Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 27, 1907, Image 2

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tn 1 Condensed Fern tor Our
Busy Readers.
A Rwum« of the
Important but
Not Leea Interesting Events
of th« Past Weak.
Fir« men were killed while working
in a Pana anbway.
8t. Joeeph, Mo., hus started a crusade
against loan sharks.
The New York Republican club has
declared for Hughe, for pieeident.
All eigne of yellow fever has been
driven from the Panam canal sone.
Puget eound steamboat men will cut
the pay of their engineers January 1.
laweon says only the re-election of
Roueevelt can avert a national disaster.
A severe sleet storm baa demoral ired
telegraphic communication around Chi-
The bead of the Methodist Book con­
cern calls labor union« the worst of ty­
«an Francisco Banks Generous With
Overworked Clerks
Captain Greens Selected to Pilot Big
Fleet Safely Through.
Han Francisco. Dec. 25.—Elated at
the calm course of business which
msiked the discontinuance of the holi-
.lays, tbs looal bankers opened their
hearts and purses and their clerks and
other employes were richer by *30,000
than they were yesterday.
sveiy hank in the city rewarded Its
men'for the long hours of toil during
the recent trying days.
The Crocker National bank led off
yesterday morning, when a yellow en­
velope was placed on the desk of every
It contained an amount
equivalent to one month's salary. The
amount thus distribute*! exceeded *10,-
000. The Croi ker interests are very
large and they rewarded in a similar
fashion their employes in other line«.
Other banks have generously treated
their men. Some added turkeys to the
presents of gold. Other» added boies
of fruit.
The Merchants Exchange gave every
one of its employe« a big, fat turkey.
It employee 100 people. One meican-
tile firm provided every one of its em­
ployes with all the things that go to
make up a Christmas dinner—turkey»,
vegetables, fruit and pies.
The Standard Oli company distrib­
uted a large sum among its local em­
The usual Christmas dinners to the
poor, the orphans, cripple» and other»
began Sunday and will continue on a
greater scale than ever until after
Loe Angelee, I Wo. 24.—The man who
la to pilot the United States bottlvaliip
fleet through the Straits of Magellan ia
In Loe Ange)«« on hta way to Waahiug-
tan, from whence he will proceed to
Rio de Janeiro, there to join the fleet
ou January 1.
The man selected by the Navy de­
partment for thia Important aerviue is
UXptaln E. F. Greene, of the United
Htatee army transport servtoe. He ie
58 years of age and has made in all 17
trips through ths straits. Ha has been
a sailor since he was 14 years of age,
when he joined the Confederate navy.
His first uip was mad« In 1869 and the
last a year ago. when he brought the
lighthouse tender Janita to the l*ac I tic
Captain Greene will aseiinie
cliaige as pilot of th« fleet at Punta
Arenas about February 1, accoiding to
echedule. There will tie assigned to
him by Admiral Evans one of the fleet­
est of the torpedo crafts with which he
will lead the way through the strait«.
The actual passage will require about
48 hours. Captain Greene anticiiiates
no danger In taking ths equadtoa safely
The Bank of Calistoga. Calistoga,
Cal., has dosed.
Officers of the insti­
tution say it will reopen.
Governor of Utah Wants Peace As­
Heney is in Washington arranging
sured at Goldfield.
with Attorney General Bonaparte for
Goldfield, Nev., Dec. 25.—“It is pos­
the Oregon land fraud trials, which will sible that the governor will call a spe­
begin at Portland January 13.
cial session of the legislature,” said
A detachment of 900 Chinese soldiers Captain Cox, “if by so doing any im­
in Manchuria murdered their officers mediate rrslults which will better the
an<l pillaged the neighboring villages. situation can be obtained.”
The rumor has been current here
Cavalry has been sent after them.
that a company of rangers is contem­
Philadelphia is facing a street car
plated, and, as this could not be done
without action by the legislature, the
The first woman jury In Colorado statement of Chptain Cox is taken to
has decided against a woman.
mean that, »nch a plan is decided upon,
Secretary Taft says self government the legislature will be convened.
A suit against the Western Federa­
is succeeding very well in the Philip­
tion of Miners is to be brought by the
Goldfield Mineownere' association in
New York hank statements show a the Federal court.
An injunction will
complete recovery from the financial be asked for restraining the members
of the local miners union, which is
Goldfield mine owners are trying to affiliated with the Western Federation,
prevail on the president to allow the from interfering in any way with the
operation of the mine« in Goldfield.
troops to remain.
This suit will be filed December 26.
Work Is progressing slowly at the
It has been definitely decided that
Darr mine, Jacoba Creek, Pa. Only 13 after December 30 each individual mine
bodies hare been recovered.
owner or each company operating a
The Hamilton Powder works at mine or lease, shall take care of hta
Nanaimo, B. C-, blew up, shaking the own property, independent of the asso­
surroandlng country badly, but no one ciation. Thia will necessitate the put­
ting on of many more guards.
was hurt.
Acting President Mahoney has made
In an address at Chicago Attorney
nc attempt yet to appear before the
General Bonaparte said all the rich
mineowners and present any proposi­
law breakers seemed to think the law tion looking to a solution of the difficul­
exempted them and they should be im­ ties. if he has prepared any such propo­
mune from prosecution.
sition, which he denies.
A Hawaiian official has written an
angry letter 1 to the Japanese consul,
saying among other things that the
mikado’s subjects are nuisances wher­ Battleships Complete First Stage of
ever they go.
The governor has ex­
Long Voyage.
torted an apology.
New York, I>ec. 25.—Special dis­
to Europe has patches from Port of Spain, island of
Trinidad, announce the arrival there of
the Atlantic fleet on its way to the Pa­
The lie Beers company will reduce
cific. The fltet is said to have passed
the output of diamonds.
into the Gulf of Para and anchored
Quiet has again been restored In Te­ there in four columns five miles off the
heran, the Perlsan capital.
According to the dispatches, the only
The premier of Hungary has chal­
lenged a man to a duel because he was mishap on the trip from Hampton
R'Suls to Port of Spain was a temporary
a<cosed of being dishonest.
derangement of the Kentucky's steering
The Kansas City grand jury is very gear. They also nay that the entire
bn>y returning indictments, principal­ fleet etopped engines for nine minute«
ly for violation of the Bunday closing Sunday and half masted flags while Or­
dinary Seaman G. E. Piper, who died
The mint at Philadelphia has been of meningitis aboard the Alabama, was
ordered to cease coining silver and coin buried.
The harbor of Port of Spain, while
only double eagles. About *1,000,000
well protected, is shallow for a long
gold a day will be coined.
distance out from the beach and ves­
The explosion at the Darr mine, sels of great draft like the battleships
Jacobs Creek, Pa., killed every miner anchor a long way cut.
The fleet will
at work in the tunnel. Only six bodies remain in the harbor for several days
have been taken out and there are at and will coal there. Supplies will also
least 180 dead.
be taken on board of the supply ship
Immigrants afflicted with contagious Culgoa and the refrigerator ship Glacier.
diseases are ooming Into New York fast­
Reduce Entire Force.
er than the local authorities can care
for them. One day recently 89 immi­
Sacramento, Dec. 25.—That there is
grants suffering from contagious diseas­ to be a great reduction of the force em­
es were turned over to the local author­ ployed in the local railroad shops after
ities by the Federal health inpeectors. the first of the year was admitted yes­
Smallpox baa broken out near Pe terday by officials of the company, who
say that the retrenchment ia to 1« gen­
Ell, Wash.
eral on the Harriman ’system.
In an
An assay office has been established interview, an official said:
“The or­
at Albany, Oregon.
ders for the general layoff Christmas
James Hamilton Lewis is a candidate week '-ame from New York, not San
Francisco, and apply to the entire sys­
for governor of Illinois.
tem, not Sacramento alone. It is pure­
Goldfield mineownen say efforts at ly an economical measure, paving the
compromise come too late.
way for a reduction of force.”
Legal holidays are over in California.
December 21 was the last.
Indicted Officials Give Bail.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 25.—Still an­
The battleship fleet is well off the
other indictment of a Federal official
Florida coast and all is well on board.
was made public yesterday when A. S.
Japanese are anxious for Admiral Hovey, a former draughtsman in tl a
Evans to visit them with hie battleship United States surveyor general's office
in thia city, but who was recently trans­
The first train has [«seed under the ferred to a similar position in Portland,
Hudson river at New York through the Or., gave bond for hta appearance at a
McAdoo tunnel.
date later to be fixed. Hovey is indict­
ed on two chsrge«—conspiring with O.
The total loss to vessel property on
the great lakes amounted to *743,000 C. Della«, the chief clerk of the office,
and the forgery of field notes to minir g
for the season of 1907.
claims. Dallas and McLeod, who have
The Illinois Bmupree court has de­ already been arrested, also gave bonds.
clared unconstitutional the law forbiud-
ding speculation in theater tickets.
Largest in Navy.
The Searchlight Rank A Trust com­
Troy, N. Y., Dec. 25.—Orders have
pany, of Searchlight, Nevada, has been been received at Watervliet arsenal for
looted by the president of the oorpora- two of the new type 14-inch coast gune.
The work will be commenced January
Friction between
Cortelyou and 1. The guns will be the first of this
Roosevelt may result in the resignation type ever made in this country.
of the former.
14-inch weapon is about 40 feet long
Michigan elecitric road managers say and weighs about 50 tons. It throws a
they cannot operate at a profit for less heavier projectile than the 12-inch gun
to a greater distance. The 14-inch tube
than 2 cents a mile.
will In time supplant the 12-inch rifle
An Atlanta liner arrival at New on the sea coast.
York a few days ago with only seven
first class psseengers.
Denver Begins to Pay.
Denver, Dec. 25.—The first install­
A New York man has had his name ment (*25,000) of the *100,000 fund
changed from Crooke to Croobe,'be­
pledged to the Democratic National
cause bls sweetheart would not accept committee by the Denver Convention
such a name.
league was forwarded yesterday to
The Supreme court of Illinois holds Chairman Thomas Taggart, at French
thst the anti-cigarette law does not Lick, Ind. The remainder will be paid
prohibit ths sale of cigarettes made In equal Installments on January 22,
February 22, and March 22.
(roa pore tobneeo.
The rush
of aliens
University Establish«« Loan Fund In- Umatilla County Shows Big Gain In
stead of Making Gifts.
Fhre Years.
University of Qaegon, Eugene—Th«
University of Oregon Is planning a loan
fund of at least *5,000, based ou th«
belief that a loan la better than an out­
right gift in the hum of a scholarship.
Borne subscriptions have already been
made to the fund, and a numlat of
prominent men of the »tale have agteed
to guarantee amounts up to *500. Pres­
ident (.'ampbell la using hia beet efforts
to raise the entire *5,000 thia year If
In almost every high school graduat­
ing class there are some who do not
have the means for a college education,
but who would take advantage of any
fair opportunity offered them to secure
one. The treaeurei of the loan fund,
who is to be the high school inspector
and will thus Upve an opportunity to
know personally the members of the
classes, will srork in conjunction with
the city superintendents and high school
He will make Icaus to
such students as need them each year
at a low rate of Intervet, with the agree-
mert that they are to repay the princi­
pal as soon as they are able after leav­
ing college. A small amount of life in­
surance will be taken out on each at
the expense of the fund. It is th« plan
to have ten men guarantee the fund
against loss to the amount of *500 each
The university lias had a small loan
fund of about *300 for th« past four
years. During this time, 25 students
have been enabled to complete their
college course who otherwise could not
have done so. Only one loan has been
Many Mak« Own Way.
University of Oregon, Eugene—A
canvass of the students of the Universi­
ty of Oregon just made shows that be­
tween 60 and 70 per cent of the men In
the university this year are either
wholly or partially making their own
wav through college. The greater part
of the earning is done, of course, during
the summer. The canvass shows that,
since the vacation is comparatively
abort, the men got employmert in the
harvest fields, mills, mines ar.d labor
of various kinds paying good wages. It
shows also that the engineering stu­
dents find no trouble in getting work
in their line. The engineering depart­
ment has a large number of graduate«
in the employ of the Southern Pacific,
O. R. A N., Northern Pacific and the
government reclamation service, and
the majority of the engineering students
are engage,! before the session closes In
June. A number of students are part­
ly earning their own way during the
eeaeion. The university maintains an
employment bureau under the direction
of the registrar, but it has not been able
this fall to supply all calle made on it
for students to work.
Pendleton—UmaUlla county's rapid
development is shown In the recent
summary of the taxable property in the
county, recently furnished the secre­
tary of state by Assessor Strain. This
summary, compared with the one made
five years ago, shows the nuiulwr of
tillable acres as increase,! by 90,000.
The total number of acre* of arable
land in the county at present is 46.000.
The number of acre« classified as non-
tillable is given at 588,144.
The figures for the latter do not, of
course, include the forest reserves and
other government land no* subject to
taxation. The amount of non-tillable
land In the county is constantly in­
creasing, also, by reason of the fact
that so much government land is being
taken up and deeded to settlers.
The increase in the number of till­
able scree is ilue in large measure to
the different irrigation projects which
are being completed. This is not the
only source of increase, however, aa
thousands of acres of land in the west­
ern and southwestern parts of the
county are now plowed up and growing
wheat that a few year» ago were consid­
ered worthless for anything more val­
uable than range for stock. Much of it
was given over entirely to sagebrush
and jackrabbits. The Pilot Kock and
Birch creek countries have experienced
the greatest development In this line.
Oregon Agricultural Collage Plans to
Aid Farmer With Little Time.
The Oregon Agricultural college will
give winter short courses, beginning
January 7, 1908, as follow»
1. General Agriculture; two weeks.
2. Dairying; six «reeks.
3. Horticulture; six weeks.
4. Mechanic Arts; six week«.
5. Household Science; six weeks.
Many young men aa well as many
mature farmers who are so situated
that they cannot take a four year«’
course of study desire toacquiant them­
selves more fully with the most recent
developments In agriculture.
are others who feel the need of a more
practical knowledge of farm mechanics
and the use of tools. It is to meet the
needs of these claesra that three courses
will be given.
The course In House­
hold Science will ue of value to the
women of the home who desire Io more
thoroughly acquaint themselves with
the principles of gxxl cooking and of
general home management. The sub­
jects to be discussed will be of interest
and Importance to every farmer and
homekeeper and it ia hoped that a
large number will take advantage of
this opportunity.
A circular containing further inform­
Wheat Trade Stagnant.
ation will be sent on application to
Pendleton—Business is dull in the
the Agricultural College,
local wheat market, the price being
down, and the farmers are unwilling
to part with the holdings at a figure
Batter Pay for Teachers.
that is 10 cents lower than what they
Eugene—At a largely attended school
could have secured early in the fall.
Until recently the local quotation on meeting last week an 8-mill tax was
slub baa been 67c, but another drop of unanimously voted by the enthusiastic
a cent has occurred.
However, wheat citixenv. The school loard recommend­
is said to be worth 68c in Pendleton, ed a 7-mill tax, but the additional mill
and at least one buyer is offering that was added in order that the salaries of
figure. Others declare they are out of teachers might he increased and none
but the best instructors employed.
the market for the time being.
committee wa- appointed to report
upon the advisability of petitioning
Survey for Albany Depot.
the county coart to pay the tuition
Albany—Although the railrwd com­
of Lane county students outside of
mission has granted the Southern Paci­
Eugene who attend the high school
fic an extension of time in which to be­
gin active construction work on the new
depot ordered at this city, the railroad
Heat and Light for Agency.
surveyors are now only laying out the
Pendleton — Supervising Engineer
The road asked an extension
of 20 days beyond the limit fixed by Pringle of the Indian department, who
the commission. The depot will he lias been at the Umatilla agency exam­
of sufficient capacity to handle the ining the facilities forheatingand light­
business of all roads centering in Al­ ing the buildings of the agency, will
bany. The old Corvallis A Eastern de­ recommend, it ia understood, the erec­
pot will probably be altogether aband­ tion of a one-sb-ry brick structure, 40x
70 feet, in which a complete electric
lighting and heating plant will be In­
stalled. It is dreired that the building
Grain Instead of Hops,
shall be completed for the opening of
Aurora—During the past two weeks
school next year.
this section has been well soaked with
the usual winter rains and the farmers
are well pleased with the outlook. The
ground is in good condition, and much
Wheat—Club, 82c; blusstem, 84c:
work has been done for the winter
grains. An unusually large acreage of valley, 82c; red, 80c.
Gate—No. 1 «bite, *28: gray, *28.
grain has been sown this fall, many of
Barley—Feed, *27; brewing, *31;
the hopgrowers thinking it better to
put in small gran than to depend en­ rolled, *30.
Corn—Whole, *32; cracked, *33.
tirely on bops for financial returns on
Hay—Valley timothy, No. 1, *16;
their properties.
Eastern Oregon timothy, *20023; clo­
To Attend Scientists Meet.
ver, *15; cheat, *15; grain bay, *160
Corvallis—A. L. Knisely, Federal *16; alfalfa, *15; vetch, *14.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 35*37
chemist for Oregon, expects to start
East immediately after Christmas, to per pound.
Veal—75 to 125 pounds, 8 5(09c;
attend the midwinter meeting of the
Association for the Advancement of Sci­ 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200
ence and the American Chemical socie­ pounds, 506 <(c.
Pork—Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 60
ty at Chicago. He also expects to visit
the Chicago, New York ami Washing­ 6J*c; packers, 606)(c.
Poultry — Average old hens, 10c
ton pure food laboratories before com­
ing back to Portland, which will be hia per pound; mixed chickens,
spring chickens, IQs; roosters. 8c;
dressed chickens, 12013c; turkeys,
Present for University.
live, 15c; dressed, choice, 18(919c;
University of Oregon, Eugene—The geese, live, 8(99c; ducks, 125(013)(C;
Alumni association has just presented pigeons, *1 (*1.50; squabs, *203.
Eggs—Fresh ranch, candled, 35c per
to the University of Oregon a painting
of President Johnson, the first presi­ dosen.
Fruits—Apples, 75c0*2 per box;
dent of the university. The work was
done in Eugene by R. LeBarre Good­ peaches, 7 5c 4**1 perorate; pears, *1.25
(<*1.75 per box; cranberries, *9.60012
win, of New York, at a cost of *500.
per barrel.
Tax Roll Turned Over.
Vegetables—Turnips, 75c per sack;
Astoria—The 1906 delioqnent tax carrots, 65c per sack; beets, *1 per
roll has been turned over to the county sack; beans, 7<A9c per pound; cabbage.
clerk by Sheriff Pomeroy.
The collec­ 1c per pound; rauliflower, 75c0*l per
tions on this roll were the largest ever d>nen; celery, *3 25(03.50 per irate;
made in the history of the county, and onions, 154120c per d<nen; pareley, 20c
indicate a healthy condition of finances per dosen; peas, 11c per pound; pep­
pers, 8(917c per pound; pnmkpins, 1(3
io Clatsop county.
1 J*c per pound; radishea, 2Cc per dos­
Land Claimants Anxious.
en; spinach, 6c per pootd; sprouts, 8c
Pendelton—In the Umatilla land per pound; squash, 1<315* c per pound;
fraud cases, which will soon begin, tomatoes, *1.50 per box.
Onions—*1.75/31.85 per hnndred.
about 200 entry men will be involved in
Potatoes—50065c per hnndred, de­
th la Grande district.
Great uneasi­
ness Is being shown as to the outcome liverer! Portland; sweet potatoes, *2.75
03 per hundred.
of these cases.
Hope—1907, 507c per pound; olds,
New Notaries Public.
Salem—Governor Chamberlain has
Wool—Eastern Oregon average best,
named the following notaries public: 13020c per pound, according to shrink­
Thomas Coates, Tillamook; J. L. Camp­ age; valley, 18020, according to fine­
bell, Glendale; Virgil H. Massey, R. ness; mohair, choice, 29080« par
F. D. No. >, Salem.
Japan Gives Canada Assurance— Di­
vert Stream to Core«.
Tokio, Dec. 24.—Negotiations be­
tween Canadian Minister of Labor Ru­
dolph« letuienx and the Japanese gov­
ernment, which have been delayed by a
hitch over details, will be concluded
within the next few days
ft is under­
stood that Minister Lemieux has fin­
ally agreed to accept Japan’s verbal
assurance that she will undertake Ui«
self Imposed task of limiting emigra­
tion to Canada. The exact method of
limitation will be left entirely In the
hands of the Japaneee government.
The assurance is Identical with that
given the United Htatee.
It is stated tliat the bitch arose over
the desire of the Canadian government
to secure a definite promise in writing
outlining the undertakings. This was
positively declined by Japan because It
would entail a racrlfic of treaty rights.
Minister Lemieux also desired to secure
from the Japaneee government a note
giving the exact number of lalorera
that the government proposed to allow
to emigrate to Canada.
Thia was also
Rioting in India.
Calcutta. India, Dec. 2L—In conse­
quence of the sentence of three months'
imprisonment, pr monneed against Re­
pin Chandrel, the Nationalist chief, for
having refused to testify In coart
against a Hindu newspaper, grave dis­
orders of a sol It Ions nature took place
in the stteets here. An Immense crowd
raised a great tumult in front of the
ball of tribunals, attacking the police
and stoning the windoirs. A party of
Hindu students a«saultad vaiioua Brit­
ish officer» and »ergeants, blockading
the principal streets.
Favors Giving Tithes.
New York, Dvc. 24.—Joseph H.
Ch'«te in an mhlrere at the annual
meeting of the State Charities Aid
samriation advocated wilier enee to the
old Mosaic law that one-tenth of all
property be given to cliarity. Herald
he did not believe many of the rich
women and men who compievi his au­
dience had live<l up to the law and that
if all the people of the country had
done so there would not have been any
financial trouble« like those through
which the country has just passed.
Cut in Railroad Force.
Sacramento, Dec. 24.—Orders from
the general Southern Pacific office« In
S«n Franeirco were posted yesterday in
the local railroad shops to the effect
that the shops will close, with the ex­
ception of enough men to handle round­
house work, today and remain closed
until January 1.
It ie stated unoffi­
cially that after the first of the year
the force In each of the shops will tie
r dneed or the men will be given from
three to four days a week. It In also
Baid that a similar reduction will he
made all over the Harriman system
Will Cut Oil Rates.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 24.—The state
railway commission has decided to cut
oil rates in Nebraska 30 per cent. This
action was forced by alleged discrimin­
ation by the railroads in favor of the
Standard Oil company. The railroads
view the proposed reduction with great
disfavor, and declare that they will
lose money on every gallon of oil they
move at the new rate. They are al­
ready outlining a fight to maintain the
present toll.
For State Lin« Stations.
Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 24.—The rail­
road commission of Oklahoma has or­
dered the Santa Fe to establish stations
at all pointe on the state line c rossed
by the company. The action wax taken
because of a decision on the part of the
commission that the Hants Fe had
failed to sell interstate tickets at the
2-cent rate.
Ch i« to Welcome Fleet.
Pitllgréw Says It Is Ownid by
Big Corporations.
Railroads Were Aided In Stealing Rich
Lande In the West—Senator
Allison Helped.
Washington, |8< c . 24 — Ex Henator
Pettigrew, of South Dakota, wbuee de­
feat for re-elrctlon waa one of Uie
thing« that nuwt gratified the late Mark
Hanna, baa eouie out with ■ llrrw de-
nunclallon of eotigrr»» as a bxly. In
which he personally attacks H;>eak»r
Cannon, lie deolarw that Mr. Cannon
aided the railroads Io steal public lands
In the West
When the charge« were
brought to Mr. Ikninou'« attention, he
■aid: “Wlieu I am attack/Hl by a man
of reputation and chaiactei I will de­
fend myself.”
"Cougrres la owned, body and soul,
by the corporations,*' Is Pettigrew's
opening shot.
Continuing, he save
“I wm a member of the «en«te lor 12
years, and I do not hesitate to ray that
the railr<«da control a majority of the
member» of the satiate and they own
the house.
“It was In 1898 that I vndeavored
tv have n law twserxl that would pre­
vent the railroad» from stealing the
public land«.
Finally 1 «eculed an
amendment to the sundry civil bill
which would have operated effectually
to prevent the railroads from entering
public lands, but Alliaou and Cannon
were both onto their jot«.
“The bill was reported lock to the
senate about 5 o'olock In the motnitig
the last day of the aeaalon an I it «as
1 did not know until after­
ward that Allison and Cannon had In­
terpolated a phrase of a lew word»,
a hie*' virtually ma<le nugatory the In­
tel tv and purp<sM<« of my amendment.
“Thia phrase was ‘or any other
claimant or |«ntente«.'
Under this
wording the railn«<l» were enatded to
enter the ehoioe lands of the West and
they luet no time in doing it.
“It wsa the same way with the
Unlou Pacific railroad bills. Hutting-
ton lammed through th« hou»e a bill to
have the gvvernmenl give up Its second
mortgage, which Would have given the
read millions of dollars.
He had a
clear majority In the eenate and the
bill would have |««ae<l that body had
not some senators talked it to death.
“It was the «me way with the rail­
road pooling bill. It |»use,I the house
and would have gone through the sen­
ate had it not been talked to death
The «enatora opposing these bills could
have had *190,000 apiece to quit talk­
ing, and would have been allowed to
vote any way they ch<«e, because the
railroads had enough votes to |«ra the
measure without us."
Pick of Evan»' Ship» to Maks Long
Ocean Trip.
Washington. Dec. 24.—"The pro­
gram of the return of the battleship
fleet ie a matter that has been discrisM-d
among the official» of the Navy <le|«rt-
ment, but as yet no decision has been
reached, and will not lie for some time
to oome,” rays Hroretary of the Navy
Metcalf. The ectetary's remark was
.-alici out by a wireless mcraage from
the flagship Connecticut, stating that
Admiral Evans l.a<i authorise! the As­
sociated Prese tn say it ie his personal
belief that the Navy de|«rtment*s pres­
ent intention to have the liettlevhip
fleet return by way of the Hues canal
next summet or fall.
As the presi­
dent, through Secretary Loeb, previ­
ously hrd SfHiken to the rame effect, it
seems clear that Admiral Evans' state­
ment was not suggested by any definite
move S" far deter mind upon by timer
supreme in authority. In naval circle«
the opinion prevails that at mo»t only
a squadron cump ad of such versela a»
the voyage to the Pacific xhall have
ilemonrtratd to be “the pick of the
fleet,'’ will lie sent through the Hues
canal, while the remainder will take
the shorter route around the Horn.
Makes N«w World Record
Han Antonio, Tex., Dec. 24.—A.
Toep;>erweln today completed a ten
• lays' »hooting series during which he
shot at 72,500 targets and mixed nine.
This breaks the world's record both
as to ntimlier of targets shot at and the
number mixed.
Mr. Toepperwein
cloed the exhibition in whirlwind
fsahlon, shooting at the final 6,500
targets and missing only one. Toepper­
wein usd a 22-caliber automatic rifle
and the blocks were two and a half
Inches thick and were thrown at a dis­
tance of 20 feet from the marksman.
Preparing for Struggle.
Hru-ramento, Dec. 24.—In thia city
there are indications that the Hoiithern
Pacific railroad will not sign an agree­
ment with the blacksmiths, machinist»
or other departments of the railrrad’s
rhojis, anil that it is preparing for a
prospective strike. A »toclUkle eight
feet high, top;>d with barbed wire, ie
being built and in the enclosure a
bunkhouse 90 feet long and 40 feet
wide is flnislid, and h dining room,
cook house and outbuildings are going
up. It Is bellevd that nonunion men
will be card for inside the stockade.
Velparaiso, Dec. 24.—The house of
W. K. Grace A Co., of this city, has
received a telegram from New York
certifying that the American fleet, now
on its voyage to the Pacific, will enter
the porta of Chile. Preparations are
Fruits of Grand Jury.
Icing made hern to give them an agree­
Helena, Mont., Dec. 24—Among
able welcome, in which the government the 27 persona indicted by the Federal
will join.
grand jury yesterday, two1 were marie
public today with the arrest of O. C.
Goldfield to Be Trooplese.
Dallas, chief clerk, and J. D. McLeod,
Washington, Dee. 24. — Roosevelt has at the hrarl of the survey department
nrderAl the troops withdrawn from in the office of the Unitd Htatex sur­
Goldfield Mornlay, I)ecember 30. No veyor general in thia city. The indict­
statement as to the reason for with­ ment alleges forgery ami conspiracy to
drawal Is offered bnt at the War de­ defrand the government of the United
partment it ie aeaumed h^ many that Htales. Both are well known citisens
General Funston has found that it was of Helena.
not necessary to send the soldiers there.
Senator Mallory Dsad.
British Squadron In Pacific.
Ixmdon, Dec. 24.—According to the
Htandard, the Admiralty ha« decided to
establish next May a Pacific and North
Amer loan squadron, the base of which
will be at Esquimau, B. 0.
Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 24.—United
Htatxs Henator Htephen R. Mallory did
at 2:58 yesterday morning, after an Hi­
ners causer! by a general breakdown on
November 20, with paralysis of the toft
tlecretary Oortelyuu Maks» Report to
Washington, I Wo. 13.—Hecrelary (’or-
lelyuu has repotted to oongtees the re­
ceipts from ciwtama from Oregon during
the part fiscal year to be *1,140,612, ol
which there was collected III Portland
(1,123,291; Astoria, (17,119 and Ya-
^ulna, *1.35.
The total for Waahlngtou, all ports,
was (1,622,033. From internal reve­
nue the coll*otIona were In Oregon,
Washington, (I.U46.23H,
and California, *5,586.79«.
The immense leed of New York state
lu 1» th Items ia shown
Customs re­
ceipts, *223,127,066; iiiternal leveilua,
The reports of receipts from sales of
public lands give« Otegim *1,621,287,
o! which there was collected at Port­
land. *KI.I.7>M. The He 11,.«. *344,>76,
Rosel'Uig, (415.004, la Grande, *436,-
208; Hurns, *91,051; lakeview. *171,-
048;. In Washington the receipts were
*»1)0,714, California, (3«7,870. Total
receipts from land sales in the onuutiy
were *7,878.811.
Th« territorial government of Alaska
cost *61,472 In aalariM, and *4,919 in
The line oustetn house at Portland
coat In luiprovementa only *770.42, and
the Baker City postoffice only (60, and
the Haleni public building *6,628.
During the year the government ex­
pended *2,201 on ita exhibit which waa
al the Lewie and Clark »i;>oeitioo. and
*1,382 on the expnaillon government
On harbor Improvement» (lie dis-
buiaenisnta were
Entrance to Cooe
bey, Oregon, *2.600; <lrv«tae lot Oregon
and Waahington harbor»,
Gray» harlxir, Washington. *10,000.
( rays harbor and t belialla river, *3,-
9 vu.
River Improvements owl: Columbia
and lower Willamette, below Portland,
*72,668; Columbia, at Caseadee, (270.
C I imbia, betweeu Wenatchee and
Bri.lgvport, (1.000, Columbia. Wash
irigton. (12,500. ganging waters ol the
Columbia. *773.63«, upper Columbia
and Hnake livers, *18,000; Cooe river,
*600; Coquille rivet, *4,400; Tilla­
mook, *3.980; Wiliamvtte and Yam­
hill. (23,000,
The surveyor geueral's office at Port­
land cost in aalarlea, *8,750, atHeattlo,
Crater lake cost the government (2,-
Oregon's five per rent of the public
land salra ainoutited to *22,489, Wash­
ington's. (20,011.
Pacific Northwest Indians roel, for
Cayuaes »nd
Walla Wallas, *2,713; Yaklmas, **,-
391; Nee Perera, (987; Warm 8|>ring».
Oregon, *3,397; Klamath Indians, *5.-
21)3. besides administration expenaee at
all reservations.
To maintain the Columbia river
llghtveeeel, (74,196 was the expense.
The summary of the nation's expenses
shows th« c<wt of the war department
for the year was *123.290,600; navy
department, *96,306,894; treasury de­
partment. *72,174,930; state depart­
ment, *2,006,394; executive depart­
ment, proper. *26,407; Interior d«|>ert-
merit, (166,048,(187; |«wtot!k-e de|iert-
ment, (10,097,771; agricultural depart­
ment, (9,561,714; commerce ami labor,
*9,828.831; judicial department, *7 -
517 396.
It la an intereatlng fact that although
the department of commerce and labor
has been organised only a few yrars.
It» expense» equal th<we of the depart­
ment of agriculture.
The grand total of the governmental
■lepaHment expr-nae was *762,488,763,
which did not include many million«
of appropriations and eome
which bring the actual outlay close to
Lumber Case Ended,
Waahington, I've. 23.—Taking of
testimony in the Inmliermen' case be­
fore the Interstate Commerce commis­
sion has been concluded.
Final arguments will be made before
the commission on March 4 and a 'lo­
ci» Ion is anticipated shortly thereafter.
In the meantime lumbermen of the l*a-
ci tic Northwest named a« romplainante
in the case will be entitled to ship un­
der the protection of the injunrtlon le­
aned by the Federal courts at Portland
and Heattie.
More Islands Than Thought
Han Francisco, l>ec. 23.—Uncle Ham
is richer by 1,400 Islands than he
thought he waa.
When the United
Htates purchased the Philippines the
charts showed 1,2(8) islands in the
archipelago. The charts used In mak­
ing the treaty were known to be far
from perfect, but It was thought they
were sufficiently accurate for all pur­
pose« of the treaty.
Ancurate inapa
were brought to Han Francisco today
from the Islands, which show that In
the group are 2,600 islands.
Many of
them are small.
Trie* to Steal Treasure.
Philadelphia, l*oc. 23. — Charger!
with attempting to break Into an sx-
prera car on the Buffalo exprera whiflh
contained *60,000 worth of bullion
wliicW waa being shipped by the gov.
ernment to Philadelphia, William A,
Hewitt is under arrest, lie waa cap­
tured on the car with a jimmy concealed
on his person anti was evidently wait­
ing until the lights went nut before he
made the attempt. Hewitt Is an old
express car inspector anil was familiar
with the construction of the eats and
the practice« of the company.
Hope to Rescue Miners.
Ely, Nev., Nov. 23 — The three min­
ers entomlierl in ths Alpha mine will,
unlrsx further trouble la experienced,
probably be released by Christ ms a day,
according to Foreman Gallagher. The
500-foot level waa reai hril last night by
the rescue party at work on the ruve-ln,
and now that danger of a further cave
In has Ireen averted, work Is being
pushed with all poe»lble speed. Th»
men have been Imprisoned since De­
cember 4.
Dr. Hanna I» Appointed.
New York, Dec. 23.— According to a
»penial dispatch from Rome tn the New
York World, Rev. Dr. Edward J. Han­
na, professor of dogmatic theology in
B*. Bernard's seminary at Rochester,
N. Y., has linen appointed coadjutor
archbishop of Han Francisco, Io »neoes-
stan to (ho late Georgs MontgogMry.