Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 16, 1908, Image 1

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G resham _
Suhcription, $1.50 a Year.
Dedth of Mrs. lundoren
Mt.Scott rilixena were ahockad Wed­
morning to learn that Mra.
Ethel l«undgr<*n| bad «hot herself and
I that death had raaalted almuat inalant-
' ly. To thoae who were arquaiAIrd with
Japanese Attacks Fellowmen | Mr» Lundgren and who knew her am- Multnomah District Is Suddenly Last Week’s Scene of Activity
Growing Popular—Justice
With Axe and Gun and | table dl«|M>«ition. many queries arose as
Deserted—Competition In
to the cause of the tragedy bu far as
Rollins’ Docket Full.
Meets Instant Death.
centive to Excellence.
can be learned it wa« accidental. Mie
was accustomed to shoot at a target with
(Continued from last week I
AI m > u t five c/clot k Wednesday aftor* ad Ivor Johnson revolver. But it was I That Justice Ben Rollin'» «locket is
n«<>n a J a pa near by the name of Milan in |«<>or condition that morning and it lieing crowded with case» lately may!
Industrial Science.
jiro Hnahimito, who with five other is «tippoM<l that after drawing the trig­ i l»e taken as indicating either the pupu
Culy, Mi|»erintendent.
Ja|*anear wna employed on the liana- ger »he tried to adjuvt the < yhndrr and larity of the new justice, or the general : Steam engine, 1st Earl Thompson,
han farm ju»t east uf town digging po­
small boat, 1st Norman Smith. Boy’s
tatoes, came ruwhing into town looking tba shot followed, the bullet entered or the deterioration uf the masaes. or all wagon, l»l Clarence Browning. Free­
for the justice of the peace. < hi twing her heart Mn«l inetant death ensue«!. three Certain it is if the rush keep» hand drawing, 1st Emily Anderson.
bln- leaves u respected husband and up the court will need a clerk and the . Rustic stand, 1st Alfo*rt Yunker. Com
told where to find him he calmly walk*
position, 1st Wallace Wilkinson. Push-
little children. The ladh-p of the clerk will need an aaaistant
vd up to Judge Kollimi amt hi broken
! mobile, !»t Chase St. Clair, largest
The lat«^«t »rn«ation in the c«»url oc* best dre»-e*l doll, 1st Olive Mills. Best
engliali exclaimed that he had shot a
fellow man and turned over a 3a caliber and interment wa« mad«’ nt Riverview «‘♦irir«l un Wednesday evening when the dressed «loll, 1st Irene Douglass.
' dressed as nurw, 1st Irene Dmiglaas, 2«l
revolver with which hr »aid hr dotir tcinetery, Neighlxirs and friend« gfll- Jap. Hoshimoto, who ha*I murdered his ' iris (Sullickson. Comical <lre»«ed doll,
the «hooting. Deputy «brriti, B, W »•rally extern! their «ytnpathiea to I tie fellow countryman, apix-ared before the 1st Irene Douglas«, 2d Carlyn Wirtz.
justice ami voluntarily gave himself Hand - »ewe<J doll, 1st Oral Raney.
Emery wa« notified ami the fellow tak husband am! children.
into the hands uf the law He was uf Hemstitching on tablecloth, 1st Eram-is
« n to Portland and lodged in the county
Bliw, 21 on handkerchief, Olive M« r-
course turned over to the sheriff.
rill. Embronlery on collar, 1st <• ladys
Among other case« recently brought Holgato. on handbag, 21 Ava Thomp­
The atory told by the Japanese, the
tjefure Justice Rollin» are the following son. Battenberg centerpiece, 1st Dor­
only withe»»«*» to the tragedy, would
Hand sewing, 1st Olive
K. E. ¡»eland vs. H Netmar, suit to* cas H edin.
indicate that the dead man wa» a bail
Merrill Hand-|«ainte«i sofa pillow, 1st
recover money
Ella M. Bell. Crocheted (toll*« skirt, 1st
Il a« «-ma the fallow . whour name w
I . E. Dayton vs. D<>ane A D<«ne, suit Irene Douglass. Machine sewing, Wor­
bhimu/u and wa» a gambler living in
to iccuver money. The case wa» settled thy mention.
Portland, claimed n certain num of ,
out of court.
iimnrv dur him h«>tu two of Ha<dii
A. B. Hemstock, <>f Sellwood, vs. R.
Educational Department
nmto'a mini anion and had several'
H. ( asswell, auil to recover money.
Born to the wife of F. O Ekat Tom on
Kice Corn, 1st William Sals­
time» Micotird them and ihrratrne I
C E Cree v«. J. A. Carthon, suit to
Iwidily harm ttnlv«« it was furthcoming October Htl», a aun.
recover money dll«* plaintiff. Ca»e t«> man. Latourel Falla. 2d Olive Fancher,
Troutdale. 3d Galen Fancher, Trout­
s N. Mrffan**on baa purvhaard the COine up on or l>efore the 1‘Jth.
Wednesday he again made a trip to
the place and found them all in then Roy Gibbs plate adjoining Gretham
Mate <»f Oregon vs. Geo. Kelly, for dale. Ilh Chas. Aheson, Hillsdale.
Burbanks, 1st McKinley Beers, Gresh­
house a »bort distant?« from the field wed will move there toon
a*»Hiilt and battery, committed on the
sud diawitig In» gtin hr entered and, Rev. Jona» Ni.rdlu g of Swtilr Home, l»erp«»ii uf Allen William». Kelly plemled am. 2<i Charles Aheson, Hillsdale. 3d
4th Kirk
threatened to kill the «cu|»anta utilv»« Nebraska, foss accepted the call to the guilty and wa» fined |IO and costs. lie Dewey Gibbs, Gresham.
the munrv wa* paid over
A» be drew pettorale of the Swrdiah Lutheran in turn brought charge« against Wil­ Thompson, Gresham.
American Wonder, 1st Carl Linde-
aim, Hashimoto grappled with him and church here and it expected about the liams and companions, George ami
Gresham. 2d Chester Michel*
wrested the gun from him
Miimixu I tirai oí November.
(•rant Preston, for trespassing. Ttwy
then graida-sI an ax »landing in the cor
pleaded guilty ami were fined l‘» a piece son, Montavilt«; 3d Geo. II l’roclor,
Troutdale. 4th 1401.
nrr ami made ready to strike.
Realix* I
by the justice.
txhibilion I’lanos.
Early Rose. 1st Earl Clanahan, Gresh­
the peril of himself ami friends, who
Several other trespaM cases and civil
The Eilers Piano House had ->ne of
were closely pressed Hashimoto rai»rd
suit« have been brought before the court am. 2d Cecil Duke, Troutdale.
tin- niiMt attractive exhibit« of piano«
the gun and fired twice hitting his vic­
this week but the names are nut given Lloyd Tegg. Cleone. 4th —.
and talking machines at the Grange
Beauty of Hebron, 1st Fred Hicks.
tim in the breast Ixdh times, who fell
Fair. These were viewed and admired
Latourell Falls.
face duwnwardin a stream ol blood.
by many people including music teach­
The coroner was notified and removed
ers and music lovers. Each one’ of
the body to Portland. Sheriff Stevens
Bdbj Shtm Awards.
these instruments wa« «elected by the
and Deputy Emery then went to the
Belgian C ass—Belgian Stallion, Sun­
house*' expert fur exhibition and hence
The judge, at the Baby «how of the
scene to examine the surrounding»
there can lie no question a« to their Grange Fair were, Mr». Alan Smith, dial Ranch, 1st Volnay, 2d Zephirin,
quality Mr. J. P. Simonaon, »perial Mr*, l.uther F. Steel ami Mia» Anna 1st colts. 5 mos.: three years and over.
salesman for the houpe, ia in the fiel«l Finley. Pretty bonnet» were awarded 1st Genay, 2d Melba ; Mares and colts,
to dispose of these Iteautiful inatru- ' all prise Imbies. There were secured 1st Melba, 2d Servada.
BIG JUMP IN PASI Hftk manta. He savs the house will give on through the assistance of Mrs F. B. Thoroughbred Standard Trotters. 1st
these the same low price slid easy terms Stuart and were decorated with blue Yminti, 2d Sallie Goodwin, Panamont
It' ven the thoumindti of buyer« «luring ribbon lor a tint prise and red ribbon Trotter 1st. Owner of horses, Fred T.
The following it a lint of otir Inend» their big «ale in Augu«t. This ie «|«*cial lor a second prise. Mrs. W. W. Cotton, ' Merrill.
w ho think The Herald will be * wcl- •nd »Imuld be taken advantage of at who was one of the committee, donated
Perclieron Class — 1st Colonel, T.
comt visitor for the year following The once.
two lieiutifnl souvenir spoon« as special Hachet; 2d Decide, T. Brugger.
Herald would continue to improve and
Coach Class — Coach Stallion, Achill
prises to the Iwo prettiest tables. The
will be a lietter |>a|ter next gear with
’ 2d, E. Dohahne.
awards were as follows:
Sad Dedth of I red Beldt nsfeln
your support and a lint like tine every
Standard Bred Stallions, 1st Don
1. Prettiest tally under one year, 1st
Fred Neidenstein, son of Mr. and
week. We ara offering some very fine
Zumbro, 2d Frederica Z.
clubbing rates
Can't you take hold of Mr». Henry P*eiden«lein, died la«t Sun*
Standard bred mares, 1st Esther M.,
2. Baby upder one year having best owner Fred T. Merrill.
day, »ktolier II, of an attack of typhoid
three n«»w‘‘
R. I’. Rasmussen, Win. Rowen, C. I fever. Ili« death waa audden and very head of hair, 1st Gertrude Brugger. 2d
tirade Belgian, 1 year. Geo. Hamilton
De* Lucile Smith.
Hunter, August Specht, Gust Carlson, unexpected bv hi» many friend«.
3. Smallest tabv.
Pritt Timmerman» A. R. Ileiney, Mr*. reaped wa« one of Cherryville’« moat
Grades Percheron, John Strücken 1st,
g- Zella Simms.
promising voting men and hia death i«
(’. Lenartx, J. <’. Duke, Jot. Bell, (’. A. Merely felt by the whole community.
2d. 3d.
4. Fattest l»aby, John Kaufmann.
Lindgren, II Jarkaon, Alice McGugin, The proatral«* imrenta have the aymp-
Grades Percheron colts, 2 year mare,
5. Bent head of dark hair under three
atby of all around.
Neto Radian, (I W W.... lard, 11 I
R. Kerslake 1st. I year mare. T. Brug­
vears, 1st Roy Ackley, 2d Marjory Stil­
Ball. T. Ilernlalev, S. B. Edward«, E
ger 2d, John Strücken 1st, 1 year stal­
Grimm, M. Dolan, Mra. R. Ker«lake.
lion, D. Ross 1st.
6. Best head of light hair under three
J. Stafrnton, W McKinney, J. Chase,
Grade Coach, 2 year and over, J.
years. 1st Mildred Metzger, 2d Willard Wood 1st, W. ,1. Hilliard 2d; 1 year
W. I lrick, J. .lari, W. Roberta, F Ax­
tell, <’. E. Cree, A. L Stone, Mr« L.
and over, W. J. Hilliard 1st.
H«**r M«rri <1 «'«»nccrtu nod F aiiiou « *»¡««>«>< h
e» Al.I WINTER |< ynti hm<* otir of nur
7. Prettiest dark ryes under two
Lusted, llarrv Lusted, A. Axtell, I..
Grade mare and colt, John Strücken
years, 1st John Calkins, 2d Dannie But* 1st and 3d.
Bridge, F. <». Ekatrom, I tank Magnrtt.
Be rout On e<l i h I> ah < i hear the new Ker
II. lluhbard. Mra. A. Komatll. W. T.
Best frrm team. O. Zeek 1st, John
orti» t* hen hi tow it.
liemlaley, Edward Smith, (’. <>. Young, I
H. Prettiest light eyes under two Strücken 2d.
Pole team. D. S. Johnson 1st.
F. Fieldhouse, .1. Hvalin, <L I. Neal, W
years, 1st Raymond Watkins, 2d Wil­
I’o-loffi.. Blilu
I mer Nelson.
Butler, S. St rebin, A. Alm.
(Continued on last page.)
Our Deposits Oct. 12, $89,205.33
__________________ 'r=...-.
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__ - - ---__ -_
Street lights have at laat been pat in­
to place and are ready for the juice,
‘•fa-t there lie light.”
The new l-akery on Main «tree is near­
Kt-fisler now; Th. 20th is th, date
ing completion and will soon open as a
registration closes for preaidential elec­
modern, up-to-date bakery.
tion. See D. M. Robert*.
Ralph Bran-ion was a Gresham vis­
Misses Burton and Culv gave an apron
itor last week.
shower Tuesday afternoon at the home
Jonsrud Bros.* display of dressed and
ol Miss Culy in honor of Mies Jessie
finishing lumber with the turning lathe
Francis. A go<«l time ia reported.
in operation, and Frank lleiney's artis­
J. IV. Chaney drilled a well for Chas.
tically arranged cabinet of mouldings
Reynolds and struck a flow of water at
and finishing materia of all kind«, that
the depth of *J1 feet that stands in the
was displayed at the Fair, deserve
well 22 feet.
special mention and was ail mi red by
Duly brothers, who hare operated a many.
livery stable near the -lepot for the past
T. R. Howitt left Mon-lay for The
year, have decided to discontinue their
iMlles, where he went on business.
business here and will hold a public
Mis. Orland Zeek is ill at the home
sale at their barn on Tuesday, October
27. The list of article* to be sold in-' of her si«ter,Mrs A. Hevel.
Rev. M. B. Parounagian will preach
eludes all of their driving and draft
horses and their buggies, carriages and at the Methodist church Sunday m--ru­
wagon«, harness, robes, etc. Don’t fail ing and evening. All are iuvited.
to attend. Rememljer the date.
One hundred real estate dealers and
Prof Baker reports that the enroll­ their friends came out to view the Fair
ment in the Greahatn schools is about and see what hs “raise-1 in their back
220 of whom 59 are in the high school. yard” last Saturday. Realestate is ex-
There is only one vacant eeat in the high pected to make a big jump in conse­
school rooms, while all the seats in the quence.
other rooms are full except two in Miss
S. Gould is visiting hislirotber. A. H.
Wilke’s room and extra cnairs and tab­ Gould, after being parted for 34 years.
les are used ill three rooms. Sixteen He is from California. Albert Dnmond
new seats have been ordered by the of Woodville, Ont., is visiting his cousin
Miss Myrtle Gould.
The heavy rains of the past week
A reception was given on Tuesday at
have done little or no damage here.
the parsonage, to Rev. Parounagian and
Although a very rainy night,
Miss Edith Gor-lon attended the Fair wife.
Saturday and visited friends here Sun­ quite a nuinlier were present and a very
enjoyable time was ha-l. Words of wel-
Georgina Ilatniin is suffering with a c >me were spoken to which the new
pastor resi-onded. Miss Burton favored
«every case of typhoid faver.
the company with a violin solo.
Mi»« Iva Aider is the new “hello”
Miss Violet Gould spent Sunday with
girl at the central office here.
the home lolks.
Fel-ie McColl came up from Corvallis
Dr. A. Thompson ha« gone to eastern
to attend the Fair Saturday.
Oregon for a short visit.
The band Imys were the recipents ot
A petition is being circulated for an
many favorable comments and words of
praise during their engagement at the hourly service on the Gresham electric
line. The petition ie being signed by
everybody on the line between here and
Little “Dovie" Doane is confined to
his bed with tvpboid fever.
Dr. J. P. Powell says about two an<T
C. W. Doane and eon, Albert, return­ a half inches of ram has fallen this
ed laat week front the eastern < Iregon week.
harvest Helds.
Miss Floy Johnson, daughter of Ed
Johnson of this city, suddenly disap­
Miss 1-aura Burkholder «pent Satur­ peared from home Sunday morning and
day and Sunday taking in the Fair and has not been heard of since. After
breakfasting with friends where »lie had
visiting friends here.
spent the night she left ostensibly for
Miss Edna Morse, a former resident her home, but has not been seen since.
here but now teacher in the Pleasant
J. G. Thomas, the celebrated clarinet
Valiev schools, was a Fair visitor last and saxaphone player, arrived from.
California this week and is visiting hi&
parents for a few days'
G. W. Kenney has made many de­
The lumber use-1 by the Fair Associa­
tion in sheds will 1« sold to anvone
cided improvements to his residence.
wtih whom satisfactory terms may be
Henry Douthit will nirve to the Lin- arranged. Carl Shattuck will have the
matter in hand
neiuan place at Linnetuan Junction.
Fall and Winter Shoes
They must be
UIIUTrn CUnCC J*»*« received a full line of
niniCn OnULO winter shoes. Sime good
l/UITTrn UUE1D Full line of (aeinator« ami
KnlllCU WCAn knitted wear. Something new
substantial« in high euts anil regular tops.
in shawls, call and sei- them.
rilDNITIinr s.-e us for furniture, stoves and
rUnnilUnC ranges and house furnishing
received our fall stock of
nUODtn UUUUo rnbla-r g.sals for wet weath­
Dealer in
“Goods of Quality” ■
iUCDIPikl CCIIPC We Hr<’ taking order«
ANlLnluAH IL I! UL (or thie ,-,-lebratwi
fencing. A car load to arrive in about two weeks
Our fence is the best that is made and the
price is lower than inferior fence.
Buy your
fence where the price is right and stock always
on hand in any qiianities
giaxls. Our prices are the lowest and goods
superior in quality.
er, comprising men's, women’s and children's rtilv-
bers, men’s and laiy’s lioots in knee and hip lengths,
rnbtier «hoes, just the thing for those dairy barns
when- it is eventually wet underfoot, gum coats of
all lengths, also a full and complete line of the
celebrated Aquapelle M ater Priaif Clothing.
Have arrived. The
hunting season is on.
By Patronizing Us
You not only save money but you an*
assured of good treatment and you get
First-Class Goods
Get your shells where you can get them right.
I 11
1 K-J
Main Street
IX. Gresham, Oregon
■■MB■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■MBBIMHMM
_ ______________ —_
Men’s, Women’s and Children’s, Latest Styles and Lasts <•
seen to la' appreciated.
- -
UÀPVIII1U/ PniT? s.-mething new in this
Fifty pieces -»f dress giaids,
s»>rgos, panamas, wool taf-
fetas, klliatross ami wool plaids.
All new goods
ami the prices are attractive.
Riblx-d wool underwear and eassitnere hosiery,
for men, women and children.
’ A
r I
..------------------- —— -
No. 42.
IT rE want to call your attention to the fact that we are receiving each day our fall and winter goods. The season is fast
\» approaching and you will begin to look for the articles of wearing apparel.
Call and see our assortments.
ON’T wander around am-mg si runners with your bank account but place your
money in a l>ai>k where you can depend iijam the la-st treatment ami accom-
modation IxM-aiiHe that bank has interests identical with your own ami your
Your success means a great -leal to your home hank la-cause the slice,-«» of the
bank 1« in a mea«ure <le|>endi>nt ii|am yours. The outside bank will be glad to
get your deposits but it will not take the same |w*rsoiial interest in your welfare
a* the home bank.
By banking nt home von place your money in circulation
in ymir own locality ami la-neflt your own community. let ua handle your hiis-
in«M. Help us reach the |lnO.<*X>.iti in deposits.
Vol. 4.