Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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Ct ty Ral I
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¿G resham
L^. O re . $
Vol. 4.
Subscription, $1.50 a Year.
Berkshire boar, 1st, Harrow Cart, Beoti
A Mutiseli.
T. T. Bruegg.-r, Brown Mwiaa lleifer,
over I, 2nd ; Kpeclal Heifer, lat
J. G. Choldo, Poland China Sow, lat;
Completion of Prizes of the 2d Poland China Boar, 2nd
Young People and Older Ones
J. Kelly, Jeraey bull, lat.
Annual Grange Fair
Given Chance to Enjoy
Webb Farm. Lincoln Kam, 2 yra and I
and Festival.
Wholesome Fun.
over, lat; Lincoln Kam, 1 yr, lat; Lin­
coln Ram, lamb, lat; Lincoln Ewe, over
, 2 yra, let ; Lincoln Ewe. I yr and over,
Hallowe'en will be celebrated in pro-
let; Lincoln Ewe, lamb, lat; Poland
China Boar, over 1 yrand under 2 yra, lat |<er style in Gresham. Big preparations
Mi»» C ur * I.. W kmh .
! Poland China How. over I yr and under have liveri made for the Hallowe'en
M m * J kxmi *. K mowknhk »«
12 yra, let; Poland China Sow, under I I srs-ial at the Grange hall on Saturday
yr, lat; I Moline Sub-soiler by Oregon night, for the benflt of the Gresham
Cot*. Koitr.xr A. Mil l. km , Ju«lgr
rear hug room. The ghosts will all be
Moline Plow Co. and C. L. Boa. A Co.
there. There will lie hallowe'en tricks
mi. FAiirnNUM.
A. Brugger, Beat Cow. any aga, let, and wholesome fan for old and young.
<• W. Knaehall, landecape. I«t
Harrow given by J. A. Freeman A Sone 1 The decorations will be in keeping
Mr« E. I.. Lovejoy, »till Ilin, |»l
I Cow, 2 yre and under 3yra, lat; Heifer, ! with the occasion. Jack-o'-lanterns
Mn E. I.. Lovejoy, marine, 2nd
■ ■ver I yr and under 2 yra, let, 2 pair of ¡ will grin at you from all sides. There
Mr«. E L. ioOYvjoy, ¡*urtr«it, I al
Foster cattle etaneheoua by Mitchell, will be a witch's pot and what not.
<*. II. Brown, |N»rtmit, 2nd
l-ewis and Slaver.
Roy Hone, l*and»CMpe u( Mt. Ilood, lut
Booths will lie arranged where candy,
Emery Baker, Angora (lóala, 2nd
pies, sandwiches, etc. will be sold.
Mr* U*wi* KliMiluck. panel flowers, 1st
Mrs. (.’. Garnett, panel flowers, 2nd
watb a colom
Ella Hell, popples, flowers, I at
Drath of Mil had Kelly
Take The Telegram to Task
for Publishing “Cheap
Stuff” About Them.
The Gresham Real Estate Company !
made a *45<M transfer for parties near
Boring thia week.
Lewie Shattuek ia getting in a fine
' new line of b<x>t* and shoes. He will
carry the celebrated Walkovers, best on
: earth.
B. W. Emory is contemplating a trip
! to Wisconsin this winter and return by
way of New Orleans.
M. H. Wheeler, one of Orient’s pro­
gressive citizens, was a welcome caller
at Tbe Herald office this week.
Roy Gibbs, who recently sold his pro­
perty east of town, ha* moved hi* fami-
- ly into Mrs Allen'* cottage in Thompson
Al Hart of Liberal, was in Gresham
1 during tbe week.
Considerable change ha* been made
i in the local postoffice this week
rapidly growing business has necessita­
ted enlargement of quarter*. Mr*. Mc-
i Coll ba* disposed of her stock of notion*
to local merchant* and will now use the
i entire room for pxtoffice business. The
l«rtitions have lieen moved forward,
enlarging tbe space for handling the
mail. A long writing table ha* been
1 provided in the outer room.
change will lie appreciated by the many
patrons of tbe postoffice. Tbe entire
time of tbe postmistress and clerk will
be devoted 'o the mail.
This week the Grange Bulletin is be­
ing mailed, tbe 10.00» copies weighing
over a quarter af a ton.
An article appeared in the Telegram
Ortober 22, that aroused th* ire of our
band boy* and citizens.
This article, in telling of a Mr. Marti
who was arrested for the larceny of a
trombone from Mr. Shelilon, implicated
the Gresham liand boy* in bi* sprees
and escapades after the Fair saying that
a number of them proceeded to Port-
) land in company with Marti and gave
■ an imitation of the hungry seven liand.
playing on the streets, taking up a col-
i lection and boozing.
Now, the facta are that Marti is not a
There will lie no charge for admission member of the Gresham Concert Band,
lull the director* deaire to raise all the I nor a resident of Gresham, nor did any
money they can for the benefit of the i of the boys accompany him to Portland.
Marti did play with the band during
local reading room.
The library is being well tutlronized i the Fair, being hired for the occasion,
these davs. Many books are in circu­ and is a member of the O. N. G. Band
lation and the tables are well tilled each of Portland, which fact the Telegram
evening by students and others, reading ; carefully concealed.
The boy* are greatly chagrined to be
the current literature or studying spec­
ao maligned after there hard work dur­
ial subject* for school work.
M is* Culy is very faithful to her work ing the fair. The band is a mutual or­
as librarian and is ever ready to help ganization and the member* are all
secure books or material on any deaired ' citizens of Gresham. To one receives a
subject. The use of the reading room I cent (or hi* services; all the receipt*
is free. It should lie remembered that being turned into the treasury for cur­
this is a branch of the Free Public Lib­ rent ex|>enses and the band has been
rary of Multnomah County and anyone self-supporting from the start.
Mose Widener is building a neat cot­
Instead of knocking, the public should
who holds a car-1 may draw books. All
are invited to join the local aa*<s-iati<>n praise and encourage the band for it is tage on lots in Carlson's addition.
Beginning I*ecember 1st, tbeGresham
and thus assist in the maintenance of benefited more by such an institution
poetoffice will close at 8 p. m.
i than the band itself.
the reading room.
I. McColl, P. M
No. 44.
Gresham branch library will be closed
Saturday evening on account of the
Hallowe'en social at the Grange ball for
the library benefit.
Mrs. Aona McNeel of North Yakima,
Wash., who is on her way to Chicago,
visited Mrs. J. Faris over Sunday.
Rev. M. B. Parounagian will preach
at the Metlnslist church both morning
and evening next Sunday. Hi* subject
in the morning will be “Giants,” and in
the evening he will speak on “American
Citizenship." These subject* will bo
appropriate to the eve of the election
and men are especially invited
A number of buainea* changes are
noted this week: Ex! Metzger, son of
John Melzer, lias purchased the livery
and feed business of B. W. Emery ami
takes charge the first of the month. E<1
is a very progressive young business man
and the town is fortunate in securing
him as a successor to Mr. Emery, who
has conducted the business lor the past
seven years.
Mr. Henderson of the firm of Carlson
and Henderson leaves for Suoth Bend,
Wash., where be will take charge of an
undertaking establishment, recently
purchased by the firm.
Italy Bros, have sold their horses and
livery stock aud discontinued business.
Dr. H. H. Ott left for Kansas this
morning, called there by the sudden ill­
ness of bis wife.
B. C. Altman was called to Portland
on Thursday by the illness of his wife.
Friend* and aqtiaintance* of Michael
Rally of Sycamore, will regret to learn
(I. II. Blackburn, IU0 views, 1st; An of hl. death. He waa taken suddenly
slews, 2nd.
ill with a never* |«aiti in the abdom­
Mr*. C. Garnett. 25 views, Jd
inal region, on Sunday night, and died
Monday noon.
Burial service* were
held at the Catholic church on Powell
Mr*. J. W. Brougher. burnt t»ox, 1st
Valley road, and interment made in the
C. Errion, burnt maple panel, 2nd
little cemetery there, on Wednesday.
C. Johnson, inlaid box, special, Il
Mr. Kelly waa liorn in Ireland over 85
year* ago
lie came to thia hicality
Mrs. J. W Brougber, I’amrl, 1st
nearly fifty yeara ago and uiay juatly
Mrs. W. U. LiUcnbrrg, Ixdiengrin l>ear the honor of having been one of
and Elsa, 2nd
the pioneers of Pleasant Valley.
Camp Fire Social and Benefit
He lived to rear to maturity four aona
The W. R. C. will give a camp fire
Mrs. W. R. LiUenbrrg, green and and one daughter. lie endured all the
social in the Grange hall, Friday, Nov.
hardships of pioneer life in a forest
g<»ld conventional, 1st
6 for the benefit of a sick member. A
country, suffering from tire in one in­
Miss Hullo peter, chop jwate, 2nd
program will be rendered consiating of
patriotic songs and martial music by
crop and orrhard.
Mrs. Gus Vail, special Mention
Dorie Doane is recovering from typh­ members of G. A. R.
Come one aril
Mr. Kelly's wife died al*>ut four year. ,
Jdik London's Neb Book.
Biq IkmiKrath Kdllv
oid fever.
all and help a worthy cause.
raxK hani * imAwiNu
ag<>. He remained quite strong and '
Newton llviln, «log’s head, 1st
■lack London has just w ritten a book
active to the last ami took greet inter­
The issue* of the day will bv discuss­
Nellie Re«pie. Gilman girl, 2nd
est in the work of the farm.
ed by Col. R. A. Miller of Portland at of 142,U>> words entitled “Martin Eden."
Mrs. C. R. Ayleswwrtb, ■ |»r<ial award
the Grange hall on Friday, October 30 i The Pacific Monthly has purchased for
A Great Undertaking.
17.(00 the serial rights tor this vivid
at 8 p. in. Everybody invited.
To promote the building of improved
story. It began in the September num­
roads In Colorado, Wyoming. I'tah.
tier of the Pacific Monthly and will run
Montana. Idaho. New Mexico and Ari
Honorable Mention.
(or twelve months.
zona and make accessible the wonder­
Oreg«>n N-liunl oí Art, Miss < timer
“Martin Eden" is a character study—
ful natural scenery throughout Hie ter­
( ravons, oils aix I waler-colors
ritory along the cnsteru base of the Given on Saturday evening, N’nvember the story of a fighter—a fighter as a
Wish to Announce that to
Rocky mountain* the Rocky Mountain 7, by Franck's t-piece orchestra of Port­ newsboy in the alleys of San Francisco;
Fred T Merrill
Anyone Purchasing a Cas­
9 Oil paintings, I Engraving oí San Highway sasmlatlon has liven Incor- | land. Four grand rauli prixea! First a fighter as a rowdy in slums; and fina-
perated at lionver by Gerald Hughe*. ladv and gent, for waltx and two-step. | ly, a tighter for education and culture,
ket of me I will Furnish Rough
Francisco, I burnt leather.
Harold Kounta nnd Charles A. John­ Judge« to lie »»elected from the audience. struggling against the odds of common
Box and Hearse FREE
Col. Robert A. Miller
son. Membership In the organization
Ei>. M>*r»iKK, Manager.
birth and vulgar environment, with a
12 Waler-color sketches
is open to nuy one Interestd In the
des|>eration of courage that presents a
good roads movement. and It Is report­
O. E H. Wood
I powerful blending of brutality of
2 Water-colors, 1 crayon
strength and sublimity of purpose. His
prominent Colorado citizens have sig
Notice to the Public.
E. P. Smith
Ultled their Intention of Joining. The
inspiration is a woman of the higher
I Oil landscape, 1 oil flowers
Having purchased the undertaking sphere of life, but his motive is the
money for carrying out the plans of
the association will b<* derived through business of J. C. Cameron A Son, of mighty impulse that animates a soul
Mrs. E. A. Kelly
private suliscrlptlons and through state South Bend, Wash., I will leave on Nov. I and brain born to expand until fettering
I Engraving of Portland, 1MM
and municipal aid. It la hoped that 1st to take charge of our business at
Mrs. Barcbus
through the efforts of this association that place. It is with regret that 1 ignorance is sunder«! and ignoble influ­
1 011 |>ainting
there will eventually lie constructed a
leave Gresham, as my stay here has
It is not loo much to say of “Martin
chain of good roads Joining all ¡mints
Eden" that it possesses more of fascina­
of Interest throughout this section.
take this means of thanking the people tion and virility, grips the imagination
of Gresham and vicinity for their liberal and the sympathies more keenly, and
Public Ownership of Roads.
Special Premium List
The Idea of public ownership of the ¡■atronage and assure them they will impart* more of courage, than any book
Men’s, Women’s and Children’s, Latest Styles and Lasts
highways seems to be coming to the continue to receive the same courteous produced in years.
J. Luacher. special sweepstake* bull,
front. It has ls*en proponed that the treatment at our store as l>efore. I will i Send 50 cents in stamps to The Pacific
1 Moline plow ; Holstein rail, lot
city of Philadelphia purchase the right retain niv interest in the business here .
Monthly and they will mail you The
Richard Wilson, Black Polled Angui of way and the pnqmrty abutting the and have secured the services of
Mr. C. Pacific Monthly for six months login­
bull, 2 yr, lai; Black Polled Angui cow proposed uew parkway leading from II. Eagan to take charge of the
3 yr, 1st ; Blick Polled Angua cow, 2 yr, the central part of the city to Fair­ taking department, whom I am
glad to which the first installment of London's
lat; Black Polled Angua heifer, I yr, 1st mount park. In Milwaukee county. recommend to be a gentleman
and a story begins.
<a*h prize *l<> bv Al l.aml>ert ; licere
cussing the adv Inability of acquiring man of several years experience in his
plow, Hay carrier, 60 It track and the title to rondo In various townships line.
hook by Mitchell, Lewis and Slaver
to the number of twenty and Improv­
R. 8. Hendrson,
France has moro than 300 daily news­
I! II Hchotnp, Holstein bull 2 yr, 2nd ; j ing nnd maintaining them by taxation.
of Carlson A Henderson papers.
Notice to the Public!
Fall and Winter Shoes
We are Exclusive Agents
for the following
Well Known Goods*
Which Need No Introduction and Every One an Article of Merit.
AREFl'I.I.Y prepared estimate* show that there is in the I'NITED STATES
a little over |3,to),(III,000 of money. Of this sum *300,000,000 i* in the na-
z tional treasury, *1,000,000,000 in the banks of the country, leaving over
•1,7 OO.OiO.iOi in the pockets of the people, hidden in attics, in li*«l ticks, in tin
cans in lack yards, etc. It ha* liven shown by good authority that the business
transactions, the commerce of th U. 8 in which money is used is less than 3 per
cent of the whole, the other I»7 per cent of the transaction* being that saleable
article, CREDIT.
I>oe* any man doubt what prosperity this country might realize, the number of
laboring men that might find work, the railroads that might lie built, the in­
creased consmption power of the V, S. with one billion dollar* of the money now
earrieil in the pockets of the people, in the hank* and the people carrying a check
book instead
No man, who is looking after his own welfare, not even a laboring man, can j
afford to Is- without a check account with his home bank
You will find it con- i
venient and you w ill establi*h a credit.
ÍAPMI IIS___ UANH________ I
Phoenix Pure Paints
Reliable Bam Door Hangers
World’s Best Door Hangers
Victor Talking Machines
Lorain Ranges
Oliver Chilled and Steel Walking and Riding Plows
American Field Fencing
Chase & Sandborn’s Teas and Coffees
Century Flour
Walk-Over Shoes
Pure White Flour
Electric Flour
Armor Plate Hosiery
Aqupelle Rain Proof Clothing
Stetson Hats
LV'lrsL It Ur I Iv'L •
"n '*afteriKHiu at 2 o*clo<-k. we will give alwulutely FREE. • |
in the furniture department of our «loro, when' we will ron<h‘r all of the labvt song
_ _
selection* from the best talking machine on earth. ''The Victor," and invite evt-ry one of you to participate.
Plenty of Seats.
ear load of Furniture in all the latest design* ami will be pleaw-d to show you through.
O|wning concert Wednesday. Novetnls-r 4.
..„ j :-:;-;“.,,. LEWIS
We have just received a
Main Street
Gresham, Oregon