NEW FIELD Fu» WOMEN. PERUNA EDITORIAL NO. I Real Fatale Hu«tne«a In \evv a hreStabl» Ona. F©Ulu©e©> lork The best field for a wouiiui wlahlng Dr. Hartman ii now offering Peruna to the public aa a regulat pharmaceu­ I tn earn * living In Ne» Fork I» real tical product It ia jut aa ethical as any compound pat up tor the medical les.rtte. any* Mr*. VI Enola Alexander. Kfeaaion. Ho straining of medical ethics can find any fault with it THE who ha a made a Mlixwaa of the huai- IKCIPAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in the ike*<. “It I* a little le*un than live label on the bottle, that the people may know that the claim« made for Peruna year*»*’ ©I m » aajrw "»llioe 1 wa« left a have a true jutifleation. wldou without iihMiey or bualneea train­ The only departure we shall make from medical ethice in the conduct ot ing and «ent to work. Peruna affaire in the ftiturw. is the fact that we shall continue to advertise an*. I I “.My find step w*« to **k a letter of “Wall,” »«id the atatlatleal boanlet leaning back In hl« «•hair, "w» have at thia meal the roprosentatlvva of two widely aeparated general Iona.” "How la that?" asked th« Inquisi­ tive boarder. "The hen we have been trying to eat w«a tn all probability the great grand mother of thia omelet.”—Chicago Tribune. H»«ky Vallar*. "Pve Hid Experience” "With Hood's Karsaparilla, and am ron- vlncml It 1» a «real uiKlIeli»," Oils I. Ill, suit.tan.'* of «0.MK letters by actual «Mint, rm>lv*d In two yrara. They 1,11 of cures otall blo<*d diseases, l.wa.d•¡*|^'(lte, rheunia- tlstn.anar-tavarweakneas.thal tired teellng. nervous wsaknaas. dyspepsia, catarrh. No Kqual "I can ear from .«rerleoee «hat II 00*1» Saraavarllla 1» without an equal.” K mma L H owman . Il Beacon Kt.. Lowell. Maa« Kciem* "I had •©■©ma and lrl©d ©v©ry thin* I heard of. but nothin© brlpvd me until SAI ft Its« «Ma BarSaa. I look Hood*© 8ar«ai»arilla. Tha*k» l*» kill« ntedi«lne. 1 am now well. Gamui Y anai , I "When I starts«! Ill bnalnr.«," salii • vyn *. South Bethlphrm. N Y Mr I matin «tax. rvlle.'tlwly, "I r«> Muscular Rheumatism "My father •olvml never to tell an uutrnth." had muaeular rh©nn>*ii«tn W aa con fl nr* to "Ami you kept your wont?" hi» b*xl. He took two t»otlleu of Hood * Sar «apartlla an©ea One Dollar. Fre I’nrl© llosea did not feel able tn con­ Mared only by 0. I. Hood Co.. I a » w ©II M««« tribute mor© thin 7*5 cent» to th© mission try «'su»v. ami wa* not particularly ©n- rallewlaa I« I». thualAMti»* about giving ©ven that. First Magnat» Why do you alwaya go “You ought to give n« th© Lord bn© easi on thia llna? It's not «early •• pr*»«i»er©d you." ©aid D oa < ou Irunahh* “I d*»n‘t think th© Lord'll ©ver a»vti»e abort and diroct as some of the others. Second Magnat» I ktiow It, bnt in in© nt bein’ UUgr*t©tul,“ An»wer«'d t'licle trying to get paa.ea I bare alwaya («und Ila*©*. “Hix of my boy* la preacher© " tkia to be tka lina of lasst realatauce Mow'» Thnf Chicago Tribuns. W# •ff«?Une llutulr«*«! Pollar» R«w»t. Tei.**lo, O W ì , th© uiMlvratano«! hav» ku »<*ar* an«l U’ilav© hlm Tuff oh! Knutt Wall, I ©ut nevi thin< l»*rfv<-tly honurab<© inai* buUn«**« itaii«a«-lh>n» and flnanelali» ah!«* tu varrjr out any obhga tn a aiìlli©nnir© wunst. Me an* ole Mun toburn happ«ned to <<» on a toot III© »am© tlot* in ad© bv fil’ flrm WALPINU. KtNNAN A MARVIN, night, an* th©y put us in adjoiuin* celi« W holvsal«* l»r*igi(lat•. Tolado.O ll*H*» Catarrah Cura la «k©n In«»maily. a«'t> at thè p'Ilv© station ** in« dlr©rtly npui » i • tur fa<©« ut ih«* ay»Mm rvatimonlab »«'ni (tra. pHr© <•©«»»• per botti© H<»lackvl. even the Introduction fo * real ©«tate dealer sail our product TO THE PEOPLE. aisles linci with chairs. Just twfor» frx>m .i rich woman friend of mine. If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only, bsnsdictlMi the thouxhiful “ ‘X\ hat can yon do?’ I m » demanded, the then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna m being clergyman, who loved order as hr after rvadlng the letter. entirely within their approval. “’Anythin*»' I anaaervds In «|»lte of did the Gospel. thus admonished his BUT WE SHALL NOT DO THIA “In passing out. ple.tae re the fact that I had never done a day’s hearer»: We shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to work in my life. main seated until the ushers have convey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. We shall “ ’it’s a g»N*l thl x you can.’ he re­ removed the chairs from the aisles." continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use plied. ; .. ‘for . I . have got no time to teach —Lippincott's. our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things y< n ' of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical "lie t me a list of houses in BORAX IN THE DAIRY profession like it or not n h ii i>.- I m . i msw twen able to kc'|i We are proposing from this time on to take the public into our confidence. an.i t»ik«Ml uh » over und gave me OF WHAT PERUNA IS COMPOSED. atantila used in connection with in lk This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect, however, that crit­ a grunt of approval. I learned that and cream telling, and butt r making, he had .«•»nt mon* (han a dozen men icism will oontinue On some pretext or other those who are envious of the has been a aeriooa one with the farmer. on tlie same erraiui and none of them success of Peruna will continue to find had bevu able to ivport He has come to rvalire fully that th«* suttleient Tea- slightest taint or hint of stateness left in fault Bnt we are determined to give sons. People Who Object to such people no just complaint I "Having found what the trouble a can, tin or churn may ruin a whole Liquid Medicines Can PERUNA IS A GREAT MEDICINK I was. lie ivniiuissioiKst me to is*** (hat output: that the taint wh ch ia left ia in I It has become a household word in It was riMiusIled. When thnt wa* no­ the form of bacteria which ifrow and Now Secure Peruna millions of homes. Our faith in the conipllslied I wa* told to get ten* multiply in milk or butter, producing Tablets. disastroua results. remedy is stronger than ever. Every I ant.«. The farmer has learned that hot water year we expect to establish new plants "I was with that real estate dealer in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu­ I just one month, My pay was a wdii ' i rinte away the greasy residue in month, and tuy hours from S to G dairy utensi a. able household remedy. He has Larned that soap leaves a Mr. Slmpoou. WE CLAIM PERUNA TO BE A CATARRH REMEDY. Buy a bottle and , o’»*ku*k. At least tlh»s<‘ were my office Cor© like I hour*, but every waking moment 1 residue of its own which is, if anything, try it If it helps you. be henest ard acknowledge that it has helped you. Mr. Slmpoon. 1 ahonld have married * If you want ns to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it in* planning and thinking about U0 w »rse than the milk or cream residue, woman more itke Mr*. Shuixoa. St. ami it is little wonder that then» has been to us. We will add no words, take away no word«. If you wish us to we will ; work. a constant clamor lor a dairy cleanser Louie Boat Dim«fch I tohl my “ At th«' end of tlie umnth publish your portrait in connection with it We will not do this without your einplo.ver that I lind decided to try and sweetener that will meet modern written request without your entire consent r« quirvments. working for myself.. Peruna has cured thousands cf people of chronic catarrh, in many phases "•Gixxl.’ said he. 'You've got pluck, A few ot the largest creamery establish* and locations At least that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited you'll smwed. If at any time I can ments have called experts into cot a il testimonials Peruna will cure many thousand mere, in spite of fabricated be of service to you. let me know.’ Th, Freblam. tat ion on thia problem ami have with »landers to the contrary. “Do you think it Is as easy to make “I've never had to call ou hlui to ask thia scientific aid hit upon a product ol a fortune aa it used to be?" asked the WE GUARANTEE EVERY BOTTLE OF PERUNA TO CONTAIN THE a service, but be lie has ha« sent «eut me aev- of natuie which exactly tills tlie bill— ambitious youth. INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LASEL So in that tirsi month I borax. ’ eral client«. "Easier." answered Senator Sor We guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true-in the gallic«! his friendship and enough ex­ Scientists have long known borax ae gbum. "The problem Is to do It In exact language of the testifier. perience to set out in the world for a cleanser, a sw eetener and an ant se| tit j such a way that your friends will ron- We guarantee that every photograph published is the photograph of the myself. deatn yer of bacteria and germ growths. . I tlnue to apeak to you." Washington De*troys all that is harmful and pro ­ person whose name it bears, that every won! cf every testimonial was author­ "When I made that venturi1 alone I Star. ised by the hand that signed it was living in a hall bedroom of a motes ami pre?e»ves resnneM. sweet* W.« la aha Wark.a. We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are. boarding bouse ami my business ness and purity, relieving the dairyman "When I co into politic«. I aiu go by squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood ««lilipment consisted of a table, a writ- ami dairy housewife of drudgery and ol Ing to hire out my brains to tbe best Ing pad. a fountain pen and tbe daily needless work and worry. with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity. Its cheapness and value shor.ld give it paying side.” We know that the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. We believe papers. "But when people hire brains they "Every morning I would look tbe first place in thv necess.ties oí every that the dealers in Peruna will applaud cur course. We expect even our op­ want furnished thoughts; not empty dairy. pnjiet- over, rcul tin* property offered ponents will be obliged to acknowledge fnsl’.y that Peru’s is not only an Baltimore American The cow's udder is kept in a clean, flats." ; cneet and useftl remedv, but eno of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MED I for sale ami then turn to the columns In which tbe buyers advertised their healthy and smooth condition by wash* Mo aera will find Mrs. Winslow's A»-thla« CTNES CN THE CONTINENT. wants, C. Gee Wo The well known reliable CHINESE tool aad kerb DOCTOR He» mede • life Mod y of ruote and heH-. and lu that Mudjr diseowered and is giv. The '» ueeloacrow. The farmer's sou looked up from the •porting page. “By heck.” he said. “I wish we had one o' them there bossless carriages.” "We have.” returned the farmer, “and now that you mention it. you might jest ss well git it and fetch up a load o' turnips from the three acre lot."—New Orleans Times Democrat It Did»'« Save Him. "I saw a statement in smie paper recently that an umbrella would last longer If it was always neatly rolled up when not In use.” “Tbere'a nothing to It I bought a fine umbrella a week ago and I never had It out of Its case and yet some body stole It three day« after I bought It."— I’blI»dolM.t- p— A Bad Talk. “Now. Bridget." said Mrs. Hlratr Offen, sternly, "this sort ot thing won't do. There wouldn't be any work don« In this bouse at all If I didn't kee[1 after you and tell you what to do." 1 “Shure, tna'atn, it might be worse." replied Bridget. “I might refuse to d< wbat ye tell me.” Marlon—I showed papa those verses you wrote me. and be seemed vleased. Harry—He did? Marion—Yes. He said be was glad to see you were not a poet. An Engii»* uuu .000. On the strength of it I hired desk room lu au office on "3d street. Membership Limited. “Soon after that tbe «econd red let “Your husband spenda all his evening? al home? Isn't he a member of an; !t I** always honest, to lose a “Not that Doesn't seem to rejrei wile rather than the g«MHl will of a It.”—Louisville Courler-JouraaL client. ann have paMte»covered a large town of Chinamen on the shore* of the Gulf of Can**ntaria. Thin in n<> <*olony of ahipwrecked Bailor*, but a great Mettlement contain­ ing or yellow men who live among tlie river flat« ami grow opium, which apparently they ship, duty free, to th© Philippine* and China it*elf. Tbe prens I* clamoring that the govern­ ment ahull turn tbe Chinamen out, but it will lx* an awkward bualnemi. Burning the < andlr. Barker shot himself, did milled th© whole-mle salesman. he?" ”Ye»,’’ answered the »ilk buyer sad- Th«* Kind You Have Always lJounlit lias borne the signa­ ture of Clin«. II. Fletx-her, and lias been made under his personal supervision for over 80 years. Allow no one to de«-eive you in this. Counterfeit«, Imitations and •• Ju«t-ai*-gooa«,e/’ answered tbe oth­ er. “Burning his candle at both end*, eh?’ remarked th© salesman. “Ye*. I guewi that’s what you’d call It,” admitted the buyer. For a few minutes ls>th men were *1- leni. then the salesman looked up. “Funny. Isn’t It.’’ he remarked, “that fli,«n a fellow burn* hl* candle at both end-* he never thinks of blowing out tlie Cui die; It’* always hi* brain*.” K nocking, “Old Rounder is engaged.” “Gw I Who'» the lii<-ky woman?" “There are tnllllona of her." "Why, he isn't engaged to more than one?" “Nope, tbat'a wbat I mean; all the others are the lucky one«."—Houston Po«L ing it with Itorax ami water. a table* spoonful of borax to t wo quart© of water. This prevent* rogghnet* and ©oreneai or cracked teat*, which make milking time a dread to the cow and a worry U the milker. 1 he modern cleanter of all dairy uten- ©ils i*on*i©ta of—one tableepoonfnl of bor­ ax to every quart of wat-r needed.• Ke- DH'inlier—• tableapoonful e (nal* foul tea spoonfuls. Be sure that you get pure borax. T< be sure, you must get “20 .Mule Team Borax.” All dealer*. A dainty book in rt»'or« cal ed ‘Jingle Book/* *et»l free to an> Mother sending name ¿nd address of hci habv, and tops from two pound carton* of **20 Mule Team** Package Bora«, witi 5c in stamp5. Ad Ires* Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oak­ land, Cal. At Janmtow», A newly married couple was taking In the J.imestown FZxpositlon. There’s our biggest uian-of war. dear,” said tbe husband, pointing to one of tlie vessels in tbe harbor. Just then a little tug was seen puff ing around the big ship. “And is the little one a tug-of-war. Tom?” asked tbe wife.—Sncceis Maga line. Ulrla to Ba Fitted. I know of many well-to-do middle- class families where the daughters, having resolved the education of ca­ nary birds, are launched on a sea of gayety with a cargo of pretty smiles and frocks to captivate husband«— Ixindon Madame PAZO olXTMKXT 1. c>«'«nl*M to rare anv r*,e oí ltrh:n< Bl.n-i .ler-llnf or Protruding Film in ft to 1« pay, or money refunded One In Uae For Over 30 Years. ▼M« ecwTaun oaaieaav. w »uitM» avaarr, aew »••• o » tv - Harw < boere». A ni a Ideo alto Uvei In Hlberlb. Wberv all la •• frlgld and drvrla. Fidi aad. met a bear And wheu hilgged sald. “I awear Il doc» my heart good to I m » urrls.” Houston Post. Savings bank© sr© ©st»bltahed in 27N arhools in Scotland. Th©r© art» 2.5.712 d©p«i*ltor*. with £4M,MN> to their credit. % lew. f'uvldn't Krrp *CII|. ”! *up|H»ae.’’ reiiuirked th© young tnnn who Imd Ju*t returned from * trip abroad, “you love Ml** Naggsby stlllY* • \Vell. not exactly,” rrjtdued hl* ©x- rhutu. "We nr© married now aim I ah* her I hi me ok a tour tlirou»l to the food which eat and to favorable climatic condi­ tions, but these Ignorant native« take special care of the teeth and «re fa­ miliar wltb many remedies for the treatment of dental disease«.—Mttn- chener Medizinische Wocbenechrlfb U uah M In providing the family ’s meals.don’t be satisfied with anything but the best. KCis*xun ran teed per fee tion at a moderate price. It makes everything better Try and see erfect or Money back. at »300 luwwt, OÎM0, rwf ,-x nr ...... Wtaht Ba War««. Msmmi—“Tour overcoat wHl nerer fit you this winter “ Bobby—“I know it won’t, mamma, let's but my skate* will; *o don’t worry.”—Puck. i l*»»«iM«lai!• -Life.* reunir koi tie optimist, “la mad© up of sunshine and sorrow, -Yrw.M rejolnetl th© |»rsslinlst. ••bitt the trouble Is there nre about nine ■hadowa to on© sunshine ” S.S.S Helen wa* waf<*blng *ome file* on the window pane, when «he called to her mother: “Mamina, come and see If this 1* the bo*om fly !” “Tlie boAorn fly. child! What kind of a fly I* that?” “Oh. the one they sung about In church last Sunday—‘Let me to thy bo*om fly.’"—The circle. It (White Yow Walk. & CAN NOT DE RUBBED AWAY Fly. Alien’» Foot Ea>© j« a certain cur© for hot, •weatitjg,calliH,anrijggi-t«. Prlr*- Jir. Don’t accept any •.'1 "‘I",“; Trl.*1. I«Oa«a KRXE. A.l»•» that a •• ever ma«le I have us»*« II far •«■tn» »»•»»«* »»«I I rsa Hath full» aav that I am ©ie»|i» | l«»a»**i with II. I rheerfuilv ve*-*>i*>»w»‘»id it aa a •el»i* turn to the liniment !><>ttle, or some other Tommy—Paw, wbat is a prof-aaional external application, in an effort to get relief front the disease, by producing •Scrat ? Mr Tucker—A professional aecret. my iounter-imtation on tlie flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo­ boy. ia aomething that everybody know« rarily, but can have no direct curative effect un the real disease it Rheumatism is more but only a aelect few are auppooed to does not reach the b'.ood. where the cause i» locatcsl. know For instance, it's a professional than akin deep—it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only Ixj •eeret that every doctor adiaioiatrra bread reached by constitutional treatment—IT CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY. pilla ooce In a while. Rheumatism is due to an excesa of uric acid in the biocxl, brought about by the accumulation in the syatem of refuse matter which the natural avenues Frababla. of bodily waste, the Howels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This Duhley, refuse matter, coming in contact with tlie different acids < f the Isxly, forma “I sometime* think." **ld “that It would b* Interesting to trace uric acid w hich is absorbe*! into the bl*xxl and distribute'1 to all parts of thu coiutnou body, and Rheumatism gets possession ot the system. th© origin of some of tba The aches and paina phrases of th* day. For Instance. 1 are only symptoms, and though they may l-c scattered cr t< Ix-ved for a time wonder who originated tbe expre*alon. by surface treatment, they will reappear at tlie first exposure to cold or ’It never rain* but It pours.’ ” dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma­ “Very likely.” augmented Kidder. •It tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation romaine saturated wh * Noah.” with irritating, pain-pr.xlucing uric acid poison. The diaexse will shift from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, Settling on the nerves, causing Tha I’ruprr Fea. inflammation un i swelling and such terrible pains Hint the nervous system “What Ao I get fur this stunt?" ask­ is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient liecomes ed tbe vain, but execrable, amateur deformed and « rippled i-r 1 ; fe. S. S. S. thoroughly clcanse-i the blood and "If 1 were a police magistrate." in- renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign swered tbe manager, “you would get matter from thesyulcm. It worms und invigorates the blood s<* that instead 30 daya; but. a. I am not. you'll .Imply of n weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­ get out.” ing acrid and corrosive matter In the mus­ cles, nerves, jointsan 1 boues, thctxxly is fed trita«». and nourished by rich, health-sustaining Traveler, panno and drop a tear blood which completely and permanently For Timothy Squigga, who once dwelt cures Rheumatism. S. 8. S. is composed bare. of both purifying and tonic properties— He vaniahad from our mortal eight PURELY VEGETABLE just f what is needed In every case of Rheu­ When he thawed a can of dynamita. matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of toots, herbs and barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable tima trying to rub a blood disease away, but Legin the use of 8. S. 8. and writo ns about your case and our physicians will give you any information or advwsdcsuedfrcc of chargeand will send our special treatise on Rheumatism. “No, they don’t. I wa* married Tuesday.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Holy : Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can’t do It? Haven’t enough hair? It must be you do not know Aycr'a Hair Vigor! Ilere'a an intro­ duction! May the acquaint­ ance result In a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossyhair! And we know you'll never be gray. RHEUMATISM “Me? I’m not Riifierstltioii*. day i* not the only day on which lucky thing* happen.” “But all tbe worst thing* happen Friday.” The Mir*. “! admire that parrot ot your»,“ r©- marked th© visitor, rising to take hi« do parture “It’© lb© mu»i seucibl© bird i'vs *©oo for a long time” “Why, ho haun t uttered a ©inarror. “I buow It. Thais why I aduurv him"____________________ Is It Your Own Hair ? More Farootat WlaSoaa. K i cr pt I or . -I see that Friday come* on the this week. lAs-sn’t It make you creepy ?•’ ■lead Write M, Poem,. “Most [nets are not appreciated I nr,- til after they are dead," aadly rem si rkerf the party with the unhartiered hair. "That'a right." rejoined the busy man behind the blue pencil. "Tbgy dou t write any poetry then.” Syrup tbs b at rvinadv to use tor I hair ibUUrau durlag lSa taetblug parted- ..d PllfS CLRfD IN 6 TO 14 DAVS. It Mialtf VVave VVappeneg. “Wby. Cel. Curpuavle, ar© >uu • II« yet?” I • Uva yet? Why almulila'i I be. •ir?” ’’You nniat pardon my surprise, «tilo* *•1. I .«miti alinosi an rar I read your obituary a year ago! I*» ” “It I» quit© likely you »lid. air. Th© paper* down my «ny hav© had my oblili ary in ty|M* for years, and il I« poaalbl«* that one of them may hav© ruu It in by •cvident.” F. N. U. ¿S? Qv Mat Ineapabla. “Do you bei lev* that Mr*, Bradley wa* IncapftM* of choosing between right and wrong?” “Nop*; *b* cho«* wrong unerringly every tint"-Houston Post PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mors goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. Ona 10c package colors sUk. wool and cotton acuallv wan