Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 25, 1908, Image 7

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    Night Sweats & Cough.
W. W. Walton, Ci.ntlr. fl. P. Ily., T17
Van N mm HI., Hau Antonio, To*
wrltMi “ Iturlng ilia auiiimar anil fall
of IIWJ, my annoyance from ratalrh
reached that ataga where II waa actual
misery and developed alarming eynip-
Inma, an/Il aa a very deep eeatcil cough,
night awvata, and pains In the head ami
eheat. 1 es|>erlmeiiied with several ao-
railed renicdlee before I dually dm'tiled
to take a thorough course of I'eruna.
"Twonf my friends hail gone ao far aa
to Inform mo that the thing for me to d .
waa to rvsigu my position and seek a
higher, mors congenial climate. Every­
one thought I hail nmaumpllon aud 1
waa not reported to live very lung.
“Having procured eomel'enina, 1 de­
cided tuglvell a thorough test and ap
piled myself assiduously to the task of
taking II, as per Instructions, in Uiu
“The effects were soon apparent,'all
alarming symptoms disappeared and
my general health became fully aa good
aa It had ever l>een In my Ilfs.
“I have resorted to the use of Peruns
on two or three on-aalotia since that
Ume to cure myself of bad cold. .”
Illlreeeer le rhe Vetted aiatee.
A study of the I'nltrd Htatra report
on Illiteracy reveals smue Interesting
Brina. Iowa beads the Hat with only
33 Illiterates to each thousand |s»pula-
lion, lamlslana al the other end of the
list with ;K> to ra. Il thousand
Ulate with compulsory cdma I Ion hat
more than M Illiterates to the thou­
sand. The eighteen Htates without
compulsory education laws have from
111 to SNA tlllleratva to each thousand
of population.
I When <’bilge«« Wore Hals Io amsUs
It may eosin strange that there waa
• period In Engllab history when Ju
vrnlle smoking was enforced officially,
but It la iioverthsleaa true. The diarist
Hearne, In writing of tim Plague of
lanidon, says:
“Kveu children war«
obliged to amoak. And I retneutlter that
I heard formerly Tom Rogers, who waa
yeoman beadl*, aay thnt when he waa
a school boy at Eton that year when
the plague raged all ths boys of that
School were obliged to giuoak In th«
school every morning, aud that be waa
never whipped no much lu Ills Ilfs ns
lie was oue morning for not autoak-
Tbe brat dretuu-d mall In tbe United
Ntatea, according to the l»wt of au­
tlmrlty, la l'. K Eddy, a lianker'B clerk
of 1‘rovidriH-ei It 1. K-llly pmsesarS
some flfly mid •ulta. Hr suys that la
approximately the number, but really
It's too much trouble to count them.
you know, There la a suit for rat-h
day In a imnilh, suits for Burial func
tlmia, for driving, walking, for almost
every a|«*-lal thing a human t»-liig can
Moreover, It la sold he la cun-
alautly adding to lila eullectluu.
"George," ask
should want to
bank while you
about UY*
“That's easy, Mura." said Mr. Ferro
sen. "All you bars Io do Is to go Is lbs
bank. ■aba a notas like a depositor, end
tksrs will bo somebody to ess that yotF
don't get away till you bars got rid of
your mousy.”—Oli ago Tribune.
Mothers wtu dad Mr* Wlaahra*, Boolhlag
•yru,. i»e bes* renaedv 0> IMS lv< ISeUsA UU -a
luriag ib* tesUUag (mrauS.
Tbs Alphabet.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
(’•Iler (trying io be complimentary) —
I not!«« nnr luiprrnilug peculiarity «bout
your little boy. lie I« «mi ritiri troua.
Mrs Blruckoyl« (with « frosty «¡rem
In her eyr) -Net at all, Mr«. 11 if bau me.
Hi« leg» ar* ju«t aa straight aa any*
Th« favorllr «muM*<nrnta of Queen
5Vi!l».*hn'na of llull«ml are «haling an I
rMIhc. but «« « child her hobt») *«« the
htrpihg of poultry.
The (leanest liqhtrM
and most comfortable
At the Mine time
cheapest in the
end bryiuse It
wvnrs longest
'359 Everjwhere
Every garment,
water proof Catalog tree
j rowcs co eo.ioo u » a
(skaiMdc r.y 1 as.fWo foepfo
A modern leavrner at
a moderate price i b 30
per cent, more efficient
than “Trust”or Cream-
of-Tartar products and
abaolutrly free from the
health racking Rochelle
Saib residue Invariably
accompanying their use.
Cef if from your Grocer
25c-FULL POUND--25c
Il ym tunal las* inter, al rviuodle*. Hairs
I alarm Curs la tahen internal y. and aria di­
rectly ttl-.ll the blood aud mucous suri«««,
llalla Catarrh Cure la n.rt a quark medirse.
II ••• prs*rrlhwt by on« olt i.s brat phytic ana
In I hit Counts/ for year* and la a rogtuar pre
rrtplion. Il la comp.«rd at the Uat tonics
know .r-.mbltw<l With th« brat blood puril.rra.
•cling dlrertly <>n the mnrous so.tarra The
perfect rom bl nal Ion of thelao ln(r«dlenta la
what nro.|.iraa such wnnderfnl results In cun
lug I atarrh__ Send fnr t. st montala tree.
nitSKY a co., Croi« . Toledo, O.
Hold by bruirsi.U, príve T^r.
Ta-e llall's Family Fills tur rorstlpatlon.
The rami It of fl yssra* ai per tears. the naw way sf i
raplaviag te^h la tba mesth teeth la fact, teeth la .
•ppaaranra. teeth tn chew your food upon, aa you
did am>n jour natural one»
Our force ia ao or«an i
land aa van do jour aatlra crown, hridga or plata
work in a day If natuawary. Pualtlrwly pain lee» si*
tract In«. Only higb-elaaa. aniaa title war«
Dr M .1 n lee. Manaser R yesr» ‘ “
Ravond Floor. Falli«« netldln«. Tai
I fi?
ng tarn Ht
reata. OS.«
«mira ¿r
RA r"
M “* ti 1
"••>» !
Hun i
Why Is It that the average woman
■annot be taught to write or Indorse n
batik clrer-k? It la regarded by bank
I officials and employes as the eighth
, wonder of the work! ata! a never to tie
solved mystery why It cannot be done,
but It la generally admitted that It Is
one of tlie Impossible things comparable
only to Hm riddle of tbs sphinx or
squaring the circle.
Ths numerical amount on tbe date
line, uo date al all. the written amount
where the name of the |>agce should be
written (and the written and printed
amount to disagree at least Mt cents),
any signature iu any place—tbe back
of tbe check la just an g>«»1 as any­
where t-lar and a sniff or a fuss If tbe
prematurely gray paying teller dares
to make a cortwllon! Tlsat a the way
the average woman banka, except that
she can ring In a dosett changea In as
many minutes. "And tbe ladles. G im I
l.lras 'em," said the president of one
of the big trust companies, "all love to
batik and they are all at It. Tbe getter
nitty- of them would rather have a bank
account and have It overdrawn 7 cents
than sport a solid silver purse full of
shining gold coin. ‘My bank' are word*
i that they linger over lovingly and their
. elation knows no bounds whwn a type­
written letter from the cashier requests
Mrs X. to call at the bank In regard
. Io her account, which Is overdrawn
LI 33.
“Only recently a prominent Chicago
‘ woman, npm receiving une of these no
ilces from our bank, rushed In breath-
i««aly and confided to the cashier thnt
i >he did not know any money waa com­
ing to her, for she thought she ha<l
drawn It all out, and she asked sweetly
how aha could get It. Should she make
n check for It or would tbe teller give
I It to her If she presented the Blip tbe
♦ 1 bank had aent her.
The quarta lamp I. thè latrai sieri rie
llghiing apimratua. Il la a mercury-ra-
por latup wltb a quarta tube In a glaaa
globe. aud rraemblra an are lamp In gen­
erai appi-arance. It la lo he uaed ss a
single lamp al S30 rolla, and bea a rat-
log of d.oial candir*, ransumlng 0.33 watt
“But It Is not always the women who
per ramile power. Ita lite ia glven al
1,00(1 houra. and an advantage dalmati •how Ignorance of lite forma of hand
for II la that II ia unnscasaary lo rapisce : ling checkItig accounts, and at the etnl
sur elevi rodea.
of a week will go over them and mnk.
i them balance to a cent. But a business
You Insisted on our coming to this hot, man with a anrInga account very fre­
horrid place.” shrilled
Mrs. Outsuuie. quently gets blmaclf sadly tangled up.
“and I'm sunburnt till I look liks sn The savings bank book always sviui to
Apschs Indian!”
him to b« a Chinese ptixxlc. and many
id Mr. Out- are the breaks he will make, lie will
“Not at all. my lov«,*
some. "Your complexiou Is a dear, beau­ sometimes write out nit order for hi*
tiful light brown.”
account on the bnnk book Itself, and
Thus did a soft tan. air. as It were,
semi some one to collect It."
luru sway wrath.—Chicago Tribune.
The women have a very satisfactory
way to thcmaelvea. If not to the bank
Almost Meeoaelira to It.
The Muors wars preparing to tears tha officials, of adding sufficient funds to
tlielr account to meet an overdraft.
"Wr might as well go. anyhow,” they (July a fen- days ago a lady who hnd
said. "The Americans will lie hers pretty been notified thnt her account waa bad
soon kiokinx fur souvenirs"
I ly overdrawn presented herself to the
llasilly gathering up their trinkets,
they departed, only regretting that they cashier and aakisl just what ahe must
couldn’t take lb* glorious landscape aloug, do to rectify the mistake. He courte­
ously explained that ahe must deposit
enough money- In the lutnk or a check
Addine to Ills SuWertnus.
large enough to rover the amount due
The lloctor—I ciperi rd Io go out of
Iler face brightened and she sighed as
town ne>t Saturday, aa usual, to ,|*nd
Niinday with my family in the country, If a grcijt load were taken off her inhid
bui professional duties forbid. Tbs fates eat calmly down and wrote a check for
the amount title and ahe drew It upon
are agaiilst ms.
The Professor—The falsa are to hlam*. the same nrcoimt aud the same bank
are they? Well, It's natural for a week She does not understand to thia day
•Oder lo rame to a lams’raurhialon.
why the bank would not accept It. Just
give a woman a check book and there
Horrors of Polltlrs.
‘Then you knew something of It al- Is no telling to what lengths she can
resdyY' said the chairman of the notifi­ and will go.
cation commit tee. much chagrined.
Many amusing tales of women's bank
“Yea." answered the nominee, T saw Ing methods are told. An official of a
an Intimation of it In the new*|«pera. In Chicago banking company said a lady
fact, gentlemen," he added, with a broad walked Into hla bnnk reecntly and re­
amile on lila sunny face, “I had a printer's quested a loan of fMB). 8he waa asked
Inkling of It."—Chicago Tribune.
for her security—whether ahe owned
property or land In the city. Ahe re
piled lu the negative, wbatuupon the
official said that he waa sorry, but they
did not do bustneaa on such terms. The
lady waa more than Indignant and In
elated that he go out ami look at the
sign on his hXilldlng and then be would
very plainly nee the word "tnist." Sh.
guessed what that meant because Iter
grocer trusted Iter ami ahe never had t,
give hint any security.
"New money," not Hi« sound article
Then your Moo<i must be in
la the cry of the female financier, mid
a very bad condition. You
woe to the hank that Is not prepared t<
certainly know what to take,
hand out frealt. crlap hllla ami newly
then take it —Ayer’s Sarsa­
minted coin in return for a mixed up
badly written, ink bedaubed check
parilla. If you doubt, then
YVomen object strenuously to making
consult your doctor. We know
out thatr own deposit slips and canm>
what he will say about this
or will rot uuderstMid that the bank
roqnesU them to do It for their owr
grand old family medicine.
protection. A great many women re
Sold for over 60 years.
quire the teller to make out their
This Is th* Bret gnestl«« yosv
checks Not long ago a bank had an
■sh: "Ar* y*»r b..«eis ragu's'1
that Bally wllon r»f th* hewele
amusing experience with a new depoa
eaaanllal to r*eov*ry. Keen y«*y liter *<-tl.a
sn* year bowel, regolar by lasing Isisllvo
Itor. She confrawetl to the teller that
dosssof Aysr-sfUls.
she did not know bow to make a check
and he made It out for her. explaining
aa ba went along. Then he handed I
to her, saying: "Sign, madnm, low.
line, please." She took the cheek and
dsllrered the gmxla all right, for when
Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
la ><nir woutb aim liar 1« aay way «e th* al-otof IT
•n. ««>
to mr a wobbly. uaueable partial plate
er ill nttmtf. ordinary bridaa work. Tbs Dr. Wtas •
syatvm o'
1 kí
Tb* <'««etrr's Cest llr-saed
Ths great I’tioeulclan alphabet, tha
¡mreut of every form of Eurotman
writing and of tbe w-rlpta of 1'erala.
tor Infants and Children.
Arabia and India aa well, owes but
little to i:g,v|.t
It la true tbal In the
conatructlon of their alphabet the
I'hiM-nlrtaua made use of certain hier­
atic character« fouud In Ihelr trail«
Blguature of
dealings wltb Egypt, but thia fact In
no way detracta from the glory of the
TH tor Tar.
Invention which belongs to the Yau-
Affable Barter You're very bald on
keea of autlqulty.”—New York Auier’
to|>. air.
Helf-Conni-lotta Customer (much an­
Catarrh Cannot be Vurrd
noyed i What If I am? You needn't
talk so much
'Ihr about that squint with liH'Al. AlTLICATIllMS, sa they cannot
reach tbe .. slot the dlseaae. Catarrh la a bluMÍ
of yours? Ixmdoti YVIcgraph.
or .It ease, and In order orara
she returned It for f lymeut the chock
was signed “Lower line” In a dainty
At one of the big national banks aoma
months ago a perfumed, crested note trf
a de|s>alti>r of the bank rend: “Please
stop payment on chock No. Ii>7. aa I
have araldentally bunted the same.” A
depositor at the same tmnk waa notified
that her account waa overdrawn, but
still her checks continued to pour In.
When they did not cease for four or fir«
days an official called Iler up on the tel-
Spbone ami told her that payment
would I* Stopped on her cbecka uuleea
she made her aciviunt gisal. Kite puffed
rig bl up aud aalil site would show tilm
that he waa wrong and that al»- had
money In the Imnk. Half an hour later
ahe came down to lite bank with her
check book ami the explanation that
“alie knew she waa right, for there were
at leant half a down blank checks left
In the book!”
Another peculiarity la the way the,
make out checks to themselves, Wbere
a man makes It out to "cash" a woman
makes It to the order of Mary Brown.
signa It Mary Brown, and turna It or»r
and Indorses It "Mary Brown.” ' Thus
far hare women progreaaed In the last
ten years, since It leva me common for
tiiem to do general banking bualnnm
It remains to be si-en bow much they
will develop In the next ten years.—
CbkTgo inter Ocean.
C C Q BEST treatment
The entire inner portion of onr bodies ia ^overed with a soft, delicate
lining called mucous metnlvrane; this ia kept in healthy condition by the
nourishment and vital vigor it receives frotn the blood.
So long a* the
circulation remains pure this membrane will be healthy, but when the blood
becomes infected with catarrhal impurities and poisons this inner lining of
tbe txrdy becomes irritated and diseased, and the unpleasant and sertons
symptoms ot Catarrh commence
There ia a tight, stuffy feeling in the
nose, watery eyes, buzzing noises in the ears, often slight deafness, dflicnlt
breathing, etc. The disease cannot Ire reached by external treatment, though
such measures afford temporary relief in some instances.
S. S. S. cures
Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all impurities and poisons. Then as rich,
pure blood circulates through the body, the inffamtnd, irritated membranes
heal, the discharge ceases, headaches are relieved and every symptom disap­
pears. CatarTh. being a disease in wnich the entire blood circulation is
affected, can only lie cured by a remedy that goes to the very bottom and
removes every particle of the impurity from the blood, and this is just what
S. S. 8 does.
Book on Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who
A.strall.a < «Set..
All children in Australia are drilled,
but tbe elder boys are attar-bed to the
Australian military forces by iiieans of
tin- cadet corps. Almost every large
School has Its band of cadets, who
wear neat khaki uniforms aud are
artued with light rille«, In tbe imm - of
which they ars frequently instructed.
Every year those boys have shooting
(Hatches, and the scores prove that
among the youngsters there are many
who have already become skilled
marksmen.—Lxmdou HtamJard.
A bouse painter in a New llampahlre
village «as proceeding down "the main
street" pue day when be was accOBted
by a fellow-towusimin.
“Hello, Tout!" called tbe latter.
"Why. I thought you were working on
old Spinner s house to-day."
“1 was about to commence the job "
said tile painter, “when tbe old man
picked a quarrel with tne. lie Bald he'd
put tbe paint on himself."
“Do you think he’ll do it?"
"Well.? wild the painter, with B
smile, "when I fatssed just now thnt la
where he bad put a great deal of It.”
Wbl«« 1‘erll 1« lb. £«at.
Tbe "whit, peril" ia a. threatening to
never Met Uwe Meter«.
the East aa tbe "yellow danger" is to
The bntlrr. tired of baring nothing to
the West. China and Japan should agree
Farmee ttlllava Ilool-W«**«* walls
Io stop tbe European, and the Ameri­ do. bad gone out to tbe stables to com­
Th«, Ars CrMalng Brld-cs.
cana from cornering th. whole of the in­ mune with tbe raacbman. and was nosing
“Tlie road that rune from lien ver out dustrial and commercial markets in the around in bis usual dignified way.
"My word!” be exclaimed, looking with
past Peterafnirg and <m dowu to Little­ far East.—The Taiyo. Tokio.
some curiosity at an implement be had
ton, CaatV <odt. Ijirkapur, Palmer
just picked up. ‘That’s tbe biggest safe­
C|TK • Vltoe' IHaca oi
Trant ut.i air. era,
l-ake. Colorado Hpringa and all points 1113 ami, «ara. b, hr. » lae'a bml Ner,« lie. ty razor I ever saw. How do you put
south” |.aa»e« the home of John C.
Pr IL M lUiaa. LA. Ml Leak BL. FbilelellAi», Fa. tbe blades in it. JawgeY*
Muler anil la thickly trace rued by auto­
“Safety rasor!" boasisd the roai-bmatL
A Boy
"You bloomin' idjit. that's a currycomb!"
mobiles. In fact, one of joy twig-
Bishop Potter, at an ecclestasttcal
glee raum sky-hootin' along aboat ev­
ery aecoud. or |>erhapa oftener. keeping dinner In New York, read a Co,per.
iieaceablf residents of that community town school boy's eaeay on Clergymen.
Tbe essay, which created much amuse­
either sidling along aa dose to the edge
ment. waa as follows:
of the road aa the barb wire will per*
'There are 3 kiwis of clergymen blah- of the Well-Informed of the World has
mlt. or climbing treea.
tips rectors and curat«, the l.l»tiu;« tell always been for a simple, pleasant
It occurred to Muler that with all
tbe reefers to work and tbe curat» have
those autos streaming by be might utll- to do It. A curate Is a thin married and efficient liquid laxative remedy of
lie them to his own advantage, and man but when he Is a reefer be get» known value; a laxative which physi­
cians could sanction for family use
auto churned butter Is the rvault.
fuller and can preach longer sermons
because its component parts are
There's a small bridge, about 2<i feet and becuma a good man."
known to them to be wholesome and
long, over a little ditch In front of hl*
How II Happened.
house. He Just took up the floor of
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable
“True, tbe night .was dark, but he
that bridge and relald It, In corduroy
to the system and gentle, yet prompt,
a pt am red to jump deliberately In front
fashion, wltb round pieces of timber Bet
in action.
of the automobile."
In supplying that demand with 1U
“Force of habit The poor fellow
was an actor and naturally dived for excellent combination of Syrup of
the aiM>t light."—Kalians City Journal. Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along
Helle at lb. Past.
"So, woman, you treasure cnothe- ’ ethical lines and relies on tbe merits
- f the laxative for its remark* M b
man'a photograph?"
"Don't be foolish. Henry. This Is a - access.
portrait of yourself when you had
That is one of many reasons why
hair."—Louisville Conrler-Jourm.1.
I Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is
General Demand
' ?lven the preference by the Well-
Informed. To get Its beneficial effects
, always buy the genuine—manufac-
. ured by the California Fig Syrup Co..
. only, and for sale by all leading
. 'i-uggists. Price fifty cents per bottle.
W ldouglas
very cluaely together. but which revolve
when an auto or any other vehicle
strikes them. Then, under thnt bridge
and attached to the logs, he framed up
a system of cogs which work whenever
I lie bridge floor does, lie carried a
piece of belting to the house and at-
Inched It to the hanille of a revolving
Now, every time anything passes over
that bridge the floor turns, and the
turning of the floor turns his churn,
over and over, with marvelous rapidity.
The nutoa and other vehicles come so
cloaely together that Muler soon has a
mena of very fine butter churned up.
Alletterà «a Bolli« W'arnlnn It Cww-
twlas Cot von.
Aa long as people, through careless
ncna or otherwise, will continue to ad­
minister poison In mlatnke for medi­
cine. In many cases
causing death to the >
radical .
measures must be<
adopted to prevent
such accidents.
California man. In
working on the prob­
lem. devised a
scheme which should
ingly he patented
the Idea. The poison
Is sold only In bot­
form, the surface
consisting of numer­
o o
ous projecting
points. If a person
lu hnste picks up the poison bottle In
mistake for another |a>tlon he will be
pilckly apprised of the fact by the
stickers on tbe bottle. These stickers
will naturally Inform him at once that
lie hat the wrong bottle, causing him to
drop It hastily and continue hie search.
Tbe Occasi«« for It.
"He says be never prayed In all bls
"What a monotonous existence! Ap
pnrently he has never been In a tight
uliicc.”—The Catholic Standard and
A New and Modern European Hotel, rater."
particularly to State people. A refined place f
ladies viaitin« the city, ckwe to the shoppi
center. Rates raaaonable. Free Bus.
if rtrliaid Me!) Mr
Said an Employer: “Stick to quality
It will win out in the end." We d<
“stick to quality." That is the reaso-
our graduates are so thorough and it
such demand. Investigate our claims tr
superiority. Catalogue, business forms
and penwork free. Call, phone or wntc.
Portland Business ColleA?
Tenth and Morriaon. Portland. Oregon
men*» SJ.OO and £3.50 ali«»«» than any
other mannf;¥ctnrer In the
cauMi they hold their shape, tit better,
aud wear longer than auy other make.
W L Dwagiaa •«. M aad » «0 Ml*. £«•• H um caaart
to aqaallei at aay prie». W. L. Don^laa >3 M sad
«1 to itoM aw Ito kewt ta tto vwM
F oa * < oioe Frriw/« Itorf F-erHaard refpk
•F* l nkr Me Keto<l<n«e. W. L. Doaxlto
h onr and price is fltainped on bottom. Sold
e.vrynhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any
rtrl ot 1 he world. Caralotrn* free.
W. L. MM-ÜLAS. IM Spart St.. Brockfa. M vm .
No* 39-0«
TYTHKN writing to advertiser«
nient ion thia paper.
"'- av
am-MCl.E TEAM ttoraa. H. 1 and S-lh. Cartons Boruo Bath Powdvr. Violvt Borto Talram
Powder. Boric Spangle«, Boric Acid, Borax aid Soap Powder. "’AKMULE-TE AM” Soap. Queen of
Borax Soap. Borax aid Ixrandry Soap. ^MULE-TEAM” Soap Chip«.
Send for 40-page Catalogue of 1,000 Valuable Premiums We Give Free
For Top« and Wrappers from *20-MULE-TEAM” Borax Products. Y« hi will find many articles of
Household and Personal use that you can obtain ABSOLUTELY FREE. AU you have to do is to