Next Week The Herald Will Announce an Attractive List of Prizes for New Subscriptions EAVER STATE HERALD G resham O re j J»5yWYFp//44. Volume 4. WIZENS AND SOLDIERS OBSERVE Mí MORIAL DAY GRESHAM, lint* (lass Gradudtcs dt Orient. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, GRISHAM GIANTS WALLUP MONTAVILLA FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 190«. GRESHAM BAND BOYS * WILL BUY UNIFORMS Number 23. 1’opuldr Youmj Couple Wed GRESHAM CITIZENS INSPECT RICH MINES IK) YOU KNOW TI m * grutlGRtinK ex^rriM’« of the Orient A very pretty wedding occurred at the public m *I»« ni I were held in th«« W.O.W. ' Catholic church on Tuesday, May %, The Republican National conven- hall, Tliunwlay night, May JNlli, and ti«»n meet« in Chicago June iti. j th, contracting parties being Henry were *\dl at tended The following are Th<* Democratic convention Perret, a popular young husineea man timet« in Denver, July 7. Muster Roll ol M. A. Ross Post the graduate«: Ida»eii, George The Giants Hold Montavillans Well - Drilled and Organized of riandv and Miss Anna Kliegel, the ea- Go Junketing to Baker City Oregon i« entitled t«* eight dele­ Andvraoiu Irene Douglaa», Harlow U-emed daughter of A. Kliegl of Kelso; at Gresham Shows Strong Down to Nothing Until Mines Where the “Yellow 18-Piece Band, Free From gate« to each of the»e conven­ |N»ugla«M, Adda Calvin, Lmiia ILal«*, The groom was attended by his broth- tions. Post and Relief Corps. Last Inning. Stuff” Waits for Man. Debt — To Give Show. Eunice K«>ork, IVter Ijtraen, Hazel Ier, Arthur Perret and the bridesmaid Elector» are voted on the firwt Harris, I »■on Hal**, Minnie Mhriner, was Miss Marie Kliegl. Rev. F. Bercb- Tuenduv after the Hrat Monday in Win Wbi*eler, Helen Brower, Elmer Novctnuer (3d), The Gresham Giants annexed anoth­ D. M. Roberta and wife, Lewis Shat­ The Gresham Concert Imnd is mak­ tol performed the ceremony according The Memorial Day rterriers held in Bankua. Elector» im*et at the alate capi- er victory to their record laat Sunday to the rite, of the Catholic church. tuck and wife and Ed Mleret and wife tol the «4*cond Moutlay in Jan ­ ing an excellent showing this summer in the G realism Hup lint church la»t Dr. A. Thompson addressed the class when they defeated the Villas of Mull- A large number of relative,and friends returned last Friday from a week’, trip uary ami vote by ballot and the citizens of Gresham have good of the young couple were pt esent at the U j Baker City where Mr. Roberta has The Haturday, under the direction of the and the following program was given tavilla on the home diamond. The vote« are counted by Con- reason to feel proud of the land. Al­ church. After the ceremony the party interest in some mines M. A. R om Poet, sl time and re- attended by ex -aoldirm and citizen« Welcome Addrees, Geo. Anderson; inning, the Villas getting only one bit The President i« to lie inau­ boy« have rerently added a fine mela- sumptuous breakfast awaited them and ! turne______ pitcher __ in ___ the box aud held wa* carried out very nearly as i lannvtL Irene Doiigliow, Recitation, Ixiuia put • • Dan Talbot has recently purchased a I took passage for Portland and the Mound vicinity. The program of «4 »ng» ami recitation« Hale; Muslt*, Orchestra ; t’laas Proph- things down somewhat, The mine they went to see i, the Car­ new trombone and two new members ' cities. ecy, Eunice Roork; Duet, Ida l»ir»vn. i At the end of the ninth inning the dinal Quartz mine at head of the fam­ have been added recently. This brings participate »1 in by the children ami ’ indirectly mad, the li< m *. But alter Irene Douglass; 5'aledictory, Ida lar I scon- was II tol in favor of Gresham, Important Amendments Carried. ous Mtice’s Gulch, about 13 miles from young people, ami the rouging nuiu la* re all the home is tlie most vital factor in the number up to lb pieces, making it sen; Bong; Presenting Diplomas; Class It was a great surprise to the spectators Baker City. The mines are in course by th«’ (Irrsham Concert band, were the making of a community. Th« the largest land in this vicinity. It is The return« show that of the initiative Hong, Music, Orchestra. i when a Villa man made home in the greatly appreciated by the audience home is the foundation of all govern­ also a strictly self-supporting band, and referundiim questions voted on at I of development. A new strike has re- The M*hoi>l has been very successfully 1 last half of the ninth inning with two j cently been made of a vein of free mill­ The chairman of the meeting. Rev. T ment. The children go to church and owning moat of its instruments. the election'last Monday thirteen car­ ing ore of decomposed quartz. Our conducted under the priucipalsliip of j ipen already down The lw»ya are working faithfully in J. Elkin, then intnaluc«*«l the «¡wrtkrr attend school but they live in the home, ried »nd «even were lost. 55'111 Metzger. The battery of Gresliain was Town- i citizens have reason to consider this of the «lay. Rev. Joa. W<« m I, who in a ft is there that they spend most of raising funds for th«* purchase of suit­ Those carried were the following: | send and Marshall. Wirtz, Skarek and short addreaa reminded hi« h4arvni of I their time from infancy to maturity, able uniforms which they rx¡e« l to Gillnetters* Fish Bill. Recall amend, property very promising and think it Townsend made two-ba*> kite for will become the new Eldorado of the ths meaning of the day and the need at land it is there they are subject to in secure soon. ment, Statement No. 1 amendment, i West. Gresham. The Villas made a double On June 13th the land will present present of the same sturdy |>atrioti«m environment, sn intiuence, a training Proportional Representation amend­ play on second. wa wa« ahown by those w ho an«wercd that means their west or their woe. to the public at Gresham the ht »me­ ment, University Appropriation Bill, I The Uianta go to Camas, 55vash., Sun­ talen t show entitled “ Vacation, ” |>ar- Their ideas of life are naturally formed the call to war, Gresham Athletes Commended. I>IEI>—Mr» H a rah Clark, agrd tl7, at day to play the Camas bunch. Wheelmen'» Fish Bill, Port of Portland They At the conclusion of the eXcrvUca the her home «»n the <»l«l Kelly homeatead, very largely from the home surround­ ticipated in entirely by members of the Bill, Corrupt Practice» Bill, Grand Jury In speaking of the recent track meet are confident of victory although the bwd led the line of march to the rem* on Wolneiulay, June *1. IlKH ings, and they will in the end reflect land. It is said that there is rnongh amendment. Hood River county Bill, between the Gresham High school and She wan op|*oaing team is a strong one. real w holesome fun to keep you laugh ­ ctery where the graves of soldiers wgre the mother of Frank Clark, who wan much of what they have found in the Scattering State Institution» Bill, Nov­ the Mt. John's High school the St. ing for a week. It is a big event. ■trewn with flowers. well known in thia locality. The burial The Northwest Gun company's team home. Therefore, the hem*- should I* ember Election Bill, Sheriff's Prisoner« John's Review «ays: Three soldier» have answered tin wan in Grcaliam on Friday, following of Gresham defeated the Pleasant a model institution. The home must There will I m * Rast us, the negro cook “Of course we are sorry that Gresh­ Anal call during the year. They are. brief aervirrt •( the I ioukv in Powell Home tail toam*rs on the latter's field be both a church and a school; the par­ w ith his ever-flap pin’ jaw ; Clancy, the Feeding Bill. am’s pretty girl, and fine young fellows Th.we not carried were: Open Town crazy Irishman; old farmer Obadiah, Merrill Ball. Lon nso Winters. John Valley. B W. Emery wmm the under­ last Sunday. The score was six to three ents must lie rest teachers and must be and his half-witted, bashful son Oby; Bill, Single Tax Bill, Compulsory Pa.» should come over here and carry away Maroone in Gresham's favor. Summary: Pleas­ constantly leaching; there must be taker. and the dude, Brayton. These w ill fur­ Bill, Armory Appropriation Bill, Wom­ so many of the honors; but there is one The M A Ro«» Post is doing nicely g'*od l>ooks ami tbs book, must be used ; ant Home, lames on balls, 4; strikeout, consolation, they were taken by one of and a I««» the Women’s Relief Corj»» the home must be neat, clean and at­ nish comedy to keep your sides aching an Suffrage Bill, legislator»' Increased the brightest and nicest aggregations of The burial of Mn«. Edward«, daughter 0. Gresham, barn on lalls, I ; Iwo las1 Pay Bill, Supreme Court amendment. with laughter. Add to these, a bank Tire following are memliers of th«* Post strike out, I. Batteries: tractive, and there should be beautiful young people that lias visited St.John's of I*. K. William«, look plate iiiGmh- hits, 3; president, a cashier (who turns out a J. B. Bates, commander; Geo, Kneir- and attractive surrounding? ; the home G oy . George Chamberlain delivered in a long time ami we sincerely con­ am cemetery on Friday, June 6, 190S. (ires ham, Buttler and Liltlv|»age; villian), a newspap *r rv¡M»rter, an actor, w t Norwood J 1 must lie filled with an atmosphere of lern, S. \ to the citizen« of Gresham on last Fri­ gratulate them upon the fine showing Mm. Edward« died at her home in St Pleasant Home, Larsen and Larsen. a tramp, and the hero, acting as moun­ N. I.. Judd, clia|4ain; Henry Kane, Umpire. Ceci I Jack. Next Sunday the thoughtful earnestness, g! cheer and day one of thoae little campaign speech­ they made here.” John«, Ore., < mi Wednesday. The ser ­ tain guide, former cashier of the bank. E. G. Rickert, <). I>, ; Thomas lofty ideals. If such conditions are M M ; es which doubtlee« helped to secure for vice •» at the grave were in vharge of 1»r. <»un com|>any'a team play Troutdale at brought about, if they are found to ex­ tiimlrr, Adjt. , Wm. Perlburg. <>.<».; him that coveted majority. The gov­ A. TIioinpMon. B W Finery had charge Gresham. Watch for The Herald's Great Sub­ J. G. Stephens, J. C. Branham. Joseph , ist in all homes, there need be no fear Cdrison & Henderson s Opening. ernor dined at the home of Mr. and scription Contest Offer. See Last of tin* burial. Grllllis, Fdwani Köpper, , E E. Chip** regarding the future ofN.ur country, / Page. Mr«. J. W. Shattuck The Mdklnq of a Community The opening of the new furniture W. IxM ’ kcrby, man, J. Ilcter, <•<»., ' there will be no questions ss to the CARD <>F THANKS. (Bv Gn>aug S iiaxtix .I O. Thouirs. Mile» RI «swing, David standard of its citizenship. Jdst such store and undertaking parlors by Our Wolfe, David Mclatin. The unde reigned de« in* to vxpreaa (Oralion dsllversd al Grv?hani lllsh Hcboot conditions must Ik' encouraged if we are Messrv Carlson A Henderson, in the ) The officor» of tlie M. their h«*arth-lt tlmnk« to the many ' .onilirlx to have a community of the highest new building on Main street, this week Them are four thing» of |iaramount Thursday and Friday, lias been a great Corps are. president, neigh I m » re ami friend« wlio kindly m»- order. importance in th, making of a com­ Crow ; Annie Butes, S 5 A community advances in wealth and success. On Thursday alone about 150 aiah*d them in their recent bereave­ munity—the church, the M-buol, the ort, J. V.; Clara Kan.', ment, the d»*ulh of their ton Robert. increases in population in almost direct |x*rsons registered as visitors. Surprise public library and the home. And ratio to its advancemeiibin its churches, was expressed by everyone at the com­ Hau Chipman, trva.urcr; J. R. (' ampmki i . are still crowded closely sllied to tlieae four element, are waod, chaplain; lsabel Ough. l'on. ; Al < IK C ampbki . l j its schools, new and improved buildings, pleteness of the stock, the many ele­ the character and extent of the local in- — - ■■■ — Hannah Itond, guanl; Amanda Julin- sanitation, streets, beautiful lawns, gant pieces of furniture and the well- duetriee, and the attention given to san­ trees, parks and so fortn. Gresham is e.|ui|>|Hsl undertaking rooms. Mr. sm, Arn't li . Haiti.'55 iiotell, Patrlotic CHURCH NOTICES. itation and to the beautifying of the now an enterprising young town, a Henderson, the new member of the luatructor; May Kmery, Press Cor. ZION'S EVANGELICAL ( III RCH. community. ’ town with a promising future; but its Brill, is an experienced undertaker, Gresham—S ksvi . s» (German), 10:30 The church, since it lias always been having been with Finley A Sons, Port­ a in., every first, (lord and fifth Sun the exponent of civilization, and since it future |>ros|>erity ami standing as a community «ill de|>eiid on what advan­ land, for several years, lie is a skill­ days of each month. All welcome. has made possible the »cliool and tages it offer» to people iu oilier and ful embalmer and thoroughly under­ COMING! COMING! BETIIEI. BAIT1ST CHI'RCH, Greah- am—P astuh . Rev. T. J. Elkin. Baa- other influence, for good, deserve, first less favored climes. Il therefore should stands the directing of funerals.* The Needles. Shuttles and Bobbins for Vu es, Munday M'hool at 10 a ni.; consideration here and consideration be the purpose of the people of Gresham tine new building and modern stock use in All Makes of Sewing Machines. Preaching, II a. in. and 7:30 p. in.; always equally with the other chief and equipment is considered a good it 5 I' I , 7 p tn . every Bunday. (actors that determine the welfare of a to make thia town as attractive as ;*os- WHEN IN NEED CALL MAIN STREET - GRESHAM sible. They should erect nothing but thing in this growing territory. Cottage i'iwyer-meetlng on Thursday we have obtained the following: The Grcshdm (omeri Band community. In many respect, the night. All invited. sulwtartlial buildings and should make LINNEMANN MEMORIAL M. E. church i, tlie most beneficisl institution these sightly; they should paint the old Passemjers Hurl in (dr Wreck. In th«* Original, Hide-Kplilling, CHURCH, Gresham—P autow , Dr. A. in a community; (or its mission i, to wi-ather-lieaten buddings, improve the TIiomiMKin. Mxavi< as, Munday H c I hmi I, inspire and uplift the moral life, and it The first car out from town on the j Two-Act Comedy streets, build new sidewalks, new fences 10 a. in,; Preaching at 11 a. m. and H |>. m. every Munday. Prayer meet­ is upon th, moral training very largely and paint the old ones . they should cul­ Troutdale extension took a wild leap ' Good Supply of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Always on Hand. ' ‘ ing, Thursday evenings at M o’clock. that good citizenship depends, It is tivate nice, beautiful lawns, plant or­ over the emliankment at it» Troutdale ' Everybody invited. through the ohurch that the highest namental trees and shrubbery. These terminus at about 6:20 Tuesday morn­ Don't forget that we pay the highest cash prices for yuur produce. and noblest i, developed in man', na­ things the people of Gresham should do, ing. All four passengers who are em­ BEEF — No. 1 Steers, ♦SI; No. 1 Cows. 4C and more ; ami then they should en ­ ture, and through the church that the courage the establishment of new in­ ployes of the Union Meat company and SHEEP —4 to IN MTTZGIR’S HAU HtXiS—100 to 17.5 lbs., 8/ I 1M> ONLY FIRST- CLASS < evil and criminal tendencies are elimi­ dustries here, do all they can toward the conductor were injured but all I VEAL—7 to 7SI nated. Hence, a, the church i, necc- the maintenance of a superior school, will probably recover. ¡ AN OPEN AIR CONCERT i »ary to the maintenance of high moral give a generous support to the church Dr. Short was summoned and the in- [ ‘ Remember We Have Fresh Fish Every Thursday and Saturday. J J the public library, and, above all, jured were cared for first at the home of | standing in the community, it should and ¡ will Its held on ths strsef preced­ make the home so nearly ideal that T. R. HOWITT & CO. Iw liberally supported and all mankind from the home there could come noth­ D. F. Buxton and later at their homes 3 ing the show. Suits Pressed, (ledned and GRESHAM. OREGON- should make use of the opportunities ing but the very highest product ol or at the hospital. Dr. Short was ably o POWELL STREET thus offered for their self-improvement. American citizenship. assisted by Miss Eva Bristol, a trained Repaired 75c. and up SEATS NOW SLUING ' • nurse. of im;x>rlance epual to that of the at the Gresham Drug Store. Agent for Troy laundry. 'church, and above all others, i, the < ► Thom* in the car were Louis Kummer, I > The Dr. Hancock. 5Vm. Ashcraft and O. J. ■ maintenance of good school,, ;¡ Sig Knighton, Prop. children of the present will soon be the Jenkins. S>rlsom was conductor and > Oppo-lte Postoffke, Gresham 1 men and women upon whose fitness 70 ACRES ■ 20 Under Cultivation i [ J. H. Toles motorman. This was the ' !♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• I • Good House, Barn. Good Well, < ' IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT will rest the destiny of the nation, and motormau's first trip. Fine Young Orchard, Plenty o( , , they must lie well educated and well Celebrated Royal Bread and Delicious White Clover Ice Cream Timber, Finest Soil, Well Drained. J [ aaaaaasoaaaaeoaea trained eo that they mav perform the Mrs. M orris Milsted of Orient was in RECEIVED DAILY ON ALL WIDE WIDTHS OF Ixx-ated mile south of Gresham < 1 part of the g RIBBONS standard. The common or grammar at her place on Pipe Line road on June UNDER TAKING PARLORS at once or call on * WK WK HOME All other Hlblsm» at a Reduction Phone Orders and Reservations given our school, however, is not alone sufficient. 18fh. After the sale she will leave with II. W. KM KRY, l*R<»P (IRKMHAM, <»RR. until sold out. COMPARISONS W. B. Turner, Qvmr. ¡: her family for St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. There must lx* a high school in every Prompt Attention. Phone, 249. All call« 5« III receive prompt and cominnnity. It is during the high GRF.S1IAM, OREGON ’! Milated's husband was drowned in the careful attention. B. F. ROLLINS Carlson Block, GRESHAM. I'hone 117; Re«. Phone 14« school period of life that the boy and Sandy river more than a vear ago Mrs. McColl, tiresham, Ore. tin* girl are passing into the state of manhood and womanhood respectively, and thia is the time most favorable for the training that adds the moat to life's iOU»T4SE$ Of UHRIMI WOfEU WIRE FERCE OVER RUROJ equipment. It is therefore essential Costs lees to get material on the ground. that there be a well equipped, well sup­ Constructed at a very much less cost. ported, well patronized high school in Can be taken up and moved without injury to fence. every community, It lasts five times as long with practically no ex­ Cempirtlirt Cut if i tgird Ftact 49 is. High ind in inttricin Wirtn Wirt Ftnct Another institution with a great in­ pense to keep in repair. fluence for the gart the Bank Money order is the best. It costs less. It is <« 15c each 40.90 more deeply into one', character ilian Wl, ll>s. Md 5Vt«. Staples absolutely safe and payable anywhere. You don’t have 1 83 fit he per lb. do the books he reads, and the library fit 3c " 10 U m . Fence Staples .30 8 Braces, 4x4x12 the bother of writing out an application. You get an fit »12 per M 1.54 aMix'iations are kee, ing before the pub­ 9 4c ” 330 lb«. Barlnnl Wire 13.20 330 lbs. Barbed Wire immediate receipt for the amount of the order you buy. (<<“ 4c per lb. 13.20 lic for the use of the public an abun­ If the order is lost, there is no tangle of red tape about dance of grxxl literalbre—a literature Total Cost 1 mi. of Board Fence, »244.40 As well as all Other Merchandise of Total Cost 1 mi. American Fence, 9184.77 recovering your money. Always cheaper than either written by the great thinkers, the great Postoffice or Express Money Orders. statesmen, the great leaders of all the STANDARD VALUE THE AMERICAN FARMER has declared American Fence to be the Best ages. All who believe in the church or and is backing up his judgment by buving it more largely every year until at the present time are handled by Lewis Shattuck. fully SO per cent of the fence Ismght and built IS AMERICAN* FENCE. in the school must believe in the li­ brary; and all who would have the community make a decided progress, Dealer in Main Street must rally to the support of the library. G ffESn AM, ORE.. “ Goods of Quality ” Gresham, Oregon Broadly speaking, the combined in­ ‘rwr. rAtfMèwf n ArTK H fluence of the church and the school has • • •••••••••••••• Millinery Parlors OUR PRICES THE LOWEST F. B. STUART & CO. SAT..JUNE I3.8P.M FRESH MEAT AND FISH " VACATION" Hair Cutting and Shaving FARM FOR SALE HOME BAKERY RESTAURANT AMD CONFECBOHEBY PRICES GUT IN HALF The Notion Store BANK MONEYORDERS' T° the Consumer WE AMERICAN FENCE AND GATES FIRST STATE BANK IV LEWIS SHATTUCK