C C C CONTAINS OeO.O. NO MERCURY Catarrh Is a Constitutional Disease It originates in impure blood und requires constitutional treatment, acting through and purifying the blood, (or its radical and permanent cure. The greatest conslitulional remedy is Hood’s Sarsaparilla In iiaunl form or in chocolated tab- i«*tn known ns8nr»i»tabo. HJUdoMmli. Na«nl nn* »«»ail. C. I. II« k ><1C'<»., 1*0*1*11, Maita. Ths Farmees* Feoeperltr. ■ till 1« Prwaaaa. I» f®«4» t* «»mh •iiMll-sf In an* «ay •»» 'ha If as» < ii t sms 4 •«» • •iit t h HttuwsiiU |4«la «»• *11 »»♦tílMar» l>fi4«as «tur» lisa py H .«s •y» «iw uf -TEETH WITHOUT FLATtl" Iba »««sil *»f ti >*•«« »litoMr« lishsuuvn' IsasHl* m «»>• Rtotil» (Muh I« t*rl Issotliln • lo H.a>w )u«r !« m *4 «|« im m >>•« 4i4 u |« m y«*.ie mis» Ih.y (uro* • «> «ir an « mi t*k • if Hi.s-M.sr« | i « iu | ims »* Uds-tlMM <»«4y bluli i iwasw worh WlfllE DFNTAL CO. INC. t*v " • * »w Mti in fligí luntol jm-l «h UtS<«>M HhewiS (i®.e hmits. • *, M lo • i' M •*>«•* •M» • h« I r M rsihlsw*» > t*rs*ilns Mw |.lsu*c fr I I.....S* UM M.ro F.ft Tin» Hai«>n railway from Umbarh to Waltlimhiirg !■ to hr one of th« fl rat Ger- limn roada to I m » chang«*«! front atratu to rl«N trieit v One of the Essentials of the happy b>>m<-s of to-day Is a vast fund of Information as to the beat methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and know­ ledge of the world's beat products. Products of sctual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world­ wide acceptance through the approval of the Well Informed of the World; not of Individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtaiulng the beat the world affords. One of tho products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well Informed of the World as a valuable and whole­ some fumlly laxative la the Well known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna To get Ila beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by th« t'allfornla Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading dtugglsts. C. Gee Wo Tb» toll b««»«« rwllahto CHINESE DOCTOR last sad kvrb No Msrcufy, Poiwom or DrufsUsed II* < uret W> lu the South, The man waa lying In hla hammock on the hotel plaraa one day, and opened hla ayea after a <1r«»way |M«rtod to find a atnnll. coal bla«*k te»y regarding him »'»Ictnnly, a tall glaaa of aomc* cooling drink on a tray held tightly by both hand«. "Who are you?" asked the Invalid Idly; but lliere was no reply eave u broad smile. "Where were you raised?" Inquired the Invalid nczt. with a vague Idea that be had heard that waa the usual iqienlng question. There was another broad smile, but out of the midst of It gurgled the reply: "I ain't doue raised yet. sub." I sclti II«* m l-ikrd llrr. A Kumms City girl recently mnrrlec a I'mu who Ilves in one of the amallei near-by towns and went there with liltr to live 11 m * bridegroom was naturally eager that bla relatives should like bit bride end as one, an old farmer, voiced no complimentary oplniou in bls hear lug h> at Inst aakevl: "I'm lv- lieu, a hat do you think ol my wife?'' "Wa . for a fact. George." r*-«|*otidf*c the olJ fellow, "you shore oulmarrleC yourself." Kansas v'ity Times. In kilns of the cantons of Switzer land a method resembling the referen duiu han b>i*n In practice alme the six leetith century. TVe present form wai adopted In the canton of Kt. Gallen It IN3O. In 1848, lu spite of conaervatlv« op|s*ettlon. the referendum waa Incor fioratcd In tbe Nwlss federal conatltu timi, and In 1874 Ita application wai extended. In all the cutitous, except l-rleliurg. ths referendum Is uow es tabllabed. Value of Trap Meets. To become convlmvd of the amount of good tin-re la In trap nests, one must use them, lie will then find out for a certainty which of bla bens are laying well and which are not. Per­ haps lie will lu- surprised to learn that some of tin- l»-st egg producers lie has are apparently hla poorest s|irclmeua Tills la quite likely to hap|>en. for not by any means I* It alwuys the finest looking hens the liens which would score lilglieet In the show |s-n—that will lav llie most eggn. Needless to any. the best layers only should tie kept. If a flock Is disgraced by egg eaters, the trap neat will pick tin* guilty ones out. likewise tbe drone, so that tbe flock may lie culled until only profitable Stock la left. A a but one lieu cau be present at a time to lay. It also does away wllh crowding and quarrellug. whereby the danger of breaking the egg* In the nest Is lessened. It indi­ cates. too, which Iteus are tbe winter layers, the layers of the moat fertile egg*, the moat symmetrical ones and the browii. the white him ! the *|>eckled Olles. At the came time it neceasl- tales frequent handling by taking the liens off tiw nest, so that even tbe wildest birds become more tame, and are les* likely to ware. Hummed up i briefly. It enables the breevler to get m touch with the Individual b<-n. ascer­ tain her good and bad qualities, and satisfy hlniaelf of her general condi­ tion. The only objection that can be inlsed against It. nny way. la that It requires a lot of attention. The nests want visiting every other hour, at least, and erery hour would tie better, through the day. For the shiftless poultryman, therefore, they are baldly to lie recommciidvd.—Agricultural Eplt­ om 1st. Hlshla of lbs Hived Has. A little thought and a little “put Wutblsa Helsa. yuuraelf In hla place" would do won­ "Say. I hear somebody lu thia crowd ders In solving the problem of "How to aald I was a liar." blustered the vil­ keep th* hired man on the farm.” Of lage bully, approaching a group ol -ourse there are many worthless fel men he thought be knew. "Where's ! lows strolling about the country looking tbe guilty party?" for Jots as farm hands, and any em­ "I guess inayla* It waa me.' quietly ployer la liable to get one of tbvui. •“Joined a husky at ranger, w ho mens On the other band, th-re a-e many • red fully six feet ami l<»ked to b* employers who treat their men In such stronger than an ox. as he pulled oft n manner that no self respecting young hla coat and proceeded to roll up bls man would remain In their service. sleeves. As a rule the hand who goes nt bla "Ob. that's all right." continued the work cheerfully and does not complain bully, ns he hurriedly backed sway. If a little extrn Job comes Ills way. Is K.v-t> vour clothes on; I divini say I tlie mau who can always fltal a place wnsu’t" at the best wages going, while tile one who grumbles at hla regular work and Ils IVId. First Walter You tried hand enoueb flatly refuses to do an extrn task I* al­ to work that swell guy for a tip. Hid lie ways moving from place to place. The give you one? employer wlio tn considerate to hl- Second Waiter Yes; hr gnvr me two. men. who does not lm|H>ae upon them lie banded me a dime and tolvl me never by word or de Is fastened to the door hear the top and runs over a pulley nt the end of the track on which the door Is hung. The ro;ic Is fastened to n bucket or a paint keg la good. In which sufficient i weight Is placed to draw the door open ALCOHOL 3 ri.K I-IM- AVrUei abb Rrparsian fur As simil.iiini'tlirRMd.inilRri’iiij Ung Ute Smnnchs undileuchi Pears the I nfants /C huphek Signature Promotes Diijeslion iTrrtfti ness unti A*si Xonuins nritiw Omuni Morphine nnrhtarrai fei •fill 5u;. “i ;S:‘ ru-ss and Loss () F SLED*. AcStadt Signature of new YORK.___ _ Alb months sld ^5 P osts -jS^*** Exact Copy of Wrapper. Valaabls In Ike les llowse. Thia la a storeliouae, 4 to 0 feet square. In the Ice house, or of any con­ venient size for the milk and butter. Tbe room should be provided wltb a ventilator at tbe top Tbe doors lead­ ing to the room should each hare a «ash at the top. Tbe sketch shows only tbe Inside door. The house profier THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA. GA. Del«/ In KASPAKILLA Dlr«reM. “Thi* ufidFrlying reM*>u why no mu<-h time iiMually between th* filing of petition and th« hiring or trial in divorce proceedings !■ not generally un- derwtiMMk** remarked a lawyer who miki'i a specialty of thia character of priilice. MVerbal« it la within the cir­ cle of truth to auy that lu a majority of caaea. If either husband or wife, whichever wide be plaintiff, should *stoj), *o«»li, and llhten.’ as It were, the trouble would be adjusted out of court entirely. “A r a rule, judges are Inclined to afford ample time for domestic partners to ponder well before pursuing further toward legal redrew* for matrimonial difficulties. •Divorca in haste and re­ pent at leisure* la a logical paraphrase. Of course. If after mature reflection a different opinion does not ensue, the av­ erage jurist would favor progressing the sulf* Tl.iv «’rrling h'itiaehold remedy ia most *ne< rosfully j/rrscnlied (<■* a “world of trouble*.” For deraugement* of tbe di­ gestive organ* it ia a natural corrective, operating d.rectly upon tbe liver and ali- mrnLiry canal, gentl* but persiatently Simulating a healthful activity. It* beneficial influence extend*, however, to every portion of lhe aystem, aiding in the procesae* of digestion and aaeltmlation of food, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting aour atomach, bad breath, irregulantie* of the towel*, con­ stipation and the long li*t of troubles directly traceable to thoae unwholeaxne condition*. Ka-iparilla di*pel* drowai- n<-s», headache, backache and despond­ ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidney* and digestive tract. It ia a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealer* to refund the purchase once. H oyt C hemical C o . Portland, Oregon la !>■• Korm. Orlando S|*oonamore had proposed. •*1 shall have to refer you to papa.** said tbe young and lovely Clarinda Ilewli- gua. Orlando reflected. oYes,” he »»aid. “I suppose that is the correct procedure, I take the initiative and you order the referendum.”—Chicago Tribune. The deanest.- lightest.—and most comfortable SLICKER at the same time cheapest in the end because it wears longest »309 bffywhere Some Sal I* faeli on tn That. 1» built wltb walla, the *pae<-lniens The fruit la lifted and placed stem up In rubber cui». which curry It to a me­ chanism operating much as the human hand*. It Is carried to the paper being cut am! printed from the roll. The tn 1st of the pa|>er Is made over the atom etid. thus cushioning the stem and pre­ venting puncture Injury. If the ma­ chine tiecomea clogged. it Is stopfied by a clutch operated by electricity. A counting attachment registers the num tier wrapped. The capacity of the ma­ chine Is said to equal six good wrappers Mrs. Hew'tigue—You say that if a burglar wants to get into the house he’ll get in in spite of everything you can do to keep him out. Then what is the use of your taking so much pains to fasten all the doors and windows? Mr. Hewligus—I want to give him all the trouble 1 possibly can. blame him — Chicago Tribune. Ever/ garment quar- afeed wa»ef proof Ca’aloq free 406 ft® FURS: HIDES cash. !• tc? tnrr* -iei fnr yrm to shrp Raw Fnrw and T tr> u« thaa to •eii at home W nte for Price Lunt. Marart lirport. bhippin« Ta«», sa i atout «ir HUNTERS’&TRAPPERS’GUIDEiVL.*^. 4S0 pa.-««. Irathar U«n«L Kwt U>rts of prosperity In the farming districts as waa well shirwn by the Im-reased attendam-e at each of tbe Ktnte fair* as com|mred with recent years. Practically all of the state shows this year hail greater numbers of rural vis Itors than have ever attended before. Were tbe fnrmers a little pinebed for money doubtless many of them would bare remained away from their Ktate fairs, viewing a few days' study and pleasure as a luxury which they cmild not sfford. This year, however, tbe fanners turned out tn record numbers, and Sfient more money thau in former year*. -Goodall'* Farmer. Medicines containing Mercury are often given to persons suffering with Contagious Blood Poison, and so powerful is the action of this drug that it frequently removes the symptoms in a short while, and shuts the disease up in the system to do greater damage to the delicate internal members. When, however, the treatment is left off. the disease always returns, and the patient finds that hi* health ha* been injured by this powerful mineral, and he is often left with weak stomach, disturbed digestion, mercurial rheuma­ tism. etc. The action of 8. S 8. is entirely different. It contains no Mercury, nor any other harmful drug, but is made entirely of healing, cleansing root* and herlw. It cures Contagious Blood Poison by removing the virus from the blood. It searches out every particle of the poison and doe* not leave the least trace for future outbreaks. 8. 8. 8 , in addition to curing the disease, build* up and strengthens every part of the body Its fine tonic effect* tone up the stomach and digestion, improve the appetite and regulate the entire system. Home treatment book containing valuable information about the different stage* of tbe disease and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. ari.r-ot-i mimo noon. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA MAPLEINE A Flavoring. It makes a syrup better than Maple. J* d* Sold by groe«» when catch la raised. The cord run ping from the catch should run the entire length of the barn, so the door tiny lie o|>ened from any part of tbe driveway, or may extend to a post In the barnyard, so the door may t>e open­ ed when In the wagon or on horseback. —American Farm YVorld. ihrep Ars Not Mnplfl. The sheep Is «anally set down for a model of stupidity, but a gentleman who has Just returned from n three years' trip In the West tolls the fol­ lowing story: "I waa on horseback a groat part of the time am! often visit­ ed large sheep ranches. One day. while riding along, a mother sheep trot till up toward my horse, bleating pitifully. At last I made out that there waa something wrong off toward the left. I followed the sheep In that direction, and soon found the cause of her dis­ tress. Her lamb had fallen Into a shallow pit and could not get out. 1 lifted tbs little thing up. and the grutl- tud* of the mother sheep's eyes wl'l always b* a source of consolation to me. Sunflower seeds are said to give at. extra tine flavor to eggs and are much used by the French people for that purpose. Remember this when you plant your garden and drop In aotne seeds around the edges and In the odd corners, A few planted near the sink drain will help to keep away miasma and give you heads of seed that will be mammoth in else. Practical Farm Notew. Don't fall to cut out and burn any canes Infested by Inser ts and diseases. Have you ever noticed that men who are the most successful farmers stick to the crops they know most about, making a specialty of them! The man who experiments with every new thing that cornea along will And It expensive business. Measure bay in the stack this way: Measure the stack in length, width and over. Multiply the width In feet by the over and divide by four. Then multiply the result by length. To re­ duce to ton of hay In stack less than twenty days, divide the cubical con- tetrflf by 612. For more than twenty and less than sixty days divide by 422, and for more than sixty days di­ vide by 880. Pure Wholesome Those Pwho believe in quality use BAKING IV V POWDER