I Mood’s Sarsaparilla ••FAKRR" BRRKD ARC1KNTTNIAW. | WAy Refer to Doctors B«« «urn«*«e l *11 other isedicin««. In meri«, ••le« arri cure«. Ita «treee«« treat *• It ha« been, ha, ap­ parently only Just begun. Il has revel red by actual count mor« than SO.OUO t««tlmonlals In two year«. Il parlile« tbs blood, cam all blood dia- •aaea. all humors and all eruptiona. It strengthen* th« «tom*ch. create« an appetita and build« up the whole >y«t«m. Il cure* that tired feeling sud ui*k«a th« wash »trona. In usual liquid form oris chocolated tablets knows as Sarsataos. MO 4o*<-> St. A g»*l time to do your dehorning la to dehorn th« calve« with a go-»l de- Parry (reaching for his blu« pencil! — horner when they are a few daya old. Anything 10 th“« stary about s railway ' Mark them with •■ aluminum aarmark wart an you can keep a record of them Graff—Tea—four line«. Keep a r**>rd of the breeding of each cow. «o you will know when ahe la due to calve, and then allow her to go dry six weeks before calving The dairy bull should be fed like a A Fellow Feellat*. working horse and should receive plen­ "Still rooting for tbe Cari si« Indian*, ty of exercise. Work him In a tread ire you? What's the se-ret of your power. (ondoes* for tbe nvble red m«n?" The milking Is one of the moat Im­ "I'm one myself." portant parts of the dairy business “So? You don't look it." "I belong to the Improved Order of Tte rows sbonld be mliked quickly, cleanly and quietly. Do not excite your em." cows or they will not let tbelr milk Pllts CURtD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. down. Don't abuse a cow because she PA7O OINTMENT ia fua an'eiNii to cur* mt kick*, If «he kick« three ts un» cause (*'*!»• ol Itch nr, R; nd iOxxlin« or Protrudiug for It. Ix*ok for the cause and remedy I'tiea in è to U da. a or mouev r* funded 5iX'. It. It may be a «ore teat, ft may be an Jndfairnt of Pwiterlty. I Inflamed udder or It mar be that she Teacher (of n.oonfnl of borax to two quarts of water. crop often »ucceeda well town a* late Tnia prevents roughness and soreness «* Dec. 1, provided the conditions shall or cracked teats which make milking be favorable for germination for two time a dread to the cow and a worry to week* after »owing (not too cold and wet>. Land covered with a thick the milker. crow th of cr**a or other vecetatlon Is Collin* th« Kettlo Black. not considered the best condition for A rustic was sitting on the bank of wheat, for tbe reason that wheat like* a stream when th« parton'« daughter a compact, .smooth surface «oil. Turn came that way. Punch give« tha con- ■ your land well, then harrow, then roll versation: with a heavy roller, then sow the «ee.1 “Well. miss. I be fair 'mazed wl' the A one «r one and a half ton roller rus way o' that 'ere fisherman, that I be!" over a freshly plowed surface once or ■aid tbo loafer. twice will compact the three or four “Why la that. Carver?" asked tbe Inches of surface soil. Tbe wheat see<1 young lady. should then be put tn with a regular The owd fool has been «Ittin’ there wheat drill, says a Southern authority. fur tbe last six hours and h*au’: 11 would not apply less than 400 pounds caught nothin'.” i of fertilizer per acre and would prefer “How do you know that?" 500 to (XiO pounds unless the land be “I been a-watcbln' o' ha tbe wbol« already rich. I recommend th!« for­ time!” mula: Two hundred pound* acid phos­ phate. 400 pounds of cottonseed meal and 50 pound* of muriate of potash per acre, supplemented with a top dressing of 50 to 75 pounds of nitrate of so.ia fn March If tbe appearance of the plants seem to Indicate the need flarople. Booklet and Par’or Game. Whit Ite. of more nitrogen.—Exchange. Pacifie C omi Borax Co . Oakland, Cal. BORAX Darable Gate Hlnje. ngraving plates E In tbe accompanying aketcb A r*T- resents a block of bard wood In which a socket bole is made, says a writer to the Prairie Farmer. In this socket Write Us FOR PRINTING HICKS-CH ATTEN Portland SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! '■J ■ Mail qb nny rood r icture wf?h p ata nr ier for SI 95 and rest« the gate piece, which 1« of a suit­ we will awnd you a able size to turn easily. Through the t mat if a I [>L q : o rn- larire:n*»nt of mb .«. upper part of the p<«it a two-Inch hole irnD>o>l in n hand *otnr frame like cut: is bored Into which Is driven one prong outside •• ea»-ire o* frame inches. of a hedge fork. A small bole Is bored Me do nil kinds of et lnr-'ing and kodak through the end of the prong and a pin f r iahing Send us >o ir h dm to be de- ■userted to bold It In place. velotod and hniched Vke pay rec urn post Wintering *heep. *GEO. H. STR0-1G 9 ■■ À It Is not cold weather that hurts sheep so much a« It Is getting wet Sheep to fatten well should tie fed reg­ ularly twice a day. morning and even­ ing. Sheep naturally drink a little and often, and should have water con­ venient to them all the time. Don’t feed well and give good shelter, then allow your sheep to drink Ice water to cool off. 143 W. Pi k St Por.uodr tafos ^DOÎOÜKNOW TOE Wn\mTHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a I.amh Valara Advancing. During the past ten years there has oeen a building up period In the lamb trade. Lambs are now in demand In every consuming center and the trade appears to have no limit The fact of the matter ts that lambs are becoming I scarcer each year. Any first-class lambs will be sure of strong prices for many years to come. ''«I«.« S licker ? Clean - Light V C&rt Durable Guaranteed Waterproof *3^2 ’ Everywhere A J *T>*ft* CO V 3 A Oslr Healthr Animal« Par. C. Gee Wo CHINESE doctor Pure water only should be allotted to the bogs. Do not think that the hog will eat anything and It will be best for him. Clean food and drink are bet­ ter and more profitable for any animal. Healthy animal« only are profitable In thia age.—E. J. Wateratrlpe, in Swine. Drain Will Inerea«» Cream. It Is dslmed that cows that are fed a little grain In connection with tbelr m H*« HiArle a life trtndy ol r<- »It I hr-rl-w, nnd ; n tha pasture yield a larger proportion of r'6\’ r.-H ■ i - . v cream In tbe milk and always make 1 ‘' w rid Li’w'n fuT ren>?d>ea. hard butter. No Mercery, Poisons or Drugs Used tie Cure« Withoert Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knif« intern to Cure Catarrh. Asthma, Lung eumatisni Nervousness». Nervous Debilitv river. Kidney Troubles also Ixwst Manhood lakneaa and All Private r»*a»*aBs* How to Pack Assies. Two layer« of fruit should be placed fn tbe bottom of a barrel, with sfjm* A SURE CANCER CURE Jost >«caiv«d from Peking. CMm Safe, Son 1 down and «« close together a* possible. «nd Rrliabl« These will form th« facing, for this end will b« tbe top when ojiened. Fill In consultation rrrr to for eymptoa blank and drew with th« same grade, shake often, and wh«n near tb« top put In two more rTXEOO. layers with stems up. letting tbe last layer stand a full Inch above tbs chins of th« barrel. Now put on the lid and «lowly press Into placa, shaking tha barrel In ths mpanwblla,—Farm Jour- t nsL Careful potato growers can no longer doubt the advantage« of spraying tn "blight" years; but aom« doubt whether tlie practice la profitable year after year Teats along thia line have bees continued for five years by the Experi­ ment Station at Geneva; and th« evi­ dent'« prveentetl In Bulletin No, 290, giving details of the fifth year-« teat and summaries of preceding onea. aeeuis conclusive In favor of the practice. The gain each year has been profitable; and there Is already much more than enough ex.was of gain over coat to pay for spraying five years mote. Similar gains, though not quite so great were obtained by fanners under tests care­ fully checked by the statlou and by much larger nnm.xer of farmers wt» «prayed Independently. R*a Tv«»» Because we make medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. ■' a w-» o»rrr C—lar*l I, « r-met, l*«l «ft.».j hJU>. t *..« ., m • «••I ♦( ll Nr h»nl *«4 cUl, an« | *»•» • a,l««4lt ■*«4k-li>« ll 1« I .-•• vol rw-a>*>««4 It *l«kl«.* —M* bb *. ix>«a*. Mr*- rul. «.» » » Ayar'a mile grwatly aid the Chorry Fwctoral in bran kin* up a cold. O«t*. Th« strain of th« Heil Texas ©ata Tb« Naturai Re*«lt. which has given the largest yield for "Pa. what bappena wbeu rallrosd two seasons and which stand« third In cara are telescoped?” order of yield for the four years' trial "I suppw« tbe passeugvrs ses ataro" has been grown at the Kansas station —Baltimora American. for four rears and has seemed to Im­ prove rather than to deteriorate tn quality and yield. Oat« are not consid­ ered well adapted for growing tn thia State. It la the general experience that oats roon “run out" In Kansas, CAN Bf fASIlY MIXfD AT HOMY AND and farmers consider It necessary to CLRCS RmUMAIISM. secure new see*! every two or three years. The trials at the Kansas sta­ tion. however. Indicate that It Is not rui Thi» only possible to maintain the quality and yield of oats, but also to even Im­ prove «hem by good culture and by sowing only the best grade. BEST PRECRIPTION A Mail ■•«- Wb«n an eminent authority an- By having a regular and orderly nail KMincad tn th« Scranton, Pa , Times box always at band In some convenient that he had found a new way to treat place it may come tn bandy in that drea-l American disea««. Rheuma­ tism, with just common, every day drugs found in any drug «tore, the pby- • ieiana were slow Indee-I to attach much importance to hi« claims. This was only a few months ago. Today nearly every newspaper in the country, even the metropolitan dailies, are announc­ ing it and the splendid results schiev- »1. It is so simple that any one can prepare it at home at «mall test. It la haxot sail mix . made up as follows: Get from any emergency. Tb« box with separat« good druggist Fluid Extract Dandelion, compartments for the different sized o[;«.h«lf ounc.. Compo >nd K .one nail* may be esslly made by Inserting OUDce; Compound Syrup Ssmsparille, nfirfltlnna __a_____ ra ­ r __ *.r. 1 . partltfona In th» the box. the -i «lae depend three ounce« Mix by ahaking In a ing the number of apartment« desired. bottle and take ib t«a«poonful doaes after each meal and at bedtime. Tb«,« Twl, "'-rnit-. ate all simple Ingredients, making an It may not be generally known, but absolutely harmlaas bom« remedy at many twig disease* of trees are spread j little ccst. by the pruning tools One very suc­ Rheumatism as every one knows, la cessful nurseryman dips bls pruning a «ymptoni of derange,! kidneys. It is knives and saws In a solution a condition produced by the failure of of carbolic add before beginning to the kidneys to properly filter or »train prune another tree, so If any germs from tbe b!ood the uric acid and other are on the tool this treatment will de­ matter which, if not eradicated, either stroy thpm. A* soon as a wound 1« in the urine or through tbe skin pores, made It Is a good Idea to disinfect and remains in the blood, decomposes and paint It to keep out the moisture. There forms about the joints and muscles, la danger of trees contrartlng disease. I causing the untold suffering and de­ ■* the germ* enter the wounds and dis­ formity of rheumatism. This prescription ia said to be a eased places result, or the exposed parts splendid healing, cleansing and invig­ will begin to decay as soon as tbe mois­ orating tonic to the kidneys, and give« ture gets a bold—Apple Specialist almost immediate relief in all forms of bladder and urinary troubles and back­ Ssvlnn the Closer. ache. He also warns people in s lead­ It Is a falling of the American farm­ ing New York paper against the dis­ er when a blade of grssa or a stem of criminate use of many patent roedi- clover makes a rf-'ng showing to try cinee. to turn It Into beef, mutton or pork. Only One “BROMO QtlNfNf.- In this effort to utlllbze It he entirely forgets that the plant may need a little That ia LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Loot for the aiKaatare of h. W GRoVE. I’aad tba winter protection. He does not under­ World ok er to C ure a Cold in one Day. zte. stand how little Is often sufficient to Cerloatty Appeased. save the plant from frost destruction. "I notice you are prematurely bald." Where the clover Is not pastured It Is »bserved the inquisitive pa*s**nup of little chick- The very fact that it resista ordinary remedies and treatmeut* ia good reason ena, and toward them he directs hl« for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially Is this true if the trouble i* an inherited one. flight Ths anxious mother «ure, can covering all aav« on«, which, petrified do any permanent good ; neither will remov­ I was «miosmt with terror, gives a pitiful llttl« plo ing the acre with caustic plasters or the fhoa of fUur ye* plo.' but la glued to earth by th« gl«aia- waa a small pirn surgeon’s knife make a lasting cure. If gradually grew Ing and fascinating eyes of th« pirate every particle of the diseased flesh were In every way uom bird, which dropa Ilk« an arrow, and. alarmed about it aad taken nwuy another acre would come, be­ pbyalctaaa. without so much as putting foot to ••varal cause the trouble is lu the bl,»»!, and the treat«.! m« but th« ear« «on faker him nay, I In a re-wtit number at thv llevlata del Jardlu Zoological d« llueiiua * Aires ara a number of short articles by the director of the gardeus. Nig. Cle­ ment« Duel 11. Hu«, deallug with tha } hahlta of bints of pr«y lu general, earth, carries off th« uufortuuat« chick. "Many tlmaa bar« I seen thia scene r»|>e«ted. I have «ven seen hawk« by the ;>ow»r of their g*«e alon« render Immovable a chicken which they had ■sleeted as their victim. Therefor« 1 cannot doubt that the g«sa of th«aa ra- pacloua birds has a hypnotic power, and Imlevsl th)« agrees well with th« po(Hil«r belief, current In the provinces, about the llttl« owl. It Is said that thia llttl« tyrant doe« not even take the trouble to bunt Ila food, but that from th« branch of a tree, by means of Ita cold and Insistent gsxe. It luna Into Its talons th« trembling victim of Ita choice. • "Perhaps the herons poaseaa th« asm* hypnotic power, their eyes producing ths same disagreeable aensaBou ■■ thoas of reptiles. Tbelr method at the margin of the water, which at first sight seems to me the same as that of tbe patient fisherman with bla rod. re- ■nits In a very different harvest The flabermsn often wastes his time, sines the fish do not care to be converted Into a savory dish for the table. Mean­ while the heron, after two or three minutes of absolute Immobility. Its evil gaze fixed on the water. Invariably cap­ tures Its finny prey. "I have seen a great gray heron «ur- prise s dov« In the same manner. Th« dove seemed to me to fall asleep un­ der the gaze >vf Its tormentor, and little by little to sink to tbe ground under th« weight of that ateely look. Ths poor victim came to Itself too 1st«. Alas! the strong, cruel t-esk had pene­ trated Its palpitating aide." Argentina Is a progressive country These tales fairly outdo tbs work of our own "fakera to grow worse. I «aw B. M. A. ad- v«rti««d aud oomu*«ne«d it« ua« and after taking It a while I wa« completely cured. My blood' 1« ■tow pure aad healthy from th« K>t of B. B. B., and tharn ha« not * ¿‘.*> urof 1,10 *ora . .ou THOS.OWM W««t Union, Ohio. BLOOD CAMMOT BC CUT AWAY. The cure must come by a thorough cleans­ ing of the blot«!. In 3. 3. 3. will hr found a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind. It is an unequalled blood purifier—one that goca directly into the circulation and promptly cleanse* it of all poisons and taints. It gels down to the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im­ purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. 3. 3. 3. changes the quality ot tha blood so that instead of feeding the diseased tMirts with impurities, it nourishes the irritate.!, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Thea the sore begins to heal, new llcsh is formed, all pain am! intlummutioa leaves, the placet scabs over, aud when S. 3. 3. has purified the blood th« irst class •ore is permanently cured. 3. 3. S. is for »ale at all brat claas dru» dnig «torva, «tore«. other advice Write for our special book on forri and ulcer* and any c_ — lucdical —--------- — fWl desire. Wa make no charge for the book or advica. r me SWtTT 9f*CC!FtC COro ATXAMVA. GAs S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE - 1 ■ 1 Germany ha» 40.1XW postoffices. Borneo bolds th« record for moequl- toes. The dally conaumptlon of pen« la IhSOO.OOO. 'llir Kind You I late Alwnys Bought I ium borne (hr M kuh - tiire of Clin*. II. Fletcher, anti lias hern mud«* under hl« nrroomtl supervision for over ¡III years. Allow no onn to tlrcoivo yon in this. Counterfeits, luillitllon* and •• .lu*t-as-go,,er cent for cereals. 27 for anlmsl products. 55 fur textiles. GO for mineral products. Bears the Signature of Glasgow wa* visited by grest dark­ ness at noon the other day. Street lamps were lighted and «hop« had to switch on the electric light. The dark­ ness wai as black as night Autogenous welding Is successfully applied by Robert Hopfeldt, a German electrician, to tbe solderli* of alumi­ nium wires, a direct union <>f alunilnl- um wltb aluminium beltig readily oh- Hnbitucil Constipation M For Over 30 Years. «••aww. »» husaav niw piece in a place) next spring. Peach»« la th« Cara Belt. You can grow peaches anywhere 1 the corn belt, not every year, but one In about 5,000, remarks a writer in Iowa Homestead. In the eoutbern por­ tion the chances are better than this, but not eo sura as com. byrupi i ur nknntj|acti»r^d fy th© 4Sennq C alifornia F ig S yrup C o . oniy not created beautiful—like tha oriol« ■nd the cardinal?” “IMughter,” w«« the lolemn reply, "rejohw that you wees not Which would you rather be—brown and eat­ ing worm«, or red «nd pinned to one of three fierce '^ader. fall hats?”—Cleveland An Atfeaatace. "Pa, what special advantage Is there tn being rlcbf "Well, my boy, all men have the right of appeal, but only the rich man aan afford it”—Detroit Free Preet e»rv. “Ü Purest of the Pure. KC for Quality The best in the land is not always the most costly. C TT' BAKING POWDER 25 Ounces for 23 Cents KG kOUNCuA ■ w VUMgarfit Is the result of modem ideas. Costs less. Does better work. You must try it to see. Get a can on trial. 1 The baking will be vastly better, J lighter and tastier or we pay fur the can. **•*<*•• all W. L. DOUGLAS nature and not to Supplant the natur­ The easiest way to start a blar% al functions, whic-h must depend ulti­ berry plantation Is to dig the roots In mately upon proper nourishment, November, cut them up into 6 to 8 Inch pntj.T efforts, and ri ght hung generally. lengths, bury them In sand layers Tojfet its beneficial effects, alwiy* through the winter and plant out (one buy the genuine s The eld darky was having bla eyes “Geoffrey,” ahe •aid. UMlllng rlo««r tn bln. "mamma think« you'r* a bit wild leeted for glsaaea After lb« oculist «ad buUt«r«u« Yau'r« n«t. ar« you?" bad put up ssveral cards of Homas "No, low." an«w»r« dlatloctly," re- “Cyclone came along aud cnrrloff the turn**! the eye a|wclallat. "Wai.” declared the old darky, un- machine Into the next county at th« satlsfi»*!. "dey ain't wuth tryln* t* make rate of sixty miles an tw*r " out. Fut up «r watermill! a.—Buh» "Whew I Bet you wers shocked?" "Well, I should say so While I was rnlnu. picking myself out of tha mix up and kat of tko X «collo«. counting the bruise« a ccnatabl« cams taflursiial I'arlshiossr Dwior, whoa along and arrested me f r speeding " do you start up th« wuvk« «gain? Tb» lt«v. Dr Fourthly (with great Th* coach Is which th« I-ord Mayor of «•rarity I lllvla« ««rvl<-« will b« rwumod Ix>ndon ride« on «tats occasion* ha« ben nest Rundsy morning. Mr. Illggsworthy, la us« «Inc« 1737. ■ I 11 o'clock. *alned. Stimulated by the mensure of auc- them of their appetites and relish i for 9tate of Ohio, Chy of Tolad© I __ cesa attained by Zeppelin In Germany, their ft--!. If Indeed It does not put Licas County. J”* Frank J. < hcbejr niake» o«tn that he fa senior and the army and private experiment­ them off their feed. partner of the firm of P. J. < heney At Co., doing bna:n*^4intheCity of Toledo, County andMtata ers In England and France with diri­ The Aaparaxoi Bed. aforesaid, an>1 that aald firm will pay th©aum gible balloons, a German electric firm of ONE HCKDRED DOI.L a IU for aaeh and Burn off the asparagus beds now and every ca#»e of Catarrh that < annul be cured by in Berlin announces Its readiness to clean the ground thoroughly, applying tbe use of Hall's Catarrh <''ire. construct alr«h!|>* for military uses for n FRANK J. CHEXET. manure plentifully. All bushes and Sworn to before me and au -rrlbwllii my pre©* vny nation that applies. weeds that have not been cleared from enee, thia Uh day of Decern her A D 1W. At tbe annual dinner of the corpora­ /SeAl 1 A. W. OLEA ROW, tlie ground will serve as harboring 'TTV Notary Public. tion of Hanley now councillor«, In ac­ Kali ■ Catarrh Core H taken Internally, and places for mice and Insects. When the art« directly upon the blood and mucouaaur* cordance wltb custom, drank cham­ materials on the surface of the ground facet of theayatem. cend for leatlmoniala free. pagne from a glass a yard long. Those F J.( HHNEY4CO.,Toledo.O. which have been destroyed by frost Sold by all drnffflsu,75c. who did not succeed In finishing the lake Hall s Family Fill* for •onstlpation. are dry. and the gras* also dead. It la draught bad tbe remainder poured not difficult to bnm an entire bed over <, hampagne, down their «hlrt fronts by two stal­ and thus consume many «eeds on tbe We know a.a “talking wn’er” wart cup bearers.—London Evening The boo«* what le. ground. Standard. Too lon<, by half! The ruff we quaff Ren Darla riood r*nn«h, When wealthy la “chin fin.” The Fqaallty of Men. A Maine farmer who has been mak­ —Pudr. A New Yorker who doe« ‘ils bit of ing money during the past eleven years “globe trotting" tells of two o net profit per barrel. A few years ago one of the Paris When all other apples are past their member» of the ItotliHchlld family had usefulness, old Ben Davis I« good registered as follows: "It. de Parts” enough for the most of the people. l dll It ao chawed that the next visitor to ay bp permanently overcome by proper Gnlnea Fnwl«, Inscribe his name In the book was personal efforts' with the assistance It Is a hard matter to distinguish Baron Oppenheim, the banker of Co­ the sex of guinea fowls. Rome anthorl- of the one truly beneficial laxative logne, and be wrote bla name beneath ties claim that the male chatters fn s remedy. Syrup of Lg* and Lluiro|Senna, Rothschild's In this wise: *O. d« (Jo- quick manner, while the female glvro wrticn enables one to form regular er logne.” off a sound like "Otrack" or "Joe habits daily so that assistance to na­ A Be»«tir»l Trail*. Pratt,” or "Buckwheat” The male ture may lie ^rodiuiljy dispensed with give« a sound similar to a screech utien no longer needed ns the best of "Mother, oh, mother!” chirped the turned Into a laugh. young female «imrrow, "why was I remedies, when eerjuirod, are to assist Martin© Rlarkherrlea. " ■ •■RwfblMa Mere Referwaaf lew. «3.00 &S3.BO SHOES „TiK. TIIE REABOff W. I.. I>ou«la« »boa*ere worn by more In all walk* of I if* than any other «•!• i* Iweaua« o • ««•lien* *t yla. ««ey hom« «nd auperior we*n ng qualité«. 1b« mlaetioa ofthaleatlwr« and other mat«H«l« for »aoh pert of the «noe and every detail of tha ma* Rig I «looked aft«r by th« most rompis,«orssoi>stl«n of aupsrtn landanu.foremea and » aHUa>l»hnemali«r«. who r««atva the hiahaal wm »« paldlnlh« Sboet nduetry. and whom workmanahlp ranno* b* •mailed. If leould lake you. ato mylar««fantorte* at Prorkton .Mam., andabow you how carefully W. L. DowyU* *hnw* are made yo« wouldlhen uaderatand why they bol I thairahape. fit better. We ftabetltnt«. A air ynurdeahr for W Ï. D ouc I m r K omi . amiietMUrjr. SUMMtmrjnrhmby Jaque, M%. Co. Chicago.