Troutda Io, Ora , Oct. 21—The bu»in«tt»n Fairview, Ore., When O, It. men of Truutdalc are talking »trongly of A N. agent, Charles llogmere opened orgiini/iiig a co inmrrcia) club. A I ank the de|s,t on Monday morning be foun>l ing inatiluthm lor the town is also la*ing the coiilrnts of bis two trunk«, which | were left in the wailing room, strung M'tmuaiy eonwidervd. The new pound located back «>f Aaron from one end of tl.c room to the oilier, Fox*a btliMhig occupied by ( haa. Row- but nothing waa missing. Money seem- ley, haw already been initialed ami la ed I'i Is* the only thing desired by lite proving to la* an excellent reminder to thieves a, they left some valuable jew­ th«NM* owning stock, to kwp them off elry and silverware. The bun Dial feed mill waa also eolered ami tire aafi* open­ the »treele. A Troutdale la taking on a new ami do ed but only two cent, were found. rhh*«l improvement In the way ol aide- aSeleton key bad evidently been used l>> ! MORAN I) VV.M walk«. The fine concrete walk entirely gain admittance but no clue waa left aa ' NOTARY PUBLIC around the U einbard building ha^prov- to the I'lentity of tlie intruder*. la Drnwiug Noir - Now 1» the time to A numla-r of Frank Sharp's young od an incentive to other». All walk» Irt'tfill Io arlret your Pre»«*nUi I run haw lx*eti made on n level with the friemla gathered at In« home last Satur- i help you. Drop in mid lot tin’ »ln»w you antne of th«’ many tiaehil nrtich »« »treet in mm pits nee with an ordina lice day evening and gave him a pleasant wo handle. to that rfh’ct. Owl inn Broe. are hav­ surprise in honor of hia 17th birthday 11. W. SNASHALI Mrs. J. I’. Owen« who has been ini ing new walk» made around their prop erty occupied by Aaron Fox's store. ll| Morrtam Htreet Dudley .Stull, the II year old grandson ! ing concrete »idewalk made In front of PORTLAND, • OREGON rt.KASAXT VI«W ITIMI, MIAI 'il 11. N Maxey, met with a painful ac­ their residence property. Near I’ap'« Rattauraiit. GRFXIAM, • OREGON W. Banard haa ju»t relurn«*! from cident last Bunday, while bunting with Earl Townsend. Earl bad juat loaded •everal «lay» eojourn in ('alifornia. Dudley i E. B. DUFUR Wm. Chamlierlain and wife left a few and cocked Dudley*« 22 rifle. days ago for lutwrenc«*, Kan»., to aettle took tbe rifle and not knowing it was ATTORNEY AT LAW I u p their affaira and bring their bouae- : cocked, rested il on bis foot and touched Of the arm <*t faafsa À l»t n a The Imll entered his foot i hohl g between the tirat and great toes, but no 6O1-6Ü2 Corlwlt Bldg., Puirri *M», Osa their future home at Montavilla. Aaron Fox haa had a new double sign bones were broken. The wound is heal­ ing nicely. ma«le (or hi» store building. Charles Scott waa out from Portland John Hint« is taking a week's vaia Tuesday to visit old friends. tion which he ia enjoying in hunting. Mrs. Uren of Fisher's Landing waa a Mr and Mra. Rodgers are entertain­ ing their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charley Bunday gueat ol Mra. A. T. Axlell. Pk*slcUBs-8sr(t«aa Mrs. M C. Cornett gave a ten cent tea I Enoch, her child and nurse Irvin the at her home Wednesday afternoon for i Philippine. Oresham. • Oregon Reverend Wood, of Lafayette, eon- the benefit of Smith Memorial Church. Mr. and Mra. E. Smith «pent Sunday ducted the morning x-rvirea in the Evangelical church laat Sunday and with G. Sterna and wife in Portland. Mrs. lee Shaw and children have Mra. Wood the evening services. O K N T I • T Reverend Stewart will preach next moved to Spokane, where Mr. Sbaw ia employed by the O. R. A N. < »rctfon Sunday morning in Methodist church (ireuhnin Miae EdiUi McKilip entertained Mias Mr. and Mra. F. D. Hubbard were in ' Portland on Monday to attend the fun- l-aura Aiken ami Mias G lady a Mace, of «•ral of John St. Alm, who was a former Portland laat Sunday. C. H. LANE Troutdale resident. Dr. W. Dean Wright visited relatives Representing the J. R W atkins at Aimsville over Sunday. Maim al C'nsriir Mr. J. Stanley and wife have gone J. M. TMmotieon and wife returne Mrs. Edmonson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday. Fanners' Mudai F.R.A. | Wm. Hunwell. The quarantine baa I wen lifted from Chas. Kane ami wife of Portland, vis- th«* Taylor home and the family feel» 1 (Farttivm Mutual Fire Relief A m ’ iiu I l’or lia nd) iled Henry Richardson and wife, on free to mingle with their friends again. Market Price for All j Sunday. They will leave for California Mia-« Nma started to school on Monday. ; CONSERVATIVE. STRONG, SAFE s I mju I Novemlier 1, to Spend the winter Mra. J. Richmond has been entertain­ II Vos«* has returned from a business ing her slater from Tanaltin thia week. PROMPT. CHEAP I trip I«» hie former home at Beaverton. Hiram Richmond haa moved to the Mr. ami Mr». Van \ led are visiting Hartley place. tpply to It. W. Snashall, Pre». Gresham. Orc j the latter's grandlather, D. F. Buxton. Hrs. Van Vleet, nee Eva Bristol, was W rite to J. J. Kern. Secretary. 5»V> E. Yamhill st.. Portland united in marriage to Charles W. Van Conducted by Geo. Crane Vleet on Wednesday evening. Oct. 14 The school haa 64 pupila, divided as The ceremony was performed in the follows: primary, tirat to fourth grade« For SADDLES, HARNESS «nd ALL First Christian church of Portland, by 31; high school, fifth to ninth grade« 33. HARNESS ACCESSORIES FEED ON HAND the pastor, Kev. Buckley. Mrs. Van Attendance I m * week waa 100 per cent. Miss Taylor teaches the primary and i Vleet is the eldest «laughter of J. N. HOLLING AND CHOPPING DONE Bristol and wife of Portland, and is a Prof. Lent the high school. All Kind» Repairing quickly done. Mr Lovelace who has lieen ill for a OUST LARSON. Prop., Oreaham | trained nurse. Mr. Van Vleet is con­ few day» in able to work as janitor again. nected with the Norwich Pharmacia) Mien Nina Taylor of the 8th grade baa ORE. «cancnonooonooooo, Co., of New York, where thev will live recovered from small-pox and returued BORING, ! in Iliff future. They will leave in a few to school. days for that place, going by way of California, where they will visit for a , la no longwr a tini«lxvry. short time. Try Rev. B. 8. Nvstroni will preach his Mr. am) Mrs. Branham of Portland, T. HENSLEY farewell sernxm in the Lutheran church MT. SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Buxton and family next Bunday, Oct. 25. ami Mr ami Mrs. Van Vleet were guests Washing Compound The Ladies Missions Society will meet at dinner at the home of J. N. Buxton at the home of Mra. A Steffanson, Mun- on Sunday "It l)ue< the Hunlne*»" I day Oct. 26. at 1 p. in. Erank and William Dillon who have 50c a Cord J. Backliind and family left Monday I m ’ vii visiting their sister. Mm. F. Yun- If you try it once you »ill um » it for Clyde, Kan., their old home. fur Klam norman, h ft a few days ago Oregon Troutdale, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Seward entertain­ Always. ath Falls. ed Mr. anil Mrs Carlstedt and P. N. Phone Farmers 35x2 C. M. btillson brought a carload of Almipiist and family for dinner last Cattle from his farm near Diamond, Bum lay. Wash., to place on his farm here. He IM «HIM 1 I ION Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Port­ returned on Monday and will bring Mrs. KtUAKIHNU land visited at the home of C. A. Lind* a************************ Stilltkm here after Nov. 5, and remain Farm or Business gren last Sunday. | Steam (or the winter. for «ala. Not particular about location. The Young Ladies Sewing Society Wm. Helming and wife of Portland, Wish to bear ft<>tn owner only *!io will aril direct to bny-r Glvaptke, will meet at the home of C. Unis, Sat. spent Sunday with L. Helming and wile. description and state w^en possession Oct. 24. Those interested ary cordially can bo had. Addre««. Joseph LatuureH is visiting his daugh­ L DARBTSHIRL Us Il «Utt**. N T Invited. ter, Mrs. J. Alfred lutrsson. TROCTDALE, The lumlier used by the Fair Associa­ tion in »beds will l>e sold to anyone a till whom satisfactory terms may l»e Wm. Ketchum »ml family from The HltWOOII SOc arrange«!. Carl Shattuck will have the Dalle, are visiting Mr*. Carpenter. o a y matter in hand. G. Bruck and wife ot Portland were guest, of the Reams family on a hunt­ ing trip. J. Moll and household entertained a 1>. J. Hiles is entertaining his father, brother and nephew from the east. party of friends from town on Sunday. Among them were J. Moll Sr. »nd fam­ They are well pleased with Oregon. .lames Harvesting is moving into one ily and J. Monahan, wife and son. Notice for l*ublkath»n Wm Ream received a large load of of M. Donahue's house». (h'parlment <»( thr Interior. L H !dtn<1 Office nt The Oleson saw-mill is now running lumber for ure on his place. Pori land, Oregon, September 21. IW* !I GRESHAM STEAM SAW Mr. Kumniel of Jenne was the lowest NOTK’F In hereby given that Jraaie Me on a tie contract. Phvlpa. formerly HramhalL of Palmer, Oregon- Hurt Edwards ia building a large cvl- bidder for twenty cords of wood for use w ho. on .Innr 2«. HOT, ina make Final Commutation Proof, to eatab- Quickest Cheapest »ml lh'"t He has an enlarged enrolment pending the lloh claim to the land above dearrilH'tl, before water proposition in his pasture, |{egl*h4t Claimant name* aa witneaaea: George II W fifteen inches below low water mark ; he f*mit h. of Hrhlal Veil, Orvjr<»n ; N. E Turner, Robt. Doane of Rriflal \ ell, < lregon : K«L Trlrkey. of Palmer, lias an abundance of water now. Oregon; Chaa. Coopvy, of Portland, Oregon. ‘ ’ Phone. 2fi". Res , Main Street ; Jacob Schmidt is in the hospital and AI J. FK NON H DRESSFK. Register. Flrat publication, Hgpt. iMk lweM; laat, Oct. 2B. o GRESHAM, ORE. J not ewpected to live. ! ;♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Born. Oct. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Notice for l*ubll< ntion. Wm. Matthews ami family have mov- Richey, an 8\ lb. girl Itrpartment of :hr Interior, I’. H. I .an«I Office, e I to Washington. John Wildee was brought home from al I’orttand. Ort-gon, October 17tl«. BaR. Bob Mabry is helping Win. Hardin the Sanatorium laat Saturday. NOTIi’K I n hereby given that WflHani Vie- He is a theer, of Idktourelle Falla <»regon.w ho on \nril build fence this week. very sick man still. 'JXth, HIM. nitide HotneMrHd Kntrv No. 14M4, *« Mortal No (Krfd. for RW 14 of RE 1 4. Rretlon .v. There has been two suspicious look­ Mrs. Putman of Amity, visited her Township I North. Runge ft F h « i , Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make ing characters around Aims for several sister, Mrs. tins Richey, this week. She Horseshoeing Final Five year Proof, to extabllali claim to is on her way home from a visit at her the land above described. Lteforv the Refb- days. ter ami Receiver I'. M Land office, at Portland, Mrs. White and Mrs. Mabry visited in 'laughter's in eastern Washington. General Repairing Oregon, on the JNth day of November, I9W. Gresham We lnesdav. Mr. ane held morning and evening Nov. 1. A meeting will be held at 6:30 to organ­ ise an Epworth League. Grandpa Hyatte was taken seriously ill a few days ago and is still very low. A. E. DeHaven is moving into his new house. The town is proud of so many good buildings going up. Mrs. Otis is recovering rapidly from the fall she received sometime ago. On account of her poor health, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Timmerman spent two months at St. Martins Hot Springs, where she was greatly improved. Mrs. Wolfe was taken very ill last week and will soon lie taken to the Hos- pital for an operation. The following delegates were elected to the Baptist convention at Newlwrg this week: N. Headen, H. Nelson and Mrs. P. M. Miller. Rev. Coleman will also attend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter and Mr. The Aylesworth children, who are well known in this community, will and Mrs. Will Craswell attended th« take part in the grange entertainment. dedication at Rockwood last Saturday. Mrs. Homer MAlton was taken to the Large audience» attended services last Sunday. Next Sunday there is no ser­ hospital Monday where she underwen to » serious operation. She is doing nicely. vice except Sunday school. I Service ---------- „