Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 31, 1908, Image 3

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    Oleti'v mill la eulthig bill lumber, ami
Pulfer's mill la running again.
We have just received
The Mt llissl company is employing
many m«u again.
A New Line of Dress Ginghams
Mr. Killen gave a dinner party laat
Mcinlg Bro«., General Merchandise, Sandy, Ore
Ilan* Coch and Geo. Lusted have
sitip|ir<l potatene to Han Francisco deal­
ers lot I .AU per burnir«!.
Hood River Milling Company’s Cupid Flour
Look in Our Show Windows
New Spring Patterns!
The young people's meetings at Cot­
tici church, tinder the new head, tlm
Baptist Young People's I'liioti, are well
attended and successful. Clifford Mnei I
tier is president and Newton llclin,
M rs
Graphophone, Free!
Ono Guess with every $1 Cush Purchase
Much interest is shown in our guessing Contest.
Somclxxly is going to get that Graphophone !
< >
Sa nd V,
Public Sale
At S. I7. Bridge’s Place, 1-2 Mile South of Pleas
ant Home, on Feb. IS, ’ON, at 10 a. m.
llor»»'*, Cattle, Sh»at*. W.»g »n-, Bi^gy, PI»»«, Harrow, Cultivator.
Harm--. Crvaiu Separator, Slump Puller, Furniture, Etc . Etc
S. F. BRIDGE. Owner
R. I. AM>I4¿SON. Amtbmccr.
have juat added to their staple lines
which they will Ge pleased to show you.
Guarani it J Io I xceil all others
laindon haw I mpii quite ill of
A. J. KitluUlirr went to l'>»rlUad one
•Uy hint uerk.
J (’ Buck Ivy is again on the mvali«l*
lint null the grip.
II V Carpenter Im* i? force of men
employed <>n hi* farm gathering pebbles
The fntnily of B F. Bower* are »uffer- •••so common in our part*.
ing with thr grip in connection with the
Win Hi itm iw cementing a cittern for
mam pa. Rome uf thvni are wvrmuwlv the Ju pa, wlio have rented lite Graasel
Floyd Lovelace w|*rnt Saturday ami
The Grulwr family, <»f ('leone. Here
Kundny with hi* old chum, Norman guests of the Carpenter* on Stimlay,
An'Iminljrnu, nt Vnm«>uvrr, Wnahing
The Mt II. mm I R v., |«<Mip|e were out
pricing right <4 way in our midst 1**1
J. Richmond Im* l**en Imnling hi* Friday.
|M»tatora to market tlu» w<t k
II»’ con­
tracted them rnrly in the fall for one
vent n |mtiml.
Curtis Wheeler has been sick with
Paul 8 idtli, who Im* been living on
the grip.
the Hoping place, Im* ni«»%»-4 buck to
Edgar Jones is doing some clearing
“Camp Four” on the Ml ll'od Ry.
work*. Ill* fnlh<»r in-law will reside on for Henry Frits.
Mrs. Mary Parsons will lead the en-
ileavor meeting Sunday night.
thr Herring Place.
A g<Mk| many pvnpiv were dl**a|>oint-
A. 11. Conrad ima lieen suffering with
rd Sunday afternoon on itucoiinl of the
)H**tor, Rev. R vcbv being unable to till a very «• vere cold.
the pulpit.
Brother Carl, of the Cnitr«l Rnptint
brethern, prrnvhv<l Sundnv evening ut
RorkwotMl to a large audience.
Farmer* are making g»xxl nac of the
’ good weather at |»re*ciit.
Rockwood grange will have nn enter­
Follow ing the resignation of Dr. w.
tainment “f Home kind on their aocinl
K. Haviland a* mayor of Eatncada, w
night, February, 14. St. Valentine* day.
| A. lie)Iman wa* circled to the vacai iiicy.
Mi*« I.uln Kirvlicm of |j»gan, vi*it<sd
w ith Mian I ydia Steinman hist week.
• A patch of barley nt Bmkhy Grove,
i»» in head standing three i« « t from tin*
ground. How’* that for Oregon clim­
ate? Eastern bliaaards plcane copy.
I binici Lynch Im* fa’cn a *uf!»*rer from
the grip the pa^t aerk, keeping him
routined to hi* home.
Give It o Iridi
The l*«lb** of Hover met at Grandma
< arperitere have commenced work on
IteHhasrr’v ioat Frhlay and qniRed fur
Pearl It U egg, U ho hut* been quite
the erection of the new ORAN, de­
with the grip, is r<*|i»rte.| bitter.
Mr. and Mr*. Coon sre u«*ll plc.i*c»l pot, which iu being built on the name
Miss Inex lusted of Gresham ami
ground as the one xtual which was de­
with their new home in Hover.
Melvin Dmg of Lusteds attended th«
stroyed by lire last summer. The new
dance at Pleasant Home,
building will be 3U x 00 feet.
A new
Miss Giace Hickok spent Saturday
Section houae will also be built for the
The m hool wa* <-be«<*l Tlmrday ami uac of the agent.
and Sunday at home in Portland.
Friday on account of the illm ** <4 the
A Ifrwl Hamilton has been having the
Henry lailourell and Bert Sexton have
grip for the |«st week.
*>|«-ii«l up a saloon in the new building
Mr. Wolfe returned Tlmr^lay from
erected by Aaron Fox on Main street.
George Herrin, our uld time |«>Ut<>e
the Eaat where he ha* been visiting for
Iniyer, «as buying potatoes in this
D. F ltuxton has several men at work
u h'W month*.
neigh liorhuod the lall.-r part of the
on Ina farm clearing land.
Mr ami Mr*. <»«iy Woudle, Mr. and
Mr and Mrs. J. Munary visit«! their
Wm. liardin of Aims has moved here
Mr*. Robert* ami Mr*. Ex»»n and «Juugh-
and taken puerawion of Ids farm lately
son, Ihi vid Matiar.v, and family.
ter Jennie took dinnor with a J. Kits-
purchased from Ira Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. W E. Craswell «ere millet ami family Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Lntonrell of laxtourell
Portland visitors last Thursday, On
Falls is Sfiending a few days with her
tneir return
tu Anderson station
a vicious dog attacked Mia. Craawell,
Rev. J<ma* Julmonn announce* that
but fortunately no harm was done.
.Mrs. Hannah Chapman of Enge je is
Rev. I. B Bjorklund, a H*r«li*li singer visiting her sister, .Mrs. D B. Griffiths.
Mr. ami Mrs. tills of Pleasant Home
! of Hl. ( I «ml, Minn , will lead the wing­
.Mrs. E. J. Snow of Portland has been
vlsrligl G
Blackburn and family on
ing at the Snediwh Miitfdun rlmrrh Sat­ visiting Mis. laiura Funk.
urday afternoon, February fat at 2 p. m
Thomas (order of Walla Walla was
Mias Glive l.ustml. who luxe had the uml also at 7:*M> p. in. He will alto br
in Troutdale the first of the week. Mrs.
grip, is improving.
ipresent »»n Sunday a* will *I jm > Rev. B.
Alice Courier of Litourell Falls visit«!
J. Thorn of Purtlatkl, nlio «ill preach
her sister, Mrs. J A. Mrson the first of
faith morning ami evening
Rev. E. B.
the seek.
W I h aver, the trapp-T. Im* added Bjorklund i* a winger of national repu-
Mies Florence Stafford spent Sunday
another wildcat akin to hi* collection. tation, hence all whuubl try ami hear
with Portland friends.
The ¡ m oph- are congratulating him ami him.
James Moore of Clackamas has been
theinaelvec, thinking that their chick­
The Young lai«li*** Sewing society met
en* will havt* |M*arr *< k > ii .
with h large attemlance I m «4 Satunlav at visiting his wms, Ray and Jay Moore,
Rev. Mr. here.
Mr. and Mr* <o»orgr Knieririn at­ the home of MlC. Eric t’ni*.
tended the meeting of the«». A. R. in Nystruui was also present uml ma«le a
Chas Reber has sold bis farm and
Grealniin laat week ami report a good short *|M vch.
Cuffee and cake «»‘re­ moved Ins family to Portland.
Rev. S. .1. Lindslev
of Hillsboro
F. H Rix, f»ur wrhool clerk, wa« up
The Young People's wxuety met at preached bis first sermon in the Evan­
on the lull on budm-** Friday
the Lutheran church la*t >tmd*y night gelic church here last Sunday evening
A whort but to an appreciative audience.
'I r mid Mr«. R P Raamua*» n are on with n go«*! attendance.
go<Ml pr<»gram wan rcndere<l.
the kick lint.
Mr« France^^llard spent Sunday in
Wdr«l haw l»een received that Mr*. P.
Wilson, who was recently taken to »
hospital at Grand Forks, North Dakota,
The old Kanaka of thi« place ia al
haw undergone nnotber O|»eration, which
home uml i* feeling better.
she stood uell and tha d«tor* say she
I. hi * Benfield, at tended the Ru**ell-
is al m<wl out of danger.
Mr*. Wilson
ville grange aerial la*l Saturday and he
■ ha*, during the short time whe ha*
•ny« he hud a good time.
lived here, ma<le many friends and is
A. Windward aprnt Sunday by the . highly eoteemed. Weal! hope for her
family Hnnide.
j speedy recovery and |>«»|*e to see her
Mamie Walter» ha* returned to Port­ with her family toon again.
I*. Johnson went to Portlaml
last Monday on hm-me**
C J. Mraon of Warren, Ore., vi*ited
i hi* Kun*MM friend* here InM week.
(bear Thoren ami Arved <’arl*on went
Perry Hanling ami Win. Cunning­
ham M> n" very severely liurt last week. to Washington laat Saturday for a vi*it.
Mr. ami Mr* C. 1*. Johnson and O.
They were working fm Dixon A Hill at
Thoieii visit« »1 al the home of I*. A.
their camp uli top of the hill West of .lohnson lu*t Thur*<lav evening. Mu-ic,
Boring when Perry got caught in the I mh I i vocal and instrumental, wa* the
trip lim uii'l wa- thrown down.
The feature of the evening.
log roll, d over him twice. It nlso lot
RcV'Jona* Johneon wa* doing bu*i-
Billy and rolled over him. Both were ties* in Portland Tuetday.
quite badly bruisal. They were taken
to the hospital in the aftern*H>n where
at last re|»rta th y are getting along
The Latonrrll hill is so lutdlv cut ii|>
that it is impossible for any one to trar-
Mr 11 iclm made a trip to Bridal Veil
laat we«-k.
B. Italbamnirr ha* rented the Mr-
Gregor place for another y< ar.
Portland with her daughter, Mrs. M.
Allard Metcalf
Mrs Ellen Wright entertain«! the
Ladies Aid society at her home on Wed­
nesday afternoon.
John I-arson of Portland wa« enter­
tain«! by Iris brother, Fred Larson, on
Evert Stafford visited friends in Port-
lai d Sunday.
Sandy Harness Shop
Mrs. Dan Richardson and Mis« Myr­
tle tiriffitha^spent Sunday in Portland.
Makes The Best Saddles
Mrs. Wm. Johnson spent Sunday
with her daughter. Bessie Estes, w ho is
ill in the Goa! Samaritan hospital.
All work dune by Hand
Miss Eva Bristol has returned to her
home in Portland after several weeks’
slay with lo r aunt. Miss Nancy Buxton.
Mrs. Frank Bannerman arid sister,
Mrs. Annie Reynolds sjient Sunday
with friends at Lents.
Mrs. Harry Gwens of Vancouver has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm.
Circes a Full Line >1
Harness and Shoe REPAIRING
Promptly done
V. E. FOSBERG, Prop.
Read the want ads on last page.
Ed Edwanls was lu re visiting old ac- el over it. G«i. M Haines is ha U h ng
‘lUaintanees last Sunday.
planks with which to repair it.
Mrs. I/Ilig is very sick.
lost their baby Inst week.
They als.«
F <• Wyman is very busy making
improvements on his home.
The ground has been donated for a
Methmlist church by J. T Friel, our
Jack Goaher, wb«> had hi* jaw broken enterprising merchant.
Money ami
ajiilr at work in blir aawmill at Al- lutnlier is being promised for the build­
spangli, is r< |H»rted n« doing linvly at St. ing.
\ inrriit'a hospital.
Wm. Runion tilled Rev. J. W. Exon's
Thr dance given by the Silve r Cornet appointment at Cliffside church last
li.iml at the pnvilli«m Saturday night Sunday.
whh well nttemlvil ami all report a goo«l
The s|>ecial meetings in charge of
Rev. J. W. Exon, assisted by Reverend
Mr*. Wilbur Wade of Glrx, ia visiting Gillahan, will continue fur the present.
with her mother, Mm. Sarah Palmatur.
law« Chalker visited friends lu re over
Sandy Stage and Livery
Mrs. A. Car visited Mrs. II. linnsen
last week.
Palmer's mill is running steadily non
ami it makes things look lively again.
Mary Daniels and family will
J. Johnson is getting ready to go to
leave on Saturday for Iowa where they
Sweden for Ilia health.
expect to reside in the future.
II. Hansen’s son-in-law made a trip
Miss Bessie McGaw is a|>ending a fort­
to southern Oregon last week.
night with her parents, E. G. McGaw
C. Devcrell visited his mother last Sun­
and wife.
Rev. C. B. Rees was not able to fill
A dance was given at the home of C.
his ap|«>iiitment here Sunday on ac­
Devcrill Sat unlay night.
count of illness.
Chas Livoatead went back to the
llootner of Portland
hospital last Satunlav on account <4
preached in the Presbyterian church
his eyes affix-ting him.
here Sundav evening.
Mrs. W. II. Miller, wlio has been ill.
Mrs. P. J. Smith has lieen down from
is some better.
Washington visiting her cousin.
Willard Cook.
Pltasanl Home Baptist Church, Cottrell. Or.
C. E. Cree was a
* : £
Sandy for Boring., ..
Boring for Sandy. ...
.0:30 a.
.2:30 p.
8:35 a.
.4:42 p.
At Sandv makes connections with Salmon mail stage. Also makes con- < >
nectmna for Aschoff's and meets first car at Boring.
Portland visitor
lOa.m Monday.
, . ..lla in
- Morning *er%tee
Evening Hvrvlre
..Sp. m
Mrs. Anna Swank visited friends in
Young people’!* society
.............. 7 :*» p in
<\»tlHge pruyrr meeting. Thurxlay
* p. m Troutdale last Thursday.
Mrs. Gibson and Miss Grace Lee of
Miss Elon-nee Blcckinger has Iwen Sunday m*hool
............. . 3 p. nt Portland visited their aunt,
4 p. m Shaw, last Friday.
I'ntiI Dunn has live acres underway of engaged by the school board to teach Preach I ng services
until Mnreli 13th.
I clearing.
In connection with the i»>slolllce
ut Bull Run.
Daily Stage to Gresham
leaving Bull Run at 7 a. m.
Leaving Grvabam at I p. m.
Rev. Il F. Rowland x ¡sited thia place
The Wednesday night prayer meetings
at Cottrell are regularly attended and this wis'k ill the interests of the pro-
posed new Methodist church. He is
j follow cl by the choir practise.
presiding elder of the Salem district.
Ed. Smith has moved to lledin’a
Dave Dougin«« ha« «old over 150 Nix­
I farm.
es of apples this w inter at an average of
Mr. Milan, wlm purchased the ller- *1 a box.
i like farm, has four tine oxen hauling
Mrs. Maggie Hugh visited Mrs. Dave
out wood.
Ihiiiglass this week.
About 25 |>ersons took the trip to Or-
Tom Stone and wife will leave the
i egon City to witness the himlii trial, lir«t of the month for California where
w hich has been delayed on account of they will make their future home.
Lawyer Brownell’s prolonged illness.
J. II. I.. Maybee visited John Freal,
| The date now set for the trial is April I. Jr., this week.
menta with Met all«
M ¿garlar, the well-
known ladle- faxhion
maganne. by whkh •»
are al>)e tu orter our
paper f« r one year and
Xl« Call a Magazine foe
one year for the pei e
ol thia |wper alone
All we need aty at-out
McCall a la that It has
nioee aut<«< rit-era than
any ortirr ladle« ma ,a
rinetn the world
tot numi-er always on
Mrs. W. C. Burch and daughter of
Gresham were gifrsts of Mrs. C.
Cora An­
derson on Monday.
The business of the Pacific Express
company in Fairview has become so
large that it is necessary to employ two
large trucks, a very unusual thing for a
small town. The company sent out a
new truck last week.
Geo. McIntyre of Portlaml is spend­
ing a few days with his sister, Mrs. Cora
Mrs. Joseph Hamlin an 1 daughter
visited relatives in Portland yesterday.
Our Mill is Running Steadily
Sawing a first-class quality of Rough and Dressed lum­
ber. All sizes now ready for delivery at the new mill,
three-fourths of a mile east of Kelso.
Straus Lumber Co.
Phone rush orders after six o’clock to Farmer 198
arlow, Blaser & Harlow
; J
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