BARE SUMMER FALLOW. SUPPLIES POS BATTLE SHIPS. Pewvtstoas Mee* .■»» Agricultural Collage Makes Interest­ ing E apsr.m nts BOW *Q MAE* THS HAIS OBOW. ril Owl the'wasiaw Sws»4»wa for Plv* SwBika' I'rwls*. I •• •«• Swwtsa « reel* Dlsvsaa TM» «*b|ert. The navy dpartmerit bin uudertakenl "reo. 18.—In the senate sons. there may be «sen north of the and the magnltrnle of tbe taak is evi-1 today paaai-d a bill suspending during Balay resolutions were Introduced by , "Well," here put In tbe fleshy la,tv. old born and just to th« south of ths • .X I. x . of . -x_t the year 1997 the requirement tliat Tillman, asking the Interstate Com­ dent — when It . lie noted that each tbe acrordlng to tbe Kansas Cl»y 8tar. "I path leading to the orchard, an si.clos- u.lnsre aliali du at least 1100 worth lutimi limiting the terms of the presi­ tnratate Cotnmeice ixnumieeion to de­ TOO men to 1« fed for five montha | brolderlug the ablrt waist, "coal oil to Iron tanks or pots, each holding aprox- dent and vice president to six year* anil fine tho Federal law and tho lows of and Hop« of Escape for Any anese Passposts Fall to Make There will tie more than «..VXi.'MlO Jnat aa good. When my elater was imately 5 pounds of soil. Each pot prohibiting re-elstlon for a second the states In respect to control of the I» Vary Slight. Schama Work. Is provided with a drainage spout so pounds of provisions of various aorta, getting over th* typhoid fever alm juat term. liquor traffic under the interstate oom- that al) water leaching through tho soil oot counting those article* that corns rubbed___ " A number of other bills and resolu­ mere« law. In these pots may ba «.Heeled and by tbe doxen. gallon and can. Besides | -oh, my* I wouldn't have the nasty tions were introduced. After being In These resolutions provoked consider- measured and analysed. " Jaoobe Creek, Pa., Itec. 20.—An ex­ Hpokane, Dec. 19.—Four Chinese, the different kinds of food there will stuff »«•alun 45 minutas, ths senate today able debate and were finally referred to Many larineis practioe bare summer three of them disguised as Japanese be quantities of fruit, extracts, t-gga , Why. look bere, girls—wait till I plosion of gas in the Darr mlns of the adjourned until January 6. committee, though one,of them was fallow and tho question often aris-saa end table dellcactea. I I Show her ________ thia stlb-b—you Jiut listen and cat tying Japanese passports, slter A bill providing security to dvp.«it- transformed into a bill. J' ' m to the go d or biul «fleets arising from Pittsburg Coal company, located hets, Those who do not know would be to what hapjiened wliere my aunt used sneaking across the American boundary ors of lienka and f >r tire prevention of Culberson spoke on his resolution this practice. yseteiday entombed between 200 and line, were captured at Custer yesterday greatly eorprtoed to learn what the to live. There were two slater» who hivrding of currency, wa» Introduced calling on the committee on finance to Hbould the practice of bare summer 260 miner*, and there I* scarcely * ray afternoon by L. J. &>Her of tbe Immi­ usual fare of the sailor constats of. and had the lovelle»t hair, atul they got It to. la y by Monetar Owen, of Oklahoma, investigate and report upon the cause fallow be discouraged? It was for the of bops that a xingla one of tbsa> will gration department. The Orientals car­ the articles that are being purchased by using kerosene, and _ -" ft Asea a tax u|mn all deposits and of the present flhenelal stringency and purpose of answering thia question that from the fund thus createli provldrs for to recommend measures for the preven­ Par­ ried two shotguns and a rifle, and were for this iTulee are kx will certainly make' » while. 1 wash my hair in salt wa- In 1900 all pots were filled with the of the mine and the condition of the night and placed in tbe detention hos­ secretary of the trasuiury ia directed to nance. out a very g?unds of cocoa, 20X)00 pounds of during the rainy season have been care­ “But It darkens It" are terribly mutilated, and three of wa» soon l<«.-ateec. 24.—In an opinion aa did the leachings from tho pots that bituminous coal underlying Western tle to have guards at tbe station and In disposing of IflOOjOOO ]»>unde of time,' ," offerii granitola. “We kind of their stork, giving, however, settlers had not been tare summer fallowed. Pennsylvania and West Virginia, for the right to enter end lo locete upon rendered by Commleaiuner Clark for The first few weeks of leachings in the the Naomi mine, nw Fayette City, sod hurried his men aboard tbe train as fresh beef, 109.000 pounds of mutton, thought that b«l|>ed the hair.1 the Interstate Commerce commission SOtOQO pounds of tinned bam, 15O.0U0 prisoners. "Yea," ventured Aunt Elisabeth, land st any time. in tbe csss of tho Railroad com niaaion fall retry m<«l of the soluble nitrate the two mines at Monongah, W. Va , When arrested tbe Chinamen pro­ pounds of salt pork, 100.000 pound* of “and I’ve tried pulling the hair gently in which the earlier expl<«lone hap ­ nitrogen. The amount of nitrogen tested tliat they were Jspanete and tinned corned l>eef. 60,000 pounds of around the roots, some folks think Washlngfon, Dec. 21.—Alter iving of Oregon against the O. R. A N.and leached out of the soil in one month in pened, are in the Mine belt aa ths local held to their story until they saw that bacon, SUit.OOO pounds of smoked hams, In »eaaion about 2t) minutes, the house other railroad*, important action was that kind o’ start» a circulation." working*. Yesteiday'* catastrophe the fall wa* equivalent to approximate ­ arreet was unavoidable. Two of them 15.000 pound« of fork loins, 15.000 j "Well. 1 shouhl think It would—you of representatives lutay adjourned until taken leeptrtirg shipments ol denatur­ ■ wells tbe number of victims of deadly ly 6 pounds pur ac-e in soil not summer spoke English, but when they saw that pounds of veal, 10.000 pounds each of know brushing* go»s ss lows, who prulestod against wlial he on a parity with spirits would lead U hen Amos Bogg» died there was a' .. work. These who escaped through ___ , . , , , ., . , other day that yot» muxtn t brush your smooth work in the line of disguise. said wa* tiie iu-llacriminate way in either to a large Increase in the cliargea nia compounds and then Into nitrate good deal of speculation as to how . . J, nitrogen; tliat la into« form which eas­ this reason are members of tbe Greek hair, that It makes It fall.” on the proof spirits or a practical wip ­ which committees were given authority much property would come to bis only I Catholic church and they impended ily leaches from the soil and io lost to ing out or the chargee oa the denatured ’ They xay living near tbe sea makes to alt during the r«salon of the house, SEARCH SUITABLE PLACES relative, a sister who was married and the farmer, whilst organic nitrogen does work to celebrate Ht. Nicholas' day. It grow." thereby cans lug ineu>t>«re to be Im- article. Much Increase in tbe chargee As wa* the case at Monongah, tbs living In ,snotber town, twenty miles not rradlly leech out of the soil. At | "Why. I've always beard that going niune Iroiti rrrest in esse It bccauie on the proof spirits, in the opinion ol Grounds for Army Maneuvers Ara from Bushby. ' to a l-igb altitude and dry climate the com ml»» Ion, probably would reader times lore summer fallow may be de explosion followed a brief shut down, nn-eeaary to sn-uie a quorum. Wanted In California. “Amos haa lived alone for more than ■liable but usually it la to ba con­ The Derr mine having been closed futile all effort to compete with tire stimulate------ " Both Williams and De Armond were Tuesday and Wednesday. It was just flan Francisco, Dec. 19.—Colonel J. eighteen years, since Mary Ann died. 1 The rates com­ demned. “I'll tell you, ?:dl«. It all depends upon tbs Moor, but took no notice of California product. 11:30 o'clock when tbe tenth trip of W. Duncan, chief of staff, has been and he* lived dose a nd ^1 refuL" said ' plained of were not shown to be unrea­ each other. loaded oars bad been brought out to very busy this last week accumulating one of the neighbors, who had t-een on your state cf health. If you're BROOME GRASS. sonable. unduly discriminatory or un­ the tipple that there rame an awful maps ol all the different sections of delegated to And out from tbe alster, I strong In general you'll have------ ” justly prejudicial. The commission Thursday. December 10. “Oh. I don't know about that. Hav­ Director of Experiment Station Says rumbling sound, followed immediately California, where it might be advisable if possible, tbe extent of Mr. Boggs' | therefore dismissed tbe petitiou. Waahington, Dec. 19.—The spirit of by a loud report and ■ concussion that to hold maneuvers early during the wealth. “He was never one to talk, ’ en't we all »«en poor sick women It Has Been Overdone. whose strength all went to balr. I------ " rivalry that for live y<«ra has alter­ ■hook nestfby buildings and was felt coming year. but we always under»toe Armond cause.! bleed to flow down porta ahall be exempt from entrance thus far attained on the experiment sta­ knew whet had happened and all start­ American lake—tbe troops of this de­ tion farm. “You want to know Just what he the face of Williams ami only the forc­ and clearance fees and tonnage taxes ed for the one place—the mouth of the partment must have thair manuevers Broome grass lias been growing on mior. left?" said tbe sister of Amos, briskly. ible intervention uf friends cut tl>* com­ while such service Io maintained. Ellis, in this state. the farm in small plats, and in pasture “Well. It won't taki long to tell you." ( bat short. De Armond bore away a of Oregon, introduced a bill authoris­ As far as known only one man who Tbe Heney ranch, at Ataeeade, and Where went to work escaped. Joseph Maple­ “He belred to one hundred and fifty •co fled n< as. ing payment to ollxiera and enlisted fields, for «ix or Sevan year«. the Baron von Schroder properties, at it has been allowed tostand unmolested Kpesker Cannon today announced the men of the Second regiment, Oregon ton, a pumper, emerged from one of Banta Marguerite, it is reported, are dollars from Aunt Petty, and he's The new Shah of Persia, according to it hss produced • dense «od, end com ­ oominlttoe assignments lor the Sixtieth Volunteer Infantry, for special service the aide entrances shortly, after the recent newspaper article, succeeds to both available should the government «pent all but thirty dollars of It congress. Many changes from the last In the Philippines ths difference be­ paratively little growth after the second expt «ion. He had left the port of the “Since I came here to settle up, a____ most ___ magnificent stove* decide to select the Southern portion of w______9 kitchen, __ ____ , the _____ congress are made, but in the mam lt>« tween travel pay allowed them on their or third year. mine where most of the men were there s been a claim for nine dozen pokers, tongs, and even the coffee-mill* Where It has I wen re-seeded, or the working and was on the way to tho en­ the state aa a field of rendexvoua. memliere who had heretofore held im­ discharge from service and the rate eggs and forty quarts o’ milk put In of Whleh are made of ■olid ailver. portant office» were retained in them. provided by law at ths time of their ground disturbed by harrowing, it haa gine room for oil. by one man. atxl twenty pecks o' po-! what la uot of ,llTe- ,,f copper, made a much better growth. Around BUILD LARGER CARS. In the aaalgnmenta Northweet mem­ muster into service. A considerable Dumber ot the miners tatoes and half a bushel of onioua heavily gilded. All tbe disbee, knives, the borders of fields where tbe land I* bers have been placed as follows: were Amerions, some of tbe officers ~t------------------- cultivated the growth is rank and cos reel estimating that probably more than Harriman Haa Plan to Boat Hill On from another; and when I get the forks and such utensils are of gold, set Oregon—Ellis, on naval affairs, Irri­ Ph llpplna Delegates Arrive. flalm of tbe patent medicine he lived ' with precious stone*. Tbe kitchen it­ My opinion of broom« grass is. ths. gation anil lands; Hawley on agricul­ Lumber Traffic. > Washington, Dec. 25.—The Filipinos it has been somewhat overestimated for half of the victims are Americans, as on for the last three months, I calcu-' self Is a work of art. Its ceiling is ot ture and claim«. the majority of the foreigners did not Omaha, Neb., I*ec. 19. — E. H. Har ­ are to have their re| rrsentathe in late I shall juat about even up. wondrous lacquer, aud its pillars of Washington—Jones, on river« and Washington within a month, just a» general use; but that It has a place as a work. riman, to keep up with hie rival, J. J. "Of course," added this lenient sur-’ marble and ouyx. It ia an apartment harbors; i'ashman, on interstate com­ the Porto R cane are represented by grass to l>e used in out-of-the-way The l>arr mine is located on the west Hill, plane to spend over $1,000,000 in rlTor of the B>>irg» family, “ If I'm s' places, where it can not, on account of side of the Youghiogbeny river, in fit for Aladdin's wblms rather than a merce ami private Isiidclaliaa; Humph­ Itelr-gate I.arrinaga. equipping tbe Union Pacific railroad In conformity rey, on election«, education, merchant with the act of congress, which provid­ the nature of the soil, form a dense *od Westmoreland county, along the line with newly designed freight care, built few dollars out o' pocket. I snan't be­ place of cookery. Mr. Will* in “Per­ Much a place would be found on stony 'of the Pittsburg A lake Erie railroad, grudge It to Amos. marine and tlaberiea. sia As It la.” gives an account of Per­ especially to carry lumber. About 1,- ed for the election of a delegate, Bonito “Oh. 1 forgot to say I had a nice sian _ culinary matters, and also de Idaho—French, on immigration, pub­ Ix-gaide and Pablo Ocampo arrived yes­ land, or rocky hill aid««. 40 mile« southeast of Pittsburg and 18 000 of theee care are to be ordered from It will produce one or two gtxxi crops lic lands and mines. It the Pittsburg Pressed Steel Cai com­ talk with the plumber, and be a will-1 *erlbes the beautiful xherbet-iqxxtns of terday at Ban Francisco, Ixiund for on farm lands, then it should be either miles northweet of Connelsvilie. In»* fix» K house miau Fr*e> Filo > dreen leoon . . • . • ».» > » Ing to tal-a take f the for his During Ita two hours and twenty Waahington, to look after the intereets is one of the largest of the Pittsburg pany, at $1,000 each. tbe country, which, although not made plowed up and a crop of grain taken minute«' »««»Ion the house got down to ol the Filipino people here. of gold or silver, are highly prized. When put in service they will be pipe and «luk claim. Benito off, or els» given a g make this possible was the announce­ Washington, good' start on account cf the holiday purpose ot the present care, an.l will for those that's left when be goes. I benefit of Jollity combined with tbe act do beat on rich moist land; but at the continuing their carousal after the ex­ ment of the committee appointment thus enable the Union Pacific to lower mean. I guess Amoa managed as well of eating. Ills breakfast take« place came time will witlistand revere plosion In celebratlou of their escape. which was made tmlay by the speaker. its lumber carrying rates. Mr. Hill aa most do. give ’em their head." Hawley Presents Memorials. at 12, a solitary meal, the mouareb drought, if the sod doee not l>ecome too The several chairmen l*came alert with '. new air shaft for the mine is being will be forced to do likewise and will squatting before fifty dishes or more. Washington, Dec. 19.— Representa­ dense. regard to their rights, and forced the constructed, work having been started probably be forced to equip hia lines HAPPY MARRIAGES. tive Hawley lias presented to the house From these be selects a few of the All kinds of stock seem to relish eith­ on it several months ago. reference to oom in it tees of several prop­ Had this with the new style caie to keep from the following memorials of the Oregon er the grass or hay made from it if it is simplest, and quenches bis thirst with ositions on which Immediate action was bean completed, it is said, the lose of losing money. The new cars will carry Value of the Spirit of Comproiaiae State legislature: House joint me­ cut early. Iced shertiets. desired. This was not accomplished, life today would have been much lees 50,000 feet, against 20,000, the capaci­ lu Wedded Elfe. morial No. 64, favoring legislation for I lead silence reigns; the royal but­ however, without more or toes deflate, serious. If marriage meant the wedding of ty of cars now used. , Publications on Farmirg. the relief of aettlera on unsnrveyed ler« hand tbe magnificent plates and which at times grew warm. a saint and an angel there would be The following publications ol interest ends; senate joint resolution favoring bonis ivltlsrut a sound. The first money appropriated by the no problems to solve, no per feet Ions to Makes Traveling Safer. Scene of Wild Disorders. the pensioning of veteran» of the Ban­ to farmers and others have l>een issued Dinner Is eaten at 0 In the evening, present congress was awarded today. Omaha, Neb., I^Se. 21.—That safety Teheran, Dec. 19.—Tbe situation attain, no progress to make. This may and differs from tbe morning meal ,n nick war; senate concurrent resolution by the Agricultural department of the The ameunt wa» $M>,0(MI, and It Is Io No. 20, favoring the promotion of Col­ Federal government and will lie fur­ devices save Um Is and lives ia demon­ here lias become more threatening. be why there are no marriages lu elatioratlou and the fact that It Is en­ be used in supply of the seed deficiency onel James Jackson to the grade of brig­ nished free, so long aa they are avail­ strated by the casualtr report ot the The reactionaries have taken possession heaven. cause.I by the destruction by fire of the In spite of of and are now holding the gun square On earth It is different. Husband livened b.v a band. adier general on the retired list, and able, except where otherwise noted, Union Pacific railroad. government seed warehouse In this city. The food Is very varied and the cook­ greatly incieseed tmfiic, the number of upon application to the Superintendent and open placee in the vicinity of the and w'.fe are strongly human. No mat­ senate joint resolution favoring an in­ The house will meet again on Hatur- ing extravagant Lambs, roasted whole people killed and injured by tbe road of Documents, Government Printing palace, while tbe Constitutionalitts to ter bow lovingly united or how sweet crease in pensions of Indian war veterans day, on which day adjournment fori duting 1907 was 1,209, as compared the number of about 10,OtM) have erect­ their accord, tney never have the same and stuffed with almonds, raisins, Office, Washington, I). C.: Christmas holidays will la« taken. dates and pistachio-nuts, aud sparrow with 2,097 in 1906. The report con ­ Farmers' Bulletin No. 46.—Irriga­ ed barricades extending for miles temperaments, tendencies or tastes. How to Make Travel Safe. and pomegranate uoup enter into tbe By F. H. tains a list of the principal train acci­ around the parliament buildings. Tbe Washington, Dec. 25.—Every citlxen tion in Humid Climates. Their needs are different, their man­ Slaughter of Minora. delicaciea of the cuisine, Sherbets of the United fltate« la more or lees in­ King, professor of agricultural physics, dents of the year, with a statement of latter are acting solely on tbe defensive ner of looking at things is not Identi­ Waahington, Dec. 26. — Tho coal terested in the question of safe opera­ college of agriculture, University of the causes and consequences in each «nd in an orderly manner. The rough cal and In varying ways their Individ­ are a favorite drink. They are merely mines of th« United Htatee arc killing tion of railway trains, and that the ma­ Wisconsin, and physicist of the Wis­ case. Each wreck was investigated by elements are aiding the reactionaries ualities assert themselves. At any crit­ water sweetened and flavored with three timer aa many mail per 1,000 em­ jority of people believe that the rail­ consin agricultural experiment station. a special committee consisting of oper­ and thousands of mnrdere and some fruits, and Iced. ical momeut If both express at tbe same ployee aa thoee of moat European coun- roads are not doing all they could do to Pp. 27, tigs. 4. Treats of the neces­ ating or other officials of the road. looting have occurred. Thia sherbet Is drunk from large time a desire to defer to the other ’ s triea. In the last 17 year« 22,840 men wooden spoons, delicately carved and reduce the fearful toll of life which the sity, advantages, and methode of sup­ taste the result Is foreordained — happi ­ have given up their livre in the mine« operation of American railways exacts plemental irrigation in humid regions. Does Immens« Business. After Pullman Company of great value. A man often shows ness. This makes matrimony not mere­ of thia country. Aa many violent annually ia evident from the fact that Circular No. 66.—Irrigation From New York, l'oc. 21.—That one job­ bls wealth tn the great variety and San Francieoo, Dec. 19.—Interstate ly union, but unison and unity. tlealha have occurred in the mine« dur­ there haa been an Insistent public de­ Upper Bnake River, Idaho. By H. G. bing firm affiliated with the American Commerce Comaaiaeioner Franklin K. costliness of bls sherbet-spoons. They Tbe spirit of eotupromlse does not ing the last six years, aa during the mand for the Interstate Commerce com­ Itaachbacber. Pp. 16. figs. 1. Tobacco company does a business ol lane, who i« now in San Francisco, are made of pear wood, and are from preceding 11 year«. The number fatal mission to take up the question. Circular No. 67.—Investigations ot $13,000 099 a year in New York City has dispatched a special examiner to mean a continuous perfi ruiance In tbe one to two feet In length, with tiowls way of self surrender «nd self sacri ­ accident» each year la now donble that e Irrigation Practice in Oregon. Ry A. and Yonkers wa» brought out today in SL Paul to take testimony in the com­ fice; it does not mean i-eaalng to be a which sometime« hold a tumblerful. of the year of 1805. In 1908, 6,861 P. Stover, Irrigation Engineer, Irriga­ the bearing ot the government’s action plaints lodged against the Pullman Car Close Alaskan River Fishing. Tbe carving Is as fine and elaborate men were killed or injured, the dead tion investigations, office of experiment against the company before Uniteti company. Theee complaints take the voice aud becoming an echo; It doee as lace-work, aud the wood in places Washington, l>ec. 24. — President numliering 1,061 and the injured 4,800. not imply or Justify tbe loss of IndF- stations. Pp. 30, tigs. 4. States Commissioner Fields. Adolph form of pretests against the charges of Roosevelt Indicated that he would set la cut so thin as to be traualueent. Tbe B. Bendheim, p-esident of the Metro­ the oom pan y, the service and alleged rlduallty. It niesns simply tbe In­ bowls are often ornamented with In­ aside Wood river, in Alaska, for sal­ Cream*« Oysters. Lettera Wilt Roach Fleet. stinctive recognition of the best way politan Tobacco company, te»ti6ed with discriminations. The real significance mon propagation. The order will pro­ scriptions. Au oil with which they Cook together a tebleejxioufnl of bat­ Washington, Deo. 19.—The Navy de­ hibit salmon fishing in this river. Thia reference to this concern. Over 75 per of tbe hearing liee in the tact that It out of a dlfflcalty, tbe quickest tacking are treated darkens tbe originally ter and one of flour, and when they partment today aent a wleeleae message arrangement was taken on recommend­ cent of the jobbing business of New is the first attempt of the commission to avoid a collision, tbe kindly view of light-colored wood. No two «poons are to Captain J. B. Murdock, of the hat- ation to the president by a delegation bubble pour upon tlrem a large cup of York City was controlled by the Mot­ to regulate the business of the Pullman tolerance in tbe presence of weakness exactly alike, and some are real works cream or very rich milk, to which a tleehip Rhoile Island, with the Atlan­ of fishermen presented by Henator Ful­ ropoliten, Mr. Bendheim stated. Car company. and errors of another, the courage to tia fleet en route to Trinidad, inform­ ton, of Oregon, and Delegate dale, of pinch of baking soda haa bean added, meet an explanation half way. tbe gen­ of art The Persian considers a silver »[>oon ami a gill of oyster liquid. Stir In a ing him that hia wife, who haa been Alaska. Naw Grand Jury at Work. Want the Holidays Ended. erosity to be first to apologise for a an abomination to touch to tbe lip«. smooth sauce, lay In the oysters, sea­ aerionaly 111, la better. For the bene­ San Franciaco, Deo. 21.—The new flan Francisco, Dec. 19.—The flan discord, tbe largeness of mind that Tbe tiny teaepoons of sliver have a son with salt and white pepper, and oonnty grand jury held ita first session Francisco Clearing House association fit of frlenda and relative« of the sailors does not fear a sacrifice of dignity in Bill to Increase Pension filigree bole in the bowl, aud are used cook until the edges just begin to curl, yesterday and after quickly perfecting adopted the following resolutions, on the lattleahipn, the Navy depart­ arrenderlng In tbe Interests of tbe Waahington, l>ec. 20. — Senator then pour tn gradually, stirring all ths ment wlahea It made known that mall the details ol organiMtinn took up the which were sent to Governor Gillett: ilgheet harmony of the two rather only for stirring. matter deotinrd for the 15,000 men Bourne haa intrixiuced a bill increasing time, two well-beaten eggs Cook for case of the missing Colton securities “Resolved, Thst it is the unanimous kan the personal vanity.—Delineator. A Strtklwa Mwwwaaewt. afloat In the big ahi pa oan be aent at the pension of Milton B. Hammond to only half a minute and serve. and the connection of former officials of opinion of the clearing house banks and the regular rate« for domeetic poet­ $30 monthly and submitted photographs the California Bate Deposit A Trust hankers of San Francisco that the hol­ Nowhere in the world can be found Labor of A ata. Make a paste of the whit« of on« showing the character of Hammond's age. oympany with the disappearance of val­ idays have served the purpose for which a more striking monument than that and the yolks of three eggs, one onnee disability of the right arm. It would perhaps be pushing met* uable stocks and bonds. A number of they were declared, and they are no erected on the shores of Lake Iasy- of sugar, ous ounce of butter, a pinch Ambassador to Investigate. witneaace were examined, and tbe tak­ longer required by the financial situa­ phors to an unwarranted extreme to Kul, In central Asia, In honor of the Naw Northwest Postmasters. of salt and enough sifted flour to make ing of testimony had not beenjooncluded speak of "dignity of labor" In connec ­ Waahington, l*ec. 19.—Prompt step* tion, and that a copy hereof be tele- Russian General Prjevalskl, a fa mon« Washington, lMo. 20.— Postmaster« into a paste. Work It lightly; roll out when the meeting adjourned until teday. graphed the governor.’’ tion wtth the occupation of anta. But will be taken by the Italian amliaaoa- explorer of that region. The tomb Is to the thickness of a quarter of an appointed: Oregon — Hsia, Barney V. If by the phrase we mean that labor la dor, Mayor dee Planch««, to ascertain hollowed out In the summit of a Jut­ the honorable lot of all cttlaena and the exact facts concerning the ehooting Rhults, vice Craig Thom, resigned. Inch on a floured board. IJ ns soma New Drydock Projected. Limiting Inferior Courts. ting cliff on the eastern margin of the Washington — Balkum, Mack Hiday, patty pans wtth IL fill with uncooked that all labora of whatever sort are and killing of three I tai lane who bail flan Francieoo, Dec. >1.—The Bulle­ flt Paul, Dec. 19.—Attorney General lake, and the monument consists of an rice and bake tn a moderate oven until tin says that within a few months the been imported to work In the camp« of vice Klaas Besemer, resigned. Young, in an address here laat night, upon tbe aame level of respectability enormous rough hewn block of gray dona. Remove the rlca. All with any Union Iron works will let a contract then we might venture to apply tbe the Tremont Lumber company. The reoom mended that the Federal laws be granite, twenty-five feet high, over New Paymaster at Portland. fresh berries or fruit sprinkled with for a floating drydock large enough to eo changed as to deprive inferior Fede­ saying even to tbe labors of an ant probability la that the caae will reach which Is thrown a chart of central Washington, Deo. 20.—Captain Hen­ sugar. A spoonful of whipped cream accommodate all vessels that oom« to ral courts of the power to enjoin state htlt. Tor therein all are workers, from the State department in the event that Asia. the Investigation to be conducted by ry B. Dixon, paymaster, will proceed to on top of all la a nice addition. Pre- this port, with the possible exception official* from enforcing stae laws. He the newly fledged callow to the vet- the Italian officials bean out the report Portland for duty with station at Port­ serras or jam may ba used whan ftwah of the Pacific Mail liners Mongolia and would confine such jurisdiction to the eran of • eecond summer.—Harper's land. regarding the tragedy* trolls era net la aaaeoa. ■Maaeharta. United States Sapme court. unti TIRI tuns TO 550 unir MOIE U VILI CHINESE r