Are You Doing Your Share to Advertise Your Home Town? L kW& Ur« Huloric«! Social; i Send The Herald East to Your Friends and Watch the Results aw- Y Xw A. .^rJ A EAVER STATE HERALD G res ham __ WSUSHtz) Volume 4. GRESHAM. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 190». Number 17. FIRST LOCOMOTIVE ON MT. HOOD LINE NEAR GRESHAM G. F SHAVER flRSl "Itit BISF APPlt Ml. HOOD ElFCIRK IflWN Of SANDY HAS FASIFRN MULTNOMAH IflfPHONF COMPANY NFW ASSOCIATIONS IN THE WORID" PHIS ON LOCOMOIIVF Wf I Kl Y MARKII DAYS MAYOR OF FAIRVIEW CANDIDAIF WINS OUI INCRFASFS CAPITAL PROSPtCTS GOOD Thirty-Six to Six lor Incorpora tion on Ballot Cast Monday in Hustling Town. What Sandy Fruitgrowers Pro­ Will Be Used lor Construction Plan Proves Very Successful — B. C. Altman Third Highest The Local Company Will Now Farmers Dairymen’s Association pose to Raise—Organize Could Be Enlarged Upon Work--One Mile ot Stet 1 on List of Twelve Winning Construct More Lines Into Will Incorporate at $1500 lor the Purpose. for Larger Section. Laid at Present. Legislative Nominees. Rural Districts. Under State Laws. A rousing Ing iiH’etitig of farmPiM and A man remark»«! in conversation fruitgrowers was held in Junker's hall, with a Herald reporter the other day Sandy last Saturday afternoon at which that lie had waited to long for a rail- all Handy valley an.I vicinity was well road tf> the up|M*r country that lie rrpre»M*ltt<*d would not put much faith in on«* till In* Til«* meeting w ¡nt ( idled for the pur- saw th«* a moke. Well, we’ve seen lilt* I mm »«, of (M-rf««r '•»iiiokc** on the Mt. H<«od line Mild the organization of th«* farmer« and what is more, the locomotive fruitgrowers into a mutual fruitgrowers Tlu* first locomotive wa* put <>n tin* association. Mt. Hood line last Thursday April IB, h Coleman, who ha« investigated P. and th«* fruit-growing sections of Oregon at the junction of the O. W. P was present and in a clear ami con* Mt IL»od line. Al present it is used else manner explained the pur| h »*»« of the in construction work weal of Gresham pro|»«»fH’«| association and the need« of j w here gr«*at progress is tiring mad«- in grading The double track cut through the fruitgrowers «4 the section. It is pro|s»««Mt Io form an associa­ I Stanley hill is nearly complete up to shovel can , now tion mat that w will mutual «■«-»»riit Ismellt »«» to th«’ row« I and , (hr steam »•«»«» u* Is- ’ of >« «iiiiiuiii , th. ........ t.r.-.huu. I . Mt “"/fi".*.? cut Chi» of * the ** road About (o plant m«»re and a higher quality of on the * .......... “ side ** * *** (revs and to preserve and spray the one mile of track is laid and several pr»x-nt orchards and *<» produv«* more thousand rails and ties are on the ground to lay three or four miles more. •••••••••••••••••••••••••a ami a iM’ttrr uualily of fruit. Poles and wires are up for conveying Fruit tui’H’d in the Sandy valley, and rs|M««’ially apples, are of a quality electricity from the O. W. P company's line to the camp for construction and al present (ha! i* n«»t cquallc*! even in the llood Kiver valley. Hut the lighting purpoaea. A bridge is lo I m * apple* raise«I at the latter place are built across th«« road at that place sold at Melro|M»htan market* at m I mmi I The large till below the r«»a«l nears twice what >andy apples of letter completion The dirt and gravel taken I «(uaiity are so|»l for in the same mar­ from the cut is loaded Into dump cars ket. This all couies from the name by the steam shovel and conveyed to ami publicitv rrveiv«*«! by the orguni- * the till where it is dump«-d. The track salion of fruit gr and talk f«»r the organisation. Much eiithurtiasm prevailed at the last meeting and many that were not GRISHAM, OK LOON present have ■igniih*d their intention of Ix’ing present at the next meeting. Every |M*rson interested in this pro­ ject i* requested l<» be present viti* tors welcome Don’t folget the dal«* ami th«* »logtiii. “the In*!*i apple in the world." Fairview is now an Inc«>r(»orated town The vole which wo taken last Monday ■tiaal 36 to B in favor of incorporation. The city «»Ulcers are as f«»ll<»w* Mayor, Geo. I Shaver; rn*«>r«ler, Win. Butler; tr«’a«urer, A. T. Axtell; coiincilmen, I ’ fl I » II J. It < I I 'fee I | Whit itry, W. Ellison, J. I usrlier, ath achool. There waa a go,al eongre- I cation to greet the paator. Rev. T. .1 Or will *«*ll in n lump ' Elkin, and all aeeinerf to enjoy the -er- I nion which waa on the Riaen Cliriat. C. H. LANK I The very !a*at attention waa paid to the aermon from beginning to the end. In Kepreacnting the J. R W atkina the evening the aervicea conaiated of a M k DICAI. CoMfAMÏ Grenham, Ore. aong aerviee, recitationa and aelectiona by tin- Symnhotiv orcheatra. The con­ OREGON ORI SHAM. gregation wliieli waa large and atten­ tive went away at the cloae ol the meeting feeling that it waa gixal to be there. tira» < : At the Methodiat church the day be­ H 1 < gan w ith a large and inti-reating action GARDKNN l»lmWK!> of the Sunday school. A large audience liatenerl attentively to a g.aal aermou J. H. HOSS by Dr. A. Thom peon, the paator. The l*tione I4X Gresham. Ore. large, well-trainetl choir, under direc­ tion of Miaa Glenna Burton, rendered several beautiful Eaeter aiitheina in a way that eallial forth many expreaaiona f 4 of appreciation. The muaic and aer- : mon were very inapiring and helpful. In the evening at the Methodiat chureh nearly all Beata were taken at the s|H-<-ial Eaater aong aervieiAendercd A the choir. There waa considerable variety of anthema, aoloa, cornet and I. FARMER’S Convenience* are not alone coii II iuh I to the Rural Free violin muaic The aerviee laated alamt an hour and wna all too abort. Delivery of mail ami the Telephone. There in another convenience which all farmer’« l«»th huge mid Rev. S. E. Pitta preached a helpful aermon to a giaal audience at the Free muih II rthouhl Imre, mid many do have. Methodiat church. •«••••••••••••••••• The town of Handy ha»* («erhai* the It has been oljeerved that a rainy The «hart-holder« of the Multnomah | The Farmer«’ Dairymen’s Associa­ nearest form of the old-time market election day does not favor reform, and Clackamas County Mutual Tele­ tion for thia •!»strict ba*^^^ * day* of any town in the «alley. While This propably does not apply to the phone company, at a meeting last Mon­ under auspice« that it in not like th«* market «lay« that an* country places because, a* was said day afternoon, authorized an increase inanency and surer«« fromMie^tert. » held on a big «quare io th«* cities, yet last Friday, the farmers could not in the capitalization from l-'XMt) to meeting was heM last Saturday in it a<*conipli«he« big rvwnlt« along the work and hence all would come to ♦ iO.HAL Then* wan a g- in merchan- ' sented the reform ticket th»* rainy day pany, the extension of lines and the T. Brugger and F. Ruegg and the Anyvrav diiM* all th«« farmer«* product’« such a« seems to have favored it. urgent demand from many quarters capital stock ia placed at |UMM). Stock is tM-ing rapidly »ulMcribed. Head­ <*gg«, butter, v«*al, |M*rk, hid« > etc., and Statement No. I candidates were weii for an extension of the lines of this quarter« will be in Gresham. in the lead in Precinct No. 101. lijt-ne m turn th«* mrn*hanl< market in At the laat meeting Hon. W. W. The day t»oard consisted of B W. company. Portland the following day. The company was organize«! and be­ Cotton reported on the articles of in­ Th«* fanner« ami re«id« fit* r«»tne for Emery, W. H. B»nd and W L. Kea- mile« aroiin I on these day« to take ad- teraon. a« judges, and D M. Roberts, gan building its line« about two years corporation and all waa satisfactory H. W. Hnaahall was the first and met the approval of all present. vantag»* of marketing their pn»du«'t« Sabin Alexamler, and W. C. Burch, as ago. On the night ls»ard were president and Timothy Brownhill the Another meeting will be held in the right at home and to secure the next clerks. first secretary. The present officers near future. week« proviaiim«. And th« « • «am«* res­ (’has. Cleveland, Orland Z. k. J W ident« ami patron« for««*«* what an ad- Shattuck, as jthlges. and W. (’ Meta- are: Theo. Brugger, president; Arthur vantage a practical, well-formed market ger, C. J. Littlepage and M. Kronen­ iAjwwct, secretary and treasures . C. R. Kellar, manager. E. 8 Jenne, C. Basket Social and Entertainment day association would I m * in providing lierg as clerks. There were al«»ut ballots cast. F. Ruegg and the abf>ve officers con­ for such an «M*ra«jon on a larger and Deapit« the inclement weather, a «>- >*d precinct stitute the board of directors. more extensive ^»lan. N ol only in E. C. Lindsey was The company now has at »out w lines cial band of neigh bora and patron, of Sandy would such a custom be benefi- ' committeeman. While eastern Mult­ No. 2E school met at the acboolhouae vial but also in the other towns of thin nomah had three strong men in the in operatiua with over .'kJU phones, and enjoyed the baeket »ale and enter­ The field for representative, namely, Lou 1K8 shares of stork subscribed. territory tainment by tha icbool children on the A central location could he seleete«l Harlow, John Brown, B. C. Altman, «'ompanv now owns over half of its evening of the l«th inat. The proceed« ■ phones. that would I m - «iiitablc to all this t«*rri- two of them were dmed to disap­ will go toward the payment of the new A new telephone directory has just organ. The old one will be rafflei off tory and at which the farmers could pointment. All did well in their home Altman been puhlisht^l which shows the ad­ gather fora day of Itargnining ami sell- j and neighl»oring precinct*. in about two week,. ing or it c«mll of The Dalle«. Miss Alexander passing intent. This neighborhood ia Kept at home in circulation a.« well as rell. Orton. \laht>nr. ('¡«mens. M at present paying the home folka a to be congratulated on its social adillia- additional outeid«* capital that would I m * j For Joint R«»pr**»eniat: • •- M. Arthur short visit. The following are ihr nominee- ft»r county tious. brought in. The towns of eastern Ore- offiee*: For district attorney. Geo. C t'amer gon that have such market day* have on. For circuit judge. Ear! U. Bronaugh For ail Ijecoine known far into the interior, I county a*«eMor. B 1». Sigler; For county cor yes, for hundreds of miles the tarniers oner. Ben L Norden: For county < <>minU«ion er. VV L. Lightner: For count? clerk F S come to market their product* and Field*: For i<>nn(v treasurer. .< M 1 a ‘\« i* Fur leave a good bit of capital in circula­ county «uperintendvnt. K. F RobinMtu tion. Will s«»meom* start th«* movement for; a big market «lay every week or two in this territory'* We have the location, i the facilitii s the country to draw from j and the i»r«Klucv to market. All we need i« a iew good nu n at th«’ helm to lannch this project. Gresham school board on March 26. 19 IS: Resolved by th«* school I*»ard of (ireshain district No. I, That in the death of J. C. Allen we have lost a man in alt respects «*x«’vptionally faith­ ful ami cons ivtitiou*. a man respected ami lx*l<>\«*«i bv ev«iy pupil in the school, ami hvhi in high esteem by all who knew him. .¿itfin’d B. 1 mkrv , chairman, TWICO. B ki