Subscription, $1.50 a Year. ORBSHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 190«. THE (AIR WON MANY OLD- TIME StTTLLR Pli ASANT VALLEY IS FORGING TO THE FRONT PASSES TO HIS REST FAVORABLE COMMENTS Vol. 4. No. 43. TAFT CLUB FOUNDED MRS. STANLEY DIES IN GRESHAM FRIDAY AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Among the private exbibilora were' Khermaii, Clay A Co. snd Filer's piano I houses ; lielaival and Munn» A Criesel I dairy supplies; Carlson A Henderson, , furniture dealers ; Ciosaett A Devers. C. < L. Boss A Co., Mitclisll. Lewis A Slaver Jonsrud Bros., the Butte Bov's Con. M. ■ Capt. Mahone of Portland t'o, the F. B. Stuart millinery dis­ dressed Meeting—Prof play. and C. L. Crenshaw's display of ; Baker Chairman. ’ plumbing and toilet supplies, every one : creilileble exhibits. I ----- John Q. A Hurlburt, ex-Cmintv Sur- | Visitors From Far and Near All Ad- I.uanna C. Warden was tsjrn in Mis­ On Every Hand Building and veyor and railroail englneer, dien y«s-l souri, August 13, 1824 and died tX-tober Spoke Favorably About C. Clearing is Going on—Ideal trnlay inorning al 3 o’clock at tbe Imme 21, IfMH, at the home of her son, J. M <>f bis daiighler. Mrs Waldemar Selon, j Stanley, ag«sl 84 years 2 mo. and 8 days. Big Exposition. Fruit Section Here. on the Mllwailkie n>af the August 13, 1844. He died in Wyoming ■iieeial car, »hieb leaves Portland at I ; The following ref»ort rovers receipts At the meeting of Republican voter« 17 years sgo. To them were born ten I'leasanl Valley, situated three miles o The following article was written for ’clock Nsturday afternoon. ripenditurew to Oct. 14th. Much last Hark'« issue but there were so loans ami . of Gresham on the evening of October children, eight of whom, W P. Stanley •eat ol Gresham, IS experiencing a very ba« been ¡mid since on obligation« things to tell that tiie office matter waa b I mju I $100 can i*e added to receipts and rapid and sulsdantial growth at present. lb, for the formation of a Taft club. of Burnett, Texas; Catherine Harmon laid ««ide until some <«<-a«iun when J. M. Stanley of Gresham; James, Real estate la advancing in value, new. there uas Iva« to do and more time. Cash Received Prof. C. C. Baker was elected chairman and Albert and J. A. Stanley of Buffalo, Wy; comers are settling in the valley 13 «3 It i« not necvwsary U> tell our reader« I Gran«« Fair and E. E. Marshall secretary of the »1 re. L. C. Cover, of Thermopolis, Wy., ifioo 1 Kxhlbitor'a 7 trkrta are building and clearing, mailing in detail ol the plan and displays made ( now in Portland; ami Julia A. Sherard Ticket« M*0 temporary organization. After a stir­ : of Thermopolis, are still living. Rrf'iiar Pai«I Adml«»k»n» 141« 7« homes and helping u> develop the at the fair. Moat <>f them attended and Mull < <» an«l Grat»«* Fair A n 442 « > ring address by Capt. Malione of Port­ lion. She rro»se«l the plains from Missouri 114 *'0 the mailer <>f more important interest, Advertiainr In Premium l.i«l 411.« < tOkcs-Mion« *hd Krutauraut Connected by telephone, rural land in wlucb he capably dissected the in 1852, living in Oregon twenty y«*are, the premium list, ha« occupied «o much Knlfe«-«. li, etc M Ml then going to Wyoming, where she had K«*oeipin from Dane«* M«» delivery, electric railway ami g*»«l wag­ -pare that it will lie ioi|Mj«aible to relate I l.umt»«*r ■ fallacies and inconsistam-ies of Bryan- resided until recently, when she return­ for r*•»»<■*•• I»»«« N «5 on roads with Gresluim, this valley ia M 40 in full the feature« of the eabibita. The ' Eiertrtc ii«hl«. fonrraaloti« ed to Oregon. ism and eloquently ami logicaly ex­ Ret nite on tukrla |1 W', phone in a way to become one ol the richest horticultural display waa a surprise to She has Iwen a member of the Meth­ tnewasK«’« 1 Ift pounded Republican doctrine*, the tem­ odist eboreb for twenty-five years. She M«»rnip* «it Merry-fremnnd sections of the state. In many places rxrry visitor. Not one-tenth of the vis­ ¡('a«h rnllrrtesi and held lit porary organization was made perm­ had just recently come to visit her rela­ w here the dense forest unce held full itors knew that «ucli fruit could be or tra«i for other« tive» near Portlaml. soon after which the sway, man lias erected his house and anent and Geo. Kenney and B. W. Em­ < illness occurred which resulted in her waa lieing grow n a« waa here on display, Total ('«ah r»*« 'd to Oct. 14.0 riu «o converted the land into tielde of gram, Much credit uan due the superintend­ ery made first and second vice presi- death. Cash Paid Out. orchards and clover |>asturva The land ent«, Messrs, Coleman and Smith for W<>rk is grove, R Smith The funeral was held Thursday at the •i >•> idents and Peter Michel, treasurer. on uHh-e • IO ia very productive, yielding big cru|>a ol Beptist church, Rev. Psronnagian offici­ the taste with which their display was t Meat Haulm« gravel, C. Merrill « ■ At the call for members to sign the ating. The ceremonies ami luu-rment hay. grain, fruit an vegetables. Fruit W1IO arranged and the care with which it Axtell A Cree roll, nine-tenths of the voters present were by Carlson and Henderson. i Ad««n e to W right A Co Fr't >ooo grown on the farms of J Z. Olsen ami waa attended. J ST. 1 Kefun«l tin entrance fee« crowde«i forward in response which sup­ Kretght. uullickaon tins itichey carried of many prises at Ray Gill*« agricultural department Meyers, oollesiion ,ultry farms and acme Ing very ably handled by Mr« Vail and Mr». | Ticket* Sunday School, 10 a. ni ; Preaching Koi Laud My. U A F ’ o eran of tha S|iaiiish war. having ls*en dairy larms are seen here. 1.umbering Weirdie. Preserved fruit, baking, fancy « -\* “n.unda every Sunday at 11 a. m. and H p. m. with Roosevelt at Santiago ten years ago i ng ___ _ .... and logging still holds its pane here ami Prayer meeting, Thurwlay evening at work, quilts and so on without seeming Dewtseat KKling Contest .................. and is a member of the coming legislat­ K o’clock. All welcomed. the aawmills of F. Ileiney and J. Wing limit met your eye. Mu«ir Hand ure, gives evidence of the fact that the are doing a gissl business and turning ZION’8 EVANGELICAL CHCRCH, specialise on «ome of these exhibits but trip Sfund on Whs!« . oil. , cion . Ban«! to city Taft policies are certainly and quietly Gresham—Suncas (German), 10:30 out a high grade of lumber. Mr. Hurlburt waa born Decemher 18, we must call a halt somewhere, Tlia I Jii’i'i'™“»« l>ern>eatiiig this vicinity and finding a m., every first, third ami fifth Sun­ The farmer have every edeetagv, a iHXt, in Muncevlown, then an Indian I county exhibit by A. F. Miller ami E. Fi«M»r Wax days of each month. All welcome. village of t’ansiia, and in 1M4 he remov­ Ticket eoliertora. dance favorwith great numbers of our citizens 4A.44» general merchandise store, a meat abop ed willi his parents to lbs Imtian Terri- F. Emery was finely arrange«! and was ( I** P <>nraa*ton Help Mies Caldwell, onu of Portland’s com­ SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC a public hall, a union church and a two 1 lorv, where lie lex-anie an expert in tli» •a «xealUal dtoplay of ih. .gricultura! | : 4dvt'rU«ing aoTkitor CHCRCH, Sandy, On-.—Rev. Bereh- ing sopranos and her equal able piano Folkiac room schoolhouae la-ing locale.I in con­ Indian ways snd language. Until 12* renin-«, of th« county. >1 told Hurrer. Services will be held on 1 Ralal.c. ..VI lia VX«» < la t accompanist, pleased the audience with Hrs» years of age, he bad never tx-en inside venient pieces The school ia conducted the first Sunday of each month at The art department owe« it. .ucceae of a schoM-bouee, Ixit lie we* proficient their selections, many of the club mem ­ a’4«^uo 10:30 a. m. jointly by Multnomah ami Clackamas in the English brancliys. In 1855 lie to the able eHorta of Mis. (,'lara Webb bers, at the close of the program, ex­ GRESHAM BAPTIST CHURCH—Sun­ counties, part of the district lying in pHiied a surveying party, ami in INH2 and Mr«. Kronenberg. They managed pressing approval of the music. day School at 10 a. m.; Preaching at Multnomah county and part tn Clacka­ enlisted in tli» Union Army as a metn- to get together a fine cullection of eon- E. E. M arshall , Secretary 11 a. m. mas county, and has two teachers and h<-r of Com|>any K, Thirty-sixth Iowa ■iderable merit. It took work and |«tl- tudlefll Program by Granges. Volunteer Infantry and was mustered a good attendance ence but it waa done and well done. out In 11*15 as captain. A pleasing prograft) was rendered To many, who have not visited the Mia. Culy hail charge of the induatrial Saturday evening, October 17, 1908, un­ • • ooooeoeooeeeeoeoeoeeeeeeoeoooeeooee» He waa one of the pioneers of eastern valley recently, a drive over it would tie Multnomah, living in what is known as art department, and the display of juv­ der the auspice« of Woodlawn and revelation and well worth the time. t>a the Hurlle>rt district east of Gresham enile ingenuity was both aurpriaing and Pleasant Valley <»range« combined. at the (ires ha in Fair. The program was every hand the farmers are Imay clear­ for many years. interesting. A steam engine, by Earl Mr. Hurlburt waa elected County Pur­ I Thompaon; boy’, wagon by Clarence a* follows: ing and otherwise improving their Valile Hnaahail Violin Solo veyor in IM*, p.kio ami ItVJ He was a WiMMilawn Grana« Quartet farms. member ol Fairview Isxlge No. i»2, A F. Browning; by Cham* St. Ih»ubl« ____ _ Ma»1<> Mr Ratiejr Sword Dance i of Portland. Mr. Hurlburt'» health hss worsted valley, that in years )«et was Woodlawn ’.range entries were made and little interest was Trio ... ........ lieeti failing since the death ot his wife. Trru Dwncr (Nrotrh) )___________ Mr «..od one of the most favorite hunting grounds shown. The superintendent, Mr. Kob* Show Ml« Emily Anderson Piano Nolo J- ami rendevoua of the Red Man, one of inson, was not on the spot. Several of the numbers need special Oregon» richest “garden spota." The department of dairying was man* mention. The liass solo by Mr. Seugall Gresham Young People Wed. aged by Mr. Rasmussen. hairy tests of Woodlawn was very fine. The sword ; dance bv Mr. Raney, Show Treu dance A wedding of unusual interest occur­ ; were made ami results compared. "I- by Mr. Hood and comic song and dance I porluuity was given to see the work as ' by Mr. Will Thompson, talent of Pleas- red at the home of the groom, at Gresh­ CARD OF TIIANK8. ' ant A’alley Grange, were very fine and j handled bv expert dairymen. am, last Wednesday evening when Miss The non« and daughters of Mrs. I tian something out of the ordinary, also the Jessie Francis was united in marriage Charles Cleveland had charge of the im Stanley, deceased, wish In et press readings by Miss Madeline Angells and NEW LINE OF their HppKcislion of mid tlimiks for the to Mr. Clarence Cathey, in the presence horse show. A large number of good Mr. Claude Hicks were l.ith of a very many kindnesses shown them and their of a company of alsmt seventy-five of animals were entered. The prise list high order ami were well received. As mother during hrr recent illness and the the young couple’s friends. Itev \V. N. w ill show the results as decided by able a whole the program was well rendered ceremonies Attending the funeral. Coffee, ol the Free Methodist Church, judges. Mr. Clevelands department de­ and thanks are extended to those who ollieiated The bride’s mother and step serves more lengthy notice, but it is helped to make it a success. J kxms K rosksbkrg . father. Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. Spain ol Port- Ix-cturer Pleasant Valley Grange. Men’s, Women’s and Children’s, Latest Styles and Lasts ;; I mih I were present; ill so the groom's i simply impossible to give the names of Attend This Grange Lntertainmenl l»arenla, Kev. ane- am, Bnrkwnod, Fairview, Handy, and which win brief and «imple, a light Henry Stensland is'hauling wood to I< h ' h 1 will In» pr«*H<*iit. The Grange ia lunch of ice cream and cake who serv(*d. ci me ns of Polled Angus, Hereford, Jer- the Sandy road. ay, Brown Swiss an program will tm a promising one. Don't reccive«| the congratui ations of a boat of ” • potatoes. r*»—G .n.AiA pens were well representative of local Theo Stemdand is working for Emily . forget the date. (2 friends. grazing interests Baker of Troutdale. I Notice to the Public! y B. W. Emery, Undertaker Fall and Winter Shoes MILLINERY F. B. STUART & CO. , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRONIZE YOUR HOME BANKS \VE want to call your attention to the fact that we are receiving each day our fall and winter goods. The season is fast »» xppiQXchin« atiii you will begin to look for the articles ot wearing apparel. Call and see our assortments. ON'T wander around among strangers with your bank account but place vour money in a bank where you can depend upon the Iwst treatment and accom- mixlation because that bank lias interests identical with your own ami your neighbor's. Your success means a great deal to your home bank because the success of the bank is in a measure de|iendetit upon yours. The outside bank will I h * glad to get your deposits but it will not take the same |x*rsonal interest in your welfare as the home bunk. By banking at home you place vour money in circulation in your own locality and liem-fit your own community. Iz*t us handle your bus­ iness. Help us reach the IldO.iitNi.ou in deposits. D 1 ML ——————— —■ rARWLQ fi___ IN K_______i UAPyiNAUU PE1ATÇ MAuMHAlI uUAIò fetas, albatross and wool plaids. All new goods and the prices are attractive. Riblx-d wool underwear and cassiinere hosiery, for men, women and children. seen to I h * appreciated. KNITTFil WFAR Ful1 ,ine ”* "n'' nlllllCll nLAIl knitted wear. Something new in shawls, call and see them. DIIDDCD PfifinQ •("•’ receivv.l our fall stock of nUDULH uUUUd rubber goods for wet weath­ er, comprising men's, women's and children’s rub­ bers, men's and Ixiy's laxita in knee ami hip lengths, rubber sho«*s, just the thing for those dairy barns where it is eventually wet umlerfixit, gum coats of all lengths, also a full ami complete line of the celebrated Aiptapelle Water Proqj Clothing. Our Deposits Oct. 12, $«9,20.5.33 FIRST STATE BANK . X GRESHAM, OPE, IIKT QEPnVfni hi,,v I'i'-'' JUOI nLULllLUi »ergs*, panamas, wool taf­ V Dealer in "Goods of Quality’’ Something new in this line. They must I h * WINTER SHOES Some good autatantiiil« in high cuts and regular tope. See us for furniture, stoves and ranges ami house furnishing prices arc the lowest and good« FURNITURE goods. O ut superior in quality. The Have arrived, hunting season is on. Get your shells where you can get them right I SHOT CUN SHELLS We ar»' taking orders for thio celebrated fencing. A car I»»ad to arrive in about two weeks Our fence is the best that is made and the price is lower than inferior fence. Buy your fence where the price is right and stock always on hand in any quani ties. AMERICAN FENCE By Patronizing Us You not only save money but you are assured of good treatment and you get First-Class Goods LEWIS SHATTUCK Main Street Gresham, Oregon ;