Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 13, 1907, Image 1

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    r < / B
' >n I itiaai
• tort
volume 3
Get Into Line and
Buy Your
Initiates Five New Members
and Elects Officers for
Ensuing Year.
Grot cries. Iturdware. feed, Etc
— From—
Our Assortment oi
oi All Kinds art* On Hand
Fresh, Pure and at Right
Let Santa Claus Fill all the
Stockings from the
Notion Store
this year.
Mrs. I. McColl, Prop.
Gresham, Oregon
*T THE Notion Store
Fairview grange met in regular ■ 11
Wednrmluy, I terr in Iter 4th,
an«l a very buay day it waa.
Five <an*
didatea were initiated Into the i|>v»U?r*
lea oi the order. J I.. Bottler oi Col­
umbia grange wkn takrh in by letter.
Miao Delia Morriaon waa r«inatMtc<l.
Worthy Maaler Carrie Townsend af>-
|M>inled the varioun committee» to make
the final arrangemenna to entertain Po­
mona, which meeta with
grange, I><•<•»• inlier IHth.
The annual election of officer» for the
enauing )ear waa aa follows:
Mrs. Carrie Townnend uh » re-«¡cried,
ovorarer, J. 1». Butler; lecturer, Mrs.
Julia Aahcraft, Stewart, J W. 'l ow II»
end; aaaiatant ■tewart, Wu>. Byers;
chaplain, D. H. tHinbar ; treasurer, A.
T. Axtell; aocretary, Miao-Maud Heelin',
gatekeeper, Cal Shepard; Cere», .Mr».
T. Swank; Pomona, Mr». T. A. Moore;
Flora, Mr». Rooney; )n«li«*» Maniatant
atewart, Mr». Win. Byer»; organist,
Mra. Whitney.
The next regular all day araaiotr come«
on New Year a Pay, which will la* an
inlerrating meeting.
A number of
prominent wiailora are expected to la*
preaent. F. IL Crane baa been chosen
to install the officer».
Every mem Iter
of Fairview grange should la* present,
and |>art«ke of a New Years dinner.
I he Same Old Story .
•’I would uot have a phonograph.**
Maid Mr Wllllr Kay.
My n*lghtM»r ha« »lie and II tnak«-«
Mr sick to bear II play
H For Sale, 3-46 Acres'
o H
k '
* I k >. ■, i • i. » i i two 7 room
, • -
i-- L -'i-t« m il furnlthod . nil
• kind*« **f farm hn|»h*tnriitn, thrmh*
’ itig innrhin«*, ciiRilagt« rutlvr, trac-
(, I hhi «‘tigiiiv , ant«*r pi|««d t<> houat*
• > gn i bum; hoi ami <ohi water in
! Î
' - l: I. - '.i
( ’ g*MMt »(ri niti thru pince. |ltl,OUO.
“It groan» and »Briefe», It wrap« "« and r»>|»«
I'ulll I ni nearly wild
If tn» vole« »oundrd like that □<•«••,
1*11 b«-t IM hair it fl.« 1
“W hat la your neighbor*» phonograph,**
Maid Mr Charlie Lee
“I a tu not aure. but irrini to lua
It*» called Ihr 'Buay Fl«»*"
:: J. H. Chalker
O I.iti 'll Gl.
Gresham Meat Market
Carries a full line ilreaaed and smok­
ed meat« of all kinds
4'resh I'lah Every Friday
; Gresham Barber Shop •
Dressed Poultry every Saturday
• —
We buy Bert, Veal. Multon, Hogs
and Poultry.
It. W. EMERY. I’rop'r
Sresha», On.
• •••••••••••••••••
I'uwrll St.
: Livery, Feed & Sale Stable
G re »ham, Oregon
They walked along and soon lurncil down
A shady. quirt »irret.
W hen aoon there came to tbetn the Miund
Of music, grand and »Wert.
An Xrrbretra wa» playing
Behind a be«tgc of flower»;
And »otnronr «atig an old. awret iw*ng
That brought l»a< k childhood*« hour»
And there waa a male quartette,
An<l nc«l a coin it* ««ng
And maii they heard a grand old hymn
From voire« rich amt atrung
“Uh. I»ti*l It delightful***
Maid Mr Willie Ray,
••To hear »ueb iuu»ic. I am »Ute,
I’d »lay right here all day .*'
Then up B|H>ke Mr Charlie L«**-
“Kxcuac me if I laugh
But what you've heard and tike so much
Dedth of Mrs. Alma Brcithdupt.
Ilea« er State Herald aid other papera
Wednesdays and
Will Run on
FLOUR and FEED at Portland
Alma Ellina Rreitbaupt was liorn
May 25, 1858, and died I>eeml>er 8,1907,
at the age of 49 years, 6 months and 13
day*. She is survived bv her husband,
II. Rreitbaupt, an.l six children, Clara
M. Kipple, of Portland, Oscar, la-roy,
Fredric Alva,and Beryl, who arc at home.
The funeral services were held in the
Lutheran church at Damascus, by Elder
G. C. Carl. The remains were laid to
rest in the Damascus cemetery.
Oi egon
Paul Dunn Allays fears.
Thi« price I* i«»r delivery bv mall nnl
may ho mpii I to arparah* andre»»©»,
tinti» may begin at any time.
a r"i>,hN.'. i
President Roosevelt
in his message to congress says : “No
nation has greater resources than ours, and I think it can be truthfully
snid that the citizens of no nation possess greater energy and industrial
ability. In no nation an* the fundamental business conditions sounder
than in ours nt thia very moment ; and it is foolish, when such is the case,
for people to hoard money instead of keeping it in sound banka; for it is
such hoarding that is the immediate occasion of money stringency. More­
over, ns a rule, the business of our people is conducted with honesty and
probity, and thia applies alike to farina and factories, to railroads and
banks, to all our legitimate commercial enterprises. No leglialation can
bv any |sisaihility gmmtutee the business community against the results of
speculative folly any more than it can guarantee an individual against
the results of his own extravagance.''
Cottrell, Oregon, Dec. 9—It has lieen
reported that we have the small-pox st
our house, and to allay further uneasi-
neaa to the public I will state that about
two weeks ago my daughter, Mrs. J. H
Dixon and daughter, I.ucillc, came out
on a visit anil at that time Mrs. Dixon
waa somewhat broken out with a slight
rash. In a short time the baby was at­
tacked in the same way. I called in a
physician and after a careful examina­
tion it waa pronounced a very light
form of variloid. It was then reported
to the board of health ami every pre­
caution used to prevent further spread
of the disease.
My house lias liven
thoroughly fumigated.
There are no
new cases and Mrs. Dixon and baby
arr entirely recovered. Myself and re­
mainder of my family are well.
P avi . D vxx .
-»•— -------
Mra. Elizabeth Ann Cathey, wife of
W. G. Cathey, passed away quietly at
her home, December 11, al 4 p. in. Iler
■iater-in-law, Mrs. P. T. Smith, of St.
Johns waa present during her last mom­
i APMr US'
u a mi
We desire to thank the many friends
who assisted us in ojjr sad liereavement
in the illness and death of our father,
Daniel Chamberlain.
A. B. Cll A M HKRt. AI N
home, where they spent a very pleasant
C. V. Baird of Walla Walla, waa a re­
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Gresham l/wlge, No. 125, I. 0. O F.,
will have a aocial evening and an enter-
Mr. and Mra. ((has. Littlepnge were
ilai niiH-nt i.rxt
Wednesday evening,
Nov. 18th. Prof. Newton Beers, a noted welcome visitor, at The Herald office
Mra. Litllepage had
>ni|--rsonator will give a dramatic read- last press day.
| ing in monologue of the play, “David never seen the big press of The Herald
and Jigialhan." Thin is for ladies as running, hence waa delighted with its
While here,
well as men, and it is hoped all who can up-to-date appearance.
Mr. Littkpage complimented us on
will come and bring thrir friends.
publishing the President's message in
The new lights in Lewis Shattuck's
«tote are certainly a credit to ths town.
The Gresham Real Estate Co. bave
Mr. Shattuck liA recently put in a new
sold the Samuel Raney farm of 160 acres
gaa plant.
st Springwater to Wui. Strey <>l Albion,
Paul Dunn of Cottrell was a Gre»ham
Mich., consideration, $d4<a)
Mr. Strey
caller on Monday.
and family will take immediate |>iaeea-
Chas. Kane, formerly of tiresham, ■ion.
and Mis, Susie Rienon of Portland
Robert Childers recently dropped in
were united in marriage by a|ie Rev. W.
on ye editor for a little chat, leaving a
A. M. Brock at 821 Third street, Port­ gentle reminder of his depreciation of
land, in ttie presence of relatives.
his borne paper. Bob believes in booat-
bride wa» attended by her twin sister,
Ing hia town, hence supports iU insti*
Sophie Kiernan.
The groom was at­
tution as far a, poaeible.
tend! d by George Kelley. Mias Ealelle
W. A. Proctor, the popular saw mill
McCarthy played the wedding inarch.
man, waa doing buaineas in Portland
Mr. ami Mrs. Kane will be at home to
laat Friday. Mr. ProcUir refsirts things
their friends at 81U Waaco atreet, Port­
rushing out bis way. He says they have
land, after January 1.
a large force of men working at their
E. A Whitney, a Bemtai of the firm
Kelao mill, and are sawing all kinds of
of Anderson A Wnitney, contractors of
lumber and ties.
Cleone, was a pleasant visitor at The
B. W. Emery and Richard Caswell
Herald office Wedneedsy.
were pleasant visitors at the Herald of­
Mr. and Mra. Steven Black and fain*
fice last Saturday.
ily have moied into the Clanahan resi-
Dr. A. Thompson, Evangelist A. D.
deuce on Main street.
West (ale and Rev. E. F. Zimmerman,
lfoliert Tassel, the enterprising
field secretary of the Anti-Saloon league,
chant of Cottrell, was doing business in
were visitors at the Herald office last
tiresham on Wednesday.
' Saturday.
We acknowledge a pleatant call from
Rev. John Bentzien, Baptist city mis­
It. R. Carlson this week.
sionary of Portland was visiting mem­
E<l Price did a few odd jobs for the ber, of that denomination in Gresham
i-<litor this week.
Saturday. The Herald acknowledges a,
Old Sants Claus haa numerous head­ pleasant call.
quarter» just now.
Don't overlook | J. A. Walker of Sprague, Wash.,
those advertising in The Herald thia rived in Gresham last Thursday and i
week. It wouldn't hurt you and would took possession of the Gresham hotel,
help The Herald a good deal if you) which his father. Robert Walker, of ■
w.-uld mention Io your merchant the' Grass Valley recently bought from Mr.
fa< t that you noticed hit advertisement and Mr,. 8. T. Crow. The family, con
in The Herald.
sitting of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker,
Miss Grace l-awrence and Miss Jessie
Francis went to Portland Saturday eve­
Miss Lawrence visited Miss
Eilitli Gordon and Alias Francis visited
her mother, Mrs. J. 11. Spain.
There is nothing so gorsl for the
family aa laughing. Anything in-
tmduecd into the family circle
which will increase the number of
langli» per person per evening is a
benefit to tne health of the home.
The Edison Phonograph is able
to furnish good hearty, wholesome
fun. It is not always funny, but
it can be made funny when you
want it funny.
Throe new Edison Phonographs
already sold for Christmas.
• ■ ■' -
I he Mount Hood Railway suspended operations but
The Home Bakery
is still doing business at the old stand.
Old-f ashioned Baked Pork and Beans to order Saturdays
411 Goods fresh
H. P. HATCH. Proprietor. Powell St.. Gresham, Ore.
I fj LfA
I have just installed Horseshoeing Stocks, and am
1 lUllCV now prepared to shoe the most vicious aa well aa
the gentle horse. I have also a modem forge, tire setting machine and other
up-tooiate tools and machine, which, with additional help, places ua in a
l-vition to do g'H-i blacksmithing on short notice. Vehicles painted.
James Goodfellow,
Powell Street, G resham , O regon
••••••••••••••••a ••
Our Mill is Running Steadily
Sawing a first-class quality of Rough and Dressed lum­
ber. All sizes now ready for delivery at the new mill,
three-fourths of a mile east of Kelso.
Straus Lumber Co
Phone rneb ordere after six o'clock to Farmer 198
Orient, Ore
Huglne and Ce^il, and Misses Velda
and Margaret Walker, joined J. A. thia
week, and are now busy at work, pre-1
paring for a large holiday trade.
If any are in need of suggestions for
We acknowledge a pleasant visit from Christmas presents, call at the Gresham
lion. Newton Beers, the gifted imper-1 reading room and receive •oine timely
sonatur, who will dHfver a aeries of hints.
dramatic characterizations on “David >
Mrs. B. W. Emery and Mrs. Gertie
ami Jonathan,’’ under the auspices of Metzger made
Mrs. D. M. Cathey a
Gresham Laalge. No. 125, I. 0.0. F-, pleasant call Thursday.
Wednesday evening. December 18. Mr
A box of new books was received at
lleers is a master impersonator and the library last week.
should be greeted by a large audience.
Orland Zeek, the Pleasant Home
John A Walker, who recently took blacksmith, met with a serious accident
possession Ol lhe Gresham hotel, was a laaKSaturdav morning. He was kicked
pleasant Herald caller Saturday.
by a vicious horse, breaking all the
Miss Pearl Lindsey went to Portland bones in his left hand.
Saturday and from there she went to
Mra. M. Shipc and eon of Sacramento
Houlton, where she will visit her lister, visited her cousin, C. L. Crenshaw and
Mrs. Grace “Metzger, and attend the1 family laat week.
Teacher's institute. She ezpects to re­
Rev. Dr. D. A. Waters of Portland
turn the last of the week.
will preach in the Methodist Episcopal
'*1 bought It down at BROWS'»,
Is looking (<>r dejiendable flour.
For Father and fur Mother.
It is the staff of life—the one
A thousand wouldn't buy it.
thing necessary for gissi bread-
It we cuuldn* gvt another **
E. C. Lindsey, who has been laid up
ami good bread kee|>s John's face
straight and brings a contented
the pasl few weeks with carbuncles on
“1 do not blame you. t'harllv Lee.
»mile and a full stomach to the
1 wa» w r&ng and you arc right.
his neck, is improving slowly. ‘
little folk«.
I’m going right down to BROM S'S
< I
Mrs. E. F. Andre of Lusteds and her
Cupid I lour nu<l good bread
And take an EDIMoN’ home tonight ”
are svnoiioinu». If you want g'*od
mother, Mrs. Frances Cline of Bullrun,
M oral Get busy ; buy an KhlBON* and enjoy
i i bread buy Cupid flour. For »ale
life. BROWN, at Rorkwood has them, and all visited friends in tiresham this week.
the Record»
Little Hazel Shattuck i< on the tick
I). W. Ml«: TZGEH
list this week.
Sole agent for Grcnham.
Number 50.
church of Gresham next Sunday morn­
ing at 11 o'clock. Dr. Waters is an able
and interesting speaker, and preaches
. in Gresham (or the first time.
A cor-
1 dial invitation is extended to all.
Dr. C. H. Atwood, who recently
moved to Lents, was a Gresham visit­
or, on Monday.
Born, to Mrs. 8. F. Pitts, on Dec. 9,
Miss Maud Rowley of Cleone visite.1
a girl.
in Gresham Monday.
Mrs. Lillian Rrvant o( Woodland,
Wash., is a guest of her brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Stuart. Mrs.
Stuart accompanied her to Portland
Elder G. C. Carl will preach at Rock-
I «rood, next Sunday evening at 7:30.
All are cordially invited to attend.
' J. W. Robertson, of Pleasant Home,
I is busy hauling potatoes this week.
Emil Anderson and John Palmquist The Heraldacknowledges a very pleas­
were Greshaui visitors one day this ant call from him on Monday.
1». B. A. Cathey of Corvallis and his
Mrs. C. I- Crenshaw attended the son George of Portland, W. W. Cathey
welding of her niece, Grace Aline Clark and wife of Seattle, Harlon Cone and wife
daughter of I. 1’. Clark of 553 East 27th’ of I^nts, Wm. Hicks of Forest Grove
street, Portland, and Chas. McCue on and Miss Jennie Johnson of McMinn­
Wednesday evening. They were quietly ville were at the bedside of Mrs. W. G.
married at the Presbyterian church of
Hawthorne Park by the pastor.
Another One
Miss Edith Gordon of Portland visited
friends in Gresham recently.
She as­
sisted in the singing at the Methodist
church both morning and evening.
Miss Grace Lawrence invited Miss Gor­
don's most intimate girl riends to her
On the 14th of December there will be i
at Metzger's ball another one of those
good times to be had at a dance.
ty’i orchestra of Portland will furnish
the music. So don’t tail to come and {
( enjoy yourself.
Ed Metzger, Mgr
Cathey during her
John Rolwrts, Mrs. H. E. Davis, Mrs.
Geo. Sleret, Mrs. John Metzger and
others have kindly assisted in sitting up
with Mrs. Cathey, and many friends
have called dnring the week.
An appropriate Christmas program of
songs, recitations and exercises is being
prepared by the Sunday school of the
Methodist church, to be given Christ­
mas eve. There will be trees and dis­
tribution of gifts.