LOC AL CAPIIALISIS \ F F A- FF F FF F FFF FF FF F FFF FFF F FFF FF F V 4* I -V STOVES! STOVES!! i GRANGE FAIR 4. X 4. _ , Any one in need of any kind of a stove will profit by examining our line. 4» He Hare rfte Largest Liat of 4« 4. 4. 4> -r J» ■r -r X *T" *Y* • J X and Ranges 4. ever brought to Gresham, and at Prices that cannot be Duplicated. ± Furniture, Rugs, Ait Squares and Linoleums s- Undertaking and Embalming 4. 4» T V ; ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED. DAY OK NIGHT 4. 4» 4 CARLSON & HENDERSON -■ 4> *r * ‘t- OKI (ION 4« GRESHAM, •r A«E 444444444i4<4 4 44444-1 44 444 4 4 4 4 À i Want Column Wanted, For Sale, Lost Found, Etc. The Gresham Real Estate Company fU> 4 fix BWt W a Rtu I SIATI Sit acres 3'.. miles from Gresham with a lot of tine timber and only 2 miles FOK SAKE — Light work team, from K. R. station. Price ^3,500. weight about 2300. August Niemeyer, on old Alley place.____________ (3.-39 12 acres I mile front Gresham with new "-room house. Price $3.no. WANTED —Fresh milch cows and beef cattle. T. K. Howitt, Gresham, One-half block in Gresham with good house. Easy terms, $2,5(10. Ore. 40 acres near Gresham, all in cultiva­ FOR SALE—Vacant lots, houses and tion, tine soil Price $A»i per acre. lots, choice farms of all sorts; invest­ ments and loans negotiated. J. H. 40 acres all well improved. Good soil ami good buildings. Price $7.5u). Chaiker. 39 Easy terms FOR RENT—New six-room, plas­ tered bouse in Gresham. Jame» Law­ GRESHAM REAL ESTATE CO. rence, Gresham.______________ • Gresham • - Ore. STRAYED—Jersey Bull, Is months old, brown sides, yellow back. Has horns. Broke from my place 3 miles For SADDLES, HARNESS and ALL south of Sandy, about July 1. Otto HARNESS ACCESSORIES Ebberle. Gresham. (40 FRESH COWS—Good fresh cows wanted by S. F. Pitta, Gresham. (39, F<>R SALE—General merchandise stock, building and cash trade. lo­ cated in prosperous, growing countr y with good n»ad connections. Farmer»’ telephone, 4x1. FOR SALE—♦•"> takes a sewing ma­ chine—old, but has lieen in constant, recent use. Enquire at Herald office. WANTED — To pasture horses or cattle. Enquire of Turn Howitt, Gresh­ am. ZL Gresham Harness Shop All Kinds K.pairing quickly «lone. GUST LARSON. Prop.. S' Washing 9 9 9 Washing Compound 9 9 9 9, is no longer a drudgery. TT MT. SCOTT !9 9 9 9 Robt. Doane Phone, 257. Re»., Main Street GRESHAM, ORE. : : i John Brown, Rockwood, Agent 1 9 I = M DRUGS - 9 SUNSET ICE CREAM I Ä\ 9 1 OREGON GRESHAM, TUESDAY—Opening Day. Grange Day. Baseball Games. WEDNESDAY—Log Cutting and Sawing Contest. THURSDAY—Portland Day. East Side Business Men’s Club Athletic Program. FRIDAY—Bronco Busting and Confetti Battle. SATURDAY—Children’s Day. Stock Judging. Baby Show, Cattle Roping Contest, MOUNT SCOTT DISTRICT At a meeting of the Ix'nts kehbreaaal Nashville last Friday night, lunch ass served. Everyone present trend'd to , have had a good time. Mr». J erm» Crane returned la«t Sator- j day from an extended visit with tela- live» in Indiana. • On Thursday several friend* gave a houmF warming paaty to Mr*. Gray at . her new bungalow at Gray*» Crowing. I. Mr». Max Mire and family will move to Corvallis thia week, where her older« children wih enter college. Cathie I. Anderson ami John F. Wall were married Sat unlay in Vancouver. Mr ami Mrs. Floyd Marshall enter­ tained the orvhealra, of which Mr. Mar­ shall ia a member, also Bliss Heath and a friend on Wednesday evening. J 11. Kleeman and wile of Oakland, Cal., ire visiting the Kay Her family. Ira K. Allen went to Smtbern Oregon lart Sunday to work in a fruit packing plant for the season. Mrs. Lininger visited her daughter at Camas last week. A surprise was tendered Mrs. M« Dow­ ell last Tuesday, it being her birthday anniversary. J. B Marshall is recovering from a slight illness. Expert “Bronco Busting” is the feat­ ure of the (¡range Fair that may interest some of our young people but our farm­ ers are interested in the agricultural ex­ hibits and tine stuck show. Several G re« ha in men lave mining inteiesla of which they are proud. J. N Bramball it» one of the »uro enough lu< ky ones. His interests are in the B’itt»* Boys Consolidated which is ha*att*d at Goldfield, Nevada The Company has several pieces of property, tome of them quite near Goldtieid and two of them tar­ ing about 30 miles distant. The Lida mine comprises the latter group and most of the minerals taken out so far come iron» it. They arc ores containing copper, silver and lead. The silver runs to $429 07 a ton and the copper to $22.11 making a total of $431.14 per ton. The lead was not included in this estimate, hut it is valuable in the reduction <4 the other ores and it is thus worth alwiut $20 l>er ton to the company. One shipment basp>een made but within 60 or 90 days enough ore will la* in position to liegm carload shipments. It is expected that dividends will Itegin to come in within a month from that tune. The company has an office at 323 Ctiamlier of Com­ merce bldg. ortland, and Mr. Brambali will lie there most of the time. Or he may tie seen in regard to investment, nt his home in Gresham any evening. The office in Portland will l>e open all the time. The company will have an exhi­ bit at the Fur in Gresham. GRESHAM LOCALS The home of W. E. Wood on Main St. »»« the acene of a plearant family re­ union on Sunday. There l*ing prevent Subscription Price of "The Herald” G. C. Wood and wile of Eugene, Rov W< mv I ami wife recently from Oklahoma MIX MONTHS f uNF. YEAR 1.JW W. W. Wood of Salem. W. R. Dalia«, TWO YEARS 2.75 wife and daughter of Dama.cu» and 11. THREE YEARS .... .... 4.00 E. Edmonton ami wife of Troutdale. HH R YE \RS ' FIVE YEARS 6.W G. W. Kenney ie making Mime im- proymenta to hia reairlence. The fair groumla are now connected to PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY the Farmer« telephone line. Mr». A. Hevil and 'laughter and Miaa Mary Ixeilie have returned from Seaaide. Greaharn Concert band will give an­ other concert Saturday evening. INSURE IN THE John Shattuck anil George Schantin : left thia week to enter the U. of O. at Eogerie, and En ory Koliert«, Felde Me Coll and George Farria leave Friday for Corvallia to «tudy at the State Agricul- ( tural College. G. B. Middleton waa in town Monday < making arrangement« for an auction. For Eastern Multnomah and Clackamas Counties. The H krald force acknowledge the re- 1 ceipt of a line lot of Bartlett pear, from Mr«. W. B. Paraona. and Mr«. Linneman Over 150 peraona have regiatered for a | chance on the hat which i« to be given away Saturday at the Stuart Millinery l Parlor». The opening waa a aoecera. Chemicals, Stationery and Medicine at John Brown called on onr former fellow townsman Al Hart, at Liberal the CITY PRICES 1 other day. He aayi Mr. Hart >» finely , located and ha» all that a young farmer Prescription« Carefully Compounded could need to be happy ami proaperoua. W. G. Cathey left for Corvallia Mon- NONE BETTER serve I day where he will remain for some time with hi» »on and family, Dr. B. A. Cathey MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. D. M. Cathey and family moved to , Portland Thurndajy where he will have OREGON ¡ charge of the First Free Metbodiat LENTS, M«»000(0((0(<»<» 1 Church for the conference year. OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION FESTIVAL AND OCTOBER 6, * 7,8.9.10 Agriculture, Horticulture, Live Stock and Dairy Products, Poultry, Machinery, Domestic Science, Art and Music, Education. Special Rates from All Points on the O. W. P. & Ry. Co. State. Finest Fair Site in the Large, Substantial Two-story Exhibit Pavilion Affording Ample Room for the Many Exhibits. Good Poultry House and Stock Sheds. “The Furrow,” Alive With Attractions a ’ÜBLIC SALE y 1 Gresham Man a Lucky Miner. ♦ Wood Sawing 5i»c and one old 10-inch disc record, any make, will buy one Columbia 10-inch record. $1.00 and one old cylinder record, any make, will buy five new Col­ umbia X P cylinder record«. Headquarters* for Columbia Phono­ graphs and Records NOTION STORE, GRESHAM VJ • Gresham investors' in mining inter­ ests tell us some interesting nsws tbit week. Joseph Bramhall has just re- turned trout hi« properties in Goldfield I» Nevada. Mr. Ilramhall lies evsry rew eon to (eel good. Ore taken out of his mining intervals rune to $150 a ton and upward. Au immense body of thia ore ia in eight. Another man who has the heat end o* a mining project is John Brown of Rackwood. laut spring Mr. Brown and two other gentlemen t>ecame interested in Southern Oregon mining property, now bearing the name “Rückwand.” Thie ie a ledge of eoft atone, very rich in free gold and nuggete of varying eiae, some running over Bill). Our limited space this week prevents justice being done to thia prospect. Suffice to any that the drift and placer works along the river below all lead back to Mr. Brown's interests. lie ie enthusiastic in his belief that time and effort will yield him an independent fortune as a result. He may dispose of some of hia interests but only a limited amount. Gresham FOR SALE—SB1, acres, clearer!, fair improvements, on Mt Hood right of “It Does the Business' way, half mile east of Pleasant Home. Choice piece of land at a bargain. Albert Salstrand, Gresham, Oregon, K«ute2. (39 FOR SALE — Light, 3-in. McKennon farm Wagon, in good condition. G. H. Sunday. Gresham.___________ (40 STRAYED—Aug. 12, 2-yr. old heifer, ■ color dark brown, some white under belly, with neckstrap and ring, tip of tail'white. Reward for information. Frank Grassl, Cleone. Ore._________ (39 ♦ GRESHAM STEAM SAW FOR SALE—3000 cedar post» on Mrs. 5Oc Per Cord Linneman’» farm. See Mr». Linneman at Gresham. Quickest Cheapest and Best WANTED—Fishermen under 13 years at Douglas Cash Store Oct. 3, Saturday only. Inquire for particulars. Call or phone Come Listen to Our New Records Local Investors See Very Bright Prospects Ahead for Their New Holdings. * ■ J AT THE Old Kronenberg Place on the Powell Valley Road, 1-2 mile North and 1-4 mile West of Jenne Station 2 1-2 miles West of Gresham. SEPT. 29, ’08, 10 A. M The Following Described Property: 30 HEAD OF CHOICE years selecting this herd. 4 HEIFERS, DAIRY COWS. The undersigned has spent over lour Yearlings and past. 7 HEAD OF PIGS, about four months old. 3 HEAD OF 2 DOZEN 1 FOUR - HORSE 1 THREE - SECTION 1 HAY RAKE 2 CHAMPION 1 TOP 1 BARREL OTHER WORK OF HORSES YOUNG BLACK MINORCAS POTATO DIGGER HARROW MOWERS BUGGY CHURN ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. TERMS: - All Sums Under $20, Cash in Hand. All over $20, 2 months’ time with approved security. Notes drawing 10 per cent from date. A. MEYERS, Clerk. C. R. MIDDLETON, Owner,