The Kidneys SHOWS PARTIALITY Wtm they are weak. lurpld. or etagnant 11» wbula ayetam suffers. U»u> at tbla tin», but bead Ute warulug ot Uw sobIna back. l be l>U»la a« a lien. •’Too ran t»»t»r t»ll,M observed Uiwh Allen Mpsrhs, "what lasting reoulta may M arromplisbod by in oorneat word *pob<*n at th» right time. Many a man lan had the shape of bla uosa chanted for *fa by calling another man a llar.“—-Ciú- mao Tribuna. *"lll»l Iler rorSoo. tamal Irnos ibera ara nigbta when blanket Uveo crooked however you yank it| Till you're for<«-d to eadaim "(), bother and blame Thia blaukety blankety blanket I“ —4'arolyn Wella. tha Woystdo (ommkNlkgk, Adam Zawfoa - They My meat la gola* to bo cheaper. Jot» Hturky—If It'» any cheaper than the kind they*?» brm bandín* out to me lately sotn »body'll hev to ¡»ay m» fur ♦allo' It. b'garsh! I'm no garbage reduc­ tion plant. “WHIZ” A New Parlor Game For the Long Winter Evening* On to vour tiv a p Mti’s•Tram B<)R\X. Cyt off the top panel troni package and Utail to Pacific Co*at Itosi C«». Oakland* Cal with 4c in tarn pt and the WiilZ game will I* promptly vent \nit order, to ua. We liarr- dla reliable good* only and guar­ antra iwrfect aatiafacliun both aa to price and quality. Hrnd lor our new reduced price Hat. New Fall Stock Women'* Tail* Orel Suita, Skirt*. Waiata, Hoa- ierr, Muslin Underwear, t'oraeta, Glove*. Drees Goods, Tabla Lin­ en«, Lace Curtain*, Etc., Etc. McAllen & McDonnell Cor. Third and Morrison Portland, Oregon The «tor« noted for Beat Good* a. Lowest Pr.ce». Ona Lumberman Bey* Truci Control* All of the Northern Pacific. Land Grant Timber. Washington, !>eo. 14.—Washington lumbermen who appeared aa witneaee. yeeteidey before lhe luter.Ute Goto- meres oom ml*. Ion, took particular pain» to "rub It in" on Jauira J. Hill, incauae of hie threat to drive mere lumlwrmen Into bankruptcy. One wit- urea brought out the fact that, while lhe rallloae price within 100 mile* of the road. They bought 1,000,000 cere* for fft.OOfl 000 and cold one cection of that for »76.000 etompage. He aaid they no* controlled pricee and empha- aiaed the fact that the member* of hie ■awrlation were anxioua that the Inter­ state cornmiaalon ahould open the Port­ land gateway to Waaiungton lumber ao that Houthweetern Waahington mlllmea could dump their common atoek Into Oregon and other Harriman territory. No indication of an end of the hear­ ing ie In alghL Heveral other caeca are Crreaing for hearing by thecommieelon, nt it ia not likely that the pending iwaee will 1» ooncluded before tba mid­ dle of next week. Recover 320 Bodie*. A PRIZE PUZZLE Monongah, W. Va., I«ec. 14.—Th* aeerch in mince No 6 and H of the Fairmount Coal company for victim« of laat Friday'* exploaion waa au.pend e«l early tonight, partly benanee fire had again broken nut In mine No. 8. and tartly breanee practically every acct inn ol the twn mince ha* been ex plored and It waa not believed that further aeerch along the aame linee would reault in the finding of more bodle*. Three hundred and twentv bodice have been removed. Of three 71 were American*. Going Eaay on Ewcluclon. Find Santa Claus in Picture and Win a Fine Reward Free F<»r every correct solution of this pus- sis, we will give, absolutely free. • Mu* sic Book, containing fi> good o <1 favor- is National M »ng«, with words and mu- ilo (only one book to each per-on) a so many other valuab a prises free. Kv* eryone should know these songs send today. Dkrcliom Mark oatlinrs of Banta Claus plainly, cut adv. out, place In envelops, enclose stamp for reply and mall to our address below. Winners will b» n»,..l1sd promptly by mall. Ik Trouble* to Inter­ For that Dandruff Washington, l>ec. IS.—Two Oregon ioli linei» yesterday testified before the fuler.Ute Com meice coiuui I m I od that wbeu it wee ruiuored llu»I the rete ou ' Farlite coe.1 lumber *•■ Io be advanced There la one thing that will they law R. B. Miller, general freight cure It—Ayer’a Hair Vigor. eg.>ut of the l>. ltd N., end told bltu It la a regular scalp-medicine. the lucieeae would dri«e them out of It quickly dcatroya the germs lleuver, Kanaaa City end Chicago tetri- which cause this disease. lory. Mr. Miller ia reported to hfiva replied that Uie new retea were experi­ The unhealthy acalp becomes mental, and If the trade would aland healthy. The dandruff disap­ them they would be maintained, but >1 pear?, had to disappear. A not aeti.factory, lhe rale* wt uld be re- healthy acalp means a great deal elored to the uid figure*, ft waa hi* upmion aa well a* Mr. Harrtmau'a, to you—healthy hair, no dan­ llrat lumbermen were extremely prue- druff, no pimples, no eruption a. peroua, an I that their large contra, ta Th. beat klad ef a t.atlmonlal - juatrued lire rare*. “Bold tor ever sixty year*." lutter, when lire subject wa* braaclMal mm sy a t, « ve . L»«*BU. HM». to Jai.MM J Hili l>y tire Puget Bound A»»» ■kAauBMiBrera ef, Mr. Hill luat hie temper «nd ret»-tied tiiat, wlrlle many milla Imo treen »riven to bankrupt-/ already, ■till other* would wlpod oat bwlore .he ooiniuiaelon oould diepeae of thia 1 . .... ■' 1 ■ ..... race. Maktsw Tklwsa Evea. •• We are going to give you people out Customer (to watchmaker)—I told here a clunare to oool your h.aia," he you that my watch lost half an hour Kulared »« he turned away. every day. and new that you're repair­ Mr. Hill, lloaer-l I. .Hott. J. < ed It It gain» half aa hour. Mubl«. J. M. Hannaford and many Watchmaker—Well. Aon't cotnplala. .ther rallr.ied men will ba placed uu It'a oulv working te «-str-h UD lost time, th« etand beiore the hearing olo*ea. «.eeawwe «•■»«■. WOHK la HxbUMkO. Vo Trouble at GoluA Io Whan Non­ union Man lake Charge Goldfield, Nev., Dec. IS.—The Are lay ol lhe attempt to re-open the miner it Goldfield without the aid Ol the Wratern Federation ol Miner* hae ixaaed, and there baa not l«en a aiugi* netance of allempled violence ot die BISo l.lsbta ntalorr. G<-or*a Waabiagtaa sad last th« battle ef Brandywine. "Th* prohibitioniat» ara carrying ee- rrythmg before them la Kentucky and Georgia, too!” he greased. Climbing hastily aa rhe nearaet waler wagon, be race th* order foe retreaL order In the camp Unaimed picket« of lhe Goldfield miner» union have ap ptoM'he.1 aa close to the scene of the operation* a* ti.e armed guard* of Hie Not ao If yeu atop *< té* Carroll Inn— Mineowner*’ aaaociatioB would permit Sood place te dieplay eea'e apparai ia: Where ail th* day loog and have auioeeded in inducing aome of You may revel la auog, those who had rigned the agreamaut to And carol io Carroll lea. Carolyn. return to work, to violate that agree­ —Chicago Tribune. ment and leave the mine«. It ww« staled laat night that the leaJ- er* of the strike have secured what rvi- dence they want to pr.eeeute » .me ot tiie mining opeiator* under a statute if the state ot Nevada, which make* It a ILLS HOW TO MAST A SIMPLE RHtU crime punishable by a flue of not leer MA I ISM CURE Al ttOMt. than »Mi or more than »300, nr impria onment for nut lee« than 20 nor more titan 160 days, or both, to require an Prescription Given Wh ch Sufferers of employe to promise or agree not to be­ Dread DiaeaM Can Eaady Make come a member or remain a member of Lp end Iry at Home at any labor organisation. Anaeta may Smafl Coat. be expected al any time, It ia stated by some, while other* characterise the whole report of probable arrest aa a To relieve the worst forms of Rheu­ bluff. matism. take a tenspeweful of th* fol­ lowing mixture after each meal and at MEET IN DENVER. bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half National Democrat!« Convention I* ounce; Compound kargon, ooe ounce; Compound byrap ttereaparllla, three Calle« for duly 7, 1008. Washington, Deo. 13.—After decid­ ounce*. Tbeee harm!**« ingredienta can be ing to bold the next l>eiDocatie na­ obtained *rom any ciruggia* In th* tional convention at I Wav er, and fixing ■mailer town», and ar* taaily mixed by the date of the meeting for July 7, shaking them well in * bottle. Relief 1IKH, the Iiemoratie National oom mil- la generally fait iraaa tha Erst taw do-ea. tee late yetterday entered upon a spir­ Thia prescription, atate* • well- ited debate on the propriety of accept­ known authority ia a Cleveland morn­ ing more of the »100,000, offered by ing paper, foreea th* clugged-up, lnao- Denver for the convention than ia act­ tire kidneys to filter and drain from ually needed to pay Ute convention ex­ the blood the poieonous waste matter penace In that city. The oppoeltlon to and uric acid, which eauaee Rheuma­ the aiceptance of the conttibuticn took tism. the form of a resolution by Represent­ Ar Rheumatiaan ia not only tha moat ative Clayton, of Alabama, declining painful and Urturoua dieeeaa, but dan­ money not actually needed for the con­ gerous to life, thi* simple recipe will vention, but after a long debate the no doubt be greatly valued by many suf­ resolution waa laid on the table by a ferer* here at home, who should at once vote of 31 to 14. pre>ar« the mixkuia to gat thia ralfof. Mr. Clayton, Representative John f ii aaid that • paraon who wtrxld Rharp Willlama, of MiMieaippi, and take this prescription regularly, a done Governor Hoke Rmith, of Georgia, all or two daily, or avta a few time* a •poke in favor of the postage of the ween, would never have eeriooa Kidney reeolution. or Urinaty dlrordera or Rheumatism. Mr. Taggart advocated the acceptance Cat thia out and preaarra it Good of the »100,000, aaylng It would be Rheumatism prescription* which really needed now even worse than it wa» relie re ate scarce, indeed, and when needed in 1904, and that at that time you need It. vnn wank it badly. it would have been practically Impoaei- After math. bc. 14.—According to ■till are alive and are able to commu­ the report of petty officer* on shore nicate with the miners at ths top of leave tonight, when the tlwt pnlle out the shaft. They have been given food Monday for the Pacific there will not enough through the six-inch water pipe l»e a Japan««« cook ot aervant on any of connecting with the surface to last the Ironclad*. Thia report I* to the them a week, and in case this pipe ia effect that the Japatteee ate being qui­ broken they will not die of starvation etly but rapidly weeded out by order of or thirst. The work of clearing the the commanding officer, and thier shaft ia progressing slowly. place* are being filled by negroee. No remain I* given for the order by the Roosevelt Band* Commission. officer». Waahington. Dec. 13.—Aaeislatnt Sec­ retary Murray, of the department of Lowait Bidder on Canal Lumber. Oommerce and labor, Commiaaioner Waahington, Dee. 14.—The Olaon- (Ttarlea P. Neill and Herb«rt Knox Mahoney Lumber company, of Ban Emith, commissioner of corporations, Franciaro, was the loweet bidder al left Waahington at 3 o'clock this after­ »124,372 for fnrnlahing the Iathmian noon for Goldfield, Nev., to make a Oanal cornmiaalon with approximately thorough investigation of th* trouble 8,000,000 feet of lumber, ranging in between the miners and mine operator* Mr. Murray and Mr. from 1x3 tr> 12x14 inch««. Th., at that place. material la toflie delivered at Colon or Smith made thia announcement after a LaBoca. There were 21 bidder*. It la conference with President RocaevelL expected that the Oleon-Mahoney com­ pany will get the contract. Massachusetts Goa* "Dry.” Reston, Dec. 13.—All but one of ths Will Continue 2 1-2 Cent Rate. 364 cities and town* of th* state have Montgomery, Dec. 14.—The Roothern gone on record on the question of per­ railway today agreed to keep In force mitting the agle of intoxicating liquors, the Sl*-eent passenger rate nntii the and tabulation show* a no-lioense ma­ other atate rat* quMtioua art tattled, t jority in Maaaachnatta of over IS,000. “Is the ship stripped to repel board- era?” "No, repel eouvenir Setwla."— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Rinka— Doee etrong coffee keep you awake? Jink*—How do I know? 1 board.—Somerville Journal. Nall—I think Maud bee mor* coloi than ber elater. Belle—Yaa; about 60 rmta’ worth more.—Pblladelpbla Rec­ ord. “Du you believe that the good die young?" “f think they do. If all my wife telle me about ber firat buaband I* true."—Pick-Me-Up. Cautious Customer (la drug store) — How much do you charge fot a dime's worth of tooth powder? New Clerk — Tweuty-fiv* cents.—Chicago Dally News. "TTie doctors bav* finally agreed upon the cause of Markley'* lllneae.” "Ah, they've held another consulta­ tion ?" “No; poet-mortem.”—I’blladel phis Press. Lawyer—As your husband died Intes­ tate. you will, of course, get a third. Widow—Ob. I hope to get my fourth. Ilie private soldier la the regular army He was my third, you know—Town wiped bi* perspiring forehead. and Country. “I didn't mind aped a' op tba colooal'e garden, and wbltawauhla' hie barn, and that sort of thing,'' he wid. “but bow the Sam Hill can a mas do all thia and main­ tain bis position ia eoclaty on »13 a month 7” tling down to their farmer basic, but no- Sdemw baa not returned. Moat of the ?eopla still believe it vu th« children of ibeir next door neighbor* that carried »way tbeir gate*. Tw lie Avwia«*. "Do you believe there Is any future for me In polltice?" “Yen," answered Ben*tor Sorgbum; "but in these day* ef graft you want to take mighty good care not to be one of those fellows who start In with a fine future and «wm* ent with a terri­ ble past."—Washlarton Bear. Then the Fireworks. “I had a call froxu Mrs. Multiplunks yesterday." “Yes?” "Yes,” "I beard «he was going In for alum- sitng."—Houston Pont. ^yruptffígs ^ElixirifSenna aclie.k duo to Constipation; Acts naturally acts iruk as a Laxative. “I thought you were married, and yet you're sewing on your own but­ tons." “I am married, but I keep my lnd«l>endence. let tua tall you.”—Meg gendorfer Blatter. Scribbler—I nnderetand the Inmate« of the Home for the Feeble-Minded ar* CoIng to publleh a tnagaxlne. Qulbbler —Isn't the field ratber overcrowded?— Philadelphia Record. Wife (looking up from ber book)— You know a great many thing*. John; now, wbat do you think ahould be done In ceee of drowning? Husband— Hava * funeral, I should think. Cynlcus— I have been engs*ed to at lout a docen girls Milieus—Always twen unlucky In love, eh? Cynlcus— Ob, I don’t know. I've never married any of them.—Pblladelpbla Record. Bu(cber—Come, John, be lively now, break tbe bone* In Mr. Rimpeon'* chops and put Mr. Rmltb'e riba In your basket John—All right, sir; Just aa soon as I've sawed off Mr. Murphy's leg. "George," murmured tbe young wife, "am I as dear to you now aa I was before we married V "I can't exactly tell,” replied the buaband, absent-mind­ edly. “I didn't keep any account of my expenses then." Mr. Chlppe (looking up from tbe pa per)—Tbe doctors have discovered an­ other new disease. Mr*. Chlppe—Well, I wlah they'd etop looking for new dls- eaeea long enough to find a cure for my old rheumatism. Old Scotch farmer (having spent alx .cnee on a race ticket for a pony and trap, value £30. and having won) ia shown tbe prixe. After gazing critical­ ly at it for some minutes: "But wbaur*a tbe wbup?" Cbaplelgb—I say, dwugglet. can you — aw—give me something to—aw—• bwlghten me up, doneber know? Drug­ gist—You're in the wrong place, young man. Tbla Is a drug store, not a night school.—Chicago Dally Neva "What pleased me moat." said th* man who had been abroad, “wee tbe wonderful clock at 8trasburg." "Ob, bow I should like to see It I" replied tbe IgnorsDt youth. "And did you ee* tbe watch on the Rhine, too?” District Visitor—What has brought you to the destitute condition? Appli­ cant—It's my wife. mum. "Tour wife! How Is that?" "Well, you see. mum. I've got ber three good situation*, and I'm bleeaed If sb* could keep one of them.” “Yew,” said old Roxley, “my daugh­ ter Is to be married next month to Lord Brokelelgh.” "Ah!” remarked tbe friend, “everything's nettled, eh?” “Well, I guess not! You don't ketch me paying In advance."—Pblladelpbla Frees “Of course. Tommy." »aid the Sunday school teacher, "you'd Ilk* to be *u an­ gel. wouldn't you?" "Well—er— yee'm." replied Tommy, “but I'd like to wait till I can be a full-grown angel with gray whiskers." — Philadelphia Preea First Summer Girl—Who Is thst cleso-sbaren. hsndeome boy? Second Summer Girl—Ob, he's sn actor. Flrat Summer Girl—No; 1 mean the other one. Second Summer Girl—Oh. he hasn't any money, either.—Harper'* Weekly. Little Boy—Mamma. I wish you'd find out who It waa hypnotised me. end punish 'em severely. Mamma—Wbs-at? Little Boy—While you was out I waa pulled right into the pantry, an’ forced to eat a bull lot of those cake* you «aid I mustn’t touch. “How are you. Broom?” asked a bluff old sailor of a fop who waa al­ ways annoyed uuleaa he wa* addretned as Mr. Broom, and who responded, “I'd have you to know. air. that I've a handle to my name." “Oh, all right I How are you. Broom handle?” A lady has a grumpy »errant too lit­ tle given to washing. Other hints hsv- tug failed, the mistress aald. In a tone of deep confidence. “I am told. Mary, that If you wash tbe face every day In hot. soapy water It will make you beau­ tiful." "Will It. now?" answered Mary. “It's a wonder you haven't tried It you reelf." Busti [orMenWii nr,d Child­ fl Old. ungane Aa« Mak* Vaeee. its Ben« neficial Effect^ Mrs. Gotham—Don't you think tbe Benuine which t*klt< of medicine should be frowned jiill name of the Com- upon? ^CALIFORNIA Eio bywl S yrup C o . » rt >» «g>«> I RATS GASS HtARINO. Mr*. Flatbush—Tee; why. even my children frown at It—Yonkers States­ man. Seven men out of ten who get Into trouble are able to trace their downfall »o aide Issues A stiff upper lip has nothing In com­ mon with a limber tongue. Catarrh is not merely an Inflammation of the tissues of tha head and threat, as the symptoms cf ringing noises in the ears, tnucoua dropping bach Inta the throat, continual liawking and spitting, ate., would teem to indi­ cate | it i* a blood ease in which the entire circulation and th* great** part of the system are Involved. Catarrh is du* to the presence of an excess of u ic acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be- com t torpid and dull ia their action and instead of carrying off the refuafi and waste of th* body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system. Thia is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all Srta rta of the system. These i impurities in th* blood irritate and inflame different membranes and tissues of th« body, and the contracting e e different of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable eymptoms * of • Catarrh. »*-• *- As the blood goes to . all parts cf the body the ca- tarrhal poison affect* all parts of the system. The _____________ ...___ full head has __ a tight, feeling, nose continually »topped up, pains above the eyes, slight slight 1 fewr comes and goes, th« stomach is upset an I th« entire _________________ system disordered □ aa 1 affected by this disease. It is a waste of I had Catarrh for about fifteen F>ara, and no man could have time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays, ten wore*. I trtod evarythla? washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment oould hear of, but ne sued ro- not reach the blood, , andean, therefore, , eultad. I then began B. a. B. I. 8., B., an on ------ ■“ rad. Thia waa six year« a«c, .- an —¡'i I am Catarrh permanently ths blood must b* as wall today •< any m ■an. - - Ithlnl " ad thoroughly purified and thesystem cleansed Catarrh la a blood di llaeaae, anu hnow thare ie nothlr rth of all poisons, and at the *same time better toi the blood t Nobody thinks more strengthened and built up. Nothing equals than I do. / He 8. S. 3. for this purpose. It attack* the Lapeer, Mich. disease at its head, goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and makes a complete and lasting cure. 8. S. S. remove« every particle of the catarrhal poison from the blood, making this Vital stream pur«, fresh and healthy. Thea the inflamed mem­ branes begin to heal, th« head is loosened and cleared, the hawking and spitting cease. every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health restored. S. S. S. also tones tip the stomach and digestion and acta as fine tonic to the entire system. It you are suffering with Catarrh begin the use of 8. 3.S. and write tts a statement ot your case and our phytlcisjrta will send you literature about Catarrh, find give you special medical fidviefl Bfitbout charge. 3. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. S s.s.s PURELY VEGETABLE a TH£ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. The mattress«* used ia the German army are stuffed with little rolls of pa- pet. and ar* said to be a great Improve­ ment en straw. HOWARD E. BTRTON -AMeyer ari ChmtaK > ■ LaadYMle. CoiorBxAOs Mp^.iaaa prices: Gel< Mver.L'ad.Jl : Gold. Mlver.Tic ; Gold. Me; Bine •» < opp»r, Cyaakia testa. Mailing envalop«» a»d full pneo list i»ùt od ap^ileatlon. Control aad Use* ptrework soUdtod. Kstareaca: Carbonai» V» Uctoai Baak PttfS CLRCD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT ia gua-enteeS to ear« any ea«e of Itching Bind. Bleed Ing or Protrt.ding Pile» fa S to 14 or money refunded dOc. Otely a Pretvcf. Ardup had made haff a do»*n attempts to borrow money of bis friemla, but one and ell had pleaded the prevailing finan- hal stringency. "That'* all pretense." ba a*>«l with bit- terueaa. as be gave it up. “It's nothing but a case of financial stingy—see'»“ To euch b«ae uses of the language may adversity br ng a man. ngraving write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING MICKS-CH ATTEN E Portland Oregea r-TA *>. VxeV tfoara aau all kWToea D Luca* County. » Frink J. Chonoy makes oath that he is senior rtrtner of the firm ot F J. Cheney £ Co., doing usineee tn theCity of Toledo, County and State afortMAid. and that »aid firm will pay the sum of ONI HUNDRED DOLLAB3 for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Boll * Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. 8w*cn to before me and subscribed in my pres­ ence thia Sth day of December A D 1st«. h A. w. GLEASON. I***1' Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure in taken internally, and act« Qlrectly upon the blood and mucoussur- faces of the system, send for testimonials free. F J CH F.NET A CO., Toledo,O. Bold by all druggists. 75c. Take Holl's Family l’ills for constipation. Clean - Light Durable Guaranteed Waterproof •309 Everywhere Ne. 51-W Either. I'wavoidable Delay. Slub 47—What do th» lotfoM U. P. itand for? Copy Chopper—Depend* en the con- rest. They mar stand either for United or for Harriman. Only One “BROMO QLIMNt.” “You can prove an alibi on this charts :an’t you?” asked his lawyer. “Yes’r,” said the captured crook; “but we’ll have to wait a week or two. The tellie« I'm goin' te prove it by ain't out »' jail xit." That is LAXATIVE BROMO QVUUNE. Look for the signâtuie of E. W. GROVE. Used tbe World o\ er to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. Mothers win find Mm. Winslow»« Boothlag Syrup th« b at remedv to uae tor thair chltarej l«nng ths IMthlttg period. University statistics of Europe seem to indicate that men are deserting the practice of medicine and women ar» tak­ ing it up. Tba ruby ia tbe most valuable ef tha precious stones. A 4-carat ruby is quoted at about (2.2SO. and a ruby of 47 carats brought »100.000. ST PATRICK Drove all tbe snake* IRELAND ST JACOBS ( Drives all aches from the body, cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia and CONQUERS PAIN 25c._ALL DRUGGISTS—50c. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES t “’ wto ' r T. FOR EVERY MEMBER OF««^ THE FAMILY, AT ALL VRlC»». i ee Afew’w M A BA 40 O am # a «»«/ w w A mmw newara (—tw*. THE REASON W. I.. Do tgla* aho»» ar» worn by wor» peopl» In all walk« oil if» than any other make i4 b»c« un of their •xceilent stxl». eiwy-titting. and tup»n r itetn g quaUtien. Th» »election oftbe leather» and »th»r materials fc reach part of tba »ho» and every derail of the makingi »looted alter by themoet oompletsorgam ationof superintendents, 'oremenand ekilled* loemakers, who receive the highest P»'«i ia tae shoe 1 ndustrv, and who« workmanship ennnot 1« excelled. If I oould take you nto mvlareefactories at Rrockton . Maa»., and »how you how enrefullv W. L. Dougla« * ho»» are made, you would then understand whv thev hold their »hai*. fit better, wear onger and are of grea »r value than an v other make. OO a/LT A m mrf CAUTION! Tbe genuine hav» W . L. Douglas name and price Mamped on hottora Totaa Wo WwbBtltwte. Ask your dealer for W. I.. Iiouglaa »hoee. If he cannot »npplv ion, »»»d dire»t to factory. Sho»» md t everywhere by mail Catalog (rva. W. L. Dowgia», Brinkum. Jtaggt M pHbm.