Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 27, 1907, Image 3

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one pretext or another during the win
ter and spring. The children tint ar«
The skies cannot always be clear.
sent away from lean» to teiardluf
My dear 1
school »i-qulr» a disiate for »tudy, bat»
The merriest rye must still have Its tear.
II» of eztravagnnt Idlein-M. and ■ qilrll
My dear;
of »noldiisbtusaa From bl» roll»««
The clouds I list aie frbwnlng above us today
iisirae »uch a boy get» little or noth
Will presently break and go floating away,
Ing. lu tbs words of l*resldent Butteri
A im ! the skies will bo blue that are sullen and gray.
A man chargee that hla acre tnrvw "Tn boy» of thia type ■ college I» neve«
My dear I
melted butter at him. A soft lapuACb- thought of as an educational Inatltu
tlou; It I» a aortal opportunity, an
Wo can't have Just happiness here.
agreeable country club, where one take«
I«t nobody forgot to say something bla valet, Ida twin ponías, ble bulldog,
My dear!
about Oklahoma, ns the forty sixth hla motor car.” The abuse of wealth
You would never bo glad If you ne'er shed a teen
■tale, being a double aklddoo fur Un
My dear ;
by tlie children of self made men ■»
do Bata.
The sorrow that lurks In your bosom to-day,
that "the usinas of tlie great fortune
Like the clouds, when you've wept will go floating away.
Tb» Kaiser has twlco been glven the bulldsrs la America should In the •***
And tho skies will bo blue that are sedan and gray.
so fre
freodom of tho Ixmdou Gulldball. lie
My dear.
qusntly associated in Ibe public mind
ougbt lo be ates tu ruu all «ver the
with bad lia bl la. wasted Uvea, end frtv
Maco now,
If It's going to rala. It will rain.
otoua urrupatlons'' to. ths out com» of
My dear.
Psrbapa th» man who thinks football lack of educatton. A boy may go
No siatter bow Utterly wo may complain.
to prise fighting bas never awn any through rollego and yet not ba win
My dear;
kind of prise figbllng but that lu which caled, or rather lie may receive an edu
There are sorrows that every good woman must bear|
iwtlon of a kind that will lit him to do
tie cuulMtauts go to a finish
There are griefs In which every good man baa a share,
all tiesa» things be ought not to do. It
It Is only the fool who has never a care,
AusXher court has decided that cannot ba denied that there I» much
My dear.
Qresue sod Gaynor will have to go to foro» In what President Butler has to
th» penitentiary. What a poor optalo« say. Tito etroptlon» to tiw ntl» that
The skies cannot always be clear,
iti»/ uMirt bare of ttie law by this llm». tbe rich nogleid their rtilldren ar» prob
My dear,
ably more numerous than the Illustra
Sweets wouldn't be sweet were no bitterness hare,
We are ashamed to confess II, tait wv tlona of tbo nils, but are by no means
My dear;
have already fonpitten U» imi» of the so coiuqU«*uoua There la enough truth
There could never be Joy If there never was sorrow.
actress bi New York who look a pH In rhe charge to make |«rents who ara
The so'» nt to-day nay bo laughter to-morrow
out autiMuoblllng In prefetwtee to A struggling to k«^t> tlielr children In the
Aud there's gladness as well as vain trouble to borrow.
inibii,' w-bieite thankful that tbe rom
My dear I
blnnl Influences of tbe public schools,
An Alabatua a»lrouiHi>er ri alma to
the I hxiis . aud the family churt’li ara —Cleveland leader.
bave dleovared finir im > w stala, Isit ho
■biltqt for rtsMe children what the lavish
pvubably lan’t balf as glad sa la tho
uae of wealth falla tn Secure for tlie
Siati who has dlwuvvred *« lu bla sum
children who worn moat blessed by for­
ver triHiaere
tune. It ylao Is a warning to parenta
not to aid In fastening upon rhe inibite
Harsh Iternbardt says si» wants to
schools tho curse of snobbish cliques
lie while playing I'auillle. We have
w I mim central thought la admiration
•eeu act r esets who would have greatly
fur tie wests of time and money.
pleased us by dying while they were
slaylug Camilla.
Idlllan Russell Is quoted as saying
that *Mlvorve la the greatest blessing
tn tbe world today *' Aud yet there
ere a lot uf women who never hope to
set oue. and are still happy
When a man la found guilty of loot­
ing a public ottli-v lu Germany it Is said
of him that be haa practiced “Aiuerl
rattlam" llut wo are going to make
them find sou»* other name for It sum»
A French detective la being sent to
Sils country to leant bow to catch crim
lie may not be able to learn
that here, but we are sure our detect
Ives will tie able to give him Some valu­
able h-ssoiia In the art of discovering
lu the oplulon of livlty Green there
Is no earthly happiness comparable
with that which comes from making
Apparently lletty never waa
thrilled by the annoum-einent that the
aisle quartette was unavoidably detain
vi and would nut. tbereZorv, be able to
A monument has lieen erected In Ger
ktany tn a lady who uikv saved the
Biwt A-hlller fnan a debtor's prlwm.
ladles who desire that
•hall In the future tie erw-t.-d tn them
nay easily arrange the matter
ro,’unl<ina jaiela are ev«*n more plentiful
sow than they were In Hchlller's time
New York line demonstrated In a cu
dot» new way Its right to Is* regarded
■ a the city In which the strain of life
« moat severe and the tension tilgliest.
□entrai Park, which la only fifty years
»Id. la pronounced to be In Its dotage
prematurely worn out.
It la eutl
Slated that *3,lXM).00t) will I m * m-coasnry
<o restore Its h«t youth.
The West I» no longer a debtor noun-
It hna tho products which tho
East nixt Eunqie noeil and does not owe
tor them, as It was accustomed to owe
tot many years ago. For tli.isu de
Ivor««! and not paid for tlie MH'urlty
• gisxl ami early payment sure. Aa
for IlHise not dellvereil. they are still
'll our own hands. The West i*su draw
P*ld from the East as fast aa the »tost
tels It. for It 1« owing to us. or will
xe. The United Kt all's, for the same
-eaaon. can drnw gold from Europa,
■ nd Is doing so.
We do not think
here will Is* si-rlous loesi-a anywhere.
Mit nt any rate they will not fall
vu us
Nothing »lion» more clearly how fsr
from llie main stream of Enrol» the
•urn-nts of Russian life have flowed
Ilian the architecture of the Russian
iburches. Tin* new Church of the Ito
l<»*mcr, ereet<*d In memory of the
(randfather of the present Czar, which
s-aa iledlcntisl by the t’zar In St. IV-
tersburg a few weeks ago. la a goial ex­
ample of the prevailing Riiaalan style.
It la not Gothic, nor Greek, nor Ito-
• »van, nor yet Renalasance. The Inflie
•ncee which have fixiil the Russian
•hurt'll architecture are Asiatic rather
than European.
The predominating
irclies are Indian rather than Roman,
»nd the domes, with their bulging »Idea,
rome from Asia and tin* non t'hrlatIan
rmsta. Husain Itself was In closer re­
lations with Asia than with Europe till
t'eter the Great turned the face of the
»mplrc westward and liegaii the re­
treating of a send aavagw nation Into
l European power by building his new
rapltal In close contact by sen with
the Western world. But the choice of
the Oriental ty|>e of architecture for so
gtlendld a church as that recently ded­
icated proves that the Influence of Asia
N still strong.
<• eraeaev These TemsHsg
■ r-reeSsels ef Ike Pts.
Raueage and scrapple making are fea­
tures of butchering on tbe farm. In
fact, butchering would not be nmaldar-
ad complete without a liberal supply of
tlisas tempting pork Items
A popular method for making aaus-
age to tn add a mixture of one pound
of aalt. alt outH*es of good black lieiqier,
a teaspoonful of cayenne pept»*r awl a
handful of (Miwderrd dried aage. with
every 5A pounds of lean end fat pork
chnpped. This mixture must be tbor-
ougtily mixed through the meat.
Hhould It be dewired tn stuff the san­
sage In sktns, clean them thus : Empty
the Intestines of tbe pig. turn them In-
aide out and waah well, Then soak In
aalt water for a day or more
again, cut Into «vmvenlent lengths aud
ecrayie them on a board with a blunt
knife, first on one side, then on the
other, till they are clean and clear.
Throw them In clean water and rinse.
Tie up one end of each length, put a
quill In the other end and blow them
np. If whole and Heer, they are clean,
but If there are thick spots thev should
he «rafied off Throw In clean, cold
■alt water till wanted. To ms* put one
end over the noule of the aatiaage
staffer and fori-e the meat Into thexn.
This ran he better done If the meat to
first lightly sprinkled with rold water,
which Is worked through It
Kbould It not tie desired tn »tuff the
aausaire skins. It can tie packml In stone
cnadts atw! covered with about two
Inches of hot lard, provl<le<t It to In­
tended for use during the winter. If
It to Intended to hold over for summer
use. It Is better tn make the sausage up
Into small cakes and cook aliotit two-
ttilrds enough for the talite, or until
all the water la out. Pnck while still
cooking in tlie cans. All them full of
hot lard ami seal at once When n*okeit
next sunitki-r It will tie more delicate If
all the fat la poured off. and a little
cream Is imiml In, Imllnl and then
poured over the »»usage
S<-rn|qile la a mixture of waste plei-e.
of moat, the trimmings of hams and
shoulders, the hend. the heart, a small
piece of the liver and the aklns from
the lanl nad aauMge meat. The cars
may also be used If they are carefully
cleaned and the cartilage removed. The
head la split tertwi-eu the Jaws, nnd
then split tlie other way after the
tongue 1» taken out. Cut off tbe snout,
remove the Jaw and nasal cavltiea. Put
the head ment ami skins Into the holler,
with enough water to cover them, nnd
add the rest of tlie iwat about a quar­
ter of an hour later. Continue to Isill
until the meat falls off the bones, then
chop tine, strain the liquor and add to
It enough water to ntnke five parts
liquid to three parts meat. Ret the
liquid to boiling, stirring In corn meal
to make a nustorately thick nniah. stir­
ring all tho time. Then put In the meat,
mixing thoroughly, nnd season to taste
with aalt. black and red pepiier Mid
noma herb either sage, sweet mar­
joram, thyme or pennyroyal which­
ever flavor la preferred. The corn meal
should lie fine, made of now corn, well
dried before grinding, and tltere should
he about an much of It as of the ment.
Put tbe seratqiel away In pans In a
cold place. To cook, cut Into slices,
lay In a very hot pan nnd fry quickly
till brown. Philadelphia Record.
Wilhelmina a Practical Qneea.
Queen Wilhelmina of Holland to now
27 years old ami tins reigned aeventsen
years. The Qu«*en la a practical dairy­
maid, who can milk a cow, churn the
butter and make It Into the deftest
¡•ata The dairy began by being a hob­
by, but so sui’ceaeful did It lierome that
It to now run aa a paying business
The Queen Is very ftm«! of music, ano
has organized a series of “alum con­
The president of Columbia Univer­ certs" to brighten the lives of her poor­
sity Ims as many opportunities as any er subjects During the winter In The
sue to study tlie evil rffis-ts of too much Hague these concerts, which are given
money Upon a boy's training for Ilfs In large halla by excellent Bingers and
The result la a statement that children Instrumentalists, engaged at ths royal
af parents tn moderate circumstances, expense, are open to the Inhabitants of
even poor children, are likely to receive the poorer quarters only. Queen Wil­
a bettor edmutton than the children of helmina la also an expert needlewoman,
tho rich. In fact, he considers one of Mid to Interested In the Industrial
rhe problems of tho day to be the edu­ afliool at Amsterdam, where some won­
cation of the neglected rich. Rich fath­ derful needlework to done, which to
ers and mothers have little time to de­ eagerly bought by the heat paople as be­
vote ¡mraonally to tlie education of ing exceptionally well made.
their children. They are slaves of fash­
Well WaaweO.
ion and send their children to private
“This Is the parlor, ebF* tentatively
schools, where they associate with
others of tho same class, none of whom remarked tho real estate agent, whs
has a proper Idea of tho value of time was looking over tho bouse.
or of money
The school year la
"Teo," replied the old man Kidder,
trimmed at both ends by extended eum- "but I usually call It the courtroom,
mt vacations and often broken Into oa I’ve got seven daughters, you know.'
—--- '—----- —
“Why to It that all clergymen will
get themselves up to took such frlgbtvT"
The words were a defiant whisper,
breathed Into the ear of a somewhat
elderly maiden lady, between one of tbe
pauaes lu a "Faust" Fantasia, and they
carried to tbe ears of a tall, thin cler­
gyman. who Immediately flushed ■nd
looked In at> opposite direction.
"111 Ids!"
Tlie tone wss erne of reproof,
came lu a gvod second with the big
Mlea Lely and her refractory niece
were q»-ndlng a few early summer
weeks at Bournemouth In pursuit of
peace snd pleasure -a quest made nee-
etoary by the Severe attack of bron­
chitis snd Influenza which bad laid the
elder lady low throughout tbe winter.
Tbe eubjrot of the younger Mina
I-ely's unpremeditated attack was a
curious looking parson who bad wan-
dr red across tlie o|ien space In front
of the buudatand In search of a vacant
chair. He bad a long thin face, wore
an Inverness coat of ancient date, and
carried a small black leather bag. Yet
be was young, and should bare taken
some Interest In bto personal appear­
"He has eyebrows like—like tbe pause
mark« In music!” tjm girl murmured,
naughtily. In defense of her sweeping
criticism of tbe “eloth."
The older Miss I-ely breathed a slgb
as the first moreeau for the afternoon
was brought to a conclusion. "He can't
possibly help hla •eyebrows." she said,
with mild reproach In her voice. "And,
Hilda, do be more careful! He might
have tieard you. dear!”
"But be didn't; and a ml«« Is as good
as a mile, you know, aunty!" r«markml
Hilda, with a little laugh.
Somehow ttie younger Miss Lely felt
she bad a right to n grievance Just at
tills time. Her family bad lately tieen
bent on coercing ber Into marriage with
a clergyman who. Recording to all ac­
counts, seemed to have the virtues of
all the ages rolled Into hla hamteome
person without any of the vtcM.
Hilda bad seen him. It was some
family "arrangement" which the fam­
ily, exclusive of Hilda, hiqied would
"come off" some day. Tlie Rev. Ronald
Martyn's father and old Mr. I»*ly had
always been tbe greatest of friends,
and It seemed only natural to all con­
cerned, except the Infants themselves,
that the son of one and the daughter
pf the other should unite the families
In an Indissoluble band. There were
certain obstacles In the way—princi­
pally tiw fact that the Martyns emi­
grated shortly afterwards to Australia,
while the Ielys stayed In the old coun­
try ; but they were felt to be not In­
surmountable Impedimenta.
Ronald was due In England on a long
visit to some distant relatives, and tbe
meeting fraught with so much Impor­
tance was to take plaro aa soon as i*os-
■Iblf. But ere It took place Hilda hud
been curried off to Bournemouth by her
aunt, possibly ns much for her own
good as for tlie old lady's health.
"Clergymen," said Mias Lely the eld­
er, an hour later, as aunt nnd niece
wended tbelr way towards tlielr favor­
ite teaehop In Ohl Christopher rond—
“all clergymen are not alike. I presume
that you are allowing your thoughts to
dwell too much on Mr. Martyn."
"I sni not allowing them." returned
the girl, with a pretty little grimace.
"They take French leave! Aunt Ellen”
—»he slipped tier arm within the elder
lady's with a confiding little geatur*—
"»tunild yon have liked to have your
future all inapi>ed out for you when
you were my ageY’
Aunt Ellen did not reply, and Hilda
was dlsappolntcl.
"1 shall not go out again.” Miss I*ely
aald, when they reached their lodg
Ings. "If you want to go and hear
more of (I k * hand this evening. Hilda, I
will ask Mrs. Hunt to let her Mary
take you!”
Hilda's eyes sparkled.
"I am never tires! of listening to that
hand,” she said.
‘And I'd love to go.
aunty I"
And she went
Alas, yet another
clergyman caught her eye. It was an
old and decrepit one this time, who
seemed to tie enjoying the music so
much that he went to sleep with ■
rapt expression on bls face and not a
thought about falling off the end oT tbe
seat A tall, falr-halred man opportte.
with llmba like Herculae end the face
of an adonla, strode acrons tbe grate
and propped him up Just In time.
Hilda, tkaaa her chair by Mrs. Hunt*»
Mary, viewed the whole episode with
approval. And tbe Imago of tbe hero
thereof remained In ber meAiory when
she laid ber bead on ber pillow that
night Ho was not a clergyman, ao sbe
felt she really could think of him with­
out harm.
A day or two later tbe aceno waa
ncalled to her. She and ber aunt were
crossing Old Christchurch road when a
motor car wblzxed round a corner with­
out any warning. Tbe elder Miss Lely
gasped; tho younger pushed ber with
all ber might out of tbe way of tbe ad­
vancing monster; and waa In ber turn
thrust out of danger by a mighty hand.
There waa a a hlxxlng •ensatlon In her
ears; for one awful moment tbo street
ran round, and tbe ground rose up to-
»•ard tier and refuaed to stop—then sbe
pulled herself together with a frantic
effort, and found herself clutching a
lamp poet, while someone muttered In
her ear:
"By Jove! That waa a close shave!"
Rite looked up hastily. The hero of
a few nights before was «landing over
tier with an anxious expression on hla
clean shaven face and In bis deep blue
"I—" she began, when once more the
ground gave way beneath ber. and »be
felt herself being dragged Into a shop
and thrust unceremoniously into a
"Drink this!" a stentorian voice cotn-
" Here use." be repeated, patiently
awaiting ber answer.
“Because uh! I'm supposed to be
going to—Oh! I don't quite know
why.” site said. Inrobsrertty. "You see
—well, I dare say you will laugh at mo
Imt I've always been brought up to
expect that some day I must marry a
clergyman! It la very stupid. I am
They are stupid.* she said.
“Moot probably If dad bad wanted me
to marry an actor I should have felt
a dlstlmflly rebellious daelre tor tbs
icloth.’ But as It Is------ "
“Human nature rebels, ebY* bo sug­
gested, with a laugh “And the balance
Is In favor of tbe actorY*
“I don't know any actor, really," ehe
responded, naively
"So I am afraid
there la no balance!"
"And It's all dead weight against tbe
poor parson,” he murmured, taking a
aldo glance at ber.
Hilda shrugged her shoulders.
“Poor!" ehe
clergyman Y*
Tbe auiiden
off bls guard,
“I never thought I didn't," be said,
slowly. "In fact, 1 used to------ "
“But now you don't Y* sbe began,
"No since I knew you," be said,
boldly, "I've altered my opinion 1“
“In such a abort time------ " began
It waa fortunate that at that moment
Mrs. Hunt, who bad tieen on tbe look­
out for them, o;»-ned the door, for
Hilda bad an uncomfortable feeling
that things were going too far.
'The gentleman Is to go and be
thanked by Miss Lely." tbo okl »roman
said, usbenng them both into the par­
And thanked be was, though Mine
Lely did not know bls name. Ho po­
litely disclaimed any share In tbe day's
doings, beyond the very smallest, and
withdrew after a pressing bandshako
on tho part of both ladles, Wtot be
got outside be remembered that tbe
lady had not Invited him to come
again. While at tbo same moment, in­
side tbe bouse, Mtoe Lely was wonder­
ing to herself If she bad seemed too
grateful—for tbe young man waa cer­
tainly very handsome, and. well, glrto
(Hilda especially) were so terribly un­
practical. There was no knowing what
Hilda would Imagine!
So for tbe rest of the day Miso Lely
thoughts into ber young niece's mind
as an antidote, and Hilda wondered
why any clergyman had ever been born,
and why anyone bad ever taken tbe
trouble to discover Australia!
Ml»» leJy worshipped at St. Peter’a,
and duly carried Hilda off to that par­
ticular place of worship the following
The Fates, however, were
■gainst ber, for they had not long taken
tbelr places when the tall figure of tbe
hero slipped Into a ;*ww Just opposite,
and fixed bls blue eyes nearly all tbe
service through Just below Hilda’s pret­
ty chiffon hat
Tbe elder M1 m Lely prayed with tbe
moot Intense vigor for tbe speedy re­
turn of the prospective bridegroom;
and Hilda, whose thoughts certainly
Rtrsyeil further than ber eyes, sat de­
murely by the aide of tbe austere little
spinster, and deckled that certain tall
figures looked equally well In gray
tweed or black.
He raised bls bat to the ladles as be
passed them on tbe way out, and Miss
Ellen, torn between a feeling of Ingrat­
itude and terror for consequences, smil­
ed at him so sweetly that be stayed hla
That Sunday waa destined to live
long In the memories of both ladles.
The elder Ml»» Lely actually sat down
on one of tbe seats and volunteered
to wait for tbe young people If they
care«l to walk a little further before re­
turning to the bouse. What made ber
suggest such a thing she could not Im­
agine. But Fate was busy with bls
puppets, and Aunt Ellen was one of
bittosi Ki is volt ?
them, though she did not realize It
Hilda glaDced at her companion and
manded. bolding out a glass of restora­
met bls gaze with a rash courage, lu
The liquid revived her somewhat, and an instant he turned np the middle
she remembered everything that had Chine and was streaking fast and pis-
s Innately.
••Hilda.” he said—That Is
"Aunt Ellen! Where Is Aunt EllenY'
name, I know, for I saw It In your
ehe asked, a little wildly.
Her rescuer maided In a sympathetic prayer book—don't think me mad—and
manner. "Aunt Ellen Is all right. If don't say I am presumptuous But are
you moan the old Luly In a black bon­ you really engaged to that clergyman
net and spectacles,” he said. "I expect you talked of the other day? Answer
«he 1« home by now. They took ber In me truthfully, please, because It makes
all the dlfferetiir In the world to me."
a cab.”
He turned hl» handsome face to­
“A cab I Was she hurt. thenY'
wn rds her. and hts eye» were lit with
The tall man laughed. "Not hurt at
nn eager, passionate fire that Hilda
all,” lie answered. "Only very much
found disconcerting, albeit delightful.
frightened. And I promlseil to bring
"I------ ” She stopped. He motioned
you on Immediately. But. of course,
her to a seat and they sat down, while
as yon know, you fainted, and I
sbe told him the whole story.
couldn't. If you are sufficiently revived.
He laughed as be heard It
I will call a cab.”
"And you Intend to marry this man
Hilda laid her hand on his gray
—this clergyman—whether you like
tweed coat sleeve, She had already
him or notY* he asked at the finish.
decided In her own mind that the Rev.
Hilda looked down towards the sea.
Ronald should wear dark gray tweed
She had completely forgotten the wait­
when she suddenly remembered that he
ing Annt Ellen on the Esplanade.
was a clergyman.
"I must see him first,” she said sim­
"Don't call a cab for me. please.” she
said. Imploringly. "I can walk quite
"But you have seen him!"
well. It will do me much more good
She smiled softly.
than driving."
"Not since I oaa remember any-
“All right. Then I will walk with
thing." she answered, ••l couldn't have
yon," he answered, cheerfully, stepping
the heart to tell dad 1 refuse before
out by her side. "In case we should meet
seeing him."
any morp motor cars.”
“If I loved him It wouldn't matter
For a few minutes neither of them
how ugly he was!” the girl said In ber
spoke. He broke the silence as they
soft voice.
turned on to th«* sea front, where their
The hero Jumped up suddenly, and
lodgings were situated.
knelt on the gravel path, seising both
"Didn't 1 see you at the band concert
her hands.
In the Winter Gardens the other even-
"Hilda, darling.” he cried, triumph­
IngT” be asked.
antly. "I am Ronald Martyn! Only
Hilda nodded nnd am lied.
you didn't know It. of course. Don't
“You saved an old clergyman from you think you could pass over the fact
tumbling off hla chair!" she said, amus- that I am a stupid clergymanY'
exlly. ”1 saw you. Why Is It clergy­
"You aren't ugly,” whispered ntlda,
men are such a stupid set of men all as If that settled matters. Then, when
round». Perhaps you can tell meY'
he had extracted a definite, sensible
He gave a »light imperceptible start answer from her. she asked him why
"Ro—er—stnplil—clergymen»" he re­ be didn't look like a clergyman.
peated. dubiously, ss If bs hsd not
And he told her that bls creed did
heard aright
not consist of his clothes, and that ho
Hilda thought him quits denss.
preferred tweed to broadcloth.
"Y k " th» explained, marrlly. "Um that If she," etc.
afraid I dlsllk» clergyman as a race.
She did not: and aald so emphatical­
It's vary naughty of ma, I know, bs- ly ere they went down to find Mis»
aanaa------ "
Lely, who had given them up and gon»
8ba panned, and a brilliant flush suf­ Indoors.
fused bar delicate cheeks as she sud­
They spent their honeymoon
Bournemouth not many months later.
denly becaaae intereated ta U m asa.
and found U quite as delightful la the
autumn as In the summer.
And the Rev. Ronald Martyn dressas
as unlike ■ parson an ever.—Philadel­
phia Telegraph.
Mere Inquiry of the general public u*
Uaeellse Blame» for a Deaveetle Mla- of tbe busline» mon of tie community
las la a Now Haase.
where a bank does btiatneea as to Its
The bride swl her husband both hold
firmly to tbe opinion that tbe du<*k real­
ly exploded; but tbo kind dlspoeltlonod
friend who writ the bird to them de­
clares that tho so-called explosion tn
tbe oven was a figment of their fan­
etoe, says tl» New York Brees.
course be to willing to admit that the
odor of gasoline was there. Ho tried
to have one of tbo birds cooked In
bls own kitchen In his flat, and bls cook
struck and told him what he needed
was a chauffeur to baste tbe “blrrd”
and not a respectable Irishwoman.
It came about tn this way: 8ome of
Benson’s friends down on tho Great
South bay went shooting In a power
boat and had good luck. As tbo ducks
were shot they were thrown Into the
bottom of the power boat, which, lite
moot of Its Und. bad a liberal quantity
of gasoline Impregnated wster sloshing
around between tbe floor boards. Un­
known to the shooting party tbe dead
ducks absorbed a liberal quantity of
that gasoline Into their Internal econo­
mies When tbe bride received hers she
noticed tbo odor, but attributed it to
the natural gameneas of the bird.
After It was cleaned and bad been
put In the oven tbo stove began to
send out a gasoltney odor that made
Its way into every room In tbe flat
Presently there was a loud report from
the kitchen, which so excited tho bride
that she shrieked out at tbe top of ber
voles This brought her husband to
tho kitchen on the run. to bo met with
a hysterical request to ess what had
As bo threw open tbe door of the
range tbe bride flew Into the adjoining
dining room, from which place of safe­
ty she waited to hear the worst Bure
enough, something had befallen the
bird, for one of Its legs was sticking
down through tbe opening in the broil­
er. and. In spite of the protests of Ben­
son and his explanation that It was
the broiler Itself that had fallen down
and caused the noise, that bride to of
the firm opinion that tbe gasoline duck
really did explods
solvency and rhe Integrity of Its offi­
cers, Is held, In state use of Fenin*»»
county vs. Reed (Tenn.), T L. K A.
(X. &) 1084, not to absolve a public
official from liability for lose of public,
funds deposited la tho institution
through Its Insolvency.
A train dispatcher of a railroad cmi
pony, whose duty It Is to Issue tele­
graphic orders for the movement of
trains upon a single-track road In tbe
name of tbo superintendent, and to s<w
that they are transmitted, is held, cl
Ricker vs. Central R. Co. of N J. (X.
J. Err 4 App ). 7 L. R. A. (N K.) tffio,
not to be a fellow servant of a tire­
man upon one of tho tocitnot I ves of
tbe company.
Upon failure of a railroad company
promptly to furnish an Injured employe
free transportation to Its hospital, tn
which be Is entitled under bls contract,
be to held, tn 8t Ixmls 8. W. R. Co.
vs. Reagan (Ark.), 7 L. R. A. (X.
H ) 007, to have no right. In case he has
In hla possession tbe means of paying
for the transportation, to bold tbe <van-
peny liable for pain and suffering due
to delay In reaching tbe hospital.
A proprietor of a laundry, after no
tics that an employe has caught her
fingers between tbe rollers of an Iron­
ing mangle which she to operating, is
held, in Raaacb vs Elite Lai undry Co.
'Minn.), 7 L. R. A. (N. 8.) MO, to bw
bound to exercise ordinary care to re­
lease ber and alleviate bar suffering«;
and Obe fact that tbe employe contrib­
utes to the injury by ber own negli­
gence In assuming tbe risks of operat
Ing tbe machine to bold not to iSct
the rule.
One to whose trustee the equity of
redemption of real estate has been con­
veyed, while the title to In trustees foe
for a mortgagee, and who has not paid
more than one-sixth of tbe puri'ba»«»
money, to held. In Wasserman va. Metz­
ger (Vs.), T L. R. A (X. 8.) 1019. not
to bo a bona fide purchaser entitled to
protection against an attempt to set
aside a fraudulent sale under a deed
of trust in tbe chain of title; and tho
fact that be assumed the outstanding
Aewemtly Cowelwelve KviSewee eg mortgage to held to be immaterial,
• I rime Peeves Mlalesdln».
since bls undertaking will tall If the
Marks In the fresh snow where a consideration falls
ladder had stood under a
window at 1502 Cuming
the tracks of a man leading np to It
O«te Bwbr Boost After Selemoalo
but none going away, and the ladder
AwA«ozewt of Owo*e»H»-
Itself lying on tho ground where it had
Richard B. Curran's parrot. Baby. •
been thrown were the evidences of a talented ginger-colored bird that may
burglar found by Patrolman Goodrich talk in every language except Esper­
early Saturday morning. Goodrich no­ anto, proved Ito Identity in Harlem
tified the station and Detectives Drnm- court yesterday morning and waa re­
my and Maloney were sent to aid in stored to its doting master, from whom
following np the clew.
It bad been rudely stolen Sept 19. says
The ladder was set under the win­ ths New York Run. Baby apemta tho
dow and Malooey climbed up, but was day in Curran's house, on 145th sereet,
unable to raise the sash. lie pounded near Lenox avenue, hanging bead down
on the glass and shouted, but could and brushing up on its French and G«*r-
awaken no response, After conslder- man. occasionally with aide ventures
able more effort a stick was secured 'nto profanity.
and with Its aid the window was
Curran taught the bird to greet him
with an affectionate "Hello, pop." ev­
Maloney stepped Inside and striking ery night when he came home from
a light found the supposed burglar work, to shake hands and to stand on
sound asleep In bed. ’ He bad a bard
Ito head. In all of these accomplish­
time awakening the man, but at last ments Baby took an Inordinate pride.
succeeded and then lnrned be was A burglar got Into Curran's bouse and
I.awrence Douglas, who occupies the ran off with Baby and two suits of
second flat with his wife. He explain­ clothes, and Curran made haste to
ed he had been at a wake during tho mourn hla loss at the East 12Uth street
fore part of the night and his wife station. The detectives were put on
was also out. Returning home, be had
‘he trail of the linguist.
no key to the door and was obliged to
They found the cultured
use the ladder, kicking It down after American in tbe home of Mrs. El ten >
him so that no unauthorized person Kenney, at 22 East 134th street, late
would use It also. The officers begged
Saturday night, and when tbe Woman
hla pardon for their Intrusion and aald that she got the bird from Jere­
went away.—Omaha Bee.
miah Whalen, of 2387 Sth avenue, th«
detectives gathered in Jeremiah and
A Passle tor H»ory,
charged him with burglary.
"Well, me'n Johnnie Shaw graduated
When tbe man came up for arraign­
In grammar this morning! Anyhow,
ment at the Harlem court yesterday
we've passed." Henry
Forrest an­
the police produced Baby anil Curran
nounced. proudly, flinging bis cap at a
atepped forward to claim It. “Hello,
chair and making a short cut for the
pop.” said the bird in ecstacy. and It
stretched forth a claw for shaking with
His father looked up from his plate.
every manifestation of genuine feeling.
“Better go back and graduate over
“Guess that's your bird, all right,”
again.” be remarked, dryly, and from
tbe ripple of amusement which follow­ said the magistrate, and Curran left
ed. Henry divined that there must bars with Baby playfully clawing him tn
been some trifling error in hla English. tbe neck and chirping Joyfully in Ara­
It was a pity, he reflected, and espe­ maic.
cially since, be had Just discovered,
tbe minister was dining with them
that day.
"Henry makes me think of a boy In
our old borne town.” said tbe minister,
genially. "He ran away from school
and went fishing once, and at tbe end
of a glorious day be carved hla full
name, Theodore James Branch,* on an
old willow down by the river, and un­
der It be cut the date and the words.
‘S-k-l-p-e-d School To-day.’
“I’ve no doubt he felt very reckless
and Independent when he did It. but
next afternoon, when he dragged a
crowd of us boys down there to show
off what he bad done, some wise wsg
hsd spoiled It sll for him by adding,
under hla Inscription, tbe advice:
"'Bitter skip» back again. Theo­
Everybody st the tsble laughed—ex­
cept Henry. "What's thst got to do
with ro%?" be whispered to bls sister.
Ke Robbed the Tbler
From Csenstochowa, the Mei'ca of
Polish pilgrims, comes an amaxlng
story of coincidences, says the Pall
Mall Gazette. A pilgrim went to oue
of the priests and complained that
some thief had stolen his purse while
he was In church, and asked for uiooey.
The priest replied that he bad no
money and that the beet thing for the
pilgrim to do was to try to find the
**I shall go Into the church and steal
money from somebody else," said the
pilgrim, “for I have nothing to go
home with.' He went Into the church
and seeing a man tn the crowd with
a wallet on bls back slipped his hand
into It and pulled out bls own stolen
puree, with the exact sum be had left
In It He was so glad to find bls money
that he hurried off to tell the priest
and tho thief got away.
“Are you working hard these dayeF
Mrs. Briggs—Our table will i
asked one New Yorker.
more than we have asked. I shall
“Yea.” answered the other
vlte Mr. Smith end Mr. Jones to
“I haven't seen you at the office."
"No ; one day I've been busy getting
Mr. Briggs—You're Inviting 'em all my money out of the bank for fear the
to All up, aren’t you»—Boston Tran­ financiers would get It, and the next
I've been busy putting It back for fear
the burglars would get It”—Wushlug-
Heard Him at Hla 9o«p.
Mother—Tommie, little boys should ton Star.
be seen and not beard when taking
Beaeoeleg the 'Posewe*.
their soup.
"Don't swear at the ‘possura.” Um
Tamm I e-—How long will It be before parson said to Brother Williams.
I can take my soup like papa»—Yon­
“Dan, la'm quit aggravatin' me by
kers Statesman.
stayin’ up dar! Hs know full well dat
I gwtna ter git him at las’ I"
Hardly any girl puts up a resistance
“But »wearing don't gut him.”
that causes a man to miss her mouth
“No," was the reply, “but hit ahof
and land a kiss on the back of her makes hot stuff ar him .'"—Atlanta
They'll De It Awywwy.