TROUTDALE BORNSTEDT & RUEfiG TROUTDALE, Ore., June 9. — Mr«. Henry Richardson has lawn entertain­ ing Mrs. Handy Hkhardaoo, daughter and son, ol Baker City. IF YOU ARE HqiNll TO BUY A MO W KK OIC HAKE tlite «miHiivr, Call » wm I let uv «li«»w you tb« vuprrlor ¡«»hil^of th* THOMAS Tlils Mower i» CROWN MOWER Mr. and Mrs. Fisher ami Mrs. Rosa of Markollo, Ore., were gueata of Mrs. H. Isigau Friday. f NO1 MADI! HV THE TRUST aml haa sotue good poinlv tim Iriml iiiowor» I imvh not. Harry W,s»l haa moved his family to Grveham where he haa gone into the liarlier simp formerly owned by Robert I Childers, THERE IH BI T ONE 'WASHIN8 MACHINE Illi ••ISSO** ASK ANY LADY M im Alice Courier ut Latourell viaile«l her sister, Mrs. J. Allred Ltrson, laut weef and tbe two attend««! the ro*e (eelival. Wllo I)HEN ONE We liuto aeeurud the agency (or Mrs Grace Morris of The Dalles haa been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Allard. L ‘ Pittsburg Perfect Fencing Mrs. Endicott uiuve«J from Troutdale to lamts Tuesday. Him will be in la-nta Ibis suiiimer. SANDY Mr. Clutterham has been promote«! from tbe meat . Hubbard expects to leave in a lew days tor tbe East to visit relatives. Mrs. F. I*. Hubbard entertained Mrs. Johnson of Greahaui last Friday. Firat-cteiui accommodation« Uumrarrlal traile solicited Giran I hm I « and guud tura I m Chris llampeliire is spending some tune with relatives at Washougal. The threatem-d trouble between em­ ployer ami employee of tbe I nion Meat company, which exisle«! laat week owing to a rumor that Greeks were to be taken on aa butchers, haa subebied. Issd Stabi« il C iimc I ìm CASPER JUNKER, Prop. Oregon Sandy, Harry Dell of Heilw«»»l viaited (Tend Hleveris Hatur«lay. Mrs- Dell, who haa jual umlergoiie an operation for appen­ dicitis, ia improving. The l*ella were former residents of Troutdale. Aaron Fox :: Troutdale, Oregon I’KiirM IM Everythinq Needed in the Heme Everythin«) Needed on the Farm Phone tor Prices, Phone lor Goods — Phone Fanners 281 I j { ■ Mrs. Frank Brannigan and son expect to leave next week for California where they will visit several «lays before going East. Mrs. Ray Surlier has been visiting her pr.renta at Pleasant Home. Mrs. Hannah Fuchs and niece, Salma Fox, spent Monday in Portland. Imlpli ami Glenn Vanlfever iiave gone to Wardner, Idaho, to visit rela­ tive«. Albert Fox is in charge of Troutdale public library. Mrs. McCannon, who has been librian. has lieen to Portland to have a cancer removed from lies mouth. JOHN BROWN’S STORE FAIRVIEW CHI KKYVIttE LUSrtDS RELIABLE and ECONOMIC Miss Mary Waes|>e has returned home ' Mr. Wiblon visited th« metropolis LNWKHKIM, PAKIORS from Portland. Monday. Elijah Coleman has sent several men i George Lusted Mill a load of gooae- B. W. BMIIY, Pftor. UIUINHAM, Oftl. to o|sm up the Barlow roa«l over the ! All call« will reealv« prompt and berriea to market Tueaday. FAIRVIEW Ore., Jun»- 9 Fairview careful attention. 1 mountains. Pllune 147; gee Phone 140 J. B Lent made a trip to Portland City council held a a|*ctei iiievling laat The farmers ot Cherryville and vicin-1 one day thia week. • •••••••••••••••ft Thursday evening. An ordinance regu­ lating the bond» of the treasurer, re­ ily will meet next Haturdav (or the pur- ’ -Mr». Moore of McMinnville and Mr». corder and marahall read and |s»e of organizing a telephone company, I Brown ot Sheridan viaited Mr. and Mr». They intend building a line from Handy adopted. A petition to improve Cedar Di Andre a few daya recently. alreet (rum Fairview road. »••at to Pi- to Handy, Cherryville, Haluion ami Mi«« Olive Lusted who haa Imen vieil- Welches. vlaion atroet, waa accept«11 and Council- ing friend« and relative» in Portland for Win. Stone is very ill with pneu ­ uien J. Ltmchvr and W. F« Hi son appoint- the pant week, returned borne Tuesday. «1 to govern the petition. An ordi­ monia. Her aunt, Mr». L. T. Lusted, of Green- nance of rule# to govern the council was A. It. Brooke of Three-Hix visited in am accompanied her. read. J. A. Cathron wax gi v«*n the oath Cherryville Sumlay. Henry Wiblon bad tbe misfortiine to ol olHce HM marshall. Napoleon Davis V. II. Tapp, II. I. Chalker ami Wm. cut Ilia band in the aaw at tbe niill re­ was aeleeted aa attorney for Fairview H. Reuyan have gone to look at Harney , cently but not seriously. The offer of J. M. Davit of hi« hall oodnty. Mrs. Millateail made a busiuesa trip fur the council meeting* free, except Miss Maliel Friel is ill w ith erysipelas.;, to Portland Monday. fur coat of light ami fuel, was accepted. Rev. H W. Exon preached at Cherry­ Orin Dunbar of Joseph, Ore., vim ted ville at 3 p. m. Hunday. Hereafter he hia parents, D. H. DuftLar amj wife. KELSO will hol«l services the first ami third last week. Sunday of the month at •! p. in. The K«I m > school will cioae Friday, A. 1«. Stone M|a»nt Thomd.»y in I’ort- Tbe children of Cherryville gave an June lVth. tend. There will 1« an ice cream social at entertainment Sumlay evening which tbe Kelso schoolhouse Friday evening, was well attended. Mrs. W. A. Townsend ha- ls-en quite June HI, with a program by tire school. ill with the mumps. Services were held last Sunday in tbe Mi»» Daisy Wilcox of Portland passe-1 Lutheran cliurch by Rev. Mr. Hague» ot Sunday with her father in I-urview. Mr. Black burn and daughter, Miss Portland. Miss Cora Anderson spent Friday and i Iva, are doing excelb-nt work in tlie Chas. Bailey ia making preparations Saturday in Portland. phot-.graphing line. They have a tine (or building a blacksmith and repair Mrs. Amamla Clark ami gramlsoti, : collection of pictures taken at the auto shop at Kelso. Clark Stillion, »|«enl Monday in Port­ race». H. Francis is fencing for Robert Jon«- land. Mrs. Ball has !>een in Portland for rud. Mrs. G. O. Dolph and daughter Mura tbe past week. Her son Warren ia the Bert Jonsrud ia ill with rheumatism. »(»■tit last week with the latter's dough- | happy cook, Tbe Kelso l«aeball team played a ! (Farmer« Mutuai Fire ReUsf .Ws'not Purttaml) ter, Mrs. Pearl Jenkins, in Portlaud. Through the courtesy of tiie Cottrell game ol ball Sunday afternoon. Ernest Thompson and i >n Allen »1 Amat< ur Drama club, the Orient peo­ Among those who visited tbe rose CONSERVATIVE, STRONG, SAFE tiresham male a busineas trip to Fair­ ple will Iiave the privilige to listen to (estival iu Portland last week were Geo. view one day last week. “To|>sy Turvy,” a«-oine>ly iu three acts, PROMIT. CHEAP Maronev and family, Albert Jonsrud, Mis« Ellie Flanery haa ts'-n «pending on Haturday, May 13th. Mi»» Kline and Mrs. J. Eri. Apply to H. W. Snashall, Pres. Lewis Smith of Portland was siren on a few «lays at her home at < laekainas. A band of Gypsies camped here for Gresham. Ore. ' our streets lately. Mi»« Flanery is »fiemiing the summer several days last week, buying and sell­ Write to J. J. Kern, Secretary. with her aunt, Mr». Washburn. Wm. Hudson was seriously injured in ing horses. Gilbert Jonsrud sold a 060 E. Yamhill at., Portland Rev. W. T. Scott is spending the a disastrous runaway down the Radford horse to them. week at Hiirlluirt looking after tin i bill. building of the new Presbyterian church i Rea«l the want ads on last page. GAGE at that place. : COTTICELI. I insure MituIF.R.A. in the I Eormorc dl lllui 0 aFaraers' O. J. Jenkins, Izruis Kumneraml Win PUMLL VAILE Y Ashcraft, who were injured in the car Rev. C. J. lienLanl of Portland will acci'lent at Troublale last w«i-k, are all recovering Mr. Ktinmer «-2|>e« ts to re-1 preach in the Lutheran cliurch, June 14. turn to bis home from the hospital this at 3 p. m. week. The otliers were cared for at The Ladies Mission soewty will meet i their homes. at the home of A. C. Sward's Saturday, | Everybtxiy cor-1 C, Crandall, son of Re« C. E. Cran­ June 13th, at 1 p. tn. dall, who ha«l charge of the Methodist dially invited. church here last year, was »«-en on bis The Young Peoples society will meet I way to the lioine of his father in Spear­ in the Lutheran church on Hunday, head, South Dakota, ami said he had June 14, at 8 p. in. A goal program is received word that hie eist- r. Mias Cloe to lie rendered. Crandall, was not expected to live. Mr. Lin«|ui»t has Imught three acres LOW RATES Tbe Columbia baseball team defeated the Laiourell Falla team in a very inter­ esting game Sunday, June 7, on tbe Col­ umbia field at this place, the acore be­ ing 7 to 14. After six innings had been placed, the Columbia talked of putting in a scrub pitcher from the Corbett team which would meant their defeat. The Columbia« will play tbe Portland Gun chib of Gresham on the 14th at this place. EAST THIS SEASON HERALD BARGAIN COUNTER Southern Pacific Co.. Lines in Oreyon Wil] be ma«le by the Oregon Railroad i Navk)dtiound ham­ the hmt of July. Mm. btntie * three Kansas City...» 60.00...................... 75.00 mer lie is now «-om»iilere«l the liest sons, who are attending ««tern colJegeft, I Mm. II. F. Wiblon and children via- Fur Eastern Multnomah anti Ctevkamaa Counlk«. 1 yr. S mo. I hammer thrower in the Northwest ami may return with her to ipend their va- ¡ted at Eagle Creek laat week. WEKKI.T OREGOXIAM »235 •1 ------- 25 TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE DAILY OREOONIAN 3.50 has twice defi-ated the man that hohls Calion. . -M>« Rockwuod, Oregon “The Busy Store” 4.50 D LY and SUNDAY OR1GOXIAX »Sil May 4, 18 Lewie Christianson attended the roee I I he Northwest record. He is a junior S.JO DAILY TELEGRAM . 3 00 June 5. 6, 19, 20 Wm. Byers ami wife left Tuesday fo ‘ fegtival Saturday. in the (Iregon agricultureal colb-ge and 125 SEMI UEFKLY JOURNAL 2.25 July 6, 7, 23, 23 3 00 DAILY JOURNAL 5.SO | has lieen captain of their track1 team atrip up the valley Mrs. Byers will I E. L. Elliott’s little daughter, Ruth, DAILY and BUNDAY JOURNAL S.OU 4 25 August 6, 7, 21, 22 PACIFIC MONTHLY The Portland Railway company hate ' this paid season. His friends are pruml visit relatives at Salem and Indepen­ 1 25 2.1» HIKIHIRI «>( liis his succi-ss which is mostly «111«- to dence while Mr. Byers disposes of a has the mum|». PACIFIC' HOMEBTKAD 1.10 Good for return in 90 «lays with stopover 2.00 had a sulislanlial tamper made al the his determined character and careful 2.00 FARMER 1.14» Mnat every family in thig neighbor­ privileges at pleasure within limits. Henry Wiblon of Aims. J. C. Elliott PACIFIC POULTRY JOURNAL (Monthly) .»5 1 SO band of horses. end o( tlieir road here. They training. hood win* re prewitt rd nt thy ( 'bildrrn’n .65 of Damascus ami Mr. St. John of Port- THE SCHOOL AND HOMEiM’lhl: iniso OREGON AGRICULTURIST.. A5 ____________________ ~___________ l.SO Wiu. Butler and family spent the DON'T FORGET THE DATES Day e«erci«ra given nt the Columbia had danger signals put up al SIMPLE HOME RECIPL'. land are on a hunting tour at Aims. FARM JOURNAL__________________ . 1 50 .65 ing«. week end with friends at Hurlhurt. .45 MCCALL'S MAGAZINE (Ladie»') .1.50 Orangv hall on June 6th. For any further information call on any A nuinlierof people Iron: this vicinity Aaron Fox la loving new »idewalk» Mix Hila Simple. Helpful Recipe at Sylvester llall made a short visit with Local- Agent. The following were Portland visitors This price is for delivery by mail only____ and attended the races Thursday. built along hi« property. Home and Try It, Anyway. only when remittance is made with order. i Or write to his father while he was dow n from Cor­ on Rattiiday and Sunday Mr. and Mr*. Paper* may be sent to separate addresses. wm . M c M urray , vallis to attend the r->se festival tesi Subscriptions may begin at an? time. Evanw and Mian Ago«*« Evan«. Valuable Prizes for New Subscrip­ General Passenger Agent Get from any prescription pharmacist week. oeoeeooeeeoaooewo 'PORTLAND, - OREGON tions! See Ad. on last page. the following: lEftEfttfR TIE« ME imST CEUttiK BATES J. 1». Kerby will leave in a few days A HELI ABLE TIMI.PIECE Is Fluid Extract Dandelion, oiie-lialf C. I». BROOKS A URIiAl CONV I Nil NCI ounce; Coiupoiimi Kargon, one ounce : lor California where he will go into Whatever vour Watch or Cl«» k Compound syrup Sarsaparilla, thrve business. Needs I ran lix II lor you, or il ounces. Mr. McReynolds of Seattle, Wash., vou need a new timepiece (or Shake well in a l»«ttle and take a tea­ home, cltler or |»a'ket u»r I can has been visiting bis sister, Mrs. G. F. spoonful dose after each meal and at supply your needs ami guarantee Shaver. bedtime.. 5üc a Cord COMFORTABLE FREQUENT satisfaction. The alsive is coii»in Uie eliminative 1 N«a<* t'ap'a Krataursxt. L aw rence tis«Ui‘S of the Ri«ni attcml grange# ,/TAr. « Portland T À 15 5 45 L t .... 15 U 15 to tilter and »train _.»ui Uie, wi<-, uefoiwid uric ii«-i«i ami anal will remain with Mrs. Hall (or** teftne-1 55 5 X» 5 JO Golf June . * »11 • I other waste niaitcr fnrtii the blissl Lents June Robbimc, father M 6 » 5 50 5 42 25 4 55 7 25 I 33 11 II S> 11 > 2 . Gates 56 6 24 « » 5 46 M it <■ II 4 43 7 19 I 21 11 11 which causes RRetUnaRasii. * ¡one to Astoria w .Linnemann 6 41 a 6 00 11 12 11 11 4 41 7 It I 21 II 03 Some (mrsons who Buffer with the will work «luring the rummer. Gresham .... • 47 M4 3« 7 M IM 17 12 17 H<eiil Thursday ... . CurritiRville 7 2S 21 3 M I 21 9 22 22 2 52 12 52 ------------------- t jury to tbe stomiu-h or oilier organ». Estacada 7 22 50 5 20 2 50 12 M II O wnkii Bv TlIX Portland. I (.« Ar .. . Casadero 7 IS 9 1« 05 5 » 3 05 1 95 Mix Mime and give it a trial. It cer­ Mr. ami Mrs. A. G. Shastin of Rock­ tainly cornea highly recommended. It n Daily Except Sunday. b Transfer to S c II wamm I Cars for Portland at Golf Links. A. M. figures in Roman. P. M. figures iu black, is the prescription o( an eminent wood, Miss Maud Kennedy and Henry c Special <’ar Leaves Portland Saturday Nights (only) at 11 40 for Gresham,Troutdale and Fairview Returning to Milwaukee Car Barns. authority, whose entire reputation, it Rolli o( Milwaukee, Wis., and Miss Ber­ ia »aid, was established by it. tha Albel were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A druggist hero at home, when asked Martha Lennarts on Saturday. I -tated that lie could either supply the The ladies Home Mission society met I ingredients or mix the preparation for at the home of Mrs. I.ennartx Wednes­ Between Linnemann and Troutdale I our readers, also recommends it aa day harmless. I WESTIO'Jll surra Where lie will stnml Thursday, I Adventist (dmp Meetinq to Be Held Friday forenoon and Saturday. 6 44'» « 10 1« 12 06 2 M 4 34 1 30 7 10 ft 12 1 2B .Linnemann Bruner 9 16 The annual cooferenee of the Wiliam-1 Monday noon («I Tmwlnv noon 6 36 7 57 4 57 11 •7 1 5T 4 27 6 22 7 02 1 »«» 12 Base Une 4 at .1. C. reteraon’a, 2 mi. south of CtfKla. ... 1 IB ette Valley Ailventist Christian associa ­ •• • .V) » *1, 11 61 1 51 4 21 I IB • 5« 7 51 1 M Pleiiaiint Home. Fairview tion will commence a oom p meeting at Davis Tuesday evening to Wednesday Horseshoeing Ready Biding their grounds at Troutdale, June 19, « •4 7 ‘1 noon ut Konmr'a barn, hnniaHi us Troutdale 41 ii 411 41 4 11 • 11 1 50 7 47 I N 11 1908, ami closing July 5. An excellent Friday afternoons at J. Struck- General Repairing program is announced for every day by en’e place. Sandy Road. For Oregon City, Canemah Park and way points, change cars at Golf Juuction. Wagon and Carriage Work the l>eat speakers who can lie obtained. For Lents, Mount Scott and east side points, change cars at Lents Junction. Meals, tents and rooms will be furnished TERMS, $20 TO INSURE •• W. P. MULCHAY, Traffic Agent. at reasonable rates. The petiple are in­ IFAIRVEW, OREGON vite«! to attend. General Offices, First and Alder St»., P ortland , O rxoon . General Merchandise Portland Railway Light & Power Co. Gasoline Wood - Saw RAPID Fred I). Flora 1 Springwater Division DECIDE GRESHAM PERCHERON HORSE ASSOCIATION Troutdale Branch DECIDE WILL HAVE HEADQUARTERS for 1908 at T. BRU66ERS, 6RESHAM J. A. CARTHON Harlow, Blaser & Harlow General TROUTDALE Merchandise OREGON