GRANGE EÀV 'í Z/ ' Succeeding Grvtdiani Vindicator. Gresham Govttv. L.a *t Multnomah Rvcorxl, Multnomah Record and Montax ilia Herald. Pu blithe-1 Every Friday at Giwham. Orv., bv the B bavkk S tati P vbusminu C< H. A. DARN ALL. E ditor ano M anaux «. KCEiPTS for subscriptions an’ not •* ’»< unh» rsqueeted The label on your * i »| r wilt huh cate w uhin two weeks the receipt of your remittance If It doee not please notify us O.SCaaT.RUAACtS In keeping with well recognise« I business principle», all »ubscrtptlon * w III be stopped promptly upon expiration of time paid for CllMSf 0 * MMfSS tn ordering change of address give old as well as new address *TS C(M>l$FORM «re wanted tn every community If no correspondence appears front your neighborhood. won are respectfully rvqe »»led to »end us a» many local item» as you can BBUBTUM BATTY I.KUXl. ADVERTISING. mt tn leaded »lx point. hw per Hue first Insertion fee per Im«-each Mbeequent insertion DISI’I ADV I RTlSIXi. No position guarani« ! ** «hr per single column inch each issue. Uberal discount allowed for either time or space adier *. tisement but not both For position (anv site) de per inch additional *. RKADKR * It rer line first insertion V ret line each subsequent tnaervion. L a X a LI ("ant Column only) Ic a word each Issue.counthu two figures an initial or an abbrvriation a» one wont No local accepted for lea» than I cento *h»N rKOFKJ ALCARD« tone inch). 2 w each i»»ue CARD6OF THAN KM (not eaceed ins two itH'hes). Mi cents I.FTTKRS OF roNPOLKNt K (not exceeding tour inches) II OHITVAR1KS for actual subscribers or members of their families, up to KV words, free all over h» wonts. Ic a word (invariably la advance). Count the words and remit acvordingly All Utdge. Grange. School. Church, or other notices or advertisements of socials, parties dances. coiHwrto, theatricaU. etc given for a profit, charged for at regular rates In order to insure change of ad advertisers must have copy In thia offi not later that’ Tuesday preceding day of publication. SVBSCttFTigg BATH Per Year 1150 strictly in advance, to foreign countries Sn Months sv Three months trial subscription» Single copies V \>k for clubbing rates BfainABCH should be sent by Express or Poetoffice Money Order. Registered fetter or Check Stamps accepted up to 50cento Jtt NUBTIBB is our SMX'ialty. We are well equipped to do the beat work at current prices Especially farmer» * and businrka men s Letter Heads, Envelopes. Rutter XX rapn-r». Rtatenients • »mall or large quantities. Auction Bills. Dodgers. Posters, etc., printed on » Kntered as second-class matter at the poetoffice at Gresham. Oregon. EDITORIAL COMMENT Recent chanjres in mail routes at Boring and Orient have caused a little trouble about the delivery of papers. Be patient. Matters will be adjusted in time so all will be satisfactory. If you do not get your paper let us know at once. It has been very gratifying to have so many of our subscribers renew their subscriptions this week and to enroll a few new ones. Among those who appre­ ciate The Herald let us mention the names of G. B. Middleton. John Freeman, S. B. Johnson, C. A. Wheeler, Mrs. Dan Metz­ ger. G. W. Sager, Mrs. S. J. Jones, Peter Lundine, J. Gist and E. R. Wright. We suggest the business men of the town inject about 16.000 volts of life into the lifeless body commonly known as the Devel­ opment League. Just now such an organization could do a lot of good. The one most serious criticism we heard about the fair proceedings of last year was the lack of organization of the citi­ zens for the purpose of enter­ taining our visitors. It is doubtful if any of the smaller towns in the state have better evidence of prosperity than Gresham right now. A new $10,000 - addition to the school building is nearing completion; five or more residences are being planned and pushed to comple­ tion; a large force of workmen are engaged in work on the Fair grounds, and new restaurants and other business places are be­ ing opened. We hope we are safe in saying that this not a temporary splurge but a step to renewed development of the town and the surrounding coun­ try. Providence is smiling again after a brief series of frowns. Early September is a fine season for the farmer who is thrifty enough to take advantage of the opportunities it offers. Now is the time to gamer the grain and hay the season has produced. Our climate requires safe hous­ ing for both animal and feed. It is a time when the open shed and the leaky roof should be put in shape to give the protection they suggest. This is no time for “Arkansaw philosophy.” The winter season will bring its chill­ ing rain and a high percentage of feed value is lost to the farm­ er who has his feed uncovered and his herds unprotected. The Herald office this week turned out the first issue of The Pacific Grange Bulletin. Those who have seen its predecessors say it is an improvement over either of them. A peculiarity of the new paper to many Oregon patrons will be the advertising introduced, and the vigorous stand taken by our brothers across the line on political ques­ tions. The difference between1 them and ourselves in these mat­ ters is a difference of vigor,— forcefulness, if you please. We Oregon grangers have confined ourselves to attacks on principles and new propositions. The Washington Grange is fighting for better principles and better men. They recognize more clear­ ly than we seem to that good principles will not be put in force by bad men. They are going after the “machine men” in no half-hearted way. They believe in politics but not of the partisan brand. DIRECTORY Oregon State Orange Oftkern. Master. Austin T Huxtoti Forest Grove Central Point Her»«,-i A V Mhuniakr lavtiuvr. J J Johnson Fort lati«l «Upward ‘X A X oil ng Arivi» X-xi-iani Sivwaid > W Maats Aitile /liaplain. ar Katun «Wwvgo I Ua m . and third 8atur- day at T p m PIKASXNT VAIJ.KY GRAN i .K N w -ito Xfeeta svs'«»ml Saturday at 7 p m . anil fourth Saturday at lo a’ a m every month RtM'KWtXOD tiRANUK Meets the first Wed *day ne of each month at M p m and third Sat­ urday at t«» a ui FAIRVIKXX GRXNGK Meets first Wednaa- lav at 10.30a m th ml T uvula y evening at « oVtark.. va«-h month RLSSEI LVII.I.E GRANGE NOAM Meets tn Russellville -ch«»olhvus# on the -econd an«t fourth Saturday nights in each month EX r \ l\ sr \R ».R xN.,1 Meets In their hall at South Mount rabor on the tlrst Satur iav of awch tnoiitii st 10 a m All visitors are welcome GRESH AM GRANGE * Meet second Satur­ day in each mouth at 10 *> a m DAM xset >* «.R IXHK. no J6 *> Meets first Saturday each month LENTS GRAV’-E Meet» second Saturday of each month at 10 an a m < LACK AM As t.R XN«.E Nil Meets the ffr«t MatuMay in the nvt.lh at IV * >a m and the third Saturday at 7 A) p m COLt MR! X «.R KN..E NO >? Meets tn all lay »v *.si.»n *t rtr Saturday in each month m grange hall n««ar Corbett Fred I). Flora “EVERVTHINU IN JEWIXI RV" Itti .Morrixxi Sirvet PORTI.ANI». - - OREGON IM- ¡«art me nt of th»- Interior. I’nlt««! Mtat«-» iMnd Office al Portland Oregon, August 7th. 180 NOTD’E 1« hereby given that Lena Mtayner. • >f Portland. Oregon, wh«» on August 7th, PAW, made Timber application No. • rjiM, for w | j <,f ME i i and ME I i of ME ! 4. m .•< tion 10 Township 1 north. Range a east. Wil lamettr Meridian, has til«-«! noli«-«- of Intention to makr Final Pr«»«d. to establish claim to the land above de»crlb«Mi, t«efore th« Register and Re«-eiver. I '.M land <>ffi« e at Port land. Oregon • >n the xid «lay of October. Its * Claimant names as Witnesses David R Young, of Portland. Oreg«>n. Rtnart A Mtay ner. of P«»rtiand. Oregon . May JacotM of Port land, Oregon, («rorg«- E Jacoba, of Portland, «tregon. ALGERNON M DREHMER Register Notke for Ihiblkation. Department of th«- Interior, r H land Office, at Portland, On gon. A iikum I 7th. lie * NOTICE is hereby given that Htuart A stay ner. <»t P«»rtl»nn, whu «m Atifust 7th, IMS», made TirnlH-r A|>plt«-atl«»ii. N«» e greatly increased when l.dJ Ithat time comes. REMCRBÍR THEM ABE LOWEST CLUB0IB6 RATES The creamery men through their “THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" work. It will win out In the cud.** Sal l an Edticalori "The quality of instruc­ tion given in your school make« it the standard of It, kind 111 the '* jK-tt nil the year. * Reference Students admitted at any time. Notice for Publication. i Department of the Interior, L’. R. land Office, of Portland. Or« , August 4th, I9W NOTICK Is hereby given that George E Jar«»bs. <»f Portland, Oregon, who on August ♦, *, ns made Timber and Htono Application. No. • HIM for M 14 NF. I 4 an«t E I 1 of ME l I M. « tion <» Township 1 north, Range A east, Willamette XferMlan. ha» fll«-«l n»>rl«-» «>f intention m mak»- final proof • -'>»'■ '-I- • iHtm io • above described. Iw-for«- th«- Register an«l R«- reiver at Portland, Oregon, on the 2*Jd day of October, Ivon. Claimant names as witness«-- Rtnart A. Mtayner. of Portland. Oregon ; J II. cunning ham. of Portland, Oregon David R. Young. <4 Portland, Oregon J F. < lark ALGERNON 8 DREfMER, Receiver. Catalogue free. Any sank, any ncwapapcr. any business man In PortUnd. “OREGON BUILDERS” Areyou doin^ what you can to populate your state? OREGON’ NEEDS PEOPLE ■—Settl»»r«. h«»n«Tit farmcni, ni« *- . * rhaniv «’I« *rk«, with brain», atr<»iig hand« nnd 4 willing h« art—rnpital or no rnpitdl. Ihe Oregon R l»r inirreated in Im * *' »fat» W«« will lie glad to Iw-ar the •• xj»«-n. *« L»t ««»nding then» »••un|»l«,te information alwuit OREGON and it« opportunities. nii'l CHToßEU fn.iii ili« East i • - .ill 1« tinta in Orv^'ii The far«»« from a few prill»' i| * : »l rili.'i. ur« * From ” ” ’’ ” Denver . . . $30.00 Omaha . . . 30.00 Kansas City M,00 St. Leale. . M.B0 Chicago . . , , : m .( mi TICKE IS CAN From Louisville . . $41.70 1 » Cincinnatti. 42.20 » • ' Cleveland . . 44.75 Ths » • New York , 55.00 HE PKEPAID If you want tn bring a friend or relative to Oregon, «lr|»«»«*il the l»n»|><*r amount w ith any of our agent«. The ticket will then l*e furnished by trlegrapb. WM. McMURRAY Portland, Ore. General Paaaenger Agent. ■ O KT f BIT M ■ 11 ucNTom [1 !* ■ and «1 i • t r I < t to r»wlBl» ■ rule an«l rihilat a i T4 m i by us. Our a r »/ojfrr a! e«K e. ----- ---------------- *----- -—rr-TT------------ »-------------- -,-JM1 approve«rf yvur McyrI» Weahip o any«ma. anywhere in the IJ. S. without a eent »tegoui in advance, gregay freight, and llU»w T .N * DAB S’ Flll-.K TIC! A I. iM>t wish to ep the inc y «le ihip it La« k to us at our eipenaa arui »eu will net be eut ene tent. FACTfiRV PPIPF^ x'* )urT,'a,‘ th« lugheat gratia brtytlea it ia pueatble to maka r Avium miwb« 4( one amali profit alaivc actual fa« tory coat You save *u> to mitici lamen'a profita by I mjv i ng ge. tal offerì tn rhirr agents. YOU Will RF A^TORRUm when v'”‘ ■» *• « * our beautiful catalogua and I Uli WILL DC miURIÒNtU studr our WI|-.rb modal, st the wender/nlty eSSSgruet we can make you thia year. We aell the higlteat grade hicvt 1rs fftr lesa money, I , than any other fat tory. We arr aamfird with |t .. profit al»-ve (a< n>ry < oat. . — 11W] 1X1 « Y( t K I »» X I I UM, ftm am Bell «»ur btcy< lea under your own name plata at 11 ¡^w doubla ’Our i ^M|J w MlíOONI» Il INI» in» I. i - m . V. a do not regularly handle second hand bicycles, but usually have a num lx » on hand taken in traile by our t hi. iKo r«-u ; at .rr« I hr»« * « «lea/ out promptly at ranging from •:» to • * «>r •!<>. Daernptive Ikargsin ier vouchers within »ix month« from the date of this notice to the un­ dersigned at her residence in the Town of Gresham, f'oimty of Multnomah and State of Oregon. II a RKIKT Al.FX ANDRB. Executor <>f the Last Will and Test­ ament of Mary Alexander. Date of first publication, Aug. 7, IIMW, date of last publication, Sept. I. P. fs *. . improper care and wasteful methods of feeding ar« * at present ¡«»tent sources of loss. Waste from the unneces- ( «arv feeding of grain stuffs and west« * * Th« * prir« of TI ip Herald alone is $1.50 I from no feeding at all are common a year, hut to those who would lik< * * th« advantage of a clubbing rat»' with ' errors. The cost of producing is of as other pa|M *ra we offer th» * following much importance to the dairyman as low price«: | the price of th« * product. A few dairy­ “TH NerBM" la comfematio« rffii tty r1 tM 'oilosmr men have solved the problem by the I yr. fi mo». use of home grown crops which they WEEKLY ORFGONfAN 1 r¿ 'M» DAILY OREGGMAS «j» a no I make to succeed one another in such D’LY and MN DAY OREGON! AW a» 4 -M) order that the herd has its cheap, DAILY TELE«.KAM ft.7S 3 00 I succulent green foixl the year round. HEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL 2 Ht *) LA li.W 7 - A H ht 2 «n 3.00 2«0 2 «10 l'O 1 Ttt 1.75 •J 4) 1 fi) * 1.7 For a GOOD timekeeper go to— Notke for Ihiblkation O NOriCIIS. What Time ? lh»t»srtmen! «»f the lntvri«»r, I' > I in«l i»thee nt Portland. OreRun, July Id, I9I1N. Notice ia hereby giv«-n that Gt-«»r)te I. Pcaslee, of------tv ho. on July I’ith, ID > ma le Timlw-r and ^t>»ne applica­ tion N.» g I'«'. for S of NW t|. s«a‘tion 13. Townahip 1 North. Kangt- •» F.ast, Wiliam He Mei id an haa tih-r»,i»i»n, lutntl < Mlicc, on the eighth tiny of Oct«»ln r, * IU »* Claimant nam -« * a- witnrH « * ”« i’liarh n Cooju’y of Portland, <>r.-g»»u ; J«»-«’t»h K <’«M»|H-yo( Portlan«!. <>reR«>n; F«lwrnrd Triikvv <«f Palmer, On-gon; enr * <» Heintz «»f Portland. ’ M ”• A lokmson S. H rkjsskh . Register First publication Aug 7 ; la t * pub­ hint ion < k t. 2. At a time like this, when the public welfare is at stake, it is F all the various resources which important that self be forgotten arc al present lieing de% eloped * in in the desire to promote the gen­ ■ xir »tate n«me ia of greater import­ eral good. The fact that some ance than the dairy industry. Be­ detail of plans is unsatisfactory cause «»f it« «table character, because • d its certainty and lack of chance, lie­ to us personally should not justi­ cause of it* unen«ling existence, lie­ fy us in doing a thing or utter­ cause of its tendency to enrich rather ing a word. that, going abroad, than impoverish our fundamental will prevent the development or source of wealth—the soil, it is easily t * importance to the gr« at * class plans that ultimately must bring of tir of our people who »lerive their profit beneficial results. from supplying the world with focal. Now some things have been Hani times may greatly reduce the done right here in Gresham in consumption of luxuries, adverse reference to public matters that weather may «lvstr«»y many crops, cer­ might have been done more sat­ tain methods of agriculture may de- the soil of its producing »¡ual- isfactorily to ourselves if time j ■ prive ities. our timber rnay in time tie ex­ had allowed for maturer consid­ hausted and our mines may be gutted eration, but action was neces­ ' of their store of wealth, but we are sary. Delay would have meant fortunate, indeed, very fortunate in sure loss of opportunity. In the having a state which is especially to the pursuit of an industry face of these conditions we must adapted which ii unfailing and which will la-t not contend for our personal as lu as the gnat natural laws views, notions or plans, but ac­ them1 I * have »levcloj>ed their r» *- cept that which will get a final Nation result something similar to that «ourc'-s and «c-ttled back to a depenect it to inc ream * and the rea­ the wheel and everybody PUSH sons briefly are these: Conditions arv to make this year’s fall fair and not favorable to the continuance of festival a complete success. Get agriculture as it was formerly con- enthusiastic. We have a lot for . ducted here, ami dairying is one of which to be thankful. Have you the most inviting fields to which the farmer of the old school ran turn. stopped to think of that? Well, Furthermore, dairying up to the pres- we have. We have a fine farm­ I ent has not been conducted upon an ing country around us, good intelligent or scientific basis. Thous­ crops, good markets, good roads, ands of «lollars are being lost annually good climate, and generally a | to the state because the average Ore­ gon dairy cow is not up to the stand­ good healthy, vigorous people. ard she should be. Thia condition We, all of us, from the Sandy would gradually remedy itself an«l ev­ west, held a successful fair here ery effort is bring put forth to en­ last year. We can do it again, courage and hasten the change for the and better. Experience counts. , Ix’tter. Along with the inferior cows, CHl'RCH I INN! M WN Ml MORI II M F .Dimers MutualF.R.A. CHI Ki ll. Gresham- P xstiui , Dr A Thoni|NM>u. S knxh as, Bunday Rchuol. | IU a. m.; Preaching at II a m. ami O'.ruo‘<. Muiual Fire Krll.t VM’aet l-ortlah>« ! I* Rev. S. (’. Shvrril S krvickm , S uii «I hv ' S« h»M»|, 10 a. m ; Morning nervier. II a. in ; Evening aerxice, H p. in. CorvAlli», Oregon EverylMMly itiviltMl. Often i-ollcRlate i-our.e, in Agricul­ I-I.l ASANT home HAITIST CHAr- El., »'«.Itrrll, Or». I'.« tom . H«-v S ture, including Agronomy, llorticiillure, C. Sherrill S rhvicu , Sunday m -I kh .I, , Animal 11 y, Hairy 11 uaban.lry, 3 |> in ; I'nwIiiiiK. I j». iii . Every­ etc. j Forestry; !>omr»tic Science and body invited. Art, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical ami ZION'S EVANGELICAL CIICRCII,! Mining Engineering ; Commerce ; Phar­ tinwham— S kkvii a. (German), 10 . macy » tn., every flrat, third and tilth Sun- Offer« eleineiHary couraee in Agri­ dayn id each month. All weli-omc. culture, Forestry, Ihinieatli' ♦ iciice ami SAINT MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC Art. Cumiiierve »ml Mechanical Aria, CHI'KCH, Sandy, Ore —Kev llervh- 1 including forge wurk. cabinet making, told Ihirrvr. Service» will lie held on i steam Utting, plumbing, imu'liine wore, the tlmt Siimiav id each month at etc. 10:» a. m. Strong faculty, im.lern equipment, * Tiding all are willing to accept it. After all it is the man who is •lie- reeding that in the great source of en­ couragement and the great factor in development. Here and there, lie- coming more ami more numerous, are practical dairymen who art * making splendid incomes from their biialnraa. They prove Iteyond question the pus- sibilitica of the occupation. With one of the lw *«t markets in the world at hand, and with con lith»ns * favorable in every respect, ami with nothing lacking but a higher intelli­ gence ami more scientific methods <>n the part of thene engaged in the busi­ ness. we may well look tor a contin­ ued and rapid growth in our dairy in­ i dustry.— Paul V. Marin, in The Pacific Grange Bulletin. CTURE-PROOF A SAMPLE PAIR gl 1 TO IKIPOOUOl. OHL V Thf rigttlar retail of thru ttm ti j * Jd ger gatr, but to mtroduie we wilt X X ull you a iaMg legate tor $4./t0((aib wilhorder A| ■0 MONETIOIBLE FROM PUMCTURfS | NAtLN, Tarka nr OlaM will not let the ■ air out. Sixty thou»»n<1 pair» n«»l«1 last year. W a' Over two hundred thouMnd pair» now in u»r. > O^9O99lPTIOMt Madeinalf»!«»« It lx lively I •nd easy 1 iding.verydurableand lined inaUJc with * • special quality of rubber, which never lirconir» Cotto and which cloars up »mall punctures without allow- Not Ira the thick rubiter tread the air to escape. We have hundrrdaofletter»froma»ti»- ** ••A and puncture atrip» ••IB” hrdcuatomera stating that their tire» haveouly Item pumped •nd M 13,’* al»n rim »trip •• It ** uponca or twice in a whole araaon. They weigh no more than to prevent rim rutting. Thia an ordinary tire, the puncture reaiMingfiuairtirabringgiven tire will outlaat any other by aeveral layers of thin ape< lolly prejiare.! fabric on the n»«l»e SOFT, ELASTIC and tread The ulwr price of these tires isy» y> ja-r pair,but for 1 un Kinixf. sdvertiaing purposes we are ninkine a ajx. ial factory price to the rider of only U per pair. All orders ahlpped •Rtnr «11 <|»y ’. l ,____ _________ r C. O. D. on letter _ 1» received. We ».,. »hip J • strictly as represented. _ 1________ s approval. You do not nav a rent until you have examined and found — them We will allow a rash dlaeount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price •4.5ft per pair) if you •end FULL CAMH WITH Olll>BCH and enclose thia advertisement. We will al *«» send one nickel plated braaa hand pump. Tlreato i»e returned at OUK expense If for any reason they »re n«»t satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable nnd money sent to us is as safe • * in a bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will And that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer an»l look finer than any tire you have ever used or srm at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle yo»i will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. ag> AJCffl »'“Y «ny kin«l at nny pru c until you sen«! for a pair of * •v • fvCCl# a frifcO liedgethorn Puncture-1 *rf tires «»n approval and ttial nt the special introductory price quoted above or yrrite for our big Tire an