BEAVER STATE HERALD I t textor «ri Voir for I'/rxMlcnl ♦ GRESHAM EVENTS OF THE OAY 1 ♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ State Alabama Arkanxyw* «'aifornia «\>Krwk> C««iwrticvt IVlaw »r» FMfe «llorína Idaho IlhnuiM InUiana ♦ Ivwa Kan«a* * Ke**- lucky leHltAian« ♦ Mai-.' M arx lami : : * ♦ : l'an !• Hr) an II a FREE Of CHOLERA. i « a ■» ■ T a ■ i i ■ ■■ ■■ NtW LUGFNt INDUSTRY. a is s ÎT IS IS Id LEGISLA I ION NEEDED KILLED I5Ï ASSASSIN Merchants* Aasodation ot Manila Is Suva Statement. Manila, Nov. 10. Ths Merchants* aaaociation of this city has iMUod the following atatvnient: ’■Manila la reported by th« health authoritiva to ba practically free of cholera. Since November 1 in a popu­ lation of nearly 25O.OO0, one ease daily has occurred. Theae casea were found in outlying district», unusually viaited by will tea. The lute visitation proved Shooting Was Don, b, Robin Coopsr, to be of a very light character ailice its Whose Gather Was Criticised beginning, and in the month of July in Carmack's Newspaper. were only 22 ease» among the white population. Of the»«* but 10 prov«*d fatal. There was not a »ingle case among the 12,000 city achool children. Since the American occupation in D*98 th«* number of whiten in the ialanda at­ tack «si by cholera is 247. Of these 120 cases were fatal. The majority of deaths occurred in 1902. when there were 60,000 troopa in the ialanda and no precautiixna existed for protection against th«* epidemic.’’ Soldiers from Fort McKinley and sailors from the Asiatic squadron are now entering the city freely and tl>a citizens are anxious that Rear Admiral Sperry will permit them to carry out the plana for th«* recepition df the At­ lantic battleship fleet. If these plans are not carriitl out it is feared that a false and harmful impression will be given to the world *•«‘h’’ sanitary condition of Manila, *h'5h unquestionably 1» better than that of any other city in the Orient and probably unexcelled by any largo City of the world. Ldward Carmack Slain In Nash ville hy Pullllcal Lneiny. *13.000 Ice Fai'tory and Cold Stor­ Attornsy General Crawford Wants a age Plant to Be Built. Water Code Passed. Eugene Robert McMurphey, a cap­ Salem Need of water legislation is italist. has announcid that he will soon in this state occupies eonsidx*rable 4 begin the erection of a $10.000 ice fac­ space in the biennial rep irt submitted 4 tory and cold sotrage plant in thu-any. to the legislatun* by the attorney gen­ 14 ♦ I The ice factory will havx* a capacity of eral. Mr. Crawfoni agrees with State 11 Less Important but Not Lets Inter­ $ MiniWMMa. 10 -ivpi 20 tons of ice per day and the cold Engineer Lewis that a water code is ♦ M esting Happenings from Points is ♦ M ik .' hhih storage plant a capacity of 6,000. The j one of the important matters affecting Montana s ♦ Outside the State. a « Nebaika mam building will be 50x160 feet. Oregon which the legislature will have 3 ♦ Nevada The machinery will be ope rated by to approaching atasioii. I-' take up at its *"1'1'****** 4 ♦ N»»w Hampshire N$w Jrrw> It electricity. The plant will be on Mr. Thia report touches i upon many York St fhitlaPs* HHInlli» nlkoru la recent squab­ The house committee has begun its ♦ Naw McMurphey'a property, adjoining the things, among others, » the IS ♦ North Carolina tariff revision inquiries. 4 « Southern Pacific depot property and it ble between this state and the state of ♦ North Dakota » ♦ t>hn» ♦ is intended, when the new railroad Washington over the fish laws. The Roosevelt says he will not run for ♦ t>klahuma T 4 ♦ Orx,M»'n from Weed, California, to Eugene, via attorney general makes no recommen­ the senate trom New York. S4 ♦ Pannst) h an «a Klamath Falls and Natron, is built, to dations, but suggests that an attempt 4 A committee of San Francisco citi­ ♦ Kb»**« Inland South t'arohna a ice all the fruit cars here. At present lie made to agree with the sister state zens is to inquire into delay of graft ♦ South Dakota 4 ♦ they are iced at Ashland. on uniform legislation for the protec­ u trials. ♦ Tenn**««* ♦ Trxa* .................... IS tion of the salmon industry along th«' S Five persons were killed by an ex­ ♦ Utah Columbia river. V«rrnMMit. 4 Will Erect Large Resort. plosion on a steamer near North Bay. ♦ Virginia . It ♦ Eugene Belknap springs will here­ Ontario. 5 ♦ WaahtagtMl Wot Virtnnta & Freight Via Klamath. after be known as Oregon Hot springs, An automobile collided with a train ♦ IS ♦ WiacxMvin and will tie made one of the great re­ Klamath Falls A movement han s near Red Bluff. Cal , and four per­ ♦ W yominf * sorts on the Pacific coast. W. J, luen inaugurated to send all Lake sons were killed. i«a Total Ml ♦ ♦ Howell, who with John H. Haak, re­ county fregiht shipments through hla- A student at a Cleveland. Ohio, uni ♦ , cently purchastii the Belknap springs, math Falls. Thia freight amounts to versitv has been driven insane by WS-’ in the city recently and stated that 5,000 ton» a year. Juilge George Na- ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ imagined hazing they would spend $150,000, in improv­ land on hia return to thia city from Morse, the bank wrecker, has been 'vinnuTi ui ing the resort, and if. through co­ ljikeview, when* he transacted the denied bail and will have to stay in T Stat*. ... the mea- - _______ ____ _ brought operation with the county court and regular LVm. court work, R«v ♦ w jail until his appeal is heard. X Alabama. J ♦ people living along the McKenzie, a sage from the busui.-M nwn of l ake 0 7 Arkansas ♦ A scat in the New York stock ex­ X View that if Klamath Fails could furn ▲ Caafumia. 3 ♦ good road can be built the new owners change has just sold for $85.000. A 0 Coiorwio 3 ♦ will put on an automobile service for ish rat«»* and handle th«» bumnvMi they S ♦ the public until the electric road is could have all freight route«! thia way. week ago this same seat brought A Conne I h* la wane 1 « $70,000. X S It m a hundred mile haul between the ♦ builL X Gw nna 11 * Mount Robson. Canada, is claimed m Idaho two pointe. The chamber of rommrrrr ' 1 « to be the highest peak in the Rockies. m II Knot* 19 • « will take up the matter, aa it 111 realis­ REDUCES FREIGHT RATES. Coos Coal to Front. Indiana t ♦ 11 Roosevelt has been invited to visit Marshfield The vast coal fields of ed that the aecuring of thia freight will 1 0 Iowa 10 ♦ 1 Ireland during his trip abroad, but has < Kansas 3 1 Cooa county and the development of be the tint atrp in making Klamath Nippon Yusen KAitha Begins Fight s * 3 ♦ declined. Falla the distributing point for all > A L--Gi'ia.**.a for Trade. 7 ♦ thia natural resource which is now All attempts to stop the fire burning A Mar «• 4 Southvaatern Oregon. promised to be extensive in the near Mar> and 3 ♦ 3 Victoria, H. C.. Nov. 10. The Nip­ at the Dos Bocas. Mexico, oil wells > > X’.I- h --V' S 11 ♦ future, is attracting much attention have been abandoned. The oil is < Michi«ran Homesteader» Await Water. pon Yusen Kaisha has decided to begin 12 ♦ among the people of the Cooa bay coun­ 1 flowing at the rate of 14,000,000 gal­ < M »• a ♦ the Burns Pending the decision of th«* struggle with the Canadian Pacific try iand is believed to be one of the * ; p| s ♦ lons a day. < M .ri 0 ♦ big important features of the locality secretary of the interior, a large num­ railroad for the premier |MMitii>n in the 10 < Montana 1 ♦ Roosevelt will give a dinner to labor < Nebra-tka The fact that Cooa bay ber of settlers have Iwn taking home­ carrying trade of th«» North Pacific. 5 1 ♦ in the future. leaders. > Nevada 1 ♦ has practically the only coal on the steads on the land held by the Harney 1 ♦ New Hamn-hir* Since the ruling of th«* Interstate Valley Improvement company, under King Edward has just celebrated his a 3 ♦ Pacific coast south of Puget sound in < A Y' rk ll The company received Commerce commission, by which ship 67th birthday. ♦ marketable quantities has always been the Garey act. $ 7 ♦ 2 ♦ held out as one of the moat valuable a contract from the state to irrigate com|Minies advance«! their ratri, the Cortelyou. it Ì9 said, will remain in < North IHkota 60.000 acres of land in Harney valley. lines connecting with United States > 12 ♦ assets of the place. ' the cabinet as secretary of the treas ♦ 0 i-thoma S ♦ 3 Ditches were surveyed but when work railroads, and more particularly those urv. ♦ ♦ mia 27 ♦ was commenced the Pacific Livestock under the United States flag, were 5 Record Crop Price. It is said Secretary Root will be a 0 Rh*«i«- bland 2 ♦ The Cana­ ..... 7 Eugene C. E. Stewart, of Cottage company secured an injunction. Thia placed at a disadvantage. ♦ candidate for senator from New York A South Carolina 2 ♦ South Dakota. action killed the project and the im­ dian Pacific railroad naturally took DIRECT PRIMARY WINS. in Platt’s place. 8 + Trnneew** 2 ♦ Grove, has purchased the apple crop provement company made no further advantage of its position and declined ♦ Trxa** . 13 ♦ of Dr. L. D. Scarbrough, of Creswell, The supreme court has decided that A effort to reclaim the land. Utah. 1 ♦ to advance its freight rates. Carries Four to One Throughout the states may forbid the eo-edueation of ♦ 2 ♦ who has a 2-acre orchard of the finest 1 When the conference at Seattle de­ 1 ♦ trees in the upper Willamette valley. 9 whites and blacks. Stats of California. < Washinrton 3 ♦ Vale Plana Big Meeting. ci Jed to increase th«» rates, the propos­ Weat Virginia 6 ♦ Mr. Stewart purchased the apples for J. J. Hill says that within six year« 9 Mun Francisco, Nov 10. <'nlifornin Vale Assurances have been receiv­ ed increases were cabled to Japan, ♦ 10 ♦ Ray & Hatfield, of New York, who 1 the United States will consume all the 0 Wyoming 1 ♦ paid a higher price than has ever been ed here that the forthcoming conven­ where a meeting of Ja|«an«*be whipping ha« joir*»'«l Oregon, Wn«hingt on nml * wheat raised in this country. other Mtate« thnt have ad<>pt««d the <11 ITS ♦ 21« ♦ paid for upper Willamette valley ap­ tion of the Oregon Promotion & De­ interests was called. Advices receive«! rect primary, and the vote cast la«t Mrs. Phipps, of Denver, ex wife of ♦ ♦ ples. by the Royal Mail steamship Empress velopment association will be held in Experts say that Dr. Scar­ Tu«*s<*ny in that «tat«* in favor of th» ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ the Pittsburg millionaire, has received brough's apples are as fine as any thia city, the date of the gathering of India were to the effect that the new system in no emphatic that it ran a demand for $20.000 or be dynamited. Nippon Yusen Kamha withdrew from being some dsy early in ~ December, not be wondered that even a I grown in the Hood river or Rogue The people of Vale will get together this conference and haw made a genera) • Irn legislature was compelled Twenty voters east their ballots for river valleys. New Governors of States ♦ a dead man in Eureka county, Nevada, and plan arrangements for the enter- reduction of about 17 per cent lower the demnnd that a direct Name Politic*. ♦ State at the recent election. The man was tainment of members of the associa- than the former freight rates. The amendment be submitted to a Beat Alfalfa Country. Colorado John F. Shafroth r> X candidate for a county office and died tion and an excellent prograrn, in Japanese steamship company propones the proph*. Connecticut Georire F Lilley Klamath Falls That no section of the day before election. In Han Franr:nro a majority nf nine Delaware Simeon S. Pen new ill. K X which the important subject of g«MM| to bear the burden of the increased the West can grow better alfalfa than Fonda Albert W. Gilchrist. *• ♦ fea- railway charges and will give a lower to one was pile«! up In favor f lit roads and state highways will be A wreck was prevented on the North Jamete H. Brady Idaho the Klamath country is the report of A. X * rate acroaa the Pacific. A reduction amendment, and across the bav in Oak Charlea S. lieneen ern Pacific in Montana by breaking ♦ l: , T. Sweet, of the bureau of soils of the tured, is in course of preparation. ♦ Illinois Thoma» R Marshall 11 ♦ a switch lock with an ax. Several ears ♦ Indiana of 25 cents per 100 pounds will be laml. Alameda, and Berkeley the ver B. F. Carroll K X Agricultural department, who has t>een «!irt wan almost ns strong. ♦ Iowa broke loose and started down hill è made on silk and other valuable Kan.-a.-* Walter R. Stubb« Jackrabbits in Willamette. i: X ergagtd during the past summer in t’n«|er the new law <’.i|ifnrn'n will In toward an approaching rr_____ — train. ___ . By tele ♦ Ma.*¿aehu¿etta Eben S. Draper _____ __ X ♦ freights. Monroe In a recent dispatch fmm futur«* nrtk«» all nominations bv Jlrert Fred M. 11 ♦ making a soil survey of the Klamath graphing ahead they were sidetracked ♦ Michigan Minnesota John A. Johnson vote, and party conventions wi I be " ♦ project. ♦ The average yield p< r acre Salem, mention is made of the fact Herbert S. Hadley ìmumjh X « The Chicago city council may pro­ ♦ M virtually abolished, except for the con Montana Edward [fcjnlan FRANCE STILL FIRM. X ♦ over the valley is about three tons, that the black tailed jackrabbit has ♦ Nebraska trol of party nff»lm and adoption of A. C. Shallenbenrer pose a law to restrict divorces. " ♦ while some farmers who th' roughly just made its initial appearance in the ♦ New Hampshire Henry B. Quinby X ♦ platforms. The total vote of the stat* ♦ New York Wilamette valley. Benton and Lane Charles E. H ur he« understand the culture of alfalfa get X ♦ Many Japanese seal poachers have ♦ Government Confident Germany Will 1« not vet available, but complete re­ North Carolina W W Kitchin " ♦ five tons. counties arc overrun with these pests been captured and killed by Russians. ♦ C. A. J««hnaon North Dakita turn from th«» six counties cast ng the Meet Her Ormands. X ♦ ♦ Ohio and have been for four or five years. Ju Harmon " « ♦ khode Is’ar.d lnrg«'«t vote iri'licntrd thnt th«» primary Six Pasadena high school boys were è L xxji • E. Reminffton Per in, Nov. 10. No won! ha* come . In many instances outside gardens are Gold Beach Booming. amendment carried about four to one in Rote; reirhetag. But French opinion remain* have been suspended for ridiculing the Rii-hn-oad Vi, Nov. 10 drag­ reported. Captain Frye’s boat has fife, s9u; red RtisMian, H7r; 40 fold, QUAKES IN DEATH VALLEY. faculty in theatricals. serenely confident that Germany event­ ging alone for years, th« end of the been overcrowded with passengers and 90e; valley. 90e, ually will yield upon the |x>int u|x>n famous Virginia West Virginia debt The American Tobacco company has freight to the mouth of the Illinois and Barley Feed, 425.506/26 per ton ; which France inflicts and express re­ question is n*«v In sight. Eminent been declared an illegal trust by the Three Weeks o' Quiverings Drives extra trips have been necessary. I re wing, $27. eonn'i'l« representing th« two slit,-« Out the Miners. gret for the incident. United States Circuit court of New rn- since th«» catastrophe of 1870, France ' the ♦ 14; alfalfa meal, 419. ouired the track crew will go to work. ing before daylight, causing constcr- never displayed such an exhibition of Holland has revoked the treaty of »rig Fruit At»pl«»n. 60r6i$2 per national solidarity. 1894 with Venezuela and this will allow I itiort among the mining camps, and The branch line for the west has be.-n nearhe*. R5e6^$1 per box; pears. re «tilting in many miners and pros- connected with the main line so as to Moreover, Germany doubtless is unrestricted import of arms and am­ ctors fleeing from the district. form a *Y‘” switch. In this manner ♦ 1.25 per box; grapes, 41 256/ 1. aware that Great Britain and Russia munition into Castro’s country and Immense ch.inKm in undergrotin'l' the log trains may be run north or erate: local <’on«w>r«|s, 12'46»>1! opens the door to revolution. have been consulted upon every step .ers whic h intersect the great sink south on the main track without extra ha’f basket; huckleberries. IL”.«* Franc«» has taken and fully share this poun«l; quinces. M6» 1 2.5 per box; • There is a resumption of activity in are believe« tl to have taken place, and switching. lierriea. 4P.5O6c12 5<> per Inrrel; < government's view’, and in addition are me of the : miners believe the waters many industries. las. 2L',r per pound: Hpanilh Ma prepared to give material as well as i once gushed through the valley ill ’ again within a short Time be Run of Salmon Heavy grapes. $76$ 7 50 per barrel. Russia has forced Servia to abandon moral support to France, its warlike attitude. Potatoes ■ *1 i»«*r hundred; sw«»«»t >g over the now arid sands. Marshfield The salmon run on Cooa Samuel Lawrence, of the first bay is now especially largo. The fish­ potatoes, 1a'$6'f2,/ir per pound. Record for Tunnel Work. The fight for speakership of the miners to reach here one with details of ermen are busy day and night and sur-h Oaions- Oregfin, 41.106/1,25 per 100 house has already begun. lx/s Angeles, Nov. Hl. William the earthquakes, said that for three great quantities of fish are fining de­ pound*. Mulholland, chief engineer of the lew The re-election of Governor Deneen, weeks past there had been one or two livered at the canneries that the plant» Vegetable« — Ttimips, $1,25 per «ark; Angeles acqueduct, reports that all temblors daily They had all been of Illinois, will be contested. ’«<»ht with , * the ’ exception of the one on throughout the county are running full carrots. 41; parsnlr»s. -41.25; beets, American records for tunnel boring in ♦ 1.25; horseradish. 12 ’ ^c per pound; force. Rush orders for cans are being A Manitoba farmer started the fire We«!nesday. hard rock were broken during October sent to the factories by the canners the artichokes. 41 per dozen; beans, 10r by the city forces at work on the Eliz­ with coal oil and the family of seven per poun«1; cabbage, l , /$6/2r per supply of fish being greater than was are dead. A distance of 466 feet Want Ships for Pacific. poiin41 per dozen; abeth tunnel. antiepated. «•«»lery, 4067 75c per dozen; cucumbers, was made in 31 days, thus surpassing Employes of the Lackawanna rail-) San Francisco, Nov 11.—A set $2 per box: egg plant. 42 .per crate; the record on the Gunnison tunnel, way in Brooklyn are accused of steal­ resolutions asking that the Par You Will Find It in Vale. lettuce, 75<’6/4J p«»r box; parsley. I5r ing $100,000 during the past three f’ret be retained in the Pacific oc< Vate. Citizen*« nf Vai«» are about tn per dozen; pens, 10e per p6iin«l; pep made in January, 1908, by 17 feet. and that it be augmented bv the nd. (hingfior line already linon months. inaugurate a campaign of boosting for pers, 10r p$»r pound; pnmr»kin«. 16/11^ The Los Angeles acqueduct is the mu­ and rolraaed on $.1000 bnil. the city and the «»»rr Minding country, per pound; mrt pound; sf/irf’h, I’^r per ponn«l; to»nn world has been frowned down by the New York. Nov. in. Edward M. Ta ft 1 admiralty. Wil] Find Tt in Va|e.M and th’s an- New Position for Bryan. organ, postmaster of New York City. .nnl creamerV, extras. 3.7671 jr- nounccment sprite« equally to th<*«c State Senator Liveney, of Maryland, «ni Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 10. The possi­ was wounded in the abdomen yesterday looking for orchard and agricultural says Tuskegee institute is a failure. '■r- ble tender of the chancellorship of the morning hy a bullet fire«! bv E. I! It. per pound; »tore, 17/fi 20e. land. MiK’key, an eccentric English sfpnog- This is the leading colored institute of th. r Eggs Oregon select», 3732,^e per dozen. 11«! was resting we|) last, night, nnd un­ Cuts Down Fxpenses. Vale H. R. Garrett and M. W. poultry liens, lie per ponnd; nection with the vacancy which will be less complicnfions develop he will re­ AH business was suspended in Cuba created January 1 by the resignation )kio, T Nf6v. 1!.—The financial de Smith, of North Yakima, Wash., pur­ spring, lie; 'links, old, 12^( cover. Mr. Morgan probably owes hia and the entire populace participated of Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews. Mr. in the funeral of Tomas Estrada »arttnenf yesterday announced the chased 54 acres of city property ¡art young, 14fir15r; geese, old. fl'itlOp; Bryan said he had not heard the report life to th«» quick wit and bravery of his 14 year old daughter^ Dorothy, who ’.Hflert for (he next year, njrgr^crating week and organized the Vale Realty A young, 918e. Palma, ex-president of the island. Venl Extra, xi^e per ponntl,; ordi­ and would not discuss it. The mention «aw Mackey draw his revolver, nnd ; .•' -.’/ This mean« that the ciir- Investment company, and have sur­ of Mr. Bryan's name was more the struck it with her hnn»l. Schwab has boarded up his $7,000,- • i'ment of fund? for military, naval veyed and platted the land into Nel­ nary, 77%e; heavy, 5e. Pork Fancy, 7c large. suggestion of the student body than 000 palace in New York, saying he ’d civil enterprises is fRI.000,000 son’s First addition to Vale. 6«. Long Distance Wireless Record. reductfrwj i< in line with the g^n- any serious thought by the regents. cannot afford to keep it up. In a year Lb«- Hop« 1908. rhoico, 86/ prime, t 6<- per pound. lees operators nt Tntoosh Talnn/I, estnh- Ten Killed; Many Hurt. Enterprise Lori» has sold his saw­ 1907. 36,4«; 1906, 16/11,4«. ened out. a»onev -»nd carrv the nation over the llehed a 2300 mil« record Hntordny Maunteban, France, Nov. 10.- An night, when they picked up an order Wool- Eastern Oregon, average boat, period of financial depression. There mill and a smai tract of land when- the A crisis seems to be approaching in « «’ill some ohjeriton to this policy, mill is located, eight mile« northeast 106/14« per pound, according to shrink e-press train was derailed today near from the armored cruiser West Vir the Franco-German quarrel about Mo­ but the conservative element strongly of Enterprise, to J. E. Patterson, a age; valley. 156/16«. Grisels. Ten persona were killed and ginin, of th« « Pacifie .r.«.« n«*-», fleet, .<, for r . lumber rocco. many injured. I with which to construct targets. Mohair—Choice, 18e per pound. supports the government. railroad contractor, for $8,000. ♦ : :