Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 20, 1907, Christmas Edition, Image 5

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will move to their new home al Orient house near the fish wheel, dimensions president; Norton Evans, » ics-presi-
iu March.
>4 S 4M. Who says Corbett Isn't boom­ dent; Gladys Lasley, secretary; Law
0. W. Struthers of the Mill Co., to go­ ing?
Hull Run la rathar quiet now a* theta
isn't any work going on.
L'baa. Htruthers was the guest uf the
Cline family Hunday.
The Bull Run school has a teacher al
Mlsa Biightbill la teaching,
Bertie Cline mode hie usual trip to
F. Radford's Hunday.
He pur-
Lewis Maunders ot Portland is visiting
chased a three-legged ouw a few day* at borne.
Frank Bragadon liegen the erection of
Ono of the foremen of the Mt. Hood a dwelling here thia week.
Railroad company waa recently attacked
by a vicious cow while crossing Mr.
<.’lark's field. The cow gave him a daa-
parato battle, but he finally caught her
R. 'Klieelsy of the forestry office in
by the borne, stood his grounds and Portland spent s week in Three-Ms in
saved his life by main strength,
Ila electing trails, etc.
escaped with a alight bruise un hie baud.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Beach spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Bench's I«'-!
Jim Haye spent a few days al Bull
Kun visiting friends recently,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cline and family will
give a farewell Christmas dimer. They
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentisi !
Operatimi» a 8|Hwially
luminations (Fres
, Promptly Allundmd lu
(rheas ('alla '
OFFh'M lit (htouhem Hotel.
• ••••••••••••••••
Watches and Jewelry
Fred D. Flora,
191 Morrison St,
R im Uurani.
Have opened a
In connection with tbe postoffice
st Bull Run
Daily Stage to Greshdm
Ixaving Bull Run st 7 a. m.
Leaving Gresham al I p. m.
The two teachers ot District No. 27
will unite In giving a Christniae enter-
tainiuenl. A line program Is being pre­
pared, after which will come the tree,
and after that a liaskrt social.
Il is to
lie given Munday evening before Christ­
mas. All are Invited.
Take the Train for Christmas and Get Off at
Mias Frants spent the day with Mr«.
A. H. Conrad Hunday.
Where he has a Full Line of CHRISTMAS GOODS ;;
Also a Complete Line of
The Store that Sells SUNFLOWER SHOES
I nr. A IM
Troutdale, - Oregon;'
»•♦♦♦•»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>»•»♦»♦»»»»♦♦»♦•♦♦♦♦»»♦«»»»•»»»»•»! :
Hello» Neighbors!
Call up Farmers Phone 311 ! Order Holiday Goods Here !
Our store is small but it is crowded these days with Good
Goods and Good People.
There are “Holdups” but not here.
Think what a nice gift an lidtoon Phonograph and Records would be!
We are headquarters (or these snd many other things you need.
Ageul Oregon Eire Relief Assoctetion
J C. Duns is still laid up with rheu­
Candy. Nuts. figs. Dates, Raisins. Currants. Boiled Cider for Mince
Pies. fruit Cake, Citron, lemon and Orange Peeling. Etc
Old Resident ot Lusteds Passes Away
Frederick Neilmuer. who has lived on
his farm near Pleasant Home since IH75
away Saturday afternoon, after a
short illness
Deceased was leirn in Prussia. Ger­
many, in 1*25.
Funeral services wen- held at 2 o'clock
Aaron Fox is having a new building ,
erected on Main street neat Io Mrs. A.
T. Tiller's new building
Wm. Latou-1
rell and Hrrt Heston will occupy the
building with a saloon.
H. H. logan is having a ware house
built next to his store building
Mrs. It. E. Holm snd children I sve j
leturned from a trip to Ohio lasting
over several weeks. Mrs. Holm visile-1
church. Rev. H. C. Hlierrill, |«slor of her mother and other relatives and
the Baptist clitirch, conducted the ser­ friends in OI io.
l-ouis lleladng and wife bad as guest»
Ueceaaed Iravea a widow and «even over Hundsy Gus Helming snd wife of
children to mourn bis I um . The l*e- Marslifield, Ore.
Mi»« Margery Hampshire, who at-
tends school at X ancouver, is visiting
lier parents and will remain at home
until after the holidays.
John Htrite and wife have a lathy boy,
Mrs. Chas. Lincoln, alio has lieen
who arrived on December 13.
here for several weeks taking cars of
Mrs. Fred Zimmerman and daughter I
her father, F. Niel«uer, returned to her Deliah ami Mrs. Chas. Btillaon and,
home iri heatlie Tuesday
Iler husband
daughter 1-eona were among tbe recent
accumiMtnieii her home.
Portland visitors.
Mr. ami Mrs. Grieves of Oregon City
Rev. Mr. Zimmerman gave a very in
and Mrs. Thompson sml daughter of
teresting temperance lecture in Union
Portland attended the funeral of her
church on Tuesday evening with illus­
father, F. Niebauer, Monday.
trations by stereoptican views.
J. Barr visited Mr. ami Mrs J. Man-
Mrs. Emma Scharf entertained the
ary several days last Week.
Ixiiies Aid society at her home on Wed­
Miss Kittie Ixing of Csrrolton, Wash., nesday afternoon.
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ralph Nie-
On Christmas evo the Sunday school '
will give an entertainment in the
Mr. Halstrand of Routh I hi kola has ehureh. ‘'Christmas in Japan''
decided to make Ins home in Oregon, be presented by the children.
lie purchase. I the priqs-rty formerly
Albert Fox. who ia employed in the
owned by Mrs. Cannon of ricalarli
Boeton store in Portland passetl Sunday
with his («rents here.
Joseph Ixlourell of Ixtourell Falls is
a guest uf his daughter, Mrs. John I .ar­
Sig. White and wife male a business son.
trip to Troutdale Wednesday.
George Henry of Blalock Island was
here last week with a earload of cattle
for Swift A Co.
The businsM men ot Troutdale are
aliout to organize a commercial and de-
velopment league.
Swift A Co. are preparing for their
Christmas trade and are getting in large
shipments of livestock.
Fairview Civic Improvement club
met last Saturday evening. Tbe propo­
sition of grading and graveling Cellar
street from Fairview road to the street
end was diecussed and plana laid fur in>-
mediate execution.
w , n -
®"O e T •"’>
a . l .
Rton« were appoinUJ to look after and
10 a.
«tart the work. A committee wa« ap-
..»*"* Polnt‘‘d to wait on the Portland Rail-
... 7 so r m
Coilsge prayer so ,
• p m. way company and endeavor to secure
keamast ihimk a*truer chapkl .
- waiting room* at the stations, better
.............. Sp. si. car service and heated cars.
The next
t* roach In,- -er vice, ..
.......... 4 p.m. meeting waa called for Tuesday evening.
Kxv S C. S hsskiix . Pastor.
January 6, meeting to tie held every
two weeks hereafter instead of once a
About Digestion.
month as heretofore.
It is not the quantity of food taken hut
Rev. C. B. Reece and family are now
the amount digested and assimilated established in the Methodist parsonage
that gives strength and vitality to the here ami have taken charge of the
Chamberlain’s Stomach and church here, at Pleasant Hon e and
Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach Rockwood.
and liver and enable them to pel form
Mrs. James Lakey oi .Stevenson baa
tlieir fuiK-tiona. Tlie result is a relish been visiting her father, Frank Axtell. your food, increased strength and
Miss Mabel McKinlay and II. Hop-
weight, gri liter endurance and a clear I.
,, z»<>sx«A
kms of AlwrJeen, w ash., were guests of
head. Price, 25 cent*.
Samples free.
Mias McKinlay'ssunt, Mrs. W.T. Scott,
For sale by all dealers.
on Monday.
Fred Batea has commenced to build
his bouse, and expects to complete it in
Kvenius wrvlee
a few weeks.
Vouug people'» MH-i-
N. Kershem of Ixvgan spent Sunday
with friends here
Logan’s Store
In Port
Mias Einms Hankey went to Milver­ night, leaving ice and glitter Irebind
ton Hunday.
him. reminding us that Christmas is
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bramhall and
Albert Fox of Portland was calling on drawing near.
wife made a business trip to Aims Wed­
friends here Hunday.
nesday and called on Mr. and .Mrs. Win.
Fred Reed mails a trip in his launch
to Bonneville Friday.
Elmer Phelps and wife took a very
A series of lectures will be given at pleasant ride dowa to Bnllrwti recently.
Mias Hertha Henry s|«nl Hatunlay
the Estacada Methodist church tills
ami Hunday in tlie city.
The Aims school cl—--l tbe 13th of
week by the Chatauqua assembly, under December.
Miaa Eva Reed and Mrs. Gleason
the auspices of the Ladies society.
were visitors st the I'reasel home Wed­
The show ami -lance given al Estacada
pavilion laat Hatunlay evening »B«
F. C. Ree-I was in tbe city Wednes­
spent Ssturday eve­
well attended.
J day having dental work done.
ning at the Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Bates spent Sun-
lewis Benfield S|*>ut a few days thia
There will be English service» at
day with friends at Hpringwater.
week in Portland.
Sandy laitheran church next Hunday
Mrs. l.ydia and Minnie Steiniiinn
Frank Reed, who is running a pila
spent Sunday with friend» at Logan.
driver near Bonneville, came home Hun­
Misses Stells, Clara, and Mabel Jons-
The comedy drama, “Captain Hack­
day aud returned Monday.
ett, " was attended by one of the largest rud, visited at the home of Minnie
Mrs. Hallie Rodgers is teaching school
crowds ever present in the grange hall. Mikkelsou last Sunday.
io Klickitat county.
---------- xw— -----
proceeds fur the eveuing amounted
I The Reed boys are building a boat Tbe
to *86.
Plta$»t Home Baptist Ckirck, Cottrill, Or.
Weltha Lesley Is very sick
J. T. Edgerton, foremsn of the w<*«ls
ai Oleson’s mill, ami I. J. Ranney, mill
engineer al tlie same place, have re­
signed ami ret ur net I home tor ihe win- I
reavwi family have the sympathy of
W. Montgomery ot Olympia is mak- the entire community.
| Ing Mr. ami Mrs. I . J. Ranney a short -
Roy Hlaffonl lias lieen suffering from
Walker iftiesinliery ha* been appoint­
ed truant officer In this district. Watch
Gustav llasae kindly gave Lslf a corti
out, boys.
of wu<sl lor use in the church, s step in
the right direction snd sppreciated l>j
both the minister ami congregation.
Rota. Benfield of lx Baum, Wash., is
Rev. J. II. Wood preached a short,
visiting his mother, Mrs. l/>tla lien- but excellent »ermon Sunday iiiorning
Jack Frost paid us a visit Hundsy
Fur H pce’la I Barga Inn In Wairhaa. Bra
ents at Clackamas.
Geo. Cotbrell lias bis house nearly
ready to move into.
AU Work «luaranlrrd
The library books now lu tlx care of
All of the Three Bixert met at F. II.
Mrs. taivelace are creating considerable
iuterrat, and a good many of the books Brach's residence reeartilly to arrange
tor a j<iint Clirirtmas dinner.
A j->lly
are being read.
good time is anticipated.
Rackwood grange will bold its all day
session on Hslurdsy, December 21. Offi­
cers will bs elected for the ensuing year.
J. J. Johnson Is expected to I* pieseut
the coming year were
to Inspect the work of the grange.
elected Hunday nig lit by the Endeavor-
Geo. Cutler la having tlie upstairs of
Ilia house finished, and aspects to make
Mrs. Chamberlain is on the sick list
various oilier Improvements in tire near
this week,
St) Years Experience
rence Evans, editor of club paper.
ing into the stuck business.
Mr*. F. Ijudev ami son Ray have been
visiting relatives in Vancouver the past
We are sorry to hear of the illness of
Rev. G. Houghton, lie hqs been ail­
ing fur some time and is in Portland at
present for medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Evans were visiting
friends at Upper Latourell Saturday.
8. E. Evans made a trip recently to
The Halles for the purpose of making
final proof on hie tinilier claim.
Ripe wild strawberries were found in a
this vicinity 1 ecemtw-r 12th.
How is a
that for Oregon?
T. Evans lias some fine pumpkins
grown on his farm this year. One in
particular tips the scales at 70 |>oiindr.
The meat of the pumpkin is four inche.
thick, sweet and of a line grain.
Mr. Shears of Portland was a visitor a
at the home of T. Evan* 8unday.
The Children's club met at the school
house Fridsy evening,
The following
officers were elected
Clara laud
Wholesale Potato Dealers
PAY CASH-------- a a
Have removed their office to
143 Front Street
We pay the Highest Price for a
for Fancy Burbanks and Amer- a
can Wonder Potatoes
Call u* up by bhone It you wish 1« tell a
* rar
ncfic PWM mm 14«
(MS H mm 1 54« a a
Mrs. J. M. Ashcraft and Miss Delia
Morison spent Monday in Portland.
will observe Rally Day and roll call i Mrs. Ball is ill at the home of her
-January 1, at 11 o’clock a. jn.
Rev. daughter, Mrs. Blackburn.
. church I
Mr. “ Lmmard oi St. Johns Baptist
will preach. Protracted meeting» will
When to Go Home.
lie belli from January 1st ontill the -
Bluffton, Ind., Banner:
church votes them closed. The monthly i
When yon
covenant meeting of tlie church was “When tired out, go home.
want consolation, go borne. When yon
well attended Saturday afternoon.
Earl Jack was injure,! quite severely want fun, go home. When you want to
by a saw tooth flying loose and cutting show others that you have reformed, go
home and let your family get acquainted
him in the face.
with the fact. When you want to show
Earl Jack visited at the home of his !
yourself at your best go borne and do the
aunt, Mrs. Schneider, last week.
act there. When you feel like l>eing ex­
Dell Hudson and Asa Smith have I tra liberal go home and practice on your
completed their contract <4 getting pii- wife and children first. When you want
ing for the Mt. Hood line.
to shine with extra brilliancy go home
Floyd Ihrdfonl, who has been work- and light up the whole household.” To
ing in Washington, is home on a visit which we would add, when you have a
which will extend until February.
b«d cohi go home and take Chamber­
Fal. Smith of Washington has been lain’s Cough Remedy and a quick cure
is certain. For sale by all c’ealers.
visiting his parents near here.
Mrs. Julius Creasy of I routdale has
lieen visiting .Mrs. A. T. Axtell.
Miss Margaret Jaqueth has returned
' from a viait at Cascade Locks, and is a
guest of Mr». L. Moore.
C. P. Penisten and wife of Portland
were guests of Rev. W. T. Scott aud
wife on Wednesday.
Wm. Strey will move his family into
j his farm recently purchased from S. H.
Raney at Springwater.
The Presbyterian 8unday school will
give a Christinas entertainment in the
church on Christmas eve.
Joe Hall's gasoline engine is used
sawing wood on the Wagner farm
| Mr. Binbrick.
Dan Robertson has been engage!
blowing stumps at home recently.
The directors of the Cottrell school I
have taken the precaution to close
school until Jan. 6, on account of small-
! pox in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Nordstrom, who have
been visiting Hedin'«, have gone to
Portland for a few days. Tliey expect
to return after New Year’s.
Mr. Hedin’s new residence is nearing
I completion.
The farmers' phone line is being com­
pietevi, to Al Edward's house.
farmers up the line can get their own
I poets and be allowed one dollar apiece.
Otherwise *30 is tbe cost of installing»
Mrs. Mathews has gone to Portland
to spend the holidaya.
Miss Newton
has also gone on a holiday trip.
E«1 Sester visited Hans Coch and Fre-I
Radford recently.
Newton Hedin won by three judges
at the Sandy debate. The question was
“Resolved, That the Financial Barons
of the United States Are Responsible
for the Present Panic.”
Mr. Hedin
waa on the affirmative side.
The Cottrell Sunday school will con­
tinue its preparation for Christmas ex­
ercises if no further spread of the small­
pox is found.
We feel confident that
parents rnn no risk at present in send­
ing their children to school.
Tbe Pleasant Home Baptist church
Farm and Timber Lands
420 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Through extensive advertising we have on file in our office hundreds of
letters of inquiry for FARMS. ACREAGE aud TIMBER LANDS.
We Make a Specialty of Properties along the
Lines of the O. W. P, Railway
.CALI. ON l'S or send full description.
THE PRICE must lie right.
THE l.AM' must Is- as represented.
The Russellville Nursery Company
H. A. LEWIS, Proprietor
Montavilla Station,
P ortland , O regon
Offers a good variety of fruit trees, ornamental shrubs and berry
Write for particulars and price list.
Our Mill is Running Steadily
Sawing a first-class quality of Rough and Dressed lum­
ber. All sizes now ready for delivery at the new mill
three-fourths of a mile east of Kelso.
Straus Lumber Co
Phone rush orders after six o'clock to Farmer 1IW
Orient, Ore
for «pot rmh. !• to »•‘J more money for yrm tn «hip Raw Fwru and Hide« tn mi than to
•*•11 at home. W rite for Price Lint. Market Report. Shipping Taps, and alwnit onr
rn peg««, leather brnind. Rewt thin* on tbw subiwct aver wrdRa llluwtrwting all Far Animals All
aUuit T-apperv Secrete. Omra. Traps. Qnms law» How and where to trap aad *n Mcnom a sne-
cevsfnl trapper It s a rwgwlar Fnrvcloperila Frice. W Th rmr ^nstomere |i JS Notes tanned Intn
beaut i ?n I R>>h»*s. Our Magnetic Bait and Demy attracts animal» to trapa, |! Ml¡per l>4tle filiirm«
Hides aad Pur» to us and get toglwst pnt^a. AaAnmrh Him*. Dept. ?1, MinMep^hs, Mian.