Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 20, 1907, Christmas Edition, Image 8

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Match Safes
Emblem Charms
Cuff Links
Seal Rings
Diamond Rings
Diamond Lockets
Diamond Stick Pins
Diamond Cuff Links
Solid Gold Chains
Stick Pins
Men’s 17 Jeweled, adjusted, 12 size
25 year filled watch
Ladies 20 year Gold filed Elgin or
Waltham watches
Gents Chains $4.00 values at
Ladies back combs $1.50, $1.75 and
$2.00 values at
Sterling Silver Thimbles
1847 Rodgers Bros. Sets, Sugar Shells
and Butter Knives $1.50 values
Signet Hat Pins $1.25 values, engraved
free, at
Solid Gold Fobs
Fountain Pens
Emblem Pins
Gifts for Ladies
229 Morrison St
Back Combs
Jewel Boxes
Seal Rings
Diamond Rings
Gold Watches
Hat Pins
Sterling Silver Souveneir Spoons
Solid Gold Braclets
Rubby and Opal Rings
Birth Stone Rings
Diamond Broaches
Solid Gold Lockets
Hand engraved 14 Karat Gold
(Continued from Second Sandy Page.
E. Coalman has been awarded the
contract for the building of the new
Odd Fellows ha 1 at Sandy The lum
ber and other material is on the
ground, and it is expected that work
will commence at once. E F Rruns
is the archi'ect under whose super­
vision the ball will be built.
The Herald acknowledges favors at
the of Mr Franc s Revenue
Mr Henry and Frank McGugan. Mr
and Mrs. EM Revenue. Paul and Al
bon Meinig. E F Bruns an t Contrae-
tor Davis and ethers in the work of
securing necessary Information for
the descriptive article of Sandy and
vicinity, published in this issue
J. R Tawney now has a fine four-
horse power gasoil** engine, small
circular saw, lathe„large emery wheel,
power drill, etc . installed in bis shop JI NKF.R'.*- MALI \XD OTHER BUILDINGS IN COURSE OF CttNsTRCC
and is better prepared than ever to
do first e ass work
Continued from first page.)
The young people of ILq>e Presliyter-
>an cnurvli were entertained at the home
of Rev S S White last Friday evening
Plans were made lor a social meeting to
la> heltl every two weeks, until the llrst
of the year when it is to he Imped that a
Christian Endeavor Society will Reor­
The evening was ajient In
playing game«,
Refreahmenta were
nerved hy the (metres
The friends of Arnold Smith gave him
a very pleasant .urprist- |>arty last Tues
day evening, the occasion being Ills
birthday anniversary. He was preaent-
ed with a complete toilet set. The
gueata 'lv|>arUsi at a late hour after
wisliing Mr. Smith many happy returns
ol the lav.
Wanted, For Sale, Lost,
Found, BtC.
her many friends are glad.
Thia is Hie time of the year to do
some kindness lor someone that need«
Filli HALFÍ—A |t>aal work horse,
it, not l*i reuieinlier just your cirri» ol weight alatili l'J<k) ; also a iererv bull, one
friends, but step utiUutlo of that atol year obi. Ed Hamilton, Ibiute 2, near
lake a Ita.kel to some newly borne tor l.uateil'a.
Tlia vi>p*rltwrahlp Iterelolurv exist*
Dr. Mv'Elwavne ha« returned home
Illg l«-lween U "
flow» ami C, 11.
much improved in health.
Ians liaviug la-ell diaaulvvd, Mr Howe
The inemltrra *tf the Ilegre, of IIanol lias moved to Vano»uv»r, Wash. Iler.*
met leal Friday aftertmon and elected alter lliv Walklna giaala will I* sold
I ha following oHlcere for the tear Mrs. only from the house ut C, II. lane, one
Hosier, P. C, of II , Mta John Antier­ mile north ol tirv.liain on Haw* Lin.
son, C oi II ; Mrs Winters. I. of IL; I, 1.1, st I..... I lit«- wagon.. (' II. lane,
W. G Smith, C <«l U ; Mr. •gsttl
Young, uaher; Mrs Mary lewia, re-
corder: Mrs W liniert« 1 ■ —
W ; Mra Guaraiileetl. Cha. Clevelaml, agent,
Wu'.ak.G W ; \l • • (iortlukfl. IhiMii Gresham. Orc,
tier anti Mrs. Briton,
the election a banquet o( g<*>l thing»
I.OST- Gold lockst chain
Roturn to
was enjoyad.
Ml.. J imuik - Froncis si livrai*! ollies. (Si
Mm. John Amlvrami
... ... _______
returned _____
WAX TEIL— Plain sowing <>l any kind
last week. She lias been vialtlng al hei
old Imine in Wiacmiain for three iiiontlia to .Io Charge. roasonabls. Mrs. Chas,
G rash am.
ami her uianv friends are gla<l Io wel
com» her Imek again.
STRAYED—From my place at I’leaa*
ant limile, two young hellere. Ono red,
with fear white »pots, mi merka; one
Jersey, fas alme r|s>ta. no borne,
Fimler will la« rewarded
N. K. l^y*
The II ome Training Assny-ialloii held
man.____________________________ (Bl
its last meeting fur the year IIM)7, al the
LOST—Two nlna-nionth-<»l<t heifers.
achiaillmuee Is.t Friday afternoon, when
Brindle and while-spoiled, left ear .pill.
Rev. Gilman Parker a;«>ke on “Home
One darker
Anyone seeing these cows,
Training in Manner» " The talk waa put them up ana notify me.
. . -luoi., It Ulte
lull <>f practical auggeetiona, ami the
habit of children having two w ta of
FtlR—A ascend band Itos stove.
manners, one for home ami one for com- Enquire al Herald office.
puiv, waa strongly deplored. The real
WASTED- *)ooe-vest »nJ two-year-
anil mannered per. >u ia I lie one wlm
old heiler«. Apply J X Cianahan, Di*
thinks of others Iwfore himself
vl.iou streel, Grv.h.ui.
Miss Lena Morts had kindly arranged
WAXTFD tiissl fresh cotta.
lor members of lu-r music class to l«e
<|rr*a M Jay Myers. Iwiita, tire , P. O.
i present awl tin ir effort, were greatly Hoi, Slit Pilone, East 4377.
enfnynl. Ml«. L.ngr, a music teacher,
1st* of Paris, Frame, <lelighe>l everyone
Kill III XT A house, the Aral it
January. Hee O Burr. Gresham.
with her music
Home Irainlnq Axsockitlon Met is
All the ehiirchea lien* a-e making
gtriqiaratione (or I he Christinas vxer-
The Japanese have rented the Itarn
vacated by Mr llowttl anti have «taiie-l
i new womlynrd. They are always on
hand where there ia money to 1st made
Resolutions <>f regret lor the death of FOR HAI.F H C. Brown leghorn
Mia. Mau-I Miller, who has Iwen ill Judge A I. Frasier, ami condole tic lor Ikwhevela, Petaluma atia-k, at the J B.
'oi some tune, is improving, for which Ina family, were iw.aed
Kelley (arm, Orient, Vtrr Leon Hale. (I
Christmas Day in
The men of Hope Presbyterian churvh
were entertained recrullv by Prut. N.
W Howland, at Ids home on F.liey elrcet
Rev A. J. Montgomery, pa.tor of the
Third I’reabi Icriau churvh, wa. |«rraenl
and gave an interesting a<ldr< ss.
S S White ami Mias Ada Rider furnish
rd tin* music. Ice cream, cake at 4 cof­
fee were served.
Xext Sunday morning Rev Gilman
Parker will preach on. “t'hriatmaa ami
the Home '' It will la* vi.iting day for
parents in llir Sunday school.
Rev. Mr Rvder'a lecture on “lien
Hur“ Iasi Friday night waa a giaiul sue*
Mr ami Mra. Jacolw have returned
from Seattle.
Mt. Jat-ol a lias a tenant in hie new
h >il»c oil t'aaon atreet.
mer resorts are Welch's Mcln'yres.
and Buholtr. at Salm n AsehofFs a:
Marmot; Yoakum a. at Government
Camp, and Campbell's at Summit
Prairie A state fish hatchery is also
operated at Salmon, and is under the
able management and supervision of
Mr Thomas Brown
And now. dear reader, the wri er
would suggest that if you ate a resl
dent of the Sandy Country, you are
of course satisfied to stay there, for
you now have every convenience heart
cou'd wish. If you. dear reader, are
living in the hot summers and the
cyclone or the cold winters and ’he
blizzards of the East and Middle
West. and there is still left in you
a desire to better your condition,
Franklin's advice still holds good:
•'Young man. come West, where you
can for ever more live in peace, har­
mony and plenty.
my mother served the hot coffee ami
sent none away without their Christ­
mas diuuer.
“Our dressing, too. had got to be a
study, old silks nere treasures, but
were often combined without regard
to color. A favorite evenlug dress was
unbleached musliu and not lufre
queutly lace curtains gracefully drap-
t*l over an old evening silk, while the
dainty fau was made of paper. Glove*
ware priceless. No matter Low soiled,
they were carefully preserved and kept
as neat as |>o<isllde by rubbing with
meal and soft soat>.
••"The cold weather ban given piece
to a warm, sultry «i»ell. and the o;>en
low windows often temptej couples
out to a promenade on the broad plas-
u which almost surrounded our spa­
cious bouse.
“There w ns a clinging sadness, born
of the flirt uleiit times, or |>erhaps the
reality of war. with Its stern diac I
plUie. that lent a diguity to men and
bravery to women, for then, was an
•nte"«e rsrarstneaa in ever.' tier, an-’
inti vicinity herein pn-sented are the
work of Hie Herald’« .|tecial photog­
rapher, Mr I. A Tavlor. of Portland,
-Xt-epl the i hoto, of Bull Run river
imi the Sandv bridg--. which were pre­
sented. to lie hy Mr Devia, an »mature
photographer of Sandy
A gtaally crowd aa« in attrndanc* at
the fiance given bv Metzger A Son al
their hall in tin-sham last Nalnnlav
night. A Christinas mas pier».le will
la* given Cbrialmaa eve, under the same
llefty'a orchestra will
furnish the muaie.
E. O. Miller, of Portland, waa in
The children have been very faithful
Greahani arranging for a ITiautampia in practicing lor the Christmas exer­
...i.i- . to itii
lie In-hl on the evening«* cises which are Io la* given In the M- th-
while there was pity for the |«*or aut of Jauuary, i. 0 and 7
oh.i churvh on Christmas eve ami a
ler. who was care*I for In camp until
Mrs A D. Heise and her brother, giH.I tune la promis'd U> all (airenta and
sent under guard to Itlchniond to be Mr. Yott, wen- doing husiiiess in children. All are invited to participate.
regularly exclinngisl. we rejol.-ed over Gresham, Thursday.
IL-rald All present, for Hie tree must In- pl.cot
in the hands of the commiltee early.
tbe grand luck which brought »ouie- u'kimwletige. a pleasant visit.
thing cheery to all the hoys In t'auip
Dr J. I* Powell la M-rmu«lyill. lie ia
II V anti Mrs. Roia-rta ban- n-sign-
Hampton that Christmas day .»r I-Mi“ " si th.-if piwiition at the t 'eiilral hotel.
•raying in Pnrtland with Ins daughter,
Mrs. Jennie Sails.
The Grvsliani reading room will la-
Dr. I* A. Waiter, preached a highly
,-hteetf Christmas Eve anti t’tirialmas
appreciated sermon at the Methodist
cnnrch last Sunday. Thera as. a large
The librerv now lias a phone, It in audience and many |*art<a.k nl the Cum*
(Continued from |>age I.)
nore especially for the | at rone W ho innnmn.
A special school meeting will Is* held live nt a distance. The numb r ia 2M1
Alex Browning anil family now oc­
on Saturday, Ihvenils-r W, ai 2 p. in
cupy their milage on Hta.l avenue.
The entertainment g:ven in the Odd
’s hall last
Iasi Wednesday
Wedm-wluy evening
araa nut *a well att •inl*-«i as expected,
| .in
i,nt of the inclement weather
on arc
ace- <int
wh.. were
wer** prerei't, however, were
' '1 who
Wrl II |-l*-a»ed.
. ____
rnif _
Beers, ____
well known impersonator, presented
i the l.-aiitiful story <>f * David and Jon­
athan. which was very much enjoyetl
by all preaent.
Mrs Huke of Ia-nta viaited her moth-
•r. Mr« Harmon, on Wednesday.
Mr* Wbylon is quite sick, but ia re­
ported improving.
Jan. « I url o. Boring anti Geo. Craiy
>f Bullrun were callers al the Heralo
tftice W ilnewiay.
Dr. Tie « St verer of Portland ia reg-
i.lered al the I’entral hotel thia week.
E St. John anti Deputy Sheriff Sloag-
K*R HALF Shaul, and pig.
Chidu, (irvsliani, Roule 3
I ■ululer litui
'n Vi;"
I Met un tur
Everybody Enjoys
Home Cooking
The plare U> fln<l it »• al
Montavilla’s New Hotel
Additional Gresham Locals
E F Bruns was doing business in
Oregon City and Portland last Mon
It may not be amiss to mention 'be day and Tuesday
soc al side of the community life of
Albon Meinig and Timothy Brown
For years the settlers were hill were guests of Mr and Mrs. Ed
more or less isolated, consequently Revenue and Mr and Mrs Henry Me
numerous social
were Gugan last Sunday
had. In rainy or stormy weather the
A. E. Bell is the proud posaeaaor
school house was used; here the
country li erary and debating society of a fine new saddle recently made
held forth and to this day Sandy still for him by V E. Fosberg. the Sandy
has a good, live debating society. harness-maker.
William Robins feels very much at
Here, too, the political speakers of
the day were w*>nt to hold forth in home in his new cottage, built on
an effort to enlist 'he sympathy of the bis lots purchased from the Sandy
voter in the speaker's behalf
The Land Co. He has also built a good
young people held the r dances and sized barn.
other social doings here until larger
Mrs J C. McElroy has a n ce lot
and more suftable halls were provid­ of beautiful roses blooming in her
ed. The patriotic side of tbe little yard. A recent visitor thought a few
settlement was kept aglow by tbe an she had in the store were artificial
nual 4tb of July celebrations held in until assured by fee ing and smelling
Meinlg's grove, at least two of which of them.
(1891 and 1892) were gotten up large­
Dr J. C.
'Eir<-y "
ly through the efforts of Mr. Fred physician and druggist of Sandy, who
Good Bized brass recently bought 10 acres west of and
bands and speakers were engaged, adjoining Sandy, has a force of car
and the populace for miles around penters putting the finishing touches
given a rousing good time on Inde­ to his pretty seven-room cottage,1
pendence Day.
which he bag had built on the acre
age mentioned.
J. B. Tawney spent last Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Cook, of Sandy. Is Sunday and Monday in the mountains. f recall little that was really frivolous ;r
' r'
,rv registered at tin
among the number that recently J. B Allison was looking after his except dancing.
Central hotel
business during his absence.
joined the Herald family.
All.>n '!> iiiig, accompanied by R. L.
“While L'nde Ned had gone to
quench his thrist a young soldier from Haun ■ ! W<-frhe« was in Greshati
Mr. Haun, who ha» lieeti
Alabama seated himself at the piano
and sang that sweet song. la-t Me working with August Horoicker in th<
<>rei iihi>in iiunea, has resigned hi. po-*
Kiss Him For His Mother’ J think
aition th*re and will Meinig
strong men wiped their eyes
Major Bros, in tln-ir -tore.
Lily of Mississippi, one of tbe state’s
W A I’r*» tor is suffering again from
brightest young lawyers, gave some hi. old complaint—rheumatism.
of his brilliant recitations, alternately
C E. M.l er of Kesttle ha« been look
melting his audience to tears or con- ing up l,i him-Ha inten-.ta here during
vulslng them with In lighter.
T wo the pa-t «>. k. He think, ver)' highly
weeks after he met Ilia <lenth In a of thi. community.
shocking accident on n noiithem rail*
Mr. <ii> -on, purchaser <>f the Millet
road on Ills way home to I* married.
farm on I Io-Base Line road, i" bavin»
“Colonel Armstrong of Alabama was plana mad for a *3jrr> barn of a very
He alwt contemplate'
the liero of tbe evening a brave, noble nnproi d -n l,.
Officer, who commanded Ids boys with building a hati'liaime resilience in th>
Mr. tlleaon hails Iron
mingled dignity and love until they h-ar fuini.
would ride to the cannon's mouth un­ Al.-rd. t-ii. Wash., and ia one of th«
many > nt> rpriaing biiaine«« men wh<
der bls leadership.
apprw iat<- our magnificent locality.
“How <li<l the men In camp spend
Mi-- X trie Beard, formerly a teachei
Christmas day?
in the l.r—ham High Bchtwil, was mar
“You may l>e sure some time was rietl, t., 11 G. g |» m of University Part
spent In writing home to the loved on Wi d leubiy evening.
ones, using every available box amt
Mr« 1:., har«l»on, former county sup
barrel as a table. Pencils were saved erinteiid nt of at lioola in Doiigla».
by tying a cord to them, mid nearly ev­ county, H i- . oml Mrs. Dobie of Port
ery man Iwisted at least of a stub or lan<l, her si»ter, visited Mr«. J. M
short piece, while paper wan often Mbort thia wt*ek.
Win i 'hil* opt of Hycsmore has aolt
written over two of three tlinea, rroat-
hi« farm to Mr. Berry, formerly o.
e<! and repressed.
Mr. Chiicol«
“One thing that made Hampton Grsnd K'tntle valley.
has purehaaed a large improved farn
camp particularly joyful was tbe rap­ four mile» w« at of Junction City.
The Sandy Debating Society held a I
Davis A Davis are building a wood
ture of a sutler traliwHate that even
rousing debate last Saturday night shed ^or Georg® Bornstedt.
Mr Feagan, representing the Phoe
Ing one or two wagons loaded with
A live time is assured for next 8a:ur
Baby George Bornatedt, Jr. was edibles and clothing—which was pass­ nix Mutual of Hartford, i-omtid.ra thia
locality one of the moat enterprising
*r. He is improving now
day night when the quea’ion “Re- *l®k " last
ing overland to join the Army of the an«l pr<n|» roiia on the Pacific coast
Mrs I Lee
solved, that woman -hould lie elven
__ Chalker and son visited Potomac, lying near Falmouth.
lie ought to know.
equal political rights with men ' w(ll friends and relatives at Gresham and
“Many of the boys came in with
The attention of oar readeia ia called
b* debated.
Portland last week
new, squeaky boots and pockets full to the fact that the picture, of Handy
J. (».
Meals ami n«mia bv flay, week
or mouth.
A. E lisas.«, Prop,
tad st rar Iler. Ililtbarg St., Msatavllla
Don't Miss That
Great Sale of
Clothing at Welch’s
Let Santa Claus Fill all the
Stockings from the
this year.
Mrs. I. McColl, Prop
The American
221-223 Morrison
Corner first
Gresham, Oregon
To the Traveling Public
AI^HE UNDERSIGNED, having recently bought the interests of Mr. and
Mrs. S. T. Crow in the Gresham Hotel, announce that the place will
_ hereafter be known by its old name,
The Central
We are renovating the building, putting every room in first-class condition
and have made special arrangements for the commercial trade.
Farmers and others will find home-like comforts and good meals at reason­
able prices.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.