Persons who saw the runaway wav
grami ball. .Music will la» furnishiul by
that a« the team near»«»! the m—ile
Snashnir» orchestra.
Uapable floor
everyone »•!|K«tU-l to
them hurl»«l
manager* will aitrnd.
A serica of
to death twenty-five feet Iwdow. The
«lami'* is tx'ing arrangisi that will l>e
ties are ten inches apart ami it
aiinounocd lal<*r.
der how the animals kept a footing»
IkMih of Mrs. Alice SMshall.
llv applving tu thè United State» I *•»-
|mrtm< nt <»f Agricolture, Washington,
I». C . voti vati bave your ninne pianeti
oli thè li»t o( thoae rreviviiig thè niouili-
ly announcrment nf thr govcrnmcnt
publlcatlons that are ready for distnbu-
tioti. Proni Ibis h«t you rari arlect and
wnle (or anv publication you destre.
Notice of thr death of Mrs. Aller G.
Htiaahall, whoar huNlaind. Rrv. A. Nna-
•hall, i« a rou«in of II. W. >nashall of
Pleasant Valley, whs received this week
by her friends and relative« in thia
vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. >na»hall lived
in Portland in the eighties, going later
to New York. Sh<* was nwiding in Los
Angeles at the liuiv of her death.
will is« rviiii*tnlM*n*i hy all who km w
Farm Journal, live wars and Thr her ns a woman of warm heart, coura­
Herald one year. s«-e offer on last page. ge« ms ami aff«»ctinnate.
Once again the season la at hand. when, according to the ancient cus­
tom of onr people, h becomes the duly of thr Prudent to appoint a day
ol prayer and of thanksgiving to God. Y«-ar by year this Nation grow» in
strength ami worldly |w»wer. Paring the century and a quarter that has
rlaj>*»’»l since our entry into thr circle »4 indr^ndenl people we have
grown ami prosprml hi material things !«♦ a degree never known liefore
ami not known mi any other country
The thirteen colonies which
struggled ahiiig the *»ra<*<ui*t of the‘Alla» lie were hemmed III, but a few
miles west <4 tidewater, by thr Indian ha unirti wildcrneee, have been
transformed into the mightiest re|Hihlu which th* world ha« rver »w*n.
Its domains stretch across thr cont merit from one to the other of the two
greatest «wear« ami it exercises domiai •w alike in the Arctic anti tropic
realms. Thr growth in wealth, in pop ulaliuti ha« ioirp<i«Hr«l even the
growth in territory. Nowhere else in the world is the average of individ­
ual comfort and material we||-hemg as I .*h at in our fortunate land.
I<»r the very r« us >n that hi material a «-ll-bring we haw thus abounded,
we owe it to the Almighty to show rqua> pn«gres* hi moral and spiritual
things. With a Nation, as with the ind . ilua!« who make up a nation,
material well-being is ati indispensable foundation. B it the foundation
avails nothing by itself. That life is s.t>trl, ami w» rar than wasted,
which is spent in piling, heap on heap, those things which minister mere­
ly to thr pleasure of ihr Imdy ami to the |w>wer that rest» only on wraith.
I‘p«»n material wrll-laong a* a foundation must I m * raised the structure of
thr lofty life o( the spirit, if thia Nation 1« properly to Itllfil its great mis­
sion ami to accuniplish all that we so ardently ho|«e and desire.
things of thr body are g»»>d ; the thing» ( thr intellect better; but brat of
all an* thr tiling« of thr soul; for in the Na»ion, as in the individual, in
thr long run it is character that ronnt*
l>'t u« therefore, as a people,
art our fa«»-» resolutely against evil, an 1 with broad charity, with kindli­
ness and go<w| will toward all men, but with unflinching determination to
smile down wrong, strive with all tbeMrrggth that ia given us (or right*
rouaneea in | uMic and in private life.
Now, therefore, I, The*««lore R«M».«evrlt, President of the United States,
<lo art a|»art Thursday, the SOtli of November next, a« a day of general
thanksgiving ami prayer, ami on that day I recommend the people »hall
cease (r«»m their daily work, and in th» ir homes or in their churches meet
devoutly to thank thr Almighty forth»' many and great blessings they
have received in the ¡ m »1, ami pray that they may T»e given strength *ti to
order their lives as to deserve a contiu-inc*4 «d these blessings in the future.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my band and catt-ed the teal of
the I'nited Mates to In? affixed.
ItnnFin the City of Wn«hmgtt«n, this tbirtv-grH «lav rd OetoMrr hi the
year of our
one thousand, nine hundred and right, and of the Inde-
¡»endrnce of the United Stairs, the one hun irel ami thirty-third.
TllKOpoKE R o O s KVF. lt .
Coming Election Will Be First Much Interest Awakened in the
Regular Election for Busy
City Election to be Held
Little Citv.
December 1.
Rev. Pan m nag inn is having a cement
block foundation construct«*«! for hi*
new rvnldencr.
The ¡irw electric street lights prove
a great boon on dark rainy nights like
There w ill In* no «cliool m xt week <»n
account of the annual county teachers'
institute and Thanksgiving.
At a meeting held in Fairview last
Monday evening the following city offi­
cierà were Dominated : mayor, W. Elli­
son; recorder, A. L. Slone; treasurer,
A. T. Axtell; marshal,
marshal, J.
J. O. Davi»;’
4'ounciimen, E. . A. Whitney. William
H N Maxey, O J. Jenkins,
; R W Wilcox. William Butler, J. H
Schram and A .M. Anderson. O( thia
number only Treasurer Axtell and
Councilman Whitney »ervc«i i.l the
W. Ellison
same cajiacity last year.
wai a councilman ami Wm. Butler was
Quite an interest is bring
manifested in this, the brat regular
town election.
Honesty in Advertising is Best
We buy Moms of our g<Nsis from I «st» rn mniinfactur«*rs, our I’nder-
taking gisslw irmn St. Louis, Mo. Thus we are enabled tu sell fur the
lowest prices possible.
We invits you to corn«» in and are our new line of goods, Stoves,
(‘»•uche«, Bed l/'iunges, Davenp»>rts. Comforts, Blankets, Sh«M‘ls and
Pillow Case« and a line line <4 lute«* ('urtain*.
We have th«» exclusive agency «4 Gresliain and vicinity (or the famous
Glolw A' Wernn k«* S«*ctt<mal B<M>krase.
We will be glad to sli »w you our goods and give you our remarkably
low prices.
Fairview grange will probably take
the initiative in an endeavor to secure a
county road to the Columbia river and
a ferry to La Camas.
The people of
Fairview are vitally interested in the
matter and all others should be, as such .
a road and ferry would often up to the
acfpiaintahc-* »»( Fleeter Multnomah a
neighborhood that is now as far away
as Chicago.
Mrs. •Carrie Townsend,
master oi Fairview granger is trying tn
get the matter in proper shape for action. •
The offer by McClure’s of a Lincoln
HoMojr dabbing rate« wj'ial to the
Portfolio is of exceptional interest.
Iwrt are tieing offer«! by The Herald un
“He Knew Lincoln,** is the title of a
the laet page.
little book that tell« a lot about Lincoln
Read the want adx on last page.
friendships. See offer on last ¡»age.
The tiresham band htu* jM*vcral rea-
- »n* !•» rvjojce this week. Won! come»
from K. hwar that Dr. <>tt, the leader,
is attracting the muilm of a m-w cight-
p Hind rm.
We can just imagine his
extreme eestacy.
Right next to this
com<■« the lieu» that Dan Talbot has
the pleasure <4 announcing the arrival
of a daughter.
We have no further
lun<l pnrtH-nlars to offer.
Ail parties
interested in the now arrivals are re­
ported hn doing nicely. Dan saxs that
the daughter weighs I01* |*ounds.
Notice to the Public!
Ihou**ands of Dollar« were lost that would not have Is'cn
had pa|aTs had proper protection.
I-ire conics when lea«t ex|»ertcd and w hen there ia no time
to look alter valuable pa|H*r«.
Valuable Papers
of nil kind« should have proper protection against fire at all
times and there ia no better way to keep them from being
mislaid and hi an »rderlv rendition than to have a
Anyone Purchasing a Cas­
Box and Hearse FREE . . • •
Anyone wanting anything in this line call on FR4VK WOSTELL and he will
alt v nd tu the business I a »hr ateenw t»f Mr Emery.
and Mn. F. Danton of Portland attend*
Rev. M. B. Parounagian will preach a
cd the Townsend-1h)aiiv wedding Sun­ Thanksgiving sermon Sunday morning
at the Methodist church. Everyone is
Little Georgina Hamlin w ho is suffer­ invited to join in thia service as an cx-
! ing from typhoid-pneumonia, ia «lowly preseion of thankfulness.
The pastor
will preach ale«» in the evening.
While coming to <»resham Fri.lay ♦
Miss Florence Stafford has taken Mis*
Abler*« place as hello girl at the cen­ night, II. S. Harvey collided with an ♦
automobile in charge of John Gibson on
tral office.
the Powell Valiev road near Linnemann.
Dovie Doane is rapidly recovering
(Contitint'd on Page8)
from thr typhoid fever,
New Designs in Jap Furniture
Private Box in Our Vault.
Son»» new do.isii. in Jap Furnit'oe came in veMertlay ami we can
.<■11 von thia at a very moderate prii,. *»otne very pretty lieaigns ami
entirely new.
The eo.t in ho «mail that you can’t afford to have the
We have jiint received a new supply of bowes and are
enlarging the
Private Departments
in our vault to inert thr wants of our cnatofnrra.
Wish to Announce that to
ket of me I will Furnish Rough
W. Emery, Undertaker
Rain Next
We can save von money on Dinin. Chairs, Rocking Chair«, High
Chair«, in all designs. Center Table*. Dining Tables. Kitchen Tables,
in a variety of shapes and woods.
» Bureaus, Dressers, Chiffoniers,
in w hite maple, golden oak, royal oak and Oregon fir. Verv cheap for
quality of goods. Large variety of Iron Beds, Lounge«. Mattresses,
Pillows, Comforts, Blankets and all 11 «1 goes to fit you up complete.
z mtEROL
For the Edison Phonograph. You Snould call and hear them—th»' nwrdrat and ausrt
Perfect imitation of th»* human voiee ever produced by art, playing from ♦ io 4 1-2
minutes Always glsd to play for you—we enjoy the sweet'«trains uwrwtves
Guaranteed Flour, $4.90 per bbl.
Jersey Cranberries, 15c per quart.
Stock Salt, 30c per sack.
Bunch of shelf-worn Shoes, about Half Price
Best Hat you ever saw for the money, $1.50.
Crepe Paper, 3 Rolls, 25c.
All Varieties of Nuts tor Thanksgivinq. 17Jc lb.
Armor’Plate Hosiery
We have just received a fall ship­
ment of tbia jnstlv celebrated Hosiery
and can tit vonr entire family with
wool, cashmere or cotton hose in any
Also Stylish, Strictly New. Men's Hats
A Beautiful 1909 Calendar
As the Holiday Season approaches we become more anxious to select and
choose those articles to l>e used as presents.
You want something useful as well as appropriate for the occasion.
lait us make a few 9ugg»‘stion8 alonsr this line and allow you to select
and have the things laid away for you. so that at the last moment, in the
rush and excitement, you will have what you want and not slight anyone.
We are prepared tu take care of you along these lines with some of the
most suitable staples.
o Vol KNOW that all pa|M*rs in the so call« I Are - proof
safes in thr San Francisco tire were destroyed w hile those
held in B ank V ai its were pvrirctly pretervisl?
National Grange in Session
The National Grange is bow in session
at Washington, D. C.
btate Master
Buxton and hia wife are the Oregon re­
No re|»orta have yet
I wen received from the session but great
work is expected of the highest govern­
ing body of the order. Among the oh-
jevta in view are renewed efforts to give
jh a parrels pat, postal savings bank
and national road legislation.
National Grange has “done things” m
Bee our great clubbing offer« on the
the past and will again.
iaH page.
The citv ticket that we pobliabed
last week will not go unchalenged.
came to oa at a late hour that the name
<4 E. C. Lindsey would appear for may­
or and Alva Hevel, Erank Woetell an<l
U. O. Merrill, were to be named for
council men.
These people are well
known resident» of the town, having
lived here for years and need no intro­
duction to the voters.
Everyone will now have an apporton-
itv to «atisfy himself in the selection of
“city dads” at the coming election, for
there seems to lx* enough good material.
We hope there will be do can**** for any
exhibition of ill will in the contest, aw
hoth sides^»ave the interest of the town
in view ami there ia practically nothing
to cause contention.
Want Road and ferry.
We don't »dvcrlier that w<* receive our gonls bv the carload, nor do
we a<lv«*rlls«* to give am thing away to induce p«*«*pl<* l«> trade Willi us.
Furniture and Undertaking.
President Roosevelt s last Thanksgiving
F. W. I'irldhoime, the Gresham jew
Mrs. L. Winters ia rallying after a
vlrr, has stocked his »ton* with an eh-
«overt* illness of several months.
gant line of jewelry, etc , such ax you*d
Mr and Mrs W. I'oniba of Pleasant
expect to Ibid only in the largest cities
• 0 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e
Mr. Fieldhotis«' is very accommodating Valley spent Saturday and Sunday at
and progressive and has built up a very the home of C. W. D«»ane.
goisl business here.
R. B. Jones of H»i >mz, was in Gre»- ♦
The aafe-crackrra who l«M»tt*d Shat­ haul Saturday on l
tuck’s store have failed to inform us of
C. H. laine, travelingMp nt for Wat­
their whcreiilsnits. Neither have they kins Medical Company M'a« in town on
Regardless oi Cost—Call and Get a Bargain
returned the money.
Thursday. He r««iMU*ta m>nditi«*n* very
Mr. and Mrs. D. Rower* and Mr. favorable throughout hU territory.
No. 47.
Seven Running for Councilmen, Earl Townsend and Miss Mamie
Two for Recorder, Three
Doane United in Marriage
lor Marshal.
Last Sunday.
Vol. 4.