GRESHAM, MULTNOMAH CO., OREOON, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1908 Subscription, $1.50 a Year. 400 U. S. CAVAIRYME N ENCAMP Al GRESHAM daybreak lor Vancouver arriving there that day and ia »pile ol the IM) hour» loot on account of heat, they were tbe fir»I troops to reach Vancouver, from I where they will lake passage for the en­ campment at American lake, Wuh. SANDY VALLEY’S RESOURCES NEED ONLY BE SEEN TO CONVINCE ONE City Full of Soldiers Monday Greslwm Party (limb Ml. Hood and Residents Get a View The Great Need is Settlers to Reap the Benefits of This Product­ A Gresham party consisting of F. B. I of Army Maneuvers. ive Section —Wider Publicity Needed — Most Pictur­ Hluart, Chaa. Merrill, Emil Kanlell, F. W and Arthur Fieldhouse, Jart of the week on a trip Io there they came down l*owell at reel in I Ml. Hood. The report I» that Mr. Htu- a oloud ol dual, 4UU strung. The cal- art was tlie only member of the |>arty vacads wan comp* wed of troop», A, 11, C heroic enough or physically qualified and D of the Fourteenth Cavalry from ; to complete tlie trip. Home of them Fort Wall Walla and wan under the went as tar aa Crater Kock ami got a command of Captain Pope. They went smell of the underworld, ami have re- into camp )u»t outside nf town on Chas lurried to lead a new ami lielter life. Just one thing i» necessary to make npemrrit, Afterward its agricultural eaatern Multnomah aud Handy Valley products will continue to enrich it« citi- It ia e>iuallv famous with any other aectloo sen» fur the »oil is rich and dayp. In thia atate or any state lor that mat­ not so rough a» to wear by washing and ter, and that thing ia proper apprecia­ rsaannable rotation of cro|« will raoder tion by the citizens of those localities ol it perpetually productive. One thing we were »boot to overlook, the merits of their couutry and liberal advertising. The latter a ill 1« -fleeted that is tbe remarkably fine lot of good somewhat in time by lhe tourist» who roads that intersect all tbi» country. mu»t M*e the tin- farm», and residence» Tbev »peak for Ilia energy and enter- that adorn them, while on their way to | prise of lhe gommunitieo as scarcely no the mountains. But on» ba» to get | other thing could. Over half the battle ! away from tlie m«in-tr«veled road to again»! tlie wddcrneea in won when it is | appreciate the extent of this production |>wree*l with these arteriea of cummer- ' area, nut half of which baa yet lieen re­ i cial ami aocial life. Tfieii lhe menic advantage« must duced Io a condition of cultivation. Away back from the rood you will liml ! , not 1« overlooked. Toe dweller on the nice house», good barn» ami field» rich i ulaius glories in its vaslnew, its alienee in bay, grain, K-getald»» and orchard» ami it» gorgeous sunsets. Tile people Uiat have been producing the finest ol , of Uiia Place are enthralled by the grai • fruit» since long liefore many of ns ever I i d<-ur of our wide valleys, oor rushing dreamed of seeing Oregon. Abundance stream» and water falls, the picturesque ol gra»» »upfiort» unnumbered home i gleu» and the beauty of the sunset glow daifite» and several iin|»>rtant dairying | on our mountain peaks. What we need in»lituR|m» have developed a large : most of all is people,—¡«ople to occupy w holt-sale ami retail trade, moat of their llie unbroken laud, people to assist in pro I net» la-ing »ent to Portland and i ; building new homes, |>eople to enjoy more di»tant markets. Poultry raising tlie blessing» Providence has so liberally and the prolui-Uon of honey may be («stowed. Tell your friends every­ counted as important source« of income where all about it. Send them ail tbe ami the forest areas »till »upply lumlier, information you can, the local pa|«rs, posts, telephone pole» ami fuel. ! advertising matter, anything to gain This country is pajing for it» devei- I their presence in thia growing locality. Vol. 4. engineer of Portland, haa receotly moved to bin place Booth of Greaham. ' The place was bought about a year ago of Mr. Weasey. Mr. Hniithson expect» to keep op with the timen and ao se­ cures the help of tbe “Popular Home Weekly.” No. 31 SANDY CHERRY TREE beats M c M innville 8. C. Jooee and family have gone to Welche« for an outing. Rev. David M. Cathey preached at Firat Free Methodist church in Portland laat Sunday. The Oregonian recently published tbe C. W. Doane ami aon Albert left »lory of a remarkable cherry tree but Thuraday for the harvest field» at Kent, we do not have to go to McMinnville to Oregon. see tbe most wonderful cherry tree in C. O. Merrill and family left Thura­ Oregon. Right out in Eastern Mult­ day for their summer home at Welche» nomah down in tbe valier two miles where they will spend tbe summer. north of Sandy ia tlie tiorne ni Francis Tb« Greaham Concert Band will ren­ Revenue He came to the place der an open air concert at the baud about 52 yearn ago and started the clear- U 8ID1 N< I I R| IH Kt ( VI xANDY MH"* < ■ Cleveland's place and gam lhe people a view <4 a real army camp. The l*ig |«» lure wa» covered wltli tent», wagons, gun» ami oilier a-ticlm of warfare and the 1IM) cavalry horses attracted no little attention. The »ight of the 4”o mounted cavalry­ men an they rode into town followed by 10 commi«ariea and a hospital wagon, all drawn by four big mulen (I'ncle Sam‘a la-el friend») »»• worth seeing. To the »mall l»»v it seemed »» if tin* ■toriea hi« grahdlather had ao often told were happening right Indore hi» very rye», w bile to the old veteran him­ self it brought back remembrance» of lhe davn of 'III, and one could •••» the pride hi* fell in hie eye». In the evening the military Imml gave a concert that wan higlilv appreciated. The men are all very promt of their liand and well they inav lie, for it won first prize at the national encampment last year. The officer» and men were very court­ eous to the many visitors ami willingly »bowed them all al»>ut ami explained the meclianiam of the big ia|nd fire guns and other held piece». To a Herald re|iorter tbe soldiers told many tale« and adventure» of their 91M- mile march aero»» the mountain» Often- time comfielled to constiucl their own roads, swimming streams, building bridge», drawing the wagon» up cliff» liy hand, and at one time while crossing the plain», they were 110 hour» without water, only such a» they secured from a »mall |»>nd that w«i so muddy the hornen would not drink it at tint. They left Tuesday morning coon after stand on Main street Saturday night, iog that has l«ea home to him ever and continuing through the summer since. Forty-five rears ago be grafted every Saturday evening. a Royal Ann twig on a seedling of his Mrs. Ford Metzger returned this own planting. It has grown to be a week fr >m a visit with her sister in giant cherry tree seven feet, one ineb in 1 circumference four feet from the Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Heighton of Sell­ ground. The writer would have hardly wood visited Mr. and Mrs, Max Davies I believed it but he witnessed the meas­ uring. It is loaded with cherries up to Tues* lay. A. C. Newell, the nurseryman, was a the Royal Anp standard. This remark­ able tree has not grown upward so Gresham visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Schultx have moved 1 much as outward ami is an Meal tree from their place on Main street to the i for the cherry picker, its numerous place receotly puachaseil from Al Hart. I branches extending in all directions The house on Main street is receiving and spreading fully 55 feet across. Mr. »«venue still lives to enjoy the a coat of paint this week. fruit of his planting although he too Mr». John Schram of Highland is vis­ haa reached a remarkable age, being in iting friends here. his *?'th year. He is quite active and Fire .starting in a defective flue picks his own taste ot cherries as he burned the house occupied by Chas. | cnooses. He has lieen enjoying a visit Ulin near Jenne station Wednesdav. from his son from Baker City whom he lias not seen for 12 years. Sometime Mr. Ulin lost some household articles. we hot« to show a picture of this age.1 We will do all we can to help them along. The climate ia re|»>rtel, 10 n. m.: Preaching at II a. m. and X p. m. every Sunday. Prayer meet­ ing, Thursday evenings al x o'clock. Everybody invited. EREE METHODIST C II I'RUH — Rev. s. li. Horan, pastor. Services, WHERE SPECKI.EO BEAUTIES Hitmlay H c I iimi I, K*a. in ; I’rcucliing every Sunday at II a in. and x p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at Mich., and Miss Ella Cody of Vancon- ; X o'clock. All welcomed. ver. Wash., are guests of their uncle. P. 1 PLEASANT HOME BAPTIST C. Cotliua. i C HU Ill'll. Cidlrell, Ore.—P astos . Rev. S. (', Sherril. SnavicKH, Sunday During the month ol Augunt the C. D. Cathey made a flying trip to C ’ Hcbool, III a. in.; Morning nervier, 11 a. m ; Evening service, x p. in. ¡Greaham rending room willl lie open the metropolis Monday morning. 11 > ; Everybody invited. | from 7 p. m. to H p. m. every evening. ! < > Gust Carlson has returned from his 1 > PLEASANT HOME BAPTIST UIIAr- I It will not be o | h - u during the alter- visit to Iowa and is now located again i > EL, Cottrell. Orc.— P ihtox . Hoy. S. | noon. near Gresham. He bought the Mil-[ C. Sherrill. Sravu k », Sunday nchool, Mr. ami W. Metzger are .1 p. in.; Preaching, t p. m. Every­ stead farm where he will live. He re- 1 ' i » »pending a at Seaside thia body invited. |>ort» a pleasant trip. 11 > week. i > ZION’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Alva Hevel is repairing hi« separator ( ♦ Mr. and Mr». G. W. Kenney are so- G re» ha tn—S khvick « (German), 10:110 and getting ready for fall threshing. : $ a m„ every IImt. third and tilth Sun­ journeying at Seaside day» of each month. All welcome. J. I Smithson, formerly a locomotive | ♦< Mi»» Elvie Collins of Grand Rapids, GRESHAM LOCALS BANK MONEY ORDER POSTOFFICE or EXPRESS ORDER 2 Only one emloraement allowed. » » an dealred. If order font, no delay in obtain­ ing new one or having money refunded. 4 No limit an to time necessary to present. 9 Payable anywhere. Can l>e used to transmit money again and again an long an room for endoraeinenta. Costa..............Ac for »15; 10c for »100 Written application must I m * made 4 « If order loot must he referred to Department at Waahington or to headquarter» of Express Co. Not giMMl after certain limited time. Pavable only at one n|H*citied place. Can be lined for * transmitting money once only. Costa 10c for »15 ; 90c for «1«) FIRST STATE BANK GRESHAM, OPE. I F'ne Hand-Painted Table Sets. ware. MILLINERY A Few *tar*alns aJ/l IK/U k J • Also J’ Early to Secure a SUMMER SHOES at 20 per cent off t;